Neuron Sentence Examples
This gentle continuous activity of the neuron is called its tonus.
Among the properties of the neuron is conductivity in all directions.
Sleep is not exhaustion of the neuron in the sense that prolonged activity has reduced its excitability to zero.
A neuron is composed of a central cell body with branches, called dendrites.
The synapse, therefore, as the place of meeting of one neuron with the next is called, is said to valve the nerve circuits.
Like all neurones, the sensory neuron has a cell body, an axon, dendrites and axon terminals.
For example, the maximum channel conductance should be a RANGE variable, since it can be different at different points on a neuron.
Cell or plasma membrane The outside wall or coating of the neuron.
The central factors are related to the status of the motor neuron.
In addition to the trophic influence exerted by each part of the neuron on its other parts, notably by the perikaryon on the cell branches, one neuron also in many instances influences the nutrition of other neurons.
AdvertisementA single motor neuron that initially stimulated 1,000 muscle cells might eventually innervate 5,000 to 10,000 cells, creating a giant motor unit.
A leaky integrate-and-fire neuron model is then utilized, with the input to the neuron model gained through summing the synaptic EPSPs.
The neuron is described as having a cell body or perikaryon from which the cell branches - dendrites and axon - extend, and it is this perikaryon which, as its name implies, muscle produces lactic acids during activity, it has been suggested that acids are among the "fatigue substances" with which muscle poisons itself when deprived of circulating blood.
A continuous lesser "change" or stream of changes sets through the neuron, and is distributed by it to other neurons in the same direction and by the same synapses as are its nerve impulses.
In the myelinated cell branches of the neuron, that is, in the ordinary nerve fibres, no visible change has ever been demonstrated as the result of any normal activity, however great - a striking contrast to the observations obtained on the perikarya.
AdvertisementDifferent studies have shown that mutant SOD1 causes motor neuron degeneration by a toxic gain of function, but the mechanism is not clear.
Genetic characterization of the legs at odd angles angles locus, a new mutation causing motor neuron degeneration in a gene dose dependent manner.
Chronic hypoxaemia appears to be a major cause of maldevelopment of the cortical neuron dendrites and axonal bed.
Where the axon leaves the cell body of a neuron is an area called the axon hillock.
The enteric nervous system controls the gut functions and sensory neuron transmitters all over the body relay message back to these systems.
AdvertisementI present a simple model of a spatially extended spiking neuron which can be studied analytically.
Degenerative diseases of the human motor system studied at Sheffield include motor neuron disease (MND) and hereditary spastic paraplegia.
Predisposition to motor neuron degeneration because of the glial, vascular, and lymphatic changes caused by poliovirus.
The default numerical method used by NEURON produces values which have an error proportional to dt.
There are probably many subtle factors to consider beyond sheer size, including neurotransmission and the number of synapses per neuron.
AdvertisementHere, the neuron terminal forms fine branches, which make a network of close contacts, called synapses, with other neurons.
I have a specific interest in how temporal synchrony of neuron activity can be used to do this.
Motor neuron disease is another degenerative disorder that affects the brain and spinal cord and is characterized by weakness and wasting of the muscles.
The brain is very busy during waking hours but then slows down in neuron activity while sleeping.
Axon-A long, threadlike projection that is part of a neuron (nerve cell).
At the muscle, chemicals released by the motor neuron stimulate the internal release of calcium ions from stores within the muscle cell.
Dendrite-A threadlike extension of the cytoplasm of a neuron that conducts electrical impulses toward the cell body of the neuron.
The variant is located near chromosome 5 and semaphorin 5A, which aid neuron and axon growth.
This is because it contains an amino acid called L-theanine, which was shown in a 2006 Nagoya University Department of Psychology study to reduce physiological stress responses "via the inhibition of cortical neuron excitation."
I don't think you could call the mirror neuron system a model under these definitions.
This trophic influence which one neuron exerts upon others, or upon the cells of an extrinsic tissue, such as muscle, is exerted in that direction which is the one normally taken by the natural nerve impulses.
Each neuron or nerve cell is a morphologically distinct and discrete unit connected functionally but not structurally with its neighbours, and leading its own life independently of the destiny of its neighbours.
The wave of change (nervous impulse) induced in a neuron by advent of a stimulus is after all only a sudden augmentation of an activity continuous within the neuron - a transient accentuation of one (the disintegrative) phase of the metabolism inherent in and inseparable from its life.
It is a muscular tonus of central source consequent on the continual glow of excitement in the spinal motor neuron, whose outgoing end plays upon the muscle cells, whose ingoing Yet when the muscular contraction is taken as index ology.
Although the cell body or perikaryon of the neuron, with its contained nucleus, is essential for the maintenance of the life of the cell branches, it has become recognized that the actual process and function of "conduction" in many neurons can, and does, go on without the cell body being directly concerned in the conduction.
But when neurons are linked together it is found that nerve impulses will only pass from neuron A to neuron B, and not from neuron B to neuron A; that is, the transmission of the excited state or nervous impulse, although possible in each neuron both up and down its own cell branches, is possible from one nerve cell to another in one direction only.