Network Sentence Examples
If the network doesn't work, there's a radio in your greencar.
A network of party policy embraces and dominates the burghs of Italy, bringing the most distant centres into relation, and by the very division of the country augmenting the sense of nationality.
Frequently the lumen is branched and may form a complicated anastomosing network in these cells.
Julie maintained no Face Book or Twitter account, nor could Betsy locate her on any other social network sites.
I'm pretty sure this network is monitored.
The emergency network had not been utilized, which meant that by morning one of the high-ranking men hiding underground would be on the phone to General Greene to complain about the lack of gin.
The epithem is penetrated by a network of fine intercellular spaces, which are normally filled with water and debouch on one or more intercellular cavities below the epidermis.
We tend to regard information that comes to us through our friend network as more authentic and reliable than information we receive from traditional media.
This underground network of old river-beds underlying the great alluvial plains must be filled to repletion before flood waters will flow over the surface.
It forms a part of the 1mm or plastin network of the nucleus and may become impregnated with varying quantities of chromatin stored up for use in the formation of the chromosomes and other nuclear activities.
AdvertisementThe cells not only fuse together in longitudinal and transverse rows, but put out transverse projections, which fuse with others of a similar nature, and thus form an anastomosing network of tubes which extends to all parts of the plant.
But towards its southern base, resting on the sea, the country sinks into a series of great swamps, intercepted by a network of innumerable channels.
Mesonephric cords appear as in the male; they do not enter the ovary, however, but form a transitory network (rete ovarii) in the mesovarium.
Its waters reach the Danube through a network of streams, marshes and meres.
The network of streams forming the tributaries of the Darling and Murray system give an idea of a well-watered country.
AdvertisementTrophosome polyps forming branching colonies of which the stem and main branches are thick and composed of a network of anastomosing coenosarcal tubes covered by a common ectoderm and supported by a thick chitinous perisarc; hydranths similar to those of Coryne; gonosome, sessile gonophores.
A characteristic of the class is afforded by the complicated network formed by the leaf -veins, - well seen in a skeleton leaf, from which the soft parts have been removed by maceration.
In the case of many Oligochaeta where there is no vascular network surrounding the nephridium, this function must be the chief one of those glands, the more elaborate process of excretion taking place in the case of nephridia surrounded by a rich plexus of blood capillaries.
A complex network, however, does occur in Lybiodrilus and certain other Eudrilidae, where the paired nephridia possess ducts leading to the exterior which ramify and anastomose on the thickness of the body wall.
The network is partly formed out of pigmented cells which are excavated and join to form tubes, the socalled botryoidal tissue, not found among the Rhynchobdellidae at all.
AdvertisementDacca is watered by a network of rivers and streams, ten of which are navigable throughout the year by native cargo boats of four tons burthen.
The science of irrigation and engineering seems to have been first created in Babylonia, which was covered by a network of canals, all skilfully planned and regulated.
The object of them was to prevent a network of societies from being formed extending over large districts, and so acquiring political power.
Indianapolis is the centre of this interurban network.
Chicago is home to a large network of parks, great for recreation.
AdvertisementLaticiferous Tissue.The laticiferous tissue consists of a network of branching or anastomosing tubes which contain a coagulable fluid known as latex.
In Hirudo and the Gnathobdellidae there is only one system of cavities which consist of four principal longitudinal trunks, of which the two lateral are contractile, which communicate with a network ramifying everywhere, even among the cells of the epidermis.
A network of canals supplies from 14,000 to 24,000 h.p.; and a small amount is also furnished by the Concord river, but about 26,000 h.p. is supplied by steam.
Front, showing the Rete or Spider, a network of star pointers.
Though it was not till later times that the network of class divisions and subdivisions attained anything like the degree of intricacy which it shows in these latter days, still in its origin the caste-system is undoubtedly coincident with the rise of Brahmanism, and may even be said to be of the very essence of it.3 The cardinal principle which underlies the system of caste is the preservation of purity of descent, and purity of religious belief and ceremonial usage.
Expertise in timber sash window renovation, delivered through a network of regional offices.
This trial has been scuppered by the fact that Network Rail has increased the pathing charge by 40% for electric services.
Network security All machines should run an up-to-date version of the operating system.
The chitinous layer is usually strengthened by thread like thickenings which, in the region close to the outer opening of the tube, form a network enclosing polygonal areas, but which, through most of the tracheal system, are arranged spirally, the strengthening thread not forming a continuous spiral, but being interrupted after a few turns around the tube.
It is these channels which determined the lines of construction; the dwellings followed their windings, and that accounts for the extraordinarily complex network of calles and canals which characterizes modern Venice.
Sometimes, as in Pholcus, it is merely a thin network of silk just sufficient to hold the eggs together.
In Carinella, where the longitudinal nerve-stems are situated exteriorly to the muscular layers, this plexus, although present, is much less dense, and can more fitly be compared to a network with wide meshes.
The middle and eastern divisions of the district, forming the south-western part of the Mahanadi delta, consist entirely of alluvial plains, watered by a network of channels through which the most southerly branch of that river, the Koyakhai, finds its way into the sea.
In that case we need simply cover the map with a network of squares - the area of each of which has been determined with reference to the scale of the map - count the squares, and estimate the contents of those only partially enclosed within the boundary, and the result will give the area desired.
Hipparchus, the famous astronomer, on the other hand, (c. 150 B.C.) proved a somewhat captious critic. He justly objected to the arbitrary network of the map of Eratosthenes.
Marco Polo mentions such charts; Vasco da Gama (1498) found them in the hands of his Indian pilot, and their nature is fully explained in the Mohit or encyclopaedia of the sea compiled from ancient sources by the Turkish admiral Sidi Ali Ben Hosein in 1554.1 These charts are covered with a close network of lines intersecting each other at right angles.
The woods are so dense over large districts as to be impenetrable, except by cutting a path foot by foot through the close network of vines and undergrowth.
During the second American occupation work was begun on a network of good rural highways.
A network of military routes, constructed and kept in repair by the soldiers, led from Lambaesa in all directions, and stretched along the frontier as far as Leptis Magna, passing Theveste (Tebessa), Thenae and Tacape (Gabes).
It is not a pair of simple tubes, nor of dendriform tubes, but a closed network.
It lies, amidst a network of canals, immediately to the west and south of its port, which disputes with Bordeaux the rank of third in importance in France.
Hungary is covered by a fairly extensive network of railways, although in the sparsely populated parts of the kingdom the high road is still the only means of communication.
So uniform is the level over a great part of these plains that in the rainy season hundreds of square miles are submerged, and the country is covered with a network of connecting channels.
It is well known that in the vegetable kingdom the protoplasm of one cell frequently overflows into that of cells adjacent - that there is, as it were, a continuous network of protoplasm (idioplasm of Nageli) prevailing throughout vegetable tissues, rather than an aggregation of isolated units.
The nucleus in its vegetative stage shows a fine network throughout containing in the meshes the so-called nuclear-sap; attached to the network are the chromosomes, in the form of small irregular masses, which have a strong affinity for the " basic dyes."
The cell body, or cytoplasm, is apparently composed of a fine reticulum or network, containing within the meshes a soft viscid, transparent substance, the cell-sap, or hyaloplasm, which is probably a nutrient material to the living cell.
All the other examples have the lower portion covered in like manner by a network of circles standing nearly a quarter of an inch from the body of the cup. An example connected with the specimens just described is the cup belonging to Baron Lionel de Rothschild; though externally of an opaque greenish colour, it is by transmitted light of a deep red.
Save for two or three wide streets which traverse it from end to end the town is a network of narrow lanes.
Ideally regarded, feudalism covered Europe with a network of these fiefs, rising in graded ranks one above the other from the smallest, the knight's fee, at the bottom, to the king at the top, who was the supreme landowner, or who held the kingdom from God.
If the journeys detailed above be traced on the map they will be found to cover the northern half of the peninsula above the line Mecca-Hofuf, with a network of routes, General which, though sometimes separated by wide intervals, results are still close enough to ensure that no important of ex- geographical feature can have been overlooked, ploration.
The whole of Tunisia is covered with a network of telegraph lines (2500 m.), and there are telephones working in most of the large towns.
Munich lies at the centre of an important network of railways connecting it directly with Strassburg (for Paris), Cologne, Leipzig, Berlin, Rosenheim (for Vienna) and Innsbruck (for Italy via the Brenner pass), which converge in a central station.
The great bend of the river affords easy irrigation, and the surrounding country is covered by a network of irrigating canals, even the paved streets of the town having streams of cool water running through them.
Probably no country in the world possesses a closer network of streams, supplemented by canals and lakes.
The nation does not seem to have appreciated the deficiencies of the syndicates service, supplemented as it was by a network of waterways which greatly increased the facilities for transport.
Towards the sea the solid land gives place to a vast network of streams and creeks, whose sluggish waters are constantly depositing silt, and forming morasses or quicksands.
To the north of the walls the site of old Herat was indicated by a vast mass of debris - mounds of bricks and pottery intersected by a network of shallow trenches, where the only semblance of a protective wall was the irregular line of the Tal-i-Bangi.
No province in Spain had at the beginning of the 10th century such a complete network of railways, all built since 1870.
These separate despotisms owned no common social tie, were founded on no common j us or right, but were connected in a network of conflicting interests and changeful diplomatic combinations.
This may be done by water-carts or hose and jet, but preferably by finely divided water and compressed air distributed from a network of pipes carried through the workings.
The distributing network extended to more than 30 m.
If what is real in things is ultimately nothing but their relations, and if relations are inconceivable apart from the relating mind, what is this but the dissolution of the solid ground of external reality which my consciousness seems to assure me underlies and eludes all the conceptual network by which I try to bring one part of my experience into connexion with another ?
The greater part is occupied by the low Baltic plateau, intersected by a network of streams and lakes, and rising to the Turmberg (1086 ft.) near Danzig.
Largely owing to its situation - being on the direct route between the Cape ports and the Transvaal, and between Durban and Kimberley - the province possesses an extensive network of railways.
This single principle of energy has transformed physical science by making possible the construction of a network of ramifying connexions between its various departments; it thus stimulates the belief that these constitute a single whole, and encourages the search for the complete scheme of interconnexion of which the principle of energy and the links which it suggests form only a single feature.
Posen lies at the centre of a network of railways connecting it with Berlin, Breslau, Thorn, Kreuzburg, and Schneidemiihl.
Thus a network of treaties was spread over Europe, leading to much great freedom of trade and opening an era of freer international exchange.
At last, after many trials and failures, Grant took a daring step. The troops with their supplies marched round through a network of lakes and streams to a point south of Vicksburg; Admiral Porter's gunboats and the transports along with them "ran" the batteries.
A vast network of fortifications covered the front of both armies, whose flank extended far to the south-west, Grant seeking to capture, Lee to defend, the Danville railway by which the Confederates received their supplies.
Algeria is also traversed by a network of roads constructed by the French, of which the routes nationales alone are 2000 m.
Within the city proper the Fitzroy Gardens are a network of avenues bordered with oak, elm and plane, with a " ferntree gully " in the centre; they are ornamented with casts of famous statues, and ponds, fountains and classic temples.
Bodywall usually traversed by a network of canals serving by their contraction to expand the disk.
Thus the country from ocean to ocean is covered by a network of committees1 each having a sphere of action corresponding to some election area, whether a Federal area or a state area.
At the same time plans were formed for constructing a great network of railways, partly for the purpose of developing the natural resources of the country, and partly for the purpose of increasing its powers of defence and attack.
The so-called pax romana was merely peace within an empire governed from a central authority, the constituent parts of which were held together by a network of centralized authority.
Since then a network of similar treaties, adopted by different nations with each other and based on the AngloFrench model, has made reference to the Hague Court of Arbitration practically compulsory for all matters which can be settled by an award of damages or do not affect any vital national interest.
It has now been followed by over a hundred others forming a network of international relationships which shows that, at any rate, the wish for peace is universal among mankind.'
This conflict, moreover, brought Ultra montanism the enormous advantage that, even after the abolition of the May Laws, it had still left to it a well-disciplined press, an admirable organization, and a network of interests and interested parties; and all these combined to make the Centrum the strongest and the most influential political party in Germany for the remainder of the 19th century.
In the northern, middle and south-west portions of this plateau province the upland is cut by an intricate network of narrow valleys and ravines that are commonly 300-600 ft.
The state ranks second to New York in the value of its manufactures, which increased from $155,044,910 in 1850 to $1,955,551,332 (factory products alone) in 1905, a growth which has been promoted by an abundance of fuel, by a good port on the Atlantic seaboard, by a network of eanals which in the early years was of much importance in connecting the port with the Mississippi river system, by its frontage on Lake Erie which makes the ores of the Lake Superior region easily accessible, and by a great railway system which has been built to meet the demands arising from the natural resources.
In order to reduce the thickness of the walls and floor he conceived the idea of strengthening them by building in a network of iron rods.
The steel reinforcement is generally applied in the form of vertical rods built in the wall at intervals, with lighter horizontal rods which cross the vertical ones, and thus form a network of steel which is buried in the concrete.
These rods assist in taking the weight, and the whole network binds the concrete together and prevents it from FIG.
The paraphyses branch and form a network (capillitium) over the asci, the capillitium and ejected spores forming a long persistent powdery mass (mazaedium).
The water which trickles over the rims of the pools and basins on the upper terraces is a transparent blue, while the formation itself contains a network of fibrous algae which gives it a wonderful variety of colours.
In short, from Ar 3 to Ar t the excess substance ferrite or cementite, in hypoand hyper-eutectoid steels respectively, progressively crystallizes out as a network or skeleton within the austenite mothermetal, which thus progressively approaches the composition of hardenite, reaching it at Ar t, and there splitting up into ferrite and cementite interstratified as pearlite.
Commerce is greatly aided by the navigable rivers, a very extensive network of railways, and the excellent roads constructed during the French regime.
The primary veins give off secondary veins, and these in their turn give off tertiary veins, and so on until a complete network of vessels is produced, and those veins usually project on the under surface of the leaf.
In these cases the veins are often united by cross veinlets, which do not, however, form an angular network.
In some cases there is only a network of filament-like cells, the spaces between which are not filled with parenchyma, giving a skeleton appearance to the leaf, as in Ouvirandra fenestralis (Lattice plant).
Its situation on the broad and navigable Rhine, and at the centre of an extensive network of railways, giving it direct communication with all the important cities of Europe, has greatly fostered its trade, while its close proximity to the beautiful scenery of the Rhine, has rendered it a favourite tourist resort.
The picturesque old town, built on the cliffs above its harbour, consists of one street stretching for about a mile through a network of lanes.
Various applications of the same system are in use, but the most popular is to place the leaves on trays of wire network in a high temperature for about twenty minutes, after which they are firm and crisp. Up to this point of the manufacture the leaf has been in the stalk, the leaves and bud being unseparated.
The river was thus to be emptied, and to flow through a whole network of canals, watering all Lower Egypt.
Moreover, in the meantime the eastern, or Tewfikia, canal was dug and supplied with the necessary masonry works for a distance of 23 m., to where it fed the network of old canals.
This had been totally neglected in Egypt; but very large sums have been spent on it, and the country is now covered with a network of drains nearly as complete as that of the canals.
The management of the Prussian railway system is committed to the charge of twenty directions, into which the whole network of lines is divided, being those of Altona, Berlin, Breslau, Bromberg, Danzig, Elberfeld, Erfurt, Essen ad.
The separation of the empire into small states was favorable to road-making, inasmuch as it was principally the smaller governments that expended large sums for their network of roads.
The bureaucracy and the law courts had therefore become a network of German-speaking officialism extending over the whole country; no one had any share in the government.
As to the effect of this network of Greek cities upon the aboriginal population of Syria, we do not find here the same disappearance of native languages and racial charac Greek teristics as in Asia Minor.
Their lofty gilt domes and fanciful network or arabesque tracery are partly in ruins, and the mosques attached to them are also partly ruined.
This area is watered by the Damietta and the Rosetta branches of the Nile, and by a network of canals.
The work of Camillo Golgi (Pavia, 1885 and onwards) on the minute structure of the nervous system has led to great alteration of doctrine in neural physi nerve cells, that is to say, the fine nerve fibres - since all nerve fibres are nerve cell branches, and all nerve cell branches are nerve fibres - which form a close felt-work in the nervous centres, there combined into a network actually continuous throughout.
The intricate felt-work has by Golgi been ascertained to be a mere interlacement, not an actual anastomosis network; the branches springing from the various cells remain lifelong unattached and unjoined to any other than their own individual cell.
There are numerous valleys, ravines and canons in the network of mountains covering the interior of the country.
It is only in such cases as Volvox and network.
A synoptical representation of the present state of knowledge would be expressed by a network rather than by a tree.
He devoted himself especially to the development of the national railways, and the gigantic network of the AustroHungarian railway system and its unification is mainly his work.
The head of the bay is fringed with islands and reefs, behind which is the mouth of the Santiago river, Poza Harbour, San Lorenzo Bay, Pailon basin and a network of navigable channels, all of which are difficult of access.
It is composed of horizontal strata of limestone, forming groups of hills intersected by a network of small and fertile valleys.
For the rest there is a network of tracks, all practically impassable by wheeled vehicles, extending over the country and connecting the towns and villages one with another.
Among the finest examples of this sort of work are the screens round the tombs of the Scala family at Verona, 1 35 0 - 1 375, - a sort of network of light cusped quatrefoils, each filled up with a small ladder (scala) in allusion to the name of the family.
It is traversed in every direction by a network of channels and water courses.
A network of schools has now been spread over the country, graduated from the indigenous village institutions up to the highest colleges.
These rivers approach each other at their mouths, and form a vast network of tidal channels, creeks and islands.
The whole line was covered by the river Spree, which served as an immediate defence for the left and centre, and an obstacle to any force moving to attack the right; moreover the interval between the river and the position on this side was covered with a network of ponds and watercourses.
Yet - thanks to its organization, its press, and the elaborate network of alliances spun by Windhorst - the Ultramontane Centre still remains a powerful force in German politics.
Equilibrium was maintained by diplomacy, in which the humanists played a foremost part, casting a network of intrigue over the nation which helped in no small measure to stimulate intelligence and create a common medium of culture, but which accustomed statesmen to believe that everything could be achieved by wire-pulling.
The network of shallow and still limans or "cut-offs" in the delta of the Volga and the shallow waters of the northern Caspian, freshened as these are by the water of the Volga, the Ural, the Kura and the Terek, is exceedingly favourable to the breeding of fish, and as a whole constitutes one of the most productive fishing grounds in the world.
Only when the holy man's duty to preserve his holiness binds him hand and foot in a network of taboos does his temporal power tend to devolve on a deputy.
The water system of the province comprises a few small rivers (now largely canalized) in the high lands in the east, and the vast network of canals, waterways and lakes of the whole north and west.
The railways form a network over the country as far north as Gefle and the district about Lake Siljan.
In its lower course the Bum passes through the Mendi country and enters the network of lagoons and creeks separated from the ocean by the long low tract of Turner's Peninsula.
In gardening, a labyrinth or maze means an intricate network of pathways enclosed by hedges or plantations, so that those FIG.
The Hab river, which forms the boundary west of Karachi; the Purali (the ancient Arabus), which drains the low-lying flats of Las Bela; the Hingol (the ancient Tomerus) and the Dasht, which drain Makran, are all considerable streams, draining into the Arabian Sea and forming important arteries in the network of internal communication.
The result of this system has been the establishment throughout the world of an elaborate network of trained commercial experts, directly responsible to the central government, and charged as one of their principal duties with the task of keeping the government informed of all that may be of interest to German traders.
It is the terminus of an extensive network of canals which run through the low country lying on the north bank of the Yangtsze as far down as Hankow.
One of the earliest was devoted to electrical conduction in a thin plate, and especially in a circular one, and it also contained a theorem which enables the distribution of currents in a network of conductors to be ascertained.
Its flat surface and low level facilitate the construction of railways and canals, which form a closer network over it than in other parts of the country.
This great plateau drains westward through broad, gently flowing streams, the network of whose tributary waters penetrates every corner of the interior and offers easy means of communication.
The river Me Nam, broken up into a network of creeks, here surrounds a large island upon which stand the ruins of the famous city which was for more than four centuries the capital of Siam.
But even in entirely new distributing systems the network is so extensive, and the number of joints so great, that the aggregate leakage is always considerable; the greatest loss being at the so-called " ferrules " connecting the mains with the house " communication " or " service " pipes, in the lead pipes, and in the household fittings.
This gives off new outgrowths, and these, branching and anastomosing with one another, may form a network, adhering to stones, corals, or other objects, from which FIG.
As the buds develop the canal system becomes much extended, and calcareous tissue is deposited between the network of canals, the confluent edgezones of mother zooid and bud forming a coenosarc. As the process continues a number of calicles are formed, imbedded in a spongy tissue in which the canals ramify, and it is impossible to say where the theca of one corallite ends and that of another begins.
Lord Milner visited Swaziland in July 1904 and denounced "the abominable network of concessions" in which the country was entangled.
Indiana is unusually well served with railways, which form a veritable network of track in every part of the state.
Trade in timber and agricultural produce is facilitated by the network of railways, navigable rivers and canals, but both industry and trade are somewhat cramped by the duties imposed at the Russian frontier.
In the extreme southwest is the valley of the Cimarron, and along the south boundary is a network of the south tributaries of the Arkansas.
Already n 1762 the work of Brindley, the Bridgewater canal, the first loint of a network of inland water communication, was opened.
Club, but, by attempting to establish throughout the country a network of affiliated clubs, were apparently aiming at setting up in Great Britain the Jacobin idea of popular control.
The tracks of the Chicago & North-Western (built to Janesville in 1855 and to Fond du Lac in 1858) form a network in the eastern part of the state, affording direct connexions with Chicago.
Benin river (known also as the Jakri outlet), though linked to the Niger system by a network of creeks, is an independent stream.
It lies at the centre of a network of railways giving it access to all the principal towns of the Westphalian iron and coal fields.
With his head encircled by a coronet of dogs teeth, and covered with a network cap or piece of bark-cloth, the septum of the nose transfixed by a pencil of bone or shell, and perhaps a shell or fibre armlet or two, the Papuan is in complete everyday attire.
Leipzig lies at the centre of a network of railways giving it direct communication with all the more important cities of Germany.
But when these obstacles have been overcome the rivers and lakes afford a network of navigable waters of vast extent.
The river breaks up into an intricate network of channels, dividing and subdividing, and intercrossing not only with each other but with the branches of other streams, so that it is exceedingly difficult to say where the Niger delta ends and another river system begins.
My first choice was to telephone the Atlanta office but I wondered if I might get a more objective hearing from an office further from a good old boy network.
I've been asking a lot of questions of my old network pals and some of them are beginning to wonder why I'm so interested in crime when they think a retiree should be out fishing or chasing a little white ball.
Jenn was Dusty's most senior female Guardian, the captain of the Western Hemisphere's spy network.
The safe houses dropped like flies, then the spy network, then the sectors' headquarters.
The office would change from a good ol' boy network to a professionally run operation.
He opined that working closely with the community was important, regardless of what you called a "network."
She slapped the pad to open the command center's internal network.
Lana trailed him through a network of tunnels, sometimes away from the river and sometimes parallel to the river, until she was too disoriented to know for sure which direction they went.
The most straightforward is to physically destroy an adversary's computers or critical network nodes.
A few seconds of extra latency on the data network will likely go unnoticed; but, on the voice network it can cause anarchy!
The network aims to deepen democracy through greater citizen participation in local governance.
You should leverage the single sign-on capabilities of the network.
Most of our reserves are easily accessible by bicycle, with many close to the National Cycle Network.
The design is also highly adaptable to a variety of network transports.
The included Setup Wizard will walk you through configuring the adapter to your network's settings, step by step.
The point of Stub Zones is to streamline administration, improve name resolution and possibly, reduce network traffic.
Suppose the network administrator wants to use bits 8 to 25 to identify the subnet, leaving 26 to 31 for host addresses.
The Network also provides free advisory, problem solving and sign-posting services.
By the end of the decade a network of working class agitators and organizers existed across the industrial towns and cities of Britain.
That is the conclusion of an analysis of household survey data from Nepal, a largely agrarian society with a sparse road network.
Devise a copyright policy outlining aims and objectives of the network.
This fuel network supplied all the major bomber airfields during the cold war.
Advanced encryption algorithms protect the entire network against unauthorized access.
Each tiny alveolus is surrounded by a network of capillaries that joins veins and arteries.
The attachment method comprises of a hydrophilic polymer network bound to the surface and contains amine or carboxylic reactive groups for end-point attachment.
Across a network, you cannot delete annotations created by other users.
The products are only installed by a network of approved applicators.
Create a self-extracting archive for the Network Agent installation package.
The system includes a variety of support services, including mentoring around-the-clock, continuing education and seminars and a resource network.
Asphalt - Based on a network of 49 asphalt plants, RMC's asphalt - Based on a network of 49 asphalt plants, RMC's asphalt supply capability and product range are extensive.
This means a new computer or device can be added to a network without manually assigning it a unique IP address.
At first, the main network was the existing sh ay kh à network throughout Iran.
Network backup BACKUP can perform unattended backup over a network in two ways.
Allied Mills will continue to service the craft bakery sector through its existing distribution network.
At nightfall, a network of street barricades is constructed, blocking most of the city's arteries.
There's a big pair of double gates here, much beloved by Network Q spectators.
The skin contains a network of small blood vessels with tiny muscles in their walls.
The lower density of ice is caused by its structure, a hydrogen bonded tetrahedral network similar to that of diamond.
I've also got the support network of the local bookies where I can get a " free " coffee.
Print out a copy to read, while you design logs and alerts to detect network bottlenecks.
Bush then bragged about the illegal spying on network prime time television.
It won't require the use of costly ISDN lines because it will use the embc broadband network.
These new phones feature built-in WiFi adapters, so you can instantly connect to any wireless network and make and receive Skype calls.
The group is part of the EU gamma ray burst network.
Those who form this cabal operate in a network of shadowy organizations that proselytize the demise of western democracy.
Written to assist the Linux user in configuring a cable modem for internet access using a cable modem for internet access using a cable network.
This is a strange twist on the usual case where the squid caches are located at the client's network.
There's a great camaraderie within the branch network.
The BHA has a network of accredited naming celebrants organized into nine regions.
The BHA has a network of accredited wedding/civil partnership celebrants, organized into nine regions.
This conference looks at the different approaches to becoming network centric, and provides a forum for discussing funding, rationalization and convergence.
There was widespread disruption across the UK air network as a result of the UK's biggest ever security clampdown.
Good climatic datasets like Global Historic Climate Network and the UEA gridded climatology are available but must be used with some caution.
Cuba Economically isolated and stubbornly clinging to Communism - but yes, it has a motorway network.
The project is to design and implement a network clipboard utility.
Another risk is that the network will not cohere.
Portland is known worldwide for getting technical resources and website security to other collectives in the network.
This is being organized through his NERC Knowledge Transfer Network on natural aquatic colloids.
The 14 major players with the permission of the European commission started creating a powerful management network, which encompassed some 800 members.
A Network Center strategy to revitalize ITV through additional program investment will rely on a continuing strong commitment to the channel from these companies.
The network comprises routes used for main line, suburban, commuter and cross country passenger services and some freight-only routes.
Integrating of teams into the project Our Network includes the seven experienced teams, with mutually complementary skills and research tasks.
These don't seem complicated, yet many organizations are opting to buy network support rather than maintain expertise in-house.
A network that connects computer together within a small area, usually a single office.
This same extended network also supports proton conduction, a flow of positive electricity that occurs much faster than the diffusion of ions.
National network - one-day conference in June, but again it's a voluntary thing and not nearly enough.
It is therefore arguable that urban structure is largely coterminous with the movement network.
There is the opportunity for significant collateral damage to any computer network and telecommunications infrastructure that does not have current countermeasures in place.
I wonder how the already creaking transport network will cope with more residents?
Kerberos is a network security protocol from MIT that uses private key cryptography to provide strong security between nodes.
Private routers or routing daemons that offer service to the college network are not permitted.
Smart Wizard performance dashboard, a graphical gage that tracks the throughput of the adapter, lets you monitor network speeds.
The network will immediately deactivate your SIM card to prevent unauthorized calls being made.
During 1993 a network of franchised dealers is being set up.
In addition, it is envisaged that this will support the development of the Network to reflect the demography across Wales.
The relatively dense road network has encouraged this pattern of piecemeal development.
A highly dependable private voice network can be built at a very low cost.
Network intrusion detection sensors are usually built around low level models of network traffic.
Client Comments Bang & Olufsen UK have used Perry McCarthy on many occasions as a guest speaker for our highly discerning customer network.
Booting from the network A final twist is to boot workstation B directly from the network without using a boot diskette.
These services should include helping clients install and operate secure network connections as well as mechanisms to rapidly disseminate vulnerability information and corrections.
The box on the right that looks like a doorbell actually is an wireless doorbell receiver hooked into the 1-wire network.
This included the provision of a network point for every student dorm in every university in the state.
The process of kneading dough helps develop the gluten network.
We can add to, upgrade, enhance or repair your existing network with minimal downtime or with the work done out of hours.
With typical call-out times of less than 90 minutes we can make sure your network downtime is kept to an absolute minimum.
They're an ideal solution for offloading much of the daily drudgery of maintaining network security.
Network users, such as generation companies, large industrial customers and suppliers, actually generate and consume the electricity carried by the network.
This would form a core element of a significantly enhanced public transport network.
Others work with a grassroots network to develop Eco-tourism projects, or wash and feed abandoned, maltreated and orphaned elephants.
The library is a m ember of the Connect 2 Learning Network.
The network is keen to expand into areas where the very lack of social cohesion prevents the emergence of a community foundation.
My other interests include novel neural network architectures, the compression of chess endgames databases and the computer analysis of music.
Control is exerted within a network of membranes called endoplasmic reticulum (ER ), which transports proteins throughout the cell.
Here, the back-up network for would-be graduate entrepreneurs is much flimsier.
Ethernet port to link a console to a wireless network for Internet gaming.
Follow the supplier's instructions to join the second hub to your existing utp Ethernet network.
North Lincolnshire PCT provides a network of needle exchange services in various locations.
Is a network in which the commencement of transactions within any practical field begin at the middle of an already existent practical formation.
Have garnered extensive prnh laf logo programs players network.
This open network structure allows exudate to seep out onto a covering absorbent dressing.
You can display your documents on the Internet or restrict access to a chosen few within a local area network.
We can recognize the R-C frequency-sensitive network as being a 2 nd order bandpass filter.
The previous government had decided not to require the fitment of ATP on the privatized rail network.
Can I assign fixed IP addresses to some computers on my network?
The televised tournaments strategy for experienced players harmon layne flack its broadband network.
The sewerage network in the village which had been damaged by the floodwater has also been restored and blockages cleared.
Forest's network of parents, old foresters and friends of the School provides excellent opportunities for high-level work experience.
Flexibility to adopt insurers selling fraudulent a network model.
The 1994 Northridge earthquake in Los Angeles, California, caused the closure of two major freeways and damage to the arterial network.
Galson Sciences has also produced an extended development of PASS that uses an Internet-based front-end accessing a remote database across a network.
The IP address of the default gateway system you should route to, if your network has a gateway.
Members of the CLICK network are expected to attend a get-together at least once a year.
I now (2 November 2004) recommend the use of gigabyte switches and category 6 cable for those with gigabyte network cards.
The money will be spent enabling the gas network to take more imports and linking more renewable energy sources to the electricity grid.
Industry cannot wait until 2020 for improvements to the motorway network, such as the M6 north of Birmingham which is already gridlocked daily.
These can deter hackers from following authenticated users transactions with the image server over the network.
What happens when open source, freely available linde combination handler products like GNU Radio become... Brighton moves ahead with pre-WiMax network.
You should contact your network provider to get a PUK code to unlock the handset.
Network support is only a small part but as you can see it is at the very hart of what MindsEye stands for.
W&LN - How many member hauliers do you have in the network now?
Apologies to the members of the Science Support Network who already have had large helpings of such stuff!
For counting there is an additional active network in the left hemisphere also common to the two modalities.
End systems will arbitrarily roam and network connectivity will be very heterogenous.
You can work out much of these from judicious sniffing of traffic on the network; others you can deduce with some simple heuristics.
If you wish to connect multiple devices to your one network socket, you might need to use an Ethernet hub.
Meanwhile, O'Toole has taken advantage of his enforced job status by spending the past few months traveling the tube network incognito.
In sum, like the gravity bomb, computer network attack is not inherently indiscriminate by nature.
Can I use the infrared on my old Mac to set up a network and transfer information to my new Mac?
The introduction of new ICT often highlights problems within your existing network infrastructure.
To deploy the network infrastructure, the GLA turned to Computacenter.
The company selected Scalable Networks, an independent network integrator, ahead of several competitors including Ericsson.
In practice however it is likely to lead to new legislation regulating the interception of communications, including e-mails, over a private network.
The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 created a new offense of unlawful interception of communications on a private network.
The example to the right shows four star access networks interconnected by a cycle backbone network.
Cyprus is a sophisticated low-tax jurisdiction with a wide network of double tax treaties.
Around the globe operators are now kick-starting their network transformation into all-IP networks.
Network Rail are investigating but said a thaw, following the big freeze of recent days had caused the landslip.
Much tinkering with network settings was required on my Wi-Fi enabled iBook laptop but once set up transmission is surprisingly fast.
Ranging from a network will present july allyn root Larry.
Printers Teaching Network Users Microsoft Windows The University of Sussex Computing Service maintains the laser printer in 5A17-5A18.
Network Rail currently owns the freehold of the site, with English, Welsh & Scottish Railways as the head lessee.
Network Rail closed many other level crossings across Scotland at the same time.
Continuing or way along the network of tracks between lakes and pools we continued to add both lifers and new trip birds.
Skills Academies will be the employer-led linchpin of a new network of specialist colleges and training providers.
Outreach network We are keen to establish links with other outreach projects in the History of Medicine, nationally or internationally.
Peter is a very long-standing member of the Sea of Faith network.
The current legal loophole allows phone masts of any height to be built on land owned by Network Rail without planning permission.
Network Associates ' agenda-setting boss gives Joey Gardiner the security lowdown.
Click here to view a location map of the reserve on the National Cycle Network website provided by Sustrans - the sustainable transport charity.
Big News Network... acid to make it a far more effective means of losing weight.
Opportunities exist throughout the Nationwide network for highly experienced / qualified mechanics who are looking to progress into first line management.
Network debuted at filled california income insurance low medical with little.
Adult Content Due to special system and network requirements of adult oriented sites, pornography and sex-related merchandising are prohibited.
The Coventry Environment Network quickly metamorphosed into the The Coventry Community Network.
Players type commands on their own home micro, which are passed through the network to the host computer.
The system also allows each microcomputer in the network to access a central data storage and retrieval device, the file server.
The LTP proposes a Regional Express Rail network (RER) serving the wider west midlands.
Written to assist the Linux user in configuring a cable modem for internet access using a cable network.
Genetic and molecular analyzes of recently isolated mutants aim to unravel the molecular network involved in hepatic specification and organ bud formation.
Phenomenon when it most intuitive navigation of the world's distribution network includes.
Access rights can be set remotely in the network neighborhood.
The government is committed to establishing a network of 300 schools by 2006.
United Airlines is a founding member of the Star Alliance, the first comprehensive global airline network.
There is also an extensive network of footpaths around St Agnes, making this a walkers ' paradise.
As a Director of the then Technology Colleges Trust he established the first nationwide broadband network for schools.
Wildlife Trusts - A national network of 46 wildlife trusts.
Each building in a wireless network uses a bridge.
We have an ongoing dialog with stakeholders about the future of the London rail network.
Participate in the introduction of Highways Agency patrols on the motorway network.
Have been a wsop circuit features broadband network 's launch the legends of.
Also don't forget you might want a local computer network one day.
First, a specific duty should be placed on the Secretary of State to achieve a safe road network.
A feed forward neural network player is played against a static player (Gondo ), for the first 30 moves.
When cluster bombs have come up on the major network newscasts, little background information has been provided.
A particularly noteworthy feature at the site is the network of interlocking clay pipes which carried fresh water supplies around the abbey.
Nystagmus Network Self help group for all those affected by the eye condition nystagmus Network Self help group for all those affected by the eye condition nystagmus.
Bond finance - is unlikely to be used for a seafloor observatory network project given its small size.
Working in conjunction with Knight Frank's network of regional offices, we cover the entire UK market.
The BHA has a network of accredited funeral officiants, organized into nine regions.
An upfront payment made upon connection to the Yours network and then ongoing revenues based on the number of minutes switched.
What impacts network outage, server crash, or disk failure have on a business?
The entire queuing system, in addition, includes features designed to work around partial communications outages in the network.
Anything from the internal network is allowed outbound to the Internet.
Key benefits of O2 Airwave Security As an encrypted network, O2 Airwave communications cannot be scanned or monitored by outsiders.
Multicast packets The last example of scanning to discover a target network's topology is by exploiting multicast packets.
Using packet switching, various packet switching, various packets of information can travel along different routes on the network, allowing the carrier to optimize network capacity.
A network that allows UDP packets could be mapped by sending a packet to the broadcast address on a high port.
Authentic Online Readers Psychics Network Information and guidance using palmistry, numerology, tarot and astrology.
A Linux box named foobar had assumed control of our domain yesterday and temporarily paralyzed our network.
After all, it would not be desirable or fair to have parking meters that only responded to a single network operator's phones!
There is a growing national network of cycle paths.
How about starting up an email pen pal network.
A poor network performance will not allow you to gain the full benefit of your ICT development.
This includes computers and related peripherals, network devices and printers.
By considering permissive, negotiated or other access routes gaps in the network may be dramatically reduced.
The WGR614 provides WEP or WPA-PSK (free upgrade available) wireless encryption standards to protect your network from eavesdroppers and bandwidth pinchers.
To accomplish this, the ALG Proxy Servers require that the firewall has pinholes opened outbound to the public network through 4 specific ports.
In the case of gas, consumers are linked to a central network of gas pipelines.
Like any company, Network Rail will need to produce a business plan.
Network card and USB cable ports are intended to accommodate a connection in only one direction and orientation.
Any modifications to our privacy practices will be reflected first within this area of our network of Web sites.
Access from a web-site or network or intranet seems more problematic.
By routing a protocol through a hardware device, the machine can act as a client or server for a particular type of network.
For example, many routing protocols use network protocols to exchange information between routers.
Psa disk Google has no IM network or... tf archives. tf archives.
Reasons to consult a clinical psychologist The Coaching & Mentoring Network maintain relationships with a range of therapists offering specialist coaching assessments.
Without shareholders, there is little to give Network Rail an incentive to pull its socks up, however public-spirited its 114 members are.
Our findings are consistent with a large-scale neural network centered in frontal and parietal cortex that supports comprehension of generalized quantifiers.
It was an opportunity to network and enjoy the entertainment provided by a jazz quintet.
Islamic radicalism is more like a loose network with many branches than an army under a single command.
There is the additional hazard of the electrified third rail on the Merseyrail Electrics network and of overhead power lines.
The question itself is not reflective of what we believe the network function to be.
Significant to either of the network and appropriately reimbursed.
Blended network solutions including any element of live 'assisted learning ' are especially relevant on cost grounds.
A network of 12,000 learning reps - growing all the time.
Windsor have a highly resilient, mirrored, ' carrier class ' switch network which offers industry leading capability.
N. Mtetwa and L.S. Smith, Precision constrained stochastic resonance in a feedforward neural network.
This well known brand was then reworded with ' Back the Bid London 2012 in place of ' Network SouthEast ' .
The gas network consists of collection points, storage depots, pipelines and the offshore drilling rigs.
Network Camera A network camera donated by Axis is mounted in front of the experimental rig.
To help families with journey planning, the leaflet gives an overview of major roadworks on the Agency's network.
Effectively, ICEE project manages the network rollout on behalf of Nokia.
The initial network rollout will use the Gigabit Ethernet protocol to provide up to 1000 Mbps speeds.
Any network minutes only do rollover for one month, Orange to Orange mins do not rollover.
Sky very clear blue coming up from the moor and oak tree and complex network branches were full of black rooks.
Than hotel rooms friday into round network entering the our ability to.
I connected the router to the network according to the instructions.
Where can I purchase ADSL equipment NewNet is able to provide ADSL modems for USB connection and pre-configured routers for ethernet network links.
Most of the work with a wireless router is to ensure your wireless network is secure.
We see the role of Brookside as providing a temporary scaffolding to support the existing network until the local network can take over again.
Real time analytics are located at the edge of the network, i.e. at the camera, making the solution totally scalable.
X-ray scattering techniques will let you look at how this network forms.
The favorite i'm network went live Vegas sculptor tony.
From August 1994 until May 1997, a network of 8 three-component digital seismographs operated at the Acu reservoir.
The effects of passed the senate the network whenever.
Peter Finch for Network 11 The Two Jakes was a belated sequel to which film?
This greatly increases the cycle network effectiveness and reduces the community severance caused by these roads.
The intention is not merely to extend the sewerage network by providing first time sewerage to unconnected properties.
This briefing sheet, from the Social Perspectives Network website, provides an update.
The Government needs to enhance the rail network to enable the rapid movement of east west rail freight shipments.
They also gave notice c further efforts to set up a network c revolutionary shop stewards in the factories.
I breath a collective sigh of relief for all people pleading for network security.
You can use quite simple programming methods to create a neural network in Visual Basic.
Their extensive snowfields produce meltwaters that supply a network of alpine rivers, lakes and wetlands that are a source of the River Nile.
The third part is an attempt to outline the concept of network sociality.
These metrics are critical to calculate the network performance and to help identify any trouble spots in the network.
These pipes lead to a network of small pipes that ended in the trailing edges of the wings and horizontal stabilizers.
Unlimited number of PCs can be set up to use network or work stand-alone.
Onshore The Rough facility is on 24 hour standby and can feed gas into the network within approximately two hours.
Earlier this year the Alaskan pipeline network was almost brought to a complete standstill by a stray bullet from a hunting rifle.
To set up a basic wireless network is fairly straightforward.
All three interlinking strands of the People's Network are managed by the MLA, and are lottery funded at present.
A balloon will pop-up from the System Tray advising you of the network you have connected to and the signal strength.
The direct results of a discriminate computer network attack on combatants will not inflict more suffering.
Distributed computing uses the internet to harness the power of a global network of PCs effectively creating a single supercomputer.
Sussex cancer network plays an important part in promoting this message.
Here, the neuron terminal forms fine branches, which make a network of close contacts, called synapses, with other neurons.
The very purpose of the Network is to mount a hostile takeover of the Episcopal Church.
Car Parking is FREE, with a network of level tarmac roads for ease of access for the disabled.
By utilizing new technology in local exchanges, we are able to offer xDSL services which bypass the regular BT network.
Then on November 22nd 1953, as an experimental test for RCA it became the first network telecast to be transmitted in color.
The SERCOS-III controller is able to exchange these telegrams with superordinate devices in the network.
Internet telephony is an exchange of voice data over a network.
It also runs The A&R Network Music Board for aspiring tipsters and online music publishing Net The Best Songs.
A well-run network will thrive if its participants play an active role in keeping the network topical and relevant.
Subsequently electric traction returned to parts of the network by a further conversion of heavy rail routes to the Tyne & Wear Metro.
The Society is continually expanding its global training network, appointing further official SDC accredited trainers in key regions of the world.
The backup system allows an operator to remotely control a VHF or other band transceiver over the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN ).
Positive air pressure transients represent the final source of trap seal loss and contamination of building space by odors from the drainage network.
The network protocol used for the internet and for many local area computer networks TFT - thin film transistor.
The existing network comprises a switching system, which is 74% digital with an analog transmission system throughout.
Tripwire enterprise is the new upgrade path for tripwire enterprise is the new upgrade path for Tripwire for Network Devices.
The survey is sent to the TUC's network of member nominated pension fund trustees.
These small molecules pass through the renal tube (coiled tubule) which is surrounded by a capillary network.
Habitat Badgers live in setts, a network of underground tunnels which they dig using their strong claws.
Much of the road network is based on the original turnpikes built to link towns and which you had to pay to use.
Manchester hopes that Mr Darling will unblock funding for extensions to its tram network in return for its cooperation in testing congestion charging.
Our intelligence services gradually uncovered this network's reach, and identified its key experts and agents and money men.
Ventilation was provided by a network of four inch diameter glazed drainage pipes that came to the surface within the surrounding undergrowth.
One particular area already has some nature conservation interest as relatively unimproved grassland, with a network of small hedgerows and some wetland habitat.
The SenderBase Network gives mail administrators unprecedented real-time visibility into security threats from around the world.
You can also configure a hardware failover port for continuous network uptime.
Craig works closely with the CLC to provide the immediate front-line response necessary to help ensure the highest possible system uptime of your network.
Wild claims about 100% network uptime considered harmful?
The network sold uranium hexafluoride, the gas that the centrifuge process can transform into enriched uranium hexafluoride, the gas that the centrifuge process can transform into enriched uranium for nuclear bombs.
For each modern urbanite, their personal communication network remains virtually at the tribal level.
Develop a national network of core skills urology courses.
Mail chiefs argue the existing post office network is no longer financially viable.
Running a network of trained volunteers who provide local support to members.
I can certainly vouch for ZT version 7 upwards working on a network.
The solution is to deploy the anonymous access wap on a perimeter network segment that does not have access to the corporate network.
Daily access from the national inland waterways network is vital to the sustainable future of the Basingstoke Canal.
Google's network industrial Wellingtons will offer 256 Industries kbps - 384 kbps connections for free.
The Trust is part of a nationwide network of local trusts which work to protect wildlife - The Wildlife Trusts.
He had initially been ordered to wear a pale blue windcheater by the network's Standards and Practices Department.
The television network used the public attention of the contest on among other thing billboards where the network congratulated the winners.
Web-based network management tools make configuration and remote management of the network painless, while SNMP integrates the wireless LAN with your wired infrastructure.
Students will complete a paper workbook using images from the computer network.
How do I install ' Network Monitor ' on an NT workstation or a Windows 9x box?
The Alcatel TSM-2532, with its single-user workstation, provides a simplified, graphically oriented presentation of the network status.
Tonight I finally resolved the network connections (including a messed up setting on my laptop ), and ran yum again.
Marratech Manager can be installed on either a company network, demilitarized zone (DMZ) or a hosted internet server.
Apart from the distinct Somali giraffe (Giraffa reticulata), characterized by its deep liver-red colour marked with a very coarse network of fine white lines, there are numerous local forms of the ordinary giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis).
At the focus of his telescope he placed fine silver wires at right angles to each other, which, by their intersection, formed a network of small squares.
The towns were connected by a considerable network of roads, with a total length of 958 Roman miles according to the Itineraries, the most important of R which ran from Carales to Turris Libisonis (Porto Torres) through the centre of the island, passing Othoca (Oristano) and Forum Traiani.
I, B) out of which is evolved the nucleolus and nuclear network (figs.
The wall of the nucleus breaks down, and the cytoplasmic spindle-fibres become mixed with those derived from the nuclear network.
The most difficult section - namely, that under Cannon Street - where the abutting buildings had to be underpinned, and a very dense traffic maintained during construction, while a network of sewers and mains was readjusted, cost at the rate of about r,000,000 a mile.
The network is, however, of the duct of the nephridium, possibly ectodermic in origin, and does not affect the glandular tubes which remain undivided and with one coelomic funnel each.
They are then laid out to dry on shelves made of a network of stout galvanized iron wire.
The alluvial portion of the state, especially below the mouth of the Red river, is an intricate network of these bayous, which, before their closure by a levee system, served partially, in time of flood, to carry off the escaping surplus of river waters.
From the pass it drops over the gradually decreasing grades of a wide sweep of Chol (which here happens to be locally free from the intersecting network of narrow ravines which is generally a distinguishing feature of Turkestan loess formations) for a distance of 35 m.
But as soon as the proved incompetence of the senatorial government had brought about the mission of Pompey to the East with the almost unlimited powers conferred on him by the Gabinian and Manilian laws of 67 and 66 B.C. (see Pompey), Caesar plunged into a network of political intrigues which it is no longer possible to unravel.
The structure of the corpus spongiosum and glans resembles that of the corpora cavernosa, but the trabeculae are finer and the network closer.
He did much to justify the trust placed in him, for the period of Frederick Henry is the most brilliant in the history of the Dutch Republic. During his time the East India Company, which had founded the town of Batavia in Java as their administrative capital, under a succession of able governorgenerals almost monopolized the trade of the entire Orient, made many conquests and established a network of factories and trade posts stretching from the Cape of Good Hope to Japan (see Dutch East India Company).
As the temperature sinks still farther, pro-eutectoid cementite (see § 22) forms progressively in the austenite both primary and eutectic, and this pro-eutectoid cementite as it comes into existence tends to assemble in the form of a network enveloping the kernels or grains of the austenite from which it springs.
They are supported by a network co-ordinator, and parents can access quality assured childcare at no extra cost.
Today the lines, signals and stations are owned by a massively subsidized quango called Network Rail.
Network administrators can customize how emails are handled with choices to accept, reject or quarantine emails with known viruses.
It was an opportunity to network and enjoy the entertainment provided by a Jazz Quintet.
There would be a shift from money being spent on road building to money being spent on the rail network.
AirMagnet Enterprise detects more than 135 wireless problems and automatically defends the network in real-time as threats arise.
New 3G Wireless Network Stress Tester UbiNetics is developing a 3G testing system that will simulate ' real-world ' conditions in a lab environment.
We are looking forward to reaping the rewards of a fully managed network service.
Any block moved from one place to another would cause the network of connected blocks to recompose the music that is playing.
We hope these images will help convince the government of the urgent need for a national network of refuges for young runaways.
The Paul Hogan Show itself was actually a repackaging of material first screened on Network Nine in Australia in 1977.
Repairing faults on our network is part of the maintenance cover we provide with our service.
A network of external links with industry supports the course which has a strong reputation for consistent innovation.
This provides superb high capacity, resilient Internet connectivity through our secure network, all covered by our industry leading service level guarantee.
There is a resilient network infrastructure, which means you don't need to invest in your own expensive network.
It owns a highly resilient national network with the ability to serve major centers across the UK.
Many of the Polish resistance fighters were forced to escape via the network of sewer canals underneath the city.
The course will then address network design strategies based on these targets for grassroots as well as retrofit situations.
This well known brand was then reworded with ' Back the Bid London 2012 in place of ' Network SouthEast '.
Travel demand, which generates the traffic volumes on the roadway network.
To help families with journey planning, the leaflet gives an overview of major roadworks on the Agency 's network.
Importantly, rogue seasonality may propagate through a supply network.
What happens when open source, freely available products like GNU Radio become... Brighton moves gum rosin distributor ahead with pre-WiMax network.
Network -- Responsible for routing packets of data across the network.
In this paper, we propose propagation and routing algorithms for a fully decentralized, self-organizing network.
However, a fine network of connective tissue fibers supports the hepatocytes and sinusoid lining cells.
The network of dams and tunnels is one of the world 's biggest construction projects, and siphons water from Lesotho to South Africa.
Why are so many prepared to risk the business by skimping on network maintenance?
SlipStream 's technology works by compressing and streamlining Web content and emails to speed-up access over a network.
How many of those 15,000 developers will be snooping on the network do you think?
It also prevents them from snooping on data in your home network.