Nettles Sentence Examples
Nettles are high in minerals and vitamins, too.
The rash that occurs after being stung by nettles happens within minutes of contact.
I 'm not sure what the heavy plant in question was - but Martin tells me the nettles were fairly weighty !
Stinging nettles are especially good for treating hay fever with its bothersome watery eyes and sneezing.
Evidence of effectiveness is limited; however, nettles have been used to treat hay fever in other countries for years.
If you do not notice a difference within a week, nettles may not work for you.
If you are diabetic or if you take anticoagulants, blood pressure medication or diuretics, you should discuss nettles with your doctor before you use this supplement.
Young nettles, grass cuttings and comfrey are good natural activators.
Pegasus can be used for breaking up the soil or clearing brambles and nettles.
The butterflies usually oviposit on nettles growing in smallish clumps in sunny woodland glades, or in the vicinity of hedgerows.
AdvertisementThe banks are full of wild plants including buddleia, thistles and nettles, all of which provide habitats for butterflies and other insects.
In the garden I have dandelions, clover, dock, nettles and a big patch of ground elder to take care of.
The new European rules primarily ban lawn treatments which kill dandelions, nettles and brambles.
Joe needs some new trousers, tho, he was wearing shorts and got stung by nettles!
The dried nettles may well benefit from being left for a while in a mixture of cream and nettle water.
AdvertisementYou just need brightly colored flowers, with a good mix between cultivated and wild flowers, including nettles and thistles.
I'd much prefer fresh stinging nettles any day!
Then, with a deft swing he sent him crashing into a clump of tall nettles, which closed receptively round him.
Garnish with chopped parsley and serve with jacket potatoes and steamed young stinging nettles.
The plant is entirely parasitic on Nettles and feeds on their sap using especially adapted ' suckers ' .
AdvertisementNettles are useful in ridding the lungs of excess phlegm and cleansing the body of toxins and make an ideal herbal cuppa.
A few plants were in flower, including red and white dead nettles, groundsel, yarrow, charlock and field speedwell.
I'm not sure what the heavy plant in question was - but Martin tells me the nettles were fairly weighty!
Nettles are an overall astringent, cleansing tonic.
Thus the Zulu says to the ancestral ghost, "Help me or you will feed on nettles"; whilst the still more primitive Australian exclaims to the "dead hand" that he carries about with him as a kind of divining-rod, "Guide me aright, or I throw you to the dogs."
AdvertisementAshes particularly rich in potash are those of burning nettles, wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), tansy (Tanacetum vulgare), fumitory (Fumaria officinalis), and tobacco.
Fungus-galls on leaves and stems are exemplified by the pocket-plums caused by the Exoasceae, the black blistering swellings of Ustilago Maydis, the yellow swellings on nettles due to Aecidium, &c.