Net Sentence Examples
The net seemed heavy.
If prices for an item fall, this is a net good.
Her personal net buzzed, and she touched the area behind her ear again.
In the second case, the technique of reading without vocalizing allowed for faster reading and a new, visual way to process verbal information—again, a net gain.
Why hasn't she contacted any of us on her net?
Some species, however, are alleged to be carnivorous, and a North American form of the genus Hydropsyche is said to spin around the mouth of its burrow a silken net for the capture of small animal organisms living in the water.
In 1907 the net profit on these was over £8000.
A couple of hours later, Dan's voice came across his net.
Net fisheries, worked by licence-holders in the principal rivers and along the sea-shore, are not nearly so profitable as the closed fisheries - called In - which are from time to time sold by auction for fixed periods of years.
It was completed by that time, the net expenditure of the building commission being about $3,970,000.
AdvertisementThe net result is not only new but re volutionary; so was it understood by the Pharisees.
The Guardian's voice drifted over her personal net.
She all but dropped into the commo sector chair and issued mayday calls on the emergency net.
He received a page over his personal net.
On instinct, Brady opened the channel to Lana's net.
AdvertisementI can't stop the strikes if I can't get through on my net.
The land tax falls upon land not built upon in proportion to its net yearly revenue.
The number of messages increased from about 6,500,000 in 1869 to nearly io,000,000 in 1871 and to 20,000,000 in 1875, but the expectations as to net revenue were not justified by the results.
The net state debt on the 1st of October 1908 amounted to $967,576.38.
In Homer Ares is the lover of Aphrodite, the wife of Hephaestus, who catches them together in a net and holds them up to the ridicule of the gods.
AdvertisementAnother enactment assures to miners a 10% share of the net profits, this sum to be employed for educative, philanthropic, or other purposes of utility for the benefit of the miners.
Deducting from the total value of manufactured products in 1905 the cost of partially manufactured materials, including mill supplies; a net or true value of $9,821,205,387 remains.
From 1850 to 1908 California produced a total of 2,052,000 flasks of metal, of 76.5 lb (since June I, 1904, 750 lb net) each.
The merchant marine of the United States in 1900 totalled 5,164,839 net tons, which was less than that of 1860 (5,353,808), in which year American shipping attained an amount which only in recent years Exports of Domestic Merchandise.
The decline of tonnage engaged in ocean traffic was from 2,546,237 net tons in 1860 to 1,352,810 in 1880; and this decline continued in later years.
AdvertisementOn the other hand the aggregate tonnage of the country has again begun to rise, and in 1908 the total was 7,365,445 net tons, a third of this being on the Great Lakes, and somewhat under one-half on the Gulf and Atlantic coasts.
From 1860 to 1870 the population increased 22.6%, and the net ordinary expenditures of government, not including payments on the national debt, rose 173%; from 1870 to 1900 the corresponding figures (using the official estimated population) were 129% and 408%.
These are lined with parchment paper, and contain each 56 lb net of butter.
The same description applies to the reptiles, but a curious net work of cystic ducts is found in snakes and to a less extent in crocodiles.
They lie entangled in a vast net of sea-weed; are the resort of innumerable birds, and used to be largely frequented by seals and sea-otters, which, however, have been almost completely driven away by unregulated hunting.
The principal buildings are the market-house and town hall, and the industries include distilling, brewing, tanning, the making of net, rope and twine and woollen manufactures.
In 1902, 576 vessels entered at Constantza, with a net registered tonnage of 641,737.
The remarkable development of the comparatively new trade in spun silk goes far to compensate for the loss of the older trade of net silk, and has enabled the exports of silk manufactures from Great Britain to be at least maintained and to show some signs of expansion.
The author, no doubt correctly, remarks that the shift does net indicate a change of frequency but a change of relative intensity, consisting of a great number of fine lines; when the maximum intensity of the distribution of light is altered, the appearance is that of a shift.
On the 30th of June 1908 the bonded debt of the Territory was $3,979,000; there was on hand net cash, without floating debt, $677,648.48.
In the second season it consisted of thirty families with property valued at $27,725; in 1846 there were 180 resident members, and the net profit for the year was $9029.
It was in the 14th century more especially that the Apostolic Chamber spread the net of its fiscal administration wider and wider over Christian Europe; but at the close of the 13th century all the preliminary measures had been taken to procure for the papal treasury its enormous and permanent resources.
The sinking fund at the same date amounted to $2,652,035, leaving a net surplus in the sinking fund of $8118.
The conference reported, " We have quite as much reason to be encouraged by the net result of the progress of Christianity in China during the 19th century as the early Christians had with the progress of the Gospel in the Roman Empire during the first century."
Net up, in dry weather, gooseberry and currant bushes, to preserve the fruit till late in the autumn.
The net result of the orogenic movements was, that at the close of the period there existed a great northern continental mass, embracing Europe, North Asia and North America; and a great southern continental mass, including South America, Africa, Australia and India.
A large proportion of these schools are subsidized by the state to the extent of half their net cost.
Below the piston of the upper cylinder is an annular space E (surrounding the common piston rod) with a capacity equal to the maximum displacement of the liftram, while the corresponding annular area C of the piston of the lower cylinder is just large enough when subjected to the working water pressure to enable the work of lifting the net load to be done and any friction to be overcome.
Of the net profits, a dividend of 31/2% is first payable to the shareholders, 20% of the remainder is transferred to the reserve until this has reached a total of 3,000,000, and of the remainder again a quarter is apportioned to the shareholders and three-quarters falls to the imperial exchequer.
If the net profits do not reach 31/2%, the balance must be made good from the reserve.
In the five years 1902-1906 the capital value of the state railways increased from E.2o,383,000 to E.23,200,000 and the net earnings from E.I,o59,000 to E.I,475,000.
In 1905 the figures were Number of ships that passed through the canal, 4116 (2484 being British and 600 German), net tonnage 13,134,105 (8,356,940 British and 2,113,484 German).
This was constituted in 1886 and was chiefly made up of the net savings of the Egyptian government on its share of the annual surpluses from revenue.
The net result of internationalism was to impose an.
Reels were also commonly used for net making, of pottery (108) or even pebbles (1o9)withagroove chipped around.
These aggregations or colonies, as they are termed, may attached to muddy surfaces by rhizoids; Caulerpa, on the other, assume the form of a plate, a ring, a solid sphere, a hollow sphere, presents a remarkable instance of the way in which much the same a perforate sphere, a closed net, or a simple or branched filament.
Aymer de Valence, Butetourte, Clifford, and Mowbray were sent to net and " drive " the inner wilds of Galloway, where Bruce lurked in the forests and caves of Loch Trool and Loch Dungeon.
Besides the noose and the net, the arrow, the dart and the hunting pole or venabulum were frequently employed.
The monasteries stand on the summit of these pinnacles; they are accessible only by aid of rope and net worked by a windlass from the top, or by a series of almost perpendicular ladders climbing the cliff.
Budapest is, besides, connected with all the principal places in Austria and Hungary by a well-developed net of railways, which all radiate from here.
At the end of the season the net amount of cheese produced by milk from each cow is handed over to the owner of that particular cow, and is carried down by him to his home in the valley from the hut (a small building on four stone legs to secure the contents from mice) wherein the cheeses have been stored since they were made - this hut is called a Speicher.
Apart from the important parables of the tares, the pearl and the net, the writer adds little to his sources until we come to the remarkable passage in ch.
Lastly, a rate is fixed upon every field, which may be regarded as roughly equal to one-third of the gross and one-half of the net produce.
The net opium revenue represents the difference between the sum realized at these sales and the cost of production.
In1907-1908the net opium revenue from both sources amounted to £3,576,000.
In 1908 the total length of railways open in India was 30,578, m., which carried 330 million passengers and 64 million tons of goods, and yielded a net profit exceeding 4 Facilities for irrigation (q.v.) vary widely, and irrigation works differ both in extent and in character.
The total length of line is about 69,000 m., and the net profits of the service approximately pay for new new expenditure on capital account.
On that occasion, besides private donations, the British received a grant of the three districts of Burdwan, Midnapur and Chittagong, estimated to yield a net revenue of half a million sterling.
Wellesley tried assiduously to bring these several Mahratta powers within the net of his subsidiary system.
The Arabs, however, succeed by closing up all the exits from the burrows with a single exception, by which the rodents are forced to escape, and over which a net is placed for their capture.
In net combined state and local debt, Arkansas ranks very low among the states of the Union.
It would even seem to be necessarily and naturally implied in Brahmanical belief in metempsychosis; whilst in the doctrine of Buddha, who admits no soul, the theory of the net result or fruit of a man's actions serving hereafter to form or condition the existence of some new individual who will have no conscious identity with himself, seems of a peculiarly artificial and mystic character.
After the decline of its woollen trade Tiverton became noted for the lace manufacture introduced by John Heathcoat (1783-1861), inventor of the bobbin net frame.
The net results of such exchange can be roughly estimated by comparing the rate of natural growth with that of the total increase of the community between one census and another, as set forth in Table VIII., in the last section of which the approximate loss by emigration, as calculated by Dr Sundbarg, is given.
The gross income from the state railways is 26,607,622, and the net income 4,684,856 marks.
In 1905 their ocean-going merchant marine consisted of only 148 vessels, of which 54 were steamers of 42,873 tons net, and 94 were sailing vessels of 39,34 6 tons.
As the rentf and royalties, excepting those on the turquoise mines, amount to about one-fifth of the net proceeds, it may be estimated that th value of the annual output does not exceed 50,000, while thi intrinsic value of the ores, particularly those of lead, iron, cohali and nickel, which have not yet been touched can be estimated al millions.
The net result, indeed, was merely to restore the status quo; but during the campaign Chosroes sacked Antioch and transplanted the population to a new quarter of Ctesiphon (540).
A goal mouth scramble ended up with a powerful drive hitting the net.
The average price of Italian 4% in 1905 was 105.29 since the conversion to 33/4% net (to be further reduced to 31/2 in fivt more years), the price has been about 103.5.
This net is twice the size of the regular one.
The "Thetis" propeller fouled a net laid at the entrance to the harbour and carried it with her.
A tax of 10% on their annual net produce, imposed in 1902, was the main available source of revenue.
The net bonded debt on the 30th of June 1909 was $10,130,062.32.
Hence if we take two nets of wire with hexagonal meshes, and place one on the other so that the point of concourse of three hexagons of one net coincides with the middle of a hexagon of the other, and if we then, after dipping them in Plateau's liquid, place them horizontally, and gently raise the upper one, we shall develop a system of plane laminae arranged as the walls and floors of the cells are arranged in a honeycomb.
We must not, however, raise the upper net too much, or the system of films will become unstable.
It was at Hoorn in 1416 that the first great net was made for the herring fishery, an industry which long proved an abundant source of wealth to the town.
In 1907 the total tax valuation of property was $77,705,251; the net debt of the territory $1,022,972, and that of counties and towns $3,123,275.
His masterpiece is the Sit viry (the net of faith).
The net return from public works in excess of expenditure in 1906 amounted to nearly 31% on the whole public debt, and the interest paid averages 3.6%.
The net earnings amounted in 1906 to £1,926,407, which represents a return of 4.41% upon the capital invested.
The commissioners of Inland Revenue also pay into the same account a sum equal to i 2% on the net value of personal property in respect of which estate duty is paid.
They can charge water rents which depend upon agreements with consumers, or they may charge water rates assessed on the net annual value of the premises supplied.
When the owner is rated he must be assessed upon a certain proportion only of the net annual value of the premises.
The owners or occupiers of certain specified properties are assessed in respect of the same in the proportion of one-fourth part only of the net annual value thereof.
The net result of the above agreements was to leave the Congo Free State with France, Portugal and Great Britain as her neighbours on the north, with Great Britain and Germany as her neighbours on the east, and with Great Britain and Portugal on her southern frontier.
They have told us how he never shot at a bird perching nor fished with a net, the creatures not having in such a case a fair chance for their lives; how he conducted himself in court and among villagers; how he ate his food, and lay in his bed, and sat in his carriage; how he rose up before the old man and the mourner; how he changed countenance when it thundered, and when he saw a grand display of viands at a feast.
His weapons, tools and other appliances such as the hammer, hatchet, spear, knife, awl, thread, net, canoe, &c., are the evident rudimentary analogues of what still remains in use among Europeans.
In 1907 the port received 7,542,149 gross tons of iron ore, and shipped 2,632,027 net tons of soft coal.
The excuse, as a rule, may hold good, that the postal charge is only a reasonable one for service rendered, so that the net income of the post office really resembles the profit of a business, but the element of taxation appears undoubtedly to enter.
This actual deficit on the lands owned by the university steadily increased up to 1881, when, after the trustees had refused (in 1880) an offer of $1,250,000 for 275,000 acres of pine lands, they sold about 140,600 acres for $2,319,296; ultimately 401,296 acres of the land turned over to the university by Cornell were sold, bringing a net return of about $4,800,000.
The total net receipts for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1908, were $4,771,628, and the total net expenditure $5,259,002, the cash balance in the treasury for the year ending September 30, 1907, amounted to $1,096,459, leaving a cash balance on September 30, 1908, of $609,085.
He and his minister were alternately gulled by France and by the emperor, and the net result of all their activity was bankruptcy and discontent at home and ever-frustrated hopes abroad.
The net result was that a few years later the lower house of convocation only rejected by one vote a very puritanical petition against vestments and other popish dregs.
He would have been astonished to hear that, before the end of the century, his office had to deal with more than 3,000,000,000 postal packets a year, and that the net profit which it paid into the exchequer was to be more than double what it received in 1839.
Coracle-fishing is performed by two men, each seated in his coracle and with one hand holding the net while with the other he plies his paddle.
When a fish is caught, each hauls up his end of the net until the two coracles are brought to touch and the fish is then secured.
When this is deducted from the gross profits of $5.60 prices found above, We have a net profit of $3.32 an acre, not an exorbitant one by any means.
In 1906 the net value of property assessed to estate duty, &c., in Ireland was £16,016,000 as compared with £306,673,000 in England and £38,451,000 in Scotland; and in 1905 the net produce of the income tax in Ireland was £983,000, as compared with £ 2 7,4 2 3, 000 in England and £2,888,000 in Scotland.
The net result of the county council elections in the spring of 1899 was to displace, except in some northern counties, nearly all the men who had hitherto done the local business.
Minneapolis is also the greatest primary wheat market in the world, its 40 or more elevators (of which those of the Washburn-Crosby Company, erected in 1907, are the largest) having a net capacity of about 35,000,000 bushels, and handling more than 90,000,000 bushels in 1908.
No other protection is needed beyond a bee-veil of fine black net, which slipped over a wide-brimmed straw hat protects the face from stings when working among bees; as experience is gained the veil is not always used.
The census of 1900 showed that not less than two-fifths of the total net income came from live stock or from hay, grain and forage on farms representing together 96% of the farm-value of the state - live stock being a trifle more important; dairying was similarly predominant for 1.6%, and beet-sugar for ' 9.1%.
The soul is from the Lord, and is submitted in this life to the bondage of works (karma); " Mankind, in their obstinacy, keep binding themselves in the net of actions, and though they know and hear of the bliss of those who have faith in the Lord, they attempt not the only means of release.
The net used is a bag some 20 ft.
Loki thereupon went back to the stream, where Andvari in the form of a pike was guarding a great treasure, caught him in a net, and forced him to surrender his hoard.
The sawbwa now works as contractor for government, which takes one-third of the net profits.
The conception of conscious experience, which is the net result of the Kritik, is indefinitely profounder and richer than that which had ruled the 18th century philosophizing, but for Kant such experience still appears as somehow the arbitrary product of the relation between the individual conscious subject and the realm of real facts.
She was his current waltzing widow—first choice to fill his dance card when he wasn't surfing the net, tracking down an auction or garage sale or devouring a mystery novel.
Read me the serial, and I'll see who I can get on the net to tell me what it is.
Dan's breathless voice came over his net.
Everything—the net call that brought her to the Peak, the encrypted messages she'd read, Brady's protection—had fallen into place.
She'd been afraid to try to contact anyone through her personal net, fearing discovery by General Greene.
The Net is a place of total anonymity, political anarchy in its purest incarnation.
And, since the Net is relatively new to British academe, what is it?
He was pivotal in helping to move the net from a purely academic group in the UK to the commercial environment.
Little net accretion was observed for tidal water levels in excess of 5m at the lower bank site.
The phenomenon of " coastal squeeze " of saltmarsh may be causing some net vertical accretion of mudflat surfaces.
Kipp & Zonen Net Radiometers in use recording surface albedo at the Jornada test site, New Mexico, USA in May 1997.
I tried aloe vera after reading up on it on the net.
To agree with Bin Laden is a brave thing to do, even via the relative anonymity of the net.
Nothing but net I've used arnica before for an injury and I have to say that the results were amazing.
At the time of the divorce, the parties had amassed net assets valued in the region of £ 75 million.
First points to Federer as Roddick hits a straightforward backhand into the net.
Set-off interest is in addition to overdraft interest which will apply if there is a net debit balance.
A shot from Andy Baird was parried by Michael Parkin and the loose ball found Howard Forinton who shot into the net.
You collect spyware as you surf the net just as a ship collects barnacles.
Chris's overall net score of 139 included four birdie two's.
T-shirts printed with the words " Music & Love " were worn with heavily studded black belts and short full skirts with net petticoats.
Net blotch of barley The higher than expected levels of net blotch of barley The higher than expected levels of net blotch on some crops of cv.
This net uses the highest quality terylene bobbinet netting and the classical ' bell ' design renowned for its simplicity and ease of use.
Interest The interest charge for the year of £ 4.1 million reflects the reduction in net borrowings through the year.
In a rare breakaway Thompson had the ball in the Cardiff net, but it was disallowed for a foul on Warner.
Terry Jones Senior had a good day on Thursday catching big bream ending his day with a net well in excess of 200lbs.
See the notes for the net of a cube to see how to print this net and make your own buckyball.
The net effect would be a reduction in choice for the customer for narrowband services, which constitute the bulk of the market.
Net crops to reduce pigeon damage and to keep bullfinches off fruit buds.
The net floats above the wreck somewhat on buoys, but is tight and so fairly safe.
I've designed business cards, ANDY SAXTON, computer genius designed and uploaded a web site to the net!
Net assets fell by 6% from 2003, to £ 2.6 billion, mainly due to the share buyback activity in the year.
Missing my independence and getting cabin fever to boot, I started to trawl the net for a solution.
This is because the net present worth and the annual cash flows comprising the project are of equivalent value.
The net was also fitted with an illegal top-side chafer which stops immature fish escaping.
Granny made her outfit from pink spotted chiffon and net over a white bodice.
Net family income at age 33 was lower for both teenage mothers and fathers than for those who delayed childbearing.
Goodrich Aerospace technology, high strength stainless steels, cobalt chrome alloys, chrome alloys, joining methods, near net shape manufacture.
The audited circulation for the July 2003 - June 2004 period was total average net 37, 029 copies.
James Arthur (jaa at arfa dot Clara dot net ). Documented the Photoshop-style truecolor blender routines.
The net result to the government coffers should be a small decrease.
The public will also all act wisely, as they are also fully cognizant of the subtle nature of net society.
Far from being displaced by the digital Panopticon, the ' intellectual commons ' of the Net continues to expand at an exponential rate.
The cash consideration for this disposal is £ 4.0 million compared to the net book value of £ 0.5 million.
These are the old, slightly corny examples of the net's political potential.
The Net is the place to find a plethora of artistic, political, sexual, scientific and social crosscurrents.
They do offer a " guide " to installing SuSe from the net, but it lacks detail and seems intentionally cryptic to me.
See the notes for the net of a cube to see how to print this net and make your own cube octahedron.
Royston responded well and two minutes later they equalized with Ryan Waller's corner curling into the Wanderers net.
A peek behind the net curtains into a world we don't want to look at.
At the moment there is a net debt of three trillion dollars.
The net contribution of dryland degradation to global warming is difficult to quantify at this time.
The net disinvestment in tenanted farmland continues, with 4.9% of the investment assets held in the index sold during 2005.
Spinning Net Prepare to get dizzy in the conical Spinning Net.
If you have a dot org or a dot org or a dot net, it is just one more thing for people to have to remember.
Mepitel is a non-adherent silicone dressing which is bound to a polymide net.
All possess a distinctive cross-sectional asymmetry, indicating a net eastwards to north-eastwards transport pathway.
If moral action is not efficacious in the production of moral good, then it may decrease the net amount of potential good.
Sediment accumulations within groin embayments at Hamworthy Park also indicate a net west to east drift.
For example, net emigration from Scotland in recent years has been much lower than in the 1960s or even the 1980s.
Our set up fee will not exceed 25% of total net invoice value.
In this period £ 1.2 million has been included in net operating expenses resulting from fees incurred on the Crosby transaction.
Children using the net can be exposed to commercial organizations in a potentially exploitative situation.
I would expect the rate of spread to be approximately exponential, until the net begins to become saturated.
Not wanting to take any chances he hit it and after 10 minutes and a spirited fight his prize was in the net!
If you search the net for " shoe fluoroscope " you will find information that is frightening.
Generous giving was the net natural result of the thrill of complete forgiveness.
The total net result showed a sum of about 5 million French francs.
Using a list of keywords and synonyms provides a wider net for a resource which can then funnel the user to the relevant resource.
When the chiefs perceive that a net gain can be derived, they readily enter into an alliance with the state elite.
In fact, the net gainers from decommissioning have been the clearing banks.
It was caught in a monofilament gill net off the southwest Coast of Guernsey in about 60 feet of water.
As at 31 December 2001, Euroclear had net assets excluding goodwill of E650 million (£ 397 million ).
Hunt met the delivery perfectly and struck a wonderful right foot half volley high into the net with goalkeeper Smith left helpless.
Celebrate this Halloween with all the special halloween horror greeting cards and ecards from halloween horror dot net.
Nor will it from the blatant handball from Drogba prior to putting the ball into the net in the second half.
Eventually in the second half Gilroy found the back of the net with a diving header from a wide free kick.
The person who is being hoisted is completely helpless, hanging like a trapped animal in a net.
The net proceeds of the sale will be used to repay indebtedness.
The net proceeds from the sale will be used to reduce the indebtedness of the Company.
Fifteen years ago, its net foreign indebtedness was zero.
Notwithstanding the recent rise in bank borrowing by SMEs, the net bank indebtedness of the SME sector has continued to fall.
The net cash inflow in 2003 primarily resulted from the proceeds from the exercise of the share options.
Net institutional fund inflows for the first six months of the year were £ 704 million.
M&G's net retail fund inflows also fell, down 19 per cent to £ 130 million.
Net investment product inflows of £ 0.9 billion are up 249 per cent on 2004.
Note to Editors NHS Net is a secure intranet within the NHS.
The Net would become largely invisible, subordinated to the various purposes for which we employed it.
The general overseas ration scale includes an arduous duty allowance to allow for climate and provides some 3,400 kilocalories net.
Two large external pockets to hold landing net, rod pod and bank sticks.
All anglers must have, and use a landing net.
Anyone fishing for specimen carp or predators must have a large unhooking mat and large landing net.
Plain cream printed dw, black lettering on front & spine, not price clipped 3s 6d net printed on front.
The Reds had the ball in the net two minutes later only to see the linesman with his flag up.
The keeper was left hopelessly stranded as Chris Moore beat him with a deft 10-yard lob into the empty net.
There were outside stairs leading to the net loft.
The net loss for the year was £ 4.2 million compared to £ 3.7 million in 1998.
Don't become an abuser Do not let a junk mailer provoke you into abusing the net yourself.
Such doctors represent a net loss of trained medical manpower from a country with an acute shortage of doctors.
On landing, lay them in the landing net on an unhooking mat, never on uncovered hard ground.
There are many courses on the Net that could be used in conjunction with local provision, thus providing a cost-effective means of education.
Like net mending it is an emminently social occasion with lots of people gathering around and talking.
Sam only failed to find the back of the net due to a jumbled mess with a defender and the St Ives keeper.
A built-in microphone, which transmits sound across the Net, is also part of the package.
It is based on an assumption that net migration will average 130,000 a year.
The net score is the positive minus the negative.
Hay rolled the ball into the empty net after cashing in on a bizarre mix-up between keeper Main and Derek Townsley.
Instead, they want to update reactionary modernism for the age of the Net.
Since it is so multifaceted Soul II Soul have been looking for various ways to take up the challenge of the NET.
It's not just about surfing the net to get discount shopping or play games.
Larrikin Love might cast a far-reaching net, but they do so with passion and flair.
A different neural net is used for each forecast type.
His way was blocked by City defenders who stood and watched and DAVE KITSON simply nodded wide of them all into an unguarded net.
Cusack played a sublime angled ball in to Andy Mumford who squared for Keaveny to steer into an empty net.
Using a mosquito net in an area where malaria is present is a good idea.
Three times a night, she went through her act, looping the loop without a safety net.
Each drift net would be up to 120 fathoms long, up to 12 nets would be joined together to create the drift.
The term net refers to net of reinsurance and the subscript refers to the policies that give rise to (say) mortality risk.
You can read more about net neutrality on the BBC website.
Matty McNeil had the ball in the net in the first minute, but was adjudged offside.
Decision net of expatriate medical insurance nonprofit organization under to go too.
Retail deposits now stand at £ 7.3 billion with a net outflow of funds for Egg in the quarter of £ 443 million.
T F 4. For a given amount of UK national saving, an increase in UK net capital outflow decreases UK domestic investment.
In Note 26, the excess of net resource outturn is analyzed by TLB Holders.
Forecast reconciliation of net operating cost to net resource outturn and resource budget outturn 15.
They spent hours in their favorite MUDs, sparking the first panic about Net addiction.
Net security services firm MessageLabs, which has a distinguished pedigree in spotting such outbreaks, told us it hadn't seen any problems.
Ecological assumptions entered into the models that were then used to predict evapotranspiration and net photosynthesis.
The latter was followed to the net by a jack pike of similar size!
The April 24 Wall Street Journal ran a story about some of the newer, more aggressive advertising ploys on the Net.
Parents are justified to be concerned about pedophiles using the Net to contact minors or distribute pornography.
Any density gradients result in net negative pressure gradients which act on positive matter to produce negative buoyancy forces.
The net lever was painted in metal primer along with the counter balance rail.
Tax is then charged o the net rental income profit.
The Net gives you access to a highly profitable market.
Net loss in efficiency of diesel electric propulsion at normal cruising speeds = 14% .
On the five first four hands would net q want to be.
A calling station would net q throwing darts shooting you a sense.
Its net foreign assets have nearly quadrupled in the past twelve years.
I was going to write a guide to playing quake over the net for all you people who haven't tried it already.
I wouldn't even surf the net with 256MB ram.
At this frequency a parallel resonant circuit is formed between the primary inductance and the net capacitive reactance reflected back from the secondary.
The NIC rebate would only be around £ 4,000, leaving a net cost to the company of £ 23,000.
But could the net provide the ideal receptacle for Gadda, this most spherical of writers?
Try to bring some insect repellent or a net.
Beach sediment loss and net drift reversal thus coincided, but without any evident causal relationship.
In the same period, a net 49% of stockists grew sales compared with 15% of specialist roofline installers.
It provides a safety net for the least fortunate.
On this point the comparison group have a different other safety net.
It is called being an adult and is good training for when you leave the safety net of university.
They were outraged at tightened game laws and the loss of the social safety net of common pasture and woodland.
In 2004, net sales exceeded $ 3.7 billion.
Trundle restored sanity with a superb curling shot into the corner of the net in stoppage time.
It has two bats filled with fried breakfasts and a string of sizzling sausages for a net.
Also covered in this edition is a quick start guide to getting net savvy, a survival requirement in the Web marketing world.
Portugal had the ball in the net through sub Postiga but he was well offside and the game was destined to end scoreless.
Stage Eight Ink is then removed from the surface using scrim (a net type fabric ).
From land-use data, a marginal net sequestration of 5.25 million tons of carbon occurred during 1986.
Use this template to cut out the required number of net circles, using pinking shears for a decorative finish if you like.
Another two fell by the wayside after a quick shimmy and then he stroked the ball into the net.
The common brown shrimp, Crangon crangon, can be found by sifting through the top layer of sand with a flat fronted net.
The conical-shaped stones belong to the same period, and were used, it is thought, as net sinkers or loom weights.
In no time they'll be using net slang too LOL!
The Essex boat did snag a mine which blew up in the net, astern of them.
However, Widdowson with another moment to forget saw the ball squirm through his hands and into the net.
Money net pension searches Nick Gardiner is financially stable at 26.
A classic look for autumn - these are the most luxurious lace net stockings on the site.
Two external pockets for umbrella, landing net, rod pod, bank sticks etc. Padded adjustable carrying strap, padded carrying handle.
However, they may go through net token subheads in Estimates (Chapter 11 ).
Connections Derbyshire Is your child safe surfing the net?
The final figure will be the net surplus or deficit for the period.
Higher rate taxpayers can give over a quarter more than a basic rate taxpayer for the same net cost.
But the cinemas occupy only one third of the net lettable area of the building, with the remainder including licensed premises.
I work on the frame machines now, that twist the silk thread around to make the net.
But it also includes handy Net tips and even how to create and publish your own web pages.
It also runs The A&R Network Music Board for aspiring tipsters and online music publishing Net The Best Songs.
Despite efforts to remove the Minnesota trial transcripts from the net, Putnam Pit has made them available.
The floor is a wire trampoline stretched between the walls with an acoustically transparent catch net below.
Over his shoulder are heaped the folds of a net, and he carries a trident.
The drift net had been set at 5 meters in waters more than 2000 meters deep to catch tuna.
We Are advised The Current Net turnover For 2005 Was In Order Of £ 85,000.
An alternative version had net tutu underskirts in shades of pink.
With the sling wet, the scales zeroed and the fish safely unhooked in the net it was time to lift it out.
I tried aloe Vera after reading up on it on the net.
Therefore, the £ 5,000 has been added to net salary and benefits before calculating and deducting the amount attributable to overseas workdays.
Business Angels are individuals of high net worth with a track record of business success.
Included in the Q4 2005 net loss was $ 589 million of non-cash write-downs related to long-lived assets, goodwill and intangible assets.
Net Lending Figures refer to gross lending less repayments and other adjustments (e.g. for bad debt write-offs ).
Taking the year 1905, the gross earnings amounted to £11,892,262; the working expenses, exclusive of interest, £ 7,443,54 6; and the net earnings £4,44 8, 7 16; the latter figure represents 3.31% upon the capital expended upon construction and equipment; in the subsequent year still better results were obtained.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer described the terms as " very liberal but not more liberal than they should be under the circumstances," and stated that Mr Scudamore had estimated that £6,000,000 was the maximum price which the government would have to pay, and that the Postmaster-General would obtain from the telegraphs a net annual revenue of £203,000 at least.
The surface of the coenosteum is covered by a layer of common ectoderm, containing large nematocysts, and is perforated by pores of two kinds, gastropores and dactylopores, giving exit to gastrozoids and dactylozoids respectively, which are lodged in vertical pore-canals of wider calibre than the coenosarcal canals of the general net 'work.
In 1907 it carried 153 million passengers, and its net earnings were 300,000.
The net direct funded debt (also secured by accumulating sinking funds) in December 1908 was $17,669,372 (3.61 millions in 1893).
The reply to this indictment is that the British land revenue is L16,000,000 annually, whereas Aurangzeb's over a smaller area, allowing for the difference in the value of the rupee, was X110,000,000; though the Indian Civil Service is expensive, its cost is more than covered by the fact that India, under British guarantee, obtains her loans at 31% as against 10% or more paid by native rulers; though India has a heavy military burden, she pays no contribution to the British navy, which protects her seaboard from invasion; the drain of the home charges cannot be very great, as India annually absorbs 6 millions sterling of the precious metals; in 1899-1900, a year of famine, the net imports of gold and silver were 1 3 o millions.
The word plagium is used in the Digest of the offence of kidnapping or abduction, and the ultimate source is probably to be found in plaga, net, snare, trap, cognate with Gr.
You were to have all the fish that happened to be in the net and nothing else.
First, let's consider the macroeconomic impact of this change—the effect it will have on the net economic status of the planet.
But in spite of the relative economic displacement they all cause, free trade, outsourcing, and technological displacement all have a positive net effect on the economics of the planet.
The net effect is positive, but the laid-off workers will probably have a hard time appreciating it.
But if you can tolerate it, what follows will explain why free trade sometimes hurts the (net) world economy.
And say the net cost to society of having a gallon of polluted water dumped into the river—the cleanup cost, or the economic impact of the gallon of dirty water—is $10.
But in the future when we have more and better information, if it turns out that some of these methods are not net gains, we will know that and look elsewhere for solutions.
The count moved in his affairs as in a huge net, trying not to believe that he was entangled but becoming more and more so at every step, and feeling too feeble to break the meshes or to set to work carefully and patiently to disentangle them.
I was going to write a guide to playing Quake over the net for all you people who have n't tried it already.
I would n't even surf the net with 256MB ram.
But Liam Nimmo was on hand to knock the rebound into the net from six yards.
Net interest receivable Net interest receivable comprises mainly the interest income generated from cash invested in short-term deposits.
In addition to strengthening family ties, the net is also proving to help establish new friendships and renew existing ones through e-mail.
Excluding reorganization expenses, the company reported a net loss of $ 114 million.
Excluding the reorganization items, UAL earned a net profit for the third quarter totaling $ 68 million.
Many respondents mentioned a wish for there to be an older persons ' discount on access rates to the net.
For the first twenty years of its existence, the Net 's development was almost completely dependent on the much reviled American federal government.
Net or cage ripening fruits to protect them from birds.
Most importantly, Inventor Series offers wannabe 3D users a safety net.
This is a safety net required by the state to ensure that you run a responsible and ethical business in the state.
A. The scheme acts as a safety net for customers of financial services firms regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
This is described as a ' safety net for children ' and is used to protect children from offensive content.
We are here to provide a safety net for members and their families.
Safety Net In their own words Safety Net is an informal network of non-heterosexual Christians and their friends.
Similar patterns were observed in the numbers of sardine eggs sampled by conventional plankton net tows at be time-series Station L5 off Plymouth.
A gill net does not destroy the sea bed unlike beam trawlers or even worse scallop dredgers.
Question 3 Explain what a net is in the context of schematic capture means.
So he'll go scouring around the net looking for computers running vulnerable services.
Step through the hoops, crawl under the scramble net, weave in and out of the poles.
Stage Eight Ink is then removed from the surface using scrim (a net type fabric).
The company said that net new home orders for the first two months of the second quarter fell 41% from a year ago.
They are also vulnerable to seine net fishing, and are bycatches of trawl fishing.
Although the system has expanded far beyond the university, the self-interest of Net users perpetuates this hi-tech gift economy.
In future the UK might have to become more self-sufficient in food production, or even a net exporter of food.