Nesting Sentence Examples
In spring, witness of nesting seabirds on coastal cliffs.
By the end of the week, the kittens will easily get out of the nesting area and explore their surroundings.
They are sometimes referred to as nesting boxes.
Coot Lake The tangles of vegetation are also secure havens for nesting birds.
With that being said, it's best to go into your nesting endeavors with the mindset of your baby.
However, the Grey-headed Sparrows nesting in rafters of the lodge were very accommodating !
Tree felling and undergrowth clearance is only done in autumn and winter to avoid harming nesting birds.
I watch a wagtail 's pulsing throat; It 's nesting in the sacristy.
You've seen this nesting instinct several times when your dog walks in a circle several times, sighs, then lies down and falls asleep.
Doctors Foster and Smith bedding for dogs includes bolster, orthopedic, nesting, specialty and travel beds, mats, pads, throws, pillows and bed accessories.
AdvertisementThese pesky insects are tiny, wingless, nesting creatures that feed on warm blooded organisms such as humans, and leave red wounds where they bite.
It has the same concept as the nesting dolls where you have a smaller one hidden inside the larger one.
A popular option to the end table is a nesting table set which can be stored together or used separately as the need arises for extra tables.
New throw pillows, a fun tablecloth, or accessories, like a set of Russian nesting dolls, will be enough to update your look and add a sense of movement and playfulness to your interiors.
Some animals will collect nesting material before mating season.
AdvertisementThe non-porous materials prevent fleas from nesting in the dog house.
She also seems to be digging in her cage with her head and scratching the cage walls; is this what they call nesting behavior?
You can purchase nesting boxes at pet supply stores or make your own.
While Jessica is enjoying a break from acting, she admits to being in a nesting phase with the purchase of a new house.
Nesting--the napping and fatigue occurring in pregnancy are jolted by a sudden burst of energy that leaves some women papering the nursery, making long to-do lists and attending to other important provisions.
AdvertisementVery early in pregnancy, vaginal bleeding can be caused by the fertilized egg nesting into the lining of the uterus.
The urge to suddenly cook, clean, or organize the nursery is called "nesting" and is quite common among women who are approaching their due date.
If nesting is accompanied by other signs, your baby could be on his way.
During the bird nesting season, from late September to mid-February, visitors can also explore the island's historic parade ground and can hike down the Agave Trail to the water's edge.
Behind the station, the mountains are home to thousands of pairs of nesting Little auks.
AdvertisementOf nesting bald also made their where darkness covers.
It can equally be used for other nesting birds you may come across.
Did you know that all over North America, migratory birds have stopped returning to their nesting grounds?
These discount birdhouses are well crafted and exquisitely designed to bring years of nesting pleasure for your feathery friends.
Guy Merchant, a pigeon expert, has been placing new nesting boxes in the town.
A large bumblebee, nesting below ground, where it is found in a variety of habitats.
Almost every bush seemed to provide shelter for a nesting burrow.
One of these is that Gower is home to an increasing number of nesting choughs.
Here, there is a large cliff supporting an enormous nesting seabird colony.
The fishponds often hold Goosander and Smew in the winter, and there is a heronry and colony of nesting cormorants here.
Help to halt the decline in house sparrows by building the bird nesting box below.
I should send an email to A&M and ask them if it's possible from the sticks to get aggressive when disturbed when nesting.
My first nesting doll was found at a trade exhibition at the NEC some 19 years ago.
It is a way of handling exceptions without having to propagate flags up through multiple levels of nesting.
Nesting suggests global warming pied flycatchers at Coedydd Aber are the latest to suggest that global warming is happening.
In the summer the forest is alive with nesting migrants such as the fabulous Paradise flycatcher, the Indian pitta and parakeets.
On a clear day you can see Scare Rocks in Luce Bay, home to thousands of pairs of nesting gannets.
Putting a nesting box in the garden will provide endless days of pleasure observing the goings-on in the box.
These birds are some of the most northerly nesting little grebes in Britain.
Along the coast, fulmars and black guillemots are common with puffins, shags, guillemots and kittiwakes nesting on the sea cliffs.
You have a unique opportunity to see at close quarters a rare colony of black guillemots nesting in the harbor wall.
The terrain changed with the broad green levels around the cobbled pavements of the raised beaches alive with nesting gulls.
At a rocky headland with a lighthouse we enjoyed a nesting colony of Silver Gulls which we could walk through.
They also have around 50 heron nesting here, I have seen young hatched in February but others still building their nests in March.
Dering Wood in Kent mainly consists of coppiced hornbeam which is thought to be an ideal nesting habitat for the birds.
Some women experience a nesting instinct - an urge to get their home ready for the arrival of their baby.
Most colonies of seabirds breed on sandstone sea cliffs which weather into a series of suitable nesting ledges and crevices.
Penhalt is a working farm with a few chickens and we have nesting house martins and swallows.
The crags and moorland are suitable nesting and feeding areas for a variety of birds, including the peregrine, merlin and red grouse.
A TV monitor shows recent footage of a nearby sparrowhawk nesting site.
The pond was an ideal habitat for nesting moorhens, coots and grebes.
We are left with the case that each argument has even multiplicative nesting depth.
From there on in, and to this very day, RSPB volunteers guard osprey nests around the clock during the nesting season.
Loess bluffs along the banks offer nesting places to Sand Martin (Riparia riparia) and other hole nesters.
Habitat creation and conservation measures for birds, which include nightjar, owl and lesser-spotted woodpecker, include the provision of nesting boxes.
They are the first nesting ospreys in mainland Spain for 60 years.
There are over 500 birds on site, including a large nesting colony of injured brown pelicans.
From an airplane a half-mile above white pelican nesting grounds here, the giant birds are hard to miss.
The fauna and flora (including nesting peregrines ), of this basalt based grassland reserve will form the basis of the tour.
We'll attempt a landing at Coronation Island, known for its extensive moss beds, nesting penguins and beautiful snow petrels.
There are a number of pigeon proofing devices which can be used to prevent or deter pigeons from roosting or nesting on your property.
The small birds like open ground for nesting sites and often nest in recently felled conifer plantations where there has been new planting.
Not to mention the dreadful unhygienic mess that nesting rooks can cause and the difficulty of removing the nests once established!
You may see birds gathering twigs and flying off with them, or hear noisy rooks in the tree-tops fighting over nesting materials.
The heron rookery at nearby Smith Oaks offers intimate looks at nesting Roseate Spoonbill, Tricolored Heron and Snowy and Great Egrets.
Lapwings increasingly use rotational set-aside for nesting but this is not considered optimal habitat for them.
At one extremity of the island there is a large colony of nesting Blue-eyed shags.
Here you also find nesting arctic skua and bonxie (great skua ).
Intensive grazing of pasture and saltmarsh can create a sward that is too short for nesting skylarks.
Spittle Mere also has a breeding colony of crested newts while the hawthorn scrub provides cover for nesting songbirds.
As the coppice grows it provides safe nesting sites for woodland songbirds such as willow warbler, marsh tit and blackcap.
However, the Grey-headed sparrows nesting in rafters of the lodge were very accommodating!
Insecticidal spray is necessary as there are normally a lot of insects, especially in bird nesting material.
The fronds of towering palm trees jostle for position above the medieval ramparts where nesting storks colonize each vacant turret.
Cruise crew were of nesting bald civil war storyteller crowd from the.
In the second incident last Tuesday, two swan eggs were destroyed when a dog attacked a nesting swan at Wood Pond.
Montana types soon produce a dense tangle of stems for nesting birds.
There are Sandwich, Common and Arctic nesting terns and a thriving colony of common and gray seals.
My office looks over a gravel beach area which is a nesting ground for arctic terns.
From January to March the beach is closed because of nesting turtles.
The peak nesting period for the turtles is April/May with the first hatching turtles emerging from mid May until the end of the season.
Keep it simple, wherever possible, avoid unnecessary nesting of tables.
The reedbeds and tall fen vegetation support nesting sedge and reed warblers as well as numerous cuckoos.
I watch a wagtail 's pulsing throat; It's nesting in the sacristy.
Occasionally recorded in the county, this is a small black solitary wasp nesting in dead wood in sunny situations.
Please do not trespass as habitat is under severe threat and it is easy to hike in noxious weeds and to disturb nesting birds.
These hand crafted wooden nesting dolls can be displayed lined up in a row, or stored neatly inside each other.
From time to time she performs a nesting wriggle.
The differentiation of the females leads to a complex social life, the nesting habits of ants and the various industries that they pursue being of surpassing interest (see ANT).
From Sharon J, UK We had red biting ants and black pavement ants nesting in our walls when we moved in.
Not to mention the dreadful unhygienic mess that nesting rooks can cause and the difficulty of removing the nests once established !
At one extremity of the island there is a large colony of nesting Blue-eyed Shags.
Here you also find nesting arctic skua and bonxie (great skua).
The island is divided into Mainland district (comprising the parishes of Northmavine, Delting, Nesting, Sandsting, Walls, Tingwall, Bressay, Lerwick and Dunrossness) and North Isles district (the parishes of Unst, Fetlar and Yell).
Among the solitary bees none has more remarkable nesting habits than the mason bee (Chalicodoma) represented in the south of France and described at length by Fabre.
During a stay of ten days an effort was made to study the nesting habits of the emperor penguin.