Nematode Sentence Examples
Potato cyst nematode cysts are only 0.5 mm in diameter on average.
Can we understand the underlying engineering designs that allow this tiny nematode to survive and flourish?
The nematode enters the bodies of vine weevil grubs, infecting them with a fatal bacterial disease from its gut.
An environmentally safer and lower cost solution may lie in an organism even smaller than the root-knot nematode.
A color photographs of the root knot nematode is also provided.
The Virtual Nematode uses 3-D animations and virtual reality environments as visual teaching aids for several concepts in plant parasitic nematology.
In 1998 the nematode became the first multicellular organism to have its genome sequenced.
Shared nematode parasite is developing in Pheasant much better than in Partridge, but has much greater effect on the later.
The nematode pest, once established, can cause severe damage to plant roots and seriously affect crop yield.
Onchocerca volvulus is a nematode that causes onchocerciasis (river blindness) in West Africa and Central America.
AdvertisementFor the nematode worm was an unknown in the world of model organisms.
The Nematode parasites of the Invertebrata are usually immature forms which attain their full development in the body of some vertebrate; but there are a number of species which in the sexually adult condition are peculiar to the Invertebrata.2 The Nematoda contain about as many parasitic species as all the other groups of internal parasites taken together; they are found in almost all the organs of the body, and by their presence, especially when encysted in the tissues and during their migration from one part of the body to another, give rise to various pathological conditions.
Nematoda (see Nematode).
This stands for Verticillium, Fusarium and Nematode resistance material.
The pinworm Enterobius vermicularis is one of the most common nematode parasitic infections of humans in North America and Europe.