Nelsons Sentence Examples
That general, Championnets successor, had been compelled by these reverses and by the threatening pressure of Nelsons fleet to evacuate Naples and central Italy.
The isolation of Bonaparte in Egypt, as the result Bonaparte of Nelsons victory of the Nile (1798), had enabled bftaks up the allies to recover some of the ground lost to France.
Unfortunately, Nelsons birthplace was demolished just after his father's death and replaced by the present rectory.
Unfortunately within a couple of years the Nelsons acquired a reputation for poor steaming.
Nelsons offers a perfect alternative to the continuing popularity of Ciro's Brasserie, our very own Mediterranean themed restaurant.
Nelsons offers a perfect alternative to the continuing popularity of Ciro 's Brasserie, our very own Mediterranean themed restaurant.
Mr Nelsons garden at Aldborough, in Norfolk, flowering at the end of May or beginning of June.
Buxton, have fine orange-red cups, which resemble Nelsons aurantius.