Neighbors Sentence Examples
My neighbors will be fortunate if I don't destroy them next.
Two neighbors reported seeing a black car near the house.
The neighbors continued to help, but they had their own lives to live and she was encouraging them to get back to their normal activities.
She couldn't help feeling bad she'd never taken much time to get to know her neighbors better.
Their eastern neighbors there are first the Magyars, then the northern Slays and the Poles.
Due to the closeness of the neighbors, I was fearful of noise causing Howie problems.
The neighbors were having a party around a huge bonfire.
It is clear, however, that the Celtic and Etruscan elements together occupied the greater part of the district between the Apennines and the Alps down to its Romanization, which took place gradually in the course of the 2nd century B.C. Their linguistic neighbors were Ligurian in the south and south-west, and the Veneti on the east.
Dean's offer to help was dismissed as he looked up and down the street hoping no neighbors were witnessing the growing pile of ample sized clothes.
The neighbors haven't seen her and she isn't out with Mr. Mayer either.
AdvertisementPhysical Characteristics.The best authorities are agreed that the Japanese people do not differ physically from their Korean and Chinese neighbors as much as the inhabitants of northern Europe differ from those of southern Europe.
On the other hand, among their neighbors in Zagros and the northcorresponding to the Anariacae (Non-Aryans) of the GreeksIranian names are at best isolated phenomena.
Dermot MacMorrough, king of Leinster, an unquiet Irish prince who for good reasons had been expelled by his neighbors, came to Henrys court in Normandy, proffering his allegiance in return for restoration to his lost dominions.
This doubleness may easily make us poor neighbors and friends sometimes.
By the term archaic is to be understood the pure Japanese language of earliest times, and by the term classical the quasi-Chinese language which came into use for literary purposes when Japan appropriated the civilization of her great neighbors.
AdvertisementWeakness in neighbors is regarded as an opportunity for conquest or, at least, coercion.
My neighbors did not thus salute me, but first looked at me, and then at one another, as if I had returned from a long journey.
From behind the crystal decanters and fruit vases, the count kept glancing at his wife and her tall cap with its light-blue ribbons, and busily filled his neighbors' glasses, not neglecting his own.
The cells belonging to any given thread may be recognized at an early stage of growth, because each cell is connected with its neighbors belonging to the same thread by two depressions or pits, one at each end.
These branch, and may be packed or interwoven to form a very solid structure; but each grows in length independently of the others and retains its own individuality, though its growth in those types with a definite external form is of course correlated with that of its neighbors and is subject to the laws governing the general form of the body.
AdvertisementTheir prior conversion to Christianity gave the people from Tonga several advantages over their neighbors.
It has few distinctive species, but within its borders the southern mole and cotton-tail rabbit of the South meet the northern star-nosed and Brewers moles and the varying hare of the North, and the southern bobwhite, Baltimore oriole, bluebird, catbird, chewink, thrasher and wood thrush are neighbors of the bobolink, solitary vireo and the hermit and Wilson s thrushes.
In this last regard it may be remarked that the impulse is less from religious conviction than from a desire to associate on more equal terms with their neighbors.
From his Christian neighbors he had nothing to fear.
Living back home where all of my relatives are, I was always being asked questions about money management from relatives, friends, and neighbors.
AdvertisementThe home is in town with neighbors close by but the high wooden fence in the back yard allows privacy sufficient to cover my night time visit.
Her resolve lasted until her father left for dinner with their wealthy neighbors.
They entered a large neighborhood and drove the same few blocks a few times before stopping in front of a large adobe hacienda walled off from its neighbors.
The Ouray Rescue Squad held an annual fund raising breakfast each Fourth of July, enabling the Deans to share an early meal of eggs, sausage, and fixings in the company of friends and neighbors.
In rural areas, first responders were often neighbors, which was the fortunate case with them.
Too much of the on-again, off-again war has impacted your neighbors.
By highway, the journey was fifty miles—ten miles north to Ridgway, then westerly to Placerville and then back toward the southeast, all necessary to circumnavigate fourteen-thousand foot Mount Sneffles and its towering neighbors.
We've been trading experts with the neighbors.
Talk to the wife and go down to Philly where he works and maybe check out some of the neighbors.
They might belong to neighbors.
A race was formed strong enough to keep the empire itself in check, strong enough, except for its own internecine contests, to have formed a nation equal to its happier neighbors.
But, in proportion as the people gained more power in the field the consuls rose into importance, superseded the bishops and began to represent the city in transactions with its neighbors.
But he appeared again on the scene in the general elections of 1909, as a Christian Democratic candidate; he was elected, and alone of the Catholic deputies took his seat in the Chamber on the Extreme Left, where all his neighbors were violent anti-clericals.
The ruder peoples which were neighbors to the Macedonians (Paeonians, Agrianes, Thracians) furnished contingents of light cavalry and javelineers (axovrtvrac).
Traces of these efforts survived, and inspired the idea that the art of writing was practised by the Japanese before the opening of intercourse with their continental neighbors.
It is interesting to note how the Celts absorb Roman and still more Greek culture, even imitating foreign coins, and pass on their new arts to their Teutonic neighbors; but in spite of the strong foreign influence the Celtic civilization can in some sort be termed national.
Having obtained possession of that part of Gaul which lay between the Seine and the Loire, Clovis turned his attention to his eastern neighbors, and was soon engaged in a struggle with the Alamanni which probably arose out of a quarrel between them and the Ripuarian Franks for the possession of the middle Rhine.
For fifty years the main efforts of Louis were directed to defending his kingdom from the inroads of his Slavonic neighbors, and his detachment from the rest of the Empire necessitated by these constant engagements towards the east, gradually gave both him and his subjects a distinctive character, which was displayed and emphasized when, in ratifying an alliance with his half-brother, the West-Frankish king, Charles the Bald, the oath was sworn in different tongues.
The same process took place in the case of great numbers of freemen of a lower class, who put themselves at the service of their more powerful neighbors in return for protection.
Much more important than Ottos doings in France weri his wars with his northern and eastern neighbors.
The news of this crushing blow cast a gloom over Germany, which was again suffering from the attacks of her unruly neighbors.
Meanwhile Germany was suffering severely from internal disorders and from the inroads of her rude neighbors; and when in the year Iooo Otto visited his northerfl kingdom there were hopes that he would smite these enemies with the vigour of his predecessors.
The destruction of imperial authority compelled them to organize their resources, so as to be at all times prepared against ambitious neighbors.
Urged on by necessity and opportunity, the Egyptians possessed sufficient enterprise and originating power to keep ahead of their neighbors in.
Such verbal resemblances as exist between Coptic and Semitic are largely due to late exchanges with Semitic neighbors.
Of its other neighbors, we must here mention the Sacae, a warlike equestrian people in the mountains of the pamir plateau and northward; who are probably of Mongol origin.
It was sprung from a predatory nomad tribe (the Parnian Dahae, Scythians) which had established itself in Khorasan (Parthia), on the borders of civilization, and thence gradually annexed further districts as the political situation or the weakness of its neighbors allowed.
Fortunately for the duke of Guienne the majority of his subjects had no desire to become Frenchmen; the Gascons felt no national sympathy with their neighbors of the north, and the towns in especial were linked to England by close ties of commerce, and had no wish whatever to break off their allegiance to the house of Plantagenet.
But his piety inspired him to redouble the persecution of the unfortunate Lollards, whom his father had harried only in an intermittent fashion; and his sense of moral responsibility did not prevent him from taking the utmost advantage of the civil wars of his unhappy neighbors of France.
He forced his neighbors of Portugal to make peace, his fleet defeated an English squadron off Rochelle, and he restored internal order.
Spain had the misfortune to be saved from timely defeat by the weakness of its neighbors.
We met neighbors the first day we moved in and joined a local church.
Peace will benefit the solar system, and your neighbors will be happy.
By highway, the journey was fifty miles—ten miles north to Ridgway, then westerly to Placerville and then back toward the southeast, all necessary to circumnavigate fourteen-thousand foot Mount Sneffles and its towering neighbors.
Before the uniformed officers left to interview the neighbors, Dean called Lieutenant Anderson to inform him of this latest development.
Soon some east European country will set the pension age at 70 to try to compete with its more powerful neighbors.
What can I do to ensure the alarm does not cause unnecessary annoyance to my neighbors?
India is characterized as increasingly assertive and casually indifferent to the security of its sub-continental neighbors; Pakistan as unstable and risk-taking.
Singapore has not stopped piracy so much as confined it to its neighbors ' backyards.
I have been burgled many times, my neighbors have been burgled many times, my neighbors have been burgled many times.
Thankfully she had bumped into one of her recently burgled neighbors and was on her guard.
The neighbors had two cockatiels in a large golden cage.
Also nice to chat to in the morning while your neighbors are still comatose.
Some experts believe the day will come when Czechs will barely comprehend their Slavic neighbors.
Pit Point that lies in a local concavity in all directions (all neighbors higher ).
However, the number of close lexical neighbors is strongly, inversely correlated with root size.
In Crawley, close to Gatwick, forensic investigators in blue coveralls searched a red-brick house as neighbors and journalists looked on.
Their next door neighbors (The Hackney Empire) had always coveted the building.
The SOS co-workers and neighbors of the SOS Children's Village, Nuwara Eliya, donated the clothes.
Why has man just these species of animals for his neighbors; as if nothing but a mouse could have filled this crevice?
Although in my infantile company Grandpa's ideas went down well enough, among his neighbors he came a real cropper.
During the 1960s the Irish government decided to adopt a decimal currency like many of its European neighbors.
A TV placed against the neighbors party wall will pro duce strong radiations in your room.
They have a history of battling not only aggressive neighbors, but also fending off the North Sea.
The bar is divided by glazed screens with urn finials, to allow customers chatting at the bar a little privacy from their neighbors.
Yet it too has stood firm, shoulder to shoulder with its neighbors, resolute in its defiance of the Dark.
Inspiration comes from his neighbors, teachers, and collecting folk songs in Yugoslavia.
The " first footer " into neighbors ' houses took salt with them.
Remember to also forewarn your neighbors to ensure they are not inconvenienced.
To the north our neighbors agricultural land rises steeply, and has gorse and fern growing, which is a haven for wild life.
The Marines shot them at close range and hurled grenades into the kitchen and bathroom, survivors and neighbors said later.
That said, China's neighbors still harbor suspicions about Beijing's long-term intentions.
His fear of looking incompetent in front of neighbors should get him into action.
The act was accompanied by so much mirth that neighbors were awakened and saw the men and the horns which led to much jeering.
He is looking for people to put it through their neighbors ' letterboxes, so that everybody gets a copy.
It may be necessary to add shielding to the light so that you avoid unnecessary light pollution which annoys astronomers and your neighbors alike!
It tells the story of a competition between two shopkeepers and neighbors, until the fascist menace makes them become friends.
But this worries Japan's Asian neighbors, which were victims of Japanese militarism in the first half of the 20th century.
The judge instructed him to purge himself with the aid of five neighbors, and issued a new monition.
Synopsis Laura Flannery needs a vacation from her boring life and a break from nosy neighbors.
How I wish I could make the world safer by snogging my noisy neighbors.
Or, " What you need to do is love your hostile Arab neighbors.
Later, they built stronger ships that could use either oars or sails for trading with their neighbors.
Her agent heard about a casting call going out for a role on the long-running Australian soap opera, Neighbors.
They also help deter pests from food scraps, and neighbors often appreciate not having to look at an ugly, uncovered pile.
Why do we have far fewer occupational physicians than our European neighbors?
Neighbors say Mr Burke, a retired postman, relied heavily on his wife's care.
Understanding the dynamics of Iran's relations with its neighbors helps explain why Iran feels able to resist Western pressure.
Neighbors continue to thank us for the summer prom which began the festival.
They included the publican, William Newton, and neighbors Arthur and Hannah Maughan.
These Acts indicate a limited readiness on the part of Parliament to intervene to deal with some of the causes of disputes between neighbors.
He remained a recluse for a long time unable to face the neighbors or answer their questions.
The owner must notify neighbors about any work s/he intends to carry out.
Remember, no house or flat is totally soundproof â everyone can expect a degree of noise from neighbors.
Unfortunately, it's a process that can also force working class communities, close knit neighbors and poor squatters out of their homes.
But even a miracle of western statecraft would only lead to Afghanistan's impoverished neighbors seizing a greater share of this lucrative trade.
I wanted to turn to my neighbors and tell them how excited I was, I wanted to hug random strangers.
Professor Arnold rightly notes Thietmar's professional interest in condemning the pagan superstitions of his Slav neighbors.
The game was so taut that when you did stumble across the old ET, even the neighbors could hear you scream.
Our foreign neighbors no longer pose a constant threat to our safety.
He went on to play the charmless would-be tycoon Paul Robinson in Neighbors.
I am sure when we finally go rank to role we will ditch the insignia on undress uniform like our neighbors have already done.
Being raised on Okinawa by relatives and neighbors, Luna was able to develop an innocent, yet uninhibited, personality.
Two sickly ghouls, in the form of downstairs hippie neighbors disrupt Art and Guff's already somewhat untidy lives.
Such a place must be very unwholesome, and the smell of it was complained of by the neighbors.
The neighbors in Make-Believe come together toy u s mail truck and show their creativity when they participate in a bass violin festival!
He has been embroiled in a planning wrangle with neighbors over an extractor fan at the premises, called Fifteen.
The nearer the neighbors, the more rancorous and internecine is the strife; and, as in all cases where animosity is deadly and no grave local causes of dispute are apparent, we are bound to conclude that some deeply-seated permanent uneasiness goaded these fast growing communities into rivalry.
He was often making trouble among his neighbors.
That it would mean people would no longer know their neighbors?
Nations can do this by acquiring enough military might that an attempted land grab would cost their neighbors more than they would get if successful.
Tiny countries willing to engage in free trade with their neighbors can prosper.
The greater part of what my neighbors call good I believe in my soul to be bad, and if I repent of anything, it is very likely to be my good behavior.
Confucius says truly, "Virtue does not remain as an abandoned orphan; it must of necessity have neighbors."
It was a rather cool evening, and some of his neighbors were apprehending a frost.
My dwelling was small, and I could hardly entertain an echo in it; but it seemed larger for being a single apartment and remote from neighbors.
Through our own recovered innocence we discern the innocence of our neighbors.
I do not wish to split hairs, to make fine distinctions, or set myself up as better than my neighbors.
The others, one's neighbors, le prochain, as you and Princess Mary call it, are the chief source of all error and evil.
Country neighbors from Otradnoe, impoverished old squires and their daughters, Peronskaya a maid of honor, Pierre Bezukhov, and the son of their district postmaster who had obtained a post in Petersburg.
Involuntarily Rostov recalled all the good he had heard about him from his father and the neighbors.
We all profess the Christian law of forgiveness of injuries and love of our neighbors, the law in honor of which we have built in Moscow forty times forty churches--but yesterday a deserter was knouted to death and a minister of that same law of love and forgiveness, a priest, gave the soldier a cross to kiss before his execution.
To love one's neighbors, to love one's enemies, to love everything, to love God in all His manifestations.
Mention must be made of the neighbors happily quacking ducks for those with sensitive ears !
The people who buy this stuff know its being robbed off their neighbors.
Check if your neighbors use slug bait especially if they are keen gardeners to be sure.
Here provisions were left by neighbors in return for coins soaked in vinegar in a pool at the edge of the well.
Unfortunately, it 's a process that can also force working class communities, close knit neighbors and poor squatters out of their homes.
But even a miracle of western statecraft would only lead to Afghanistan 's impoverished neighbors seizing a greater share of this lucrative trade.
Professor Arnold rightly notes Thietmar 's professional interest in condemning the pagan superstitions of his Slav neighbors.
Let the police and your neighbors know if you have had a suspicious caller at the door.
But it also fits perfectly with the girl-next-door image that she 's had since she was Charlene, the tomboy mechanic in Neighbors.
The neighbors went into the house to gawk at the furniture.
India frets that China may use these troublesome neighbors to put pressure on it.
This is typified by the growth in the number of American-style gated communities, where the better-off are comfortably isolated from their poorer neighbors.
Two sickly ghouls, in the form of downstairs hippie neighbors disrupt Art and Guff 's already somewhat untidy lives.
Is one 's bankruptcy cause for negative value judgements by employers, relatives and neighbors?
But reporting it will help your neighbors, as more reports mean more police vigilance in the area.
The neighbors in Make-Believe come together toy u s mail truck and show their creativity when they participate in a bass violin festival !
However, constant barking or whining of a dog can be disturbing or annoying for neighbors.
He decided not to build the fence because there were disputes by the neighbors.
The neighbors invited me over to watch the game on their new TV. I have to admit that I was jealous their TV's much bigger than mine!
Jamie's neighbors constantly asked him to go to church and called him an infidel when he refused.
The elderly couple abominated their rude neighbors because they constantly made loud noise at night.
I wasn't surprised when I heard my neighbors were getting a divorce, since I witnessed their regular altercations.
My Amish neighbors dress conservatively and do not believe in owning motor vehicles.
She had to turn up her music to cover the noise of her neighbors having a squabble.
Of course, if all else fails, you can simply ignore these nosy neighbors!
Leave the numbers of neighbors and relatives who live nearby.
Get to know your neighbors, and help organize a block party!
Get some friends and neighbors together to help out.
They worry about sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), germs, car seat safety, the family dog, family cat, neighbors, pedophiles, baby's eating habits and more.
Depending on the frequency, you may also have interference with your neighbors' monitors or cordless phones.
Follow the below advice and you'll have a snazzy, wonderfully decorated lawn that will make the neighbors jealous in no time at all.
If you're not ready to seek the help or advice of an adviser or broker, begin talking with people in your life like your boss, co-workers, neighbors or family members about mutual funds.
This prevents bass frequencies from traveling through walls and floors, which can greatly add to your neighbors' peace of mind.
Huge speakers in a small or moderately-sized space will make listening to music uncomfortable for you and your neighbors.
When you grill, do you feed a small family, or a herd of hungry friends and neighbors too?
If you have never seen something in stores within your local area, then neither have your neighbors.
One of the neighbors may assume she's a stray and is feeding her, or perhaps she's learning to hunt on her own.
Even pet owners can benefit from aesthetically pleasing feeding bowls since they be chosen to emphasize and complement your décor while they also provide attractive conversation pieces for covetous neighbors.
First, wait at least an hour, and then check with your neighbors.
It's okay to enlist the support of your neighbors by asking them to help you do a foot search, calling out your pet's name or squeezing its favorite noisy toy.
You should begin by getting together with a group of like-minded friends and neighbors and talking about what your goals are.
In contrast, an adventurous cat with a chronic fear of heights will become a problem not only to its owner, but to neighbors as well.
When stuck in a tree, a cat will often howl into the night and keep neighbors and owners awake.
Neighbors are typically forgiving the first time a cat gets stuck in their tree.
Your neighbors' budget should not factor into how you develop your family budget.
What happened inside the family home was never readily revealed to friends and neighbors, much less strangers.
If the furniture that you find on the Internet isn't exactly what you're looking for, ask friends and neighbors if they own any furniture that they're willing to part with, and take a look at what they come up with.
Since you're driving a roomy SUV, offer to carpool with neighbors, family members or coworkers.
Neighbors may also encourage a contained tumbler rather than an open pile in your backyard.
And don't be shy - get family, friends and neighbors involved too.
Wind turbines are also noisy and this means that they can make unattractive neighbors when sited next to residential areas.
It's like living in an old-fashioned neighborhood where everyone knows their neighbors, but where sustainable living and the desire to preserve undeveloped land is a common passion.
Beyond making your own compost out of all sorts of waste products, eco composters are a great way to be green and share with your neighbors and friends another environmentally friendly tip!
These eco-friendly composters are great to share with your neighbors.
If you can't afford your own, why not contact neighbors and share the expense?
Even if you have no need for the finished compost, you are bound to have plenty of neighbors who are keen gardeners or local organizations who will be pleased to take it from you.
If you decide to use an open container or heap for your compost, scent might also become an issue, so be considerate of your neighbors.
Inspire your neighbors and co-workers to recycle their old cell phones by setting up your own cell phone recycle plan in the form of a donation drive or donation station.
Spend some time going through magazines, browsing through furniture shops, and checking out friends and neighbors' homes to get some ideas about styles you like/styles you want to avoid.
Check with your neighbors and friends and find out if they have had any good (or bad) experiences with any local interior designers.
Research local archives and talk to neighbors or the real estate agent to learn the story behind the house and its original occupants.
Talk with neighbors, check the title, review tax records, locate deeds, or examine historic city maps.
Talk with neighbors who have recently renovated their homes for referrals.
It doesn't need to match the colors of your neighbors houses, but it also shouldn't clash with them.
You can also enter your address under the Neighborhood Watch tab and find out if any of your neighbors have committed crimes and what those crimes were.
Ask your neighbors, older friends or siblings, even teachers.
Teens looking to become a babysitter can often find work just by asking friends, family and neighbors, but putting an advertisement in a local paper can also bring in lots of job offers for babysitters.
They also might start watching their neighbors' children at the recommendation of their parents.
The players begin clapping in a sequence with their neighbors, first clapping left hand down, right hand up then right hand down, left hand up, before clapping their hands together.
It's a summer essential that will have your family, friends, and neighbors begging for more.
Guests who are in an outer circle often include neighbors, co-workers, parental friends, and business associates.
Grandparents, relatives, teachers, and close neighbors or friends can help provide good examples to underage youth.
The neighbors continue to rat them out, however.
Article titles like "Meet the Hot New Neighbors in Five Steps" and "Camping at White Trash Disneyland" give a sample of the overall mindset of the site.
If possible, try isolating your own pets by sending healthy animals to stay temporarily with friends and neighbors, or board them as a last resort.
While it may be possible to enlist friends, family, and neighbors to come to your home and check on your pet while you're away, it doesn't always work out as well as planned.
Go ahead and build a dog house that will turn your neighbors green with envy.
They say it is better to get along with our neighbors than to have the Hatfield and McCoy war.
Nuisance barking is a complaint shared by many pet owners, as well as their neighbors.
After all, most of your neighbors have either a Golden Retriever or a Labrador, so why not do something different.
An added benefit is that if your dog ever gets loose, your neighbors are more likely to know who its owners are.
The goal, once attained, will have you breathing a sigh of relief come winter time as you sit comfortably inside while your neighbors are trudging through the snow with their "less civilized" dogs.
You may have to remove them to make your neighbors happy.
Don't place lights so that they will shine into your windows, or your neighbors' windows.
Then you can relax while your neighbors try to figure out how to make their yard look as great as yours.
If the entire yard gets only partial sun or shade due to immovable objects like garages, homes, or trees in neighbors' yards, look for a place that gets bright direct sunlight and grow vegetables in pots instead.
The variety to choose depends upon your gardening zone; check with your local county cooperative extension office for suggestions, or ask neighbors for local favorites.
Plant only enough for yourself and your family, or give extra produce away to neighbors.
Better yet, if you have too many plants, give some away to lucky neighbors or start new strawberry beds.
As a result, neighbors were opening each other's garage doors.
You can see firsthand how the different garage door styles compliment (or don't) your neighbors' homes.
Look around at your neighbors' homes to see if any of them are clad in vinyl siding.
The style is very simple, clean, and it will give your deck a very different look from the neighbors.
A potential home buyer will not just be looking at your home; they'll be sizing up the whole block, so make sure your home's exterior color palette is in keeping with your neighbors to avoid a negative contrast.
Before they were sought after designers, Barbara and Patricia were neighbors, living just minutes apart from each other.
Throw a party and invite your friends and neighbors to browse through your jewelry selections.
We believe it is important to take a grassroots approach to being green and encouraging and educating your neighbors to get involved.
Local farm stands, farmer's markets and green-thumbed neighbors are all good sources for organic produce.
You don't want so many tomatoes or squash you scare your neighbors, but you don't want so few peas that when dinner time comes around, you have only seven to share!
In the face of unrelenting pressure to farm cheaply, organic local farmers, our teachers, neighbors and friends, were being driven out of business and off of their lands.
Neighbors heard the little girl screaming as they witnessed the abduction but could do nothing except call the police as the truck sped away with Amber in the front seat.
Although the neighbors were able to give the police a description of the man and the truck, the kidnapper was never apprehended.
Enlist the help of friends, family and neighbors, if possible.
Activity ideas for senior communities benefit the active aged, allowing them to interact and enjoy the camaraderie of neighbors.
Finding activity ideas for senior communities is sometimes as simple as chatting with your neighbors.
Work with family, friends, neighbors, and church members to arrange for rides in advance.
With its close neighbors and proximity to many lodging options, you can often walk to the park from many hotels.
Don't worry about shop keepers or the museum, only your neighbors and the Mayor.
Next, Nookie-boy gives you furniture and tells you to deliver it to one of your neighbors.
If you can't connect with friends, simply mail a few letters to your neighbors and attach a piece of fruit.
When you get four people (Xbox) jiving to a Gloria Gaynor song, the neighbors might call the cops.
What Animal Crossing does have is lots of friendly neighbors, tons of items, and more fun than should be possible to pack into one disc.
Gather fruit, plant flowers, buy furniture and wacky items for your home, then mail some letters to your neighbors and you might get a present in return!
Thinking back, I don't think the neighbors liked me that much.
Play it with your entire family, and invite all of your neighbors over as well.
Generally speaking, if they ask enough neighbors, they can narrow it down to a top ten list.
Take advantage of the lack of car horns, noisy neighbors, loud radios, and all the other day-to-day disturbances we live with in town.
Employers, other family members, friends, and neighbors may have difficulty understanding and relating to stepfamily issues.
Such behaviors can isolate children from parents who are too busy to notice and from neighbors who are not even aware of their trouble.
Even people who do not develop immunity through vaccination are safer because their friends, neighbors, children, and coworkers are immunized.
People should tell their friends and neighbors that they are quitting.
Many parents are concerned because their young children prefer "chat time" on their computers more than actually talking face to face with other children, so these children may not socialize as much in the homes of neighbors and friends.
In order to do this, all dancers simply raise their arms over their heads (instead of stretching them out to the sides) without letting go of their neighbors' hands and walking towards the middle of the circle instead of to the side.
Estate records contain a variety of information, including everything from the personal and real property of the deceased, to the heirs, their ages, guardians, witnesses, concerned individuals and even neighbors.
Many individuals ask for recommendations from friends, family members, or neighbors to find a good stylist, or it is possible visit a local upscale salon to consult with a stylist about specific needs.
Christians who homeschool also have opportunities to minister to their friends, extended family, and neighbors in ways other people are not able to.
Take your child to your local park, and spend time getting to know your neighbors.
If you have neighbors who own a pool, you can ask if they would like some help to keep it clean.
Good Neighbor Program gives certain people, considered "good neighbors," the opportunity to buy homes at a 50 percent discount.
Keep a temporary infatuation with those chubby cheeks in check by spending time with friends who have young babies or by offering to babysit for neighbors.
Located right next door to the always-packed House of Nanking, Jia's serves up Chinese food that is just as good-and maybe even better-than its immensely popular neighbors.
Fifty percent of those residential pool drownings occur in the backyard pools of neighbors, family members and friends.
In most cases, private pool parties are your most likely venue, as long as the pool is secluded from nearby neighbors and the party is definitely swimsuit optional.
You don't want to start getting calls from the neighbors.
Consider joining up with family members, friends or neighbors for a friendly card game the next time you have a free evening.
Talk to friends, relatives, neighbors, and acquaintances to see if they'd be interested in purchasing your candles.
A rainbow of colorful, miniaturized candles can make for thoughtful gifts for friends at the office, teachers at the school and even for neighbors.
Friends and neighbors were interested in buying these candles, and the company was born soon after.
For example, most people will find it much easier to sell $5 raffle tickets to their co-workers and neighbors than to sell tickets for a drawdown even that are $100 each.
These have 32 donation spots where friends and neighbors can scratch off as many spots as they want and agree to pay the donation amount found underneath.
You can look at other local charities and organizations to see what works, or even ask your friends and neighbors what type of fundraisers they would be most likely to attend.
The following sample letter is a sample written from a person who wants her friends and neighbors to sponsor her in a charity walk.
Depending upon the theme you choose, Christmas gift baskets are appropriate for friends, extended family, neighbors, coworkers, or your child's teacher.
Giving small gifts to neighbors, teachers, and coworkers is also common in addition to gifts for family and friends.
Edible treats slip easily into Christmas gift baskets, delight neighbors and friends, and give cooks and bakers a chance to put their personal touch on the season's festivities.
Jams and jellies are gifts you can make yourself and present to your friends, family members, and neighbors.
Include a copy of a poem with a plate of homemade cookies to make a special gift for your neighbors.
Decorate a gingerbread house together in your pajamas or make homemade Christmas gifts to hand out to neighbors.
Don't listen to the Christmas music so loudly that your family, neighbors or coworkers cannot hear their own thoughts.
Holiday-themed items will be slashed the most, so pick up some generic Christmas ornaments, candles, snowglobes or figurines for next year's gift exchanges, teacher presents or gifts for neighbors.
Gifts of food are often given to neighbors and friends.
Since buying gifts for friends, family and neighbors is an important tradition, trying to save money on these presents is essential to the household budget.
To incorporate this tradition, you might surprise your neighbors with an impromptu concert.
In the past family and friends got together and rode their horse drawn sleds to neighbors to sing Christmas carols on their porch.
You need to be comfortable having your neighbors, your boss, or your clients know you're looking for a date online.
Living in a place where your relationship is not judged by your neighbors will feel very refreshing.
What you're struggling with, is what family and neighbors will think if they learn of your desires.
I don't know your family and neighbors, but I would say that is unlikely.
Fort Sill Army Base neighbors Lawton, creating a large number of single military personnel looking to meet someone special.
Family members, neighbors, or friends to stage false settings or events.
Invisible set engagement rings are a brilliant and sophisticated design, with each stone gently kissing its neighbors for a tight surface of sparkle.
Issues now focus on rudimentary learning skills (how you take in information and relay it), your relationship with your siblings and issues with your neighborhood or neighbors.
Whether they are your co-workers, best friends or neighbors, you just like them.
Now it's time to compare each sign with the neighbors in its element.
As an earth sign, they give stability to their water sign neighbors and create boundaries so water can take form.
Ask friends and neighbors if they can recommend a sitter.
Give your child extra jobs that might need to be done, or encourage him or her to talk to neighbors about extra work.
Tyrrell, who discovered the Albertosaurus - named after the fact it lived right in Alberta - making it neighbors with Tyrrell.
Your friends, family members and neighbors are a great source of information when you are looking for free summer camps.
Kids can do the following jobs for neighbors or others in order to make money.
Shovel snow-Snow shoveling is not only great exercise, but chances are after a big snow storm, there are lots of neighbors in need of clean driveways and sidewalks.
There's a good chance many of your neighbors will be disinclined to get out and walk their dogs when the weather is bad, which is where your kids can step in.
Help with chores-Homeowners winterize every year, and neighbors or senior citizens might be grateful for a little bit of help.
Do you have neighbors who work all day and could benefit from one of your kids stopping in after school and playing with their pets?
Go door to door and talk to neighbors about the services being offered.
You might also want to organize events with your neighbors, especially if you know other families with children in the same age range as your own.
Another was the local economy; we are fortunate to live in a community with many small farms, and I'd prefer to support my neighbors than an anonymous global food corporation.
The neighbors and events around the building cause the couple to worry a bit.
Two months later, after neighbors complained of a horrible smell coming from the house, his body was found at the bottom of the stairs with a broken neck.
How does she feel when the neighbors tell her about Claire, the old lady who owned the house before the Smiths and vowed to kill anyone foolhardy enough to purchase the old manse?
You may also want to ask your friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers if they know of any stores offering deals like this in your local area.
If the item breaks is something you cannot repair, see if your neighbors or friends have the skills necessary to fix the item.
With the soaring popularity of Croc shoes, what could people do to set their feet apart from all their Croc-wearing neighbors?
Soap fans from all walks of life became neighbors who could chat over the Internet fence.
The Desperate Housewives cast list also includes several other actors, including the neighbors, young children, and teenage offspring who play supporting roles.
Lou spoke her mind and her family and neighbors knew better than to get on her bad side.
Her daughter Pauline Fowler and other women fill the role of matriarch well, by interfering in the lives of their children and their neighbors, but ultimately providing the strong link to the past and the importance of the family.
After the original story lines that revolved around a trio of women clucking about their neighbors, friends, and family, it was said that they were stuck in the '50s because of its distinctive view of working class life.
It might generate lots of clients and traffic, upsetting your neighbors.
Neighbors, longtime friends, doctors and landlords are a few popular contacts used.
Spread the word to neighbors, family members and friends to get your business started.
Start by slowly stomping twice, clapping your hands twice, slapping your lap twice and clapping the hands of your neighbors.
Going a little faster, stomp your feet twice, clap your hands twice, slap your lap twice, clap your neighbors hands twice.
Handmade Advent calendars also make thoughtful gifts for friends, neighbors, and those who have made your life easier throughout the year.
Give handmade ornaments as gifts for your friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers.
Finding people to speak French with is not at all difficult if you are willing to take online courses or join online communities, track down francophone neighbors, and are willing to travel.
When shopping for auto insurance, it is a good idea to speak to your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers.
So, mix your china sets or borrow from friends and neighbors.
For that reason, it's a great help if you are already friends with some of your neighbors and can recruit them to help with the planning.
If you aren't friendly with your neighbors, that is probably the first place to start.
Introduce yourself to your neighbors and ask if they would be interested in attending or helping to throw a block party.
Post fliers around the neighborhood announcing a planning meeting a time to get to know neighbors.
Explain to your neighbors why you want to have a block party and what you envision the day looking like.
Once you've figured all this out, you can assign different tasks to different neighbors.
It might be a good idea to come up with a theme for your block party that will help you and your neighbors decide what kind of food, drinks, music, decorations and activities to offer.