Neh Sentence Examples
The first clear trace of the triple choir is therefore in Neh.
The " bastard " (mixed race) of Ashdod reminds us of Neh.
But this was a modification of the Deuteronomic law naturally called for under the circumstances of the return from Babylon, and Neh.
By the Jews 2 the introduction of Targums is ascribed to Ezra; but this tradition, which probably owes its origin to the Talmudic explanation of Neh.
That the Jews themselves recognized no real separation is shown by the fact that no Massoretic notes are found after Ezra x., but at the end of Nehemiah the contents of both are reckoned together, and it is stated that Neh.
The offerings which are for the templeservice in Neh.
That the adjustment was attended with considerable revision of the passages appears from a careful comparison of Neh.
The compiler, however, clearly intends Neh.
The Priestly Code 3 has a different story to Balaam, in which he advises the Midianites how they may bring disaster on Israel by seducing the people Quoted Neh.
I sqq.; Neh.
AdvertisementThe memory of what is told in Neh.
Verses II, 19 (dearth of food), 20 (danger in the field, starvation in the house) agree curiously with Neh.
No mention is made of the Day of Atonement in the pre-exilic period, and it is a plausible conjecture that the present law arose from the desire to turn the spontaneous fasting of Neh.
He even makes use of Neh.
That this method of divination was not in actual use after the Exile is shown by Neh.
AdvertisementThe beginnings of it are supposed to be indicated in Neh.