Neglects Sentence Examples
Anyone who, having the means, neglects to bury a dead body which he is legally bound to bury, is guilty of a misdemeanour, but no one is bound to incur a debt for such a purpose.
It includes no scientific idea, no knowledge of the natural sciences, and neglects even the most rudimentary instruction conveyed in a European education.
He is succeeded by a foolish shepherd, who neglects his flock and lets it go to ruin.
When Bosanquet says that in " Heat is a mode of motion " there is no reference to individual objects, but " a pure hypothetical form which absolutely neglects the existence of objects," he falls far short of expressing the nature of this scientific judgment, for in his Theory of Heat Clerk Maxwell describes it as " believing heat as it exists in a hot body to be in the form of kinetic energy."
But this neglects the latent heat of solution, unless we may suppose it included by writing the internal latent heat L i in place of L in Callendar's formula.
In a remarkable speech delivered in 1872, he spoke with great warmth of the slighting of the colonies, saying that "no minister in this country will do his duty who neglects any opportunity of reconstructing as much as possible our colonial empire, and of responding to those distant sympathies which may become the source of incalculable strength and happiness to this island."
He is like Matthias Jochumsson in the copious flow of his rhetoric; some of his poems are perfect both as regards form and contents, but he sometimes neglects the latter while polishing the former.
The first part contains the specially empirical positions which Gassendi afterwards neglects or leaves out of account.
It is certainly an advance on the older patristic theory, in so far as it substitutes for a contest between God and Satan, a contest between the goodness and justice of God; but it puts the whole relation on a merely legal footing, gives it no ethical bearing, and neglects altogether the consciousness of the individual to be redeemed.
But man has lost the power to effect this by himself; he has alienated himself from God, and therefore no ethical theory which neglects the facts of sin and redemption is satisfactory or even possible.
AdvertisementIn the former case he neglects the study of savage myths; in the latter he unconsciously accommodates what he hears to what he calls " the truth."
The statement looks too much inwards and neglects the potentially immense strength of this situation.
Whilst teaching the public healthy peaceful living, Mr Patel neglects his own family members.
General friendly and compliant, the mainstream media neglects to report arrests and protests unless there's a violent photo-opportunity.
Harsh penalties await any organization with an established duty of care that neglects these precautions.
AdvertisementOf course, he neglects to consider the actual ramifications of this.
What you are saying is that when Kitty becomes a suffragette she neglects her daughter and ' tragedy ensues ', so to speak.
This neglects any charge in the air 1 See Authorities below.
The former deliberately neglects the possibilities of a political solution to the problem; the latter does not recognize the existence of the problem.
This is true, but it neglects some important details.
AdvertisementHe/she engages in reckless behavior, neglects to consider the effects of his/her actions on others and is often accused of failing to learn from past mistakes.