Neglecting Sentence Examples
I'm afraid I've been neglecting him lately, though.
The same draughtsman (who had in 1 775 produced a History of British Birds) in 1822 began another series of Figures of rare and curious Birds.8 The practice of Brisson, Buffon, Latham and others of neglecting to name after the Linnaean fashion the species they described gave great encouragement to compilation, and led to what has proved to be of some inconvenience to modern ornithologists.
The Portuguese and Spanish authorities were neglecting the payment and supply of their troops.
In taking this course Joseph made the capital mistake of neglecting the Machiavellian maxim that in changing the substance of cherished institutions the prince should be careful to preserve the semblance.
Kempe was a politician first, and hardly at all a bishop; and he was accused with some justice of neglecting his dioceses, especially at York.
A torque applied to the shaft A can be transmitted to D, neglecting friction, without change only if the central pulley K is held from turning; the torque required to do this is twice the torque transmitted.
Neglecting the external heat-loss, and the variation of the thermal and electric conductivities k and k', we obtain, as before, for the difference of temperature between the centre and ends, the equation O, Tho z Go = C 2 R1/8qk = ECl/8qk = E 2 k'/8k, (11) where E is the difference of electric potential between the ends.
The truth probably is that he took no interest in studies which there was no risk in neglecting, and thought as little of rejecting as of accepting the traditional doctrines.
As philosopher, politician, historian, essayist, orator, he aimed at lucid and harmonious expression - not, indeed, neglecting the importance of the material he undertook to treat, but approaching his task in the spirit of an artist rather than a thinker or a man of action.
As president of the elder society he had already in 1892 foreshadowed the ideals of the League in a lecture entitled " The necessity for de-anglicizing the Irish nation," not, he explained " as a protest against imitating what is best in the English people, for that would be absurd, but rather to show the folly of neglecting what is Irish, and hastening to adopt, pell-mell and indiscriminately, everything that is English, simply because it is English."
AdvertisementEven neglecting the isolated and local discharges due to excessive and generally unrecorded rainfall, the variation in the discharge of all streams, and especially of mountain streams, is very great.
Neglecting quantities of the second order, the pressure on the pulley is TdO, and the friction is MTd9 where p, is the coefficient of friction between the belt and the pulley.
The load, supported by the lower hook, is raised by hauling on the free end and, neglecting any slight obliquity of the plies of rope, the free end moves six times as fast H L C FIG.
Hence, neglecting friction, E7rD = 2 R7r(D - d), i.e.
The House of Commons, reflecting the spitit of the country, blamed Lord Clarendon for neglecting to answer Count Walewskis despatch, and blamed Lord Palmerston for introducing a bill at French dictation.
AdvertisementAt the Diet of 1825, when the motion for founding a Hungarian academy was made by PM Nagy, who bitterly reproached the Magyar nobles for so long neglecting their mother-tongue, Szechenyi offered to contribute a whole year's income (60,000 florins) towards it.
Throughout his logical writings De Morgan was led by the idea that the followers of the two great branches of exact science, logic and mathematics, had made blunders, - the logicians in neglecting mathematics, and the mathematicians in neglecting logic. He endeavoured to reconcile them, and in the attempt showed how many errors an acute mathematician could detect in logical writings, and how large a field there was for discovery.
The ordinary medieval literature reached Iceland through Norway, and every one began to put it into a vernacular dress, so neglecting their own classics that but for a few collectors like Lawman Hauk they would have perished entirely.
But as this surface is obtained by assuming that the interfering streams follow the same route in the crystal, and by neglecting the refraction out of the crystal, it does not lend itself to accurate numerical calculations.
Neglecting" conduction, all the expressions which he gives are equivalent to the equations of Thomson.
AdvertisementTo this petition Ambrose replied in a letter to Valentinian, arguing that the devoted worshippers of idols had often been forsaken by their deities; that the native valour of the Roman soldiers had gained their victories, and not the pretended influence of pagan priests; that these idolatrous worshippers requested for themselves what they refused to Christians; that voluntary was more honourable than constrained virginity; that as the Christian ministers declined to receive temporal emoluments, they should also be denied to pagan priests; that it was absurd to suppose that God would inflict a famine upon the empire for neglecting to support a religious system contrary to His will as revealed in the Scriptures; that the whole process of nature encouraged innovations, and that all nations had permitted them, even in religion; that heathen sacrifices were offensive to Christians; and that it was the duty of a Christian prince to suppress pagan ceremonies.
Neglecting his promise to lead a crusade, Frederick was occupied until 1225 in restoring order in Sicily.
There is a military commutation tax of $2, and all persons neglecting to pay it or to pay the poll tax are liable to imprisonment.
You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.
Results, especially among those neglecting the historical roots of the phenomenon, have sometimes remained one-sided.
AdvertisementEdward Sissons engine tenter at the Park Pit was charged by Mr. Wells of neglecting rules 51 and 52 of the pit.
About this time the duke plunged into a whirl of dissipation, and chose the beautiful but unscrupulous Contessa di Verrua as his mistress, neglecting his faithful and devoted wife.
Under the influence of Leibnitz, Boscovich, Kant and Herbart, he supposed that bodies are divisible into punctual atoms, which are not bodies, but centres of forces of attraction and repulsion; that impenetrability is a result of repulsive force; and that force itself is only law - taking as an instance that Newtonian force of attraction whose process we do not understand, and neglecting that Newtonian force of pressure and impact whose process we do understand from the collision of bodies already extended and resisting.
Neglecting the very small buoyancy of the vapour, the hydrostatic pressure P at the foot of the column of solution is h g p where h is the height of the column and p the mean density of the solution.
Regarding Protagoras, Gorgias and Isocrates as types of one and the same sophistry (pp. 4 8 7, 493, 495, 499, 544, 2nd ed.), and neglecting as slander or exaggeration all the evidence in regard to the sophistry of eristic (p. 540), he conceives that the sophists undertook " to educate young men so as to make them better qualified for statesmen or ministers," and that " that which stood most prominent in the teaching of Gorgias and the other sophists was, that they cultivated and improved the powers of public speaking in their pupils."
Thereupon the Newtonian analysis which preceded this synthesis, became forgotten; until at last Mill in his Logic, neglecting the Principia, had the temerity to distort Newton's discovery, which was really a pure example of analytic deduction, into a mere hypothetical deduction; as if the author of the saying " Hypotheses non lingo" started from the hypothesis of a centripetal force to the sun, and thence deductively explained the facts of planetary motion, which reciprocally verified the hypothesis.
Of these, the most prominent are - the proneness to suppose in nature greater order and regularity than there actually is; the tendency to support a preconceived opinion by affirmative instances, neglecting all negative or opposed cases; and the tendency to generalize from few observations, or to give reality to mere abstractions, figments of the mind.
His chair was one of Southern Literature, but, neglecting his proper subject, he chose, in conjunction with Michelet, to engage in a violent polemic with the Jesuits and with Ultramontanism.
The chiefs who had planned to hurl the famished warrior host upon the colony had committed an incredible blunder in neglecting to call the nation together under pretext of witnessing the resurrection.
From behind the crystal decanters and fruit vases, the count kept glancing at his wife and her tall cap with its light-blue ribbons, and busily filled his neighbors' glasses, not neglecting his own.
You could unknowingly void your warranty by neglecting a small detail in the agreement.
Showering him/her with expensive presents and neglecting to discipline inappropriate behavior will only create problems later on.
If you have a hobby that you've been neglecting for awhile, take the time to pursue this special interest.
Many people make a party fumble before even walking through the door by neglecting to add that extra twilight touch to their eyes.
Those who focus all of their energy on competition and physical conditioning often suffer negative consequences as a result of neglecting the other aspects of wellness.
Those with significant addictions use the chewing tobacco against its guidelines and retain the tobacco in their mouths overnight, along with neglecting to spit the juices of the product out.
Before agreeing to have your hair braided, however, negotiate a price - many vendors only quote a per braid fee, neglecting to mention that a typical hairdo may contain dozens of braids.
Unfortunately, by neglecting the dental health care of their dog, owners are inadvertently shortening the lifespan of the pet they love and are trying to protect.
Neglecting to cover seedlings may result in the plant not flowering and no vegetable harvest.
Business casual doesn't mean neglecting your belt and shoes simply because "casual" is in the title.
On the other hand, neglecting regular eye care can lead to losing your ability to live independently or make day-to-day activities more difficult.
But making your relationship with your spouse a priority doesn't mean you're neglecting your children.
He or she may make unsafe choices, having sex with strangers and/or neglecting to use a condom.
Kids are notorious for neglecting their four-legged friends after the "new" wears off.
Just as some people cannot not talk about what they know, so Internet fans cannot help themselves but to reveal everything they know, often neglecting to label it with a spoiler warning.
Most people do not get even half of the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables each day, which means they are neglecting some of their bodies' most important needs by failing to provide adequate phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals.
Despite the claim that only certain foods interact chemically to burn fat, the only similarities between these two plans are that both menus make use of low calorie common diet foods while neglecting needed nutrients and fiber.
When working out your abdominal muscles, performing lower ab crunches can help you to avoid neglecting this all-important part of your core muscle group.
If you're a runner, you may be focusing on stretching your lower body and neglecting your upper body in the process.
Landlords are sometimes in a precarious position; they want to earn money by collecting rental income, but in order to do that they must trust someone else to live in their homes without causing damage or neglecting needed repairs.
The idea behind this benefit is to encourage Plan members to visit their dentist regularly to avoid costly procedures that result from neglecting this important part of one's health care.
Betsy, usually as nearly sympathetic as Martha, pointed out there were scads of other missing children we were neglecting.
Besides, I've been neglecting him lately.
Why hadn't she realized that she was neglecting Alex - and outstaying her welcome with Katie and Bill?
That was the man she had been neglecting lately to spend time with the twins.
I've been neglecting Alex.
If V be the potential, p the density of free electricity at a point in the atmosphere, at a distance r from the earth's centre, then assuming statical conditions and neglecting variation of V in horizontal directions, we have r2 (d/dr) (r 2 dV/dr) - - 4.rp = o.
The remedy proposed by Descartes is (while not neglecting our duties to others, ourselves and God) to let doubt range unchecked through the whole fabric of our customary convictions.
Mayer made an assumption the converse of that of Seguin, asserting that the whole of the work done in compressing the air was converted into heat, and neglecting the possibility of heat being consumed in doing work within the air itself or being produced by the transformation of internal potential energy.
Neglecting both his see and his professor - ship, to which latter he appointed a deputy described as highly incompetent, he withdrew to Calgarth Park, in his native county, where he occupied himself in forming plantations and in the improvement of agriculture.
It cannot justly be said that the companies made large profits while neglecting to develop the services adequately, but it is true that they were not able commercially to comply with many of the demands made upon them by the public. Until speculation took place in anticipation of government purchase, the market prices of the telegraph securities were mostly below par.
Butler's argument is that the individual suffers (and feels that he suffers deservedly) from neglecting these.
From the Greek sophists they borrowed ingenious ways of playing off one duty against another, or duty in general against self-interest - leaving the doubter in the alternative of neglecting the one and being a knave, or neglecting the other and being a fool.
As the Scots were forced back, a part of Dacre's force closed upon the other flank, and finally Dacre himself, boldly neglecting an almost intact Scottish division in front of him, charged in upon the rear of King James's corps.
The latter had, in neglecting anatomy, neglected the most solid basis for studying the natural history of disease; though perhaps it was less from choice than because his practice, as he was not attached to a hospital, gave him no opportunities.
At the height of his country's disasters he sought to confirm his own power by making terms with the Florentines, by yielding certain castles to Lucca, and by neglecting to conclude negotiations with the Genoese for the release of the prisoners, lest these should all prove more or less hostile to himself.
He was far however from neglecting the science and art of war, for thus early he had begun to make his name as a theorist as well as a mathematician.
Neglecting small terms of the second order, the equation may then be written in the form v - b=RO/p - co(Oo/O)=V - c,..
Agitation in the imperial parliament stopped government action, but the publicity of the finding of the privy council warned all concerned against the risk of neglecting the common law of the empire whenever they were not prepared to follow the lex loci contractus.
If the angle 0 1 =0 2 =120 0, Q = (P - p) neglecting friction.
In so far as the older doctrine is open to the charge of neglecting the conative and teleological side of experience it can afford to be grateful to its critics for recalling it to its own eponymous principle of the priority of the "ideal " to the " idea," of needs to the conception of their object.
Substituting these values and neglecting powerssof dy/dx above the second we get CU P= 17.
They have been charged with paying an exaggerated attention to form, and with neglecting the subject-matter of the classics.
So in the under world he complained that his wife was neglecting her duty, and he persuaded Hades to allow him to go back to the upper world and expostulate with her.
Probably Saladin made his worst strategical error in neglecting to conquer it before winter.
The probable error in neglecting any variation of specific heat is small, and we may calculate L from the values of Lo - (s - s') (To - T), where s - s' is about 0.5 calories.
Putting in these values and integrating we have, neglecting terms involving 0', P=12.06 0-0.021 O s where P is the osmotic pressure in atmospheres.
Neglecting the volume change with temperature this gives P=I+TdP/aT for the relation required.
In the event of their refusing obedience or neglecting to elect, the bishop may be appointed by letters patent under the Great Seal without the form of election.
Johnson has frequently blamed Shakespeare for neglecting the proprieties of time and place, and for ascribing to one age or nation the manners and opinions of another.
The prevalent political economy, in which that theory was embodied, made a principle of neglecting the very evils which it should be the great function of government to remedy.
Now this last admission precludes Sidgwick from neglecting, as Grote had done, the evidence of the Euthydemus.
Indeed, the author of this article finds in the writings of Plato a grave and discriminating study of the several forms of sophistry, and no trace whatsoever of that blind hostility which should warrant us in neglecting his clear and precise evidence.
For the rise in the boiling-point, we have by Clapeyron's equation, dp/do = L/ov, nearly, neglecting the volume of the liquid as compared with that of the vapour v.
Omitting w and neglecting the small variation of the specific heat of the liquid, the result is simply the addition of the term (c-b)/V to formula (23) log p=A+B/B - I - C log B-f-(c-b)IV..
Neglecting the vertical acceleration we have P=gpx, whence a f ay\
Neglecting the mass of the shaft itself, when the shaft rotates with an angular velocity a, the centrifugal force Wae/g will act upon the shaft and cause its axis to deflect from the axis of rotation a distance, y say.
Persons neglecting for two terms to pray for a habeas corpus shall have none in vacation.
Neglecting second reserve formations, therefore, the paper dispositions gave Thrace 23 and Macedonia 22 divisions, to either of which might be added a further 18.
One such assumption is that, if the dam is well built, the intensity of vertical pressure will (neglecting local irregularities) vary nearly uniformly from face to face along any horizontal plane.
Neglecting to remove your makeup is a great way to trigger breakouts, clogged pores and irritated skin in general.