Negative-pressure Sentence Examples
The reason of this is apparently that the negative pressure of the pleural, and partly of the peritoneal, cavity tends to aspirate a liquid relatively thicker, so to speak, than that effused where no such extraneous mechanism is at work (James).
The passage of the fluid is readily effected by negative pressure produced by an ordinary water exhaust-pump.The P Y Y effects of the filtrate are then tested by the methods used in pharmacology.
This will evidently happen when the centre of pressure i' is two-thirds from the inner toe b and one-third from the outer toe c'; and if we displace the centre of pressure still further to the right, the condition that the centre of figure of the diagram shall be vertically under that centre of pressure can only be fulfilled by allowing the point j to cross the base to j" thus giving a negative pressure or tension at the inner toe.
A negative pressure difference indicates a weather pattern dominated by colder continental airstreams.
Vacuum-assisted closure Vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) is a non-invasive technique whereby negative pressure is delivered in a uniform manner to a wound.
Any density gradients result in net negative pressure gradients which act on positive matter to produce negative buoyancy forces.
Parents should avoid negative pressure on children to stop sucking their thumbs; this habit is eventually outgrown by all children.
A perforated eardrum may be caused by infection, trauma, or negative pressure from underwater diving or an airplane flight.
It is often associated with an abnormal or malfunctioning eustachian tube, which causes negative pressure in the middle ear and leaking of fluid from tiny blood vessels, or capillaries, into the middle ear.