Nefarious Sentence Examples
I know the list of nefarious uses of the Internet—but on balance, we are building it for good purposes.
There are many ways for nefarious individuals to hack into Facebook to steal information.
It's all a trap, masterminded by the nefarious organization known as Octopus.
The Internet is still new enough that many people don't know how to protect themselves or guard against nefarious activity.
Then there was Fitzgerald, Dean's prime candidate for any nefarious act, most notably some involvement in Billy Langstrom's death.
Fake news goes beyond simple bias. It can be misleading or even nefarious in nature.
The traders engaged in the nefarious traffic in Kanaka labour for Fiji and Queensland had taken to personating missionaries in order to facilitate their kidnapping; Patteson was mistaken for one of these and killed.
Scammers can use your information to try and scam money out of others, among numerous other nefarious acts.
Well, whether you have nefarious motives or benign reasons for wanting an invincibility cheat, the answer to your question is below.
What powerful threats might be exerted to force this skill to someone's use, nefarious of otherwise?
AdvertisementBetter to have him concentrate on Fitzgerald, who was beginning to look more and more like a candidate, not only for sheriff, but for some nefarious activities.
Nik and Mrs fiend remain a nefarious nucleus, able to attract the finest in contributing satellites for their ravishing reverberations.
The war lasted from February to September 1517 and ended with the expulsion of the duke and the triumph of Lorenzo; but it revived the nefarious policy of Alexander VI., increased brigandage and anarchy in the States of the Church, hindered the preparations for a crusade and wrecked the papal finances.
Immediately afterwards Augustus was persuaded by the plausible Livonian exile, Johan Reinhold Patkul, to form a nefarious league with Frederick of Denmark and Peter of Russia, for the purpose of despoiling the youthful king of Sweden, Charles XII.
At an early stage he came to the conclusion that Dreyfus was the innocent victim of a nefarious conspiracy, and on the 13th of January 1898, with his usual intrepidity, he published in the Aurore newspaper, in the form of a letter beginning with the words J'accuse, a terrible denunciation of all those who had had a hand in hounding down that unfortunate officer.
AdvertisementThe former may profit by the study of his marvellous lucidity and vehemence, the latter by his sublime audacity in exaggeration and the sophistry with which he involves the innocent halfpence in the obloquy of the nefarious patentee.
Most of us know that information sent over Internet wires can be used by individuals who have nefarious intent in mind.
Since that point, Alcatraz Island, with its unique nefarious prison history, has drawn over one million visitors a year.
In the end if you have the most money and property, then you are successful in your efforts to beat the villains at their own nefarious game!
My last chore is determining if I have slain the nefarious tipster or if she now sits in my van with a look of fury painted on her beautiful face.
AdvertisementSince the middle of the, 9th century, indeed, much of it has run in the most questionable channels; the nefarious coolie traffic gradually increased in extent and in cruelty from about 1848 till it was prohibited in 1874, and much of the actual trade is more or less of the nature of smuggling.
Moreover, Great Britain and Russia very properly insisted that Charles John's first duty was to the anti-Napoleonic coalition, the former power vigorously objecting to the expenditure of her subsidies on the nefarious Norwegian adventure before the common enemy had been crushed.
Ignorance is the mother of suspicion as well as of superstition; and accordingly the Christian inhabitants of the Lebanon have long been persuaded that the Druses in their secret assemblies are guilty of the most nefarious practices.
Small details, such as an IV of Kool-Aid for an injured driver and Paul Reubens as a nefarious pit crew member, add to the fun.
To help deter hackers, malware downloads, browser hijacking and other nefarious Internet activities, use the following Twitter safety tips to keep yourself protected.
AdvertisementKris wanted to think that Kiki was the demon trying to drag him into Hell for nefarious purposes. It was almost easier to swallow than reaching out to help the brother he'd held as his enemy for so long. And who might've been more able to hold the Council together than Kris.
The players sped through Dean's mind like a theater curtain call—Vinnie and his friends, Mayer from World Wide, or Arthur Atherton's nefarious clients.
Celebrities that have been busted for other nefarious activities make the "miscellaneous" list.
The web is not a safe place for your data; many hackers put malware and viruses out there looking for unprotected servers so that they can alter the data toward their own nefarious ends.
Due to this surge in collectability, many nefarious companies regularly flood the market with well-made replicas, which are generally worth less than the authentic models.
Trusted Website Access Permissions - Some large websites that Facebook knows aren't up to nefarious means, such as, are granted full access of all the information on everyone's Facebook page.
Unfortunately, not much else of value is found on the planet and the wealthy-or anyone with the funds to do so-leave Pandora to the desolate and vagabonds who are forced to survive by looting and other nefarious means.
Players can record any sound in the game, from voices to ringing bells to cats in the alleyway, and use them to solve puzzles, control the nefarious Metrognomes, or even combat situations.
Great Britain and Prussia very properly insisted that Charles John's first duty was to them, the former power rigorously protesting against the expenditure of her subsidies on the nefarious Norwegian adventure before the common enemy had been crushed.
Was this break in and shooting a coincidental event or might someone else have been as clever as I at tracking down this nefarious tipster?
Into the dyeing of silk it is not here necessary to enter, except in so far as concerns a nefarious practice, carried on in dye-houses, which has exercised a most detrimental influence on the silk trade.