Needs Sentence Examples
She needs to learn her place fast.
She needs to rest.
She had been so distracted with her own troubles that his interests and needs had been ignored.
He needs someone to look after his house while he's working the ranch.
He needs to learn some control.
Sofi needs a doctor.
There is something about the way she looks at you when she needs your help – so vulnerable.
Still, she needs my help, do you think?
He needs desperately to know what happened to his sister and what he did that turned his own mother against him.
Rhyn needs to know.
AdvertisementHe would take care of their needs.
She needs privacy... especially now.
Alex had been attuned to her silent wants and needs because it was important to him.
He's got all the loaves and fishes he needs.
The Council needs you.
AdvertisementWhoever camps for a week in summer by the shore of a pond, needs only bury a pail of water a few feet deep in the shade of his camp to be independent of the luxury of ice.
Featuring rotating daily specials and a full menu, this restaurant has a friendly and accommodating staff that is eager to cater to your needs.
He needs you right now, whether he knows it or not.
All he needs is the couch.
Listen, I know I'm not any good at these affairs of the heart, but I am a man, and a man needs time to sit on things before he figures out where his head is at.
AdvertisementElisabeth, Sarah needs to see you, excuse us.
No, I think he needs his space.
He needs to lay down the law.
Aunt Clara, Mom needs some of that stuff you spray on the furniture.
Apotheosis can mean nothing to those who hold that a man may be reborn as a god, but still needs redemption, and that men on earth may win redemption, if they are brave enough.
AdvertisementAgriculture exists only for the supply of local needs.
The system is economical in fuel, but needs skilled attendance to keep the appliances and fittings in order.
The apparatus needs constant attention, since neglect in stoking would result in stopping the generation of steam, and the whole system would almost immediately cool.
To meet the needs of technical and industrial education there are a school of mines at San Juan, a school of viticulture at Mendoza, an agronomic and veterinary school at La Plata, several agricultural and pastoral schools, and commercial schools in Buenos Aires, Rosario, Bahia Blanca and Concordia.
She began asking Dron about the peasants' needs and what there was in Bogucharovo that belonged to the landlord.
It will take care of you, of your needs, and of your welfare.
While imprisoned in the shed Pierre had learned not with his intellect but with his whole being, by life itself, that man is created for happiness, that happiness is within him, in the satisfaction of simple human needs, and that all unhappiness arises not from privation but from superfluity.
High class chefs may take this as an insult, but the staff of most restaurants understand that people have a variety of needs and restrictions when it comes to their diets.
I'll be over there in a few minutes so you can show me what needs to be taken care of while you're gone.
Of course I'd continue to help Howie as much as he needs.
No one wants to die, and his body will tell you what it needs from you.
For someone who needs more power, it's a very useful talent.
Maybe that's the incentive he needs.
Your woman's sister needs attending to.
Mansr needs the help.
He needs someone to remind him that there is more to his life than war.
Well, I guess it's time we see if Fred needs any help with our guests from Boston.
It don't look like either one needs the other's check book.
I've tossed him a scrap of bread but I fear it will be inadequate to meet his long-term needs.
She needs someone and you're the only person she has.
Before Dean could remember what Shanghai offered for public transportation, Fred set about taking care of the needs and concerns of the returning guests.
We've got about three feet of snow out there that needs shoveling.
Jackson stood close enough to hear the conversation, and as soon as the moron committed to buy a watercolor; he approached Elisabeth, put his arms around her and said, Darling, the caterer needs to see you for a minute.
She and her husband, Marc saw to the day-to-day needs of Fairhaven.
No, I'm sure he'll be fine soon, just needs some rest.
Unfortunately, Arnie needs a babysitter, someone who can hush up anything he says that he shouldn't.
I explained that she needs to do what I say or else.
Tim, she needs to know.
He needs me, Lana begged.
Kris can't keep everyone together. He needs your … charm.
But who needs life insurance?
He needs help with fat-cat client—one of his Philadelphia gangsters.
Say Cleary rented the place innocently—he's a coast-to-coast truck driver or something and needs a temporary place, just like Burgess.
He said he needs some time to straighten out his head.
If she couldn't get out, how was she going to take care of her feminine needs?
Maybe he needs a rest from me.
He was as concerned with her wants and needs as he was with his own.
Simply purchasing needs without the stress of budgeting was a relief.
Katie needs me right now.
She needs to stay for a few more days at least, but if she is doing well, we can release her Friday — as long as you have someone to take care of her.
For as long as she needs me.
His method was direct — addressing her needs with simple statements and questions.
She didn't jump the minute Destiny made a sound, but she did tend to her needs, speaking in a soft loving voice.
Darian needs a mate, or it'll be catastrophic.
I gave him free rein to do what he needs to.
You need to make your choices, and he needs to make his.
She doesn't know she needs you.
You know I cannot leave my Tiyan when it needs me most.
Tell him the southern wall needs more men!" she ordered the guard to her left before shouting at the man on her right, "Find the wall's warlord!"
Taran needs tonight to repair our defenses.
But now, the she-demon needs a host.
What makes him think he needs to scout a trail for you?
Maybe Aaron needs a little more time to dig his gold.
I just think he needs the influence of a man.
Camping equipment would be fine for her meager cooking needs.
Xander, your head needs to be level with hers.
Xander needs to be here.
He failed to recognize the pressing need of reform within the church and the tremendous dangers which threatened the papal monarchy; and he unpardonably neglected the spiritual needs of the time.
Iron.The iron-mines of France are more numerous than its coalmines, but they do not yield a sufficient quantity of ore for the needs of the metallurgical industries of the country; as will be seen in the table below the production of iron in France gradually increased during the 19th century; on the other hand, a decline in prices operated against a correspondingly marked increase in its annual value.
A similar influence was exerted by him in other branches of the common law; and although, after his retirement, a reaction took place, and he was regarded for a while as one who had corrupted the ancient principles of English law, these prejudices passed rapidly away, and the value of his work in bringing the older law into harmony with the needs of modern society has long been fully recognized.
Accepting the law he distinguishes productive from permissive or transmissive function (p. 32), and, rejecting the view that brain produces thought, he recognizes that in our present condition brain transmits thought, thought needs brain for its organ of expression; but this does not exclude the possibility of a condition in which thought will be no longer so dependent on brain.
The Protector and the council together were given a life tenure of office, with a large army and a settled revenue sufficient for public needs in time of peace; while the clauses relating to religion "are remarkable as laying down for the first time with authority a principle of toleration," 2 though this toleration did not apply to Roman Catholics and Anglicans.
Interest was rarely charged on advances by the temple or wealthy landowners for pressing needs, but this may have been part of the metayer system.
Great numbers came to join the new order which responded so admirably to the needs of the time.
The possibility of reforming these contracts in some parts of the kingdom has been studied, in the hope of bringing them into closer harmony with the needs of rational cultivation and the exigencies of social justice.
It needs, therefore, merely supervision by guardians and mounted overseers, or butteri, who are housed and receive wages.
Wages vary greatly in different parts of Italy, according to the cost of the necessaries of life, the degree of development of working-class needs and the state of working-class organization, which in some places has succeeded in increasing the rates of pay.
In Milan the archbishop organizes the hitherto voiceless, defenceless population into a community capable of expressing its needs, and an army ready to maintain its rights.
On the 23rd of March 1872, however, he succeeded in carrying his programme, which not only provided for the pressing needs of the moment, but laid the foundation of the much-needed equilibrium between expenditure and revenue.
In order to diminish the gold premium, which under Giolitti had risen to 16%, forced currency was given to the existing notes of the banks of Italy, Naples and Sicily, while special state notes were issued to meet immediate currency needs.
What the modern empiricist needs is a rational bond uniting the individual with the community or with the aggregate of individuals - a rational principle distinguishing high pleasures from low, sanctioning benevolence, and giving authority to moral generalizations drawn from conditions that are past and done with.
It is a shrewd criticism, but needs arguing out.
What is self-evident, Flint justly remarks, neither needs nor admits of argument.
As in other cases where animal colonies are formed by organic union of separate individuals, there is ever a tendency for the polyp-colony as a whole to act as a single individual, and for the members to become subordinated to the needs of the colony and to undergo specialization for particular functions, with the result that they simulate organs and their individuality becomes masked to a greater or less degree.
He looked on the actions of the individual organism and of society as determined by the needs of self-preservation.
Sclerenchyma may bi formed later in various positions in the cortex, according to loca needs.
They have emphasized the statements of Von Mohl, Cohn, and other writers alluded to, that the protoplasm is here also the dominant factor of the body, and that all the peculiarities of the cell-wall can only be interpreted in the light of the needs of the living substance.
Its physical properties, permeability by water, extensibility and elasticity, receive their interpretation in the needs of the latter.
Relations with the exterior are continually changing, and the needs of different regions of the interior are continually varying, from time to time.
All these points of structure can only be correctly interpreted after a consideration of the needs of the individual protoplasts, and of the large colony of which they are members.
Indeed, the tendency to absorb heat in this way, either from the air or directly from the sunlight, has already been pointed out as a danger which needs to be averted by transpiration.
This latter fact is no doubt due to the production of an excess of plastic materials over and above what the tree requires for its immediate needs.
It needs hardly to be pointed out why such a purely mechanical scheme was doomed to Jiletapatag.
Sophocles, and the Lexicon Graecum suppletorium et dialecticum of Van Herwerden; whilst the new great Latin Lexicon, published by the Berlin Academy, is calculated to meet the needs of students of Latin patristic literature.
Crude sulphur, as obtained from kilns, contains about 3% of earthy impurities, and consequently needs refining.
The work is not always well done; but the Christian church needs it.
If we assume, as we must needs do, that the opinions which Basilides promulgates as the teaching of the "barbari" (Acta Archelai c. 55) were in fact his own, the fragments prove him to have been a decided dualist, and his teaching an interesting further development of oriental (Iranian) dualism.
As railway building increased in response to traffic needs, and as the consolidation of short lines into continuous systems proceeded, legislation applicable to railways became somewhat broader in scope and more intelligent.
In this, indeed, as in other cases, it may be said that the emperor was guided less by any abstract principles than by a common-sense appreciation of the needs and possibilities of the moment.
It has been easy to confuse the study of the Old Testament in its relation to modern religious needs with the technical scientific study of the much edited remains of the literature of a small part of the ancient East.
In 1919 and 1920 Community Chests were organized, and sums aggregating $4,000,000 and $4,500,000 were subscribed in " drives," to meet the needs of all community activities, not only charities, but also Red Cross, Y.M.C.A.
Minor, or merely formal, needs of the state might lead to the creation of other types of this office.
Congress granted another township (thirty-six sections) for the university in 1892, and its income is supplemented by legislative appropriations for current expenses and special needs.
The large sacs which have been termed vagina are suggestive of the large coelomic spermathecae in Eudrilids, a comparison which needs, however, embryological data, not at present forthcoming, for its justification.
The time had come for deliberate reconstruction, for inquiring whether the existence of many admitted evils was, as it was said to be, unavoidable; for proving that the needs of society may be classified and provided for by contrivances which shall not clash --?
The figure denoting the general average yield per acre of any class of crop needs readjustment after every successive harvest.
The standard of life of the ordinary well-to-do middle class in England, for example, includes not only food, clothing and shelter of a kind different in many respects from that of a similar class in other countries and of other classes in England, but a highly complicated mechanism, both public and private, for ministering to these primary needs, habits of social intercourse, educational and sanitary organization, recreative arrangements and many other elements.
Just as the historical school grew up along with the greatest constructive achievement of the 29th century, namely, the consolidation of Germany, so the application to modern problems of the methods of that school has been called forth by the constructive needs of the present generation.
Economic studies should be as relevant to existing needs as those of engineering and other applied sciences.
This work, which was composed before 228, is the first attempt at a dogmatic at once scientific and accommodated to the needs of the church.
If my country needs me, if there are additions to the number of those who share the opinion of Talleyrand, Sieyes and Roederer, that war will break out again and that it will be unsuccessful for France, I will return, more sure of the feeling of the nation."
The success of Bonaparte in reorganizing France may be ascribed to his determined practicality and to his perception of the needs of the average man.
The magnificent gold work of the later period, preserved to us at Mycenae and Vaphio, needs only to be mentioned.
To treat the actual forms of religion as expressions of our various human needs is a fruitful idea which deserves fuller development than it has yet received; but Feuerbach's treatment of it is fatally vitiated by his subjectivism.
Large baling presses are worked by hydraulic power; the operation needs no special description.
It will no doubt aid the understanding of the functions of the latter if some explanation is offered of the needs met by the former, which are sometimes known technically as " deferred deliveries."
To-day a spinner who is asked to quote for deliveries of yarn for, say, the next six months, may obtain from a broker quotations for deliveries of the cotton that he needs, in quantities as he needs it, for the next six months, and upon these quotations he may base his own for yarn.
In this list, while certain occurrences in rocks of undetermined age in little-known regions have been omitted, many of those included are of merely academic interest, and a still larger number indicate fields supplying at present only local needs.
Thousands at once took the cross; the first was Bishop Adhemar of Puy, whom Urban named his legate and made leader of the First Crusade (for the holy war, according to Urban's original conception, must needs be led by a clerk).
While the Holy Land was thus at peace, crusaders were also being drawn elsewhere by the needs of the Latin empire of Constantinople, or the attractions of the Albigensian Crusade.2 But Innocent could never consent to forget Jerusalem, as long as his right hand retained its cunning.
Whether in the Metanemertines, where the blood fluid is often provided with haemoglobiniferous disks, the chief functions of the side organs may not rather be a sensory one needs further investigation.
They also contributed to sacred literature themselves in the composition of new psalms. Attendance to the ordinary needs of nature was entirely relegated to the hours of darkness.
Cereals, forage crops, vegetables and fruits of the cold temperate zone can be produced easily, but distance from markets and lack of transport have restricted their production to local needs.
The first method needs no explanation.
It will suffice therefore to point out that the ordinary needs of the cartographer can be met by conical projections, and, in the case of maps covering a wide area, by Lambert's equal area projection.
They believe that an experience of more than 250 years gives ample warrant for the belief that Christ did not command them as a perpetual outward ordinance; on the contrary, they hold that it was alien to His method to lay down minute, outward rules for all time, but that He enunciated principles which His Church should, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, apply to the varying needs of the day.
This he modifies by explaining that self-interest is based on the relationships of life; a man needs money for the sake of his children, his friends and the state whose general prosperity depends on the wealth of its citizens.
The nature of instinctive imitation needs working out iii further detail.
The Cambodian is his own artificer and self-sufficing so far as his own needs are concerned.
It will grow on a dry sandy soil, dislikes much moisture, and needs no shade.
The southern parts of Tobolsk, nearly all the government of Tomsk (exclusive of the Narym region), southern Yeniseisk and southern Irkutsk, have in an average year a surplus of grain varying from 35 to 40% of the total crop, but in bad years the crop falls short of the actual needs of the population.
The importance of storage reservoirs is manifest under such conditions of flow, especially bearing in mind the growth of population in the London district and of its increasing needs.
The name " coxal gland " needs to be carefully distinguished from " crural gland," with which it is apt to be confused.
He presupposes a nation of Yahweh-worshippers, whose religion has its centre in the temple and priesthood of Zion, which is indeed conscious of sin, and needs forgiveness and an outpouring of the Spirit, but is not visibly divided, as the kingdom of Judah was.
This criticism needs judicious qualification.
Many minor ones serve the needs of a population traditionally fanatical.
The claim of reason has been recognized to manipulate the data of faith, at first blindly and immediately received, and to weld them into a system such as will satisfy its own needs.
In the second year of his reign he undertook personally the gigantic task of providing Hungary with an army adequate to her various needs on the model of the best military science of the day.
Coffee, tobacco, rice and various fruits of superior quality are produced with ease, but agriculture is neglected and production is limited to domestic needs.
While thus caring for the urban areas the administration was equally alive to the needs of the country districts.
Nevertheless, the labour available continued to be very much below the needs of the mines.
The controversial introduction is later than the Crusades; but the rituals, as far as Regarding Paulician beliefs we have little except hostile evidence, which needs sifting.
These micro-organisms having found in the tissues everything favourable for their needs, rapidly multiply and very soon produce serious results.
What man needs is not enjoyment, but "peace and a pure heart."
Besides attending to the spiritual needs of the lepers, he managed, by the labour of his own hands and by appeals to the Hawaian government, to improve materially the water-supply, the dwellings, and the victualling of the settlement.
To meet the needs of particular localities, commissioners or trustees having such powers had been from time to time created by local acts.
It needs some temerity to differ from so great an authority as Dr Guest, but it strikes one as surprising that, having accepted the fact of a bridge made by the Britons, he should deny that these Britons possessed a town or village in the place to which he supposes that Aulus Plautius retired.
As rice has to be transplanted as well as sown and irrigated, it needs a considerable amount of labour expended on it; and the Burman has the reputation of being a somewhat indolent cultivator.
It had been drained of both wealth and fighting population; the devastated provinces of Elam and Babylonia could yield nothing with which to supply the needs of the imperial exchequer, and it was difficult to find sufficient troops even to garrison the conquered populations.
It doesn't matter that the person selling pencils doesn't know how the pencil is made; he only needs to know how to sell them.
Helen Keller became so rapidly a distinctive personality that she kept her teacher in a breathless race to meet the needs of her pupil, with no time or strength to make a scientific study.
He was a model steward, possessing in the highest degree the faculty of divining the needs and instincts of those he dealt with.
Bath features a selection of restaurants, which serve the needs of hungry travelers to the area.
The baby was half his and he should be sharing equally in its financial needs.
Your path is intertwined with Darian's, so you'll be there when he needs to know this.
He needs you to bring him around from robot-mode.
We'd better tell the old man he needs to get hopping.
I don't think you wanted to be sheriff in the first place, and she needs you.
Sorry. New client brought in a dump truck full of receipts and needs his return done by close of business today.
He's close but needs more time and more blood.
He needs less to do more.
In any case, it looks like Ully needs to go back to the drawing board, and we use Rhyn for now to take out Sasha's henchmen.
Sasha needs to fry, and the Council needs to remain intact, or all Immortals die.
When the spinner has informed the dealer exactly what quality of cotton he needs, the dealer quotes so many " points on or off " the " future " quotations prevailing in Liverpool at the time of the purchase, which refer to Upland cotton of " middling grade," of " no staple " and of the worst growth.
It is not the individual which needs explanation but the universal.
The old systems of raising revenue no longer corresponded to the needs of the republic, and as early as 1336 the various loans made to the state were consolidated into one national debt (monte).
In the circumstances, one must needs adopt the opinion of Fersen's contemporary, Baron Gustavus Armfelt, "One is almost tempted to say that the government wanted to give the people a victim to play with, just as when one throws something to an irritated wild beast to distract its attention.
The loss of substance represented by this growth is probably only of serious account when the host is a young growing animal that needs all available nourishment.
The good or bad qualities of a soil have reference to the needs of the crops which are to be grown upon it, and it is only after a consideration of the requirements of plants that a clear conception can be formed of what characters the soil must possess for it to be a suitable medium on which healthy crops can be raised.
If it allows of too free drainage drought sets in and the plants, not getting enough water for their needs, become stunted in size.
While this capillary movement of water is of great importance in supplying the needs of plants it has its disadvantages, since water may be transferred to the surface of the soil, where it evapo rates into the air and is lost to the land or the crop growing upon it..
Land which contains less than about z /c, of lime usually needs the addition of this material.
The same needs produce in different ages associations which have striking resemblances, but those of each age have peculiarities which indicate a spontaneous growth.
Man is by original nature, through the assistance of divine grace, free, able to will and perform the right; but is in his fallen state, of and by himself, unable to do so; he needs to be regenerated in all his powers before he can do what is good and pleasing to God.
The other is the already existing institutions which began to be transformed to meet the new needs.
The personal institution needs little description.
Henderson to visit Australia and report on its naval needs.
It is to have no walls, that its population may not be limited, and it needs none, for Yahweh is its protection.
At last their depreciation reached a point where their acceptance was generally refused and silver was imported for commercial needs, when the government suspended their legal tender quality and allowed them to disappear.
Its wider historic significance - it was felt by its author to be adapted to the needs of the Church at large, and was generally welcomed as such - is great but hard to determine in detail.'
In the so-called Selenariidae, probably an unnatural association of genera which have assumed a free discoidal form of zoarium, they may reach a very high degree of development, but Busk's suggestion that in this group they "may be subservient to locomotion" needs verification.
The system of apportionment and the franchise qualifications were worked out to meet the needs of a group of agricultural communities.
Of Herder's properly metaphysical speculations little needs to be said.
In defending the new scheme he spoke incessantly, and amazed the House by his mastery of detail, his intimate acquaintance with the commercial needs of the country, and his inexhaustible power of exposition.
This page in the modern history of Japans bronzes needs little alteration to be true of her applied art in general.
This exaggerates the passivity of life, and does not sufficiently recognize that the higher organisms largely adjust external to internal relations and adapt their environment to their needs.
The generals were compelled to support their forces by plunder or out of their private resources, and, frequently failing, diverted their efforts from the pressing needs of the allies to purely Athenian objects.
The taxes are collected directly, and must meet the needs of the province, before any sum is remitted to the Imperial Treasury.
The loose aggregation of agricultural households gives place t o the organized community with new needs and new g y ideals, and at the same time in religious thought the old vague notion of the numen is almost universally superseded by the more definite conception of the dens - not even now quite anthropomorphic, but with a much more clearly realized personality.
We find then two prominent notes of the state influence, firstly, the adaptation of the old ideas of the household and agricultural cults to the broader needs of the community, especially to the new necessities of internal justice between citizens and war against external enemies, and secondly the organization of more or less casual worship into something like a consistent system.
In this period, then, we find first a legitimate extension of cults corresponding to the needs of the growing community, and secondly a religious restlessness and a consequent tendency to more dramatic forms of worship.
In their origin they were designed to meet the needs of the unlearned among the people who had ceased to understand the Hebrew of the Old Testament.
Hence what should be matter of silent religious meditation must now needs be imperilled by exposition in words."
For its complete combustion a volume of acetylene needs approximately twelve volumes of air, forming as products of combustion carbon dioxide and water vapour.
All the water in excess of the city's actual needs may be employed for irrigation.
A new edition of the German Bible was issued with the view of meeting the needs of Catholics, a new religious literature grew up designed to, substantiate the beliefs sanctioned by the Roman Church and to carry out the movement begun long before toward spiritualizing its institutions and rites.
Doubtless the king's sore financial needs had much to do with the dissolution of the abbeys and the plundering of the shrines, but there is no reason to suppose that he was not fully convinced that the monks had long outlived their usefulness and that the shrines were centres of abject superstition and ecclesiastical deceit.
They bear a definite relation to the structure of our physical and psychical nature, and correspond to definite needs of the subject that manifests itself therein.
In so far as the older doctrine is open to the charge of neglecting the conative and teleological side of experience it can afford to be grateful to its critics for recalling it to its own eponymous principle of the priority of the "ideal " to the " idea," of needs to the conception of their object.
The dressed stones for great buildings were pecked out of the ledges, and broken off with levers in pieces much too large for their needs.
In fact, the threatening danger forced his hand and compelled him to strike before he had collected a sufficient army for his defensive needs.
There are two main groups of subjects in which practical needs have tended to develop a separate science of mensuration.
It is of course easy to see that Celsus had no apprehension of the spiritual needs even of his own day which it was the Christian purpose to satisfy, that he could not grasp anything of the new life enjoyed by the poor in spirit, and that he underrated the significance of the Church, regarding it simply as one of a number of warring sections (mostly Gnostic), and so seeing only a mark of weakness.
Rabelais, who died when Montaigne was still in early manhood, exhibits the earlier and rising spirit, though he needs to be completed on the poetical side.
Comte, Spencer, Bagehot, Durkheim and Giddings, for example, refer to it, if at all, only briefly and incidentally; they conceive society as an organism, or at all events as a growing whole, no one part or force being the cause of all others, and all interacting; society is not the product of any agreement or of force alone, but of a vast variety of interests, desires and needs.
This bill was intended to be a solution of the language question, which should take into account the actual conditions of the population as well as practical needs.
The Post Office Savings Bank was also made to serve the financial needs of the State.
They are evoked by pressing needs of the hour among some definite body of Christians and not by any literary motive.'
Manufacturing in North Dakota is of small importance, being largely confined, with the exception of flour and grist milling, to the supply of local needs.
In his hands Christianity became a new religion, fitted to meet the needs of all the world, and freed entirely of the local and national meaning which had hitherto attached to it.
Christianity, with its one God, and its promise of redemption and a blessed immortality based upon divine revelation, met as no other contemporary faith did the awakening religious needs.
They ranged from such problems as the land settlement of the Punjab, or the introduction of civil marriage to provide for the needs of unorthodox Hindus, to the question how far the study of Persian should be required or encouraged among European civil servants.
This fatal parsimony had the most serious political consequences, for it crippled the king at every step. Strive and scheme as he might, his needs were so urgent, his enemies so numerous, that, though generally successful in the end, he had always to be content with compromises, adjustments and semi-victories.
No one thing about it commended it to all, and to no one thing alone did it owe its victory, but to the fact that it met a greater variety of needs and met them more satisfactorily than any other movement of the age.
According to this the Catholic Church is not a visibly organized body, but the sum of all " faithful people " throughout the world, who group themselves in churches modelled according to their convictions or needs.
In 205 B.C. it contributed grain and timber for the needs of Scipio's fleet.
The state makes an annual provision for the stipends of the clergy, for the maintenance of fabrics and for other ecclesiastical needs.
The story of her marriage with her attached servant Lord Jermyn needs more confirmation than it has yet received to be accepted, but all the information which has reached us of her relations with her children points to the estrangement which had grown up between them.
After being a professor of philosophy in the provinces, he was appointed a school inspector, and thus obtained a practical acquaintance with the needs of French education.
In impressive and persuasive oratory he sets before Israel, in a form adapted to the needs of the age in which he lived, the fundamental principles which Moses had taught.
Since they were designed to meet the needs of the people and had a directly edificatory aim, they are naturally characterized by expansion and paraphrase, and thus afford invaluable illustrations of the methods of Jewish interpretation and of the development of Jewish thought.
This version probably arose out of the needs of the Greek speaking Jews of Alexandria in the 3rd century B.C.
They were not an outcome of the dominant tendencies of the time, but they arose rather in spite of them, in the simplest way, just from the practical needs of the moment.
In giving greater prominence to events of religious importance and to their bearing upon the spiritual needs of contemporaries they view and interpret the past in a particular light, and will see in the past those growths which only in their own time have become mature.
The value of the book lay not in history for its own sake, but in its direct application to present needs.
Agriculture is insufficient to satisfy the needs of the population, and food is imported from Semiryechensk.
It should be borne in mind that in early times the larger values, such as minae, would be transmitted by commerce, while after the introduction of coinage the lesser values of shekels and drachmae would be the units; and this needs notice, because usually a borrowed unit was multiplied or divided according to the ideas of the borrowers, and strange modifications thus arose.
The parish was divided into 25 districts embracing from 60 to loo families, over each of which an elder and a deacon were placed, the former taking oversight of their spiritual, the latter of their physical needs.
The crops include grain of all kinds (not sufficient, however, for the needs of the province), peas and beans, buckwheat, potatoes, fruit and hemp. The cultivation of flax is very extensive, especially in the N.E.
They again renounced tobacco, wine, meat and every kind of excess, many of them dividing up all their property in order to supply the needs of those who were in want, and they collected a new public fund.
Though in favour of selling a portion of these lands to provide a fund for the existing needs of the Church, he secured the defeat of the proposal then before the government to dispose of the Clergy Reserves to the Canada Company.
Meanwhile, both in East and West, the general practice has continued unbroken of reserving the Eucharist, in order that the " mass of the presanctified " might take place on certain "aliturgic" days, that the faithful might be able to communicate when there was no celebration, and above all that it might be at hand to meet the needs of the sick and dying.
Horses jump them on and off, and in taking them at a moderate pace there is a chance of stopping on the top and choosing a better place to jump from, or, if needs be, of returning and taking the fence at another place.
The town officials consist of the selectmen (usually three, five or seven, sometimes nine), the town clerk, treasurer, assessors, tax collector, school committee men, and the holders of divers minor offices according to local needs.
The cities, towns and municipalities resort to it to supply their local needs, and there is a tendency, especially pronounced in Ontario on account of the excellence of her municipal system, to devolve the burden of educational payments, and others more properly provincial, upon the municipal authorities on the plea of decentralization.
After peace was concluded in 1763, Canada was governed under the authority of a royal proclamation, but sooner or later a constitution specially adapted to the needs of the country was inevitable.
The town hall, built in 1825, is no longer adequate for municipal needs.
It is also very useful as a supplement to mercury, which needs a saline aperient to complete its action.
A peculiarity of larch wood is the difficulty with which it is ignited, although so resinous; and, coated with a thin layer of plaster, beams and pillars of larch might probably be found to justify Caesar's epithet " igni impenetrabile lignum "; even the small branches are not easily kept alight, and a larch fire in the open needs considerable care.
As yet no means are known which call so much into action as a great war, that rough energy born of the camp, that deep impersonality born of hatred, that conscience born of murder and cold-bloodedness, that fervour born of effort in the annihilation of the enemy, that proud indifference to loss, to one's own existence, to that of one's fellows, to that earthquake-like soul-shaking which a people needs when it is losing its vitality."
There is always enough grain within the boundaries of India for the needs of the people; the only difficulty is to transport it to the tract where it is required at a particular moment.
It is sometimes alleged by native Indian politicians that famines are growing worse under British rule, because India is becoming exhausted by an excessive land revenue, a civil service too expensive for her needs, military expenditure on imperial objects, and the annual drain of some 15,000,000 for "home charges."
It is therefore from an improvement in the methods of agriculture rather than to an extension of the area under cultivation that recourse must be had to supply the needs of a rapidly increasing population.
The usual method of obtaining spectra by the discharges from a Ruhmkorff coil or Wimshurst machine needs no description.
Some years previously he had expressed his conviction that "one of the chief needs of the age was to make inroad after the alien, to bring in the votaries of fashion, of literature, of sentiment, of policy and of rank, who are content in their several idolatries to do without piety to God and love to Him whom He hath sent"; and, with an abruptness which must have produced on him at first an effect almost astounding, he now had the satisfaction of beholding these various votaries thronging to hear from his lips the words of wisdom which would deliver them from their several idolatries and remodel their lives according to the fashion of apostolic times.
It is used in all cases where one needs to reduce the intra-ocular tension, and for this and other reasons in glaucoma.
The size of churches was not determined by the needs of population but by the piety and wealth of the founders; and the same applies to their number.
The former error needs something deeper than a Kantian critique of reason, or an Avenarian criticism of experience; it needs a criticism of the senses.
But what he proceeds to suppose is that, having the conception, and finding that the complex of perceptions needs accounting for, we infer a real condition, e.g.
He finds them in the needs of man.
According to him, we believe in Nature because it satisfies our material needs, and in God because he satisfies our spiritual needs.
Inference from sense is the one condition of all belief in anything beyond oneself, whether it be Nature, or Authority, or God; and it is the one condition of all needs, which are not mere feelings, but desires of things.
Indeed, other needs of the empire caused the withdrawal of the Fourteenth Legion about 67.
Henceforth the monk was to be the docile instrument of the wishes of Rome, to be opposed to the official priesthood according to Rome's needs.
Thus when prices have advanced the manufacturer may find it difficult to obtain delivery of the yarn that he *had bought at low rates, for some spinners have a curious, indefensible preference for delivering their higherpriced orders; and, on the other hand, when prices have fallen the manufacturer sometimes ceases to take delivery of the highpriced yarn and actually purchases afresh for his needs.
A good many firms venture occasionally to buy in anticipation of their customers' needs, especially when they expect a rising market.
Security is what the country chiefly needs.
If a number of small enough holes be drilled through a solid substance which is not wetted by the liquid, our knowledge of the phenomena of capillarity shows us that it needs pressure to force the liquid into the holes.
Such a plant must needs be propagated by cuttings.
In the latter case the seedling has early to shift for itself, and to form roots and leaves for the supply of its needs.
The management of the furnaces is relatively easy, and consists in adapting the volume and intensity of the fires to particular needs.
During the growing period the atmosphere must be kept moist by damping the walls and pathways, and by syringing the plants according to their needs; when growth is completed less moisture will be necessary.
To the spiritual needs of his people he ministered with pastoral zeal, frequently appointing "stations" and delivering sermons; nor was he less solicitous in providing for their physical necessities.
Opinions differ as to whether the Chytridineae are degraded or primitive forms, and the group still needs critical revision.
But the invaluable and rather delicate art of tempering the hardened steel by a very careful and gentle reheating, which removes its extreme brittleness though leaving most of ifs precious hardness, needs such skilful handling that it can hardly have become known until very long after the art of hot-forging.
Rivet steel, which above all needs extreme ductility to endure the distortion of being driven home, and tube steel which must needs weld easily, no matter at what sacrifice of strength, are made as free from carbon, i.e.
The iron ores of the earth's crust will probably suffice to supply our needs for a very long period, perhaps indeed for many thousand years.
To make a ton of pig iron needs only about 1.9 tons of ore in the United States, 2 tons in Sweden and Russia, 2.4 tons in Great Britain and Germany, and about 2.7 tons in France and Belgium, while about 3 tons of the native British ores are needed per ton of pig iron.
In the former case there is no later chance to remove sulphur, a minute quantity of which does great harm by leading to the formation of cementite instead of graphite and ferrite, and thus making the cast-iron castings too hard to be cut to exact shape with steel tools; in the latter case the converting or purifying processes, which are essentially oxidizing ones, though they remove the other impurities, carbon, silicon, phosphorus and manganese, are not well adapted to desulphurizing, which needs rather deoxidizing conditions, so as to cause the formation of calcium sulphide, than oxidizing ones.
The reason why the frictional resistance would be further increased is the very simple one that the increase in the rate of production implies directly a corresponding increase in the quantity of blast forced through, and hence in the velocity of the rising gases, because the chemical work of the blast furnace needs a certain quantity of blast for each ton of iron made.
It has been calculated that the gas from a pair of old-fashioned blast-furnaces making i 600 tons of iron per week would in this way yield some 16,000 horse-power in excess of their own needs, and that all the available blast-furnace gas in the United States would develop about i,50o,000 horse-power, to develop which by raising steam would need about 20,000,000 tons of coal a year.
The quantity of phosphorus in the pig iron is usually known accurately, and the dephosphorization takes place so regularly that the quantity of air which it needs can be foretold closely.
The reason for this is that in it the slag, by means of which all the purification must needs be done, is not heated effectively; that hence it is not readily made thoroughly liquid; that hence the removal of the phosphoric slag made in the early dephosphorizing stage of the process is liable to be incomplete; and that hence, finally, the phosphorus of any of this slag which is left in the furnace becomes deoxidized during the second or deoxidizing stage, and is thereby returned to befoul the underlying steel.
It is still in great demand for certain normal purposes for which either great ease in welding or resistance to corrosion by rusting is of great importance; for purposes requiring special forms of extreme ductility which are not so confidently expected in steel; for miscellaneous needs of many users, some ignorant, some very conservative; and for remelting in the crucible processAll the best cutlery and tool steel is made either by the crucible process or in electric furnaces, and indeed all for which any considerable excellence is claimed is supposed to be so made, though often incorrectly.
The iron for most engineering purposes needs chiefly to be strong and not excessively brittle.
Fortunately its embrittling effect on cast iron is very much less than on steel, so that the upper limit or greatest tolerable proportion of phosphorus, instead of being o.10 or better 0.08% as in the case of rail steel, may be put at 0.50% in case of machinery castings even if they are exposed to moderate shocks; at 1.60% for gas and water mains in spite of the gravity of the disasters which extreme brittleness here might cause; and even higher for castings which are not exposed to shock, and are so thin that the iron of which they are made must needs be very fluid.
But in addition there are many special kinds of furnaces arranged to meet the needs of each case.
But under his rule something was done towards systematizing the royal taxes, and, as in England, the financial needs of the king led to the association of the people in the work of government.
A certain consequence of its use is to cause or increase cardiac hypertrophy - a condition which has its own dangers and ultimately disastrous consequences, and must never be provoked beyond the positive needs of the case.
It is easy to understand that a form of monastic life thus emptied of distinctively Oriental features and adapted to the needs of the West.
Their nature and work and the needs that called them into being are explained in the article Mendicant Movement, and in the separate articles on ST Francis Of Assisi and Franciscans (1210), St Dominic and Dominicans (1215), Carmelites (1245), Augustinian Hermits (r256) - these were the four great orders of Mendicant friars - to them were added, in 1487, the Servites founded in 1233.
Lastly, in regard to the object aimed at there was an important difference, for the professed object of the friars was to be clerical helpers of the parochial clergy in meeting the specifically religious needs of the time.
During the Reformation period there sprang up, to meet the needs of the time, a new kind of religious order, called Regular Clerks.
Though Eustathius of Sebaste was the first to introduce the monastic life within the confines of what may be called Greek Christianity in Asia Minor (c. 340), it was St Basil who adapted it to Greek and European ideas and needs.
The State, it now seemed to Hobbes, might be regarded as a great artificial man or monster (Leviathan), composed of men, with a life that might be traced from its generation through human reason under pressure of human needs to its dissolution through civil strife proceeding from human passions.
Thus, under Maximilian of Bavaria and Christian of Anhalt respectively the two great parties were gaining a better idea of their own needs and of each others aims and were watching vigilantly the position in the duchies of Cleves, Julich and Berg, where a dispute over the succession was impending.
In the youth of the empire the amount of corn grown in Germany was sufficient for the needs of its inhabitants; the amount consumed in 1899 exceeded the amount produced by about one-quarter of the total.
This was partly due to the cnmmercial and industrial depression of the early years of the century, partly was another outcome of the federal constitution, which made it difficult to adjust the budget to the growing needs of the Empire without disarranging the finances of its constitutent states.
Incidentally, too, its successive forms illustrate many matters of belief and usage among Syrian Christians generally in the 3rd and 4th centuries, notably their apologetic and catechetical needs and methods.
The harbour of Ragusa, once one of the chief ports of southern Europe, is too small for modern needs; but Gravosa (Gruz), a village at the mouth of the river Ombla, on the north, is a steamship station and communicates by rail with Herzegovina and the Bocche di Cattaro.
The emperor was too much absorbed in the affairs of the rest of his vast dominions, notably those of the Empire, rent in two by religious differences and the secular ambitions for which those were the excuse, to give any effective attention to its needs.
The Stoic philosophy, with its cosmopolitan note, its fixed dogmas and plain ethical precepts, came into the world at the time of the Macedonian conquests to meet the needs of the new age.
At its initiation the proceeds were divided in approximately equal shares between the central government and the native administration, and a means was thus found of creating a legitimate revenue for the native chiefs to supersede the proceeds of slave-raiding and slave-dealing, and of oppression and extortion, by which they had hitherto supplied their needs.
Numbers of magazines and reviews are published in Arabic which cater both for the needs of the moment and the advancement of learning.
Such were the chief provisions of the khedivial decree, and in 1905, for the first time, it was possible to draw up the Egyptian budget in accordance with the needs of the country and on perfectly sound principles.
The Pyramid texts and the Book of the Dead are the most important of these, and teach us much about the dangers and needs that attended the dead man beyond the tomb, and about the manner in which it was thought, they could be counteracted.
But meanwhile the political needs of the empire were neglected; the dangers which threatened it at the end of the reign of Amenophis III.
The needs of the Egyptian court produced a number of elegant letter-writers, of whom the most famous were Abd al-Rabim b.
On the advice of Lord Northbrook, who was sent out to Cairo in September 1884 to examine the financial situation, certain revenues which should have been paid into the Caisse for the benefit of the bondholders were paid into the treasury for the ordinary needs of the administration.
In this manner a representation is secured for fairly large minorities, and what is considered a fair share of influence on public affairs given to those who contribute the most to the needs of the state.
Prejudice and real or imaginary legal obstacles stood in the way of the erection of episcopal sees in the colonies; and though in the 17th century Archbishop Laud had attempted to obtain a bishop for Virginia, up to the time of the American revolution the churchmen of the colonies had to make the best of the legal fiction that their spiritual needs were looked after by the bishop of London, who occasionally sent commissaries to visit them and ordained candidates for the ministry sent to England for the purpose.
Knox, like Bishop Burnet, needs to be read critically and in the light of contemporary documents; especially those in the Hamilton Papers, The Border Papers and English State Papers (Foreign).
In exegesis he is a pure Antiochene, basing his expositions upon thorough grammatical study, and proceeding from a knowledge of the original circumstances of composition to a forceful and practical application to the needs of his day and of all time.
When the disciples returned, Jesus took them apart for rest; but the crowds reassembled when they found Him again near the lake, and His yearning compassion for these shepherdless sheep led Him to give them an impressive sign that He had indeed come to supply all human needs.
The disciples of Jesus do not appear as spectators of the end, but only a group of women who had ministered to His needs in Galilee, and had followed Him up to Jerusalem.
In a threefold vision Jesus is invited to enter upon His inheritance at once; to satisfy His own needs, to accept of earthly dominion, to presume on the Divine protection.
If these two narratives served the first needs of Christian believers, it is easy to see that they would presently stimulate further activity in the same direction.
While the needs of Jewish believers were amply met by St Matthew's Gospel, a like service was rendered to Gentile converts by a very different writer.
It needs not distillation, but expansion and illustration from contemporary and antecedent thought and literature.
Comparatively early in life he had found in Spinoza the philosopher who responded to his needs; Spinoza taught him to see in nature the "living garment of God," and more he did not seek or need to know.
The grain harvest does not supply the needs of the islanders.
The books were compiled and preserved for definite aims, and their teaching is directed now to the needs of the people as a whole - as in the ever popular stories of Genesis - now to the inculcation of the lessons of the past, and now to matters of ritual.
There are conflicting ideas of death and the dead, and among them the belief in the very human feelings and needs of the dead and in their influence for good or ev11.2 Moreover, the proximity of burial-place and sanctuary and the belief in the kindly care of the famous dead for their descendants reflect " primitive " and persisting ideas which find their Holy parallel in the holy tombs of religious or seckular p y g?
Similarly, the surprising damascening by Messrs Zuluaga of Madrid in the monument to General Prim, and that of Alvarez of Toledo, give hope that the Spanish craftsman only needs to be properly directed.
The former needs only grinding to constitute the final product, ammoniasoda ash; the latter is again employed in the process of treating the ammoniacal salt solution with carbon dioxide.
Nevertheless, in this matter he is always an advocate; and it may be thought that, while he successfully disposes of the current slander, his description of his clients needs correction in some important particulars.
Thus he traversed France, avoiding all ceremony, entering towns by back streets, receiving ambassadors in wayside huts, dining in public houses, enjoying the loose manners and language of his associates, and incidentally learning at first hand the condition of his people and the possibilities of using or taxing them - his needs of them rather than theirs of him.
In these forests every reasonable facility is afforded to the people concerned for the full and easy satisfaction of their needs, which are generally for small timber for building or fuel, fodder and grazing for their cattle, and edible products for themselves; and considerations of forest income are subordinated to those purposes.
Throughout the sentence the prisoner has the advantage of religious and moral instruction; he attends divine service regularly, and whatever his creed is visited by a chaplain professing it, and receives educational assistance according to his needs.
The lord, instead of clumsy work, got clear money, a much-coveted means of satisfying needs and wishes of any kind - instead of cumbrous performances which did not come always at the proper, moment, were carried out in a half-hearted manner, yielded no immediate results, and did not admit of convenient rearrangement.
A critical review of some of the chief types of logical theory, with a view to determine development, needs no further justification.