Needles Sentence Examples
She wiped away the pine needles clinging to her clothes.
At a sufficient distance over the woods this sound acquires a certain vibratory hum, as if the pine needles in the horizon were the strings of a harp which it swept.
It is the centre of a district producing needles and fish-hooks.
She opened the bag and grabbed the needles, pulling them out with some yarn.
If an ox were his property, and he wished to get needles and thread at the store, he thought it would be inconvenient and impossible soon to go on mortgaging some portion of the creature each time to that amount.
The needles were long and soft, their vibrant green coloring leaving her breathless.
With crochet needles in her lap, Mums eyed Carmen over the rim of her reading glasses.
It crystallizes in needles and is soluble in alcohol.
Flattened crystals of garnet, films of quartz, and needles of tourmaline are not uncommon.
The verdant pines outside the fortress wall were beautiful, and she watched their long pine needles stir in an early morning breeze.
AdvertisementLemstrbm believed atmospheric electricity to play an important part in the natural growth of vegetation, and he assigned a special role to the needles of fir and pine trees.
It sublimes in small rhombic tables or needles, and is slightly soluble in cold water, the solution possessing an acid reaction.
Potassium phenolate, C 6 H 5 OK, crystallizes in fine needles, is very hygroscopic and oxidizes rapidly on exposure.
At the same time he felt that above his face, above the very middle of it, some strange airy structure was being erected out of slender needles or splinters, to the sound of this whispered music.
The needle was smaller than she remembered needles being, and she steadied her breathing before plunging it into his arm.
AdvertisementI'm on pins and needles.
It crystallizes in needles and is soluble in water.
All my early lessons have in them the breath of the woods--the fine, resinous odour of pine needles, blended with the perfume of wild grapes.
The boy seemed attentive in spite of his muteness so Dean resumed sweeping up needles with his hand and continued to chatter.
The manufacture of woollens, linens, hosiery, furniture, gloves, paper, machinery and tools, carriages, nuts and screws, needles and other hardware goods is carried on.
AdvertisementIt crystallizes in orange-red needles and its alcoholic solution fluoresces strongly.
The receiving apparatus consisted of a multiplier, in the centre of which were pivoted one or two magnetic needles, which either indicated the message by the movement of an index or by striking two bells of different tone, or recorded it by making ink dots on a ribbon of paper.
In 1836 Cooke, to whom the idea appears to have been suggested by Schilling's method, invented a telegraph in which an alphabet was worked out by the single and combined movement of three needles.
Subsequently, in conjunction with Wheatstone, he introduced another form, in which five vertical index needles, each worked by a separate multiplier, were made to point out the letters on a dial.
Two needles (for some letters, one only) were acted upon at the same time, and the letter at the point of intersection of the direction of the indexes was read.
AdvertisementP. Granville put into practice between Alum Bay in the Isle of Wight and the Needles lighthouse a method which depends upon conduction through sea water.
It had long been known that the discharges from a Leyden jar could magnetize or demagnetize steel needles.
The common monoclinic variety is obtained by allowing a crust to form over molten sulphur by partially cooling it, and then breaking the crust and pouring off the still liquid portion, whereupon the interior of the vessel will be found coated with long needles of this variety.
Of the aromatic compounds azo-benzene is bright orange-red, and a-azonaphthalene forms red needles or small steel-blue prisms. The azogroup, however, has little or no colouring effect when present in a ring system, such as in cinnolene, phthalazine and tolazone.
Iodine in alkaline solution converts pyrrol into iodol (tetra-iodopyrrol), crystallizing in yellowishbrown needles, which decompose on heating.
Behind the Emporium rose (8) the Great Caesareum, by which stood the two great obelisks, later known as "Cleopatra's Needles," and now removed to New York and London.
It is artificially obtained by adding hydrochloric acid to a solution of lead salt, as a white precipitate, little soluble in cold water, less so in dilute hydrochloric acid, more so in the strong acid, and readily soluble in hot water, from which on cooling, the excess of dissolved salt separates out in silky rhombic needles.
The effect of these is beautifully illustrated by a model consisting of a number of little compass needles pivoted on sharp points and grouped near to one another upon a board, which is placed inside a large magnetizing coil.
When no current is passing through the coil and the magnetic field is of zero strength, the needles arrange themselves in positions of stable equilibrium under their mutual forces, pointing in.
If now a gradually increasing magnetizing force is applied, the needles at first undergo a stable deflection, giving to the group a small resultant moment which increases uniformly with the force; and if the current is interrupted while the force is still weak, the needles merely return to their initial positions.
This corresponds to the second stage of magnetization, in which the susceptibility is large and permanent magnetization is set up. A still stronger magnetizing force has little effect except in causing the direction of the needles to approach still more nearly to that of the field; if the force were infinite, every member of the group ‘ would have exactly the same direction and the greatest possible resultant moment would be reached; this illustrates " magnetic saturation " - the condition approached in the third stage of magnetization.
When the strong magnetizing field is gradually diminished to zero and then reversed, the needles pass from one stable position of rest to another through a condition of instability; and if the field is once more reversed, so that the cycle is completed, the needles again pass through a condition of instability before a position of stable equilibrium is regained.
Now the unstable movements of the needles are of a mechanically irreversible character; the energy expended in dissociating the members of a combination and placing them in unstable positions assumes the kinetic form when the needles turn over, and is ultimately frittered down into heat.
The needles of the primitive compasses, being made of iron, would require frequent re-magnetization, and a " stone " for the purpose of " touching the needle " was therefore generally included in the navigator's outfit.
Columbium trichloride, CbC1 3, is obtained in needles or crystalline crusts, when the vapour of the pentachloride is slowly passed through a red-hot tube.
Columbium pentachloride, CbC1 5, is obtained in yellow needles when a mixture of the pentoxide and sugar charcoal is heated in a current of air-free chlorine.
In consequence of the breaking away of the lower part of "Cleopatra's Needles" when removed to Alexandria and re-erected, the Roman engineers supported the angles on bronze crabs, one of which with three reproductions now supports the angles of the obelisk on the Thames Embankment.
Stannous iodide, Sn12, forms yellow red needles, and is obtained from potassium iodide and stannous chloride.
It crystallizes (in long needles) more easily when gently agitated during the cooling, or when mixed with such substances as kieselguhr.
It crystallizes in needles which rapidly decompose when exposed to moist air.
Thus, for instance, to% aluminium bronze is scratched by an ordinary steel knife-blade, yet the sets of needles used for perforating postage stamps last longer if made of aluminium bronze than if made of steel.
It forms crystalline needles soluble in alkalis, chloroform and Zoo parts of water.
Its hardware industries are important, and embrace iron rolling, the manufacture of fine wire, needles, springs and silver ornaments.
It forms hard crystalline crusts (with 1H 2 0) made up of hard white needles.
By warming its aqueous solution with an excess of silver oxide it is converted into tetramethylammonium hydroxide, N(CH3)40H, which crystallizes in hygroscopic needles, and has a very alkaline reaction.
It crystallizes in small colourless needles and is easily soluble in water; the concentrated aqueous solution dissolves bromine and iodine readily.
In the innocuous snakes the teeth are simple and uniform in structure, thin, sharp like needles, and bent backwards; their function consists merely in seizing and holding the prey.
When a solution of silver nitrate is poured on to metallic mercury, the mercury replaces the silver in the solution, forming nitrate of mercury, and the silver is precipitated; it does not, however, appear as pure metallic silver, but in the form of crystalline needles of an alloy of silver and mercury.
The gold chloride of commerce, which is used in photography, is really a hydrochloride, chlorauric or aurichloric acid, HAuC1 4.3H 2 O, and is obtained in long yellow needles by crystallizing the acid solution.
Light-yellow monoclinic needles of 2KAuC1 4 H 2 O are deposited from warm, strongly acid solutions, and transparent rhombic tables of KAuCl 4.2H 2 O from neutral solutions.
Sodium aurothiosulphate, 3Na 2 S 2 O 3 Au2S203.4H20, forms colourless needles; it is obtained in the direct action of sodium thiosulphateongoldinthe presence of an oxidizing agent, or by the addition of a dilute solution of auric chloride to a sodium thiosulphate solution.
It forms small needles, very sparingly soluble in water.
Tantalum pentachloride, TaC1 5, is obtained as light yellow needles by heating a mixture of the pentoxide and carbon in a current of chlorine.
The bottom of the Black Sea is covered by a stiff blue mud in which Sir John Murray found much sulphide of iron,' grains or needles of pyrites making up nearly 50% of the deposit, and there are also grains of amorphous calcium carbonate evidently precipitated from the water.
The implements found in the relic bed under it were axe-heads of stone, with their haftings of stag's horn and wood; a flint saw, set in a handle of fir wood and fastened with asphalt; flint flakes and arrow-heads; harpoons of stag's horn with barbs; awls, needles, chisels, fish-hooks and other implements of bone; a comb of yew wood 5 in.
Among the tools of bone and stag's horn were awls, needles, harpoons, scraping tools and haftings for stone axe-heads.
The western promontory is flanked on the north by the picturesque Alum Bay, and the lofty detached rocks known as the Needles lie off it..
Minute rods or needles of rutile are also common in slates, and well-formed cubes of pyrites are often visible on the splitting faces.
In other cases, especially near mineral veins, slates are filled with black needles of tourmaline or are bleached to pale grey and white colours, or are silicified and impregnated with mineral ores.
It sublimes in golden yellow needles.
Other manufactures include needles, machinery, cigars, soap, hosiery, furniture and shoes.
Both in the town and neighbourhood there are numerous foundries and works for iron, brass, steel and bronze goods, while other manufactures include wire, needles and pins, fish-hooks, machinery, umbrella-frames, thimbles, bits, furniture, chemicals, coffee-mills, and pinchbeck and britanniametal goods.
The brass and bronze industries are carried on at Iserlohn and Altena, those of tin and Britannia metal at Ludenscheid; needles are made at Iserlohn and wire at Altena.
It crystallizes in long yellow needles and decomposes readily on heating into the monochloride and chlorine.
Hydroferricyanic acid, H 3 Fe(NC)s, obtained by adding concentrated hydrochloric acid to a cold saturated solution of potassium ferricyanide, crystallizes in brown needles, and is easily decomposed.
The needle weir has, however, attained its greatest development in the United States across the Big Sandy river at Louisa, where, instead of needles 3 to 4 in.
The needles are put in place one by one against the raised frames, or trestles, by a derrick on a barge lifting them by their ring, whilst a man on the foot-bridge, taking hold of the eye at the top, arranges them in position close together.
The weir is opened by joining the needles of each bay by a chain passed through the eyes at the top and a line of wire through the central rings, so that when released at the top by the tilting of the escape bar by the derrick, they float down as a raft, and are caught by a man in a boat, or, when the cur rent is strong, they are 'mopes ?o drawn to the bank by a rope attached to them previously to their release.
Chromium trioxide, Cr03, is obtained by adding concentrated sulphuric acid to a cold saturated solution of potassium bichromate, when it separates in long red needles; the mother liquor is drained off and the crystals are washed with concentrated nitric acid, the excess of which is removed by means of a current of dry air.
Chromous chloride, CrC1 2, is prepared by reducing chromic chloride in hydrogen; it forms white silky needles, which dissolve in water giving a deep blue solution, which rapidly absorbs oxygen, forming basic chromic salts, and acts as a very strong reducing agent.
The fluoride, CrF3, results on passing hydrofluoric acid over the heated chloride, and sublimes in needles.
It crystallizes in orange-red needles and is decomposed by water.
By - adding sodium phosphate to magnesium sulphate and allowing the mixture to stand, hexagonal needles of MgHPO 4.7H 2 O are deposited.
Creak, and has been found to give satisfactory results on board ship. The circle is provided with two needles in addition to those used for determining the dip, one (a) an ordinary dip needle, and the other (b) a needle which has been loaded at one end by means of a small peg which fits into one of two symmetrically placed holes in the needle.
The magnetism of these two needles is never reversed, and they are as much as possible protected from shock and from approach to other magnets, so that their magnetic state may remain as constant as possible.
Hence, when the microscopes are adjusted so as to coincide with the points of the dipping needle a, the axes of the two needles must be at right angles.
It consists of five principal parts - the card, the needles, the bowl, a jewelled cap and the pivot.
The mica card is generally mounted on a brass framework, F F, with a brass cap, C, fitted with a sapphire centre and carrying four magnetized needles, N, N, N, N, as in fig.
To direct the card eight short light needles, N N, are suspended by silk threads from the outer ring.
The magnetic axis of any system of needles must exactly coincide with the axis passing through the north and south points of the card.
The combination of card, needles and cap is generally termed "the card"; on the continent of Europe it is called the "rose."
C is compensated by permanent magnets athwartships and horizontal; D by masses of soft iron on both sides of the compass, and generally in the form of cast-iron spheres, with their centres in the same horizontal plane as the needles; E is usually too small to require correction; A is fortunately rarely of any value, as it cannot be corrected.
Fancy cotton goods are of great variety, and many of them have trade names that are used temporarily or occasion produced on the surface of the cloth by needles placed in a sliding frame; lustre, a light dress material with a lustrous face sometimes made with a cotton warp and woollen weft; zephyr, a light, coloured dress material usually in small patterns; bobbinnet, a machine-made fabric, originally an imitation of lace made with bobbins on a pillow.
The housewife long persisted in deceiving herself by purchasing filled calicoes, and the movement in favour of purer goods owes a good deal, strangely enough, to the increase in the making-up trade and the consequent inconveniences to workers of sewing machines, whose needles were constantly broken by hard filled calicoes.
The park was presented in 1862 by the widow of Joseph Locke, M.P. The manufacture of iron and steel, and the weaving of linen and other cloth, are the two principal industries; but there are also bleachfields, printfields, dyeworks, sawmills, cornmills and malt-houses; and the manufacture of glass, needles and wire is carried on.
The manufacture of needles is less important than formerly, having been absorbed into the centre of the industry at Redditch in the neighbouring county of Worcestershire.
The free pararosaniline, C19H19N30, and rosaniline, C20H21N30, may be obtained by precipitating solutions of their salts with a caustic alkali, colourless precipitates being obtained, which crystallize from hot water in the form of needles or plates.
Potassium benzene diazotate, C 6 H 5 N 2 OK, crystallizes in colourless silky needles.
Fine needles of aegirine are often found in the ground-mass.
Saws, needles, awls and bone harpoons are found.
Needles of copper were made in the prehistoric, as early as S.D.
Gold needles are found of the 1st Dynasty.
Long netting needles were probably brought in by the dynastic people as they figure in the hieroglyphs.
The use of harpoons and small chisels of copper next arose, then broad flaying knives, needles and adzes, lastly the axe when the metal was commoner.
It crystallizes from its solution in long yellow needles, T10H or T10H-+H 2 0, which dissolve readily in water, forming an intensely alkaline solution, which acts as a caustic, and like it greedily absorbs carbonic acid from the atmosphere.
It crystallizes in needles and is readily hydrolysed by alkalis.
Barium Permanganate, BaMn 2 0 8, crystallizes in almost black needles, and is formed by passing carbon dioxide through water containing suspended barium manganate.
In 1905 Laconia ranked first among the cities of the state in the manufacture of hosiery and knit goods, and the value of these products for the year was 48.4% of the total value of the city's factory product; among its other manufactures are yarn, knitting machines, needles, sashes and blinds, axles, paper boxes, boats, gas and gasolene engines, and freight, passenger and electric cars.
The principal articles of import are shirtings, drills, jeans and twills, opium, woollens, steel, lead, needles, J apanese sea-weed and sugar; and of export, wool, skins, beans and pease, straw braid, coal, dates, tobacco and rhubarb.
Rubidium nitrate, RbNO 3, obtained by the action of nitric acid on the carbonate, crystallizes in needles or prisms and when strongly heated is transformed into a mixture of nitrite and oxide.
The scale values of the records given by the horizontal and vertical force magnetographs are determined by deflecting the respective needles, either by means of a magnet placed at a known distance or by passing an electric current through circular coils of large diameter surrounding the instruments.
Nobili (1784-1835) in 1825 conceived the ingenious idea of neutralizing the directive effect of the earth's magnetism by employing a pair of magnetized steel needles fixed to one axis, but with their magnetic poles pointing in opposite directions.
Abandoning the long and somewhat heavy magnetic needles that had been used up to that date in galvanometers, he attached to the back of a very small mirror made of microscopic glass a fragment of magnetized watch-spring, and suspended the mirror and needle by means of a cocoon fibre in the centre of a coil of insulated wire.
It is prepared by boiling the needles in a solution of soda to remove the resin, which process loosens the fibre and renders its separation easy; it has some resemblance to coarse wool, and is spun and woven into blankets and garments that are said to be warm and durable; it is also used for stuffing cushions; an essential oil, obtained by a previous distillation of the leaves, has medicinal virtues attributed to it by some German practitioners.
Its length, from the eastern shore of Southampton Water to the Needles rocks off the western extremity of Wight, is 15 m.
The official hydrochloride, C17H19N03 HC1+3H20, forms delicate needles.
He traced the influence of induction to surprising distances, magnetizing needles in the lower story of a house through several intervening floors by means of electrical discharges in the upper story, and also by the secondary current in a wire 220 ft.
It crystallizes in shining rhombic prisms from its aqueous solution and as delicate needles from alcohol.
Flamborough Head, the South Foreland, Beachy Head and the Needles are examples of the fine scenery into which chalk weathers where it fronts the sea, and these white cliffs gave to the island its early name of Albion.
Malines, although no longer famous for its lace, carries on a large trade in linen, needles, furniture and oil, while as a junction for the.
It is the seat of considerable manufactures, notably cloth, paper, flax-spinning, carpet, artificial wool, sugar, iron wares and needles.
That the men of the Quaternary period knew the savage art of producing fire by friction, and roasted the flesh on which they mainly subsisted, is proved by the fragments of charcoal found in the cave deposits, where also occur bone awls and needles, which indicate the wearing of skin clothing, like that of the modern Australians and Fuegians.
It crystallizes in long needles; forms salts C5H5N5.2HI and (C5H5N5)2.H2SO4.2H2O, and is converted by nitrous acid into hypoxanthine or 6-oxypurin.
It crystallizes in needles or prisms and volatilizes when heated, giving a pale yellow vapour.
It crystallizes in colourless needles.
It crystallizes in needles, possesses an alkaline reaction, and is readily decomposed by acids with liberation of selenium.
In Pinus the needles occur in pairs, or in clusters of 3 or 5 at the apex of a small and inconspicuous short shoot of limited growth (spur), which is enclosed at its base by a few scale-leaves, and borne on a branch of unlimited growth in the axil of a scale-leaf.
In the Californian Pinus monophylla each spur bears usually one needle, but two are not uncommon; it would seem that rudiments of two needles are always produced, but, as a rule, only one develops into a needle.
When heated in a vacuum to 530 it sublimes, and on condensation forms microscopic needles.
It crystallizes in white or pale fawn-coloured acicular prisms or silky needles, and is soluble in alcohol and ether, and in loo parts of cold and 3 of boiling water; it is without odour and has an astringent and an acid taste and reaction.
The rivers furnish good water power, which is used in the manufacture of a variety of commodities, including foundry products, paper and pulp, woollen goods, hosiery, saws, needles and knitting machines.
Fe2P forms crystalline needles insoluble in acids except aqua regia; it is obtained by fusing copper phosphide with iron.
The Tertiary strata of Andalusia are specially noteworthy for containing the native silver of Herrerias, which is found in a Pliocene bed in the form of flukes, needles and crystals.
The oranges, lemons, &c., are peeled, and the peel is pressed against a large number of fine needles, the exuding oil being absorbed by sponges.
In 1900 Connecticut led the United States in the manufacture of ammunition, bells, brass and copper (rolled), brass castings and finishings, brass ware and needles and pins.
Dean had unscrewed the base and laid the tree on a drop cloth, in a shower of dry needles, when he looked up to see a thin boy standing by the archway that separated the hall from the living room.
There were two refrigerators for holding blood, needles for drawing, IV tubing for transfusions and a multitude of surgical instruments for removing bullets and knife tips.
Professional tattoo machines, supplies, inks, needles and accessories supplied including, autoclaves and ultrasonics for equipment cleaning and sterilization.
The possible cesspit was not examined, bearing in mind the possibility of the presence of hypodermics needles.
On the right you will pass a number of young Silver Fir which have coarse, flattened needles set in two ranks.
Why is it an " extreme viewpoint " to consider creationism " superstitious and fixated on needles traditions "?
Whilst the needles are in place, you may well feel pleasantly relaxed or slightly drowsy.
Infection - Bacterial endocarditis has been reported in unwell patients with indwelling needles in the ear.
There is a difference between laying a lawn for example on a stony hill with pine needles to fertile farmland.
Between probing the needles they'll give a quick flick of their wings.
All vinyl records whether Historic Masters or not, cannot be played on an old gramophone using thorn, fiber or steel needles.
Without this technology the job would be similar to looking for needles in an underground haystack.
The team has to lock the parks each night, dispose of needles and carry out playground inspections in 43 parks and open spaces.
Needles were magnetized by stroking them with a lodestone, a lump of magnetic rock called magnetite.
Japanese acupuncture includes moxibustion, in which therapeutic herbs (often mugwort) are burned atop the acupuncture needles.
I use a shoe box with knitting needles inserted the length of the box.
You can see the blood stains near Annie's flat; another tenant in the block was pierced by one of the discarded needles.
The needles run over Betty's body have their obvious source in the compass needle run over the car.
Among the debris were things like hypodermic needles, which in an area where children play is totally unacceptable.
Vent Bands With 4.5mm needles, right side facing and A, pick up and knit 24 sts from left side at back.
Minimal needling was done using 0.25 by 30mm sterile disposable needles.
Wood ants will use pine needles for making their nest mounds, and decayed tree stumps will be frequented by weevils.
The needles are inserted rapidly into the key acupuncture points, and this should feel like a small pinprick at most.
They have transformed a dangerous playground full of drug needles and other detritus into an oasis of tranquility for the children who live nearby.
The testing strips and tiny needles for the finger pricker can be got on prescription.
The surgeon then checks the position of the needles with the ultrasound probe.
You can also use fresh pine needles or chopped sage.
I'm thinking garter stitch scarf in chunky yarn with big needles - some instant gratification to get her hooked.
There was no razor strop here, only needles, machines, ultraviolet rays.
The work consists of 74 stainless steel needles, 5.5. meters high, their tips formed by a blue airport taxiway light.
They are extremely fine, being knitted in size 16 or even size 17 needles with three-ply worsted wool.
A large tame snake with a false human head, wound round Alexander's body as he sat in a shrine in the temple, gave " autophones " or oracles unasked, but the usual methods practised were those of the numerous oracle-mongers of the time, of which Lucian gives a detailed account, the opening of sealed inquiries by heated needles, a neat plan of forging broken seals, and the giving of vague or meaningless replies to difficult questions, coupled with a lucrative blackmailing of those whose inquiries were compromising.
Mercuric fulminate is less explosive than the silver salt, and forms white needles (with 2H 2 O) which are tolerably soluble in water.
The coloring matters are not dissolved in the stroma of the chrornoplast, but exist as amorphous granules, with or without the presence of a protein crystal, or in the form of fine crystalline needles, frequently curved and sometimes present in large numbers, which are grouped together in various ways in bundles and give the plastids their fusiform or triangular crystalline shape.
It crystallizes in yellow needles which sublime readily.
Others have hollow or funnel-shaped ends and are constricted at the middle like a dice cup. In some rocks small rod-like microlites are grouped together in a regular way to form growths which resemble fir branches, fern leaves, brushes or networks, in the same manner as minute needles of ice produce star-like snow crystals or the frost growths on a window pane.
These Tertiary deposits are characterized by a rich fauna; fully developed leaves of poplars, numerous fruits of the mammoth tree, needles of several conifers, &c., being found in them, thus testifying to a climate once very much warmer.
Single needles are never used, two being the least number, and these so arranged that the moment of inertia about every diameter of the card shall be the same.
For, first, their compasses are exactly like ours, and they buy them of Europeans as much as they can, scarce daring to meddle with their needles themselves.
In 1750 Dr Gowan Knight found that the needles of merchant-ships were made of two pieces of steel bent in the middle and united in the shape of a rhombus, and proposed to substitute straight steel bars of small breadth, suspended edgewise and hardened throughout.
By passing the gas into an ethereal solution of the salt, nitrosyl chloride is produced, and on evaporating over sulphuric acid, black needles of FeC1 2NO.
Needles, syringes, scalpel blades etc should be disposable items.
Bring a simple sewing kit (scissors, needles etc).
The plan was for the majority of the fleets Solent based boats, to take advantage of the slack tide off the Needles.
They will then use several very fine sterile needles.
Put three stiches on about 1/3 of the needles used, there will be 2 stiches on the last 2 needles.
Dr. Pentland said that he would prefer me to try the tablet form first, before he started sticking needles in me.
Decrease 1 stitch on each side, giving you 3 needles left holding yarn.
All the standard needles have beveled tips and are also available with trocar tips for more dense tissue.
The needles carry tiny amounts of tuberculin protein, which is derived from the bacteria.
Then, through the needles still unfrozen from my lashes, white bear-skin, maybe.
Carriage on right; use either worsted weight acrylic yarn or cotton yarn with Key Plate 3 Pull out 50 needles.
Needles wear out, and a worn needle not only distorts the sound of an LP, but also can damage the surface.
Satin and other dress materials are very delicate, so you should get appropriate needles to use with it.
Denims are very heavy, and you should get appropriate needles to use with that.
Most stores will have a 'notions' section which will have needles, pins, thread, and more.
Noble Fir stays fragrant longer than most evergreen needles and has a silvery-blue hue.
If you use a real Christmas tree, not only is the pine tar toxic to your cats, but the needles are a danger for felines because they could puncture your cat's intestine if swallowed.
Free books for chronically ill kids can help to brighten a day that is often filled with doctors, nurses, needles, and medicine.
It involves long, slender needles, which are inserted into specific places in the body, corresponding to the patient's illness.
The leaves and strings make thread and needles and the sap actually lathers with water to form a crude type of soap.
Fake pine garland works best for inside - real pine needles will drop anytime someone goes up the steps.
If you collect figurines, you can display these within a floral table cascade or place between holly leaves or pine needles.
It's important that they wear gloves during the procedure and use new needles for each patient.
Much like visiting a regular tattoo parlor, the careless use of unsanitary needles can lead to an increased risk of hepatitis, or HIV.
At this point, all of the needles will touch the skin.
The needles are pressed forward slightly.
The front needle is lifted through the back needle, depositing pigment to the area of the skin where the needles originally met.
At this point, the small bit of skin in the intersection between the front and back needles will gently slough off.
However, a low, Velcro-like noise is emitted when the needles come off the skin as each tap occurs.
This is to ensure enough resistance for the needles to lift the skin.
I used to work in public health and I've seen horrible cases of infected tattoos because of dirty needles.
If you're crafty with knitting needles, a crochet hook or a sewing machine, you can make unique clothing and accessories for your favorite teen.
Needles to say, the in-laws were furious!
Sharing needles puts the user at risk of diseases like HIV/AIDS and hepatitis.
Some patterns available are of pine needles and pinecones, while others are mountain depictions, including bears.
Canine acupuncture is the strategic insertion of special needles by a veterinarian to stimulate the body to health.
Canine acupuncture is traditionally done with very fine sterile needles.
They use the traditional fine needles to insert at specific pressure points, and also a technique called aqua-puncture.
The needles used for canine acupuncture are so fine that several of them can fit inside a hypodermic needle.
These machines have a needle bar that holds from one to fourteen needles.
The type or specific area of the tattoo design being worked on determines the number of needles.
Additional needles are used for dense lines and filling with color.
Even with the use of all fourteen needles, large or heavily detailed tattoos could take several months to complete.
The tattoo practitioner holds the machine steady and guides the dyeloaded needles across the skin to create the desired pattern or design.
A small motor moves the needles up and down to penetrate and deposit ink in the superficial (epidermis) and middle (dermis) layers of the skin.
Sterile needles are removed from individual packaging in front of the client.
For winter protection, pine needles form the best covering, and, after these, rough cocoanut fibre.
Good winter mulches include leaves, pine needles, hay, and straw.
Plants that are under attack by a large number of aphids may show signs such as reduced growth, wilted leaves, drying branches, stunted needles, and curled foliage.
Very acidic soils can be brought up with the addition of lime, whereas more alkaline soils can be acidified with sawdust, pine needles, or elemental sulfur.
Use a light, pliable mulch that allows good air circulation, such as pine needles or straw, and cover strawberries planted in the ground to help them survive the winter.
Pine straw actually comes from pine needles that fall from various pines in the fall.
In olden times, gardeners raked the ground underneath pine trees to collect the needles, then spread them in the garden.
Water hits the barrier formed by the pine needles, preventing it from gouging grooves or channels into the earth.
Lastly, pine needles are an easily replenished resource.
Many people know about using pine needles as mulch because it is always recommended for strawberry plants.
Pine needle mulch comes from the actual needles of pine trees, and also goes by the name of pine straw.
The mulch can come from different varieties of pine, but the needles have to be long enough to bale.
Pine needles are easy to spread in garden beds.
The needles work together to keep water erosion down and prevent weeds from popping up in garden beds.
While the pine needles are lightweight, they can withstand wind and rainstorms.
Those looking for a renewable resource use pine needles as mulch since obtaining the mulch doesn't destroy the trees.
The pine needles are harvested from the ground after the needles have been dropped by the pine trees.
In areas with water restrictions in place, pine needles do a good job at preventing water irrigation runoff.
The individual needles don't compact down as they settle which makes for easier water filtration to the soil.
Pine needles are easy to spread by hand or with a rake.
Pine needles break down more slowly than other forms of organic mulch so replacing whole garden beds isn't necessary year after year.
While the pine needles do settle after spreading, they aren't compacted heavily with age which helps with air circulation around the garden bed.
Pine straw mulch is actually made from pine needles that drop from the trees.
This is a slightly bulkier cotton yarn than the other cottons, and you should plan on using size 7 to 10 needles for best results.
It is perfect for use with sizes 3 through 5 knitting needles and you can expect a gauge of about six stitches per inch.
However, you can have a wardrobe full of them, or at least one, if you take up knitting needles and make one yourself.
Additionally unprotected sexual intercourse and sharing used needles for IV drug injection are strongly correlated with infection.
The child should be allowed to express his fear and resentment of needles.
Acupuncture-Based on the same traditional Chinese medical foundation as acupressure, acupuncture uses sterile needles inserted at specific points to treat certain conditions or relieve pain.
Standard sized needles are used and only rarely are extremely thin needles necessary.
Tattooing is accomplished by injecting pigment into the deeper layers of the skin, usually by way of needles or air pressure.
Piercing is performed quickly and without anesthesia by either a spring-loaded ear-piercing gun or piercing needles, with the needle diameter varying from six to 18 gauge.
Acupressure-Often described as acupuncture without needles, acupressure is a traditional Chinese medical technique based on theory of qi (life energy) flowing in energy meridians or channels in the body.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of small needles into the skin at key points.
Acupressure uses these same key points but involves applying pressure rather than inserting needles.
Other objects, like needles, broken poultry bones, or razor blades, can get stuck at various points in the digestive tract and cause trouble.
Because no vaccine for HIV is available, the only way to prevent infection by the virus is to avoid behaviors that put a person at risk of infection, such as sharing needles and having unprotected sex.
Acupressure applies gentle force to various acupuncture points instead of using needles to stimulate these areas.
At certain points during the pregnancy, you may feel as though you are a walking target for needles.
Many patients who fear pain and physical trauma are also phobic when it comes to needles, which discounts the value of sedation dentistry.
Before there were sewing machines, there were needles and thread.
Everyone should have a good supply of sharp needles and a variety of thread colors on hand for replacing buttons and doing minor alteration work.
The kinds of needles you will need will depend on the work you are doing, but most people get by just fine using sharps.
You might also need some yarn or tapestry needles if you use heavier thread.
If you plan to start an embroidery business, you'll want to consider choosing a professional-quality machine with multiple needles that can finish projects faster than home models.
Extra bobbins and needles should also be included.
The machine creates the same motions that you use when you are needle felting by hand, but it uses numerous needles at the same time.
Most machines will have five, seven, or twelve needles.
Each needle has a barb, and as the needles travel through the layers of fiber, they pull fiber from the top and move it to the bottom layer.
Keep extra needles in a variety of sizes on hand so that you can replace any that break.
Kenmore Serger Model 16677 - Sears' most popular serger, this model has a thread capacity of up to four threads and features two needles.
This silver blue tree, the state tree of Utah and Colorado, has soft 3" needles and a pyramid-style shape.
Found in lots throughout the US, this cone-shaped tree has 1 to 1 ½" needles that carry a sweet scent when crushed.
The most planted commercial Christmas tree in the world, this dark green pine has long, 1" to 3" needles and a fresh pine scent that lingers.
It has a rich scent and prickly needles.
This tree is dark green with short, ½" to 1" needles.
Shape, profile, and needles are the three key appearance-related factors to consider when buying an artificial Christmas tree.
Today, the needles of most artificial trees are made from PE (polyethylene) or PVC (polyvinyl chloride).
High quality needles have two or three plies, each ten to twelve microns thick.
Recent improvements in manufacturing technology have made it possible for flame-retardant PVC needles to be produced.
High-quality molded branches and needles have a gently rounded surface with few rough edges.
Retailers often rate trees by the number of branch tips, but the appearance of the needles is even more important in creating a beautiful tree.
When you're buying an artificial Christmas tree, look for graceful needles and good branch tip shape.
Getting a wreath made of real pine needles is simple.
This is because needles can fall off the wreath, making it messy to clean indoors.
Norway spruce make wonderful cut Christmas trees, but the needles to not retain water very well and they may dry out during their time indoors.
Inspect the conditions of the needles to be sure that the root ball has been kept properly moist since the tree was first harvested.
Not only will your tree shed fewer needles while it is indoors, it will be healthier when it is replanted outside.
Although retailers typically rate trees by the number of branch tips, the appearance of the needles is even more important in creating a beautiful tree.
Look for graceful needles, a natural color, and good branch tip shape to ensure the most attractive Christmas décor.
An artificial wreath also works nicely if you are sensitive to smells or want to keep small children and animals away from needles and leaves.
In fact, there are many exquisite Christmas trees that look so real, you actually have to tug on their needles to determine that they are indeed fake.
Look for a high-quality, realistic tree that will give you the look and feel of a natural Christmas tree while saving you the hassle of watering and cleaning up fallen needles.
Choose high quality PE needles, like ultra-realistic True Needle® foliage by Balsam Hill, which looks and feels just like natural needles.
Natural trees, however, can dry out, lose their needles, and become serious fire hazards when displayed so long before Christmas.
Tree skirts hide unsightly tree stands and protect carpet and flooring from shedding needles.
Kits should include all the materials necessary to make the complete skirt, including sewing needles, fabrics, and decorative accents.
The watering device holds enough water to keep your tree quenched for days on end, so you can head out of town and return to a tree that hasn't dropped all of its needles.
You should avoid those that have a great deal of brown needles or which have needles falling whenever you touch it.
Needles are long thin strands of diamond crystals within the stone.
The affect needles have on the value of the diamond is largely dependent on its size and its color.
A knitter might carry several sets of knitting needles, a stitching needle, a counter, a holder, patterns, balls of yarn and the work itself.
A ready-made craft bag can be tailored to your specialty, with interior zippered compartments to hold varying sizes of needles, thread, thimbles, finger guards and embroidery rings.
For those who haven't read the books, be sure to stay on pins and needles as the final battle is revealed.
While most shops already made a practice of using needles only once, it was clear that the industry needed to clean up its act or face dire consequences.
Disease and bacteria are rampant and invisible; only use needles, tubing, gloves and inks once per person.
Don't get needles stuck in your skin in a place with pets, either.
Brand-new needles should be used for each customer.
Used needles can carry HIV, hepatitis, and other serious diseases.
Always ask about sterilization procedures and the use of clean needles and new inks, and be vigilant about the needles and inks used on you.
The piercer him/herself should be wearing protective gloves, and the needles and other instruments should be clearly sterilized or single use.
This is because the original tribal tattoos were done by hand, using needles and dyes that were often nothing more than water mixed with a little burnt carbon.
There were very little choices in the types of inks that could be used with such primitive needles (made of such items as bone and plant thorns) so black was really the only choice.
The handles of the machetes were first to be colored in using a "7-wide" needle meaning there are 7 individual needles working simultaneously.
Tattoo needles harbor many blood borne viruses and disease, so using a handmade tattoo gun clearly puts the recipient at risk for a multitude of health dangers.
While kit size and contents may vary, the average start up bundle includes a tattoo machine, an electrical footpad, needles, transfer paper, a variety of ink and tattoo flash art that will aid in endless hours of inspiration.
Needles used for piercing should always be a new piece of equipment, since they are dulled by use.
Reusing needles is an illegal practice in most areas.
The fact that there is no pain or needles involved is a plus for those who love the look, wouldn't mind the commitment, but just can't tolerate pain or the sight (or thought) of needles.
While temporary tattoo art is considered safer than the use of invasive needles, allergic reactions, and body paint that fades too quickly are unfortunately common occurrences.
Nearly every good tattoo artist will first place a stencil on your skin before they load their needles.
Each spring, they can get clogged again with flowers, seeds and pine needles.
If it says the pattern requires 5 stitches per inch on size ten needles, look around at the yarn in your favorite crafts or knitting store to find something with an equivalent gauge.
As the size goes up, the size needles you will use goes up and the number of stitches per inch goes down.
There are all sorts of knitting needles on the market, in all sorts of sizes and materials.
There are straight needles, circular needles and double-pointed needles in metal, plastic, wood and other materials.
How do you know which needles are the right ones to use for your project?
You can buy knitting needles at almost any craft or knitting supply store.
Having a variety of needles to use is part of the enjoyment of knitting.
When you choose a project to knit, the pattern will tell you what size needles were used to make the piece.
In the United States, needles commonly range in size from 0 to 35, with 0 being the smallest and 35 the largest.
In a perfect world, you could read a pattern, pick up knitting needles of the size mentioned and just start knitting.
The pattern may say something like 12 stitches equals four inches in pattern on size 10 needles.
That means if you knit 12 stitches and 12 rows in whatever pattern is used in the pattern on size 10 needles, your swatch should measure four inches.
If you don't get four inches, you'll need to change the size of your needles and knit another swatch.
If your piece is too small (you need fewer stitches per inch), use larger needles.
If your piece is too big (need more stitches per inch), use smaller needles.
The best way to tell what size your needles are is to invest in a gauge ruler.
Knitting needles are made out of all sorts of materials.
Aluminum and plastic are used to make inexpensive needles in a wide variety of sizes.
Some people prefer wooden needles because of the feel of the needles and the fact that they don't click like aluminum needles.
A newcomer to the knitting needle scene is casein needles.
Made from a protein in cow's milk (not vegan friendly), these needles are said to make for smooth and effortless knitting and are very light.
And some places make glass needles, if you want some needles that will really get noticed.
When you are first starting to knit, try needles made of many different materials to find out which feels best.
Most people start knitting on straight needles, and you can do a lot of projects with them.
Circular needles are two points attached to a (usually plastic) cable.
The cables come in different sizes, and some companies sell interchangeable needles where you can buy a set of ends and a set of cables and make a variety of needles out of the same set.
You can use circular needles to make tubes, such as hats, sweaters or bags without side seams.
Double-pointed needles are short, usually aluminum, needles with points on both ends.
Storing knitting supplies, including needles, is important to keep your project running smoothly.
Use empty oatmeal containers with tops to hold shorter needles.
Buy a special plastic bin for knitting needles.
Use a rubber band to keep a set of needles together.
Storing your needles properly will keep them in good condition and make them easy to find when you are ready to knit.
Get your needles and yarn, follow these instructions, and you will be creating in no time.
If you know how to cast on using two needles, you pretty much know how to knit.
Swap needles, so the one with the stitches is back in your left hand.
That's when you hold the yarn in your right hand and "throw" it across the needles.
Look on the label to see what size needles are recommended for the kind of yarn you pick out.
Canvas, yarn, needles, project,s and even great storage solutions fill this online store.
Knitting needles of a size that work with the yarn you have.
I used size nine needles for my worsted-weight yarn.
Just wear it with pride, and get another one on the needles as soon as possible.
To make a knitted sock, you either use double-pointed needles or two sets of circular needles to stitch your sock.
These needles are used because you can slide the stitches around and knit from either end of the needle, making it easy to knit in a small round, like the size of a sock.
All those needles, such strange shapes, and what are you doing when you "turn the heel," anyway?
You cast on and divide your stitches among either your two circulars or three or four double-pointed needles, depending on the pattern.
Stitches are divided evenly among the needles, and if you are using double-pointed needles, one needle will have no stitches.
This involves knitting only some of the stitches on just two needles instead of the normal four or five double-pointed needles.
The unworked stitches can be left on their needles or slipped onto stitch holders.
Making the heel is very easy because it's just a couple of needles.
You can have a sock on the needles all the time and always have a perfect gift for family members or friends.
The ideal needles for needlepoint or tapestry needles have elongated eyes for ease of threading, blunt points so you don't hurt yourself, and tapered bodies that flow through the canvas more easily.
Sizes for needlepoint needles range from 13 to 26; the higher the number the smaller the gauge of canvas it should be used with.
If you're looking for help with a project, want to know the best kind of needles to use with a certain kind of yarn, or are just looking for something beautiful to add to your stash, the LYS is the perfect knitting supply home base.
The fanciest needles you'll find are likely to be bamboo, and the store probably won't stock all sizes of needles that you might need.
A needle finder lets you search their wide selection of needles by brand, type (circular, straight, double pointed, etc.) and material (including bamboo, metal, coconut palm, rosewood and more).
They even sell pine needles you can use in potpourri!
The yarn and needles should be stored in the same place.
Shoeboxes, for instance, are not great for storing archival materials, but they've fine for thinks like knitting needles, crochet hooks, art supplies or embroidery thread.
Some less expensive embroidery supplies needed to create that perfect project include thread and needles.
Embroidery needles or crewels come in sizes up to 10.
They are sharp, medium-length hand needles used primarily for embroidering.
Also called circular crochet hooks, they are an alternative to using double-ended hooks and are handled like knitting needles.
Circular crochet needles are primarily for larger projects when smaller, double-ended crochet hooks aren't long enough.
Created on the premise of circular knitting needles, circular crochet hooks were designed to handle a variety of stitches, including Tunisian and Crochet on the Double.
Neither of these allowed for proper movement of the needles while crocheting.
You don't have to use circular crochet needles with this style of crocheting, but the option is available.
Circular crochet needles are not wildly popular, but they are available at several online stores.
Everything from yarn to circular knitting needles can be found at a large range of prices.
Save on Crafts says it offers 20 percent to 50 percent off retail prices everyday on books and yarn to knitting needles and storage units.
Chances are she may still have many of her old knitting needles or patterns that are just sitting there gathering dust.
Socks can be knitted 'top down' or 'toe up', worked 'in the round' on double pointed needles or 'flat' on two needles.
Some more experienced knitters knit two socks on the needles at the same time, or work on two circular needles instead of double pointed needles.
The knitting needles used for knitting socks are normal knitting needles.
They are either double pointed needles for knitting in the round, straight needles for knitting flat, or circular needles for those knitters who like to work with two sets of circular needles.
Whilst any needles are suitable, many knitters like to work their socks with wooden or bamboo needles.
When knitting on wooden or bamboo needles, the knitting is less likely to slip or fall off the needles.
The large nature of the project means that the poncho is likely to be knitted on circular needles.
This means that much of the weight of the project is held on the lap rather than on the needles.
If not, be sure to stock up on the thread, needles, and other supplies you need to create a beautiful piece of finished needlepoint.
Felting needles come in a variety of styles, but the basic purpose of each is the same.
Needles are comprised of sharp points, with each point containing a miniature barb.
The barbs are used to interlock the fibers as the needles are pushed and pulled through them.
Needles are available in several gauges.
These needles are extremely sharp, so you should take care when using them.
Avoid punching the wool fibers through metal forms as well, since this technique can also cause your needles to break.
You can choose from one up to three needles, and you can adjust the tool depending upon the depth of penetration that is needed.
The needles are typically one inch in length, with the handle being about three inches, making this tool easy to handle as well.
This needle gives you the option of using one or up to five needles, and the needles are easy to replace.
It has a removable chain and includes two needles.
It's constructed out of aluminum and includes ten needles.
A typical kit includes a protective case and extra needles as well.
These can often be unscrewed by hand when replacing needles.
The site helps with information regarding the size needles or hook you need, amount of yarn, difficulty level, finished measurements, gauge and helpful tips.
Special patterns are used for these items, because you knit or crochet them with large needles or hooks in a size considerably larger than the finished product.
Most stockings actually were seamed until the 1960s when hemlines got dangerously short and tights (made with circular needles rather than knitted flat) came into fashion.
You're really trying to find those few needles in the haystack from everyone who turns out for the casting calls.
Hydroderm claims that their products have the same effect, but without the needles or the doctor visits.
When needles injected into the skin simply aren't an option - whether for lack of finances or courage - then the Instant Targeted Wrinkle Treatment is an effective alternative.
She forced herself to notice how dark the sky was, the rich scent of earth in the air, the tickle of the pine needles that brushed her skin.
She rearranged the fuel and added some pine needles and leaves.
The bite, for example, of large species of the family Aviculariidae, sometimes called Mygales, and sometimes, but erroneously, known as tarantulas, species which have fangs half an inch long and as sharp as needles and a considerable quantity of poison, may be very painful, though seldom serious provided the health of the patient be good.
It crystallizes in fine silky needles and is soluble in water and alcohol.
Steel articles, such as knitting or sewing needles and pieces of flat spring, may be readily magnetized by stroking them with the bar-magnet; after having produced magnetism in any number of other bodies, the magnet will have lost nothing of its own virtue.
A somewhat stronger field will deflect many of the needles beyond the limits of stability, causing them to turn round and form new stable combinations, in which the direction assumed by most of them approximates to that of the field.
Among his most important canvases must be reckoned "The Pilot Cutter" in 1866, "The Salmon Poachers" in 1869, "The Lifeboat" in 1876, "Highland Pastures" in 1878, "The Beached Margent of the Sea" in 1880, "The Newhaven Packet" (bought by the Birmingham Corporation), and "Catspaws off the Land" (bought by the Chantrey Fund trustees); in 1885, "Mount's Bay" (bought by the Manchester Corporation) in 1886, "Nearing the Needles" in 1888, "Machrihanish Bay, Cantyre," in 1892, "Hove-to for a Pilot" in 1893, and "Glen Orchy," a landscape, in 1895.
The hammock was covered with pine needles, for it had not been used while my teacher was away.
The needles clicked lightly in her slender, rapidly moving hands, and he could clearly see the thoughtful profile of her drooping face.
This meant two stockings, which by a secret process known only to herself Anna Makarovna used to knit at the same time on the same needles, and which, when they were ready, she always triumphantly drew, one out of the other, in the children's presence.