Needing Sentence Examples
He closed his personal net, needing to concentrate.
I was the logical candidate as both women had children needing attention.
Others hold the problem to be insoluble, and not needing to be solved.
We held hands, needing each other's comfort.
She took in his words, surprised he'd admit to needing a human.
The war is blamed by Turkish historians as unjustifiable and untimely, the country needing reform.
It holds water well and is consequently cold, needing the application of much heat to raise its temperature.
Rich strips of alluvial soil, however, seam a cold clay-marl, needing intensive cultivation to become highly productive.
The miracles of the New Testament, which had formerly been received as bulwarks of Christianity, now appeared as difficulties needing explanation.
Sensation irresistibly produces a judgment of existence without needing language.
AdvertisementIn especial he showed clear understanding of the functions of hypothesis and verification in the investigations of the solitary worker, with his facts still in course of accumulation and needing to be lighted up by the scientific imagination.
The British Pharmacopeia contains a large number of preparations of cantharides, but the only one needing special mention is the tincture, which is meant for internal administration; the small dose is noteworthy, five minims being probably the maximum for safety.
Massachusetts, Plymouth, Connecticut and New Haven constituted in their early years a group of neighbouring colonies, substantially independent of the mother country, and possessing a unity of purpose and similar institutions but in need of mutual protection from the Indians, the Dutch and the French, and also needing an arbiter to whom they might refer their own disputes, especially those relating to boundaries and trade.
In 457 Sparta, needing a counterpoise against Athens in central Greece, reversed her policy and reinstated Thebes as the dominant power in Boeotia.
Such comparison, though needing caution and reserve, at once proved of great value to anthropology.
AdvertisementThe stress that their psychology laid on the essential unity of the rational self that is the source of voluntary action prevented them from accepting Plato's analysis of the soul into a regulative element and elements needing regulation.
It is therefore hardly surprising that his theory should leave the specific quality of the moral sentiments a fact still needing to be explained.
It was the first city outside of Italy which obtained such a municipal charter, without the usual implantation of Roman citizens (either poor men needing land or discharged veteran soldiers) from Italy.
In that year Portugal fell away without needing to strike a blow.
Other advantages are given in connexion with the qualifying of experts, &c., while nearly all the county associations in the United Kingdom employ qualified men who visit members in spring and autumn for the purpose of examining hives and giving advice on bee management to those needing it.
AdvertisementShe continued to walk, needing to feel the cold to remind her she was still alive.
Deidre fled to it, needing something to bolster the defenses that were dropping too fast.
Deidre set down the journal, needing to distract her thoughts before she started to panic again.
Deidre stopped only when they were toe-to-toe and leaned into him, needing the heat and solidness of his body to quiet her distress.
Deidre waited, needing to know what it would take for him to love her.
AdvertisementHe called a portal and left, needing to escape then realizing the emotions he didn't want to feel went with him.
She made her way to the wall, needing to feel the cool ocean breeze.
He took his time with his weapons, needing to keep his hands occupied so he didn't take her up on her offer.
The photographer's assistant yelped suddenly, and she turned her head, needing the distraction from the infuriating wall of pure male lying on top of her.
The 83rd Novell provides that if the offence be ecclesiastical, needing ecclesiastical correction, the bishop shall take cognizance of it.
It follows that alcohol is a food in fever, and its value in this regard is greatly increased by the fact that it requires no primary digestion, but passes without changes, and without needing change, to the tissues which are to use it.
There are no indications of any form of doctrinal heresy as needing rebuke; the warnings against false teaching are quite general.
It was therefore equal to 79,200 in., and divided decimally into 10 furlongs 100 chains, or 1000 fathoms. For the existence of this fathom (half the Belgic pertica) we have the proof of its half, or yard, needing to be suppressed by statute (9) in 1439, as "the yard and full hand," or about 40 in., -- evidently the yard of the most usual old English foot of 13.22, which would be 39.66.
Leo X., needing a subsidy from the English clergy, sent Campeggio to England on the ostensible business of arranging a crusade against the Turks.
In this change is the whole difference between the art of character and the art of emotion; and though the emotional side is the more popular, ul needing less thought to understand it, yet the unfailing canon is that in every age and land the true quality of art is proportionate to the expression of character as apart from transient emotion.
She leaned into him, needing more of his magic and his touch.
She backed away as he approached, feeling the threat without needing to see it on his face.
The foregoing processes are all peculiar to the silk waste trade, no other fibre having to go through such processes, nor needing such machinery.
The object of this proposal was to give effect to the idea that the existing " permanent " court lacked the essential characteristics of national courts of justice in not being ready at all times to hear cases, and in needing to be specially constituted for every case submitted to it.
But the primary sense of touch perceives one bodily member causing pressure on another, reciprocally, within the organism, from which we infer similar particular pressures caused between the organism and the external world; but without needing the supposed stupendous belief and assumption of the uniformity of Nature, which is altogether ignored in the inferences of the ordinary man.
Leopold, therefore, who made his debut on the European stage as the executor of the ban of the Empire against the insurgent Liegeois, was free to pose as the champion of order against the Revolution, without needing to fear the resentment of his subjects.
Of her needing his blood.
Needing just 30,000 fans to snap up a ' must have ' record will make sales easy, and recuperate costs.
The Alpine Type-S and Type-R series are usually a safe bet, whereas the entry-level Pioneer sets can provide good value for those not needing higher-end speakers.
Gabe saw the half-demon's eyes flare silver and pursued, wanting … needing a fight.
Katie's mind went to Gabe's words about needing to leave before the seventh day. It was day six. She wasn't sure they'd make his timeline – or even why it still mattered that she reached wherever he was taking her. There had to be something to what he told her, and she wished once more he'd told her why.
Kenya's largest accipiter, usually found alone or in pairs with a pair needing a territory of around 13 sq Km in Kenya.
Not so when it comes to international services overflying many countries ' airspace and needing sophisticated satellite connections.
The good thing about doing demos in Britain is that it always rains - the perfect legal reason for needing that toasty balaclava.
They are, however, extremely beneficial in reducing the amount of waste needing to be disposed of.
It is a pure peripheral vasoconstrictor and reflex bradycardia, needing treatment with atropine can occur.
Caesareanook at the mother's chances of needing an immediate emergency cesarean.
Mainly feeling cautious, anxious, a bit strange Slipping back down into sadness - needing to let go again!
Also the ice was thin and crusty in places with the breakable crust on the snow needing care.
I believe I had a word from the Lord about the church needing deliverance from ' lovely times of worship ' .
As far as the future's concerned that depends on tin-pot dictators who cause trouble needing the British forces to clear up the mess.
The new crime would further suppress dissent, without needing to demonstrate any link with a banned organization.
For example, parents can become distraught about their child needing five x-rays.
Dutch barge suitable for mooring in a marina, or will I be needing a yacht of some sort?
It is clear that Munby J did not regard himself as needing to enter into a Thomas v Thomas exercise of judicious encouragement.
There are also close links with the vascular surgeons to ensure delays in patients needing carotid endarterectomy are kept to a minimum.
There is evidence that your chances of needing a forceps delivery are nearly the same as when you have not had a standard epidural.
Halle has gone 2 days without needing tube fed!
No longer needing any gimmicks or tricks, American Recordings bears only the simple legend, " CASH " .
The Jo who could admit to needing another's strength was the Jo who would never grudge her own strength to one in need.
In fact, some people are naturally introverted, preferring their own company and not needing a constant social whirl to feel fulfilled.
We give our clients the ability to update their own web sites without needing any technical knowledge.
The new STX specification provides the prospect of being able to write SAX filters without needing to do low-level Java coding.
Surprisingly, the study found that not a single person diagnosed as needing glasses ever masturbated.
I also believe Lee also appeared on the Frank Skinner show a while ago, in a sketch about Prince Harry needing a minder.
I can actually do things without needing a three hour nap!
Various models of Ferraris have different design accelerator pedals thus needing different fixings.
Or are you a keen amateur photographer needing some new skills?
He is 8 months old and needing playmates and a family asap.
Stewart came to the 18th hole needing a birdie to force an 18-hole playoff.
Currently international medical graduates (IMGs) are able to undertake postgraduate medical education in the UK without needing a work permit.
In many cases this may reflect more an increased selectivity in needing to fit new information into some accepted framework than some memory dysfunction.
No in-game yet as we are still needing a weapon skinner.
Conrad - Lead Guitar You want a blistering solo - you'll be needing a bit of Conrad then.
If you find yourself needing heading 3, I suggest splitting the content onto separate pages.
What I am needing is to build stamina in my MA classes.
Spacecraft could flow along these channels practically effortlessly - barely needing thrusters to struggle against gravity.
For those seeds needing to be covered use fine vermiculite instead of compost.
Women from 12 to 42 weeks pregnant are welcome, and anyone needing gentle yoga.
Greatly needing money for his campaign, John ordered another scutage to be taken from his tenants; this, moreover, was to be at the unprecedented rate of three marks on the knight's fee, not as on previous occasions of two marks, although this latter sum had hitherto been regarded as a very high rate.
The tanned complexion, that amorphous crag-like face; the dull black eyes under the precipice of brows, like dull anthracite furnaces, needing only to be blown; the mastiff mouth accurately closed; I have not traced so much of silent Berserkir rage that I remember in any man."
He had, William also reports, a gift of impromptu eloquence, and a faculty both for saying witty things pleasantly at other people's expense and for listening placidly to witticisms directed against himself; while he was generous to excess without needing to make exactions in order to support his generosity, and always respected the Church.
And my pulse quickened when, with three overs to go and Esher needing about thirty, Richie Richardson beckoned me toward him.
Any person no longer needing access to perform his duties should be removed from any such list.
Needing one more win to clinch the title, Services began brightly by getting their rucking game going and moving the ball crisply.
Such heavy and showy romantic styles sold well to the majority of ordinary British people needing to furnish their homes.
Now, in my experience, things never exactly slide off anything, more like needing to be wrenched off with brute force.
Beginning around two months of age, a newborn baby will be able to stay awake for roughly two hours a time, before needing to sleep again.
By the time your baby has reached three or four months of age, however, she should be sleeping for longer periods at night without needing to eat.
By doing this however, he will have learned how to settle himself back to sleep if he wakes up during the night, thus enabling him to sleep all night without needing you to come to him.
You can reduce your chances of needing an episiotomy by practicing perineal massage during your last few weeks of pregnancy.
While your child can learn to recognize the feeling of needing to urinate during the day, he won't voluntarily recognize this same feeling once he is asleep.
Digital camcorders use a great deal of power, which is why batteries normally only last an hour or so before needing a recharge.
For those more serious of the sport and needing performance type of skate, prices can be over $200 for a pair.
Bathing and diapering essentials cover a multitude of items that are all constantly needing replenishing.
At some point you may grow tired of always needing to buy origami architectural cards and decide to try your hand at making your own.
The battery life is roughly seven to eight hours before needing to be recharged.
How many pages do you anticipate needing to print at a time.
If you don't anticipate needing to print in color, you may be able to get a laser printer for under $100 if you watch for deals.
At shelters, you may be overwhelmed by the sheer number of pets needing homes and want to take them all home.
Like their wild forbears, they still show a great love for climbing trees and are quite adept at it, rarely needing assistance getting down.
The automatic sifter has a distinct advantage over the manual model because it can sift and resift without needing to replace the litter.
A phone card can come in very handy while on vacation, staying in hotels, or visiting friends and needing to call home.
Consolidating your unsecured debt can be a great financial tool only if you change the financial behavior that initially got you to the point of needing to consolidate debt.
This type of alimony is usually awarded when the spouse is unable to work due to age, disability or needing to care for a disabled child.
Anyone needing to free up space will love the Columbia Twin Full Bunk Bed made by Atlantic Furniture.
Those needing two different sized beds in one room will appreciate this option.
For those of you needing more storage space, the under bed drawers are perfect for clothes and linens.
While desks need to have the right amount of storage space, surface space, and they need to look good, chairs have the added responsibility of needing to be comfortable.
It is common knowledge that regular maintenance of an automobile helps keep the vehicle from breaking down and needing costly repairs.
You can also download the Personal Color Viewer for free so that you can use it without needing Internet access.
All the essential products should fit comfortably in the bag without crowding or straining, preferably with enough room for some minor rummaging as you search for the right case without needing to remove items.
You can wear this pressed powder for hours without needing many touchups.
Secondly, this kit allows customers to mix and match which items they want in their palette, saving women from needing to buy multiple kits to fit their needs.
For those needing shape, visit the salon and meet with an esthetician who will wax and create a brow that frames your features.
If it's summertime, you may find yourself needing a new blush, as tanned gals will demand a different color, usually some shade of peach or coral.
Do you find yourself accidentally discarding more cards than you wanted, or needing to reset the numbers on your bet because you typed too fast for the program?
Using an online calculator is perfect for those needing quick and easy access to a calculator, especially if you are already at a computer.
Keep in mind any special situations, such as Uncle Joe needing to sit down because of his bad back.
Made by Provo Craft, this machine gives you the flexibility to create your own die cuts without needing a computer.
The program offered her is open to just about anyone needing anger management.
Other teens that are failing many courses may see the stigma of needing to take another year to finish high school as unbearable.
Talking to you only when needing something.
By taking your budget into account as you plan your menu, you can create a tasty meal to share with family and friends without needing to bankroll a larger menu.
To purchase a gift over your budget, consider pooling your money with other guests, such as co-workers or relatives, in order to buy a big item but without anyone needing to spend more than 100 dollars.
Some organizations offer employee assistance programs geared to employees needing professional help.
The hoarder first develops a thought about needing something, and this thought turns into anxiety.
When she appeared on Comedy Central's roast for William Shatner, she again stumbled over her prepared jokes, needing to restart several times to deliver her speech.
Needing a big name star to join the show in Fox's absence, producers brought in Charlie Sheen.
Brad Pitt originally quit in 2004 when he was working on the movie Troy, needing to get a little heftier for the role.
As some children who grew up in the 1950s and 1960s will attest, the combination of the design of socks and shoes meant the socks were always sliding down the leg and bunching up under the heel, needing to be yanked up several times a day.
Printing specific data points or examples from the text is possible for notes without needing to print the entire book.
The Princeton Review is a non-profit educational company established in 1987 to help serve underprivileged students needing additional help in preparing for school and college admissions.
Reasonable expectations about a cruise ship's liability, safe behavior on board to avoid dangerous situations, and a flexible attitude can help passengers enjoy their getaway without needing to consider litigation when they disembark.
Even if you want to teach your dog to walk beside you without needing a leash, many communities are enacting leash laws that make leash use a requirement when you leave your property.
Some collars combine both approaches and will continue working for four to six months before needing replacement.
In 1988, Wally Cochran of the Royal Guide Dogs in Australia received a request from a woman needing a guide dog which would not exacerbate her husband's dog allergy.
This clean up method disturbs your bitch far less than needing to remove all of the whelping box material and reline it for her.There are different kinds of disposable pads.
Even if you don't already have a crate, purchasing one to use for whelping may be a good choice since it can serve double duty rather than needing to be packed away until the next time you are dealing with a litter of puppies.
Thus, nakedness has been able to be imagined as both an indecent state needing to be covered by "culture" (clothing) and a pure state far superior to the indecent cultural masquerade of clothing.
According to Mr Bean in Trees and Shrubs, p. 165, it is a native of Spain, and only hardy in the milder parts of Great Britain, needing at Kew wall protection, but in the gardens at Grayswood Hill, near Haslemere, thriving splendidly.
Canadian Rhodora (Rhodora) - R. canadensis is an interesting bush, 2 to 4 feet high, allied to the Rhododendron, a native of the swamps of Canada, hardy, and needing a moist light soil, though it prefers peat.
H. niger is a well-known kind, scarcely needing description.
Phlomis Herba-Venti - Handsome perennial from Spain, needing a warm dry soil and some protection if grown far inland.
It is tender in England, needing the protection of a warm wall.
It makes a low shrub, well adapted to the rock garden, growing slowly, needing little root room, and flowering freely from a height of only a few inches.
Its growth is strong, needing ample space.
In light or warm soils in the south it thrives as a bush, needing no pruning or other care; best on a sunny bank.
The mulch is also easy to spread around the garden beds by hand in areas needing it.
Compared to other types like wood chips and rubber mulch, pine straw is a very cost effective mulch for large garden areas needing it.
In other words, if you begin laying out a floor at one entrance but end up needing only half the width of a plank for the opposite entrance, you've got an appearance problem.
An electronic sensor activates the on/off action of the water without needing to be touched.
However, the real allure of this product seems to be the ability of the homeowner to add it to any room without needing nails, paint, or a saw.
What this means is that your deck will maintain its color and shape for years and years without needing regular intervention from you.
Adjustable bracelets are perfect surprise gifts between friends because one friend can buy or purchase a bracelet without needing to know the exact size.
This also makes it easy for friends to exchange bracelets and change their styles on a whim without needing new jewelry every time, or even to switch the bracelets to anklets if desired.
Future matching - Avoid purchasing one-of-a kind, or unusual charms if you will be needing additional charms in the future.
This combination of interchangeable beads and components allows women the opportunity to create their own unique jewelry combinations, having all the fun of creating their own image without needing any specialist jewelry making skills.
Anyone can put charms onto a bracelet without needing specialist jewelers tools.
Some versions have decorative clasps, while others can be made to slip off and on without needing to be opened or closed.
You may even find yourself walking taller and with more confidence, no longer needing to hunch over to give the appearance of a properly-fitted tie.
Twill Sport Shirt is done in a wrinkle resistant fabric that looks great without needing to be ironed.
For those men needing shoes in sizes 10-18, look no further than Casual Male.
The company has since reached out to others with special dietary needs including those with food allergies or food sensitivities such as celiac disease patients and others needing gluten free products.
Are machine washable and dryable - You will find yourself needing to wash your gown frequently between breast leakage and baby accidents.
For woman needing a plus size of these popular panties, shopping online will give you the best deals and selection of sizes and styles.
Lane Bryant carries thongs that are comfortable and designed specifically for those needing a plus size.
Free Country swimwear makes a variety of tankinis perfect for women needing a plus size.
Schwartz mentions looking for brands that offer separate lines which are ideal for those needing a plus size.
Even the most shaped hoodie, which tapers at the waist, is going to be fairly loose and stretchy, so you can feel confident shopping online, rather than needing to try on in a store.
If you look at the inspection frequency list for Ohio food service operators, there are various food places noted as needing inspections at least once during each licensing period.
Seniors needing additional therapy or health care need to seek outside services or consider more inclusive retirement housing, such as assisted living or nursing care.
While assisted living can be a great choice for seniors with memory problems or even mild Alzheimer's, it is not appropriate for someone needing around-the-clock care.
An ALF offers seniors needing a bit of care the option of having the services they need without losing the feeling of freedom that they may cherish.
Day care centers provide services for older adults who are no longer able to be on their own at home all day long, and centers are also an option for people needing organized socialization opportunities.
The goal is to find a day care center that serves as a haven for those needing assistance and supervision.
A program or structured setting that offers personal care assistance, activities, meals, and socialization for seniors needing support.
The email may explain that there's a large charge that needs to be confirmed, the account password needs to be changed, or some other concern needing immediate attention.
They offer advanced technology and their vast experience to clients needing laser and micro eye surgery.
Special Needs Footwear - Foot problems are very common in the senior population, with elderly individuals often needing orthopedic shoes, diabetic footwear, shoes with velcro closure, and other special accommodations.
By the year 2020 that number of Americans seniors needing long-term care is projected to be more than 12 million.
Approximately 70 percent of senior citizens needing long-term care are cared for at home by family members and friends.
Sleep deprivation is a health risk needing medical attention especially when a change in lifestyle doesn't improve it.
Nasal congestion, noise from the CPAP machine, needing to sleep on your back, and the strange sensation of air being forced into your airways can make sleep nearly impossible in the early days of treatment.
The longer your sleep apnea progresses without treatment, the higher your chances are of needing any of the more extensive treatments for sleep apnea.
Since they're neutral, they will match any outfit so you never have to worry about needing more than one pair for the purpose of coordinating with your wardrobe.
Daily disposables are used for a maximum of 24 hours before needing to be replaced.
This option is best for those needing quick repairs.
The H2Rx Goggle is a great choice for those needing corrections from -1.50 to -10.00.
Proclear has an expanded line of lenses that includes a range of choices for those needing vision correction.
You can also contact Ray-Ban directly to find out if the part needing replaced is available.
Players needing to insert prescription lenses may find the purchasing process more complicated.
For those needing special lenses such as bifocal or multifocal lenses, Eyeglass World has those as well.
The visitor packages offered by Cedar Point have great deals and fun options guests can try without needing a massive budget.
Finding Sea World discounts on tickets, hotels, souvenirs, food, and other vacation amenities can help interested travelers enjoy the beauty and excitement of these parks without needing a whale of a budget.
Others are achievable through skill and experience, such as playing an entire game without needing hints.
There are nicely animated sequences telling the story and StormRunner is a free game that is downloaded to your computer to play in your web browser without needing to go online every time.
Plus, you can also use the square button to knee and rest, restoring HP without needing to travel to an inn or save point.
The PSX GameShark is a device that allows players to easily enter cheats for their favorite games without needing to enter tricky codes or repeatedly perform feats of gaming single-mindedness.
This game is best played in the dark, at night, and if you have some friends who enjoy that kind of thing, invite them over because you may find yourself needing the moral support.
However, it's almost microscopic size (just a few inches long, the size of an iPOD) and bright, crisp screen make it very attractive for gamers needing a truly portable device.
If you should find yourself needing an antique appraiser, Punta Gorda, Florida appraisers are top-notch.
If you can't park your motor home outside and you absolutely don't have room in your garage, a rental will allow you to enjoy the freedom of trailer and RV camping without needing a place to keep the RV when you're done for the season.
If you do find yourself needing to expand your search beyond your local area, the Internet can be a valuable resource for locating what you are looking for.
Others request that a light be left on, even if they have long since stopped needing a nightlight.
If the sibling has no symptoms, determining his carrier status is often delayed until his teen years or later, when he is closer to needing the information to make decisions.
Healing time varies from person to person with the elderly generally needing more time to heal completely.
Many parents post their names and numbers in these locations as soon as they anticipate needing a sitter.
Because of the opening between ventricles, much of the blood that comes back to the heart needing oxygen is sent out without being properly oxygenated.
This decreases some of the stressors associated with premature births and helps infants needing neonatal intensive care.
Babies needing oxygen or nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) may also be eligible.
Whatever your reason for needing photos and clip art, there are plenty of places to find them.
Now that the Rockettes are touring with the Christmas show as well as performing their show in New York City, some young dancers are hoping that the illustrious group of dancers will be needing new members soon.
Group classes are offered at very affordable rates ($10 per lesson for a month-long series of one lesson per week), and private lessons are also available for those needing or wanting additional instruction.
You may find all the information you are looking for without ever needing to pay a cent.
Whatever your reason for needing Texas death records, you can find what you need without much trouble.
Different layers create natural volume to hair without needing excessive chemicals.
Hair accessories such as barrettes, pins, or head bands can also add flair to light hair without needing additional volume.
Regardless of the accessories chosen, they should fit snuggly into the hair style so they can withstand the rigors of the day without needing repeated adjustments that can make a young child impatient and volatile.
After several days, however, the hairs seemed to fall right out rather than needing firm tugs when plucked.
Her hair should be able to withstand all of these activities without needing more than minor touch-ups.
The right hair color ideas can turn any drab 'do into a stunning style without needing a drastic cut or outrageous styling.
You can still have a few curls, a bun, or a subtle French twist without needing long hair.
By choosing the best extensions for your look, you can easily enjoy the glamour of different styles without needing hours in a stylist's chair.
When you find yourself needing help with your homeschool-teacher career, don't hesitate to reach out to other homeschool parents online or in your community.
Sometimes you may find yourself needing to write your own job descriptions.
Adding automation to any process or activity needing streamlining.
Homes needing certain repairs, such as the repair of unsafe or unhealthy conditions, can be repaired using ADDI money.
Many consumers seek out equity loans when needing extra money for home improvements or debt consolidation.
The Ohio Housing Finance Agency has various programs such as first time home buyer loans, loans for low-income households needing to refinance expensive loans, and programs to assist with down payments.
Some lenders use escrow as a method by which to collect excess funds without needing to pay interest on the money, but the majority of lenders utilize escrow in a responsible manner.
Many homeowners needing to refinance to avoid steeply increasing mortgage payments discovered that their homes no longer appraised high enough to qualify for a refinance.
Chicago suburb residents needing an inspection have many options when it comes to the timing of their inspections.
Such properties are available to those needing a home regardless of these factors.
Dressing in layers may prevent you from needing a maternity coat if the climate where you live is not prone to extreme temperatures.
Medically inducing labor can ensure that you and your baby will be healthy, and some care providers feel that it decreases the risk of needing a cesarean.
Interventions can end in needing a cesarean.
If you have a midwife or are aiming for a home birth, your chances of needing a cesarean are less.
Needing to use the bathroom more frequently may a sign of early pregnancy.
An IUD is supposed to work without a woman needing to think about it and, in most instances, this is the case.
Guests needing suite accommodations may choose between one or two bedroom suites, a Presidential Suite, the Governor's Suite, an Ambassador's Suite, and a Chancellor's Suite.
You can also buy ticket books online as a gift for those needing to get into and out of the City.
If you're tired of needing to re-adjust your suit, you'll find these shorts are a terrific alternative.
On the other hand, if there is little or no difference between the support you get from either suit, then you're probably on the borderline of needing an underwire, and you can choose to go without one if you like.
As well as needing to be all of the above, the swimwear also needs to be fashionable.
If you enjoy a variety of different types of activities in various climates, you may find yourself needing multiple suits.
Needing something to add draw to the magazine, SI naturally turned to the advertiser's secret weapon--pretty girls.
Needing a catchy name for his product, Reard took the name of a small South Pacific atoll being used for A-bomb testing, and christened his new swimsuit design the Bikini.
In addition to your body needing minerals just as much as it does vitamins, some vitamins and minerals are synergistic and help each other with absorption and efficiency.
Niacinamide, a form of niacin, may delay needing insulin in type one diabetes.
Instead of needing to process a capsule or pill, the digestive system is able to easily assimilate the liquid supplement.
It held up for a long time, so a flapper could enjoy a sporty season and not worry about needing to replace her clothes or fret that they'd rip.
Other advantages to a more modest dress on a hot day is you actually enjoy more sun protection without needing sunblock.
As the sprayheads are attached to the coffee maker using a spring mechanisim they are prone to breaking off and needing replaced.
The cutters will dull and wear out with continual use, needing replaced.
For those needing another way, try snail-mail at Fox International, 23600 Aurora Road, Bedford Heights, OH 44146.
Practice proper maintenance and usage and your food processor will last for years without needing any parts replaced.
Whether due to misplacement or actual damage, the most common parts needing replacing on Rival's hand mixers are the mixing attachments.
Ultrasonic Humidifier - This model is well-suited for medium to large size rooms and can run for 27 hours without needing to be filled.
Proper care and maintenance will help you avoid needing replacement parts for as long as possible.
Maintaining your Magic Bullet properly is the best way to reduce your chances of needing replacement parts too soon.
Use this one when you're needing a 10-pound slab of wax.
The worst thing that can happen if you forget to turn the candle off is the battery needing to be replaced!
Choose holders and candles that will burn throughout the reception without needing replacement or relighting.
Furniture Banks connects furniture donors with those needing furniture assistance.
This grant is awarded to the State to provide the best possible mental health services to those needing assistance.
There are many state and local programs that give assistance to those needing help through funding from a block grant.
From court ordered community service to needing to fill a graduation requirement - many volunteer simply because they have to.
The more compelling you are about needing donations, the more likely you are to receive support.
This meant that those needing housing worked along with those who were building it.
Buying Christmas toys is a struggle for many people who have young children on their lists needing presents.
Christmas games you can play online are a fun and easy way to relax and enjoy the holiday season without needing specialized game boards, superior computer equipment, or extensive time for complicated games.
If you have a basic pair of fitted trousers in a color such as black, these can be worn as part of your costume without needing to purchase a special pair.
Depending on the types of problems needing help, a couple can approach any number of people and organizations for assistance.
He needed you, and his needing you filled that part of you that likes to take care of people.
Once this rapport is established, the person may experience a financial hardship such as not being able to pay a bill or needing money to bail a beloved family member out of prison.
Housewives cheat for a number of reasons, from being lonely and neglected to being bored and needing more excitement.
After only unpacking once, you can experience multiple destinations without needing to drive or fly again, and the exquisite service between ports makes everyone feel like royalty.
If the company doesn't ask about your specific academic qualifications and has a website that talks about busy students needing to take shortcuts in their work, that's a good indication the business is a term paper mill.
A large, multi-sectioned tote might be a good choice for athletes needing to haul many items, while a small, open tote might be better suited for activities and sports that require light loads.
Regardless of your religious affiliation, helping the needing is a very purposeful and necessary act.
Vinyl will rip more easily than the sturdy plastic totes, so these beach bags may only last for a summer or two before needing replaced.
Always needing to be in control, Virgos have a difficult time letting go emotionally and intimately; this is why their perfect companions are people who are strong and liberated.
However, most Leos aren't obnoxious about needing to be the center of attention.
He just doesn’t see the need for verbally expressing the depth of his feelings and, truth be told, is actually quite scared of needing someone too much.
What you may view as needing to have his ego petted is simply his need for validation.
Schools that are identified as needing improvement are expected to provide parents with public school choice for the following school year.
Statistically, few children who are identified as needing treatment for mental health conditions actually receive the care that they need.
You may want to offer the child a reward of some kind for doing his or her chores without needing to be reminded to do them.
Keeping your body healthy by giving it the minerals and vitamins it needs to function properly is a significant step toward not needing to use your health insurance.
This eliminates the problem of shrinkage in the wash or needing new clothes after an unexpected growth spurt.
Ultimately, in order to be in control of your finances, you should work toward not even needing to know how to save money fast at all.
In the future, protect yourself from this potential problem by making changes that help you avoid needing to save money in a hurry.
This can be a great way to stock up for a full year without needing a full price budget.
By choosing rechargeable batteries, consumers can avoid the ongoing cost of continually replacing those batteries, and many rechargeable batteries can be reused up to 100 times before needing replacements themselves.
Avoid clothes that require the extra expense of dry cleaning, and learn a few basic sewing skills so you can do minor repairs without needing help.
Needing "sensible" shoes does not translate into leaving style behind.
The fact remains that it's hard to dress your son in one of those adorable tuxedo vests without needing a quality pair of toddler dress shoes.
While some people mistakenly believe that only the elderly are prone to needing shoes like this, this is far from the case.
Producers of General Hospital have used misdirection by sending out false spoilers, particularly when needing to recast a popular character (Carly Corinthos) or bringing back a popular veteran (Rick Springfield, Finola Hughes, Emma Samms).
The lower back has plenty of width to allow the wings to stretch out from the design, without needing to take up a lot of space vertically.
In addition to not needing to pay for basic necessities (food, hotel, transportation) separately as well as included entertainment (pools, shows, contests), you should consider the non-monetary costs of a typical vacation.
A cruise allows you to see several different ports, even different countries, without needing to pack and unpack at different hotels.
Those tourists needing more hands on activities will be thrilled with the wide variety of attractions.
Visitors needing something quick and easy, however, will be well satisfied with all that Center Stage Café has to offer.
Those needing a daily paper will love the onsite gift shop that provides a wide array of newspapers and many toiletries.
In fact, companies have sprung up that match students and charity projects needing volunteer labor.
The watch would run for about five hours before needing new batteries and could also be used as an alarm clock and a stop watch.
Because the sun rises early during the mornings in the summer, there is limited negative effect on the amount of energy consumed by needing additional lights early in the morning.
This gives the user a wide range of options while only needing to carry a single knife.
Seattle Yoga Arts offers community practice as well, in which the facilities are opened up to anyone needing a little yoga space. 1540 15th Ave., Seattle, WA 98112 (206) 440-3191.
For those needing a 500-hour certification, School of Santhi offers two separate four-week sessions, 500 Part I and 500 Part II, in order to spread out the workload.
The trickiest, but also the simplest, step when buying a computer is to identify what you need your computer to do now and what you anticipate needing it to do in the future.
An affiliate program is any Internet business that someone else is operating and needing affiliates to help promote their services, products, or information.
A six user multi-user package costs $299 is good for previous MineYourOwn Business users, but may be found lacking for small business owners needing a more fully featured program.
Mature professional with small-business accounting knowledge seeking part-time employment with start-up firm or family-run establishment needing reliable, accurate and innovative financial management abilities.
Customers in over 30 countries can send and receive documents without needing a stand-alone facsimile machine.
In this case, outline how many additional clients your business can expand to before needing additional investments.
The crowd and the team are not the only people needing inspiration.
Aside from needing to get the routines down and perfect the more difficult stunts, there are pep rallies to plan, spirit signs to create, and more.
Start with the first one and move down the list if you end up needing hardier cleaners.
As long as you do so, the disk should dry quickly without you needing to wipe it down a second time.
The acetic acid in vinegar effectively disinfects, deodorizes, and cuts grease on many different types of surfaces, without needing the complex and potentially toxic and harmful chemicals that are found in many commercial cleaning products.
If you get in the effort of regularly setting aside a little time to take care of minor reorganization needs as they develop, you may not find yourself needing to face a major home organization project for quite some time.
Be sure to rake up any remaining leaves and loose detritus from the winter, clean off patio furniture and check it for needing repairs.
If your current diet is not working you may be on the path of needing medication to help control your diabetes.
Overall, we would definitely recommend this program to others needing to lose weight.
By making sure that you burn more calories than you eat, you will be well on your way to a healthier body without needing to resort to magical cures.
Metamucil Products - This long-standing company makes fiber supplements, powders, and wafers for those needing a fiber boost.
Eating according to the food pyramid can help you meet the dietary reference intake for both micronutrients and macronutrients without needing to supplement.
It is also a good alternative for those needing to consume cranberry juice for other health reasons, but prefer a lower sugar option.
The bosu's versatile design means that you can use it for a variety of exercises, without needing to change equipment.
So instead of needing to purchase and store an entire dumbbell rack, you can simplify your home gym and dumbbell needs.
This gives them the leeway they need to find another job without needing to snatch up the first one that comes along.
The best way to find a plan without needing to wade through hundreds of companies' websites is to visit a website that provides information on discount dental companies in the local area.
Business owners are in the delicate position of needing sufficient health insurance coverage for employees, but not wanting to spend so much on premiums that the insurance costs cause budgetary problems for the business.