Need-not Sentence Examples
He need not have been concerned.
More than this we need not assert.
Lastly, we need not speak of mere sycophancy.
Was there a decision so small that he need not be consulted?
No part of him felt the need not to check up on her, not when he had no idea where her loyalties were.
If true, it need not be exhaustive.
We need not consider the details of this process.
The story that Phoenician merchants found a glass-like substance under their cooking pots, which had been supported on blocks of natron, need not be discarded as pure fiction.
It need not affect the opinion of dispassionate students.
Epicureanism need not detain us.
AdvertisementThe other parts of the flower need not detain us.
His scheme of classification, being as before stated partial, need not be given in detail.
We need not suppose that congregations gathered together to worship away from Jerusalem, especially in times of distress, would necessarily sing the religious poems which they had collected, though it is by no means improbable that they would do so.
In thus assigning the first collection of psalms to some Judaean community of Hasidim in the earlier Maccabaean period we need not conclude that all the psalms contained in this collection were first composed at this time.
The theoretical differences between this and the" stimulus "theory need not be expounded.
AdvertisementVery large volumes of air are necessary for this purpose, so that in such mines other sources of vitiation are adequately provided against and need not be considered.
Our God is at work in the world; therefore we need not become frantic.
On the other hand, complete indentity of regulations and observance in Babylonia and Israel at one period need not show more than development on the same lines.
Upon the characteristics of the post-exilic priestly writings we need not dwell.'
The tortuous negotiations which preceded the struggle need not be discussed here, but in defence of Aberdeen it may be said that he hoped and strove for peace to the last.
AdvertisementWe need not be surprised that he failed; men desired not the scientific treatment of politics, but satire and invective.
They need not be horizontal, and sometimes have a dip of a few feet per mile, as in the case of the Ohio and Indiana oil fields, where the amount varies from one to ten feet.
We need not suppose that the Chronicler quotes from the Psalter or vice versa, the matter which they have in common being probably derived from certain traditional songs current among the Levitical singers.
This doctrine, of which the developments need not further be followed, was important chiefly in so far that it was perfectly distinct from, and opposed to, the humoral pathology of Hippocrates.
But we need not therefore regard the author as of Jewish birth.
AdvertisementBut the principle still is that what has been well said once need not be told again in other words.
P 1 greater than P2, if the molecular weight of A be much less than that of B, then it is obvious that the ratio M 1 P 1 /M 2 P 2 need not be very great, and hence the less volatile liquid B would come over in fair amount.
But this difficulty need not be permanent, and the assumption is much to be deprecated.
At least we need not feel lonely any more over here!
He that does not eat need not work.
Students applying for this program must have completed a 200-hour training program that is accredited with the Yoga Alliance, but it need not be the 200-hour program offered by the Yoga Teachers' Training Institute.
However, you need not limit your practice to studio classes.
Greater freedom of moulding and the use of trefoil and cinquefoil may be, but need not be, explained in this way.
In this last case the shunt need not be contained in the instrument itself but may be at a considerable distance, wires being brought from the shunt which carries the main current to the movable coil ammeter itself, which performs the function simply of an indicator, 3.
Other species of a gelatinous nature, like Nemalion and Dudresnaya, may be allowed to dry on the paper, and need not be submitted to pressure until they no longer present a gelatinous appearance.
Also, two relations need not be serial in order to be ordinally similar; but if one is serial, so is the other.
In the future this washing of " wild " rubber may be conducted in the tropics, thus furnishing the manufacturer with rubber which, like " plantation " rubber, need not be subjected to this process in the factory.
For experiments with long thin rods or wires it has an advantage over the other arrangements in that the position of the poles need not be known with great accuracy, a small upward or downward displacement having little effect upon the magnetometer deflection.
With variation of temperature, the surfaces of equal pressure and density need not coincide; but, taking the pressure, density and temperature as connected by some relation,such as the gas-equation, the surfaces of equal density and temperature must intersect in lines lying on a surface of equal pressure.
The men who charge and empty the retorts, those who draw and cast the metal, and those who keep the furnace in repair, need not know anything about the making or using of gas, and the men who make the gas need not know anything about a zinc furnace.
It is by sheer strength of thought, by the vigorous perspicacity with which he strikes the lines of cleavage of his subject, that he makes his way into the mind of the reader; in the presence of gifts of this power we need not quarrel with an ungainly style.
As it was composed in rather less than six months, and as the author honestly warns us that he has given all his attention to a more profound co-ordination, instead of working out the special explanations more fully, as he had promised, we need not be surprised if the result is disappointing to those who had mastered the corresponding portion of the Positive Philosophy.
The particularities of the worship, its minute and truly ingenious re-adaptations of sacraments, prayers, reverent signs, down even to the invocation of a New Trinity, need not detain us.
The pressure to be effectual need not be severe, but must be accurately applied.
The existence of evil in opposition to the perfect goodness of God, as thus explained, need not be attributed to God's agency, inasmuch as the whole emanation-process is governed by necessary - as it were mechanical - laws, which may be compared to those of the physical universe.
The history of the renewal of the war, of the fall of Addington's ministry, and of the formation of Pitt's second administration is so fully dealt with in the article on Pitt (q.v.) that it need not be repeated here.
We need not suspect Christian influences, but the parallelism of Rev. xx.
We need not deny that, late as the Bundahish may be as a whole, the traditions which it contains are often old.
In Walpole's own words, "as St John had the duchess entirely on his side I need not add what must or might in time have been the consequence," and he prepared for his dismissal.
But the ordinary reader need not feel concern about the future victory of either theory.
For he had neither [means] to sustain himself nor his servants, and need not make further rehearsal thereof, seeing she knew it as well as he."
The vapour tension of mercury need not be taken into account when water is used in the jacket.
Yet we need not run into the opposite extreme, and try to fancy that Machiavelli, who had professed Paganism in his life, proved himself a believing Christian on his deathbed.
The concern was not prosperous - though Samuel Foote's assertion that he had known Garrick with three quarts of vinegar in the cellar calling himself a wine merchant need not be taken literally - and before the end of 1741 he had spent nearly half of his capital.
This class of prerogatives, as well as the right which the pope claimed to ratify the election of the emperor, need not detain us, although they doubtless served in the long run to weaken the papal power.
That modern Unitarianism is all to be traced back to Sozzini and the Rakow Confession need not be assumed.
The advantages compared with a tangent sight are that only half the movement is required to raise the sight for any particular range; the ranges on the drum are easier to read, and if necessary can be set by another man, so that the layer need not take his eye from the telescope.
On this old-world technical controversy we need not dwell.
The revolution need not be complete, but may be through any angle.
It is said that seven demons were cast out of her, but this need not imply simply one occasion.
Where a man bargained and sold his land to another for pecuniary consideration, which might be merely nominal, and need not necessarily be actually paid, equity held the bargainor to be seised of the land to the use of the bargainee.
An account of the various Spanish and English explorers has already been given under Oregon and need not be repeated at length here.
The story of the struggle of the rival British and American companies to control the fur trade, with the final dominance of the Hudson's Bay Company has been told under Oregon and need not be repeated.
We need not here enter into the question of the structure constituting these resonators.
McClellan, deprived of McDowell's corps, felt himself reduced to impotence, and three Federal armies were vainly marching up and down the Valley when Johnston fell with all his forces upon the Army of the Potomac. The Federals lay on both sides of the Chickahominy river, and at this moment Johnston heard that McDowell's arrival need not be feared.
This word need not mean, but may quite well and pointedly mean, a collection specially of Sayings, and would still more aptly denote a collection of divine or authoritative sayings (Xryca=prop. "oracles ").
Conversely, the influence of Pallas at court need not be terminated by his ceasing to be minister early in 55; but it would have been overshadowed not later than the year 60 by the influence of Poppaea, who in the summer of that year enabled the Jews to win their cause in the matter of the Temple wall, and would certainly have supported them against Felix.
It was allowed that the Sabbath need not be too rigorously kept, and this was justified by Exod.
Moreover, it was argued that a battle need not be stopped from religious considerations, e.g.
On the other hand, it is by no means impossible that the distinction drawn by Bede was based solely on the names Essex (East Seaxan), East Anglia, &c. We need not doubt that the Angli and the Saxons were different nations originally; but from the evidence at our disposal it seems likely that they had practically coalesced in very early times, perhaps even before the invasion.
The legislature need not regard his counsels, but if he is a strong man whom the people trust, it may fear him and comply with his demands.
This need not necessarily be interpreted as indicating the impossibility of rendering gases luminous by temperature only, for the transparency of the gas for luminous radiations may be such that the emission is too weak to be detected.
The present writer drew attention to this difficulty as far back as 1881, 1 when he pointed out that the different intensities of different spectral lines need not involve the consequence that in an enclosure of uniform temperature the energy is unequally partitioned between the corresponding degrees of freedom.
The unequal intensities observed indicate a difference in the effectiveness of the channels through which energy is lost, and this need not be connected with the ultimate state of equilibrium when the body is kept at a uniform temperature.
Each molecule need not radiate with increased energy, but the more brilliant emission of light may be due to the greater number of particles forming similar vibrating systems.
There were a few more minor alterations, without doctrinal or political significance which need not be described in detail here.
There were other slight changes of a verbal kind, involving no doctrinal or political significance and which therefore need not be described here.
We need not doubt that the first invasion was followed by a long period of warfare between the natives and the invaders, in which the latter gradually strengthened their hold on the conquered territories.
We need not doubt, however, that in practice the form of the acre was largely conditioned by the nature of the ground.
The circumstances of her conversion may have helped to render her indifferent to religion, but their influence need not be exaggerated.
And if the designation of knights was first applied to the military tenants of the earls, bishops and barons - who although they held their lands of mesne lords owed their services to the king - the extension of that designation to the whole body of military tenants need not have been a very violent or prolonged process.
Never for one moment did William lose heart or relax his efforts and vigilance; he felt that with the two maritime provinces secure the national cause need not be despaired of.
That authority cannot be implicitly relied on, though we need not conclude that the minstrel invented the stories he relates.
Whatever may be the truth about the origin of the kingdom, and it is by no means impossible that the invasion really proceeded from a different quarter, we need not doubt that its dimensions were largely increased under Ceawlin.
Fourier need not be considered in detail here, as they are in many cases of mathematical rather than physical interest.
The area A from which the heat is collected need not be the whole surface of the plate, but a measured central area where the flow is most nearly uniform.
From the point of view that belief and knowledge, based on experience or reasoning, are separate domains with an unexplored sea between and round them, Pascal is perfectly comprehensible, and he need not be taken as a deserter from one region to the other.
The general charges, which they endeavoured to substantiate by forged letters, need not count for much, and in many cases they only exaggerated what, if true, was not so heinous as they suggested.
From the surfaces of all objects there are continually flowing thin filmy images exactly copying the solid body whence they originate; and these images by direct impact on the organism produce (we need not care to ask how) the phenomena of vision.
We need not be too curious to inquire how these celestial phenomena actually do come about; we can learn how they might have been produced, and to go further is to trench on ground beyond the limits of human knowledge.
There is, however, no justification for this view, and ETEpos Toiros need not mean more than another house in Jerusalem.
It has been maintained that Greek influence is to be traced in parts of the Old Testament assigned to this period, as, for instance, the Book of Proverbs; but even in the case of Ecclesiastes, the canonical writing whose affinity with Greek thought is closest, the coincidence of idea need not necessarily prove a Greek source.
That it is apparently devoid of psychical concomitant need not imply that the impressions concerned in it are crude and inelaborate.
It will thus be seen that the far north and far south alike decreased in population, the decline being largely due to physical conditions, though it need not be supposed that the limit of population was reached in either area.
Her kinsmen, the Guises, fell from power, and were no longer to be feared by England, so that Elizabeth need not abandon her favourite, Lord Robert Dudley, in the hope of securing Scotland by her marriage with Arran.
Into the ferocious conduct displayed by Cumberland after the victory, and in the suppression of the clans, we need not enter; nor is the list of executions of rebels alluring.
The immense importance of Sinope in early times is abundantly attested, and we need not doubt that very intimate relations existed at this port between the Ionic colonists and the natives.
Under the Persian rule perhaps it was more difficult for Greek manners to spread far east; but we need not think that European influence was absolutely unfelt even in Phrygia.
The provincial council is presided over by a chairman, elected from its members; and the council also chooses an executive committee of four, who need not be members of the council.
In warm weather the pressure need not be so great as in winter.
Looking, then, at the portions which we have indicated as having this two-fold testimony, we see that in their fragmentary condition we cannot trace the clear historical development which was so conspicuous a feature of St Mark's Gospel; yet we need not conclude that in its complete form it failed to present an orderly narrative.
We need not here do more than allude to the centralization of Jewish ideas and aspirations in Jerusalem, especially in the holy rock on which tradition (and probably textual corruption) have placed the scene of Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac, and over which the Most Holy Place of the Temple stood.
Again, in a primary judgment existence need not be expressed; but if expressed, it may be expressed either by the predicate, e.g.
Erdmann, need not detain us long.
Others, such as the Barycentrische Calciil of Mobius, and the Methode des equipollences of Bellavitis, give elegant modes of treating space problems, so long as we confine ourselves to projective geometry and matters of that order; but they are limited in their field, and therefore need not be discussed here.
The effects of a season of drought on the dry portions of the state need not be adverted to; and as there is no rain or snow of any consequence on the mountains during summer, a succession of dry seasons may almost bare the ranges of the accumulated stock 1 During the interval from 1850 to 1872 the yearly rainfall at San Francisco ranged from 11.37 to 49.27 in.; from 1850 to 1904 the average was 22.74, and the probable annual variation 4 in.
The state controlled the actual preparation and sale of text-books for the common schools from 1885 to 1903, when the Perry amendment to the constitution (ratified by popular vote in 1884) was declared to mean that such text-books must be manufactured within the state, but that the texts need not be prepared in California.
It need not even appear on the face of it to be a contract between the parties, but may take the form of a joint declaration, or of an exchange of notes.
The symptoms of the disease being such as have been generally observed need not be here considered.
Guided by this objective criterion, and safeguarded by growing insight into the author's plastic aim, we need not despair of reaching large agreement as to the nature of the sources lying behind the first half of Acts.
It need not be infinitely small, or even small compared with ordinary standards; thus in astronomy such vast bodies as the sun, the earth, and the other planets can for many purposes be treated merely as points endowed with mass.
K need not be confined to one plane.
It is to be noticed that All need not be in the same plane with AB, AC.
These theories, however, being supported, according to the authorities of to-day, by no evidence, statistical or other, need not be here considered.
It need not be assumed, however, that because these rates cannot be associated with the comparative degree of prosperity attained by the individual community they are altogether independent of the economic factors mainly contributing to that condition, such as trade, employment and prices.
If a priest becomes a convert to the Church of England he need not be re-ordained.
But we need not have recourse to this legend for the explanation of such Italian influences as were already noticeable architec- in the Renaissance buildings on the Loire.
With regard to the first, it has been already pointed out that Bacon's induction or inductive method is distinctly his own, though it cannot and need not be maintained that the general spirit of his philosophy was entirely new.6 The value of the method is the separate and more difficult question.
The Book of Tobit has reached us in Greek, Latin, Syriac, Aramaic and Hebrew versions; of these the Hebrew are the latest, and need not be considered.
Hirata answered by anticipation the modern reproach against Shinto, founded on the absence of any definite morality connected with it, by laying down the simple rule, " Act so that you need not be ashamed before the Kami of the unseen."
The whole previous correspondence (as well as a good deal afterwards) is full of the valet difficulty; and it is surely more reasonable to suppose that when Louvois writes to Saint-Mars on the 19th of July that he is sending Dauger, a new prisoner of importance, as to whom "it est de la derniere importance qu'il soit garde avec une grande seurete," his second paragraph as regards the instructions to "Sieur Poupart" refers to something which Saint-Mars had suggested about getting a valet from outside, and simply points out that in preparing furniture for "celui que l'on vous amenera" he need not do much, "comme ce n'est qu'un valet."
A domesticated animal or a cultivated plant need not necessarily be acclimatized; that is, it need not be capable of enduring the severity of the seasons without protection.
This need not be the case in i.
If, however, as is generally recognized, these poems are not the spontaneous and unstudied outpourings of passionate grief, but compositions of calculated art and studied effects, written for a purpose, it is obvious that they need not be contemporary.
Every means was now used to convert her back to Catholicism, but at the last she only yielded on the condition that she need not believe that the soul of Mme de Villette was lost.
The noble and well-to-do, who need not till their fields in person, are pledged to appear at court as frequently as possible.
It need not be objected to the justice of this arrangement that men are sorely tempted, and may very easily be brought to neglect that on which their future welfare depends, for the very same holds good in nature.
Other apostles soon went forth 1 By analogy, that is; for the wider sense of "apostle" in the Apostolic age need not be identical with a sub-apostolic use of the term (see below, 4 fin.).
The Rabbi HILLEL, who in the 4th century made the remarkable declaration that Israel need not expect a Messiah, because the promise of a Messiah had already been fulfilled in the days of King Hezekiah (Babli, Sanhedrin, 99a), is probably Hillel, the son of Samuel ben Nahman, a well-known expounder of the scriptures.
The amount recovered as mesne profits need not be limited to the rental value of the land, but may include a sum to cover such items as deterioration or reasonable costs of getting possession, &c.
Chronic opium poisoning by the taking of laudanum - as in the familiar case of De Quincey - need not be considered here, as the hypodermic injection of morphine has almost entirely supplanted it.
The relation of the self to the not-self need not to be treated here (see Metaphysics).
It shows that a flying machine need not necessarily be a light, airy structure exposing an immoderate amount of surface.
The qualification of a burgess has been incidentally mentioned in connexion with that of a county elector, and need not be further noticed.
The expenses of highways in an urban district fall as a rule upon the general district rate, but under certain conditions, which need not be here set out, a separate highway rate may have to be levied.
But he made matters as easy as he could for his successors in the Monrad administration, and the ultimate catastrophe need not have been as serious as it was had his advice, frankly given, been intelligently followed.
The other bucolic poems need not be further discussed.
The Stone Age represents the early condition of mankind in general, and has remained in savage districts up to modern times, while the introduction of metals need not at once supersede the use of the old stone hatchets and arrows, which have often long continued in dwindling survival by the side of the new bronze and even iron ones.
American man, for example, need not necessarily owe the minutest portion of his mental, religious, social or industrial development to remote contact with Asia or Europe, though he were proved to possess identical usages.
Choice amongst these alternatives need not complicate investigation of the nature of life.
Land which belongs or would belong to a child as heir at law or customary heir need not be brought in to the common fund, even though such land was given during the father's life.
On the humanitarian and liberal ideas making for emancipation we need not dwell, as they are self-evident.
To one in his position this thought would be so very natural, that we need not hesitate to accept the fact of its occurrence as related in the oldest records.
Water-tight concrete is a suitable material for the purpose; it need not be made so thick as the puddle core, and is therefore sometimes used with considerable advantage in lieu of the puddle for the whole depth below ground.
Although of great interest the Pennatulacea do not form an enduring skeleton or" coral,"and need not be considered in detail in this place.
In the Church, as in other societies, it has happened that the unwritten customary law has undergone a gradual diminution in importance, as a consequence of centralization and the accumulation of written laws; nowadays it need not be reckoned with, save in cases where local customs are involved.
The canon law of the other Eastern Churches had no marked influence on the collections of the Western Church, so we need not speak of it here.
The faithful are bound to confess all "mortal" sins; they need not confess "venial" sins.
We need not tell over again the story of Wilkes and the Middlesex election.
How far this name was appropriate in the past need not be considered here; at present the regions called Turkestan not only contain races which do not belong to the Turk family, but it excludes races which do, e.g.
Ward in his Gifford lectures for 1896-1898 (Naturalism and Agnosticism, 1899), Huxley's challenge ("I know what I mean when I say I believe in the law of the inverse squares, and I will not rest my life and my hopes upon weaker convictions") is one which a spiritualistic philosophy need not shrink from accepting at the hands of naturalistic agnosticism.
Species of the other groups are occasionally grown for scientific purposes in the larger botanic gardens, but their cultivation, which often presents special difficulties, need not be referred to here.
On the whole the facts seem to be against this supposition, though we need not suppose that the gnathobase was very large or the rami undeveloped in the buccal parapodia which were destined to lose their mandibular features and pass in front of the mouth.
The difference arises from the oblateness of the earth, and need not be considered here.
The changes which the aspect of the heaven undergoes, as we travel North and South, are so well known that they need not be described in detail here; but a general statement of them will give a luminous idea of the geometrical co-ordinates we have described.
The motion of this centre, which arises from the attraction of the planet on the sun, need not be considered.
The story of the subsequent proceedings in this celebrated case is told in the article Anti-Semitism, and need not here be repeated.
One need not suppose that he actually foresaw how favourable that opportunity would prove, and that, as soon as discovered, his work would be promulgated as law by the king and willingly accepted by the people.
While we need not believe with Euemerus and with Herbert Spencer that the god of Greece or the god of the Hottentots was once a man, we cannot deny that the myths of both these gods have passed through and been coloured by the imaginations of men who practised the worship of real ancestors.
But while we need not doubt that the decline occurred, we can hardly determine either its date or its intensity without careful examination of the Roman remains of Spain.
Why the circular form was chosen for the skep need not be inquired into, beyond saying that its shape conforms to that of a swarm, as the bees usually hang clustered on the branch of a neighbouring tree or bush after issuing from the parent hive.
We need not dwell upon the evolution from the crude idea, which first took form in the endeavour to compel beesto build straight combs in a given direction by offering them a guiding line of wax along the under side of each top-bar of the frame in which the combs were built; but we may glance at the more important improvements which gradually developed as time went on.
Where wants are few and simple, where houses need not be built nor clothes worn to keep out the cold, there is little stimulus to exertion.
Huygens contends that between the inhabitants of different planets there need not be any greater difference than exists between men of different types on the earth.
The occasion came when, in January 1864, Charles Kingsley, reviewing Froude's History of England in Macmillan's Magazine, incidentally asserted that "Father Newman informs us that truth for its own sake need not be, and on the whole ought not to be, a virtue of the Roman clergy."
Indeed, Thames whitebait which have been compared with that from the mouth of the Exe, the Cornish coast, Menai Strait, and the Firth of Forth seemed to be better fed; but, of course, the specific characteristics of the herring and sprat - into which we need not enter here - were nowise modified.
The seed, which need not be described in further detail, was a highly organized structure, showing little trace of the cryptogamic megasporangium from which we must suppose it to have been derived.
It is probable that the Jurassic Goniolina, described from French localities, and other genera which need not be mentioned, may also be reckoned among the Mesozoic Siphoneae.
These last-mentioned methods are far behind our present state of knowledge, and need not be discussed here.
The notice of the philosophical writings of Kant need not be more than bibliographical, as in the account of his philosophy it will be necessary to consider at some length the successive stages in the development of his thought.
For example, when a bird is spoken of as the fire-bringer we need not necessarily conclude that, in each case, the bird means lightning.
Again, because a hero is said to have stolen or brought fire, we need not regard that hero as the personification of fire, and explain all his myth as a fire-myth.
In either event, I for once, need not worry about snooping eyes watching my glorious deeds.
However, there are reasons why a rise in heterosexual STIS need not foreshadow a rise in heterosexual HIV.
With Barnardo's help, childhood abuse need not lead to an empty future.
I need not tell scholars of Buddhism how rare it is for a Western Buddhist organization to seek active affiliation with an Asian parent.
The Mercedes engineers say computer-games aficionados aged 8 to 18 handle it with ease; golden oldies need not apply.
Although there is already technology that can allow such practice to be implemented, the European apothecary need not fear for a while!
If the person acting on the claimant's behalf has power of attorney or receivership they need not apply to become an appointee.
Even in dim light you need not use backlight.
You need not in imagination adopt the hairy garments, or smear yourself with oil, or eat raw blubber.
With Barnardo's help, an unhappy childhood need not lead to a bleak future.
It need not be physically enclosed and buildings other than dwellings can have curtilages.
Surgery need not be associated with increased neurological or neuropsychological deficit.
But the mutual exclusion in such cases need not survive the addition of a verb.
Where a provision confers absolute exemption, the public interest in disclosure need not be considered.
You need not tell fibs, or give a false name.
Happily Van Helsing has not summoned me, so I need not forego my sleep.
Now, obviously, one need not have a hard drive for this " disk-less " machine, by definition.
They need not learn how to eat lasagna and chips.
This need not militate against students learning from the past.
A health mot with your doctor need not cost the earth.
The submitted work need not be in its final form but must provide evidence of outstanding originality and promise.
Shares need not have a par value, and when paid up, need not have distinguishing numbers.
We need not seek another paymaster; Christ will not be behindhand with us.
To be recognized as a civic pioneer, a local authority need not take on new responsibilities.
He need not placate, overpower, or escape his torturers.
Therefore, the Socialist poet need not use the rationality of prose.
Currently, a trust settlor can set up a trust and need not make the beneficiaries aware of its existence.
Once again, these programs are something the avid actor spotter need not get excited about, and the story line is equally uninspiring.
Now climb between the curtains on the right and the large stalagmite on the left which need not and MUST NOT be touched.
The string argument to XrmStringToQuark need not be permanently allocated storage.
The widget's class can be any number of subclasses down the chain and need not be an immediate subclass of the specified class.
He notes that we need not regard such frameworks from a purely synchronic perspective.
With Barnardo's help, childhood trauma need not mean a hopeless future.
Yet this need not mean that we abandon all meaning and intelligibility in the material universe.
Furthermore, his moral justification for revision was that times had changed and in his day usury need not have such consequences.
However, membrane vesicles need not be present at the beginning of translation.
In certain circumstances a request may be deemed repeated or even vexatious and the information need not be provided.
But these defects need not blind us to the fact that this hypothesis made the mathematical progress of Hooke, Borelli and Newton much more easy and certain.
In a well-proportioned system the pressure need not exceed 2 or 3 lb per sq.
You need not wish anything in the universe to be other than it is; as well grumble at once that two and two do not make five !
But it must be here understood that each member of these condensed nuclei need not necessarily be identical in structure; thus the central nuclei in anthracene and phenanthrene differ very considerably from the terminal nuclei (see below, Condensed Nuclei).
The part played by fats and closely allied compounds in normal and abnormal metabolism need not here be discussed, as the subject is too complex and the views on it are conflicting.
The history of this discovery need not be told here, but it may be pointed out that, apart from its practical importance, it has had great influence on the scientific study of infectious diseases.
The fundamental principles of the Textual Criticism of the Old Testament are the same as those which apply to any other ancient text and need not be described here (see the article Textual Criticism).
It is therefore not surprising to find that many peoples on the lower planes of culture respect and even worship animals (see Totem; Animal Worship); though we need not attribute an animistic origin to all the developments, it is clear that the widespread respect paid to animals as the abode of dead ancestors, and much of the cult of dangerous animals, is traceable to this principle.
Mesopotamia seems to imply the view that beth is the preposition "amid," which has the same form,' but need not imply the meaning "between," that is, the idea that there were precisely two rivers.
As for the areas of the provinces the figures need not be questioned except those for the Oriente territory, which are much too large for the region actually occupied by Ecuador, and for the Galapagos Islands which are described by competent authorities as 2400 sq.
The position of the pores near the centre of the ambulacrals in Bothriocidaris need not be regarded as primitive, since other early Palaeozoic genera, not to mention the young of living forms, show that the podia originally passed out between the plates, and were only gradually surrounded by their substance; thus the original structure of the echinoid ambulacra differed from that of the early asteroid in the position of the radial vessels and nerves, which here lie beneath the plates instead of outside them.
The governor's appointing power is almost entirely limited to officers of state institutions, and for every appointment he makes the approval of the Senate is required; but he need not ask the consent of that body to remove for incompetency, neglect of duty or malfeasance in office " any officer whom he may appoint."
My dear Mr. Munsell, Surely I need not tell you that your letter was very welcome.
We have had to agree on a certain set of rules, called etiquette and politeness, to make this frequent meeting tolerable and that we need not come to open war.
You need not rest your reputation on the dinners you give.
The fruits eaten temperately need not make us ashamed of our appetites, nor interrupt the worthiest pursuits.
If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be.
Nicholas Bolkonski's son need not serve under anyone if he is in disfavor.
She need not know how hard it was for me to see her again.
Mamma, one need not be ashamed of his being a widower?
I need not have said them, he thought.
The society need not be secret if the government allows it.
Perhaps it need not be done so pedantically, thought Nicholas, or even done at all, but this untiring, continual spiritual effort of which the sole aim was the children's moral welfare delighted him.
There is a huge Rabbinical tradition concerning the first chapter of Genesis, which we need not enter into here.
The amount of light radiated in different directions need not be uniform.
For when the butt is set up men need not rove, but except the white be placed men cannot level.
The widget 's class can be any number of subclasses down the chain and need not be an immediate subclass of the specified class.
With Barnardo 's help, childhood trauma need not mean a hopeless future.
Your gift need not be presented in an actual basket; instead, you can take a cardboard box and cover it in festive paper and bows, or for a really unique look, use diaper packages glued onto the box.
You need not want a printout for each and every calculation that you make.
Although the card is issued through Washington Mutual, applicants need not be current WaMu customers in order to be approved.
You need not ask for their permission, but you should establish a dialogue so that they understand you are not pushing them and their needs aside.
While the problem of pollution is a large one, it need not be overwhelming.
However, this foundation need not be a major project, rather it can be quick, simple, and do it yourself friendly.
You need not be a scientist to know that severe storms and weather events are occurring more frequently now than in the past.
They are not hard to put together, and need not cost a lot of money.
These suggestions for lunch box foods need not be for your children only.
Mothers Day brunch recipes need not be overly complicated.
Junior highers may feel like adults, but the truth of the matter is they need not be treated as such.
The rehearsal dinner is smaller and more intimate than the wedding reception and need not be an elaborate affair for hundreds of guests.
Embellishments need not be extravagant or over-the-top.
You need not spend as much money on your announcements as you do on your wedding invitations.
Drinking need not become a life-threatening issue if you follow some simple do's and don'ts.
That need not be seen as bad news, however, since there are many problems with which people need to learn to live.
Budding fashionistas who go to schools that require uniforms need not fear that their style is being compromised.
Graphic tees are back, as are patterned shoes (checkerboard patterns, gold profiling, etc.), and colors need not necessarily match, but they should coordinate well.
The fit of a little boys' tuxedo is much more forgiving; the jacket need not contour to the body (and will be cuter if it doesn't).
Fancy infant fashion need not be garish and over accessorized.
They need not be elegant or particularly chic, but instead, dresses that are comically ornate and feature a tremendous amount of "poof!" fall into the almost stereotypical category of infant birthday party attire.
Students need not be a Phi Theta Kappa member to seek participation.
Additionally, you need not worry about buttons or snaps being chewed off and eaten if you use Velcro.
Sow D. sinensis under glass in February, with very little or no bottom-heat; give air freely during open weather, and in April plant out in well-cultivated soil, which need not be rich.
As long as the weather keeps mild Dahlia roots are best in the soil, and need not be taken up till the end of November; but should sharp frosts be followed by heavy rain they should be promptly removed from the ground.
High cross necklaces need not only be given to comemorate religious milestones, however, but can make outstanding Christmas, birthday or Valentine's day gifts too.
All three pieces can be engraved for free, and need not be the same name.
While it need not be much more expensive to buy custom jewelry, sometimes there are additional costs incurred.
While the word 'commission' conjures up the impression of expensive items, this need not be the case.
These cases take up more room in luggage, however modern materials mean that they need not be too heavy.
Another major benefit is that a custom shirt need not cost more than an off-the-rack dress shirt.
The shooting jacket has a classic country look and need not be used for shooting.
Plus size women's board shorts need not be hard to find.
Finding and wearing plus size naughty lingerie need not be intimidating or nerve-wracking.
Shopping for sequin tops need not be difficult either.
Those who travel, whether for business or pleasure, need not worry about climate inconsistencies when they have the appropriate extended size rain clothes.
This need not be expensive and, in fact, you can often find competitive rates.
This general plan will then serve as a baseline for making decisions, but need not be followed religiously.
From short to long, and every length in between, senior women need not worry about any rules on how to wear their hair.
Searching for designer eyewear need not be a frustrating.
Luckily, prescription sunglass wearers need not be left out of this fold.
In fact, other than the presence of our arch nemesis (and an onslaught of other foes to boot), this need not be a hedgehog related game at all.
If you are using Internet Explorer or Firefox, then you need not worry about not knowing what sites are fine and what sites aren't as long as you have the proper security settings in those web browsers.
The graphics are definitely simple, but they need not be complex.
In fact other than the presence of Sonic's arch nemesis (and an onslaught of other foes to boot) this need not be a hedgehog related game at all.
Learning new things and expanding your knowledge need not be restricted to the classroom.
Keep you wine bottles out of direct sunlight - For refrigerator models, you need not worry about direct sunlight because the doors are made out of tinted, tempered glass which effectively blocks sunlight.
The internet can be a big, scary place, especially for the uninitiated, but buying cell phones on eBay need not be an intimidating experience.
The Droid accessories in your life need not only be physical products.
Parents need to realize that firstborns need not be perfect in order to succeed.
However, infected people need not have visible blisters to spread the infection since the virus may be present in the saliva without obvious oral lesions.
Parents need not be concerned about high cholesterol levels in their children unless the child is obese or there is a family history of high cholesterol, heart attack, or stroke.
An interrupted primary series of immunizations need not started again but may simply continue after the child recovers.
A person need not be in one of the at-risk categories listed above, however, to receive a flu vaccination.
However, with the special accommodations that hospitals usually make for children and their parents, a stay in the hospital need not be a traumatic event.
If preventative treatment is sought promptly, rabies need not be fatal.
Most teens can handle hearing more of the details surrounding the death, while younger children need not know everything.
You need not be a waif to look good in this cut, although a lean line helps extend the body and create a more flattering silhouette.
In other words, stark or harsh shades need not apply.
Choosing the right hair color for you need not be difficult.
Physically disabled homeschooled children need not feel isolated from their peers by attending special classes.
If your homeschooled children discover a passion for history, science, or mathematics, their education need not be limited by your budget.
The beauty of homeschooling is that learning need not be limited to time spent behind a desk.
However, if you are used to wearing designer jeans, you need not stop for your pregnancy.
Guests need not travel far for exquisite cuisine.
David Freedman, an Arizona State University alumnus and mastermind behind the Tempe-12 calendar, has stated that "stuck up" girls need not apply.
These bathing suits need not be boring or old fashioned styles; short style bikini bottoms, for instance, are highly fashionable.
Eco-choices need not be expensive, either.
Wallflowers need not apply; sexy monokini swimsuits are only for the brave at heart.
If you are searching for that perfect tankini, then you need not look further than the Tankini One Piece, which fits that bill nicely.
The wide variety of foods means that a diet rich in vitamin C need not be boring.
Seventies fashion may bring to mind flashbacks of bell bottoms and bandanas along with flower power rings, but recreating this look today need not require a trip to the vintage thrift store.
While some are written to rhyme, they need not be.
Applying for a government grant need not be an overwhelming task.
However, it need not be, as there are ways to make this charming tradition last throughout the season.
While a gown need not be overly elaborate, it is ideal if it features one or more of the Mardi Gras colors of green, purple and gold.
Their products use no artificial flavors or colors, so you need not be concerned with the gluten-containing possibility of modified food starch or caramel color in your foods.
Both methods have their pros and cons, but the process need not be more complicated than researching certain ingredients and learning how to utilize them in your baking.
There are not many food manufacturers that produce gluten-free dog foods, but pet owners need not panic.
Now Daddys need not feel shy about carrying around their baby's belongings, because the Babybjorn model is frill free.
There are a variety of straw handbags on the market, but knowing which one to choose amongst the vast selections need not be difficult.
Feeling proud or discouraged by this explanation of your particular brand of sexuality need not be an issue.
This might sound a bit confusing, but it need not be.
Females need not feel left out of the loafer scene.
Finding Las Vegas hotel discount options for families need not need be difficult.
If money is an issue, families need not despair.
Those afraid of flying also need not worry.
Those without wireless laptops need not despair, the hotel also offers in-room WebTV for an additional fee.
Traveling to Hawaii need not bust your budget; there are discount Hawaii vacation packages available.
You may think that trusted watch replica dealers need not have the qualifications that designer watch dealers have.
Using a digital control to operate a stop watch means that the operator need not be next to the stop watch.
This need not be an issue as long as this is clearly stated and that the watch band is priced accordingly.
The clock runs on two AA batteries, so power failures need not be a concern.
The teacher training program at New Day Yoga leads to registration with the Yoga Alliance, and graduates need not teach Christian Yoga exclusively.
All of these options mean business class travel need not interrupt your normal course of business, even if your business is heavily tied to the Internet.
Resume writing waitress need not be difficult.
Typing letters and memos need not be complicated; simply gear your letter or memo style toward the intended audience.
Cheerleaders need not take themselves too seriously during performances, but even if your dance routine is inclined to the humorous aspects of dance, it is always important that the steps be carried out in a tight, flawless manner.
The garland need not be in perfect order, and the fabric should flow over the edge of the mantle.
Blood cholesterol is a complicated issue, but adopting a low cholesterol diet need not be difficult once you understand the basics.
However, on that same note, portion control is never taught and understood since dieters choosing prepackaged items need not be concerned with food amounts.
Exercise need not be strenuous or unpleasant; experts agree that anything that gets a person moving is a step in the right direction.
However, if you get to understand life and health insurance, making a decision to obtain coverage need not be difficult or expensive, and can secure you and your family's financial future.