Need Sentence Examples
He did not need anything of that kind.
There was no need to rush.
I am sorry, for I need you.
You will need a sitter for the party anyway.
Still, a person didn't need to say it to feel it.
Do you need help?
Father will need to rest as well.
Come if you need anything.
I do not need it.
He didn't need proof.
AdvertisementI need some money.
Seeing the position we are in, I think there is little need for discussion.
You need to go to the hospital, Lisa.
Farmers need to have supplies of seed, fertilizer, tractors, and fuel.
No, not too far, but the party is tonight, so we need to stay close.
AdvertisementWhat need to hurry?
No, there's no need for you to make an extra trip.
They need to be able to irrigate without relying solely on rain.
All I need do is to wish you with me, and there you'll be--safe in the royal palace!
Do you need to see a doctor?
AdvertisementI need to talk to you about something.
We spent about three weeks in Boston, after leaving New York, and I need not tell you we had a most delightful time.
If he was on the road, he didn't need to be distracted.
I need time to think about it.
Lisa, we need to get some information...
AdvertisementI need to get my purse and clothes out of the car.
After all, why do you need to internalize them?
I don't have a need to bargain.
I have no need to lie to you.
Challenged by this question Pierre raised his head and felt a need to express the thoughts that filled his mind.
Destiny didn't need her at the moment.
I don't need to abide by the rules.
I need all of you.
I need to go to the bathroom.
You really need to have it X-rayed.
We need to talk to him.
That's all you need to optimize agriculture.
I need an answer to a question.
And if you need anything, come to me.
I just need to rest.
You don't need to run from me.
I need to go do it now.
Not only does a good army commander not need any special qualities, on the contrary he needs the absence of the highest and best human attributes--love, poetry, tenderness, and philosophic inquiring doubt.
We need to go!
He'll need your help.
Distant alarm was overwhelmed by need.
He also said I need to be careful in the human world.
There was no need to date anything.
Now I need another favor.
As a goddess, she had no need for those around her to trust her.
Why would you need one?
Tell me if there is something there I need to be concerned about.
No need to be jealous, Gabriel said.
We need some time to … deal with all of this.
Dead women didn't need cash.
She didn't need him to answer.
I need to put on some clothes.
They need to deal with things themselves, don't you think?
Annie acknowledged his need to do so by her suicide.
If you don't feed soon, you'll start getting cranky and I need you happy.
If need be, he could influence a pretty shop owner and take her in the back room.
He really did need to sort through this with her.
I need a shower.
I need you in my life.
You need to do something about her.
We need to travel as far as we can tonight.
There was no need to hold on to her, but his arm around her waist was welcome all the same.
Your friends in Washington didn't feel the need to do any explaining.
You need to leave, Darian.
I need you to get dressed.
They usually need something—they don't call just to chat.
I'd never hurt you, Sofi, and I hope you know that and can trust me enough to know you need to be here.
Either you need a woman real bad or there's something special about this one.
You need it to live.
I need more people, boss, or a Traveler at least.
I definitely need some girl stuff.
He will need them all, and he will need you if he is to take his place as the Grey God.
We need to evac now.
But, if an Immortal or human or deity corners you, and you aren't able to summon me, you need to know how to defend yourself, Darkyn started.
Desperately trapped by need unlike anything she'd ever known, she obeyed.
Now, show me you need me.
What if the silly, innocent, clueless little girl you spent years lying to actually had something that you need to leave here?
This time, there was more than insatiable lust and need in his kiss.
God knows they need it if they're considering electing you for their sheriff.
Besides, you've got too much on your minds— running for sheriff, little Martha leaving and all—you don't need to hear about the ghosts in my closet.
It's nice you're worried about him but there ain't no need.
They won't need our help.
Then he added, Tell him I don't need a moustache.
I want to try something—I need him to be occupied.
I had no need for anyone else.
Nice to have you come white-knighting to the rescue every time I need it.
You're not a part of this unless I need—confirmation.
I need you to be around the next time.
If I am to become her, I need to know more.
You will have access to any equipment you need from any realm.
Summon me when you know what you may need.
Deities ate for pleasure, not out of need.
She didn't need to practice.
I don't need Death tracking me down.
Right now, I need to kill some demons.
If the deal was over, and she was here, what did she need to lie about?
I need you to look again.
I need you to concentrate hard.
You need any death-dealers?
He didn't need to stop with a kiss next time.
Do I need to be careful?
But" Andre paused, debating silently "I'd say you need to determine how much you are willing to trust her."
Then you know what you need to know.
You both need your space, Andre agreed.
I don't suppose you will find a need to raise him or Kris as you did me.
I need more shoes and I can't call a portal.
I don't think you need my help in that area.
I need to be discreet.
I think you need to warm up.
I guess a better answer is that I need time to heal before I can trust myself to love you, Deidre.
I just need time, Deidre.
I might need some time for that.
We need to resolve this.
I have a feeling we'll need that combination, Gabriel reasoned.
Exhausted and in need of a bath, she finally agreed to let him take her home.
I do not need to explain my actions to you.
Someone his size with his specific skills didn't ask for favors or need to be polite.
You need him dead-dead?
You need to go.
Do you need a portal?
Not that you need it.
Fate. I need a moment.
I need to borrow Andre.
I need to find her.
I need to respect you enough not to provide false hope.
You need to prepare.
I do not need you any longer.
I need to get out of here.
You need a woman that bad?
Ms. Young, I need a blood sample.
These meetings need to improve, brothers.
Sis, I need some help.
I may need something of you soon.
She'd need her strength for what she planned.
I need to change, then I'll show you around.
At some point, you two need to trust each other.
Good. going to need your head clear. going to need some allies to face what.s coming your way.
I need to ask you something, and if you lie to me, done.
We need good news!
You need some rest and a shower.
We need to get you a new translator.
The moon can hold us, but we'll need food and supplies until the space battle is over.
Suns, man, I need your help here!
You'll need them after I destroy the rest of them, A'Ran replied.
If you need more, tell me.
He paused at the door for a moment, You need to promise me something now.
I need to know what he's thinking.
I need a drink.
He'd play all night if need be.
Because I need you to accept what I am if we are to have a future together.
Great. I need a refill.
Honest, I just need to take care of some things and I really need some sleep.
We need to transfuse her.
We need to concentrate on reality, not what could have been.
Sarah said, Something's come up and I need to stay home today.
My pleasure, you need anything else?
I need it to be this way.
I'm sure I can fix you up with whatever you need for clothes.
I need to be up early tomorrow.
We need to make a date for shoe shopping soon.
No, I need to go home.
He answered, "Need a distraction?"
Sure, is there something you need me to do?
No need to worry.
He had no need.
As they sat with their breakfast he said, "I have some things I need to take care of today."
There were easels, palettes, canvasses of every size, oils, water colors, sketch pads, pencil sets, brushes, virtually anything an artist would need.
I need this behind us.
I need to tell you something that is going to change everything for you, and I am so afraid of losing you, I just don't know how.
You need to stay here now.
They were paid so well, they didn't need to worry about how to send their two daughters to college anymore.
Oh yeah, I need to get some air.
I need you to explain what you were thinking while I fell in love with you.
As they approached Jackson's car, he said, "I'm going to need some time to absorb all this before I can even begin to figure out what to do."
I already have the things I need in my car.
No need to worry about the temperature.
I don't need to know this.
So… I don't need to worry about hurting you, do I?
I need to know what that is if I am to accept it.
We need to think about this a while before making a decision.
Sure, but we don't need that from the technology.
Now you need shoes—but which ones?
We need rain badly.
Then he went on to say that he knew her parents would not give her to him--for this there were secret reasons he could reveal only to her--but that if she loved him she need only say the word yes, and no human power could hinder their bliss.
I don't need you to tell me what to do! exclaimed Rostopchin angrily.
But we need only penetrate to the essence of any historic event--which lies in the activity of the general mass of men who take part in it--to be convinced that the will of the historic hero does not control the actions of the mass but is itself continually controlled.
The soldiers, who are worn out with hunger and fatigue, need these supplies as well as a few days' rest.
Even if they do not know for what purpose they are fattened, they will at least know that all that happened to the ram did not happen accidentally, and will no longer need the conceptions of chance or genius.
And she not only saw no need of any other or better husband, but as all the powers of her soul were intent on serving that husband and family, she could not imagine and saw no interest in imagining how it would be if things were different.
Thus in the morning--especially if she had eaten anything rich the day before--she felt a need of being angry and would choose as the handiest pretext Belova's deafness.
After your excursion, you will need to find a place to eat.
Still, if that were the case, she need not have brought up the telephone call at the table.
No, I need to finish the Laundry.
It's just that I got derailed and I need to get on track.
Just let me know if something comes up and you think I need to come home.
Yancey wasn't back yet when she left, but she didn't need his approval.
Soon she would need to come back home to get ready for college.
Don't spend a half hour selecting what you need, either.
I know you need to get back for your finals tomorrow.
If you need anything, be sure to call me.
Of course, once she had convinced everyone else what a foolish move it would be, how was she going to convince herself that she didn't need Brandon in her life?
The railroad was scheduled to reach Ashley soon and there would be no need for freighting goods to the little town.
Saddle a mule for each person; pack all the supplies you might need on the extra mules and burn the rest of the supplies.
They need a rest.
And you'll need to be alert.
How could men possibly have a greater desire or need than she had just felt?
I have something I need to take care of.
If you need anything, my room is at the end of the hall.
You'll find extra blankets in the entry closet if you need them.
You don't need to be carrying heavy things and getting out in this weather.
The more they get to eat, the more offspring they will produce, and some of those offspring will need to stake out new territory.
There was no need for the haste necessary in reporting as with Timothy's abduction.
But you don't need those numbers; I understand you've done your homework searching public records.
I'm sure there's some lighter fluid around here but your grill is gas so you don't need it.
When he didn't respond, I added, She'll have a hell of a headache but you guys both have some bridges in need of serious damage control.
Molly was need deep in her make-work chore and Martha was feeding Claire.
All you need to do is tell me where you do your fishing and who's in the boat.
There are four bedrooms, two more than they need and I've peeked in each, even testing the bed in one.
All I'll I need do is prepare a rag with my special solution...
There was no need for the high-rise quiet Quinn and Howie had required as we were no longer conducting sessions.
Martha, who I failed to forgive when she stumbled in one drunken moment of need, was gone forever.
That's up to you but you'll need me to operate the machines.
You won't find any information on what we need.
Our case of water bottles, down three from the original two dozen would need to be rationed.
I need an hour in the gym then we'll go over the logistics issues you're inheriting.
Can't you just take what you need? he demanded.
I just need you to remind Darian of something.
Darian was gone, Jonny distracted by his newfound gun, and she in need of a friend.
He paused, then said, I need a drink.
You have everything you need to make things right, Dusty, as long as you're willing to do what you must.
I need to know if the infected town is still under lockdown.
What do I need to do to right this?
I need you to run to Doolin with me in half an hour.
Don't need magics to kill a woman.
You can tell me what you see, if you need to talk about it.
Han will be here if you need anything.
You need to get to NOVA now.
Yep. Before we do, I need to discuss something with both of you.
As for the traitors, I'm offering up my skill set, if you need it.
I need this hung high.
I need it instead of food.
You're there for me when I need you, she said.
Just say what you need to.
I need the address.
We'll need to hit fast then evac.
The consuming need to drink from him swept through her mind, dulling the rest of the world.
She stared hard at his chest as she struggled with her anger and need.
All conscience effort to think fled and was replaced by a new instinct, the primal need to feed.
She shook as much from need as fear.
He had no need to; this was his domain.
Need was thick in her body, an inhuman craving she knew now how to satisfy.
She responded, her sorrow and confusion feeding her need.
Deidre reached for him, straining to ease the need to taste him.
Her mind returned now that her need was gone, and she opened her eyes.
Now I'll only need you.
You don't need an invitation to drink, love.
She wasn't entirely convinced yet she wouldn't need the open invitation.
When he lifted his head, her body was roaring with need.
He didn't numb the pain this time, and it drove her mad with need.
If you keep it, hide it somewhere safe until you need to make a deal.
I won't need it.
No need to be jealous, Gabriel said, bristling.
Um, I guess you know how to call me if you need anything.
Once we're there, we'll have all the leverage we need.
I'll need that sheriff's job.
No need for 'em to speak the same language.
Why do I need signs if I'm running unopposed?
I guess kids need 'em.
The inn, not large by city standards, was constantly in need of attention, especially in this, the short but hectic high season.
Wish the kid good luck—she'll need it with Ms. Boyd.
Is there anything you need?
God, I need a cigarette!
One more inconsistency Dean didn't need.
Frankly, we didn't need to talk about history.
It crossed her mind to go in and find him, but he didn't need assistance and probably needed the time to himself as well.
We need to do something about that bear.
There was no need for them to meet.
You need to get on with your life.
When you're done frolicking, I need Alex to sign this.
She's pretty distracted now and I need to get her to the hospital.
Right now Destiny and Jonathan need someone strong to lean on.
You need to tell the police where to find him.
And then somehow it gets left to someone who doesn't need it.
He didn't need to be reminded of that.
Carmen, I can't imagine anything you need to know.
I need to gather the eggs.
Maybe it was a primal need to replicate.
He was going to need that support.
Maybe you need a new surgeon.
I need to visit more often.
You need your Katie.
I need goddamn permission to take a piss.
If you can duplicate, I'll need as many of those as I can get.
If I can piece it together, I'll need your help to test it.
We need to locate how many lakes are now possessed.
Gabe turned towards Rhyn, in sore need of a pep talk as only his best friend could provide.
Sometimes, you need to acknowledge the path at your feet and just go with it.
You don't need an instruction manual.
No need to thank me.
One she wanted to spend eternity in bed with; the other she felt the need to flee.
Did heaven need satellite television?
I need a few hundred, and I can't wait months.
I need everything I can get in a week or two.
Do you need the original, or can I keep it?
Whatever powers that room contained, he was in desperate need of them.
If you need to rest, take a break before you go hunting.
The demons and Immortals don't need to fear what they don't know.
The sight of his name across her shoulders made his body hot with anger and need that left him frustrated.
The urge to claim her was strong, but so was the need to let her have the choice he never had.
There are emerging procedures that will help people who need it, but the cost is beyond what any hospital will spend, knowing no one can pay for it.
Gabriel winked, the only indication she didn't need to run.
The kind of good friend I need to pay a special visit to?
I assume she knew she'd need something from me, except she had no idea who I was when we met again.
They need homes, don't they?
You only need to say my name to summon me.
Whether you choose to live or to die, you will need my help.
She didn't need much beyond jeans and jackets for an Atlanta winter.
I don't need to tell you that any further assistance I provide you will not be by my choice.
He shared his need and pleasure with someone else for the first time in his life.
I will not need to interfere, unless you reject all we've discussed when you leave.
Not that it mattered, but she'd need five inch heels to catch the gaze of someone as sexy as Gabriel.
I read, control, manipulate and anything else I need to do to the mind, I can, Andre started.
I didn't need to know, he said too casually.
To save you, I need to remove the tumor Wynn caused to expand in your head.
I need a favor.
I need some help.
You need a lift?
Gabriel didn't need to understand modern science.
I, uh, kinda need to talk to you, bossman, if you're cool with that.
We need to know how many people have this mutation and where they are, Kris ordered.
You need anything else from the store?
Text me if you need anything else.
I need something to wear.
Katie, I need to talk to you about something very serious.
I don't need you to placate me!
It's a long story, one you don't necessarily need to know to understand your circumstances.
Need a mortal blood monkey.
Listen, I need a phone.
I need to help him save the world from jackasses like you.
I don't need the reminder every time I look in the mirror!
Mortals need the power of reason to deal with us.
But if you did, you'd need to be sober.
She wanted more of him, all of him, and the heat of need settled into her lower abdomen.
I need your help for the sake of humanity.
You need to rest, or do you want to see more of this place?
When her mind had cleared and her body no longer thrummed with need, she tried to figure out what the hell had happened.
Rhyn found he didn't need to respond; Giovanni was capable of discussing himself --and his Hannah --without any sign of stopping.
He wanted her in his life, permanently, only he'd need his brothers' help.
No matter, we need to escape.
Recently, he.d begun thinking he.d need more if he were taking on demons, Immortals, and anything else the Dark One would throw at him.
I need Sasha.s help.
I need to grab some grub, too.
I need to grab something.
I need a hand finding an Ancient healer named Lankha.
I need to go to Hell for a demon healer.
I.ll be with Katherine, if you need to find me.
I need confirmation before the Council meets, and I need to know if you can alter whatever it is Sasha's people did, Kris said.
He.d need to be if she turned out to be much worse of a mother.
She need more help with someone like you as a mate?
Andre.s gone, and I need none of this shit.
Kris doesn.t need your blood anymore.
I think we need to get a few things straight before we go.
There.s something else I need to—
You need a healer, my friend.
If it.s not the immunity blood, then Ully will need you here in his lab.
Kris will need to be convinced to turn it over to me.
If they can.t figure out what Sasha did about the vial, they.ll need her and Ully.
He hadn.t thought he.d need her, or he taken the hand of someone else.
He.s taken a human hostage, and we need to know where she is.
Just need your signature, he said, pulling a file out of one of the drawers in his desk.
Thank you, but I don't need to be hooked up.
You needn't worry about anything.
Romas had felt no need to explain his insistence of her wearing it, but Evelyn had explained it acted as a visual identifying piece and also happened to open all the doors on the ship.
Kiera looked at her friend, guilty for hurting her feelings despite her need to return to her own world.
The translator was not always good at picking up every word, but she didn't need the translation of the unknown word.
I need you to take me to a spaceship so I can arrange to go home, she said with exaggerated slowness to make sure he understood despite her faulty translator.
I won't need it where I'm going.
She rose on her tiptoes to follow him with her eyes but soon found she didn't need to.
My brother says your home is very different, that we need to teach you everything.
They need our ore more than we need them.
He didn't need his people to see someone quite so … unusual.
She told me this morning and asked me not to tell anyone, but you probably need to know.
The mines were rigged, and he'd never wanted to think he'd need to destroy his home in order to rid it of the blight affecting it.
But she might need to know how to defend herself.
Seriously, why did you feel the need to drag me across the galaxy?
He'd granted favors to women as a way of releasing his frustration, but never with any real affection-- just physical need.
He'd hoped she would adjust to his world on her own, never suspecting he'd need to change himself.
Their kiss grew more passionate, the feel of her body against him not enough to sate his growing need.
My reinforcements aren't here yet; you'll need to keep moving until I can neutralize the newest threat.
We'll need half a day to evacuate the planet.
And I need to be top-alert today, with all the research stuff I have to do before them Boston ladies get here.
Her presence reduced Cynthia's domestic chores and eliminated the need for Dean and Fred to pick up more than the occasional dust rag.
With all the writing I'm doing, I need more paper!
You just need someone to keep reminding you.
Besides," he added, glancing at the parlor where the Quincy sisters were still gabbing, "I feel a need to get away from here a bit."
While the need for such meetings wasn't as dire or sinister as the first few days after Bird Song's opening, the three still gathered here, away from the guests, especially when they wished to discuss one or more of their paying customers beyond their prying ears.
He didn't really need them, but Cynthia had gone ahead and made the appointment.
I need some time with him.
We need all the help we can get with this here puzzle.
Tell me why you need so much junk.
Edith and I need privacy.
I just need a good night's sleep.
You might need a stiff drink or two.
I thought I was gonna need funny hats and party favors for the celebrating going on around here.
We'll call you when we need you.
We don't need the entire brigade.
Then, sensing the need for their privacy, she moved to the far room and began shuffling books.
I'm sorry about all this but we don't need any more trouble at Bird Song.
And yet, if Cynthia should be in need of an ultimate expression of his love, how would he respond?
I need to talk to someone, please.
That's all they'll need.
Although taken aback by such intimacy from a stranger, as well as terrified himself, he felt an overwhelming need to comfort her.
You need to be patient and give him a little space.
I will answer your questions and give you the information you need to get through this, but if you dare say one more disparaging word about my best friend, this will not end well for you.
The most important thing you need to know is that Sarah has never killed anyone.
You and Sarah need to make it work and you're never going to get there if you don't talk to her.
You know how you need to keep your fangs in check when you're with someone and things get steamy?
I think you would need to ask Sarah.
I need a snack.
To sing this, Elisabeth would have had to be classically trained, and she would need to sing the highest end of her range if she was indeed a mezzo-soprano.
Jackson quickly realized he needn't have worried.
He had given instructions for them to be left near the back door, so didn't need to meet them.
I need to make a call.
There is a situation I need your help with.
I need you to believe me.
I don't want to deny you such a basic need.
All I want and need is right here in my arms.
If you feel the need to hunt, just do it.
I understand you don't want to throw everything at me at once, but you need to explain this now.
You understand, I need to know as much as possible about the guy who finally landed my girl here.
Yes, I am going to need a lot of scotch, please.
He grabbed her arm, locked eyes with her and rasped through gritted teeth, "You need to stay away from me."
I didn't need a witch to tell me you are the love of my life.
She smirked, "I think you need to get a dog."
I need a nap.
We need to talk about something first.
No, I need scotch.
Well, the first thing we need to address is your job.
You'll need to take a leave of absence.
I need some sleep too.
He was instructed to go ahead; there was no need to request an audience.
We decided to say I have cancer and need chemotherapy.
Fine, they were very understanding, said to take all the time I need.
What if they need us for something?
Jackson had called Consuelo and told her they had plenty of help, so she needn't come.
The door was open; Sarah wouldn't need to lock it for some time.
He asked, "You need anything?"
You know you need this.
I'm glad you find the fact that I'm going to need stitches amusing...
I didn't have enough time to plan for the extra we need.
I need to spend a full day in my studio.
Elisabeth didn't need Jackson to sit any longer, though she wanted to spend more time working on his portrait.
Yes, I need to convince her to accept me.
Right, and you need to keep it that way.
I need your help to make sure she doesn't have to.
We need your opinion.
Something Elisabeth wouldn't want me to share, but I believe you need to know.
That is nothing you need to be concerned about.
I love that you would do that for me, but this is not something we need to deal with, at least not now.
What if I need blood in the middle of dinner?
You need to go back to the kitchen with Skippy until I come and get you.
This I do not need.
I think you need some rest to recover from last night.
I need to be there.
We need a date.
All four laughed and Connor quipped, "You need to make that your mantra darling."
You need to respect that, because the next time you throw one of your petulant hissy fits, I swear to God, I will install so much sound proofing in this room, you will never hear another note.
She put her hands on his chest and giggled, "I have work to do, you need to stop distracting me."
Wait, I think we need a plan.
All this resurrection is exhausting, I need a nap.
If we need help, we can hire a real vet.
Josh is all the help we need, and he's right down the road.
No need to rout Josh out and make him drive 60 miles for nothing.
The goats were going to need more hay and alfalfa pellets.
I see Katie has filled you in on everything you'll need to know on this farm.
We need to get her to a kidding stall.
No need in two people getting muddy.
Of course, as long as she kept the hood up, he needn't know her hair was a mess.
He ran fingers through hair that didn't need straightening and brushed the straw from his pants.
You need some hip boots.
Well, with all that bull you've been peddling, somebody around here is bound to need them eventually.
The chickens need to be fed and watered.
If I need any help, I can always depend on Josh.
I need to know who to reimburse.
When you get there, you need to rest.
I need to get back to the house.
I don't need a vet.
Maybe nothing, but I need the time to be sure.
I'm not running, and I don't need any woman to protect me.
They had an entire week, so there was no need to rush into a conversation that might spoil everything.
I don't need the hassle.
He was in need of a veterinarian if he was going to live, and the closest one was nearly twenty miles away.
He's going to need a lot of stitches, but other than that, I think he's all right.
You'll need to keep an eye on him and make sure he has plenty of water.