Necessities Sentence Examples
The most urgent national necessities were powerless to stir their hearts or open their purses.
Man's mental faculties are viewed as related to his organization, and as developed under the pressure of the necessities of life.3 Kant.
We find then two prominent notes of the state influence, firstly, the adaptation of the old ideas of the household and agricultural cults to the broader needs of the community, especially to the new necessities of internal justice between citizens and war against external enemies, and secondly the organization of more or less casual worship into something like a consistent system.
The necessities of military discipline were also a subject of attention.
The Society became very numerous and, from time to time, received extraordinary privileges from popes, who were warranted by the necessities of the times in granting them.
Within the area thus defined tsetse-flies are not found continuously, however, but occur only in small tracts called" belts " or " patches," which, since cover and shade are necessities of life to these insects, are always situated in forest, bush or banana plantations, or among other shady vegetation.
Though hampered by of William Shakespeare (1898), which reached its fifth edition lack of materials and by political necessities, his strategy was in 1905.
There are some basic necessities you'll need to care for your new kitten.
During his three years of office as resident he was able to render not a few valuable services to the Company; but it is more important to observe that his name nowhere occurs in the official lists of those who derived pecuniary profit from the necessities and weakness of the native court.
The necessities of war and foreign affairs soon placed Florence in the power of an oligarchy headed by the great Albizzi family.
AdvertisementAristotle's brief suggestions respect ing the origin of society and governments in the Politics show a leaning to a naturalistic interpretation of human history as a development conditioned by growing necessities.
But though the treasury was thus temporarily replenished and the army increased, the gentry who had been so generous at the expense of their richer neighbours would hear of no additional burdens being laid on themselves, and the king only obtained what he wanted by sacrificing his principles to his necessities, and helping the szlachta to pull down the magnates.
At Florence, whither the council of Ferrara had been transferred on account of an outbreak of the plague, was effected in July 1439 a union with the Greeks, which, as the result of political necessities, proved but temporary.
In fact, their conversation was restricted to necessities.
His chastisement of the city, including as it did the spoliation of the temple, served the additional purpose of relieving his financial necessities.
AdvertisementIn disturbed times, of course, right yielded to might or to practical necessities.
In the period that followed, the reign of Charlemagne and the later Carolingian age, continued necessities, military and civil, forced the kings to recognize these new institutions more fully, even when standing in a position between the government and the subject, intercepting the public duties of the latter.
It is the first example in Italian literature of a national biography, the first attempt in any literature to trace the vicissitudes of a people's life in their logical sequence, deducing each successive phase from passions or necessities inherent in preceding circumstances, reasoning upon them from general principles, and inferring corollaries for the conduct of the future.
While the tables indicate the fluctuations of supply they show generally that Asiatic countries, in addition to supplying the necessities for their home trade, export to Europe and America about threefifths of the whole of the silk consumed in Western manufactures.
In 1772 the necessities of Fredericks position compelled him to join Russia and Austria in the deplorable partition of Poland, whereby he gained West Prussia exclusive of Danzig Partition..
AdvertisementThe system of regulation by central boards was severely .criticised for incompetence and even for corruption, and sometimes justly; but on the whole it was amply justified by the urgent necessities of the times and by its results.
The island had become involved in heavy railway expenditure, and financial necessities led the electors to take a broader view of the question.
He declared that if he were in Great Britain he would be a free trader, but that free trade or protection must be applied according to the necessities of a country, and that which protection necessarily involved taxation it was the price a young and vigorous nation must pay for its development.
The compass as we know it is the result of the necessities of navigation, which have increased from century to century.
At this council almost all the questions at issue related to reform, and many give evidence of great breadth of mind, as well as of a very acute sense of contemporary necessities.
AdvertisementAt the synod of the dissident cardinals, assembled at Pisa, views of this type were in the ascendant; and, although protests were not lacking, the necessities of the time served as a pretext for ignoring all objections.
To the spiritual needs of his people he ministered with pastoral zeal, frequently appointing "stations" and delivering sermons; nor was he less solicitous in providing for their physical necessities.
The curriculum, originally modelled on that of England, is being gradually modified by the necessities of a new country.
Germans and Czechs, induced the Chamber to sanction the estimates, the contingent of recruits and other " necessities of state " for 1901 and 1902, by promising to undertake large public works in which Czechs and Germans were alike interested.
The complications to which the pressure of foreign nations, and especially of France, on the frontiers of the territories gave rise, became at this period so acute that the resources of a private company were manifestly inadequate to meet the possible necessities of the to position, Relations with.
Seventeen legislative proclamations were enacted in the first year dealing with the immediate necessities of the position, and providing for the establishment of a supreme and provincial court of justice, for the legalization of native courts of justice, and dealing with questions of slavery, importation of liquor and firearms, land titles, &c. In the autumn of 1901 the emir of Yola, the extreme eastern corner of the territories bordering upon the Benue, was, in consequence of the aggressions upon a trading station established by the Niger Company, dealt with in the same manner as the emirs of Nupe and Kontagora, and a new emir was appointed under British rule.
His laws to this end were engraved on a great stela in the temple of Karnak, of which sufficient remains to bear witness to his high aims, while the prosperity of the succeeding reigns shows how well he realized the necessities of the state.
Financial necessities compelled retrenchment, so that a certain number of offices were suppressed altogether, much to the disgust of the office-holding class, which was numerous and wealthy, and had almost come to look on the civil service as its hereditary possession.
He traced the gradual elevation of man to the social state, which he conceived as a natural process determined by "the necessities of human life."
Manufactures.-The manufacturing industries are chiefly of a primitive character and have been developed to meet local necessities.
The large employment of cast iron is comparatively modern, in England at least only dating from the i 6th century; it is not, however, incapable of artistic treatment if due regard be paid to the necessities of casting, and if no attempt is made to imitate the fine-drawn lightness to which wrought iron so readily lends itself.
At last, in 1802, the necessities of the peshwa, who had been defeated by Holkar, and driven as a fugitive into British territory, induced him to sign the treaty of Bassein, by which he pledged himself to hold communications with no other power, European or native, and ceded territory for the maintenance of a subsidiary force.
Jesus gathered his group of followers and committed to it his mission, and after his resurrection the necessities of the situation brought about the choice of quasi-officials.
The strength of the Whigs at this time and the necessities of the war caused the retirement of Harley, but he remained Anne's secret adviser and supporter against the faction, urging upon her "the dangers to the crown as well as to the church and monarchy itself from their counsels and actions," 3 while the duchess never regained her former influence.
It was natural, perhaps, that he should not have realized fully and at once the urgent necessities of the situation, but his hesitation to act promptly in accordance with Cadorna's instructions exposed him to the danger of having the retreat of his right wing cut off.
Only by welladjusted taxation was it possible to meet the public necessities.
The need of an increase in the number of parishes was urgently felt, and, though chapels began to be built about 1796, they were provided only in wealthy places by local voluntary liberality; for the supply of the necessities of poor outlying districts no one as yet looked to any agency but the state.
The House having been duly informed of the state necessities, assented to a double subsidy and appointed a committee to draw up the requisite articles.
No supply was granted, and the king's necessities were increased instead of diminished.
Laws must be adjusted from time to time to meet changing needs, and new necessities naturally arose in the Greek and Roman period for which the older codes and usages made no provision.
The tea plantations are the one great source of wealth to the province, and the necessities of tea cultivation are the chief stimulants to the development of Assam.
And hence also his style (which contemporaries called anglicized and modern), though it occasionally rises into liturgical beauty, and often flashes into vivid historical portraiture, is generally kept close to the harsh necessities of the few years in which he had to work for the future.
In Sweden, Magnus's partialities' and necessities led directly to the rise of a powerful landed aristocracy, and, indirectly, to the growth of popular liberties.
Gustavus's necessities had compelled him to break with the ecclesiastical traditions of Sweden; and they also compelled him, contrary to his masterful disposition, to accept constitutionalism, because without it his footing in his own kingdom would have been insecure.
In this way the j ealousies of race and the necessities of nations have produced various national churches which are independent or autocephalous and yet are one in doctrine.
The district courts have exclusive jurisdiction in divorce, which may be granted because of impotency at time of marriage, adultery, wilful desertion for more than one year, wilful neglect to provide the necessities of life, habitual drunkenness, conviction for felony, intolerable cruelty, and permanent insanity which has existed for at least five years.
It was prepared in both French and English, as was required by the necessities of practice in Louisiana, and actually consisted of four codes - crimes and punishments, procedure, evidence in criminal cases, reform and prison discipline.
The towns were growing fast, and extending their municipal liberties; the necessities of John and the facile carelessness of Henry led to the grant of innumerable charters and privileges.
When the king explained his necessities, they intimated that they had no confidence in Buckingham, and asked that, before they granted further supply, the king would name counsellors whom they could trust to advise him on its employment.
Sir Robert Peel, whose original views on protection had been rapidly yielding to the arguments afforded by the success of his own budgets, concluded that it was impossible to provide for the necessities of Ireland without suspending the corn laws; and that, if they were once suspended, it would be equally impossible to restore them.
These great additions to the empire had naturally imposed an increased strain on the Indian troops, while the British garrison, instead of being augmented, had been depleted to meet the necessities of the Russian war.
The necessities of the khedive of Egypt B had been only temporarily relieved by the sale to gyp. Lord Beaconsfields government of the Suez Canal shares.
Rich men, out of their superfluities, were thenceforward to pay more than poor men out of their necessities.
Such a character, while free from any weak shame about the shabby necessities of early struggles, yet is naturally unwilling to make them prominent in after life.
Yet interest in man's moral necessities threatens to be lost amid this cosmological wisdom.
Schools are being diligently built; but the wants of the natives are subordinated to the supposed necessities of Russification.
Although he knew and acted on the principle that "a statesman is a practical character," whose business is to "serve the country according to its present necessities," he was unable to confine his vision to the nearer consequences of whatever policy, or course of action, or group of conditions it rested on.
A cautious and versatile diplomatist like Bernhard von Billow appears to be best adapted to the personal and political necessities of the present situation."
Yet morality has been subordinated to legal and social sanctions, and moral advance has been held to be conditioned by political and social necessities which are not moral needs.
Indeed, an important part of Augustine's work as a moralist lies in the reconciliation which he laboured to effect between the anti-worldly spirit of Christianity and the necessities of secular civilization.
He holds, 2 In Kantism, as we have partly seen, the most important ontological beliefs - in God, freedom and immortality of the soul - are based on necessities of ethical thought.
Only such conceptions of the person of Jesus can satisfy the religious necessities of this age as fully recognize the idea of his humanity and place in history.
Cyril and 1Vlethodius used the Greek alphabet somewhat modified and adapted to the necessities of the Slavonic language.
The history of the Greenwich observatory is one of strenuous efforts for refinement, stimulated by the growing stringency of theoretical necessities.
Revenue was derived from customs duties, firstfruits, fines and confiscation of offenders' property, and a money offering called hdsind, presented on a great variety of occasions both to the sovereign in person and to her representatives; and these were supplemented by " benevolences " (in the medieval sense of the word) levied upon the people for occasional state necessities.
Materially Sparta must have remained almost unaffected, but she was forced to take action by the pressure of her allies and by the necessities imposed by her position as head of the league.
By the law of the 6th of July I 859, a large number of important mines, including all the salt-works and rock-salt mines, were reserved as state property, but financial necessities compelled the government to surrender one mine after another, so that at present the state possesses only the mercury mines and some salt-works.
The necessities of the reconquest made it obligatory that all the dweller1
She was eventually driven by the necessities of her position to submit to the establishment of parliamentary institutions.
It has only been possible to establish at the points of junction of two linguistic regions the existence of certain mixed jargons in which certain forms of each language are intermingled; but these jargons, called into existence for the necessities of social relations by bilinguists, have an essentially individualistic and artificial character.
In 1895 the time for the realization of these views had come; and Mr Chamberlain's speeches, previously remarkable chiefly for debating power and directness of argument, were now dominated by a newnote of constructive statesmanship, basing itself on the economic necessities of a world-wide empire.
Finally, he tries to show that the Tatianic text is itself in the main merely a corrupt form of I-H-K altered in order to suit the necessities of Tatian's plan.
Yet it has a certain materiality, and consequently has necessities.
All those who propagate the holy rosary shall be aided by Me in their necessities.
The IMF reforms hit the people, with mass sackings, removal of subsidies on basic necessities and rising taxes.
Leo's lively interest in art and literature, to say nothing of his natural liberality, his nepotism, his political ambitions and necessities, and his immoderate personal luxury, exhausted within two years the hard savings of Julius II., and precipitated a financial crisis from which he never emerged and which was a direct cause of most of the calamities of his pontificate.
In the later intuitionalism of Hamilton, recoiling from Hegel, the many subjective necessities of the intuitionalist scheme were made to breathe the new agnostic suggestions.
One might prefer as a theist to hold (1) that we need a philosophical doctrine of the nature of reality - the " Absolute "; given in popular form in the Cosmological argument; (2) that we take the risk of attaching a higher degree of significance and authority to the revelations of the moral consciousness, which, although moulded or educed by society, do not terminate in the authority of society, but point beyond it to God; this position has its popular form in the moral argument; possibly (3) that necessities of thought shut us up to belief in omnipotence or infinity; (4) that divine help is the supreme revelation.
Unfortunately her brilliant and commanding qualities were vitiated by an inordinate pride and egoism, which exhibited themselves in an utter contempt for public opinion, and a prodigality utterly regardless of the necessities of the state.
In the political sphere Tirpitz was a bitter opponent of Bethmann Hollweg, whom he charged with indecision, half-heartedness and nebulous conceptions of the necessities of German policy.
At the same time, on land, the new necessities imposed on field artillery by the growing use of covered positions led to the development of scissors-telescopes (see Rangefinders) and panorama-telescopic sights (see Sights), in which the optical system was arranged with the tube of the telescope vertical and the object-glass and eyepiece systems at right angles to the axis of the tube.
Friends exchange gifts, and thus occasion is taken to relieve the necessities of the poor in the most considerate manner under the guise of gifts.
But, while the necessities of antagonism to papal Rome made it assume at first the form of narrow and sectarian opposition, it marked in fact a vital struggle of the intellect towards truth and freedom, involving future results of scepticism and rationalistic audacity from which its earlier champions would have shrunk.
His Thoughts on Scarcity attest his enlightenment on the central necessities of trade and manufacture, and even furnished arguments to Cobden fifty years afterwards.
You do not resist cold and hunger, the winds and the waves, thus obstinately; you quietly submit to a thousand similar necessities.
All those who propagate the holy Rosary shall be aided by Me in their necessities.
I am desperately trying to avoid bankruptcy by only buying necessities.
Diaper Bag-Unless your toddler is potty trained, you'll need to make sure your diaper bag is equipped with all of those essential necessities, including diapers, wipes, diaper ointment, and a change of clothes.
There are several baby products that are absolute necessities.
While the following baby products are popular, they aren't considered absolute necessities.
Beyond just the states' requirements, an accreditation program can take the governments basic necessities to a higher level.
In addition to worrying about what you will need when you arrive, you need to make sure you have the necessities while en route.
Adoptive parents can help provide both the love and emotional and material necessities the child needs.
Staying within your budget will ensure you can buy other necessities for baby.
If you have a baby on the way or you're already the parent of a newborn, your list of baby care supplies probably continues to grow as you discover the need for more baby necessities.
In a way, your list of necessities says a lot about your newborn parenting expectations, and many parents add more to their list than is absolutely essential.
There are certain items, though not necessarily necessities, that can make the newborn stage slightly easier.
Most new parents would be thrilled to receive unique practical baby gift baskets that focus on different themes of baby care necessities.
Bare Necessities sells pajama sets and pajama bottoms by brand or price.
Bare Necessities has a great range of women's pajamas in contemporary name brand designs.
Bare Necessities has a wide range of all major brands in hosiery.
This may seem exorbitant, but consumers also need to factor in the cost of ornaments, lights, and other necessities to turn a pine tree into the perfect Christmas tree.
There are some necessities you should consider purchasing to make your observing more enjoyable.
While these stores provide incredible savings on food items and other life necessities, don't expect similar savings in regards to console gaming systems like the Nintendo Wii.
Unfortunately, many necessities do not qualify for pay later programs.
Cats require a variety of necessities to keep them healthy, safe, and comfortable.
If you are unsure of what your cat needs, either the breeder you purchased the cat from or your veterinarian can give you a list of both necessities and brands that will make your cat feel at home and stay healthy.
Do this with everything you buy; from necessities like groceries and pet food to items like clothing and shoes.
Try to find necessities at a cheaper price.
Am I carrying more consumer debt than debt for necessities, such as student loans, medical bills, or mortgage payments?
Coleman Tent Nightstand - This unique table offers a stable surface for all your necessities, whether you use it camping or simply in the back yard.
Inflatable Bed with Side Table - One of the most inconvenient things about sleeping on an inflatable bed is that there's no place to put your alarm clock, glasses, book, and other necessities.
While a stereo and a pile of CDs used to be dorm room necessities, they've generally been replaced by iPods and other portable music players.
Skip the cute accessories until you have purchased the necessities.
Once you are left with the necessities, you can often save money by buying inexpensive closet organizers at the store rather than spending hours looking for something you know you have, but cannot find.
A room can become quickly cramped when you add storage for clothes and all of the teen's other "necessities.
Before attempting to create your zombie look, be sure to have the basic makeup necessities on hand.
Whether you're a novice scrapbooker building up a supply stash or an experienced crafter looking to save money on your scrapbook necessities, there are a number of money saving tactics you can try.
If you don't have a dedicated craft room, you may want to purchase a rolling tote that features paper storage as well as spaces for embellishments, scissors, adhesives, and other necessities.
Bare Necessities offers a large selection of bras in sizes from 30AA to 58C and everything in between.
If the student plans to live in her own place, she will appreciate money for home décor and other necessities.
Offering to foot the bill for your teen’s college textbooks can help free up his funds for other necessities and will leave you feeling good that you’re purchasing something for his education and not just for fun.
Some bridal necessities cost serious money, like the wedding gown and the reception catering.
A handy tote is good for holding wedding day necessities like bottles of water, mints and sunblock.
Once they get married, many couples become consumed by the daily necessities of work, housekeeping, raising children, and other obligations.
A couple who is more established in their personal and professional lives may not need to stock their kitchen or bathroom with necessities, nor may they need cash/gift cards.
Their website also includes a registry checklist and necessities from room to room so you can be sure to sign up for all you'll need during the early years of your marriage.
Dramatic colors and artistic, dreamy visuals are the necessities for the perfect sunset wedding.
Not only it is a joyous season, but many wedding venues consider the winter months the "off season" and may offer substantially reduced rates for catering, equipment rentals, and other necessities.
The larger necessities, like location, caterer, photographer, florist and entertainment, should be booked first.
He or she will have a good idea of all the best beach locations for wedding ceremonies and may already be familiar with the possible layouts possible for chairs and other necessities.
If a person is concerned that gas, water or other necessities will run out, he will ration them for fear that he won't be able to get them in the future.
Not only does crystal meth deprive the body of needed vitamins and minerals, but it also convinces the user that basic necessities such as food and sleep aren't required.
All but necessary for drying off after a shower or bath, these necessities soak up moisture from the hair and body.
This leaves over $200,000 that could be added to the trust, or handed over to Suleman for use towards paying for the children's day to day necessities.
Planning a cruise wedding is often more affordable than couples initially realize and it is often virtually hassle-free, with the cruise line providing nearly all of the necessities for the perfect wedding and reception.
Because a cruise price includes many basic travel necessities, passengers can enjoy their travels for one price rather than arranging for more expensive airfare, different hotels, and different tours throughout their European getaway.
Girl and Boy Scouts do a lot of community service projects, and they might be willing to pool together to do a food and necessities collection to help the animals in your local shelter.
The main necessities for the interior are sturdy, well placed benches and proper storage areas.
With that in mind, these hats, socks, gloves, belts, bags, suspenders and aprons are all designed with durability and workplace necessities in mind.
Carpenter shorts are great for work since they have pockets to hold all your necessities.
Bare Necessities features thongs in the latest styles that are designed to smooth and flatter your silhouette.
At Woman Within you'll find clothing for nearly all your style needs, including blazers that will fit your frame, such as their Only Necessities linen touch blazers with three-quarter sleeves.
Established in 1927, the Simplicity Pattern Company was created so home seamstresses could create fashionable clothing during the Great Depression, when money for most necessities was scarce.
Bare Necessities offers lingerie for women in all sizes, but curvy girls have their own selection of push-up styles as well.
LivingXL carries a large variety of merchandise for plus-sized people, including clothing, outdoor items, travel necessities and more.
Bare Necessities sells the Fantasie Smoothing Convertible Underwire Bra.
Buying wholesale plus size lingerie affords you the opportunity to save money whether you are buying the basic necessities and/or special lingerie that makes you feel sexy and seductive.
Don't neglect to check out standard lingerie boutiques like Bare Necessities and Her Room, either.
Bare Necessities offers a limited selection of simple, classic push up bras in a wide range of plus sizes.
Peachskin Pantset by Only Necessities comes with a matching tank top.
One Stop Plus sells solid and printed camp shirts by Only Necessities.
At Bare Necessities, you can browse the plus size section of the hosiery department to find an array of fine hose ideal for work or an elegant evening.
For something much more casual, visit Woman Within, which has a seersucker set by Only Necessities.
Only Necessities makes another seersucker capri set in the same specifications, but the top is a white V-neck tunic with short cuffed sleeves, one of which sports a pocket.
With the high cost of housing combined with the costs of medical expenses and day to day necessities, their checks are often not enough to pay for their needs.
With medical staff readily available, 24-hour care, social activities planned each and every day, not to mention that all meals and basic necessities are provided, entering a nursing home can be a very positive experience.
Choosing the best goggles should take both of these necessities into account.
Kristen Grace sells a silver case to hold your contact lenses and all your necessities.
That's especially true when it comes to necessities like eyewear.
Supply shops for wizarding supplies including wands, potions, robes, spellbooks, and other Hogwarts necessities.
By finding coupons for park tickets, souvenirs, and other vacation necessities, families can make a visit to the park more affordable.
Long lines are normal for Kingda Ka, and eager riders should take care of restroom breaks and other necessities before entering the queue.
Having to get this game or that game causes some people to forget about the necessities in life like shelter, food, and family duties.
Some wine accessories remain necessities, such as bottle openers.
Warm layered clothing and a jacket, hat, and gloves are necessities.
There are still some basic necessities and traditional equipment that seasoned campers want to bring on their campouts.
In addition, it's very off-putting to believe you must sacrifice such luxuries and necessities to appease the mandates of feng shui.
You should be able to enjoy those luxuries and necessities without feeling guilty that it's not proper feng shui.
Once you take an assignment, you'll talk to the housing department to find a place to live, set up utilities, and arrange delivery of any furniture and clothing and necessities you'll bring with you.
Cost-burdened individuals and families who pay so much for housing often have difficulty providing for other necessities; food, clothing, and medical costs oftentimes cannot be adequately covered on such an income.
Thyme maternity store offers hip clothing and other necessities for the mom-to-be.
Paying for diapers, food, formula, clothes, and other child care necessities can be a strain on any paycheck.
Try to save at least six months of salary and stick to buying necessities only.
This can be a wonderful way to build your wardrobe on a budget, since you can find jeans, t-shirts, sweaters, and other necessities for 25-75 percent off their regular price.
When you think of Bare Necessities, women’s lingerie typically comes to mind, but did you also know that they offer a comparable line of swim styles as well?
Bare Necessities - Specializing in women's undergarments, this intimate online boutique also sells swimwear that focuses on making your figure look its best.
After all, leggings of all kinds have established themselves as necessities for the style-conscious, fashion-forward woman.
Make a list of your necessities for the upcoming year, and then plot out how you will buy your pieces to save the most money.
Your monthly financial sponsorship combined with others will ensure the basic necessities for a child in an impoverished nation.
Save the Children needs help in providing clean water, medical attention as well as basic necessities.
The following list includes all of the necessities for a complete Santa costume.
Other bags offer a single center compartment with pockets on the outside for a bottle, pacifier and other necessities.
Pocketbooks, purses, handbags, totes, bags, -- these are all names for an item used to hold money, identification, personal items, and daily necessities.
Handbags are one of life's more pleasurable necessities.
Women's wallets are detailed containers for all of life's important necessities.
Gone are the days when women are forced to forsake fashion for motherhood -- today's stylish Moms can look great while having their little ones' necessities easily at hand.
While students especially have the need for backpacks, many others, from journalists to real-estate agents to parents can find ample uses from among the Eastpak offerings to transport their daily necessities.
The current products offered by this company include a broad range of apparel necessities, including snow and watersports gear, wetsuits, and eyewear.
With its trifold closure, it's simple to slip into a pack or bag, but the wallet also expands to hold all your necessities for your trip.
Still, if you are trying to overcome your tendency of taking along too much junk on a daily basis, using a clutch can help break that habit by forcing you to bring only the bare necessities.
The main purse compartment of this cute, funky handbag can be used for all your necessities.
Within the clutch, there is also a compartmentalized design to allow you to find your basic necessities quickly.
Mini backpacks are large enough to carry all your necessities, but small enough prevent them from being bulky and cumbersome to carry around.
Totes are an essential for any woman, allowing enough room to carry life's necessities, with a little room to spare for whatever surprises life may bring.
Keep bold accents and wild prints to a minimum; short of necessities like zippers and pockets, a classic bag does not affiliate itself with trends.
When it comes to keeping life's daily necessities on hand and easily accessible, leather organizer handbags and purses make great options for women.
The Wizard just might be the right choice to accommodate all your necessities while being lightweight and comfortable.
In addition to your swimsuit, flip flops, cover up, sarong, sundresses and other warm weather necessities, you'll also want a great bag to stash it all in.
To carry all of your baby necessities such as diapers, bottles and a change of clothes.
Crafted from the smoothest Italian leathers and polished to perfection, these wallets offer all the necessities a man requires from his functional wallet, including currency pockets, slide pockets and card slots, at a bare minimum.
Often laden with pockets and small compartments, totes make life easier for the busy traveler or nine-to-fiver who needs one place to store the day's necessities.
Backpacks that are especially made for this purpose have a padded compartment and areas to organize paperwork, pens and other business or student necessities.
The difference here is that you have very tight, separate compartments that will hold a laptop computer, file folders and a section to organize pens, calculator and other business necessities.
It's spacious enough to accommodate all of the daily necessities with ease and, since it features so many different colors, it happens to play well with just about everything in a woman's closet.
Medium sizes are practical for everyday purposes, because they hold all of the day's necessities with ease.
A briefcase on wheels can give you enough space to carry all the necessities, but still be easy to carry from place to place.
Newborn- Newborn clothing is featured in sizes 0 to 12 months and subdivided into separates, including tops, pants, newborn necessities, baby luxuries, bath and novelty, and outfits.
If you are creating a basket to donate to needy families, it's fine to add small toys and yummy treats, but you should also put in some necessities, like warm socks and packages of underwear.
With some careful research and a basic understanding of computer necessities, however, it is possible to create your own shopping guide to find the best deals on computer technology.
It's better to have a little extra left over at the end of the month than to come up short paying for the necessities.
Save money on your travel by booking all of your necessities at once.
Pregnant women in a low-income bracket and those with children under the age of five can get milk, juice, cereal, and other necessities through WIC.
If you're interested in using coupons to save money on household necessities, LoveToKnow Save has prepared a list of super couponing tips that can help you make the most of your coupon collection.
Clipping Sunday paper coupons is one simple way to start saving money on your groceries and other necessities.
It may seem like your parents had an easier time making ends meet, but that's probably because they did without a lot of the extra expenses that many of today's families consider necessities.
Double couponing requires a bit of planning, but this can be a very good way to save money on groceries, cleaning supplies, personal care products, and other household necessities.
Getting something for nothing is not just limited to food and necessities.
Clipping coupons can be a wonderful way to save money on groceries, cleaning supplies, personal care products, and other household necessities.
This isn't about stocking up on junk food, this is about saving on all of your household necessities.
Office Max, Office Depot, and Staples are all popular destinations for purchasing pens, pencils, notebooks, folders, and other basic back-to-school necessities.
St. Croix Saddlery - Check out St. Croix's collection of jodhpur boots by Ariat, along with other riding necessities, books, videos, gifts - they even have used saddles for sale!
If you are practicing tattoo art at-home with your own tattoo gun, find a reputable seller of tattoo ink and purchase your remaining necessities there.
In addition to not needing to pay for basic necessities (food, hotel, transportation) separately as well as included entertainment (pools, shows, contests), you should consider the non-monetary costs of a typical vacation.
Despite a slew of additional fees, the basic cruise fare includes all the necessities of a luxurious getaway, and savvy vacationers can easily avoid extensive additional charges.
There are also specialized suites for business travelers that bring the necessities of the office into the comfort of home.
Barefoot Yoga Co. - Make sure to bookmark this popular clothing site for yoga shorts, skirts, pants, and other necessities, including organic fabrics.
Other necessities may or may not be taxed; California is one example of a state offering many tax exclusions.
Direct from the UK, Laughing Hens has a full supply of knitting necessities.
You can buy beading supplies, jewelry findings, and other necessities from this easy-to-use website.
Farm coverage covers the home and the contents of the home, but also covers additional farm necessities.
Sears offers warranties on electronics, small and major appliances and home necessities such as hot water heaters.
Bare Necessities sells several quality adhesive bras, including The Natural, a cups-only underwire bra that uses silicone adhesive to stay on.
Plenty of online retailers offer Bali bras discounted, such as Amazon, but you might find the most satisfaction shopping at a lingerie site such as Bare Necessities.
Bare Necessities is a great store and Web site to purchase men and women's lingerie.
Whether your style is conservative or a bit on the wild side, Bare Necessities has a large selection to choose from.
Bare Necessities has thongs, bikinis, boy shorts, g-strings and plus sizes.
Bare Necessities offers a selection of more than 200 styles to choose from in sizes petite to plus size.
Bare Necessities makes it easy to find what you need by breaking items down by price, brand and style.
Bare Necessities - This website has a few Barely There Quick Change products at discounted prices.
Bare Necessities focuses on getting a snug fit in almost any size.
Check out Bare Necessities for lounge and sleepwear for men.
Bare Necessities carries sexy lingerie for everyday and bridal wear.
Her Room Bare Necessities offers plus sized garments that do not skimp on style.
At Bare Necessities, you'll find several different cotton styles to choose from.
Go to Bare Necessities for a cupless corset style that won't break the bank.
One of the best and most popular such sites is Bare Necessities, which often runs good promotions or offers bargains if your purchase is over a certain amount.
Bare Necessities offers one of the largest collections of discounted Wacoal bras.
Bare Necessities is a good source - a favorite online lingerie store with a well-stocked Maidenform section that often features good promotions.
If you are searching for Dr. Rey's shapewear, you may want to stop by Bare Necessities.
Bare Necessities has the Playtex Secrets Silken Luxury Soft Cup Bra.
Sizes range from x-small through xx-large and the retail price is $22 at Bare Necessities.
The polyamide and elastane panty comes in sizes small through large and sells in nude for $74 at Bare Necessities.
We have fun and frilly things like feather hair clips, lace gloves, cocktail hats, feather boas, boudoir slippers and little necessities that add a glamorous touch.
Once you know what you're looking for, a good site for shopping is Bare Necessities.
Bare Necessities also offers free shipping on orders of $75 or more, so you should definitely stock up on your lingerie.
Bare Necessities is another great online shop, that if you haven't done so already, bears investigating.
Bare Necessities also offers a few good long boxer shorts.
Get a camisole at Bare Necessities for day foundation wear.
The first site we'll turn to for the perfect padded underwire nursing bra is Bare Necessities.
Bare Necessities is the site to turn to if you are searching for a quarter cup style that is well made and classy in its appearance.
Fig Leaves also offers the quarter bra look, but unfortunately, this site doesn't have the color selection that Bare Necessities does.
If the bras at Bare Necessities and Fig Leaves are simply too tame for your tastes, then visit Intimate Wholesalers, as there you'll find a wide array of eyebrow raising styles!
Bare Necessities doesn't have the skimpiest of all thongs, but they do have a few.
Plush Necessities has everything you could possibly want to achieve that warm, sumptuous feeling.
Other than, Bare Necessities comes closest in representing the full Spanx line.
Bare Necessities offers quite a few different styles that fit the comfort bill.
Bare Necessities is a must when it comes to purchasing women's lingerie, and the site, true to form, offers a wide array of different tan pantyhose.
As you can probably tell, you'll have a myriad of options to choose from at Bare Necessities, and the best part is that you'll be able to choose a pair that suits your body's needs perfectly.
Bare Necessities has a large offering of bright colors.
Fashion Forms also makes a long form tube bra, available at Bare Necessities.
If pretty and perky is what you require, Bare Necessities has some of the most attractive bras for sale.
At Nordstrom, you'll have to search through several reams of images to find the look you are after, but Bare Necessities eliminates that endless search by classifying and categorizing the available styles.
Bare Necessities seems to have one of the largest selections of Spanx items.
Though not officially a wholesale retailer, Bare Necessities will often carry Playtex bras at wholesale prices.
Bare Necessities carries an extensive collection from which you can browse.
Bare Necessities Shop slips from a range of popular shapewear brands, includng strapless, convertible, and extra-control styles.
On the other hand, for those searching for luxury, Plush Necessities might be a good choice.
Another key feature of Plush Necessities, besides their extensive color selection, are the reviews housed on the site.
Large Lingerie Wash Bag (pictured) - This bag from Bare Necessities is perfect for washing large amounts of lingerie together in one load, and it's priced at an affordable $9 (or two for around $14).
Bare Necessities allows you to shop by bra size, and you're likely to be floored by just how many choices they actually have for petite frames with large breasts.
Bare Necessities serves up Champions' Maximum Control Power Sleek Wire-free Sports Bra and Playtex counters with the 18 Hour Cooling Comfort Light Control Soft Cup Sports Bra.
Open-bottom girdles can be found at Bare Necessities, and they are often made in the strapless design that's easily concealed by shift dresses.
Head to Bare Necessities for lingerie that combines satin and lace for less.
From Bare Necessities you’ll find DKNY’s Smoothies Cheeky Shorts with Belly Band.
Fortunately, many party supply stores offer a range of licensed, official merchandise, including basic party necessities as well as more unusual and fun accents.
Basic party decorations include the bare necessities of any event, such as tablecloths, napkins, plates, streamers, and other general items.
This means that they have to work fast, and therefore necessities such as sleep and food become luxuries.
In addition to working within the tribes for survival necessities, they competed against each other in a series of physical and mental challenges either to earn a reward or to avoid having to attend tribal council.
Build a gigantic ship (in orbit, since it would be too heavy to launch) and stock it with the necessities of life, including the ability to grow food to support the crew.
Belts were used to carry a soldier's necessities.
Instead, necessities were carried over the shoulder in a blanket roll.
Viewing a Girl Scout uniform catalog is an excellent way to see all the great new clothing, fun accessories and gift items offered along with the traditional classic scouting necessities.
Fully three-fourths of the state contributions is expenditure on military necessities; in addition there are subventions to various colonies and to colonial railways and cables, and the expenditure on the penitentiary establishments; an item not properly chargeable to the colonies.
This wise recommendation received very scant attention, and it was not until the necessities of the colonies forced them to it that an attempt was made to do what the framers of the original constitution suggested.
Gardiner (Cromwell, p. 315), that "what makes Cromwell's biography so interesting in his perpetual effort to walk in the paths of legality - an effort always frustrated by the necessities of the situation.
The relationship thus existing he showed to be mutually beneficial, each at one time or another supplying the necessities of the other.
His necessities had all along enabled the Commons to extort concessions in parliament, until in 1406 he was forced to nominate a council and govern by its advice.
Both these pressing necessities, for a free outlet for merchandise and for a food-supplying area, drove Venice on to the mainland, and compelled her to initiate a policy which eventually landed her in the disastrous wars of Cambrai.
But it must remain possible that contact with new scenes and persons, and especially such controversial necessities as are exemplified in Colossians, stimulated Paul to work out more fully, under the influence of Alexandrian categories, lines of thought of which the germs and origins must be admitted to have been present in earlier epistles.
The surveys are made on scales varying according to the necessities of the case or the nature of the country, and they have been extended since 1862 beyond the boundaries of India proper.
Not very long after the disappearance of serfdom in the most advanced communities comes into sight the new system of colonial slavery, which, instead of being the spontaneous outgrowth of social necessities and subserving a temporary need of human development, was politically as well as morally a monstrous aberration.
A clause in the constitution of 1864 provided for the reconvening of the convention in certain circumstances, but this clause referred only to necessities prior to the establishment of a government, and had therefore determined.
But the achievements of the two civil agents were less noteworthy; and in 1905 it was agreed that, in view of the financial necessities of the provinces, the other great powers should each appoint delegates to a financial commission with extensive powers of control in fiscal matters.
But home difficulties and financial necessities prevented the West India Company from sending adequate reinforcements from Holland.
Meanwhile, the immediate necessities of the government were provided for by the issue through Messrs Rothschild of £2,000,000 fresh treasury bills.
He saw that the amount of money in circulation did not constitute the wealth of the community, and that the prohibition of the export of the precious metals was rendered inoperative by the necessities of trade.
Fully two-thirds of the revenue and ' Besides this £5,000,000 an additional sum of £9,500,000 was spent by the imperial government in relieving the necessities of those who had suffered during the war, but of this £9,500,000 the sum of £2,500,000 was in payment for goods received.
It had come to depend largely upon the Germans for the importation of all its luxuries and of many of its necessities, as well as for the exportation of its products, but regular trade with the three kingdoms was confined for the most part to the Wendish towns, with Lubeck steadily asserting an exclusive ascendancy.
His diplomacy had been subordinated to party necessities.
The establishment of Elizabeth on the English throne put on the flank of his scattered dominions another power, forced no less than France by unavoidable political necessities to be his enemy.
The reasons that compelled their departure determined their quality; they were all men of rigorous consciences, who loved their fatherland much, but religion more, driven from home not by mercantile necessities or ambitions, but solely by their determination to be free to worship God.
He was thus frequently straitened, and, as his necessities pressed, he sold successive interests in his newspaper.
The two great recurring " necessities of State," the budget and the authorization of the contingents of army recruits, regularly occupied a large part of the sittings; the budget was generally passed only in instalments in three or six monthly grants, and the Government was forced to adopt the practice of adjourning the obstructive House of Deputies and of providing for indispensable requirements in its absence by emergency decree.
Austria in foodstuffs, and the latter was constantly thrown back upon Hungarian supplies; and this superiority on the part of Hungary became more and more definitely pronounced in proportion as the provision of the necessities of life for the army and civil population became a steadily-increasing anxiety.
But besides these high metaphysical necessities for a medium, there were more mundane uses to be fulfilled by aethers.
Eugenius certainly owed his success merely to the political necessities of the emperor of the East, and his union was forthwith destroyed owing to its repudiation by oriental Christendom; yet at the same time his decretals of union were not devoid of importance, for in them the pope reaffirmed the scholastic doctrine regarding the sacraments as a dogma of the Church, and he spoke as the supreme head of all Christendom.
His passionate appeal on behalf of "legitimacy" was particularly adapted to the necessities of the situation.
The change, wrote General Walker, which produced this falling off from the traditional rate of increase of about 3% per annum, was that from the simplicity of the early times to comparative luxury; involving a rise in the standard of living, the multiplication of artificial necessities, the extension of a paid domestic service, the introduction of women into factory labor.2 In his opinion the decline in the birth-rate coincidently with the increase of immigration, and chiefly in those regions where immigration was greatest, was no mere coincidence; nor was such immigrant invasion due to a weakening native increase, or economic defence; but the decline of the natives was the effect of the increase of the foreigners, which was a shock to the principle of population among the native element.
The West, on the other hand, deferred confirmation, not at first till the child had reached years of discretion, though that afterwards became the theory, but from the necessities of the case.
The king is the commander in war, and the office probably owed its existence to military necessities.
And there are not wanting signs of a revival in recent years of the earlier tendency of philosophical speculation to subordinate the necessities of metaphysical, scientific and even psychological inquiries to the prima facie demands of the moral consciousness.
It was his view that "the attainment of human rights in the fullest sense cannot be achieved so long as hundreds of millions of poverty-stricken people lack the basic necessities for life."
If the boy shorts that Kelly sports is more your cup to tea, you'll love the shorts that are available at Bare Necessities.
But his necessities were overwhelming.
The assumption explicitly made by General Walker that among the immigrants no influence was yet excited in restriction of population, is also not only gratuitous, but inherently weak; the European peasant who landed (where the great majority have stayed) in the eastern industrial states was thrown suddenly under the influence of the forces just referred to; forces possibly of stronger influence upon him than upon native classes, which are in general economically and socially more stable, On the whole, the better opinion is probably that of a later authority on the vital statistics of the country, Dr John Shaw Billings,i that though the characteristics of modern life doubtless influence the birth-rate somewhat, by raising the average age of marriage, lessening unions, and increasing divorce and prostitution, their great influence is through the transmutation into necessities of the luxuries of simpler times; not automatically, but in the direction of an increased resort to means for the prevention of child-bearing.