Near Sentence Examples
She drew near to him and stopped.
There are bears near by.
The boy played on the grass near by.
Maybe if he saw that she didn't go near the building, he would relax his guard.
The only plus is it's near the hospital.
I'm pert near twenty-one.
My teacher is so near to me that I scarcely think of myself apart from her.
We have seen this happen already, and it will get substantially better in the near future.
Coriolanus pitched his camp quite near to the city.
To the right, where the Kaluga road turns near Neskuchny, endless rows of troops and carts stretched away into the distance.
AdvertisementThere was a pay phone near the door but it was out of order.
He set them down on the chair near the desk.
I was like that ship before my education began, only I was without compass or sounding-line, and had no way of knowing how near the harbour was.
She sat near him.
I know he'll bury any tip that comes near him!
AdvertisementThe room, in near total darkness, held a barely audible hum for background music.
As he spoke the voice came so near to Zeb that he jumped back in alarm.
There were no libraries near him, and it was hard for him to get books.
A couple of vacationers picked her up walking along the beach near La Jolla.
First off; we can't have you or anyone near you making any attempt to find out anything about us.
AdvertisementI wasn't near as satisfied.
Near the top of a hill he saw a little shepherd boy who was lying on the ground while a flock of sheep and lambs were grazing around him.
We won't go anywhere near the crime scene; ever.
Just that someone in his family had a place near the beach, up the coast, and no one used it.
She was continually tormented by jealousy of her daughter, and now that jealousy concerned a subject near to her own heart, she could not reconcile herself to the idea.
AdvertisementAt Tarutino Kutuzov received what was almost a reprimand from the Emperor for having moved his army along the Ryazan road, and the Emperor's letter indicated to him the very position he had already occupied near Kaluga.
Pierre too drew near the church where the thing was that evoked these exclamations, and dimly made out something leaning against the palings surrounding the church.
In everything near and comprehensible he had only what was limited, petty, commonplace, and senseless.
I'm pretty much out of the picture, at least for the near future.
Heading south, near the Massachusetts line.
A seating place was cleared for us near the front.
An older, harmless-looking man with white hair and beautiful emerald eyes stood near the door, holding out a phone.
He went to the lake near Rhyn's.
Post a guard near it.
Two orderlies, a courier and a major-domo, stood near by, some ten paces from Prince Andrew, availing themselves of Kutuzov's absence and of the fine weather.
And all these groups, while talking among themselves, tried to keep near the commander-in-chief (whose bench formed the center of the gathering) and to speak so that he might overhear them.
Near by could be seen the familiar ruins of a half-burned mansion occupied by the French, with lilac bushes still showing dark green beside the fence.
And do you know, Daddy, the day before yesterday we ran at them and, my word, they didn't let us get near before they just threw down their muskets and went on their knees.
Under Martha's soothing, near hypnotizing voice, Howie fell asleep quickly.
Nothing was said until we settled on a bench near the circular band stand, beneath the obligatory memorial statue.
Three men stood near it.
Once they came near to the enclosed Garden of the Clinging Vines, and walking high into the air looked down upon it with much interest.
Here one side of the mountain had a great hole in it, like the mouth of a cavern, and the stairs stopped at the near edge of the floor and commenced ascending again at the opposite edge.
He was often called the Ettrick Shepherd, because he was the keeper of sheep near the Ettrick Water.
He persuaded other towns near Antium to send their soldiers to help him.
There were groves of trees near the shore, and high hills beyond them.
You must go away too, take away what you can and tell the serfs to go to the Ryazan estate or to the one near Moscow.
On everything--far and near--lay the magic crystal glitter seen only at that time of autumn.
Her mind was beginning to function somewhere near normal.
She glanced at Bordeaux, who was squatting near the fire, putting his breakfast away.
The father beat him near to death, people said.
I haven't been near a computer since before I left.
Two neighbors reported seeing a black car near the house.
She did not know how it was that within five minutes she had come to feel herself terribly near to this man.
It was impossible not to retreat a day's march, and then in the same way it was impossible not to retreat another and a third day's march, and at last, on the first of September when the army drew near Moscow--despite the strength of the feeling that had arisen in all ranks--the force of circumstances compelled it to retire beyond Moscow.
Gabriel crouched near the edge of the lake.
There is another way to be near him.
I know people think I'm crazy, but I'd like to keep the ranch as near its natural state as possible.
The goal of our offered summer sojourn was described as a seasonal cabin on a small lake in near Wolfboro, New Hampshire.
Roger wouldn't let anyone near me.
Her plan had been near its finale.
Nowhere near that, he assured her.
Gabe left him for the lake near Rhyn's.
Mortals who stand upon the earth and look up at the sky cannot often distinguish these forms, but our friends were now so near to the clouds that they observed the dainty fairies very clearly.
The architecture was fantastic, but not near as exciting as the ride on a ferry.
Her rifle was leaning against the wagon, within easy reach, and her whip hung near by.
A small round table and two chairs were placed in a corner near the doorway to the family room, providing a view of the fireplace.
Solving a current murder was difficult enough—a forty-year-old case was near impossible.
His body was hidden in the brush near a beach.
Her eyes went to the chiseled features of the man sitting near her.
He flipped to the next page as he emerged near the palace, agitated at realizing he'd get no privacy, not with the hundreds of assassins loitering.
It was more blood than from a razor cut but nowhere near enough to justify a full skeleton in her bathtub.
He was unconscious – or dead? – while she stood on a beach near blue-green depths so clear, she could see the white sand at the bottom of the water.
The group of these queer creatures which was discovered clustered near the stairs at first remained staring and motionless, glaring with evil eyes at the intruders who had so suddenly appeared in their land.
One ball after another came whizzing near him.
The queen was standing quite near to it with the two wreaths still in her hands.
Old story-tellers say that he alighted on the back of a large fish, called a dolphin, which had been charmed by his music and was swimming near the ship.
Then, to his great joy, a ship came near and anchored in the little harbor.
I felt my way to the end of the garden, knowing that the mimosa tree was near the fence, at the turn of the path.
I was very fond of bananas, and one night I dreamed that I found a long string of them in the dining-room, near the cupboard, all peeled and deliciously ripe, and all I had to do was to stand under the string and eat as long as I could eat.
Such was not my abode, for I found myself suddenly neighbor to the birds; not by having imprisoned one, but having caged myself near them.
In this letter Prince Andrew pointed out to his father the danger of staying at Bald Hills, so near the theater of war and on the army's direct line of march, and advised him to move to Moscow.
Very possibly the theater of war will move so near to us that...
In a side street near the crossroads where the vehicles had stopped, a house and some shops were on fire.
And not the face she had known ever since she could remember and had always seen at a distance, but the timid, feeble face she had seen for the first time quite closely, with all its wrinkles and details, when she stooped near to his mouth to catch what he said.
She is going to their estate near Moscow either today or tomorrow morning, with her nephew.
They sat a little while downstairs near his room till they had left off crying and were able to go to him with calm faces.
As they passed near a church in the Khamovniki (one of the few unburned quarters of Moscow) the whole mass of prisoners suddenly started to one side and exclamations of horror and disgust were heard.
She thought he was outside, but obviously he was near.
It's so pleasant when you understand your true talents and realize your superiority makes you capable of near impossible goals.
Finally we spotted a large chain store and upon entering, detected a bank of telephones near the rest rooms.
We have this pledge among ourselves not getting a Texas mile near any of these cases.
His body was discovered in some bushes near the ocean, up the coast.
Molly didn't bring near enough clothes.
She made her way to the notebook near the desk phone.
Pain radiated through his body from where she'd shot him, and his normally pliant temper was near the snapping point.
He squatted near her.
You rank up near Damian now.
Wynn took up position in a seat near the bed.
He led her into a large study with a huge, brown leather couch near a dead hearth.
His head was bowed near hers, eyes closed, as if he was…pleased to share the moment with her.
Gabriel awaited her on the beach near where they'd first sat together two weeks before.
When I found out I wasn't pregnant, Martha was here and I wasn't near as disappointed as I thought I'd be.
Dean didn't answer but had no intention of asking the boys diddly, at least for the near future, at least until he sensed what was going on.
According to Martha, no one has been near that mine in years.
The fact that Mrs. Worthington's sister was playing tourist on the road for at least the next two weeks made prospects bleak for catching up with Martha's bones, at least in the near future.
She stood too near, perfumed and ram-rod straight, fixing him with a level and unfaltering gaze with those arresting eyes.
He changed the subject by pointing out Brandon Westlake standing near the boys, his arm about Billy, as with animated motions he seemed to be giving last-minute instructions.
Dean noticed her frail form near the front, seated alone.
And don't come near here if you see Fitzgerald!
Dean stared at the woman's near crumpled figure.
It was near ten o'clock the next morning when Martha awoke in a festive mood with the appetite of a hibernating bear.
We just didn't want to go near the place.
If a demon nowhere near his size was able to hurt her, what could Gabriel do, if he was upset at her for any reason?
He set down the tray on the small table near the blazing hearth and sat.
Gabe had us gather them all and place them here near the Immortals.
The starting point was on the near side of the lake.
Being near her calmed him, despite his ambivalence.
Darkyn's mate blinked rapidly, as if near tears.
It did that sometimes near the old house.
I would give my son much land if he would come to live near me.
Someone near her gasped, and Deidre glanced up, expecting to see a fender bender or similar issue in the street.
He stopped in front of a door near the far corner.
After a thick moment of silence, Evelyn rose to place the tarantula cat near the pilot and sealed off the door between the tiny cabin and pilot.
Near the end of her patience trapped in the tiny box of a spacecraft, she shot up when she felt the familiar pressure of them descending.
She just shrugged her shoulders as if she could care less about his lack of vocalization and moseyed over to near where Fred and the boy were sitting, the notebook between them.
A large barrel was tucked in one corner and several small bladders stacked near the front.
The West Virginia Colored Orphans' Home near Huntington is not under state control, but has received appropriations from the legislature.
When in November the duke of York encamped near Dartford, Waynflete with three others was sent from the king's camp at Blackheath to propose terms, which were accepted.
Near Palo is the modern sea-bathing resort Ladispoli, founded by Prince Odescalchi.
As she peered through the soft gray light not a house of any sort was visible near the station, nor was any person in sight; but after a while the child discovered a horse and buggy standing near a group of trees a short distance away.
Make sure that is sometime in the near future.
Getting over Brandon wasn't near as easy as getting her cap and stripes.
Cynthia leaned over as they drew near one and tried to pet it, but the cow moved away a few steps and began grazing again.
Her father hated this man for some reason, and being near him put them both in danger.
Cool, healing energy coursed through him, lulling him into a near doze.
The pain increased until Jule was near passing out.
She said she was near the big one-sided McDonald's—she meant the arch.
I can't see where there's near enough evidence to nail Fitzgerald over Billy's death, or that there ever will be.
At their inquiry, Lori informed them that she had a home and a job in California near her sister, and that she was on vacation.
The household gradually settled down to near normal.
This time, he was on a dirt road near a tiny village.
All five of the death dealers on guard had drawn near the lake.
He walked through the town to a large bed and breakfast near its edge.
And, he'd slaughter anyone near his property.
Granted, he wasn't exactly himself at the time, near dead, starved, weak.
It was near dusk, with the sky growing dark in the distance.
His nose crinkled as he drew near.
She trailed instead, eyes on the much smaller craft hovering near the tree.
Several warriors loitered near the console.
Leyon will be near you at all times.
It was in the near distance, no more than two hundred meters away, down the hill through a boulder-strewn route.
He pushed her down it and stayed near the top, looking for other attackers.
Dean brought Fred up to date on not only the telephone call to his wife, but his meeting with Weller and his speculation that Cynthia might have seen Donnie Ryland near the accident scene.
The time would be near sunrise later in the year, but now the night and his world was as dark as midnight.
The pantry stood hidden behind a closet near the bar.
He was very much in the mood for a fun, air headed bimbo after all the drama today, but that would be near impossible.
This stone must be near flawless.
He parked the car near the door to the warehouse, and the three entered without speaking.
Only the country wasn't near as pretty.
He approached what had been one of many former safe houses belonging to the White God near the base of the Tucson Mountains.
Sirian spoke to a flustered man near one wall.
Messengers perched near the door in one huddle while various warriors, Rissa's counselors, and strangers occupied the floor area.
Rissa stood near a large wardrobe, as pale and distraught as she had appeared the night before.
The people of Tiyan were gathered on the north side of the city, near the forest.
Taran watched him and rubbed the back of his neck, squinting at the lightened sky near the sunset.
Fires ignited near the south gate as his men attacked groups of Memon's advisors and the warriors that had been invited into the hold for the feast.
Fresh bread sat on the table near her bed, its scent making her stomach demand to be sated.
Extra keys were kept near the gate so that they were accessible from either side, but they didn't need to know that right now.
Long-dead instincts were near the surface, waiting for Eden to slip up, so he could take her out next.
It lies in the open valley of the Trent, at a short distance from the river, and near the important Trent Junction on the Midland railway system.
Rocca, he accompanied them to the castle of Vatolla, near Cilento, in the province of Salerno.
He was originally the god of the small river of the same name near Celaenae, an old Phrygian town.
The armies of the rival kings met at Gdllheim near Worms, where Adolph was defeated and slain, and Albert submitted to a fresh election.
The town of Barwani is situated near the left bank of the Nerbudda.
The battle of the Atbara, fought near Nakheila, a place on the north bank of the river about 30 m.
On the 26th of August 1278 the rival armies met on the banks of the river March near Diirnkrut, and Ottakar was defeated and killed.
For the next ten years she lived at Nohant, near La Chatre in Berri, the country house of her grandmother.
Santarosa was killed, apparently because he was too miserable and desperate to care to save his life, when the Egyptian troops attacked the island of Sphacteria, near Navarino, on the 8th of May 1825.
When Cicero was quaestor in Sicily (75 B.C.), he found the tomb of Archimedes, near the Agrigentine gate, overgrown with thorns and briers.
Nests of this species were found in 1821 by Johana Wilhelm Zetterstedt near Juckasj,rwi in Swedish Lapland, but little was known concerning its nidification until 1855, when John Wolley, after two years' ineffectual search, succeeded in obtaining near the Finnish village Muonioniska, on the Swedish frontier, well-authenticated specimens with the eggs, both of which are like exaggerated bullfinches'.
The presence, however, of apparatus or observers upsets the conditions, while above uneven ground or near a tree or a building the equipotential surfaces cease to be horizontal.
In an ordinary climate a building seems to be practically at the earth's potential; near its walls the equipotential surfaces are highly inclined, and near the ridges they may lie very close together.
The potential gradient near the ground varies with the season of the year and the hour of the day, and is largely dependent on the weather conditions.
At the temperate stations the maximum occurs near mid-winter; in the Arctic it seems deferred towards spring.
Observations on mountain tops generally show high potentials near the ground.
This only means that the equipotential surfaces are crowded together, just as they are near the ridge of a house.
He supposes the field near the earth to be ioo volts per metre, or 1/300 electrostatic units.
In particular the remarkable frontier lines which bounded the Roman provinces of Upper (southern) Germany and Raetia, and which at their greatest development stretched from near Bonn on the Rhine to near Regensburg on the Danube, are often called the Limes Germanicus.
Natural gas, piped from the Kansas fields, is used for light and power, and electricity for commercial lighting and power is derived from plants on Spring River, near Vark, Kansas, and on Shoal creek.
The Catrail or Picts' Work begins near the town and passes immediatelyto the west.
In 1771 Thomas Jefferson described a " burning spring " in the Kanawha Valley, and when wells were drilled for salt brine near Charleston petroleum and natural gas were found here before there was any drilling for oil in Pennsylvania.
Immediately before the Civil War, petroleum was discovered in shallow wells near Parkersburg, and there was a great rush of prospectors and speculators to the Little Kanawha Valley.
The first rolling mill west of the Alleghanies was probably one near Morgantown.
The tanning, currying and finishing of leather, an industry largely dependent on the plentiful supply of oak and hemlock bark for tanning, is centralized in the northern and eastern parts of the state, near the forests.
In a monastery at Naples, near the cathedral of St Januarius, is still shown a cell in which he is said to have lived.
Swiftly they drew near to the flaming colored suns, and passed close beside them.
Once a little fish swam too near the surface, and the kitten grabbed it in her mouth and ate it up as quick as a wink; but Dorothy cautioned her to be careful what she ate in this valley of enchantments, and no more fishes were careless enough to swim within reach.
On a mountain near their city, there was a narrow chasm or hole in the rocks.
He opened his eyes and looked around at the small, plain room and at the poor people standing near him.
I think no matter what, energy costs will fall dramatically in the future, probably to near zero, because the economic incentives to unlock that technical puzzle are so overwhelming.
It is a custom in the South to build a small house near the homestead as an annex to be used on occasion.
If my mother happened to be near I crept into her arms, too miserable even to remember the cause of the tempest.
Well, one day King Frost was trying to think of some good that he could do with his treasure; and suddenly he concluded to send some of it to his kind neighbour, Santa Claus, to buy presents of food and clothing for the poor, that they might not suffer so much when King Winter went near their homes.
Being superior to physical suffering, it sometimes chanced that they were superior to any consolation which the missionaries could offer; and the law to do as you would be done by fell with less persuasiveness on the ears of those who, for their part, did not care how they were done by, who loved their enemies after a new fashion, and came very near freely forgiving them all they did.
Near the end of May, the sand cherry (Cerasus pumila) adorned the sides of the path with its delicate flowers arranged in umbels cylindrically about its short stems, which last, in the fall, weighed down with good-sized and handsome cherries, fell over in wreaths like rays on every side.
Sometimes one would circle round and round me in the woods a few feet distant as if tethered by a string, when probably I was near its eggs.
The little princess went round the table with quick, short, swaying steps, her workbag on her arm, and gaily spreading out her dress sat down on a sofa near the silver samovar, as if all she was doing was a pleasure to herself and to all around her.
Reaching the large house near the Horse Guards' barracks, in which Anatole lived, Pierre entered the lighted porch, ascended the stairs, and went in at the open door.
Anna Mikhaylovna, with a meek, sorrowful, and all-forgiving expression on her face, stood by the door near the strange lady.
His horse and the horse of the hussar near him pricked their ears at these shouts.
They have gone to your estate near Moscow.
A cock crowed far off and another replied near by.
Glendale is located near a wealth of outdoor activities including biking trails, jogging tracks, hiking trails and horseback riding.
It'll make or break him, and I don't feel like he's anywhere near ready.
The air was heavy and fragrant, the wet, solid sand near the ocean welcome after her initial attempt to keep up in the sugary sand higher up the beach.
The world dumped her on top of a pile of sand near the boardwalk with the angry black sea roaring behind her.
He'd appeared near the doorway to the bedrooms.
She sprawled on the rug near the fireplace.
She shook off the rain in the doorway and crossed to the small booth near the bar that she and her father usually shared.
Despite his cold words, he'd left a present for her on the nightstand near her bed.
Yully concentrated on the small itch in her mind that told her Jule was near.
She meant what she said; she had no friends, but a long time ago, she'd had one whose family had a summer cottage near the coast.
She was near the line of what she was there to do, if not over it.
Her father stood near her in the center.
Near tears, Yully tugged away from him and ran into the house.
By the time they found out what it was, she'd probably be near dead, like stage four cancer.
She froze at the sight straight out of her vision—the little boy, Cody, spread-eagled in the street near the storm drain.
She'd stepped near him in her dream, until he swiped at her, and she tried to free a scream from her frozen body.
Most women were too intimidated to go near him, let alone get close enough to throw their arms around him.
When he turned to place their breakfast on the table near the patio, he thought he recognized her.
Han chuckled from his position near the window.
She looked down, near tears again.
He emerged from his defensive position, pausing near her.
Sofia stood as his hot gaze fell to her, sensing he wanted no stranger near the woman.
They sat at a table near the windows.
She unraveled herself from her favorite chair near the window.
I saw it in his face when he almost killed me for being anywhere near you.
She guided the crying woman inside to her library and dug through the small satchel near her favorite chair.
She sat down, sobbing her heart out, and Sofia sat near her.
The growing night chill had driven Linda into Lon's arms, and she relaxed near the fire.
Han had laid out a few maps on the table near his desk.
Traci was alone with the man she recognized as Ving, who stood near the doorway.
And Dust-man won't let anything near them.
She held out her hand and drew near.
Deidre closed the door, near tears once more.
Near frenzied, Deidre fought to pull some part of him close enough for her to taste.
Dean's heart began to race as he caught sight of Cynthia and Martha at the edge of the rocks near the edge of the path leading to the entrance of the Lucky Pup.
She couldn't tell them apart yet and looked around to determine if this courtyard was the one near the medieval cafeteria or not.
She sat near the door and waited.
She grew edgy as they passed the town near the bungalow before pulling up the long driveway to the beach house.
Deidre had knelt near here and unknowingly touched a soul.
It was impossible to stand near him and not relax.
He pushed the thought away and took a portal to the lake near the Immortals' fortress.
Near full-blown panic again, Deidre was midway through her second step towards the door when the creature snatched her.
The fingers around her mouth and neck maneuvered her head to the side until her ear was near her shoulder to expose the delicate area before both fell away.
Gabriel wouldn't let himself near you in order to protect you.
Keep in mind, you're not supposed to be anywhere near the Oracle.
She guided the car to the lit parking lot near the metro station, her destination.
She paused near the end and turned back to see both Officer David and the woman watching her with disapproving looks and crossed arms.
It looked suspiciously like the warehouse district near the Annapolis port, and she smelled the sea on the air.
There were pictures on her mantle of the two of them together when he was younger, toys piled into a box near her couch, a school lunch menu and more pictures -- these apparently from past Halloweens --on the bulletin board on one wall of the kitchen.
She didn't know why she suddenly felt near hysterics.
Near hyperventilating, she sat heavily on the couch and clutched her head with her hands.
She searched for half an hour before spotting her sister sitting in one of the airy rooms off the hallway near the buffet.
Andre relaxed and sat on the couch near her while Ileana drew close as well.
She rose unsteadily and brushed some of the glass away with her bare foot, near tears.
Jade stood near the spit, dark eyes blazing.
She perched on a boulder near the entrance, wondering how many nights of Sasha-type treatment she'd take before tossing herself off the cliff.
He sat on a boulder near the entrance, as if he were the bouncer trying to prevent someone like her from exiting.
Either way, we do our thing, another reasoned, kneeling near her.
Near hyperventilating, she bent over and drew in deep breaths until moonlight revealed the dismembered hand near her feet.
Grass tickled her hands, a chilled wind nipped her neck, and the scents from her vision intensified until she was near gagging.
I'll come get you in a minute, Megan said, pushing a door open near the end of the hall.
She felt alone when he was gone, and while he frustrated the hell out of her, she still felt better when he was near.
He'd protected her and made it clear anything that got near her would die a nasty death.
Rhyn emerged from the shadows near the window, dressed in black with his hair tied back.
As she did every day, she went to the table near his cluttered desk to await her blood draw and any other experiments he wanted to do.
He changed forms in midair and dropped the half dozen feet to the ground, smelling Toby.s blood as he landed near it.
The sight of Toby.s near lifeless features made her feel sick to her stomach.
He drew near but stopped just out of arms. reach, alerted by her sharp tone.
The demons couldn.t get near Sasha so long as he had the coffin holding his father.
I can sit here all day, Darkyn, and you can.t come near me.
Jade hesitated, not wanting to go near Sasha.s body.
Katie trotted to the chamber next to Kris.s, knowing the guest chambers were near but not sure which was which.
The kid on the bed was closer to twelve than five, and near her height.
She drew near, both hopeful and dreading what he intended to do.
The whites of Jade.s eyes were visible before they drew near enough to hear his muffled shouts.
He dropped fast and changed shapes too soon, landing hard on the ground near them.
Jetr's voice grew quieter, and he drew near.
A flicker of light, and the clothing appeared on a slate grey slab serving as a bench near the door.
They like you Kiera, Evelyn said, and raised her chin toward the warriors near them.
There should be a servant or someone posted near the entrance who can guide you to the restroom.
Kiera went more than willingly, near the emergency point for reaching the bathroom.
She felt faint and stepped back into the main house, near tears.
On her walks at Lover's Lane near Evelyn's row house, she'd often seen couples entranced by the rhythmic movement of waves stand at a railing, the man's arms wrapped around the woman in front of him, his chin on her head.
It was nowhere near as large as their true home but was comfortable and well-maintained, an adequate place for him, his sisters, and now his lifemate.
That day was near.
It wasn't anywhere near the size of Romas's, and the dwelling showed signs of wear and use.
She drew as near as she dared without disturbing them.
The small man with white irises drew near her, his eerie, unblinking gaze making her uncomfortable.
That will near fill us up when them ice climbing fellows get here.
With the town's elevation near eight thousand feet, plenty of snow was to be expected.
Walking through the woods near the house, Elisabeth pulled Jackson's arm.
He had given instructions for them to be left near the back door, so didn't need to meet them.
Alex glanced around at the interested faces at the tables near them, and pulled out the chair.
The helo hovered near the edge of the plateau.
She sat near the door, weapons slung across her back.
In the near distance, beyond the other dilapidated buildings on the abandoned street, came the sound of small arms laser fire.
A man stood near the boulders hedging the cliff, crazed as he flung his arms around and screamed.
Two more black-clad protective service members with weapons drawn stood nearby, one a safe distance behind the lunatic and the other near the cliff.
He returned to the main medical bay, where he'd taken up a bed near Dan's.
When she felt the knife near one ankle, she lashed out at him.
He tossed her micro, pills, and a vault half the size of his hand on the pillows near him.
Clothing sat on the nightstand near the bed.
It was near midnight.
She went to the kitchen to get a meal bar, nibbling on it as he settled near the trunks containing his gear.
The plateau was too small for it to land, but it hovered near the edge.
Near tears again, Lana retreated to the guest bedroom, sat on the bed, and withdrew the micro.
She lived near the bridge.
Half an hour later, the chopper descended near the crater.
Lana looked around for Kelli and saw her near Mike at the far bonfire.
When it stopped, she twisted to see a crater at the end of the street near the river.
Two soldiers stood near the tunnel entrance nearby, weapons raised.
He hid the rest of his weapons under some bushes near the entrance to the underground world and drew a deep breath.
A helo thumped in the near distance, and she shrank down farther to keep it from spotting her.
When his eldest brother died, he'd felt pain and anger, but he'd never felt the crippling ache he did standing on the rocks near the ocean staring at Katie.
Kris had opened it near the cliff. On the other side of the world from the Caribbean Sanctuary, the French Alps were dark and cold, and it was sleeting.
What's wrong? she asked, pausing near him.
Kill anything that gets near you. And don't feed the trees.
It was clear and cool outside of Gabe's small cottage in the middle of a possessed jungle. Rhyn felt the sense that someone else was there once more and looked around. Assuming the feeling has something to do with his magic, Rhyn shook it off once more. He opened the front door without knocking, already sensing it was empty. Gabe had left in a hurry. The wardrobe near his bed was open and his walls were missing many of the weapons Rhyn had seen last time.
The assassin shook his head and crouched near her, warming his hands by the fire.
A tingle of alarm went through Rhyn, but his head was too heavy for him to process it. Instead, he focused hard on containing the power within him. When he felt he wouldn't explode, he looked around. Darkyn had claimed Kris's library and stood near a pane of windows overlooking the snowy Alps.
Ully obeyed. They crept through the hallways, avoiding any that seemed crowded. Toby followed the directions he saw in his memories and led them to a small chamber near the center of the fortress. They entered and closed the door, seeing the open portal hovering in the middle. He took Ully's hand, and they stepped into it.
Rhyn opened the door, surprised to find the jailer's room empty. He'd expected Jared at least. He closed the door quietly behind him. He snatched the talisman hanging near the door, the one that freed inmates from their cells. He ignored the quickening of his pulse as he entered the familiar cell block.
She pointed to the cabinet near the sink.
Lastly, I examined a brown freckle of mine near my left ear.
I was in tenth grade, but certainly nowhere near the top of my class.
On an impulse, he turned and looked at the family seated near his table still enjoying their meal.
There isn't a lick of evidence to put Byrne anywhere near that dough.
He didn't bother to point out that Bala Cynwyd, Cece Baldwin's address, was near Philadelphia, the opposite direction from Parkside.
Somewhere near the airport, he guessed.
Given the weather, that might not be easy, especially near the airport.
Fortunately, room 22 was taken and they settled for adjoining rooms on the second floor near the end of the building.
It was nowhere near large enough and how could he have been that mistaken?
Dean cornered Atherton near the entrance.