Naturalism Sentence Examples
It has been well observed that his style is a medium between that of Perugino and that of Giovanni Bellini; he has somewhat more of spontaneous naturalism than the former, and of abstract dignity in feature and form than the latter.
After Mill means after Kant and Hegel and Herbart, and it means after the emergence of evolutionary naturalism.
Evolution has a foundation in philosophy which is called naturalism or materialism.
The supposedly acceptable form is labeled'methodological naturalism ' .
Wolff's list is of some historical importance - atheism, deism (a God without care for men) and naturalism (denial of supernatural revelation); anthropomorphism (assigning a human body to God); materialism, and idealism (non-existence of matter); paganism (polytheism); Manichaeism, Spinozism, Epicureanism.
Of Aristotle's immediate successors one deserves to be noticed here, namely, Strato of Lampsacus, who developed his master's cosmology into a system of naturalism.
Both the signet types and the other objects of art here discovered display the fresh naturalism that characterizes in a special way the first Late Minoan period.
Strauss, the author of the Leben Jesu, and Bruno Bauer, who like Feuerbach himself had passed over from Hegelianism to a form of naturalism.
Other influences which may be traced in his writings are those of modern naturalism and of a somewhat misinterpreted Darwinism ("strength" is generally interpreted as physical endowment, but it has sometimes to be reluctantly acknowledged that the physically feeble, by their combination and cunning, prove stronger than the "strong").
This philosopher, a man of striking and attractive personality, succeeded in fusing the Megarian dialectic with Cynic naturalism.
AdvertisementThis is his way of destroying Naturalism and Agnosticism.
In uniting with this the Associationism which he inherited, through his father, from Hume, he revealed at once the strength and weakness of the dual conception of naturalism.
In Boehme's spirit, Schelling defended his idea of God as the only way of vindicating for God the consciousness which naturalism denies, and which ordinary theism emptily asserts.
But perhaps the most convincing testimony to the presence of this ineradicable naturalism is afforded by the Latin songs of wandering students, known as Carmina Burana, written by the self-styled Goliardi.
We do not know whether his influence was brought to bear in this sense upon Spinoza; but it has been suggested that the writings of Bruno, whose spirit of enthusiastic naturalism and fervid revolt against the Church would be especially dear to a man of Van den Ende's leanings, may have been put into the pupil's hand by the master.
AdvertisementZola was the apostle of the "realistic" or "naturalistic" school; but he was in truth not a "naturalist" at all, in so far as "naturalism" is to be regarded as a record of fact.
Of this necessity there is a growing consciousness in recent years, and no more notable exposition of it has been published than is contained in James Ward's Naturalism and Agnosticism.
For anti-reductionist forms of naturalism (like Railton's) seem as invulnerable to the argument as Moore's non-naturalist account.
Written in 1893, it was a forerunner of German Naturalism, and exhibits the socialist leanings of its author.
The performances, too, have an almost embarrassing naturalism.
AdvertisementTheir opponents then have the upper hand as they still have their presuppositions see naturalism, logic and reality.
To say that OOL is inexplicable given naturalism seems well-established.
If you begin by presupposing naturalism, then of course what you wind up with is a purely natural Jesus!
Here, Pierre Jacob addresses the question raised by his accepting methodological naturalism, not metaphysical naturalism.
In these articles, I sketch some of the basic reasons for thinking that philosophical naturalism is unable to account for reality.
AdvertisementThe British author BS Johnson embarked on a quest for absolute literary naturalism which ended in his suicide.
Casual acquaintance with Enlightenment thought discloses that ethical naturalism was at its core.
This is done by those millions in the West who embrace godless secular humanism or materialistic naturalism.
The fact that the naturalism of this art remained selective is perhaps less surprising than it appears at first sight.
Marxism understands a dialectical unity of humanism and naturalism in determining the origins and aspects of consciousness.
The theory of psychophysical parallelism has been subjected to a rigorous examination in James Ward's Naturalism and Agnosticism, part iii., in which the argument that mind cannot be derived from matter is convincingly presented.
In " Some Consequences of (naturalistic) Belief," Balfour argues that the results of " naturalism " are unbearable.
This is done by those millions in the West who embrace Godless secular humanism or materialistic naturalism.
The overall feel of the collection is of elegance and naturalism.
Taking part in an adult lifestyle cruise is one of the best ways to combine a taste for naturalism with a passion for travel.
An adult lifestyle cruise is specifically designed for couples who enjoy sensuous fun and embrace the concept of naturalism.
This arto movement started in the 1860's as a result of a rebellion against Naturalism and Realism, which represented religious and spiritual themes but left little room for interpretation.
The last is a philosophy of naturalism in the form of a conversation between seven learned men - a Jew, a Mahommedan, a Lutheran, a Zwinglian, a Roman Catholic, an Epicurean and a Theist.
It is easy to understand how English empiricism issued at once in the trenchant naturalism of Hobbes.
In the last third of the 18th century two important movements came into play, the " naturalism " of Rousseau and the " new humanism."
James Ward, in Naturalism and Agnosticism (1899), starts from the same phenomenalistic views of Mach and Kirchhoff about mechanics; he proceeds to the hypothesis of duality within experience, which we have traced in James Ward.
The Pyramid Kings.A different ideal appears in the pyramid times; in place of the naturalism of the earlier work there is more regularity, some convention, and the sense of a school in the style.
An overwhelming naturalism swamped the older reserves of Egyptian art, and the expression of the postures, actions and familiarities of daily life, or the instantaneous attitudes of animals, became the dernier cri of fashion.
Democritean physics without a calculus had necessarily proved sterile of determinate concrete results, and this was more than enough to ripen the naturalism of the utilitarian school into scepticism.
It was because the aftermath of Newtonian science was so rich that the scientific faith of naturalism was able to retain a place besides its epistemological creed that a logician of the school could arise whose spirit was in some sort Baconian, but who, unlike Bacon, had entered the modern world, and faced the problems stated for it by Hume and by Newton.
The naturalism of which we have been speaking found free utterance now in the fabliaux of jongleurs, lyrics of minnesingers, tales of trouveres, romances of Arthur and his knights - compositions varied in type and tone, but in all of which sincere passion and real enjoyment of life pierce through the thin veil of chivalrous mysticism or of allegory with which they were sometimes conventionally draped.
Thus, while Christendom was still preoccupied with the Crusades, two main forces of the Renaissance, naturalism and enthusiasm for antique modes of feeling, already brought their latent potency to light, prematurely indeed and precociously, yet with a promise that was destined to be kept.
This creed of naturalism is.
The Mask of Pandora is a proof of that growing appreciation of pagan naturalism which marked the poet's later years.
Ward in his Gifford lectures for 1896-1898 (Naturalism and Agnosticism, 1899), Huxley's challenge ("I know what I mean when I say I believe in the law of the inverse squares, and I will not rest my life and my hopes upon weaker convictions") is one which a spiritualistic philosophy need not shrink from accepting at the hands of naturalistic agnosticism.
It would be quite possible to accept his criticisms of naturalism and hedonism while rejecting many of the metaphysical inferences which he draws.
But this mission helped to make him an object of suspicion to the other members of the Committee of Public Safety, and especially to Robespierre, who as a deist and a fanatical follower of the ideas of Rousseau, hated Herault, the follower of the naturalism of Diderot.
Naturalism is progressively obvious in its treatment, e.g.
Objections to the belief in immortality have been advanced from the standpoints of materialism, naturalism, pessimism and pantheism.
Another objection is advanced from the standpoint of naturalism, which, whether it issues in materialism or not, seeks to explain man as but a product of the process of nature.
James Ward's masterly criticism of Herbert Spencer (Naturalism and Agnosticism) has been mentioned above.