Narrowest Sentence Examples
It is highest at its narrowest part.
Abyssinia is narrowest in the north, being here 230 m.
The ravine, formed by the Rummel, through erosion of the limestone, varies greatly in width - at its narrowest part the cliffs are only 15 ft.
A consummate judge and the narrowest of politicians, he was doubt on the bench, and promptness itself in the political arena.
The narrowest part of the ridge, which has a length of above 2 m.
It is in this section that the entire mountain system is narrowest, and here it is that (apart from the " gate " at Derbent close beside the Caspian) the principal means of communication exist between north and south, between the steppes of southern Russia and the highlands of Armenia and Asia Minor.
In 1904 the troubled term of President Marroquin came to an end, and by the narrowest of majorities General Rafael Reyes was elected in his place.
The coast region varies in width from a few miles to as many as fifty, being narrowest on the south-east side.
Starting from the city and encompassing the island, one passes in succession the promontory Posidium; Cape Phanae, the southern extremity of Chios, with a harbour and a temple of Apollo; Notium, probably the south-western point of the island; Laii, opposite the city of Chios, where the island is narrowest; the town Bolissus (now Volisso), the home of the Homerid poets; Melaena, the north-western point; the wine-growing district Ariusia; Cardamyle (now Cardhamili); the north-eastern promontory was probably named Phlium, and the mountains that cross the northern part of the island Pelinaeus or Pellenaeus.
Ministers saw in the Luddite organization only another conspiracy against the state; and, so far from seeking means for removing the grievances that underlay popular disaffection, th.e activity of parliament, inspired by the narrowest class interests, only tended to increase them.
AdvertisementAt the narrowest point the plain of Sibari, through which the rivers Coscile (Sybaris) and Crati (Crathis) flow to the sea, occurs on the east coast, extending halfway across the peninsula.
He makes men naturally selfish; he represents them as pursuing wealth for sordid objects, and for the narrowest personal pleasures.
Placencia is an off-beat little place that lays claim to the narrowest sidewalk in Belize.
But the difficulties of the coast were such that it took three weeks to disembark the whole and to extend across the peninsula to Port Adams. Oku then, leaving the 5th division behind, moved down with the rest towards Kinchow, and after storming that place found himself face to face with a position of enormous strength, Nanshan Hill, at the narrowest part of the peninsula, where part of a Russian division (3000 only out of were actually engaged) had fortified itself with extreme care.
This, however, was Wellington's policy; and, having permitted Russia to go to war alone in 1828, nothing remained for him but to treat Greece as a pawn in Russia's hands, and to cut down the territory of the Greek kingdom to the narrowest possible limits, as if the restoration to the sultan of an inaccessible mountain-tract, inhabited by the bitterest of his enemies, could permanently add to the strength of the Ottoman empire.
AdvertisementAn empire waist with a flowing skirt draws attention to the narrowest part of the body.
Medium trees have a narrower base, and slim or pencil trees are the narrowest.
A small chip, scratch, or nick along the girdle of the stone - the narrowest part of a cut gem - can drastically reduce its value.
Cathedral settings can help balance large carat weight stones so they do not seem disproportionate to a slim band, and the arches also add a level of protection to the more delicate prongs at their narrowest point.
In the past, they often had a drawstring to close the top at the narrowest part of the bag, but today they are zippered and typically have a large zippered opening on one of the longer sides of the bag.
AdvertisementAmerican Falls, the narrowest of the two, stands at 180 feet high and 1075 feet wide.
Sometimes they occupy the approaches to tablelands, the narrowest points of gorges, or the fords of rivers; sometimes almost inaccessible mountain tops or important points on ridges; and it may be noticed that, where two important nuraghi are not visible from one another, a small one is interpolated, showing that there was a system of signalling from one to another.
It is situated on the isthmus between the gulfs of S Eufemia and of Squillace, the narrowest part of Calabria, 970 ft.
Antisthenes adopted this principle in its most literal sense, and proceeded to explain "knowledge" in the narrowest terms of practical action and decision, excluding from the conception everything except the problem of individual will realizing itself in the sphere of ordinary existence.
The gauge may be regarded as reduced to its narrowest possible dimensions in mono-rail lines, where the weight of the trains is carried on a single rail.
AdvertisementThe beautiful Public Garden and the finest residential quarter of the city - the Back Bay, so called from that inner harbour from whose waters it was reclaimed (1856-1886) - stand on what was once the narrowest, but to-day is the widest and fairest portion of the original site.
It occupies a commanding strategical position in the narrowest part of the sea, being 714 m.
Such a view can recommend itself to only the narrowest of minds.
The occupation of these topmost ridges must greatly assist in a further advance across the peninsula here at its narrowest point.
The sea is connected with the Arctic Ocean northward by Bering Strait, at the narrowest part of which East Cape (Deshnev) in Asia approaches within about 56 m.
The judicial committee of the privy council, as the last court of appeal, has on several occasions pronounced judgments by which the scope of the act has been confined to its narrowest legal effect.
It has been found more convenient to take as northern boundaries the narrowest part of the straits near the Arctic circle, Bering Strait on the Pacific side, and on the Atlantic side the narrowest part of Davis Strait, and of Denmark Strait, then the shortest line from Iceland to the Faeroes, thence to the most northerly island of the Shetlands and thence to Cape Statland in Norway.
The arch rests on rollers and is narrowest at the crown.
Not long after the death of Columbus, and when the Portuguese traders, working from the west, had hardly reached the confines of the Malay Archipelago, the Spaniard Vasco Nunez de Balboa crossed America at its narrowest part and discovered the great ocean to the west of it (1513).
It is below Werfen, and near its exit, just at the narrowest part, is the Lueg Pass, which was fortified as early as 1316 and offered a firm resistance to the French in the years 1800, 1805 and 1809.
At Chalcis itself, where the strait is narrowest, it is called the Euripus, and here it is divided in the middle by a rock, on which formerly a castle stood.
As a rule the meatus is the narrowest part of the whole canal.
The government was inspired by the narrowest clericalism, which culminated in the attempt to withdraw the Bavarian bishops from the jurisdiction of the great German metropolitans and place them directly under that of the pope.
Alfred Nicolas (1835), by Francois Grandgagnage (179.7-1877), who was a nationalist in the narrowest sense, and regarded the movement as an indefensible invasion of foreign ideas.
In the narrowest portion of this gorge, not far from Bellegarde at its lower end, there formerly existed the famous (described by Saussure in his Voyages dans les Alpes, chapter xvii.), where for a certain distance the river disappeared in a subterranean channel; but this natural phenomenon has been destroyed, partly by blasting, and partly by the diversion of the water for the use of the factories of Bellegarde.
It is beautifully situated at the narrowest part of Oresund, or the Sound, here only 3 m.
Nyborg on the east is the port for the steam-ferry to Korsor in Zealand; Svendborg picturesquely overlooks the southern archipelago; Faaborg on the south-west lies on a fjord of the same name; Assens, on the west, a port for the crossing of the Little Belt into Schleswig, still shows traces of the fortifications which were stormed by John of Ranzau in 1 535; Middelfart is a seaside resort near the narrowest reach of the Little Belt; Bogense is a small port on the north coast.
These works are characterized by wide scholarship and the narrowest theological orthodoxy.
On his side, Soimonov had been compelled to break up his regular lines of columns at the narrowest part of the ridge and to push his battalions forward a few at a time.
He learnt to read and to write, and was taught the narrowest form of Dutch Presbyterianism.
Of these the narrowest, most puritanical, and most bigoted was the Dopper sect, to which Kruger belonged.
The peninsula is almost at its narrowest (36 m.) at the frontier, but Jutland has an extreme breadth of 110 m.
Sometimes severely handled by the British, sometimes escaping only by the narrowest margin of safety from the columns which attempted to surround him, and falling upon and annihilating isolated British posts, De Wet continued to the end of the war his successful career, striking heavily where he could do so and skilfully evading every attempt to bring him to bay.
Madison now opposed Hamilton's measures for the funding of the debt, the assumption of state debts, and the establishment of a National Bank, and on other questions he sided more and more with the opposition, gradually assuming its leadership in the House of Representatives and labouring to confine the powers of the national government within the narrowest possible limits; his most important argument against Hamilton's Bank was that the constitution did not provide for it explicitly, and could not properly be construed into permitting its creation.
Though a man of great capacity for work, he represented the narrowest nationalism, and through his enmity to all that was "alien" did more than any other man to retard the political and industrial development of the country.
Thus the Tian-shan is as a whole narrowest in the east and spreads out fan-like in the west.
It is encircled by the Atlantic Ocean, and on the east is separated from Great Britain by narrow shallow seas, towards the north by the North Channel, the width of which at the narrowest part between the Mull of Cantire (Scotland) and Torr Head is only 132 m.; in the centre by the Irish Sea, 130 m.
It stands at the narrowest part of the Sound, opposite the Swedish town of Helsingborg, 3 m.
We know that a hill is not highest at its narrowest part.