Napoli Sentence Examples
See Gino Capponi's memoir of him published in the Storia del reame di Napoli (2nd ed., Florence, 1848).
While wintering at Napoli di Romania (Nauplia) he died on the 6th of January 1694.
He would have been executed had not the Austrians intervened in his favour, and he was exiled instead to Briinn in Moravia; in 1823 he was permitted to settle in Florence, where he spent the rest of his days engaged on his Storia del reame di Napoli.
His great work, Le Istorie del regno di Napoli dal 1250 fino al 1498, first appeared at Naples in 1572, and was the fruit of thirty or forty years' labour; but nine more years were devoted to the task before it was issued in its final form at Aquila (1581).
In the neighbourhood stood the small fortress of Napoli, erected by the ruler of Taurida some hundred years before the Christian era, and it existed until the end of the 3rd century.
For the more recent history P. Colletta's Storia del reame di Napoli (Florence, 1848) will be found very useful, though.
Corps, the Bersaglieri were given to Cavaciocchi as an additional reserve, and Badoglio received the Napoli brigade for the purpose of holding this important point.
The Galleria Principe di Napoli is in a smaller arcade opposite to the National Museum, mainly occupied by shops where reproductions from the museum are sold.
Depretis, then premier, visited Naples, and in the course of a public speech gave vent to the famous dictum " Bisogna sventrare Napoli "- " Naples must be disembowelled!"
He devoted twenty years to the composition of his great work, the Storia civile del regno di Napoli, which was ultimately published in 1723.
AdvertisementI had decided to return to Sperlonga via Napoli but LRU found the congestion intolerable so I joined the autostrada at the earliest opportunity.
Serengeti Napoli 7041 Aviators were made in colors such as English Hunter Green, Champagne and Satin Gun.