Name-for Sentence Examples
I got a name for you; your assailant.
Blast Publishing Company is a stupid name for a stupid publication.
Dean hadn't even managed a last name for bitch-Jennifer, much less the details of Dawkins v. Dawkins.
The idea Darkyn voluntarily took a bond to a human when he made a name for himself disobeying his former master … There might be a reason Darkyn hadn't explained it to his mate.
Talal had been right; Kiera was a fateful name for his nishani!
She wrote his name for him so there ain't no signature.
Damian, Sofia, Adrian were written beneath it, and Darian grinned, wondering when Sofi had picked a name for her son.
No word exists in their language for such general terms as tree, bird or fish; yet they have invented a name for every species of vegetable and animal they know.
Evolution, or development, is, in fact, at present employed in biology as a general name for the history of the steps by which any living being has acquired the morphological and the physiological characters which distinguish it.
In New York state there is still a court called the surrogates court, surrogate being the regular name for a deputy ecclesiastical judge.
AdvertisementGlessite, a nearly opaque brown resin, with numerous microscopic cavities and dusty enclosures, named from glesum, an old name for amber.
It is convenient to employ a specific name for a projection of a coast-line less pronounced than a peninsula, and for an inlet less pronounced than a bay or bight; outcurve and incurve may serve the turn.
In fact Susiana was only a late name for the country, dating from the time when Susa had been made a capital of the Persian empire.
King, the word may probably be a corruption of an Eastern name for the stone.
It was the natural name for a body of men who must, by the time the conquest of Sicily was over, have been very mixed, but whose kernel was Norman, whose strength and feelings and traditions all came from a Norman source.
AdvertisementHe is also said to have written, at dates unknown, The London Merchant (which, however, was an earlier name for Beaumont and Fletcher's Knight of the Burning Pestle) and The Royal Combat; a tragedy by him, Beauty in a Trance, was entered in the Stationers' Register in 1653, but never printed.
The word Rus, in former times wrongly connected with the tribal name Rhoxolani, is more probably derived from Ruotsi, a Finnish name for the Swedes, which seems to be a corruption of the Swedish rothsmenn, " rowers " or " seafarers."
This figure, also known as the vesica piscis, is common in ecclesiastical seals and as a glory or aureole in paintings of sculpture, surrounding figures of the Trinity, saints, &c. The figure is, however, sometimes referred to the almond, as typifying virginity; the French name for the symbol is Amande mystique.
Some of the earliest Greek geographers divided their known world into two portions only, Europe and Asia, in which last Libya (the Greek name for Africa) was included.
The people of Cochin-China are called Anam; it is probably from a corruption of their name for the capital of Tongking, Kechao, that the Portuguese Cochin has been derived.
AdvertisementThe south-westerly winds which prevail north of the equator during the hot half of the year, to which navigators have given the name of the south-west monsoon (the latter word being a corruption of the Indian name for season), arise from the great diminution of atmospheric pressure over Asia, which begins to be strongly marked with the great rise of temperature in April and May, and the simultaneous relatively higher pressure over the equator and the regions south of it.
For the rest, as regards the question of nomenclature, Reid everywhere unites common sense and reason, making the former "only another name for one branch or degree of reason."
Here he was accused of fraud for having substituted one name for another in a deed of transfer of national lands.
The familiar name for toasted cheese, "Welsh rabbit," is merely a joke, and the alteration to "Welsh rare-bit" is due to a failure to see the joke, such as it is.
Stanley's discoveries "Congo" has become the general name for the river from its mouth to Stanley Falls, despite an effort on the part of Stanley to have the stream re-named Livingstone.
AdvertisementDuring this period Bosnia became the generally accepted name for the valley of the Bosna (ancient Basanius); and subsequently for several outlying and tributary principalities, notably those of Soli, afterwards Tuzla; Usora, along the south-eastern bank of the Save; Donji Kraj, the later Krajina, Kraina or Turkish Croatia, in the north-west; and Rama, the modern district of Livno.
On account of the presence and mode of origin (from the gut-wall) of this organ Bateson introduced the term hemichorda as a phyletic name for the class Enteropneusta.
He was incessantly on his legs in committee, and became a name for an opposition bandog who gave chancellors of the exchequer no peace.
The collective name for the corps was celeres (" the swift," or possibly from Kan s, "a riding horse"); Livy, however, restricts the term to a special body-guard of ' Romulus.
Whether the Jews had any distinct name for these esoteric works we do not know.
The Hebrew name for Orion also means "fool," in reference perhaps to a mythological story of a "foolhardy, heaven-daring rebel who was chained to the sky for his impiety" (Driver).
The popular name for the animal is tamandud.
Apart from his special discoveries in the anatomy of plants and animals, and his descriptions of new species, the great merit of Linnaeus was his introduction of a method of enumeration and classification which may be said to have created systematic zoology and botany in their present form, and establishes his name for ever as the great organizer, the man who recognized a great practical want in the use of language and supplied it.
Another name for the vessel is ostensorium, from ostendere, to exhibit, show; whence the usual French name ostensoir.
Grouped around the main sanctuary there arose temples and chapels to the gods and goddesses who formed his court, so that E-Kur became the name for an entire sacred precinct in the city of Nippur.
East of this point it probably followed the edge The name is a widespread Greek name for a spring.
The Latino-barbaric word Olibanum (quasi Oleum Libani), the common name for frankincense in modern commerce, is used in a bull of Pope Benedict IX.
On many maps it is marked as the Bahr-el-Arab, a designation also used as an alternative name for the Lol l another tributary of the Ghazal, which eventually unites with the Bahr-el-Homr. The Bahr-el-Homr in its lower reaches was in 1906 completely blocked by sudd, and then brought no water into the Bahr-el-Ghazal.
This Bahr-el-Homr is the only affluent of 1 The Lol is also called the Kir, a name given likewise to the lower course of the Bahr-el-Homr. The confusion of names is partly attributable to the fact that each tribe has a different name for the same stream.
The word had a special sense as the name for those almsmen attached to cathedral and other churches, whose duty it was to pray for the souls of deceased benefactors.
Strictly Ruphia is the modern name for the ancient Ladon, a tributary which rises in N.E.
The term tobacco appears not to have been a commonly used original name for the plant, and it has come to us from a peculiar instrument used for inhaling its smoke by the inhabitants of Hispaniola (San Domingo).
All round and about this line of descent there was a crowd of varying forms branching off more or less widely from the main stem, different kinds of commendation, different forms of precarium, some of which varied greatly from that through which the fief descends, and some of which survived in much the old character and under the old name for a long time after later feudalism was definitely established.'
It is not likely that the Avars, living in their "ring" encampments, destroyed the Roman municipium; and Becs, the Hungarian name for Vienna to this day, is susceptible of a Slavonic interpretation only, and would seem to indicate that the site had been occupied in Slavonic times.
In the epic of Firdousi Khazar is the representative name for all the northern foes of Persia, and legendary invasions long before the Christian era are vaguely attributed to them.
But as all were subject to his authority, they were included in the exarchate of Ravenna, which was therefore another name for the province of Italy.
A second Romanic name for the same animal is fuina, in French fouine.
The word as spelled represents the pronunciation of the Cape Dutch milje, an adaptation of milho (da India), the millet of India, the Portuguese name for millet, used in South Africa for maize.
The Aztec name of the city was Tenochtitlan, derived either from Tenoch, one of their priests and leaders, or from tenuch, the Indian name for the " nopal," which is associated with its foundation.
Ii have given rise to a new name for the peace, the pax Dei, or peace of God.
Even in ancient times it was famous for its groves of bay-trees (laurus) from which its name was perhaps derived, and which in imperial times gave the villas of its territory a name for salubrity, so that both Vitellius and Commodus resorted there.
According to Skeat, the origin is to be found in the name for a cask or liquid measure appearing in various forms in several Teutonic languages, in Dutch oxhooft (modern okshoofd), Dan.
The traditional pronunciation (MoX6x), which goes back Fas far as the Septuagint version of Kings, probably means that the old form was perverted by giving it the vowels of bosheth " shame," the contemptuous name for Baal.
Under more favourable conditions Louis would have gained a name for kindness and philanthropy, proofs of which did indeed appear during his reign in Holland and gained him the esteem of his subjects; but his morbid sensitiveness served to embitter his relations both of a domestic and of,'a political nature and to sour his own disposition.
Now as Altyn-tagh 2 is an accepted, though in point of fact erroneous, name for Astin-tagh, it is clear that Grenard considers the main Kuen-lun ranges to be continued directly by the Astin-tagh.
Ustun-tagh, which appears on Stieler's map as an alternative name for Altyn-tagh, means Higher or Farther Mountains, and though not used locally of any specific range, would be appropriately employed to designate the higher and more southerly of the twin border-ranges of the Tibetan plateau.
On the 21st of August 1745, by the command of his aunt, he married the princess Sophia Augusta Frederica of AnhaltZerbst, who exchanged her name for that of Catherine Aleksyeevna.
That this was what actually happened may be inferred from the fact that the Canaanite and Phoenician name for a priest (kohen) is identical with the Arabic kahin, a " soothsayer."
The Hebrews, who made the language of Canaan their own, took also the Canaanite name for a priest.
In return Maine brought back from his Indian office a store of knowledge which enriched all his later writings, though he took India by name for his theme only once.
Parakeet (spelt in various ways in English) is usually applied to the smaller kinds of Parrots, especially those which have long tails, not as Perroquet in French, which is used as a general term for all Parrots, Perruche, or sometimes Perriche, being the ordinary name for what we call Parakeet.
As the name for a keeper of a herd or flock of domestic animals, the herdsman, it is usually qualified to denote the kind of animal under his protection, as swine-herd, shepherd, &c., but in Ireland, Scotland and the north of England, "herd" alone is commonly used.
However this name may have originally been pronounced, so much is certain, - that through Aramaic influences in Babylonia and Assyria he was identified with the storm-god of the western Semites, and a trace of this influence is to be seen in the designation Amurru, also given to this god in the religious literature of Babylonia, which as an early name for Palestine and Syria describes the god as belonging to the Amorite district.
Logistic or Proportional Logarithms. - The old name for what are now called ratios or fractions are logistic numbers, so that a table of log (a/x) where x is the argument and a a constant is called a table of logistic or proportional logarithms; and since log (a/x) =log a-log x it is clear that the tabular results differ from those given in an ordinary table of logarithms only by the subtraction of a constant and a change of sign.
By the Lex Julia of 90 B.C. and the Lex Plautia Papiria of 89 B.C. every town in Italy which made application in due form received the complete citizenship. The term municipium was no longer confined to a particular class of Italian towns but was adopted as a convenient name for all urban communities of Roman citizens in Italy.
The name Gunther became the distinctive name for the members of this house (corresponding to Heinrich in the Reuss family), the various GUnthers being at first distinguished by numbers and afterwards by prefixed names.
In Germany the "Ludolphische Zahl " (Ludolph's number) is still a common name for the ratio.
He argued that the determination of the tribunal must be grounded upon "the principles of right," that "by the rule or principle of right was meant a moral rule dictated by the general standard of justice upon which civilized nations are agreed, that this international standard of justice is but another name for international law, that the particular recognized rules were but cases of the application of a more general rule, and that where the particular rules were silent the general rule applied."
In his earlier years he devoted himself to chemistry, both theoretical and applied, publishing papers on the preparation of gold and platinum, numerical relations between the atomic weights of analogous elements, the formation of aventurine glass, the manufacture of illuminating gas from wood, the preservation of oil-paintings, &c. The reaction known by his name for the detection of bile acids was published in 1844.
It has, however, an evil name for malarial fever.
In both his name for the Gospel-records is " Memoirs of the Apostles."
Most of the native grasses are too coarse for grazing, and some of 1 The Chinese name for the Hawaiian Islands means " Sandalwood Islands."
The Chinese name for the compass is ting-nan-ching, or needle pointing to the south; and a distinguishing mark is fixed on the magnet's southern pole, as in European compasses upon the northern one."
Robertson asserts (Historical Disquisition concerning Ancient India, p. 227) that the Arabs, Turks and Persians have no original name for the compass, it being called by them Bossola, the Italian name, which shows that the thing signified is foreign to them as well as the word.
In the title "hyrax" they have, for instance, usurped the Greek name for the shrew-mouse; while in the Bible they have been given the old English name for the rabbit.
That would provide a useful name for an important geographical unit, but is too misleading.
The Chinese name for central Tibet is Wei-Ts'ang, which is a transcription of the Tibetan designation of the two, provinces V and Tsang (spelt dbus-gtsang) that constitute central Tibet.
Among the Mongols, Tibetans are called Tangutu and the country Barontala or the " right side," in contradistinction to Dzontala or " left side," which was their own name for Mongolia itself.
Edward was king in all but name for some years before the death of his father, by whom he was alternately suspected and adored.
In post-Vedic literature soma is a regular name for the moon, which is regarded as being drunk up by the gods and so waning, till it is filled up again by the sun.
Guyton de Morveau suggested that this base should be called alumine, after Sel alumineux, the French name for alum; and about 1820 the word was changed into alumina.
The Karen Christian communities are strong numerically and have a good name for self-support.
The federal executive was certainly much more efficient than that of the Achaeans, and its councils suffered less from disunion; but its generals and admirals, official or otherwise, enjoyed undue licence; hence the league deservedly gained an evil name for the numerous acts of lawlessness or violence which its troops committed.
For it is a remarkable fact that, of the 230 northern species which are most typical of the far north, 182 are found also in the Altai (taking this as a collective name for the mountains that form the southern boundary of Siberia).
Weisse (1726-1804) the dramatist, and Christlob Mylius (1722-1754), who had made some name for himself as a journalist.
Instead of inventing a wholly new name for the wholly new product, they appropriated the name " steel," because this was associated in the public mind with superiority.
By the Arabianized emancipated slaves of the Albert Edward district the okapi is known as the kenge, o-a-pi being the Pigmies' name for the creature.
The Greek name for the lion is very ancient, and this suggests, although by no means demonstrates, that it refers to an animal indigenous to the country.
Our people as a whole will profit, for successful home-making is but another name for the upbuilding of the nation."
Khojend, Herat, Kandahar were Alexandrias, Mer y was an Alexandria till it changed that name for Antioch.
Many of them exchange their existing name for that of Antioch (Adana, Tarsus, Gadara, Ptolemais), Seleucia (Mopsuestia, Gadara) or Epiphanea (Oeniandus, Hamath).
The designation of God as the " Compassioner," Rahman, is simply the Jewish Rahmana, which was a favourite name for God in the Talmudic period.
Savage and untameable mountaineers, they long defied the Roman arms and made themselves a name for wild freedom.
The proper name for these nuts is Sennhiitten or chalets, but the latter term is incorrectly applied also to houses in the village below.
We cannot to-day determine the exact homes or provenance of these freebooters, who were a terror alike to the Frankish empire, to England and to Ireland and west Scotland, who only came into view when their ships anchored in some Christian harbour, and who were called now Normanni, now Dacii, now Danes, now Lochlannoch; which last, the Irish name for them, though etymologically " men of the lakes or bays," might as well be translated " Norsemen," seeing that Lochlann was the Irish for Norway.
From Mauri, the classic name for the north-western African tribes, the northwestern districts of that continent came to be called by the Romans Mauretania.
Their name for Antichrist is Dajjal, and they have a tradition that Jesus will slay Antichrist by the gate of Lydda.
It is, however, conventionally used as a name for the territory which, in the Old Testament, is claimed as the inheritance of the pre-exilic Hebrews; thus it may be said generally to denote the southern third of the province of Syria.
The fathom was the name for a count, and the number of shells varied according to the accepted standard of exchange.
At Haibak there is a very perfect excavation called the Takht-iRustam (a general name for all incomprehensible constructions amongst the modern inhabitants of Afghan Turkestan), which consists of an annular ditch enclosing a platform, with a small house about 21 ft.
Impatient of all restraint upon his personal rule, he was continually in violent dispute with the parlement of Paris, and made "justice" another name for arbitrary government; yet he dreamed of a unification of the local customary laws (coutumes) of France.
The Persian name for this is pairahan and the Arabic kamis, whence " chemise."
There seems no reason to doubt that Eriugena is connected with Erin, the name for Ireland, and Ierugena suggests the Greek iEpos, lepos vivos being a common name for Ireland.
Natura is the name for the universal, the totality of all things, containing in itself being and non-being.
So far as we know, Aristotle had no one name for all these investigations.
But the point is that the centaur conceived and named does not exist beyond the idea of it and the name for it; it is not, like a man, a real thing which is neither the idea of it nor the name for it.
Even inference, though apparently not a classical word, throws back to the Stoic name for a conclusion.'
In other words, while an emotional and practical mysticism may exist without attempting philosophically to explain itself, speculative mysticism is almost another name for theosophy.
The name of Kalamantan has been given by some Europeans (on what original authority it is not possible now to ascertain) as the native name for the island of Borneo considered as a whole; but it is safe to aver that among the natives of the island itself Borneo has never borne any general designation.
The Greek name for the sibilant (clyFca) may simply mean the hissing letter and be a derivative from vi j"co; many authorities, however, hold that it is a corruption of the Phoenician Samech.
The ordinal name for the genera and species of Amphioxus is Cephalochorda, the term referring to the extension of the primary backbone or notochord to the anterior extremity of the body; the family name is Branchiostomidae.
Kewan is probably the old Babylonian Ka(y)awanu, the planet Saturn, another (the Akkadian) name for which is Sakkut, which appears as Siccuth in the earlier part of the verse.
Sabellianism, in fact, became a collective name for all those Unitarian doctrines in which the divine nature of Christ was acknowledged.
Coulomb has made his name for ever famous by his invention and application of his torsion balance to the experimental verification of the fundamental law of electric attraction, in which, however, he was anticipated by Cavendish, namely, that the force of attraction between two small electrified spherical bodies varies as the product of their charges and inversely as the square of the distance of their centres.
Thomson also developed this hypothesis in a profoundly interesting manner, and we may therefore summarize very briefly the views held on the nature of electricity and matter at the beginning of the 10th century by saying that the term electricity had come to be regarded, in part at least, as a collective name for electrons, which in turn must be considered as constituents of the chemical atom, furthermore as centres of certain lines of self-locked and permanent strain existing in the universal aether or electromagnetic medium.
Next to its forests, which long supplied the Greek monarchs of Egypt with timber for their fleets, Cyprus was celebrated among the ancients for its mineral wealth, especially for its mines of copper, which were worked from a very early period, and continued to enjoy such reputation among both Greeks and Romans that the modern name for the metal is derived from the term of Aes Cyprium or Cuprium by which it was known to the latter.
Sargon's campaigns in north Syria, Cilicia and south-east Asia Minor (721-711) provoked first attacks, then an embassy and submission in 709, from seven kings of Yatnana (the Assyrian name for Cyprus); and an inscription of Sargon himself, found.
Primary and secondary senses of the term between them cover so much ground that it is not surprising to find taboo used in Polynesia as a name for the whole system of religion, founded as it largely is on prohibitions and abstinences.
One particular god may be eminent enough, like Zeus, to rise above all others, and supply cultivated thought with a name for the supreme power; and this may be strengthened by the national motive as in the case of Israel.
Kilmarnock rose into importance in the 17th century by its production of striped woollen "Kilmarnock cowls" and broad blue bonnets, and afterwards acquired a great name for its Brussels, Turkey and Scottish carpets.
The Arabic name for the naturally occurring stibnite is "kohl"; Dioscorides mentions it under the term v-riµµc, Pliny as stibium; and Geber as antimonium.
It is then not strange that the Gallic name for a henchman (ambactus) is the same as the Gothic (ambahts).
It is however the received name for a current of rationalistic theological thought which, though not confined to one country, or to any well-defined period, was most conspicuous in England in the last years of the 17th and the first half of the 18th century.
Lombardy remained the name of the finest province of Italy, and for a time was the name for Italy itself But what was specially Lombard could not stand in the long run against the Italian atmosphere which surrounded it.
It was thus used as a name for the firmament, and in Christian literatureforthe dwelling-place of God and the blessed, and as the source of light.
His name for bonhomie and liberality attached the floating soldier-class of Macedonians and Greeks to his service.
Macedonian opium, especially that 1 Gheve is the commercial name for opium from Geiveh on the river Sakaria, running into the Black Sea.
Adopting the trend of this last-named stream, which has its head-waters in Kwei-chow, the mingled flow passes eastward, and farther on in a south-easterly direction, by Lai-chow Fu, Wu-suan Hien, and Sin-chow Fu, where it receives the waters of the Si-kiang, and thenceforth changes its name for that of its affluent.
Latham's name for this species is " Faithful Jacana "- he supposing it to belong to the genus in which Linnaeus placed it.
I); but the expression is used oftener, either as a name for some special class of magicians, or as a term for magicians 111 general (ix.
The city is well laid out for the most part, the streets crossing each other at right angles; Yonge Street, the chief artery, running north from the bay, was constructed as a military road in 1796, and extends under the same name for upwards of 30 m.
But he did not understand that this power was spoilt by self-seeking, and his offer of money to the Apostles, to enable him to confer the gift of the Holy Ghost, has branded his name for ever through the use of the word "simony" (q.v.).
This has been supposed to point to a confusion between Aphrodite and Hebe, the daughter of Zeus and Hera, Dione being an Epirot name for the last-named goddess.
After wandering under an assumed name for three months through Modena, Milan and Turin, he at last reached Geneva, where he enjoyed the friendship of the most distinguished citizens, and was on excellent terms with the great publishing firms. But in an evil hour he was induced to visit a Catholic village within Sardinian territory in order to hear mass on Easter day, where he was kidnapped by the agents of the Sardinian government, conveyed to the castle of Miolans and thence successively transferred to Ceva and Turin.
Sardine is another name for the same fish, which on the coast of Britanny and Normandy is also called celan or celeren.
The acid so obtained from ferrous sulphate (green vitriol) fumes strongly in moist air, hence its name "fuming sulphuric acid"; another name for the same product is "Nordhausen sulphuric acid," on account of the long-continued practice of this process at Nordhausen.
It has been suggested that names of this kind may have been the, origin of the numeral words of different races; but it is improbable that direct visual perception would lead to a name for a number unless a name based on a process of counting had previously been given to it.
There is no satisfactory name for the operation, as distinguished from partition; it is sometimes called measuring, but this implies an equality in the original units, which is not an essential feature of the operation.
Dlighthe Feine is another name for the laws, with the same meaning.
Hence there arose, both in and out of parliament, a violent agitation for the removal of Lancaster from power, and the punishment of the favorites, who were believed, with complete justification, to be misusing the royal name for their own private profit.
The Greek name for such a vessel was 4 uiXrt.
The primitive application of O€oX6 yon to the poets and myth-fanciers meets us again in Church writers; but there is also a tendency to use the name for a philosophical theology based on the doctrine of the Logos.
Classical authors do not differentiate the various parts of the chain, but use the name as a general name for the whole.
The absence of any special name for it in the Semitic, Chinese and Sanskrit languages is also adduced as an indication of its comparatively recent culture.
The tendency to retain the original name of an old and comprehensive group for one of the fragments into which such group becomes divided by the advance of knowledge - instead of keeping the name for its logical use as a comprehensive term, including the new divisions, each duly provided with a new name - is most curiously illustrated in the history of the word physiology.
Agnus Dei is also the popular name for the anthem beginning with these words, which is said to have been introduced into the missal by Pope Sergius I.
An incorrect substitution of one name for another, a reading which gave an impossible date, insertions of spurious laws or decrees, were points which few readers would stop to notice.
It would seem that the Iverni were the first native tribe with whom foreign traders came in contact, as it is from them that the Latin name for the whole island is derived.
Another, the Fir Domnand, settled in Mayo where their name survives in Irrus Domnand, the ancient name for the district of Erris.
The Tuatha De Danann is used as a collective name for the aes side.
The origin of these terms, as also of the Irish name for Norway (Lochlann), is obscure.
Originally, no doubt, XaXKOs was the name for pure copper.
They continued for a time to call themselves Goths, and to claim Gothic descent, which had become for them very much what descent from the companions of the conqueror was to Englishmen of the 14th or 15th centuries and lateranother name for nobility of blood.
There he gained the acquaintance of many of the foremost scientific men of the day, and quickly made a name for himself both as a teacher and an investigator, attaining within ten years the honour of membership of the Academy of Sciences.
Thus "Kitai" is still the Russian name for China.
It is apparently derived from the Afghan name for their own language, Pushtu or Pukhtu, and may be traced back to the Paktues of Herodotus.
The Hebrew and probably the Phoenician name for 0 was Ain (Ayin), and in the Semitic alphabet, which does not indicate vowels, the symbol stood for a "voiced glottal stop" and also for a "voiced velar spirant" (Zimmern).
The idea Darkyn voluntarily took a bond to a human when he made a name for himself disobeying his former master … There might be a reason Darkyn hadn't explained it to his mate.
Caledonia is the old Roman name for Scotland, dating back to the 1st century ad.
And twirling batons of all sizes - don't know if there's a special name for the longer ones?
Peter Sarsgaard is making a name for himself as a talented character actor.
Lee Evans Lee Evans is a British standup comedian who has made a name for himself in Hollywood.
The Old Testament Jehovah is the traditional translation of the Hebrew consonants YHWH - the special name for the one true God.
The old name for this would have been methyl cyanide.
String getClassName () Returns the class name for the object specified by this descriptor.
When we buy a domain name for you, we register you as the legal owner.
If you already have a license please fax a copy to 020 8508 0044 - with your company name for reference.
His desire for more artistic freedom drew him to the contemporary dance scene, where he has made a name for himself.
Xenopus laevis - scientific name for the African clawed frog, one of the model organisms used to study vertebrate development.
The term Iris in not only used to describe the genus, it is also the common name for the comprised species.
With a little luck, he could be the next Aussie hunk to make a name for himself in Hollywood.
An amplification prefix name is derived from a name for a cyclic parent hydride.
Where the name for which a prior right is claimed contains a hyphen, the hyphen cannot be omitted from the domain name.
You are slowly building trust, making a name for yourself, and not producing an infomercial.
Kaolin is the common name for the mineral products comprised totally or substantially of the aluminum silicate clay mineral kaolinite.
A mineral compound, asbestos is the common name for a group of six naturally occurring fibrous minerals found in certain rock formations.
In June 2004, I was finally given a name for my condition - PCOS.
When searching for a birth or marriage, remember to use the maiden name for women.
The path or file name for partial path and file name is invalid.
It would be wrong to use oh as the name for the hydroxyl oxygens of glucose.
Following a transition period, Alteon will become the official name for FSB later in the year.
The name for both these twisting motions is gyroscopic precession.
A variable bound by a universal quantifier can be replaced with a name for some individual in the domain.
What is the name for the glands that secrete sebum onto hair?
I need to know that correct device name for the 9-pin serial port.
The first recorded name for the island came from the Scandinavian settlers to the area.
In a planned shake-up of welfare reforms, Mr Hutton said the name for Incapacity Benefit would also change.
Slaked lime 40 What is the name for slaked lime 40 What is the name for slaked lime dissolved in water?
Custom names for all your contacts... I haven't seen a smiley in a name for over 2 years now!
The complete chemical name for a specific ceramide includes the sphingoid and fatty acyl substituents.
Another name for a factorized inverse transversal is a Schreier tree.
Making Time is a much underplayed song and a good name for a Web site!
The name for a baby wallaby, kangaroo or possum is a Joey.
Yunan is still a popular synonym for Oroum, a Greek, among the Arabs; in India Yavana was long the generic name for all foreigners from the north and west, a use dating probably from Alexander's day and the Graeco-Bactrian monarchs.
Hence Nabataeans became the Arabic name for Aramaeans, whether in Syria or Iran, a fact which has been incorrectly held to prove that the Nabataeans were originally Aramaean immigrants from Babylonia.
The young are hatched ' Yet Forbes states (Ibis, 1881, p. 358) that Seriema comes from Siri, " a diminutive of Indian extraction," and Ema, the Portuguese name for the Rhea (see Emeu), the whole thus meaning "Little Rhea."
As a generic name for the feathered vertebrates " bird " has replaced the older " fowl," a common Teutonic word, appearing in German as Vogel.
Its name is derived from the Hebrew shanah, corresponding to the Aramaic tend, and therefore a suitable name for a tannaitic work, meaning the repetition or teaching of the oral law.
He had a name for power in prayer; for once in a drought he prayed for rain and God had heard his prayer.
The same cult survived to later times in Caria in the case of Zeus Labrandeus, whose name is derived from labrys, the native name for the double axe, and it had already been L suggested on philological grounds that the Cretan 'a ' labyrinthos " was formed from a kindred form of the same word.
This is an appropriate name for Burma, Siam, Cambodia, Annam, &c., for both in position and in civilization they lie between India and China.
Prickly pear is the popular name for species of Opuntia (see Cactus).
Some writers have been under the misapprehension that this name for a time superseded that of Londinium.
An instinctive feeling that a proper name for God implicitly recognizes the existence of other gods may have had some influence; reverence and the fear lest the holy name should be profaned among the heathen were potent reasons; but probably the most cogent motive was the desire to prevent the abuse of the name in magic. If so, the secrecy had the opposite effect; the name of the god of the Jews was one of the great names in magic, heathen as well as Jewish, and miraculous efficacy was attributed to the mere utterance of it.
The Melanesians, sometimes called Papuans (q.v,, the Malay name for the natives of New Guinea, the headquarters of the race), are physically negroid in type, nearly black, with crisp curly hair, flat noses and thick lips.
Orfraie "again is occasionally interchanged with Effraie (which, through such dialectical forms as Fresaie, Fressaia, is said to come from the Latin praesaga), the ordinary French name for the barn-owl, Aluco fiammeus (see OWL).
There was the usual amount of discussion as to a name for me.
This morning, while she was washing, she wanted to know the name for "water."
One little chap, about seven, was persuaded to learn the letters, and he spelled his name for Helen.
Finally she one day demanded a name for the power, the existence of which she had already conceived in her own mind.
It would signify somewhat, if, in any earnest sense, he slanted them and daubed it; but the spirit having departed out of the tenant, it is of a piece with constructing his own coffin--the architecture of the grave--and "carpenter" is but another name for "coffin-maker."
What is the name for the precursor cells that differentiate into bone resorbing cells?
In Scotland, it is the name for prime rump steak.
The Admiralty revived the name for a seaplane carrier in 1914.
Custom names for all your contacts... I have n't seen a smiley in a name for over 2 years now !
Another name for it is sodium dodecyl sulfate or SDS.
Johnny Depp is brilliant as the tipsy Pirate, while Orlando Bloom puts on a strong performance thats really made a name for himself.
Making Time is a much underplayed song and a good name for a Web site !
Jack has been the top boy name for eleven years and running.
With Alexander as the top boy name and Marie the top girl name for the Germans, we can assume the borders are crumbling into the rest of Europe.
In this case, it's best to err on the side of caution when choosing a name for your new bundle of joy.
Follow these five tips to pick a celebrity-inspired name for your new bundle of joy.
Back in the 70's my husband and I poured over the little book of baby names trying to find the right name for our first born.
As you decide on a name for your child, give as much thought and weight to the middle name as you do to the first name.
Although much care is used when selecting a given name for a Chinese baby, that name is more of a formality and often not even used in the typical Chinese home.
There are a variety of situations expectant parents may find themselves in which the best last name for baby isn't clear.
Sometimes parents work this out before a child enters the picture, such as if they choose a team name for themselves when they marry.
A self-study product consisting of 50 essential questions designed to help parents get clear on the best last name for baby is now available as an instant download on my site at Name Counsel.
If you're having trouble coming up with the perfect name for your daughter, a list of baby girls names may be a helpful tool.
Baby Zone has lists of girl names by origin, as well as a fun "baby name inventor" tool that lets you choose something very unusual as the name for your daughter.
While it's certainly tempting to solicit the opinions of your loved ones during this process, it can make it much harder to choose the perfect name for your newborn.
Whether or not African American baby name meanings are important to you, choosing a name for your child is serious business.
If you can't commit to a unique name as the first name of your child, but you want to include a bit of history in her moniker, consider using a traditional African name as a middle name for him or her.
Once you have chosen a domain name for yourself, you will need to visit the InterNIC Web site and choose a domain name service provider or registrar.
Smoky (my name for her) has taken a liking to me and I to her.
The over-the-counter name for this drug is Ovaban, and it is used to prevent or delay dogs and cats from coming into heat.
Picking the right name for a new cat is extremely important.
Usually, the cat will own his name for many years to come. and therefore the choice of a name needs to be not only suitable for now, but also appropriate in the future.
Finding inspiration for a unique name for your cat is half the battle.
Don't forget Gussie Fink-Nottle, which is a fantastic name for a cat!
Picking an unusual name for a cat can be great fun, and it can be a source of pleasure for the entire family.
Everyone has their own idea of what is cute, and each member of the family is likely to have his or her own idea of what will be a cute name for the new kitten.
A good way to pick a cute name for your kitten is to get all the members of the household to write down their favorites on a piece of paper.
Picking the right name for your kitten is one of the first memories of what will hopefully be a long and happy life together.
Finding a suitable name for your male kitten isn't always as easy as it sounds.
Other people have exactly the opposite problem and just don't know where to start when picking a name for a little kitten.
Picking the right name for your male kitten will probably entail drawing up a short list of suitable names and picking from there.
Marley, for instance, is a splendid name for a male cat, or how about Hendrix?
You may also find the perfect name for a male kitten in the following articles.
How a cat looks or acts is often the deciding factor on choosing a funny name for your cat.
Remember that whatever you choose, you are stuck with that name for a long time.
Your first step in picking out an original name for your cat is shunning titles that describe your cat's physical characteristics.
Any name or personality that is common in society will not make a completely original name for a feline.
This trend lasted until the 1990s, when the Mission style again made a name for itself, gracing the covers of interior design magazines and finding its way out of exile and into homes all over the country.
In fact, Styrofoam is the trade name for polystyrene.
You may also find Acai referred to as jussara, the local name for the plant and berries.
Herpes is the catch-all name for a group of viruses that infect people.
Women around the world wear her designs and she has made a name for herself as a wedding gown designer.
The company has quickly made a name for itself thanks to its $1 products.
Once the queen of direct cosmetics sales, Mary Kay remains a reliable name for cutting edge science based cosmetics.
Simply give a potential name for your quiz as well as an outcome example, then click Submit.
Players can select a name for their character and their ship before starting.
After John's new line of cards became a glowing success, employees at Shoebox greetings banded together to help John come up with a name for the witty old lady.
The scientific name for spelt is triticum spelta.
Include a group shot and use the band's name for your banner.
Delia's has made quite a name for its self in the past five years or so, and like Forever 21, offer incredible clothes in I-can't-believe-my-eyes-prices.
Abercrombie & Fitch is a popular name for guys and girls who like to be on the cutting-edge of fashion.
Rennin is the less common name for the exact same product.
Carolina Herrera has made a name for herself in the fashion industry.
There is also a technical name for shopping addiction, called oniomania, which literally translates from Greek as the words "for sale" and "madness."
The faddy toy was not only the most-wanted toy of that year (and beyond), it also made a big name for Elmo.
Pamela Anderson made a name for herself based mostly on her appearance and now, well into her 40s, she is showing no signs of slowing down.
She has made a name for herself as a personality, a pop singer, and an actress.
Since the end of the series, she has made headlines more often because of her personal life than her career, but Jennifer is slowly making a new name for herself in Hollywood.
She made a name for herself as a model and landed a job modeling for Guess jeans.
Tom started performing at local pubs for extra money, and he slowly began making a name for himself among the local music scene.
Cyrus starred in the Disney hit sitcom Hannah Montana from 2006 through 2010, making a name for herself as both an actress and musician.
Born on January 17, 1964, Michelle Obama has made a name for herself as one of the most popular first ladies in United States history.
From beauty queen to sexy TV and film star, Longoria has made a tremendous name for herself.
At a young age, Ivanka Trump made a name for herself as a model, and now can be seen alongside her father, Donald Trump, on NBC's The Apprentice.
Born on the same day in 1978, Ashton Kutcher has also made a name for himself in comedy.
She had already made a name for herself by the time the Twilight Saga came along, in movies such as Panic Room, Cold Creek Manor, and Zathura.
George Foreman has been a household name for decades.
As far as celebrities go, Kim Kardashian has made a name for herself by riding on the coattails of other celebutants - namely Paris Hilton.
She is trying to make a name for herself though, as she released a Christmas album titled Lohan Christmas when she was 12.
Why pick an overused, clichéd name for the group?
Wrong. It doesn't, Kipling made up the name for his book, he pulled it completely out of his imagination.
Sometimes celebrities show a little more skin than they intend, and thanks to Justin Timberlake's term "wardrobe malfunction" we now have a name for it.
Hasselhoff has attempted to make a name for himself in the U.S. with his music, but so far has not been successful.
He is hugely successful in Britain and is making a name for himself in North America.You can learn more about Ricky and keep up with his work at his official website,
Her first few singles only made minor impressions on the country charts, but she made a name for herself with her exceptional musical talent and lovely singing voice.
While she rarely performed with her brothers, Marie Osmond went on to make a name for herself in 1973 when she recorded the number one country song, Paper Roses.
Action hero Harrison Ford, who made a name for himself in the Star Wars and Indiana Jones series' of films, is one of the most well-known Jewish actors.
She's honored for her sexy look perhaps as much as her acting talents, with both helping her carve out a name for herself in Hollywood.
Victoria Jackson – She made a name for herself on Saturday Night Live then disappeared from view for awhile.
If there is another name for which you are looking that is no longer available, you can search for it on eBay or put out a call on Craig's List to other fans.
Blogging is becoming an increasingly common way for busy professionals to make a name for themselves in their particular industry.
This is where the term "pit" became part of the name for these types of dogs.
Many people find humor in stating the obvious; you may be able to figure out a funny name for your dog simply by looking at him.
The name for its active ingredient is milbemycin oxim.
Their publicists, George Alabama Florida and Mike Goldreyer, came up with the name for it and promoted its finest practitioners.
The proper name for the genus is dianthus.
As a teen, Burpee made a name for himself as a poultry and livestock breeder, and soon applied his genetic knowledge to breeding new and better varieties of plants.
In fact, the original name for the store was Organ Center.
Interestingly, Johnny Cash's given name was JR, as his parents could not decide on a full name for him.
Breedlove has been making a name for itself in the acoustic electric guitar market in recent years by producing quality guitars with interesting designs at affordable prices.
The construction of Hampton Bay fans includes the addition of Gossamer Wind blades as the brand name for every fan.
A patio room is another name for a screened porch.
The name for rubies stems from the Latin word for red.One of the best known gem stones, discovered thousands of years ago, rubies are found primarily in Myanmar (Burma), Sri Lanka, and Thailand.
Marcasite is the modern name for a mineral we once called "Fool's Gold".
Some jewelry boxes, such as the metal Personalized Childhood Memories Ballerina Jewelry Box offered by Lenox, can be engraved with your little girl's name for an important statement of ownership.
With just four sewing machines and five employees doing the handiwork, making a name for the company should have proved difficult.
Considered one of the original elements of punk fashion, plaid pants were regularly worn during the 1970s when the movement made a name for itself.
Four O'clock Organic Tea is a brand name for a line of tea products.
In fact, they are probably the most recognized name for larger fashions.
You can call them short shorts, but that's just another name for hot pants.
A shelf bra is another name for the balconette.
The Sidewaters decided to test out a new name for the store, and thus Fashion Bug was born.
African sleeping sickness is the common name for human African trypanosomiasis.
It didn't take him long after to make a name for himself.
The distributor had to pay a $125,000 fine and was restricted from using any name for its eyewear products that might indicate that they made night-time driving safer.
While "Master Blaster" is the recognizable industry name for these attractions, and several parks do use that name for the ride itself, any water slide that is referred to as a "water coaster" is a similar design.
The company was purchased by Ubisoft Entertainment years later and still legally uses the Tom Clancy name for marketing and promotional purposes.
Final Fantasy is the name for the series of role playing games developed by Square Enix (formerly Square Co., Ltd.). The original Final Fantasy game was released in Japan in 1987 for the Famicom (Nintendo Entertainment System).
It quickly made a name for itself in the video game industry.
Both companies produced titles under their original names and even acquired the Bally name for their pinball machines.
It's actually kinda catchy once you get used to it, and it's a very friendly, non-technical name for non-gaming ears.
Interestingly, a name for his character that was rejected early in development was Vodka Gobalsky, though he is known for his fondness for the clear hardball.
In Skate It, you play a budding shredder that is trying to make a name for himself.
Kinect, which is the official product name for what was previously known as Project Natal, offers controller-free gaming.
A trellis is another name for a wine storage rack.
A personalized wine label gives you the chance to announce that you created the wine and to add a special flare to the look of the wine bottle such as a specially-designed logo, a fun name for the wine or a distinctive slogan.
The Latin name for fifth disease is erythema infectiosum, meaning infectious redness.
Diabetes mellitus-The clinical name for common diabetes.
Another name for mucopolysaccharides is glycosaminoglycans (GAGs).
Adrenaline-Another name for epinephrine, the hormone released by the adrenal glands in response to stress.
Beta blockers-The popular name for a group of drugs that are usually prescribed to treat heart conditions, but that also are used to reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety and phobias, such as sweating and palpitations.
A common trade name for the drug is Tylenol.
Orexin-Another name for hypocretin, a chemical secreted in the hypothalmus that regulates the sleep/wake cycle.