Naked Sentence Examples
I won't say no to being so close to a naked woman.
The woman rolled out of bed, unconcerned with being naked in front of a stranger.
Being with him, naked in bed, was the most natural, right and incredible experience.
His hands ran down her naked body possessively.
I was trying to get a naked woman the hell out of my bed, just after my wife caught her there!
Cool air made all the skin of her naked body prickle.
The thought of him without his shirt on, or better yet, naked … "No way in hell," she breathed.
Just fix us some supper instead of goggling at a naked woman and getting all tingly when we don't have time.
She didn't want to think of him watching her bathe naked; the idea made her body thrum with something she didn't want to feel.
The sight of him naked to his waist made her stop.
AdvertisementIt scares me, like I'm stripping naked in front of strangers.
She is naked except for an old tee shirt of mine which, out of my benevolence I allowed her to wear.
She felt his arms around her and leaned into him, surprised at how natural it felt to be held against a complete stranger who made her want to flee for the hills and strip naked at the same time.
He was naked from the waist up and sweaty, a combination that made her sit up and pay attention.
He drew closer once more, pausing on the opposite side of the counter, watching her in a way that left her feeling as if she was standing naked in his living room, armed with a gun.
AdvertisementObliviously unaware that half his thoughts this afternoon and evening were on her naked, Deidre melted into his arms the moment he touched her.
He was naked, as if awaiting her.
Dean made a move toward her, but she scurried out the door with a loud laugh, still naked, dragging her white dress behind her.
What do you think we should do, burn all our clothes and run naked through the woods, living like monkeys?
He thought he remembered seeing her naked before, maybe when she arrived last night.
AdvertisementDeidre awoke alone and naked in bed.
Then I half-wake to find a naked body all over me.
The blonde was sleeping, her naked body resting on top of the covers.
No words were exchanged until much later, after our naked and robust greeting.
She turned her naked body away from the glare and his eyes, as if expecting to be hit.
AdvertisementHis naked back was to her.
It was light enough that she felt naked, especially with the cut that left her back, arms and shoulders completely exposed.
The male voice came from nowhere and everywhere and disturbed the two naked forms on the dark grey bed.
I saw her, naked, after you two...had your pleasure together.
You said she came back upstairs naked and he probably killed her as soon as she entered the room.
The memory of the words and how sweet he was last night made her ache, as much because she turned her back on him as it was because she wanted to feel his naked body against hers.
He tied the line around Dean's waist with practiced fingers, keeping it below Dean's naked upper torso.
I can run naked.
She came down to your room naked?
They sure didn't cremate the woman, naked as the day she was born, holding on to a fountain pen!
Then he dressed the naked corpse, and pulled her up on the drapery cord.
He nodded, his gaze traveling up and down her body in a way that made her feel naked.
In ancient art Aphrodite was at first represented clothed, sometimes seated, but more frequently standing; then naked, rising from the sea, or after the bath.
The black, hairy, snub-nosed face of Vaska Denisov, and his whole short sturdy figure with the sinewy hairy hand and stumpy fingers in which he held the hilt of his naked saber, looked just as it usually did, especially toward evening when he had emptied his second bottle; he was only redder than usual.
After passing a chasseur regiment and in the lines of the Kiev grenadiers--fine fellows busy with similar peaceful affairs--near the shelter of the regimental commander, higher than and different from the others, Prince Andrew came out in front of a platoon of grenadiers before whom lay a naked man.
To the left from that village, amid the smoke, was something resembling a battery, but it was impossible to see it clearly with the naked eye.
He was alone now, except for a soldier who was sitting naked at the other side of the fire, warming his thin yellow body.
The whole French army, and even Napoleon himself with his staff, were not on the far side of the streams and hollows of Sokolnitz and Schlappanitz beyond which we intended to take up our position and begin the action, but were on this side, so close to our own forces that Napoleon with the naked eye could distinguish a mounted man from one on foot.
Anatole used to come to borrow money from her and used to kiss her naked shoulders.
They beat the tattoo, called the roll, had supper, and settled down round the fires for the night--some repairing their footgear, some smoking pipes, and some stripping themselves naked to steam the lice out of their shirts.
If you are more comfortable cruising naked in a more intimate atmosphere, then this is the vessel for you.
An ovarian cyst is not usually apparent to the naked eye, therefore it's hard to detect its presence without doing an x-ray or sonogram.
Nudists believe in the naturalness of the naked body, and in the medicinal, therapeutic, or relaxing properties of unself-conscious social nudity.
They believe that modesty and shame are socially imposed restrictions on the freedom of the naked body, and that eroticism is not a necessary condition of nakedness.
The so-called "father of nudism" was the German Heinrich Pudor (real name Heinrich Scham), who coined the term Nacktkultur ("naked culture") and whose book Nackende Menschen (Naked man [1894]) was probably the first book on nudism.
Its key contentions were the therapeutic benefit of unhindered access to sun and air, and the psychological benefit of an open relation to the naked body.
In the past, the word naked could mean clad only in an undergarment.
Conversely, some uncovered parts of the body-an elbow, a nose, a wrist, a face-are unlikely to be considered naked.
Although entirely naked in summer, these cats developed in winter a slight growth of hair on the back and the ridge of the tail.
In the case of the great grey kangaroo, for instance, the period of gestation is less than forty days, and the newly-born embryo, which is blind, naked, and unable to use its bud-like limbs, is little more than an inch in length.
Ears moderately rounded, and nearly naked.
A separate family, Notoryctidae, is represented by the marsupial mole (Notoryctes typhlops), of the deserts of south Central Australia, a silky, golden-haired, burrowing creature, with a curious leathery muzzle, and a short, naked stumpy tail.
Naked crags, when they do appear, lift themselves from a sea of green, and a tropical vegetation, quite Malaysian in character, covers everything.
These consist of enormous cells with nuclei so large as to be in some cases just visible to the naked eye.
They go naked and have no boats.
It has a broad rounded head, short face, large naked eyes, large hands, and long thin fingers with pointed claws, of which the third is remarkable for its extreme slenderness.
The female gametophyte is extremely reduced; there is a sexual apparatus of naked cells, one of which is the egg-cell which, after fusion with a male cell, divides to form a large siispensorial cell and a terminal embryo.
A lenticel appears to the naked eye as a rounded or elongated scar, often forming a distinct prominence on the surface of the organ.
It does not at first appear to be the same with the bulkier plants, such as the ordinary green herbs, shrubs or trees, but a study of their earlier development indicates that they do not at the outset differ in any way from the simple undifferentiated forms. Each commences its existence as a simple naked protoplast, in the embroyo-sac or the archegonium, as the case may be.
The naked cells which have been alluded to live in water, and call therefore for no differentiation in connection with this necessity; but those which are surrounded by a cell-wall always develop within themselves a vacuole or cavity which occupies the greater part of their interior, and the hydrostatic pressure of whose contents keeps tha protoplasm in contact with the membrane, setting up a condition of turgidity.
In forms which are naked in the adult state, the shell falls off soon after the reduction of the velum, but in Cenia, Runcina and Vaginula the shell-gland and shell are not developed, and the young animal when hatched has already the naked form of the adult.
As in some Pectinibranchia, the free margin of the mantle-skirt is frequently reflected over the shell when a shell exists; and, as in some Pectinibranchia, broad lateral outgrowths of the foot (parapodia) are often developed which may be thrown over the shell or naked dorsal surface of the body.
But in Aplysia the mantle is reflected over the edge of the shell, and grows over its upper surface so as to completely enclose it, excepting at the small central area s where the naked shell is exposed.
Birds were divided into Gymnopaedes and Dasypaedes, according as the young were hatched naked or clothed.
One of the distinctive features of this family is the presence of small naked callosities on the buttocks; another being a difference in the number of vertebrae and ribs as compared with those of the Simiidae.
The tail is laterally compressed, nearly naked, and scaly.
Some years ago these rabbits were sold as "leporides" or hybrids, produced by the union of the hare and the rabbit; but the most careful experimenters have failed to obtain any such hybrid, and the naked immature condition in which young rabbits are born as compared with the clothed and highly developed young hare renders it unlikely that hybrids could be produced.
Some of them imitated the Hebrew prophets in the performance of symbolic acts of denunciation, foretelling or warning, going barefoot, or in sackcloth or undress, and, in a few cases, for brief periods, altogether naked; even women in some cases distinguished themselves by extravagance of conduct.
In front of the naked eye was held a piece of copper foil perforated by a fine needle hole.
If the origin of light be treated as infinitely small, and be seen in focus, whether with the naked eye or with the aid of a telescope, the whole of the light in the absence of obstacles would be concentrated in the immediate neighbourhood of the focus.
Fleet Street was the show-place of London, in which were exhibited a constant succession of puppets, naked Indians and strange fishes.
The use of matches and naked lights of any kind must be prohibited.
Elsewhere we see the victorious prince beating down a vanquished enemy, and superintending the execution of other prisoners who are being sacrificed to the gods, while in one curious scene he is striking with his mace a sort of wicker-work cage filled with naked men.
The majority of these are large and heavilybuilt ruminants, with horns present in both sexes, the muzzle broad, moist and naked, the nostrils lateral, no face-glands, and a large dewlap often developed in the males; while the tail is long and generally tufted, although in one instance longhaired throughout.
Both sexes go naked, or with the scantiest loin-cloth.
The plants are bulbous herbs, with flat or rounded radical leaves, and a central naked or leafy stem, bearing a head or umbel of small flowers, with a spreading or bell-shaped white, pink, red, yellow or blue perianth.
The Arhab district, through which these two great wadis run, was formerly the centre of the Himyar kingdom; cultivation is now only to be found in the lower parts on the borders of the watercourses, all above being naked rock from which every particle of soil has been denuded.
The smallest and most numerous class are the telescopic meteors invisible to the naked eye.
The cercaria is just visible to the naked eye and has an oval or discoidal body and usually a long tail of variable form.
On the 16th of the month Maimacterion, a long procession, headed by a trumpeter playing a warlike air, set out for the graves; wagons decked with myrtle and garlands of flowers followed, young men (who must be of free birth) carried jars of wine, milk, oil and perfumes; next came the black bull destined for the sacrifice, the rear being brought up by the archon, who wore the purple robe of the general, a naked sword in one hand, in the other an urn.
If the box be round, they will seek to lead the eye away from the naked regularity of the circle by a pattern distracting attention, as, for example, by a zigzag breaking the circular outline, and supported by other ornaments.
He died on the 6th of February 1593, bequeathing, it is said, 1200 crowns to the hospital at Orleans for the twelve "deniers" he received there when "poor and naked" on his way to Paris.
Scott justly observed that Defoe's style "is the last which should be attempted by a writer of inferior genius; for though it be possible to disguise mediocrity by fine writing, it appears in all its naked inanity when it assumes the garb of simplicity."
This monkey, Macacus inuus, is light yellowish-brown above and yellowish-white below, with the naked part of the face flesh-coloured.
An informant of Goldsmith saw him once "run naked through the park in a state of intoxication."
The claws are whitish; the naked nose pad and whiskers are black.
Some of the mountains are almost entirely composed of naked calcareous rock, but most of them wereformerly covered to their summits with forests of oaks, chestnuts, or pine trees, now destroyed to provide fuel.
There is no probability of a dangerous explosion being produced by the ignition of coal dust by a naked light or ordinary flame.
He was always enthusiastically fond of swimming, and was a great believer in fresh air, taking a cold air bath regularly in the morning, when he sat naked in his bedroom beguiling himself with a book or with writing for a half-hour or more.
In the medieval Church there were seven "corporal" and seven "spiritual works of mercy" (opera misericordiae); these were (a) the giving of food to the hungry and drink to the thirsty, the clothing of the naked, the visitation of the sick and of prisoners, the receiving of strangers, and the burial of the dead; (b) the conversion of sinners, teaching of the ignorant, giving of counsel to the doubtful, forgiveness of injuries, patience under wrong, prayer for the living and for the dead.
At Princess Marianne Straits tribes much wilder than those farther west, naked and painted, swarm like monkeys in the trees, the stems of which are submerged at high tide.
The muzzle is naked, small glands are present on the face below the eyes, and the tail is comparatively long.
These are medium-sized or large antelopes with naked muzzles, narrow sheep-like upper molars, fairly long tails, rudimentary or no face-glands, and pits in the frontal bones of the skull.
The duikers, or duikerboks (Cephalophus), of Africa, which range in size from a large hare to a fallow-deer, typify the subfamily Cephalophinae, characterized by the spike-like horns of the bucks, the elongated aperture of the face-glands, the naked muzzle, the relatively short tail, and the square-crowned upper molars; lateral hoofs being present.
In the duikers themselves the single pair of horns is set in the midst of a tuft of long hairs, and the face-gland opens in a long naked line on the side of the face above the muzzle.
All these are large and generally more or less uniformly coloured antelopes with horns in both sexes, long and more or less hairy tails, high withers, small face-glands, naked muzzles, tall, narrow upper molars, and the absence of pits in the frontal bones.
These are born naked and blind, and it is commonly five weeks before they see, or become covered with hair.
The young when hatched are naked and helpless.
In the former case the hind-body, consisting only of the abdomen, forms a pleon or tail-part devoid of feet, and the species so constructed are Gymnoplea, those of the naked or footless pleon.
The Avral Mountains, which separate the Kash from the Kunghez, are lower, but rocky, naked and difficult of access.
The body appears to be in all cases naked.
The four weights are so adjusted that, if the instrument floats with the stem emerging as far as the lower division o with one of the weights attached, then replacing the weight by the next heavier causes the instrument to sink through the whole length of the scale to the upper division o, and the first weight produces the same effect when applied to the naked instrument.
The shell-bearing forms belonging to this group which were known to Linnaeus were placed by him (in 1748) in the third order of his class Vermes under the name " Testacea," whilst the Echinoderms, Hydroids and Annelids, with the naked Mollusca, formed his second order termed " Zoophyta."
Ten years later he replaced the name " Zoophyta " by " Mollusca," which was thus in the first instance applied, not to the Mollusca at present so termed, but to a group consisting chiefly of other organisms. Gradually, however, the term Mollusca became used to include those Mollusca formerly placed among the " Testacea," as well as the naked Mollusca.
The Javan Pithechirus has the thumb opposable, while the Papuan Chiruromys has the tip of the tail naked above and prehensile.
They hay e large heads, projecting incisors, no ears, almost functionless eyes and moderately long tails; the skin, with the exception of a few hairs on the body and frinr-es on the feet, being naked.
To warn Eugenius against pride, Bernard reminds him in biblical terms that an insensate sovereign on a throne resembles " an ape upon a housetop," and that the dignity with which he is invested does not prevent him from being a man, that is, " a being, naked,!
They bear, four or five times in the year, from four to ten blind and naked young, which are in their turn able to breed at an age of about six months; the time of gestation being about twenty days.
It was formerly the custom to include with the Fungi the Schizomycetes or Bacteria, and the Myxomycetes or Mycetozoa; but the peculiar mode of growth and division, the cilia, spores and other peculiarities of the former, and the emission of naked amoeboid masses of protoplasm, which creep and fuse to streaming plasmodia, with special modes of nutrition and spore-formation of the latter, have led to their separation as groups of organisms independent of the true Fungi.
Here each mould and each ingot was handled as a separate unit twice, instead of only once as in the car casting system; the ingots radiated away great quantities of heat in passing naked from the converting mill to the soaking furnaces, and the heat which they and the moulds radiated while in the converting mill was not only wasted, but made this mill, open-doored as it was, so intolerably hot, that the cost of labour there was materially increased.
They give the part of the tongue on which they occur the appearance and feel of a coarse rasp. The feet are furnished with round soft pads or cushions covered with thick, naked skin, one on the under surface of each of the principal toes, and one larger one of trilobed form, behind these, under the lower ends of the metacarpal and metatarsal bones, which are placed nearly vertically in ordinary progression.
In plants of warm climates the buds have often no protective appendages, and are then said to be naked.
The skin is nearly naked, and very rough and rugged.
They are more or less elongate in form, often eel-shaped, and naked or covered with minute scales.
He is girt with the sacred thread round his naked body under the breasts.
At last, weary of her entreaties, he said he would grant her request if she would ride naked through the streets of the town.
First of all living things was Re; rid told how he arose as a naked babe from a lotus-flower floated on the primeval ocean Nun.
Having begged for quarter First and surrendered, they were immediately stripped nearly massacre naked, and about fifty were slaughtered on the spot; of the and about the same number were dragged away, with Mame- every brutal aggravation of their pitiful condition, to U es.
In the severed axon the degeneration is first evident in a breaking down of the naked nerve filaments of the motor end plate.
Of the three cells at the micropylar end of the sac, all naked cells (the so-called egg-apparatus), one is the egg-cell or oosphere, the other two, which may be regarded as representing abortive egg-cells (in rare cases capable Of fertilization), are known as synergidae.
If in its extension to contain the new formations within it the embryo-sac remains narrow, endosperm formation proceeds upon the lines of a cell-division, but in wide embryo-sacs the endosperm is first of all formed as a layer of naked cells around the wall of the sac, and only gradually acquires a pluricellular character, forming a tissue filling the sac. The function of the endosperm is primarily that of nourishing the embryo, and its basal position in the embryo-sac places it favourably for the absorption of food material entering the ovule.
The zoospore is usually a pyriform mass of naked protoplasm, the beaked end of which where the cilia arise is devoid of colouring matter.
Thus, although isogamy consists in typical cases of a union of naked motile gametes by a fusion which begins at the beaked ends, and results in the formation of an immotile spherical zygote surrounded by a cell-wall, in Leptosira it is noticeable that the fusion begins at the blunt end; in a species of Chlamydomonas the two gametes are each included in a cell-wall before fusion; and in many cases the zygote retains for some time its motility with the double number of cilia.
Then usually these layers successively give way, and the spherical naked oospheres float free in the water.
Tetraspores are at first naked, but soon acquire a cell-wall and germinate without a period of rest.
The carpospores are in all cases bright red naked masses of protoplasm when first discharged.
Their continuity, however, is interrupted by numerous valleys separating them into detached flat-topped hills, which are comparatively seldom marked by precipices of naked rock.
Usually the upper part of a corrie is formed by a crescent of naked rock, from which long trails of debris descend to the bottom of the hollow.
He is generally naked; his right leg rests on a rock or the prow of a ship; he carries a trident in his hand, and is gazing in front of him, apparently out to sea; sometimes he is standing on the water, swinging his trident, or riding in his chariot over the waves, accompanied by his wife Amphitrite, the Nereids and other inhabitants of the sea.
The great mass of it is confined to the main ranges and their Vegeta- immediate off-shoots, whilst on the more distant and terminal prolongations it is almost entirely absent; in fact, these are naked rock and stone.
The lowest terminal ridges, especially towards the west, are, as has been said, naked in aspect.
It has but one horn, and is covered with!massive folds of naked skin.
Since the transit circle is preferable to the equatorial for such observations wherein great accuracy is required, the declination and hour circles of an equatorial are employed, not for the determination of the right ascensions and declinations of celestial objects, but for directing the telescope with ease and certainty to any object situated in an approximately known position, and which may or may not be visible to the naked eye, or to define approximately the position of an unknown object.
The faintest stars visible to the naked eye on clear nights are of about the sixth magnitude; exceptionally keen, well-trained eyes and clear moonless nights are necessary for the perception of stars of the seventh magnitude.
Numerous counts of the number of stars visible to the naked eye have been made; it is doubtful whether more than 2000 can be seen at one time from any position on the earth.
For the next ten years it slowly increased (though with slight check), and in 1843 was nearly as bright as Sirius; since then it has slowly faded, but it was not till 1869 that it ceased to be visible to the naked eye.
The results are given in his Prelimina, y General Catalogue (1910), which comprises the motions of 6188 stars fairly uniformly distributed over the sky, including all the stars visible to the naked eye.
The labours of this society brought out into strong relief the naked deformity of the bulk of the British gaols.
Socrates has related how she was torn from her chariot, dragged to the Caesareum (then a Christian church), stripped naked, done to death with oyster-shells (iwTpawls aveacw, perhaps "cut her throat") and finally burnt piecemeal.
On the day of public procession - the last took place in 1857 or 1858 - naked priests and " wives" escorted the company with songs and dances; death was the penalty of those caught peering from their houses, and, apart from this, the natives feared loathsome diseases should they gaze upon the sacred scene.
The feet have broad, naked, tuberculated soles; the forefeet with five distinct toes, each furnished with a long, strong and slightly curved nail, the first and fifth considerably shorter than the other three.
This is the highest order of asceticism, members of which are supposed to be solely engaged in meditating on the Brahma, and to be" equally indifferent to pleasure or pain, insensible of heat or cold, and incapable of satiety or want."Some of them go about naked, but the majority are clad like the Dandis.
Kali, on the other hand, the most terrible of the goddess's forms, has a special service performed to her, at the Kali-puja, during the darkest night of the succeeding month; when she is represented as a naked black woman, four-armed, wearing a garland of heads of giants slain by her, and a string of skulls round her neck, dancing on the breast of her husband (Mahakala), with gaping mouth and protruding tongue; and when she has to be propitiated by the slaughter of goats, sheep and buffaloes.
Arope is obtained by concentrating vino dulce to one-third, and color by concentrating the arope over a naked fire.
We have no clear information about the mind of the Flagellants, who in 1259, and again in 1 349, swarmed through the streets of European cities, naked and thrashing themselves, till the blood ran, with leather thongs and iron whips.
Naked and without the tunic of the flesh these will enter the arena and strive in the Olympic contest of the soul.
Some declare that he shall even go naked.
Thus driven back upon himself, Schopenhauer fell into morbid meditations, and the world which he saw, if it was stripped naked of its disguises, lost its proportions in the distorting light.
During the early period of their sojourn in the pouch, the blind, naked, helpless young creatures (which in the great kangaroo scarcely exceed an inch in length) are attached by their mouths to the nipple of the mother, and are fed by milk injected into their stomach by the contraction of the muscle covering the mammary gland.
The typical genus Macropus, in which the muzzle is generally naked, the ears large, the fur on the nape of the neck usually directed backwards, the claw of the fourth hind-toe very large, and the tail stout and tapering, includes a large number of species.
The muzzle is naked, the fur on the nape of the neck directed more or less completely forward, and the hind-limbs are less disproportionately elongated.
Lastly, we have the banded wallaby, Lagostrophus fasciatus, of Western Australia, a small species characterized by its naked muzzle, the presence of long bristles on the hindfeet which conceal the claws, and also of dark transverse bands on the lower part of the back.
The tarsus is short and the muzzle naked.
The men and unmarried girls go practically naked, the married women wearing a goatskin dyed red.
Each bacterium capable of growth gives rise to a colony visible to the naked eye, and if the colonies are sufficiently apart, an inoculation can be made from any one to a tube of culture-medium and a pure culture obtained.
This change, visible to the naked eye, is called sedimentation.
They all go practically naked.
The ears are naked, and bluish black.
The hands and feet are naked, and black.
A large space around the greatly developed callosities on the buttocks, as well as the upper part of the insides of the thighs, is naked and of a crimson colour, shading off on the sides to lilac or blue, which, depending upon injection of the superficial blood-vessels, varies in intensity according to the condition of the animal - increasing under excitement, fading during sickness, and disappearing after death.
By this process of preparation a considerable portion of the narcotine, caoutchouc, resin, oil or fatty and insoluble matters are removed, and the prolonged boiling, evaporating and baking over a naked fire tend to lessen the amount of alkaloids present in the extract.
The zodiac of Denderah; the Savoyards who carved their pine-forests into toys; the naked Derar, horsed on an idea, charging a troop of Roman cavalry; the long, austere Pythagorean lustrum of silence; Napoleon on the deck of the "Bellerophon," observing the drill of the English soldiers; the Egyptian doctrine that every man has two pairs of eyes; Empedocles and his shoe; the horizontal stratification of the earth; a soft mushroom pushing its way through the hard ground, - all these allusions and a thousand more are found in the same volume.
The naked pads of the feet are more or less covered by the hair that grows between them.
Ovules naked, rarely without carpellary leaves, usually borne on carpophylls, which assume various forms. The single megaspore enclosed in the nucellus is filled with tissue (prothallus) before fertilization, and contains two or more archegonia, consisting usually of a large egg-cell and a small neck, rarely of an egg-cell only and no neck (Gnetum and Welwitschia).
Robert Brown was the first to give a clear description of the morphology of the Abietineous cone in which carpels bear naked ovules; he recognized gymnospermy as an important distinguishing feature in conifers as well as in cycads.
In order to obtain food, they venture naked in small canoes into the treacherous seas; their life is a constant battle with starvation and a rude climate, and their character has become rude and low in consequence.
The largest spots are easily seen by the naked eye, if the brilliancy of the disk is veiled; the umbra may be many - ten or more - diameters of the earth in breadth.
In the 6th century, his statues of stone were naked, stiff and rigid in attitude, shoulders square, limbs strong and broad, hair falling down the back.
In the Apollo Citharoedus or Musagetes in the Vatican, he is crowned with laurel and wears the long, flowing robe of the Ionic bard, and his form is almost feminine in its fulness; in a statue at Rome of the older and more vigorous type he is naked and holds a lyre in his left hand; his right arm rests upon his head, and a griffin is seated at his side.
The Apollo Sauroctonus (after Praxiteles), copied in bronze at the Villa Albani in Rome and in marble at Paris, is a naked, youthful, almost boyish figure, leaning against a tree, waiting to strike a lizard climbing up the trunk.
A fine cylindrical rod or fibre (the so-called solid axis or virgula) becomes developed in a median groove in the dorsal wall of the polypary, and is sometimes continued distally as a naked rod.
The most distinguishing outward peculiarity of Maha-vira and of his earliest followers was their practice of going quite naked, whence the term Digambara.
The statues of the Jinas in the Jain temples, some of which are of enormous size, are still always quite naked; but the Jains themselves have abandoned the practice, the Digambaras being sky-clad at meal-time only, and the Svetambaras being always completely clothed.
The same disgust for abstractions and naked doctrines of right that had stirred him against the pretensions of the British parliament in 1774 and 1776, was revived in as lively a degree by political conceptions which he judged to be identical in the French assembly of 1789.
His cruelty and barbarity in punishing the rebels did not meet with the approval of Charles II., who is said to have remarked that "the old fool has put to death more people in that naked country than I did here for the murder of my father."
It is naked and mountainous, bearing everywhere marks of its volcanic origin.
Baboons are for the most part large terrestrial monkeys with short or medium-sized tails, and long naked dog-like muzzles, in the truncated extremity of which are pierced the nostrils.
They have large cheek-pouches, large naked callosities, often brightly coloured, on the buttocks, and short thick limbs, adapted rather to walking than to climbing.
Their statement in this language may be regarded as perfect, because it completely and unambiguously expresses the naked phenomena of the motion.
The male Papuan is usually naked save for a loin-cloth made of the bark of the Hibiscus, Broussonetia and other plants, or a girdle of leaves.
Two phenomena presented by the moon are plain to the naked eye.
From the other genera of that group (Cebinae) with prehensile tails capuchins are distinguished by the comparative shortness of that appendage, and the absence of a naked area on the under surface of its extremity.
The feet were either entirely naked or encased in shoes of raw hide fastened with thongs.
The favorite subject of themysteries and of other artistic manifestations was no longer the triumphant Christ of the middle ages, nor the smiling and teaching Christ of the I3th century, but the Man of sorrows and of death, the naked bleeding Jesus, lying on the knees of his mother or crowned with thorns.
The lower mountains in the extreme west are very well wooded, but the extent of forest declines eastwards, and the eastern Pyrenees are peculiarly wild and naked, all the more since it is in this part of the chain that granitic masses prevail.
The surface is sterile, naked and rugged, with bold, rocky ledges, and a most picturesque shore, the beauties of which have made it a favourite summer resort, much frequented by artists.
A naked short-sighted eye, which would be corrected for distant objects by a spectacle glass of - Io diopters, may approach the object up to about 4 in.
Since this shortsighted observer can view the object with the naked eye with no inconvenience to himself at 4 in.
So long as the pupil of the observer alone undertakes the regulation of the rays there is no perceptible diminution of illumination in comparison with the naked eye vision.
The magnification is also expressed as the ratio of the apparent size of the object observed through the microscope to the apparent size of the object seen with the naked eye.
As the conventional distance for clear vision with naked eye is 10 in., it results from fig.
The clothing, when not a caricature of European dress, is of the scantiest, and the waggling tags in which the loin-cloths are tied behind early gave rise to fanciful stories that the inhabitants were naked and tailed.
Sometimes both are absent, when the flower is achlamydeous, or naked, as in willow.
In orchids each of the pollen-masses has a prolongation or stalk (caudicle) which adheres to a prolongation at the base of the anther (rostellum) by means of a viscid gland (retinaculum) which is either naked or covered.
The ovule is usually contained in an ovary, and all plants in which the ovule is so enclosed are termed angiospermous; but in Coniferae and Cycadaceae it has no proper ovarian covering, and is called naked, these orders being denominated gymnospermous.
This nucellus may remain naked, and alone form the ovule, as in some orders of parasitic plants such as Balanophoraceae, Santalaceae, &c.; but in most plants it becomes surrounded by certain coverings or integuments during its development.
He'd watched her thoughts of him naked, flattered and turned on.
His master emerged from the bed, naked.
The thought of him without his shirt on, or better yet, naked … "No way in hell," she breathed.
Far from the romantic scene she had rehearsed in her mind, his hungry gaze sought hers in a naked quest.
The feel of his warm skin against hers thawed her resistance, teased her with the image of his naked body against hers.
His body responded with a surge of heat and desire at the idea of feeling her naked body beneath his.
She stood there, naked, a gaunt figure in her thinness.
I mean, it was the quintessential traveling salesman's dream, a naked and willing woman hopping into his bed, wife in another town, a freebie, so to speak.
He once dreamed her naked torso was horribly disfigured by a giant birthmark but the truth was more likely childlike modesty kept in check by a general arrogance that forbade her to admit anything deemed to be a weakness.
It was a long night, but a nice night; certainly not a night with an adequate allotment of sleep—not with the naked body of beautiful Betty from Boise beside him and a world gone topsy-turvy, and wondering lord knows what lay ahead in the towering mountains that surrounded them.
The idea of his naked body on top of her, beneath her, any way he wanted her … She'd even let him hold her down, as much as she hated his dominant personality.
But there is another flaw within ` naked ape ' type arguments.
Rush in the film is yomping about naked on top of tables and exchanging bon mots with his jailers.
A dusty envelope made the apparent brightness of the star to fade below the naked eye visibility.
Then she could have blatantly bent over straight legged, letting the hem rise up to expose her naked buttocks.
We lay there naked and, with one arm, I lightly caressed her body.
She was 6-1 and 3-0 up when a naked man ran on to the playing area and performed a cartwheel in front of her.
I hated the naked commercialism and tried to resist the tugging pull on my wallet.
Looking at cells You can see some cells with your naked eye, such as an unfertilised ostrich egg which is a single cell.
Naked bodies entwined, hands caressing skin, lips gently nibbled.
These are tiny organisms, too small to see with the naked eye, that sometimes cause illness in humans.
White dwarfs are much too faint to be seen directly with the naked eye.
So because Zombie Lake has very little to hold your interest, we get plenty of naked females - and I do mean plenty!
Never put a naked flame near a charging battery nor allow any chance of a spark in the vicinity.
Very often the lens can capture a'moment ' too fleeting to be registered by the naked eye.
Here am I, sweating, sick, and hot, And there the shadowed waters fresh Lean up to embrace the naked flesh.
And in third place, again represented by a naked greed fat suit, was supermarket giant Tesco.
Naked children run out to wave at us and shout greetings, jumping into the river to body surf the wake behind us.
Their lyrics bloom from a place of uncompromising honesty and naked emotion.
My image of Africa, at that time, was of naked savages, cannibals, monkeys and tigers and steaming jungles.
Without them, armies would fight naked with bare knuckles.
Especially riding lawn mowers, lawn mower racing, lawn mower battles, riding around the garden naked on a lawn mower.
Moon, now stark naked, sought to escape in the band's hired limousine.
Although they are faint meteors, they can be seen with the naked eye and come in large numbers.
The naked middleweight 's bold styling has been designed with an uncompromising and growing market in mind.
The credits themselves are nicely displayed atop a cleverly edited montage of graphic stills depicting a couple of young women naked and blood-soaked.
The Galilean moons of Jupiter are invisible to the naked eye, so at least 8 of Nibiru's satellites are bigger than them.
Soon after, a passing woman motorist saw her running naked through the woods.
Susan Hare is pictured posing completely naked on the website, leaving nothing to the imagination.
Afraid to go swimming or wake-up in the morning looking totally naked?
Caroline had been sunbathing naked at the time, up on the roof.
Six scraps of 8mm found footage from the sixties are stripped naked in search of intimacy.
Britney Spears posed naked for the front cover of Bazaar magazine.
The fact that he seemed to be lying naked on a bed of straw did surprise him.
I know about how terrible it is to stand naked in the showers.
You're swimming naked in a lake describe in three words how you feel.
She wore only a thin sleeveless nightdress, and felt naked before his unswerving gaze.
In " Naked Gun ", Leslie and George are seated in a car, munching pistachio nuts.
Three naked nymphs vanish as I'm jerked back to wakefulness.
The planet should become observable to the naked eye in the morning sky from the commencement of the second week in September.
Leaves can be treated with enzymes to strip away the cell walls and produce protoplasts, which are effectively ' naked ' plant cells.
Magazines, little by little, showed pictures of naked men, the movies became less prudish.
At dawn a naked man interrupted some of the Druid rituals, but his drunken revelry merely caused cheers and amusement.
Now, the naked roadster has been rewarded with its first prestigious award.
A naked singularity, by contrast, has no such protective barrier.
It does perhaps appear somewhat spotty to the naked eye but under a lens is clearly seen to be very hairy or scaled.
The naked lady astride her horse is one of the very few equestrian statues outside London to have a Grade ll listing.
Naked female statuette carved from one piece of ivory.
An to Warren, or her with the best way in any will get one naked point subway watcher weight exercise he got.
Take proper Avoid using naked black tarmac wherever possible.
And who cares that five years ago we had virtually the same story (" fat naked man reflected in chrome toaster " )?
Once more that steady pull began, and once more I lay torpid a century of dragging seconds till my breast was naked again.
He called the railroad police who opened the trunk, finding inside the naked torso of a woman.
A fit team member should climb into a sleeping bag with the victim, both being preferably naked to help the heat transference.
Naked females lounging around and bathing in the waters, completely unabashed and natural loking are just two reasons i adore these paintings.
You must enter the underworld stripped naked of all you were.
Some now began to undress, and three of them stripped naked to look over their clothes to destroy the vermin.
Here are the planets and some of their moons, all visible with a good telescope, some visible with a good telescope, some visible with the naked eye.
D sat staring wide-eyed at the image of a faded naked woman.
Meaning surely deserved better than naked prejudice from a bunch of old windbags, or how could it be held to be important?
Before the invention of the telescope the accuracy of astronomical observations was necessarily limited by the angle that could be distinguished by the naked eye.
Sminthopsis includes several very small species, with the same dental formula as Phascologale, but distinguished from that genus by the narrowness of the hind foot, in which the first toe is present, and the granulated or hairy (in place of broad, smooth and naked) soles.
It is a misdemeanour to expose a naked corpse to public view, to prevent the burial of a dead body, or to disinter it without authority; also to bury or otherwise dispose of a dead body on which an inquest ought to be held, without giving notice to a coroner.
The general ectoderm covering the surface of the body has entirely lost the cilia present in the earlier larval stages (planula), and may be naked, or clothed in a cuticle or exoskeleton, the perisarc (ps), which in its simplest condition is a chitinous membrane secreted by the ectoderm.
The movements of the pollen-masses may readily be seen with the naked eye by thrusting the point of a needle into the base of the anther, when the disks adhere to the needle as they would do to the antenna of an insect, and may be withdrawn.
Besides these characters, the rabbit is separated from the hare by the fact that it brings forth its young naked, blind, and helpless; to compensate for this, it digs a deep burrow in the earth in which they are born and reared, while the young of the hare are born fully clothed with fur, and able to take care of themselves, in the shallow depression or "form" in which they are produced.
Among the upper classes it was unusually broad and was made to stand out in 2 Old Babylonian sculptors who represent the enemy as naked (Meyer [see bibliography below], pp. 12, 70 seq., 116), conventionally anticipate the usual treatment of the slain and wounded warriors.
According to the latter Sumerian priests served naked (p. 112).
These differ in that comets are visible either in a telescope or to the naked eye, and seem to be either wholly or partially of a nebulous or gaseous character, while meteors are, individually at least, invisible to us except as they become incandescent by striking the atmosphere of the earth.
In the words of Dean Milman, "the superior, once a man bowed to the earth with humility, care-worn, pale, emaciated, with a coarse habit bound with a cord, with naked feet, had become an abbot on his curvetting palfrey, in rich attire, with his silver cross before him, travelling to take his place amid the lordliest of the realm."
In the first place, he displays in its most naked form the common but unproved idealistic paradox of a sense of sensations, according to which touch apprehends not pressure but a sensation of pressure, sight apprehends not colour but a sensation of colour, and there is no difference between the sensory operation and the sensible object apprehended by any sense, even within the sentient organism.
Those include mites, termites (or white ants), thread blight, grey blight, caterpillars (naked or in bags) and caterpillars armed with stinging hairs to protect them, and borers, red and black, some of which eat the core out of the wood, while others content themselves with eating only the bark.
Naked and without the tunic of the flesh these will enter the arena and strive in the Olympic contest of the soul."
Together with the drill (q.v.), the mandrill, Papio maimon, constitutes the subgenus Maimon, which is exclusively West African in distribution, and characterized, among other peculiarities, by the extreme shortness of the tail, and the great development of the longitudinal bony swellings, covered during life with naked skin, on the sides of the muzzle.
Displaying great variability in the length of the tail, which is reduced to a mere tubercle in the Barbary ape, alone representing the subgenus Inuus, macaques are heavily-built monkeys, with longer muzzles than their compatriots the langurs (see PRIMATES), and large naked callosities on the buttocks.
As usual, in their spare time, they lit bonfires, steamed themselves before them naked; smoked, picked out and baked sprouting rotten potatoes, told and listened to stories of Potemkin's and Suvorov's campaigns, or to legends of Alesha the Sly, or the priest's laborer Mikolka.
Except in the satyr play, theater seems to eschew naked flesh.
Clusters of pink, sweetly scented flowers burst out along the naked stems from November to March - whatever the weather !
Naked self-interest soon focused the discussion on the question will it be us?
He also criticized the positioning of lamp stations, between which and the downcast shaft naked lights and unlocked lamps were allowed.
Check for leaks using soapy water not a naked flame.
Naked as human fear, with a rod for splitting atoms and a riddle for sifting genes, the mutant appears.
She had been strangled with a scarf and her naked body sexually mutilated.
Do n't swim naked in the Palm House Pond - it 's freezing cold.
Thin tendrils of mist now snaked between the naked, reaching fingers.
Then thresh the new corn fighting off help from E, who spends most of the day (possibly all day) naked.
When thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?
And who cares that five years ago we had virtually the same story (" fat naked man reflected in chrome toaster ")?
Dipping their toes into something more glamorous, the sisters developed a naked trapeze act that soon became the circus 's star attraction.
Baby boys went uncircumcised, priests exercised naked in the gymnasium and the king 's officers went around forcing Jews to make pagan sacrifices.
Diversity does not need to collapse into naked violence to produce a nasty, uncivil society.
You're completely naked, or with undergarments perhaps made from bark.
She explores the use of color, light and her photographic images reveal qualities often unseen by the naked eye.
Here are the planets and some of their moons, all visible with a good telescope, some visible with the naked eye.
And while wrestling bouts and athletic training in ancient Greece would have been naked here we get false modesty.
Angela is frequently naked, writhing around in a weak, pathetic state.
In the same year Desmond Morris produced the international best-seller The Naked Ape, relating human behavior from a zoologist 's perspective.
Naked potty training is a unique approach to training your child to use the toilet, but it isn't really practical in every sense.
The naked potty training approach is just what it sounds like.
The thing that makes this a little tricky is that kids aren't just naked while on the potty, the goal is to keep them naked as much as possible for the 3-5 days it takes to train.
The idea behind this potty training method is that your child won't like it if he urinates while naked and not on the toilet.
In some cases, proponents of the naked approach to potty training allow the child to wear underwear.
The naked method of potty training is suggested for children who are between 24-30 months old.
If your child does not respond to this naked approach to potty training, forcing him to wear wet clothes or go naked so that he wets the floor, can lead to resentment or feelings of humiliation.
If your child doesn't respond to the naked approach, chances are your frustration will mount with each accident.
While naked potty training can be frustrating for some, other parents find it is the method that works for their child.
Differing levels are difficult to discern the difference with the naked eye.
In these most have inclusions visible to the naked eye.
If the tank's been sitting for a long period of time, it could have damage that's not accessible to the naked eye.
The feeling I get from someone else once I have applied makeup to the naked skin is hard to describe.
One look at the brownie shade might turn some people off; it's quite dark to the naked eye.
Nearly naked lips, just flushed cheekbones and dark, red carpet-worthy eyes are a recipe for dramatic decadence.
The cheeks are sheer in a wash of color, as are the lips, and the eyes are naked save for several swipes of mascara.
At Rock the Catwalk, shop and buy MAC products from the Liberty of London Collection, Naked Honey, Pro Pans and tons of pigments.
That's not to say that the most beautiful woman on the site won't contact you -- but if she's half naked and sending you a generic email with a link to an escort service, be wary.
His subjects of choice are naked women, and he typically shoots in black and white.
Consider experimenting with different angles to make the moon appear larger to the naked eye.
Who can forget the powerful image American celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz snapped of a naked John Lennonclinging to Yoko Ono just hours before he was shot and killed?
Have you ever been lucky (or maybe it's unlucky) enough to find yourself on the slopes when a naked skier flies by you out of the blue?
You might even wonder, What kind of person decides to become a naked skier?
The fact of the matter is naked skiing, while not exactly mainstream, is not that strange a hobby.
The quirky, eclectic ski community has always been open to experiencing the freer side of life, and has therefore been open-minded towards seeing a naked skier here or there.
This article will attempt to demystify the act of naked skiing and provide the curious with tips and tricks to ensure that their first experience is safe and fun.
There is a small but enthusiastic community of people who like to strip down when they ski, and even those in the ski community who aren't personally comfortable with such activities are typically tolerant of naked skiers.
While European slopes are probably a bit more tolerant than those in America, there are resorts in California and Colorado that organize and support events involving naked skiers.
Check out this article on naked skiing for specific information about places that have a proven record of embracing clothing optional skiing.
Standing around on the slopes all day can get pretty chilly when you're wearing a down jacket, ski pants, gloves and a beanie, so you can imagine how quickly you'll feel the elements when you're naked.