Naivety Sentence Examples
Critics of the corporation are often chided for their naivety.
Dixie Cooney was a duck out of water in Pine Valley, but her intrinsic naivety and sweetness appealed to the rascal Tad and redeemed him from bad boy to erstwhile hero.
The success of Burgerheaven could only happen in an age when hope, naivety and easily satisfiable gluttony were in the ascendant.
Every time we played through something different or unexpected happened because of our total inexperience and naivety.
The spontaneity, the sheer human verve, and the naivety at times of the apostolic writings is there for all to see.
It's mainly because consumers are not very knowledgeable in gold terminology or how to sell it; those thieves take advantage of ignorance and naivety.
While some legitimate professional organizations do require a membership fee to access a job bank, others are just using your naivety for their own gain.
They are usually gentle and happy beings, often innocent to the point of naivety.
I rejected all local colloquialisms to arrive at a dialog that had a certain naivety and innocence.
We strive to preserve a girls naivety through our designs and simply offer them across all sizes.