Nails Sentence Examples
He clipped the nails back to expose pink quicks.
With the exception of the second toe of the hind-foot, the digits have well-formed, flattened nails as in the majority of monkeys.
Other important manufactures are iron and steel, slaughtering and meat-packing products, boots and shoes, cigars, furniture, men's clothing, hosiery and knit goods, jute and jute goods, linen-thread, malt liquors, brick, cement, barbed wire, wire nails and planing-mill products.
His pulpit in the duomo was defiled, an ass's skin spread over the cushion and shar nails fixed in the board Bxcorn-, p mun.cated.
In the fore feet the web not only fills the interspaces between the toes, but extends considerably beyond the ends of the long, broad and somewhat flattened nails, giving great expanse to the foot when used for swimming, though capable of being folded back on the palm when the animal is burrowing or walking on the land.
On the hind foot the nails are long, curved and pointed, and the web extends only to their base.
Pamplona has a flourishing agricultural trade, besides manufactures of cloth, linen stuffs, flour, soap, leather, cards, paper, earthenware, iron and nails.
They derive their name of Tylopoda ("boss-footed") from the circumstance that the feet form large cushion-like pads, supporting the weight of the body, while the toes have broad nails on their upper surface only, instead of being encased in hoofs.
Vandeleuria, ranging from India to Yunnan, has flat nails on the first and fifth toes of both feet, and a very long tail; while the Indo-Malay Chiropodomys has a flat nail on the first toe of both feet and a tufted tail.
The manufacture of machinery, heavy iron goods and nails, and copper and iron founding, are important industries, and there are important metallurgical and engineering works at Montataire, about 2 m.
AdvertisementThe terminal phalange of the inner (or second) digit is deeply cleft, and has a peculiar long curved claw, the others having short broad nails.
Trees must be fixed to the walls and buildings against which they are trained by means of nails and shreds (neat medicated strips are now sold for this purpose), or in cases where it is desired to preserve the wall surface intact, by permanent nails or studs driven in in regular order.
When shreds and nails are used, short thick wire nails and " medicated shreds " are the best; the ordinary cast iron wall nails being much too brittle and difficult to drive into the wall.
It must be remembered that nails spoil a wall sooner or later, whereas a wire trellis is not only much neater, but enables the gardener to tie his trees up much more quickly.
It is extremely hard in our files and razors, and extremely soft in our horse-shoe nails, which in some countries the smith rejects unless he can bend them on his forehead; with iron we cut and shape iron.
AdvertisementNails, rivets, chains, fire-irons, locks and safes are produced.
Cloth was formerly a staple of trade, but manufactures of nails and buttons are now pre-eminent, while the river Salwarpe works a number of mills in the neighbourhood, and near the town are carriage works belonging to the Midland railway.
It is into these figures that the nails are driven, in order to procure the vengeance of the indwelling spirit on some enemy.
The leaves of the henna plant are used to impart a bright red color to the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet, and the nails of both hands and feet, of women and children, the hair of old ladies and the tails of horses.
These churches were then endowed with new sanctuaries of miraculous powers; and relics of Christ were found in the shape of the Cross and the nails.
AdvertisementFor joiners' work, however, it is well adapted, and glue adheres strongly to it, though nails do not hold well.
Teak wood is straight in the grain and exceptionally strong and durable, its oily nature enabling it to resist the attacks of insects and to preserve, iron nails and fastenings.
The terminal phalanges are small and nodular, not flattened on their inner or opposed surfaces, and not completely encased in hoofs, but bearing nails on their upper surface only.
Within the church are the iron crown of Lombardy, supposed to have been beaten out of one of the nails used at the Crucifixion, and the treasury containing the relics of Theodelinda, comprising her crown, fan and comb of gold, and the golden hen and seven chickens, representing Lombardy and her seven provinces, and crosses, reliquaries, &c., of the Lombard and Gothic periods.
Mahommedan women pencil the eyes with kohl or surma, use missi for the teeth and colour the palms and nails of the hand with henna.
AdvertisementIt is a gregarious animal, living in considerable colonies in burrows, which it excavates with its nails and teeth in the sandy soil of Egypt and Arabia.
The hindfeet have a very short nailless first toe; the second, third and fourth toes partially united by integument, of nearly equal length; the fifth distinct and rather shorter; these four are provided with long and curved nails.
Nails, felt and labour metalling are subject to a deduction of onethird.
In Aeschylus, the Erinyes are represented as awful, Gorgon-like women, wearing long black robes, with snaky locks, bloodshot eyes and claw-like nails.
Brewing, flour-milling, distilling, turnery, cotton-bleaching, cidermaking, metal-founding, tanning, and the manufacture of glass, paper, iron ware, nails, pins, wind-instruments, bricks and sugar are also carried on.
Neufchateau carries on wool-spinning and the manufacture of embroidery, nails and chains.
Coal is brought to the city from the coalfields by boats on the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers as well as by rail, and great fleets of barges carry coal and other heavy freight, such as steel rails, cotton ties, sheet iron, wire and nails, down the Ohio in the winter and spring.
The iron trade in its different branches rivals the woollen trade in wealth, including the casting of metal, and the manufacture of steam engines, steam wagons, steam ploughs, machinery, tools, nails, &c. Leeds was formerly famed for the production of artistic pottery, and specimens of old Leeds ware are highly prized.
With few exceptions, the terminal extremities of the digits of both limbs of mammals are more or less protected or armed by epidermic plates or sheaths, constituting the various forms of nails, claws or hoofs.
Accordingly, it was at this epoch that the small ancestral insectivorous mammals first forsook their arboreal habitat to try a life on the open plains, where their descendants developed on the one hand into the carnivorous and other groups, in which the toes are armed with nails or claws, and on the other into the hoofed group, inclusive of such monsters as the elephant and the giraffe.
The peasants believe in charms and omens, in vampires, were-wolves, ghosts, the evil eye and vile or white-robed spirits of the earth, air, stream and mountain, with hoofs like a goat and henna-dyed nails and hair.
The same year he lost his only son - a blow which, he said, "drove the nails into his own coffin."
In 1907 the sanctuary of Athena "of the Brazen House" (X aX KlocKos) was located on the Acropolis immediately above the theatre, and though the actual temple is almost completely destroyed, fragments of the capitals show that it was Doric in style, and the site has produced the longest extant archaic inscription of Laconia, numerous bronze nails and plates and a considerable number of votive offerings, some of them of great interest.
Its legs are short and strong, and form, with its broad feet and large solid nails, powerful burrowing organs.
Iron products were manufactured throughout the 18th century, nails were made before 1716 and were exported from the colony, and it was in Connecticut that cannon were cast for the Continental troops and the chains were made to block the channel of the Hudson river to British ships.
The earliest form of manufacturing was that of household industries, nails, clocks, tin ware and other useful articles being made by hand, and then peddled from town to town.
It possesses a mineral spring, which attracts numerous summer visitors, and has various industries, which include iron-founding and the making of horse-shoe nails, roofing material and bricks.
I was temporarily encouraged when I saw it was stocked with carpentry tools; saws, hammers, nails, all potential weapons!
The nails were heavy duty and we drove them vigorously and in abundance until our arms gave out!
His hands roamed her body, his long nails leaving trails of blood down her skin.
Her soft, forlorn words sounded like a farewell. "This is killing me," he muttered. He strode to her, wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her. She yielded more easily in the dream than she ever had in real life. Her soft, warm lips welcomed him hungrily, and he lost himself in her sweet musk, warm skin and honeyed taste. He didn't want to leave; he wanted to spend the rest of his life making love to her on the beach. He wanted to feel his skin pressed against hers and for her to run her fingers through his hair before scraping her nails down his back. He wanted to take her every way he could imagine, until they lay spent and panting on the beach, until nothing but their entwined bodies and souls remained of their world.
A few minutes later he returned with a scrap of wood, some nails and a hammer.
I have pared the devil's nails forty times, roasted them in raven's eggs, and cured agues with them.
We left the island with his words Like nails banged through the head Almost a year ago today.
Care should, therefore, be taken to avoid breakage whilst removing nails.
Frequent wetting and drying of hands can leave nails brittle.
Three probable graves were recorded, but only the iron coffin nails survived.
The attack was carried out by three masked males using cudgels studded with nails.
Be taught deportment, have your nails painted and have your eyebrows plucked (if you dare) by an understanding female.
To make safe exposed pin nails in vinyl flooring of upstairs bathroom.
Because he was a willing helper and enjoyed his job, George used to be the odd job man at Nails.
Building a boat from forest trees and using nails made from old horseshoes, they hung it with awnings to ward off Indian arrows.
You can also improve your personal hygiene by stopping any nasty habits like biting your nails or picking your nose.
As soon as the pilgrim assumes the ihram or pilgrim dress he must abstain from cutting his hair or nails.
It helps you maximize your favorite nail lacquers by making the polish adhere better to your nails.
Archimedes (287-212 BC Greece) is reputed to have used powerful lodestones to pull the nails out of enemy ships thus sinking them.
This Chinese lute is like a Spanish guitar in some ways, with finger nails being used to pluck the strings.
He sent them to have their nails manicured for 10 minutes instead.
Her hands, with their perfectly manicured nails, lie still beside her thighs.
The professional manicurist gives some trade secrets on a basic manicure and how to maintain healthy nails.
For instance, the timbers are jointed together using traditional mortise and tenon joints, dowel pegs, copper nails and brass screws.
On the south wall my windproofs, fur mukluks, parka, and pants hung drying from tenpenny nails.
She has a powerful jaw and perfectly manicured nails that she loves to scratch and tear with.
Cone headed galvanized screw nails secure the seating lathes.
Her voice had the quality of a metal chair being scraped over rusty nails.
I was always good at in-growing nails and Mikele's got two naughty ones.
Socks will help prevent blisters, calluses, corns and ingrown nails.
All batten nails need to penetrate a structural material by a minimum of 38mm.
Now the nails are prepared you can choose to apply nail polish, or just clear polish for a more natural look.
Double lap slates have no nibs, relying on the nails or hooks for their fixing.
All vessels were built in the clinker style, using overlapping planks fastened together with iron nails.
Iron nails held the clinker planking of the hull together.
Ridge battens should be strapped down with no slack to trussed rafters to prevent slack nails at a later date.
Tools for riveting, nailing or screwing or removing rivets, nails, screws or similar uses.
He gets his name because he has long, carefully sharpened nails that he uses as weapons on anyone who is annoying him.
Determining water content in human nails with a portable near-infrared spectrometer.
Float with nails in it or a made up one from bicycle spokes.
The bilge stringers were copper nailed through the frames, two nails per frame, round on the inside.
Using a soft toothbrush, gently scrub the surface of your nails.
They decorate it with silver and with gold; They fasten it with nails and with hammers So it will not totter.
He was martyred under Decius, his body transfixed with two huge nails.
We have many whose nails have never needed trimming.
My nails need trimming as well, in fact I am a rather unkempt old man at the moment.
In the same way certain governments become famous for certain commodities, as Moscow for osier baskets, flower baskets, wicker furniture and lace; Kostroma for lace, wooden utensils, toys, wooden spoons, cups and bowls, bast sacks and mats, bast boots and garden products; Yaroslavl for furniture, brass samovars, saucepans, spurs, rings, &c.; Vladimir for furniture, osier baskets and flower-stands and sickles; NizhniyNovgorod for bast mats and sacks, knives, forks and scissors; Tver for lace, nails, sieves, anchors, fish-hooks, locks, coarse clay pottery, saddlery and harness, boots and shoes, and so on.
Ashland has considerable river traffic, and various manufactures, including pig iron, nails, wire rods,, steel billets, sheet steel, dressed lumber (especially poplar), furniture, fire brick and leather.
Thus, locks are a specialty at Wolverhampton and Willenhall, and keys at Wednesfield; horses' bits, harness-fittings and saddlery at Walsall and Bloxwich, anchors and cables at Tipton, glass at Smethwick, and nails and chains at Cradley.
The principal industries are the manufacture of small arms (by the Colt's Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Co., makers of the Colt revolver and the Gatling gun), typewriters (Royal and Underwood), automobiles, bicycles, cyclometers, carriages and wagons, belting, cigars, harness, machinists' tools and instruments of precision, coil-piping, church organs, horse-shoe nails, electric equipment, machine screws, drop forgings, hydrants and valves, and engines and boilers.
Mutilations, such as circumcision, violation of chastity in the case of maidens hallowed to certain gods, ritual cutting of hair and nails, and their deposition in a sanctuary, rather belong to the category of sacrifice, as also the burial of a living victim under the foundations of a new building or bridge '(see' Sacrifice).
Bob made paint, Beverly made nails.
Bob will make paint, and a "Nailmaker 2000" will make nails.
Beverly made one hundred nails a day.
Oh, and they are smart nails.
I took down this dwelling the same morning, drawing the nails, and removed it to the pond-side by small cartloads, spreading the boards on the grass there to bleach and warp back again in the sun.
The countess, with a cheerful expression on her face, looked down at her nails and spat a little for luck as she returned to the drawing room.
Bilibin attentively examined his nails, and many of those present appeared intimidated, as if asking in what they were to blame.
By the time he finishes rewiring the house, my nails will be dry.
Old rusty nails were often tried in times past, to turn flowers blue.
You now need to Gently lever out any nails holding the broken sash cords to the window frame.
Plain tiles should be fixed with either ring shank nails with a thick strong nail head or screwed.
And the weight of the nails was fifty shekels of gold.
The huge nails in the boots at the back were to grip the ice and stop people from skidding around.
The five stamen with anthers match the five sacred wounds & the three stigma the nails.
Fasten the short length of wood to the Long piece using either screws or nails and your stopcock key is ready to use.
The wrest plank is let into the cheek and spine case sides and the glued joint is secured with nails.
You might actually see hazards such as nails under a windowsill, light cords, frayed wires, sharp springs under a chair or lamps that could be pushed/pulled over.
They play by hammering down on the strings with their nails and picking with their fingertips.
As the name indicates, the nails are shot out of the gun with high-tension springs that are pulled back with electricity.
Nails. What good is a nail gun without nails?
Either check out the fact tag or the product box to see which nails you need to purchase.
You will want to trim his nails when he gets older, so accustom him to having his paws handled by you when he's very young.
You will need to extend the claws when you trim nails, so train your kitten to accept this procedure when he's young.
Cats have an insatiable need to mark the places they claim for their own by dragging their nails down every inch and depositing their own unique signature from the scent glands in their pads.
Cats like to scratch, but hate getting their nails caught so this usually discourages the toughest customers.
If it becomes uncomfortable, try keeping her nails trimmed or laying a pillow across your lap for her to sit on.
Also, while she is young, start trimming her nails with a nail clipper you can purchase at any pet supply store.
However, after hearing a description of the surgery, I will probably not have future cats declawed, but trim or put covers on their nails instead.
Our resident cat expert, Wendy Nan Rees, offers advice on trimming a cat's nails.
Run your hands over the perches and enclosed areas to be sure that there are no nails or screw tips sticking through that might hurt your pet.
You can finish the pieces of the furniture with nails and glue.
Most cats need their nails clipped on at least a monthly basis.
Also be sure to check for any nails or staples left behind from the previous floor installation.
Space the nails about one foot apart, using at least two nails per board.
Old pieces of recycled wood can also have nails and screws embedded in it, therefore be careful when handling and cutting old wood.
This includes pieces of wood that may have been treated with harmful chemicals in the past or items with nails or sharp edges that may cause injury.
These fatty acids are necessary for healthy skin, hair, nails and body function.
If you can't use nails or tape, there are a variety of specialty options available at any hardware store that will leave your walls mark-free.
Shelves - These can be store bought but if you are handy with a hammer and nails, custom build your own shelves.
Shelves - These can be storebought, but if you are handy with a hammer and nails, custom build your own shelves.
With integrated products for face, eyes, lips and nails, a woman can quickly gain a summer glow without ever stepping outside.
This inspiration led to the creation of coordinating colors between nails and lips, followed by a hugely successful advertising campaign.
The courses focus on hair, nails and salon and spa businesses.
Nails If you add a pigment to clear nail polish, it'll mix beautifully.
Use a whitening nail pencil to rub underneath the nails to make up for a long time between manicures.
Don't be afraid to experiment with your nails and go a little crazy!
This includes big names in the industry such as Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails and Ben Harper.
For example, "born to be wild" or "tough as nails" can be interesting additions to a scrapbook about your son.
Do you find yourself tapping your pencil, twirling your hair, biting your nails or doing some other anxious habit when you are thinking?
For example, tapping your pencil could irritate the people around you and biting your nails could become painful after awhile.
Factor in shoes, hair, nails, transportation, and a stunning dress, and you begin to see why proms can be expensive.
Since you want to feel like a princess, make an appointment early to get your hair and nails done by a professional.
Perhaps the best section, however, is the Beauty 911; a page that lays out, from chipped nails to spilled drinks, all the possible beauty disasters that may occur on prom night, including the best way to solve these pesky mishaps.
Decorate your nails using neon colors, or go to a nail salon and get them professionally done in a unique design, such as stripes or polka dots.
Good digestion also results in a more youthful looking appearance, with clear, smooth skin, lustrous hair, strong nails and a general glow.
It can also be used to keep skin, hair, and nails looking healthy and strong.
Depending on the theme and colors you choose, you can create fabulous styles for your valance using ordinary ropes, cords, hooks, or even an ordinary cylinder-type rod and some nails.
And if hitting another car wasn't enough for Richie, yet one more day later, while getting her nails done in a Beverly Hills salon, the skinny starlet received a ticket for parking her BMW in a passenger loading zone.
Your dog's nails require weekly or bi-weekly trimming.
However, it is important to keep your dog's nails trim and neat, so you will want to do a dog nail clipping or have a groomer do it for you.
It is important to trim your dog's nails because untrimmed nails can lead to a variety of health problems.
Broken nails are painful and will bleed profusely.
In extreme circumstances, dog nails may actually curl and grow into the dog's paws.
A good indication that it is time to trim your dog's nails is when you hear them tapping on uncarpeted areas, such as wood floors or concrete.
This blood vessel grows as your dog's nails grow, so if you wait a very long time between clippings, the quick will be closer to the end of the nail.
The quick is what you need to avoid while trimming your dog's nails.
It is easy to see the quick with white or clear nails, but more difficult to notice with black nails.
Here are four easy-to-follow steps in order to safely clip your dog's nails.
Styptic powder is important to have on hand while clipping your dog's nails.
Before you begin to trim the nails, spend some time soothing your dog.
With light nails, the pink line is the quick.
If your dog has black nails, it may be difficult to locate the quick.
As mentioned previously, a good indication that it is time to trim your dog's nails is when you hear them tapping on hard surfaces.
However, the more often you trim your dog's nails, the easier the process will become.
Try to trim your dog's nails weekly, even if walks keep them naturally short.
So, if your dog is not used to having his nails trimmed or is frightened, simply begin slowly and hold his toes firmly for 15-30 seconds during practice sessions.
Many owners are down right squeamish about trimming their dog's nails, for fear of hurting their pet or making him bleed.
Guillotine nail trimmers tend to squeeze the nails before they actually cut through and are the least desirable of the lot.
Nail trimmers that resemble tiny hedge clippers allow groomers the best angles for trimming nails, especially dew claws.
Even dog nails that are kept trimmed can still snag or pierce fabrics not designed to withstand this type of wear.
When you trim your pet's nails, inspect the pads for cracks and trapped debris, and look between the toes for cysts.
Since I have redone the whole house I wanted to protect my newly polished wood floors and my boy's nails can leave scratch marks, even when they have been trimmed.
It is a new nail clipper with a built-in light and sensor to help tell you where you should cut your dog's nails.
I did try this and it worked well, but I still feel better taking the boys to the vet to have their nails cut.
If you feel comfortable enough to cut your dog's nails at home, try this new nail clipper.
Ask the groomer to cut your dog's nails and give the ears a good deep clean.
For example, you can imprint your puppy so he doesn't mind getting a bath or having his nails clipped.
Dog's nails usually make a clicking noise on an uncarpeted floor; it can sound loud in a large room.
Here are a few good ways to tell your dog's nails are too long.
Are the nails getting caught in your clothes or stockings?
Can you hear your dog's nails going around the house?
Does your dog get his nails stuck in the carpet fibers?
Do the nails get caught in other things like blankets?
If the answers to any of these questions are yes, your dog's nails probably need to be trimmed.
Unclipped nails can turn back on themselves and puncture the pads of your dog's feet.
Don't be complacent and count on the yearly vet trip to do the job because nails do a lot of growing between trips.
If you have never trimmed your pet's nails before, it's a good idea to have your vet or your groomer teach you how.
If your dog has black nails as mine do, it can be more difficult to see the quick, but having the nails clipped is too important to skip.
If you still aren't convinced, think of how ratty your own nails would get if you only cut them once a year.
If the nails are a dark color, it is a bit more difficult to tell where to clip, but not impossible.
The nails won't keep getting caught in your clothing or the fabrics around the house.
It is also very important to hold your dog's toe nails often when he is a puppy so he becomes prepared for having his nails clipped.
However, newspaper ink rubs off on the pups, and old towels and blankets can produce snags that catch the puppies' nails.
If your dog's nails tend to break or flake easily and are discolored, a visit to your veterinarian can confirm whether this is due to the presence of a canine nail fungus.
Both PediPaws and Peticure brand trimmers are cordless pet nail grinders that can effectively shorten and smooth a dog's nails without risking the pain and bleeding associated with traditional clippers.
These As Seen on TV dog nail trimmers are designed to be run across the bottom and along the sides of a dog's nails rather than snipping into them.
They leave behind even nails that are short and snag-free without causing your pet to feel any pain.
When trimming your dog's nails, simply place one nail inside the cap's opening and press the on switch.
No matter which of the As Seen on TV dog nail trimmers you choose, you'll likely find that the task of keeping your dog's nails trimmed will be much easier than when you were relying on standard clippers to do the job.
Rather than dreading having to clip your dog's nails, proper grooming will be much less of a chore for you and your beloved pet when you use one of these grooming tools.
If you've ever had a negative experience trying to cut your dogs nails with a pair of traditional clippers, it's no wonder that you're looking for a better option.
Clipping your dog's nails can be stressful for you and your pet, so it's only natural that you'd find the idea of a product designed to help you trim your dog's nail easily and painlessly quite appealing.
When it's time to trim your dog's nails, simply insert one of your pets nails into the cap's opening and turn the unit on.
Watch what you are doing, adjusting your movements so that your pet's nails begin to take on the desired shape and level of smoothness.
That's all there is to trimming your dog's nails with an As Seen on TV dog nail file.
You may want to run the unit within earshot of your pet for a while before attempting to use it to file his or her nails.
This will make it much easier for you to get your dog to sit still while you are working on his or her nails with the trimmer.
While many dog owners would never think of painting their dog's nails, there are many people who would.
Since most dogs have a habit of chewing their nails and paws, painting their nails with nail polish that's meant for humans can be risky.
Since nail polish for dogs is thick and opaque, it usually only requires one coat to cover the nails.
Before you attempt to paint your dog's nails, you should train her to feel comfortable having her paws and feet handled.
Some dogs are skittish and don't particularly care for their paws being handled or their nails being touched.
Try not to make your dog too excited about having her nails painted.
In order for your doggie diva to look her best, cut any long hair away from her paws and trim her nails before you apply the polish.
Your success in painting your dog's nails is fully dependent on her cooperation, so talk to her in calm tones so she doesn't think you're taking her for a walk or wanting her to play.
If you find trimming your dog's nails to be a lesson in frustration for both you and your dog, using the dog nail grinder as seen on TV may be the solution for which you've been looking.
Cutting a dog's nails is one of the more challenging aspects of dog ownership, but it's critical to maintaining the health and wellness of your dog.
It normally takes a few times of being exposed to the grinder for your dog to get used to the sensation of his nails being filed.
Before you sit down with your dog to file his nails with the dog nail grinder, you should acclimate him to the noise and the sensation first.
While the grinder is running, pick up one of your dog's paws and start touching his nails as you would if you were going to trim them.
After three or four days of acclimating your dog to the sound of the grinder, begin using a regular emery board on his nails as the grinder is running.
This will help accustom him to both the sound and the feel of his nails being filed.
Many pet owners trim the dog's nails during grooming sessions.
Dog nails should be cut regularly to maintain a healthy length.
If your dog is resistant to having its nails cut, give breaks in between trimming by doing one paw at a time.
Having a dog lay on its side while you trim its nails can make the process easier.
Always be careful when cutting a dog's nails and avoid the quick.
As you build, make sure all nails are driven into the wood and fully secure to prevent any from piercing your dog.
Additionally, you will need some general hardware such as nails or screws, a hammer or screwdriver, a level, tape measure and a saw.
If you bite your finger nails habitually, this is the first lifestyle change you're going to need to make in order to learn how to play classical guitar.
The traditional technique is to grow long fingernails and use these nails to pluck the strings.
You will need a nail grooming kit containing a pair of high quality finger nail clippers, a nail file and even some very fine sand paper to make sure the undersides of your nails are shaped properly.
Having nails that are carefully maintained is an important part of developing the right tone from the instrument and making sure your playing has the proper attack.
From basic hammers and nails to tile wet saws, shop vacs and pressure washers, check out the tool's department for anything you need.
Floating floors are installed without the use of glue or nails.
Liquid Nails Heavy Duty holds the most securely.
Attach molding with a few 6d or 8d finish nails.
Fasten with nails and remove excess glue.
However, the real allure of this product seems to be the ability of the homeowner to add it to any room without needing nails, paint, or a saw.
They typically fit tongue and groove, with the tongue portion nailed into the sub-floor and the groove fitting over the tongue and concealing the nails.
A less thick style of this type of flooring can be installed with an adhesive instead of nails, making the job even easier.
Among other things, they will know what types of tools you should use, what kind of curing time an adhesive will need, and what types of nails you should use.
The manufacturer's instructions for the type of shingle you're using will be an invaluable tool in determining the specific supplies, like nails and cement, which you'll need to complete a good install.
Once you've located and matched a replacement shingle, remove the damaged shingle and its accompanying nails.
When the shingle is in its final position, nail it down using nails about 1/2 inch longer than the nails you removed, situating them so that the shingles on the previous row cover them completely.
Use the same number of nails as were used on the old shingle.
Install metal flashing in roof valleys and intersections for extra protection, and secure it in place with galvanized nails.
When affixing drywall to the framing members, be sure to protect your door from scratching by using construction adhesive instead of nails or screws.
Use drywall screws instead of nails, they're less likely to pop out or cause problems later.
Start nails four inches from the ceiling and space subsequent nails six inches apart along the studs.
Use a hammer with a crown head to dimple the area around nails.
Examine the floor - Go over the floor to make sure there aren't any errant nails or carpet staples left behind.
Whenever possible, use galvanized nails and screws to control rust.
You can find plastic tiles that have adhesive on the back to stick onto the existing ceiling or tiles installed with staples or nails.
Armstrong ceiling tracks can be attached with nails or screws and installed with up to fifty percent fewer nails than standard furring strips.
Center nails to allow movement from side to side.
As with wood flooring, you will want to use rugs with rug pads, and keep your pets' nails trimmed.
Use them to safely hold your tools, nails, screws and projects, locking them up tight so nothing gets lost.
Remove the exterior trim from around the window and use a reciprocating saw to cut through the nails securing the window frame to the rough opening.
Hammer flush into the wall studs or remove completely any nails left behind from the old window.
If everything is level and square, head back outside and secure the window to the house by hammering nails around the nailing fin.
With the trim removed, locate the fastener screws or nails along the top and bottom sills that hold the window in place.
Remove the fastener screws from the framing or if the window is nailed in place; you can pry them out with a hammer or cut through the nails using a saber saw.
They adhere with nails rather than adhesive and are fairly easy to trim and install.
Clip your nails so that they are short and look clean.
Don't use staples or nails to hang outside lights.
For senior ladies, offer activities such as doing nails together.
Additionally, you should make sure that your nails are clipped down and clean.
Longer nails can tear contact lenses or accidentally scratch the eye.
These are also mostly focused on fashion, including clothes, hair, makeup and even nails.
However, if you really want to dig your nails into game creation, it's highly recommended to learn a few of the basic text adventure authoring languages.
Click floor - The man nails hole in floor and the room floods.
The wood backs are made soft pine with tin nailed along the sides using tin square nails.
Punctures. These deep, narrow wounds are produced by sharp objects such as nails, knives, and broken glass.
Candidiasis can affect the skin, nails, and mucous membranes throughout the body including the mouth (thrush), esophagus, vagina (yeast infection), intestines, and lungs.
Beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body, is also essential to healthy skin, hair, and nails.
Keratin-A tough, nonwater-soluble protein found in the nails, hair, and the outermost layer of skin.
Arsenic may also be detected in the hair and nails for months following exposure.
Children who are itchy should have their finger nails cut short to help ensure that they do not scratch the itchy area enough to create breaks in the skin.
Size, shape, and depth of the marks vary, and affected nails may thicken, yellow, or crumble.
A complete medical history and examination of the skin, nails, and scalp are the basis for a diagnosis of psoriasis.
Devices include plates, nails, screws, and rods.
Nails can also be torn off (nail avulsions), and the fingertip bone can be broken (fracture).
Ringworm of the nails (tinea unguium) generally starts at the tip of one or more toenails, which gradually thicken and discolor.
Infected nails should be cut short and straight and carefully cleared of dead cells with an emery board.
Because scratching can cause blisters to become infected and lead to scarring, the child's nails should be cut short.
The virus takes hold more readily when the skin has been damaged in some way, which may explain why children who bite their nails tend to have warts located on their fingers.
Common hand warts grow around the nails, on the fingers, and on the backs of hands.
These babies often have soft nails that turn upwards on the ends when they are older.
In some cases, the skin, mucous membranes, and nails of a person with CO poisoning are cherry red or bright pink.
Symptoms of calcium deficiency include joint pain, brittle nails, eczema, high cholesterol, insomnia, high blood pressure, nervousness, and tooth decay.
Inspect gates and fences regularly to be certain there are no rusty nails or splintered wood.
If you enjoy working with hair, love painting your nails, and agonize over the perfect makeup, beauty school may be the perfect educational option for you.
The Samsonite Compact Hair Dryer also features two flow speed settings for a variety of styling needs, and the adjustable nozzle make it easy to work with different hair styles or even drying nails after a quick touch-up.
In order to improve the condition of her own hair, Jennifer Aniston has also been known to consume Phyto's Phytophanere, a dietary supplement for both hair and nails.
A healthy diet does a body good - and that includes the skin, nails, and hair.
Alternately, wrap the towel turban-style around your hair and do your nails or makeup in the meantime.
Consuming the recommended eight glasses of water per day will restore vitality in your skin, hair and nails, while flushing out your system and removing the toxins that can cause bad skin, wrinkles, and dry hair.
Bata-carotene, which your body converts to Vitamin A as needed, helps support healthy skin, hair, and nails.
Clean hair, nails and clothes are critical to project that you have a positive personal image.
Clean nails show personal pride and project that you would take good care of the employer's equipment and work area.
Diagnose, monitor, and treat abnormalities of the skin, hair, nails, including skin cancers, tumors, moles, acne, eczema, and contact dermatitis.
She also sported the requisite bunny ears and long, red nails.
These vitamins will also ensure the health of your skin and nails, demonstrating that you truly are what you eat.
Biotin is a water-soluble B vitamin that promotes healthy hair, skin and nails.
Eating a balanced diet will help you obtain the best vitamins for hair and nails.
Both hair and nails are an overall reflection of your state of health, so proper nutrition can help you have strong fingernails and hair; however, some vitamins may help more than others.
Nails grow at a rate of about .12 inches every month.
Genetics also play a role in the overall appearance of your hair and nails.
Some vitamins play a role in the formation of hair and nails, and including them in your health care regimen may be beneficial for the appearance and growth of hair and nails.
If you have damaged hair or nails, nutritional solutions won't repair what's already there, but they will support new growth that is healthier than its predecessor.
While the best vitamins for hair and nails comes from eating a healthy and well-balanced diet, there are multiple supplements available that claim to help with hair and nail growth.
One user said it took about a month to see results, but her nails are stronger and her hair is longer.
This product provides a 30-day supply of packets of supplements that support skin, hair and nails such as beta carotene, Horsetail and Silica.
Customers give it the highest rating possible, saying that in just a month they can see a difference in the strength of their nails and the thickness of hair.
According to the manufacturer, "this nutritional supplement is used to nourish and protect hair, skin and nails from the inside to improve and sustain their growth, strength and health."
Sixty-six percent of customers who used it gave this supplement an excellent rating, citing noticeable differences in hair and nails after just 30 days.
There are nutritional solutions to healthy hair and nails.
Country Life Maxi-Hair Tablets - Also designed for hair, nails, and skin, this multivitamin blend contains magnesium, cellulose, and other nutrients.
Securely push the no-drip pillar candles onto the nails.
During the clinic, pet owners can also get their dogs' nails trimmed.
Any type of supply that could aid in the building of a home is valuable, including flooring, tiles or just nails and tools helps.
Their clothing is likely what they wore prior to their untimely death, and their hair, nails and skin are still visible, only longer, matted, and hollowed in appearance.
For girls, long tinted nails and rich costume jewelry completes the look.
Every stylish girl needs beautiful nails, and this game puts site visitors in the manicurist chair.
Girls choose a My Scene doll and then paint and decorate her nails.
These little cuties also feature the big, pretty eyes, as well as painted finger and toe nails.
You can even put the final polish on your doll by adding makeup and nails.
Other cultures believe that the werewolf can be cured by being struck on the forehead with a knife, or by having nails pounded into its hands.
Have your hair and nails done at a local beauty school instead of going to a salon.
A broken chair leg might be fixable with some wood glue and a few nails.
Make sure your heels are scrubbed and your nails are clean.
Never try to trim your nails in a curve as this can cause ingrown toenails.
These heels are connected to the shoe with screws-not nails or glue.
It gives a hint of the wild and the whimsical to this remarkable actress whose southern accent can present the belle of the ball or the tough as nails deputy police chief.
Andy is pretty drunk at the time, but the foot falling out of his back seat features painted toe nails and is obviously dark skinned.
This style creates the cross with two crossed nails that represent the ones driven through Christ's body.
Don't bite your nails or chew on objects because they can introduce bacteria to your mouth.
For example, Christian performer, Chris Daughtry, has a cross tattoo that looks like it is formed out of nails.
For example, girls have to shave their faces or tie neckties while boys have to paint their nails or put in curlers.