Mystery Sentence Examples
I like a mystery without dead bodies.
And the mystery is still unsolved.
If you read some of these here mystery books, you'd pick up lots of pointers for that job of yours.
I might as well go back to my mystery novels.
Was that where he planned to meet the mystery person?
But since this mystery is of such a nature that nobody can know or use it unless he be prepared by long and diligent self-purification, not everyone can hope to attain it quickly.
Then the hunter came forward and stood in their midst, and the mystery was solved.
A real live mystery, even if it's probably only a fender-bender auto case.
It's sort of a mystery, isn't it?
Goats are a mystery to him - not to mention an embarrassment.
AdvertisementHow he expected to achieve that by feigning interest in the goats was a mystery, but at least he cared enough to make an effort.
Why anyone would cultivate that nasty habit is a mystery to me.
These lend a pleasing mystery to the bottom.
If he's looking for a mystery, he's sure got one now!
It was the mystery surrounding the family that kept her mind occupied – and Yancey.
AdvertisementBy day, the mystery lurked in every look exchanged between Sarah and Giddon.
I love a mystery.
Like any good mystery novel detective, he'd bide his time.
Fred couldn't resist a mystery and here was a riddle on-site.
This passage seems to give us the key to the mystery.
AdvertisementIt was no mystery to her why Dusty would want her, though she couldn't help but feel disappointed.
Fred, who could find a mystery in a grilled cheese sandwich, hardly stirred.
How much was a mystery even to her, but that didn't matter.
I'm beginning to think you like a mystery as much as Fred!
Maybe that Ridley Pearson mystery I'm working on and a tooth brush.
AdvertisementFred, age seventy-six, was quick to embrace any hint of mystery and attach it to the most common everyday happening.
It only added to her mystery.
I love to read mystery novels where the main character's safety is in jeopardy.
Everyone loves a mystery!
Fred, it looks like you've got yourself a real mystery this time.
Where he'd been the last month was a mystery, but he was here now — and for some reason, what he was saying made her feel better.
It was bits and pieces of a telephone conversation with a mystery person.
Why it hurt so much was a mystery.
This is an excellent story, a super mystery, a jolly good whodunit.
The author of mystery books likes to use the technique of allusion in her writing to help the readers solve the cases.
Mystery shopping is a great tool that businesses use to determine how well their service and personnel performance measures up to industry standards.
Why he liked to carry her was still a mystery.
Whether that desire was conveyed by him or originated in her head was a mystery, but when he drew her into his arms, she was willing.
The public loves a mystery and you certainly are one.
His theme tune was Man Of Mystery by The Shadows.
Ugaritic script remains a mystery.
Friday, July 29, 2005 Mystery Mackay Spy Mystery Bob is a genius on the old ukulele.
God is spoken of as the Father-Mother, emphasizing the dual mystery which pervades the universe.
Manager John Hughes was keeping tight-lipped on the identity of the mystery Nigerians but insisted the mis-matched work out was still a valuable one.
My husband was thrilled to have uncovered the Scottish mystery of his family tree at long last.
The fish's bright, phosphorescent stripes were a mystery even to the biologists.
Why he wanted to do that was a mystery.
It was something else... maybe the mystery?
The destination of the path remained a burning mystery, but Tammy innocently tossed fuel on the flames with a chance comment one day while they were watching television.
It was a total mystery to her why Len and Howard couldn't light a fire in her the way Yancey did.
But first, I must protect myself from the worthless snapping hounds of police before I search out this mystery clairvoyant.
She was his current waltzing widow—first choice to fill his dance card when he wasn't surfing the net, tracking down an auction or garage sale or devouring a mystery novel.
He cringed as Cynthia described her giving two different names, allowing Fred yet another shot at constructing a mystery.
What he would do about any given situation at this point was a mystery.
She had always found herbs interesting, but until now they were simply mystery medicines.
The idea he'd never solve this mystery infuriated him, but not as much as the idea she was able to sneak up on him at will.
Peter had already determined to institute a most searching inquisition in order to get at the bottom of the mystery of the flight.
In that gland the mystery of creation is concentrated; thought meets extension and directs it; extension moves towards thought and is perceived.
Two clear and distinct ideas, it seems, produce an absolute mystery.
One of the fourteen sections of the Satapathabrahmana, the tenth, called Agni-rahasya or "the mystery of Agni (the god and altar)," is entirely devoted to this feature of the sacrificial symbolism.
The dissemination of plant parasites is favored by many circumstances not always obvious, whence an air of mystery regarding epidemics was easily created in earlier times.
Viewed analytically in its developed nature, magic is a wonder-working recognized as such, the core of the mystery consisting in the supposed transformation of suggested idea into accomplished fact by means of that suggestion itself.
He is a good enough Lutheran to quote as a " mystery " the Eucharist no less than the Trinity, while he insists that truths above are not against reason.
Before the first consulship of Julius Caesar (59 B.C.), minutes of the proceedings of the senate were written and occasionally published, but unofficially; Caesar, desiring to tear away the veil of mystery which gave an unreal importance to the senate's deliberations, first ordered them to be recorded and issued authoritatively.
Sophocles describes in his Oedipus Tyrannus how Oedipus was resolved to pursue to the end the mystery of the death of Laius, and thus unravelled the dark tale, and in horror put out his own eyes.
To the ancient Greeks Caucasia, and the mighty range which dominates it, were a region of mystery and romance.
The origin of insect wings remains, therefore, a mystery, deepened by the difficulty of imagining any probable use for thoracic outgrowths, comparable to the wingrudiments of the Exopterygota, in the early stages of their evolution.
The success it gained was doubtless due in some degree to the difficulty which most men had in comprehending it, for it was enwrapped in alluring mystery, but more to the confidence with which it was announced as being the long-looked-for key to the wonders of creation, since its promoters did not hesitate to term it the discovery of " the Natural System," though they condescended, by way of explanation to less exalted intellects than their own, to allow it the more moderate appellation of the Circular or, Quinary System.
The Quinarians, who boldly asserted that they had fathomed the mystery of creation, had been shown to be no wiser than other men, if indeed they had not utterly befooled themselves; for their theory at best could give no other explanation of things than that they were because they were.
The procession was followed, inside the church, by a curious combination of ritual office and mystery play, the text of which, according to the Ordo processionis asinorum secundum Rothomagensem usum, is given in Du Cange.
The origin of the word almucium is a philological mystery.
On the other hand, he came to look upon the Old Testament prophets as approved by their antiquity, sanctity, mystery and prophecies to be interpreters of the truth.
The Orthodox Church strenuously maintains its point, arguing that the very name bread, the holiness of the mystery, and the example of Jesus and the early church alike, testify against the use of unleavened bread in this connexion.
The complete explanation of changes 1n these relations is still a mystery .
Compare the mere fairy-tale mystery of Lohengrin's command that Elsa shall never ask to know his name, with the profound fatalism of Isolde's love-potion.
But this only explains a portion of the mystery that surrounds him, and which will make the study of his career the most fascinating to the military student of all times.
Knowing the almost endless complexity of organic structures, realizing that man himself with all the mystery of his life and consciousness must be included in any explanation of the origin of living things, they preferred to regard living things as something apart from the rest of nature, specially cared for, specially created by a Divine Being.
The complexity and mystery of action inherent in living matter have probably been accountable for much of the vague philosophy of disease in the past, and have furnished one reason at least why pathology has been so long in asserting its independence as a science.
Yet it was scarcely until the last quarter of the 19th century that the apprenticeship system, which was a mere initiation into the art and mystery of a craft, was recognized as antiquated and, in its virtual exclusion of academic study, even mischievous.
The mystery in which the composition was long enshrouded, no single copy being allowed to reach the public, the place and circumstances of the performance, and the added embellishments of the singers, account to a great degree for much of the impressive effect of which all who have heard the music speak.
In former days, when refining sugar or " sugar baking " was supposed to be a mystery only understood by a few of the initiated, there was a place in the refinery called the " secret room," and this name is still used in some refineries, where, however, it applies not to any room, but to a small copper cistern, constructed with five or six or more divisions or small canals, into which all the charcoal cisterns discharge their liquors by pipes led up from them to the top of the cistern.
In science, the more we know the more extensive" the contact with surrounding nescience."In religion the really vital and constant element is the sense of mystery.
There is a good deal of mystery about the end of Defoe's life; it used to be said that he died insolvent, and that he had been in jail shortly before his death.
These were the two men who enmeshed the king in a web of Rosicrucian mystery and intrigue, which hampered whatever healthy development of his policy might have been possible, and led ultimately to disaster.
The special characteristic of its theology is in the first part where it owes most to the teaching of Augustine, who in his striving after self-knowledge analysed the mystery of his own triune personality and illustrated it with psychological images, " I exist and I am conscious that I exist, and I love the existence and the consciousness; and all this independently of any external influence."
Such a riper analysis of the mystery of his own personality enabled him to arrive at a clearer conception of the idea of divine personality, " whose triunity has nothing potential or unrealized about it; whose triune elements are eternally actualized, by no outward influence, but from within; a Trinity in Unity."
There were numerous sceptics, however, who did not hesitate to assert that the import of the message so obviously locked in these curious inscriptions must for ever remain an absolute mystery.
Henderson (1889; second issue, 1890, being the more accurate); in The Mystery of Mary Stuart, by Andrew Lang (4th edition, 1904), and in Henderson's criticism of that book, in his Mary, Queen of Scots (1905) (Appendix A).
J., who lent them, with his own notes on them, to Andrew Lang for use in his book, The Mystery of Mary Stuart (1900-1904).
But in paragraph 18 (Mystery, p. 406) Mary returns to the subject, and writes, "He (Darnley) spoke very bravely at the beginning, as the bearer will show you, upon the subject of the Englishmen, and of his departing; but in the end he returned to his humility."
In The Mystery of Mary Stuart the evidence for an early forged letter was presented with confidence; the interpolation of forgeries based on Crawford's declaration was more dubiously suggested.
Nevertheless, despite the mystery surrounding him, he was well aware of his imperial origin,and always called himself gosudar(sovereign).
In the Greek Church the equivalent word is yuvriipcov, a mystery, a usage which is explained below.
We have the fullest details of his private life, and yet his character remains something of a mystery.
The matter seemed involved in mystery, and no one attempted to raise the veil which hung over the subject of embryogeny.
In this connexion it is a curious fact, and one which deepens the mystery, that, unlike the Polynesian peoples, who are all born sailors, the blacks are singularly unskilful seamen.
Their spectra are only imperfectly known in a few cases, and the bearing of the absorption on the life-history is still a mystery.
The cause of the phosphorescence is still a mystery.
What had been rational truth now claimed acceptance as supernatural mystery.
Maclaurin's object was to found the doctrine of fluxions on geometrical demonstration, and thus to answer all objections to its method as being founded on false reasoning and full of mystery.
In the Roman communion the structure of the sacred edifice, the positions and attitudes of the priest and the congregation, the order of service, emphasize the mystery and the divine efficacy of the sacrament.
The identity of this prisoner was already, it will be observed, a mystery before he died in 1703, and soon afterwards we begin to see the fruit of the various legends concerning him which presumably started as early as 1670, when Saint-Mars himself (see below) found it necessary to circulate "fairy tales" (contes jaunes).
Sometimes they become clear looking back; sometimes they'll remain a mystery to us this side of heaven.
God, the supreme self-existent mind, in short, remains a mystery to human understanding.
That mystery which surrounds the word in the natural world shrouds only too completely its spiritual import.
The origin of the compass is shrouded in mystery.
The Dunalastair Hotel invites amateur sleuths to sharpen their skills in a weekend of Murder, Mystery and Intrigue !
Everyone, innocently munching their salad or slurping up spaghetti is potentially a character in our impromptu mystery play.
Philosophy appeared on the scene to attempt to solve the basic mystery.
And ere the sun rise, the greatest mystery earth knows shall be bare to thy soul !
This is an area of Cornwall steeped in mystery.
Everything connected with love was made a mystery of, and treated with a kind of superstitious awe.
Why no thoroughgoing attempt to apply Stoicism to Shakespeare has yet been undertaken is a mystery.
Mystery of the Wax Museum Images of wax that throbbed with human passion.
Amidst great media attention the long awaited book about the infamous Haw Bridge torso murder mystery was launched today at Haw Bridge.
To solve the mystery he must delve deep into the city 's crooked alleyways, and deeper still into its tumultuous past.
The origin of the Ugaritic script remains a mystery.
A new website backed by Arts Council England aims to help artists unravel the mystery of pensions.
It is living with an embodied revelation, with a daily unveiling and unraveling of the mystery of love....
The name itself is a mystery wreathed in clouds.
If he or she enjoys mystery, begin your search in this area.
Now, remember, most teens won't say specific genres such as, mystery, suspense or romance.
While cosmetic companies try in vain to capture the look of sun -kissed skin, faux tanners still remain a mystery for many to apply while producing satisfactory results.
Why he wanted the soul that he then let go was another mystery Gabriel wanted to resolve.
Whether there was someone else in her life at this point or she was alone was a mystery.
In 1897 he published a volume entitled The Mystery of Sleep (2nd ed., 1903).
The story of James de la Cloche is indeed itself another historical mystery; he abruptly vanishes as such at Rome at the end of 1668, and thus provides a disappearance of convenient date; but the question concerning him is complicated by the fact that a James Henry de Bovere Roano Stuardo, who married at Naples early in 1669 and undoubtedly died in the following August, claiming to be a son of Charles II., makes just afterwards an equally abrupt appearance; in many respects the two men seem to be the same, but Monsignor Barnes, following Lord Acton, here regards James Stuardo as an impostor who traded on a knowledge of James de la Cloche's secret.
One of these is the Assyrian; the real nature of second is still a mystery.
The chief aim of Leibnitz is no doubt to account for the world in its static aspect as a co-existent whole, to conceive the ultimate reality of things in such a way as to solve the mystery of mind and matter.
He who thus obeys it will attain tranquillity of mind; nothing can irritate him, for everything is according to nature, and death itself "is such as generation is, a mystery of nature, a composition out of the same elements, and a decomposition into the same, and altogether not a thing of which any man should be ashamed, for it is not contrary to the nature of a reasonable animal, and not contrary to the reason of our constitution."
On the one hand, indeed, orthodoxy and heresy are symbolized to his mind by the wheat and the tares respectively; he clings to the naive opinion of Catholicism, that contemporary orthodoxy has prevailed within the Church from the first; he recognizes the true faith only in the mystery of the Trinity; he judges heretics who have been already condemned as interlopers, as impudent innovators, actuated by bad and self-seeking motives; he apologizes for having so much as treated of Arianism at all in his history of the Church; he believes in the inspiration of the ecclesiastical councils as much as in that of the Scriptures themselves.
I imitated this action, even wearing his spectacles, thinking they might help solve the mystery.
At length the old hound burst into view with muzzle to the ground, and snapping the air as if possessed, and ran directly to the rock; but, spying the dead fox, she suddenly ceased her hounding as if struck dumb with amazement, and walked round and round him in silence; and one by one her pups arrived, and, like their mother, were sobered into silence by the mystery.
And now, now it seemed to her she was penetrating the mystery....
The team found the mystery protein through screening random mutations in mice.
Murder Mystery Package - Matlock Bath Test your sleuthing skills with this Murder Mystery Weekend.
Finally, the mystery of holiness is that the rectitude is combined, not stultified, with compassion.
Blake gathers all the suspects together, untangles the mystery, reveals Bacardi 's true identity and identifies the killer.
But I unveiled the mystery by promising one sequin to a peasant woman if she could find out who had sawn the plank.
This is an atmospheric whodunit wreathed in winter mists and mystery, but given legs by a sturdy cast of rustic functionaries.
It is illuminated by an eerie pink glow, and the summit is wreathed in mystery and cloud.
Because SIDS is still such a mystery to scientists and doctors, it is hard to say who is at risk.
Hawaiian baby names are full of romance and the mystery of the islands.
The mystery shopper then relays their experiences to the regional managers in charge of the store in question.
To start, make sure the organization you are getting involved with as a mystery shopper is a legitimate company.
Research carefully, since many businesses that are looking for mystery shoppers can be found for free.
However, there are many mystery shopper websites that do charge a fee to sign up with their company.
In addition, be leery of Mystery Shopper organizations that advertise in the help wanted section of a newspaper or email solicitations.
To help you out, LoveToKnow has done some research for you to help with your quest to find some potentially good Mystery Shopper opportunities.
Mystery shopping is a great tool for companies looking to improve their products and services.
If you enjoy shopping and trying out new things, mystery shopping can be a good opportunity to make some supplemental income.
Many lab tests have been conducted, but authorities have yet to reach a firm conclusion about what may have caused acute renal failure-related deaths in both cats and dogs, making this Iams cat food recall a real mystery.
Ellen Raskin's The Westing Game is a quirky mystery that invites readers to solve the murder of eccentric tycoon Sam Westing.
Sobol is a fantastic collection of mystery books that are all at or under about 100 pages, taking away the intimidation factor that can result from thick books full of text.
Mystery is a high-interest area for many elementary school boys, and Encyclopedia Brown is a boy detective who makes it simple for readers to try to crack cases right along with him.
These early Karastan rugs were so impressive to the rug making industry that they were tagged as "Mystery Rugs".
The woman who loves oriental scents is a woman of mystery and drama.
When Halloween rolls around, black cat face painting helps capture the magic and mystery of the beloved frightful night.
At each level, you have to photograph the different clues, as well as the different monsters to discover the culprit behind the mystery.
Often long strands of hair can be strategically placed over certain body parts to add a touch of mystery to the shot.
Still, that doesn't stop hundreds of thousands of hobby photographers from trying to capture the romance and mystery of the moon in its various phases.
What’s more, not seeing a subject’s face can add mystery to the shots.
Created by the Discovery Kids network, Mystery Hunters involve tweens investigating paranormal phenomenon.
If your tween boy is interested in all that goes bump in the night, consider getting him Mystery Hunters' first two seasons on DVD.
Purple is also said to inspire mystery and intrigue.
Lovers' themes are always a good choice and can include Celestial Magic, Parisian Passion, or Moonlight Mystery.
Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, so it's no mystery why Geminis love to communicate; Gemini rules the third house of the zodiac.
Arcana means mystery or mysterious, which represents the inner workings of God as the universal truth.
These prints are Blue's clues to solving the mystery.
Prospector's Mystery Rock (ages 7 and up) - This award-winning game takes kids on an excavating adventure.
If you're still struggling to read your email, MySpace may seem like a technological mystery.
This doll features a doll and a "mystery" man.
For example, one of their featured games is "Travelogue 360 Rome" in which kids explore Rome and solve a mystery.
Pyramid Games features games like "Professor Fizzwizzle and the Molten Mystery", a Shareware game, but you can own a registered version for a fee as well.
Geared toward the 4-8 year old, your child will love these intricately woven tales of magic and mystery, wizards and warlocks, evil stepmothers and beautiful princesses.
Mystery Date Game-This game is a classic but still remains extremely popular.
Mystery games are fun adventures that also build problem-solving skills.
Anyway, the ghosts wanted the kids to solve the mystery behind the tragedy of what happened to them in the mansion.
At the end, the mystery was solved, and the ghosts were able to RIP.
From the I, Robot and Dark City director comes this sci-fi mystery that will get you thinking.
This movie, set in 140 AD, is about a centurion named Marcus Aquila who comes to Scotland from Rome to solve the mystery of his father's legion's disappearance twenty years ago and to make peace with his loss.
According to The Great Amherst Mystery by Walter Hubbell, the doctor later wrote to a colleague regarding the case, expressing the sentiment that no one would believe him if he published what he had witnessed.
The con artist then proceeds to ask more and more questions, narrowing down the choices, all with an air of confidence and mystery to bedazzle the unwitting victim.
The answer to that question remains part of the alluring mystery.
The next day, a team of three janitors examined the mirror closely and uncovered the mystery.
No one knows, and unless a werewolf is captured and studied, these creatures will remain a mystery.
It is to be seen in many of the prominent ideas of the two writings, especially in the developed view of the central position of Christ in the whole universe; in the conception of the Church as Christ's body, of which He is the head; in the thought of the great Mystery, once secret, now revealed.
Not the visible bread held in his hand, nor the visible cup, were Christ's body and blood, but the word in the mystery of which the bread was to be broken and the wine to be poured out.
At the head stood the teachers (" the sons of meekness," Mani himself and his successors); then follow the administrators (" the sons of knowledge," the bishops); then the elders (" the sons of understanding," the presbyters); the electi (" the sons of mystery"); and finally the auditores (" the sons of insight").
The barbaric elements were judiciously screened from view as a "mystery"; they were, indeed, here and there explicitly disavowed even by the initiated.
By this time French explorers were pressing forward to unravel the mystery of the interior.
This dramatic representation of the sufferings of Christ is not a survival of a medieval mystery or miracleplay, but took its rise from a vow made by the inhabitants in 1633, with the hope of staying a plague then raging.
In the East the cancelli, under the influence possibly of the ritual of the Jewish temple, developed into the iconostasis, the screen of holy pictures, behind the closed doors of which the supreme act of the eucharistic mystery is hidden from the lay people.
He feared also whether we can explain the mystery of the Incarnation, and other things, unless real bonds or unions are added to monads and phenomena.
The mystery of the Hyksos has not yet been solved; but it is not impossible that they had relations with Mesopotamia.
Its fame is due chiefly to its Mysteries, for which see Mystery.
There are a number of poems written in an elevated style, also dramatic works chiefly of the character of mystery plays, and collections of fairy tales and fables.
Numerous attempts have been made to manufacture the diamond by artificial means, and these attempts have a high scientific interest on account of the mystery which surrounds the natural origin of this remarkable mineral.
The formulae recited for such purposes are not purely cabalistic, though inasmuch as mystery is of the very essence of magic, foreign words and outlandish names occur in them by preference.
The Mystery of Mary Stuart (1901, new and revised ed., 1904) was a consideration of the fresh light thrown on Mary's history by the Lennox MSS.
See Keratry, Mourad V., prince, sultan, prisonnier d'etat 1840-1876 (Paris, 1878); Djemaleddin Bey, Sultan Murad V., the Turkish Dynasty Mystery, 1876-1895 (London, 1895).
The present inhabitants of Easter Island know nothing of the construction of these remarkable works; and the entire subject of their existence in this small and remote island is a mystery.
Meanwhile the needy and reckless Bothwell, a partisan of Mary of Guise, a Protestant and the foe of England, was accused by Arran of proposing to him a conspiracy to seize the queen, but the ensuing madness of Arran left this plot a mystery, though Bothwell was imprisoned till he escaped in August 1562.
The same revilers, with a deeper truth than they knew, summed up the mystery of His life and death when they said, " He saved others, Himself He cannot save."
The language often had a theological tinge (never entirely absent), as when the " idea " was spoken of, or " the night of the divine mystery," or the dialectic of the absolute called the " course of the divine life.
Last comes absolute religion, in which the mystery of the reconciliation between God and man is an open doctrine.
As seen from the rock of Ghulgulah, Bamian, with its ruined towers, its colossi, its innumerable grottos, and with the singular red colour of its barren soil, presents an impressive aspect of desolation and mystery.
Lastly, the philosophers of the second physical succession - Empedocles, Anaxagoras, Leucippus - not directly attacking the great mystery of the One and the Many, but in virtue of a scientific instinct approaching it through the investigation of phenomena, were brought by their study of sensation to perceive and to proclaim the inadequacy of the organs of sense.
It does not show that the namers were prophets or wise judges, for the Spaniards really knew California not at all for more than two centuries, and then only as a genial but rather barren land; but it shows that the conquistadores mixed poetry with business and illustrates the glamour thrown about the " Northern Mystery."
While the theologians discussed doctrine the people longed for mystery, as it satisfied their religious natures.
They did not, however, profit by their discovery, because, amongst the Egyptians, writing was clearly a mystery in both senses - only possible at that period for masters in the craft, and also something, like the writing of medical prescriptions at the present day in Latin, which was not to be made too easily intelligible to the common people.
It consists of three texts describing the mystery, recited as versicle and response alternately with the salutation "Hail, Mary!"
If some, and not the least essential, of these aspects are quasi-negative, it must be remembered that negations - witness the Unseen, the Unknown, the Infinite of a more advanced theology - are well adapted to supply that mystery on which the religious consciousness feeds with the slight basis of conceptual support it needs.
The identity of the "man in the iron mask" is a famous historical mystery.
Any one who accepts the Mattioli theory must be driven, as Lang suggests, to suppose that the mystery which grew up about the unknown prisoner was somehow transferred to Mattioli from Dauger.
Here we find not only sufficient indication of the growth of a legend as to Dauger, but also the existence in fact of a real mystery as to who he was and what he had done, two things both absent in Mattioli's case.
The identification of Dauger thus still remains the historical problem behind the mystery of the "man in the mask."
We may be forced to conclude that the interest of the whole affair, so far as authentic history is concerned, is really nugatory, and that the romantic imagination has created a mystery in a fact of no importance.
Such appear to be the facts, but Tyrrell's relations with Rome were such that a good deal of mystery was made as to whether he really received the last rites of his Church in any authorized manner.
In reply, the council decides that it should be done to celebrate the mystery of Christ's resurrection.
In London the victory of the crafts is decisively marked by the ordinance of the time of Edward II., which required every citizen to be a member of some trade or mystery, and by another ordinance in 1375 which transferred the right of election of corporate officers (including members of parliament) from the ward-representatives to the trading companies.
In 1363, in answer to a remonstrance against the mischief caused by "the merchants called grocers who engrossed all manner of merchandize vendable, and who suddenly raised the prices of such merchandize within the realm," it was enacted "that all artificers and people of mysteries shall each choose his own mystery 1 before next Candlemas, and that, having so chosen it, he shall henceforth use no other."
For the word meaning a hidden or secret rite, with which this has so often been confused, see Mystery.
But - the o,uoo iatos has been laid down, and must be recognized as correctly expressing the mystery; only one ought to rest satisfied with that word and with the repudiation of Arianism.
Their language is vague and allegorical, full of allusions and pious Mussulman invocations; the author continually announces that he is about to speak without mystery or reserve, but all the same never gives any precise details of the secrets he professes to reveal.
He encouraged the performance of mystery plays; on the performance of a mystery of the Passion at Saumur in 1462 he remitted four years of taxes to the town, and the representations of the Passion at Angers were carried out under his auspices.
There is some doubt on the point; but a contemporary and intimate friend, Luca Pacioli, speaks of his "ineffable left hand"; all the best of his drawings are shaded downward from left to right, which would be the readiest way for a left-handed man; and his habitual eccentric practice of writing from right to left is much more likely to have been due to natural left-handedness than to any desire of mystery or concealment.
Canning had a taste for mystery and disguises, which he had shown at Oxford, and which did much to gain him his unfortunate reputation for trickery.
He refused to tell how he became aware of the secret articles, and the mystery has never been fully solved.
The title also was in those days alarming, and still more so the mystery which the author threw round the question how far such societies of pantheists actually existed.
What he would have been as a poet, if, instead of visiting Europe in early life and drinking in the spirit of the middle ages under the shadows of cathedral towers, he had, like Whittier, grown old amid American scenery and life, we can only guess from his earlier poems, which are as naturalistic, fresh and unmystical as could be desired; but certain it is that, from his long familiarity with the medieval view of nature, and its semi-pagan offspring, the romantic view, he was brought, for the greater part of his life, to look upon the world of men and things either as the middle scene of a miracle play, with a heaven of rewarding happiness above and a purgatory of purifying pain below, or else as a garment concealing, while it revealed, spiritual forms of unfathomed mystery.
Athanasius would hear of no questioning of this religious mystery.
In the catchword Homousios, which had been added to the creed at Nicaea, he too recognized the best formula for the expression of the mystery, although in his own writings he made but sparing use of it.
For a good many years the further development of this industry was surrounded by great mystery, but it is now known that a satisfactory solution of the difficulties existing in the above respect was attained in several places, for instance, at Freiberg and in London, by the labours of the original inventors, Professor Winkler and Dr Messel.
It is in them that the atmosphere of mystery attains a maximum of intensity.
While there he published Three Letters from Mr Whitefield, in which he referred to the "mystery of iniquity" in Tillotson, and asserted that that divine knew no more of Christ than Mahomet did.
Philostratus keeps up the mystery of his hero's life by saying, "Concerning the manner of his death, if did die, the accounts are various."
The result is, however, that a critic of doctrine sometimes questions whether Athanasianism offers a definition of the mystery at all, or only.
The prejudice against Disraeli as Jew, the revolt at his theatricalisms, the distrust of him as "mystery man," which up to this time had never died out even among men who were his nearest colleagues, were now more openly indulged.
It stands, however, this high distinction, and with it the thought that it would have been denied to him altogether had the "adventurer" and "mystery man" of the 'sixties died at the age of threescore years and ten.
Locke's Reasonableness of Christianity was an attempt to recall religion from the crude speculations of theological sects, destructive of peace among Christians, to its original simplicity; but this is apt to conceal its transcendent mystery.
But the mystery latent in our ideas of space and time is, that " something in the mind " irresistibly hinders us from allowing the possibility of any limit to either.
Of these views the former is the more catholic, more universally present in the Christian consciousness; the latter more deeply penetrates the mystery of the Atonement, as expounded in the Pauline epistles.
In the mystery of the Supper Christ is truly exhibited to us by the symbols of bread and wine; and so His body and blood, in which He fulfilled all obedience for the obtaining of righteousness for us, are presented.
The 27th of August is kept sacred in Spain to this mystery, which has also formed a favourite subject of Spanish painters.
Finally, in his greatest work, Cur Deus homo, he undertakes to make plain, even to infidels, the rational necessity of the Christian mystery of the atonement.
They were retained in his ideal legislation, apparently, because their use was already invested with the mystery of a long-vanished past, and they were regarded as having formed one of the most venerable adjuncts of the priesthood.
Mannhardt, and on the facts of ritual, which preserve these ideas and represent them in a kind of mystery plays.
Plutarch naturally presumed that the myths which seem absurd shrouded some great moral or physical mystery.
Having set out to embody the mysteries of faith in human language, it had fallen a victim to the excellence of its own methods; language proved too strong for mystery.
Ridgeway, in his Origin and Influence of the Thoroughbred Horse (1905), reinvestigated the historical mystery as to the Arab breed, and its connexion with the English thoroughbred stock, but his conclusions have been hotly controverted; archaeology and biology are in fact still in the dark on the subject, but see the section on " Species " above.
In the book entitled Evil and Evolution there is "an attempt to turn the light of modern science on to the ancient mystery of evil."
This teaching constituted the "holy secret" or "mystery" (disciplina arcani) of Christianity, and could only be imparted to those who were qualified to receive it.
His fiction includes Mr Blake's Walking Stick (1869), for children; The Hoosier Schoolmaster (1871); The End of the World (1872); The Mystery of Metropolisville (1873); The Circuit Rider (1874); Rosy (1878); The Hoosier Schoolboy (1883); The Book of Queer Stories (1884), for children; The Graysons (1888), an excellent novel; The Faith Doctor (1891); and Duf f els (1893), short stories.
How he actually felt about his mother was a mystery, though, as were most of his personal feelings.
What she was saying was a mystery, but the volume and tone of her voice made it obvious that the conversation wasn't pleasant.
How much money he had was a mystery... and it shouldn't be.
The idea of a lurking mystery quickened her pulse.
It was the mystery surrounding the family that kept her mind occupied – and Yancey.
Whether he was speaking about emotional or physical fear, was a mystery.
Occasionally she had a flashing thought that she didn't care if the Indians caught her, but when she reminded herself that they would also catch Bordeaux, she summoned up a little energy from that mystery area.
His financial status was a complete mystery to her.
This is becoming a rainy afternoon mystery.
It's like a real mystery, a ghost story.
There's no mystery to what I am.
Wide shoulders, chiseled chest, rippling abs … even his scent—of pure man mixed with the mystery of night—lured her like an animal falling for a hunter's bait.
Deidre held her breath as she poured the mystery blood down the pale girl's throat.
She was his current waltzing widow—first choice to fill his dance card when he wasn't surfing the net, tracking down an auction or garage sale or devouring a mystery novel.
Fred O'Connor, Dean's elderly stepfather, was an avid fan of a mystery, primarily in written form, often in his imagination and occasionally in his real life world.
He began by selling some of his numerous mystery novels on a book finder's web site, then expanded to garage sale scouring for items of dubious value.
They argued their way back to Parkside with Dean playing the devil's advocate while Fred quoted a dozen mystery stories that bore out his hypothesis, a hypothesis that grew in detail with each passing mile.
Dean was wise enough not to ask what guise Fred used to cover his snooping—surely a technique borrowed from a mystery book hero and borderline illegal.
Fred had recently discovered the library rented audio tapes of mystery stories.
Where he'd been the last month was a mystery, but he was here now — and for some reason, what he was saying made her feel better.
I think part of the appeal when I first met him was the mystery – and his confidence.
There is a mystery - a very solemn mystery.
Martins discusses acculturation in Sortilege (Black Mystery ), drawing on the script of this play that was first performed in 1957.
Most don't die of mystery ailments, or in tragic " accidents " .
In Eph 3,5 the revelation of the mystery is said to be given to " his holy apostles and prophets in the spirit " .
Enigmatic, because it was a mystery to me what he would make of it, not being a particularly arty, bohemian type.
The world we witness when we take ayahuasca is one of magic and mystery.
Why the English haven't all died of coronary artery blockage yet is a mystery.
We rapidly lose interest in the mystery that shrouds the eponymous boogeyman.
Even for very young children, a simple story with a repetitive refrain or a simple mystery to solve gives a confidence boost.
More sexual frustration boiling over at The Rovers as Shelly caught Charlie having a lock in with a mystery brunette.
Debbie is convinced that Brad is her mystery caller, but she may have got her wires crossed.
There is mystery in the universe, beguiling mystery, but it is n't capricious.
Studies of living invertebrate chordates have been very important in helping to solve the mystery of ' the origin of the vertebrates ' .
More than thirty years later, in May 1988, a mystery man claimed his father had made a deathbed confession to the crime.
Behind his icy façade lay something ominous, unspoken; the mystery drove both sexes crazy.
Strong Poison When Mystery writer Harriet Vane is accused of the murder of her lover, the evidence seems pretty damning.
The cause of juvenile onset diabetes, which can kill so quickly, remained a mystery until this century.
Next, all cipher words containing this " mystery digraph " are listed (see Figure 5 ).
No longer will the secrets of ' filestores ' and ' zip disks ' remain a mystery!
Mystery text C Jennifer stood, watching the steady drizzle underneath the awning in front of the station entrance.
The mystery of how the line acquired its nickname still eludes the author.
Quite why the good folks responsible for bringing us Resident Evil Survivor did so with no huge fanfare is a mystery.
Within this context, Joseph's human fatherhood was also " taken up " in the mystery of Christ's Incarnation.
The work of Colleen or Cecile Schott bristles with the mystery and magic of the most abstract of scratchy old film noir incidental soundtracks.
The mystery is to explain how the photons ' co-operate ' to form the interference fringes.
However, for students approaching this point these final stages are shrouded in mystery, anecdotal hearsay and, sometimes, myth.
Doncaster Rovers midfielder Dave Mulligan has been given a clean bill of health after being taken to hospital with a mystery illness last week.
In celebrating the incarnation, we fix our gaze upon the mystery of the Trinity.
They offer special inroads into the mystery of life.
Mystery script The ogham inscription at Dunadd has been a matter of debate since it was first recognized in the 1950s.
It argues for a close interrelation between the mystery religions of the ancient world and the origins of Christianity.
Her place in the much lauded historical mystery is marked by a ticket stub from an exotic airline.
Nimmo successfully weaves a wonderfully magical mystery that only Charlie Bone can solve... .
Rocky Horror Picture Show Whilst dressing up is not mandatory, you will receive icy stares, should you not... Mystery Event info.
The woman, however, is a mystery to me - she appears medieval, but entirely secular.
Metaphor has replaced metaphysics and the Western-style rhetoric has replaced mystery.
Genuine slasher movies take their cue from Psycho, in that the identity of the villain is a bit of a mystery.
And I say to you, wherever you find men ruled merely by mystery, it is the mystery of iniquity.
Thanks to Guy Roberts for solving this mystery for me.
This remarkable book uncovers the mystery of life in the spirit world after death on earth.
The cause of Jeremy's collapse remains a mystery.
He finds himself on a trail of danger and intrigue, desperately trying to fathom the mystery surrounding his beloved mistress, Lady Margaret.
This is central to the paschal mystery, which is the life of faith.
The identity of the young woman in the coffin, and how she came by such a splendid garment, remains an intriguing mystery.
From generation to generation, the wonder evoked by this ineffable mystery never ceases.
Mystery Jets have a little mystique surrounding them, which is great.
Al Carone - unlike his near namesake, Al Capone truly was a paradox wrapped in a mystery concealed behind an enigma.
She has come clean after a mystery illness covered her skin in boils and made her constantly nauseous and tired.
All the mystery of his vanishing revolved on your description of a hulking fellow in a red neckcloth.
The Delphic oracle was not some sort of magical mystery show.
The Mystery Jets also charmed the pants off us.
Fans of British police procedurals will be diverted by this entertaining and lighthearted mystery.
I like redheads because it has more mystery than most others.
The mystery unfolds at a languid pace, dropping a few red herrings along the way.
The Dunalastair Hotel invites amateur sleuths to sharpen their skills in a weekend of Murder, Mystery and Intrigue!
And ere the sun rise, the greatest mystery earth knows shall be bare to thy soul!
Style A hilarious comic spoof of a murder mystery, set in the 1920s.
Why it remains a largely unfamiliar destination to the British is still a mystery to me.
In an attempt to unravel this apparent mystery, previous accounts of northern bottlenose whales around the Scottish coast are described.
The stranger, Isaac Beeckman, principal of the college of Dort, offered to do so into Latin, if the inquirer would bring him a solution of the problem, - for the advertisement was one of those challenges which the mathematicians of the age were accustomed to throw down to all corners, daring them to discover a geometrical mystery known as they fancied to themselves alone.
Forty times, it is said, he read through the Metaphysics of Aristotle, till the words were imprinted on his memory; but their meaning was hopelessly obscure, until one day they found illumination from the little commentary by Farabi, which he bought at a bookstall for the small sum of three dirhems. So great was his joy at the discovery, thus made by help of a work from which he had expected only mystery, that he hastened to return thanks to God, and bestowed an alms upon the poor.
In the first place, the so-called internal causes of disease is probably a mere phrase covering our ignorance of the factors at work, and although a certain convenience attaches to the distinction between those cases where tender breeds of plants apparently exhibit internal predisposition to suffer more readily than others from parasites, low temperatures, excessive growth, & is the case with some grafted plants, cultivated hybrids, &c.the mystery involved in the phrase internal causes only exists until we find what action of the living or nonliving environment of the essential mechanism of the plant has upset its equilibrium.
Those who were initiated into the mysteries of Eleusis found a deep meaning in the myth, which was held to teach the principle of a future life, founded on the return of Persephone to the upper world, or rather on the process of nature by which seed sown in the ground must first die and rot before it can yield new life (see Mystery).
As the sacrifice of the mass is the central mystery of the Catholic faith, so the seven orders of the hierarchy culminate in that of priest, who alone is empowered to work the daily miracle of the altar (see Holy Order).
For in his De naturis rerum and De utensilibus (the former of which, at any rate, had become well known at the end of the 12th century, and was probably written about 1180) Neckam has preserved to us the earliest European notices of the magnet as a guide to seamen - outside China, indeed, these seem to be the earliest notices of this mystery of nature that have survived in any country or civilization.