My Sentence Examples
But I warn you, if you don't tell me that this means war, if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist--I really believe he is Antichrist--I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend, no longer my 'faithful slave,' as you call yourself!
It's just not my style.
You are my only son.
I was calling my friend.
Once you have tried my goods I am sure you will never be without them.
I forgot, this is my house.
I told you not to give my number to anyone.
I'll use my own hat, if you please.
But never mind; be brave, my friends, and I will go and tell our masters where you are, and get them to come to your rescue.
At this point, if you follow my reasoning, we have established at least the possibility of a bright future.
AdvertisementThen don't waste any more of my time.
I just want to do my part, and I can't if I don't have all the facts.
She's my favorite character.
I'll lend you one of my night gowns and find some clothes for you to wear in the morning.
All my mail goes to a post office box.
AdvertisementShe even made my reservations and got me a discount.
I'd be lost here on my own.
My dears, what shall we do?
My third wise saying is--
It wasn't my intent to hide anything from you.
AdvertisementActually, it was how my family always celebrated Christmas.
My guess is that he meant exactly what he said.
This is my day off.
You mean my mule.
My, don't you look lovely.
AdvertisementHe wanted my opinion.
Hop on my back and I'll take you across.
You didn't betray my trust.
I knew because he proved to me that I could trust him with my heart and soul - the way you trust your mother and father.
I've learned my lesson, though.
I know the score and it's my choice.
My, that certainly becomes you.
Because you're the one who is concerned about my safety.
Now get on my horse.
I'm not changing my mind.
I turned to my fiancée.
Yes. But I like taking care of my children.
You keep telling me it's in the past - until you can dig it back up and throw it in my face again.
Sensing my reaction she added, It's sort of what I do in my job; research things.
I work for Uncle Bill on his ranch, and he pays me six dollars a month and my board.
I lost track of time until Alex came along and revived my interest in the ranch.
Did you call my accountant?
I wish it to be so with all who live in my home.
Is my family there?
I was talking about the other end of my life.
My number is unlisted.
I offered to help and you accepted my offer.
But at least you had my best interest in mind.
I think it's something about my body chemistry that they don't like.
I'll be alright once I get my car.
I've been through this so many times I could do it in my sleep.
I found my part.
Trying to get on my good side.
Is it my turn to watch?
My opinion hasn't changed.
I have my things ready... but I have a few questions first.
The furniture - it was handed down to my mother and she left it to me.
I volunteer to sleep there tonight, if the love of my life is willing to come along.
We managed the weekend in between together, mostly catching up on domestic chores; Friday night in the downstairs laundry room of my apartment.
Instead, I finished it, while still holding on to my beloved tee shirt.
You're my most perfect friend in the entire world.
They are in my inside pocket now.
My, aren't you the night owl tonight - the boy who has been dancing with me half the night.
I guess he was stunned by my beauty.
I need to get my purse and clothes out of the car.
In fact, I think my big mouth made him all the more determined.
I've got a lot on my mind.
What did you think my business was?
He could see I was getting serious, and he was afraid you would draw me away from my work.
I've kept my identity hidden for five years now, but I knew deep down inside that it couldn't last forever.
Between my studies and work, I have enough to keep my mind occupied.
Kind of makes you wonder what they were up to when she was my age, doesn't it?
I'm too close to my goal to give up now.
What do you think I've been going through lately... wanting to tell you, wanting to hold you in my arms - not knowing if you felt the way I did.
If I didn't want to do what he said I'd tell him so - and he would listen to my reasons.
That's where my part came from.
I never realized how lonely my mother was until you came.
I miss that and I'm not going to be held back simply because you're afraid to have me wandering around on my own.
But not enough to give up my business.
I've planned most of my life to get where I am now.
I'm working my way through college, but what have I ever done to give you the idea I was destitute?
I'm kissing my fiancé.
I just got word that my father had a heart attack.
My education can wait, she can't.
I've already made up my mind.
I didn't bring my hat to throw in the door.
I don't mind, but I'd like to know my efforts are appreciated.
What would you do in my place?
No, I mean my horse.
I just want to be on my way.
Well guys, I hate to leave such good company, but I'm so tired that I can hardly keep my eyes open.
My offer is still open.
If there's one thing I don't need, it's a man telling me how to run my life.
I told you how I felt about my father.
I thought maybe you were giving me the chance to say no - giving me a chance to save my pride.
Would you be interested in minding my place?
What would my duties entail?
I didn't grow up around here like you, and I don't intend to spend the rest of my life working at the diner.
Did you call me to get my opinion or to tell me you're going to take the job?
Even if you paid me half my rent, you could still save money.
My father couldn't do anything about his health.
All I want is a small place of my own.
I guess that's my idea of getting somewhere.
If you need anything, my room is at the end of the hall.
I can get into enough trouble without people squeezing imaginary insults out of my words.
The trouble is, my ranch has been a safe haven and even headquarters for the wolf population around here.
Don't toy with my mind.
I know you feel uncomfortable about driving my truck.
If it doesn't work, it's my problem.
That's a fine thing to be telling me while you're working on my truck.
I want someone who can contribute intelligent conversation, not grovel at my feet.
Your brother's sexual preferences are none of my business.
And it's none of my business.
I mean... well you being my employer and all.
There you go, putting words in my mouth again.
I tried to ask you more than once, but someone was always interrupting and throwing a new kink in my plans.
Nor did I want you to feel obligated to marry me to save my honor.
That's when it first crossed my mind that you might be the one.
Anyway, I was doing my best not to let things get out of control.
I'll record the facts from my personal point of view, and my observation.
Coincidently, the starting date of our involvement is etched in my memory for an entirely different reason.
It was the joyous weekend my future wife and I made public our marriage plans, with no one listening.
It would allow my future wife, who was from Iowa, to view a part of the country she'd never seen.
It pleased me doubly; to show off my fiancée and escape the rush of August in New York.
My Betsy is fine looking woman, beautiful in my mind and in the eyes of most, but even I have to admit she lacks the room-stopping allure of Martha LeBlanc.
I'd known Martha for all my remembered life.
I looked my lovely future wife in the eye.
The friendly action was the beginning of a strong relationship between my two favorite women.
Grandpa, my mother's father, originally built this place in the nineteen-thirties and wired it for electricity years later.
My wife loves you; do you know that Ben?
I amaze myself with my cleverness.
I'm here in one piece, sort of, and you've given me a clean slate to begin act two of my life.
The summer you two came up here, I had a major crush on my handsome California cousin but you were seven years older than me and didn't know I existed.
Why should I remember a 'Get out of Jail Free' card and not recognize my own mother, or a picture of my father or sister; or this bratty cousin?
She began to moan and sunk her nails into my back until we finally flopped back in exhaustion.
The words weren't out of my mouth when we heard his door open and footsteps retreating down the hall.
My smile disappeared when I saw Howard Abbott on the sofa, his head in his hands.
I'm the guy with no past and I have this... earlier vision and it's not even my memory.
Either that or change my eye glass prescription.
I opened my eyes to full daylight.
I made myself comfortable on the sofa, my arm around Betsy, as we all waited for him to continue.
My dreams, the few times I remember them, are always about things that happened recently; people I just interacted with.
I've spent half my summer nights in that room working on my tests.
I shut off all my equipment at six o'clock when my experiment expires.
Thanks, I really appreciate you listening to my tale.
My past is such an enigma; I don't know any of the details.
I wouldn't consider doing anything about this on my own.
After the testing is over, the hard part begins; weighing and recording my compilations and comparing them to past exposure levels.
Maybe it was the near-inaudible buzz or the rain on the roof, or my imagination, by I actually napped, for about twenty minutes.
The love of my life moved to the edge of her chair.
It was a weird sensation; I was moving like walking in water but I had no sense of my own body.
I've travelled many miles since my last and I'm becoming impatient for company.
True to my assignment, I recorded movements and time until Quinn's voice from below broke the silence.
It was like walking in water and I almost lost my balance but after a few steps, I could control my motion pretty well.
I sat nearby but my wait was brief.
Life would be filled with mutual concessions I thought as I tucked my tee shirt into a bottom drawer.
Annie was my friend, not Howie.
You were part of my school life and the rest of the seasons.
She must have sensed my disbelief.
We firmed plans although it meant my cancelling a night out with a coworker.
If you could point me in the right direction, I'll be on my way.
That was before my time, just barely.
In my time too; the war brought some money in and coal was getting dug so's there was jobs.
I tried to think of the best way to explain my feelings.
I drive the country roads, humming my tune, my new little pet safely in my hands.
It wasn't the same place or time as my earlier dreams.
I set both similar to my New Hampshire test but frankly; I didn't pay much attention to precise accuracy.
He added with a smile, "You know my feelings on this entire game."
My wife started to say something but Quinn just smiled.
My only hint occurred during a dance with Martha at our wedding reception.
She whispered in my ear, you won't believe it.
I'd better move my hunt further south when I've cleaned up my business and finished here.
I tried to sneak one in on my own.
My wife quickly recovered and smiled.
It was nearing Christmas and while New York was aglow, my wife and I were just the opposite; out of sync with the mood of the city.
My mind remained locked on our weekend activities, labeling all other daily happenings insignificant.
I considered taking the chance of phoning from the comfort of my apartment but realized the foolishness of taking such a chance.
I'm petrified I'll put my foot in my mouth and screw it up.
This is so much higher than my grade level I'm getting a nose bleed.
Business demanded my attention this past week and I responded gallantly.
He interrupted my schedule and wasted my time with his lies but he paid dearly for inconveniencing me.
I'd rather have entertained my house guest than listened to his sniveling and begging but alas, I do what I have to do.
Papa Quinn, Howie and my wife and I were exhausted but jubilant.
That's not my call.
It's dust in my bathroom sink!
This time, my sweet little friend will assist me!
My intelligence far surpasses any of you worthless scum.
My only directive to our group was a strong suggestion we act unanimously.
I too wondered about my wife's rational.
That's all my friends talk about.
I don't know how the others kept a straight face but I pulled out a handkerchief, pretending to blow my nose.
He practically made me call my brother and now I'm going up to Weston Priory in Vermont and spend the week with him.
He's great fun company and he pulled me out of my funk when I was down in the pits.
I've picked up a couple of the metal symbols to add to my often-useful collection.
You spoke with my boss?
Now I'm able to adjust my method of operation accordingly.
Perhaps I'll tarry in the area of Lynn, Massachusetts and try my luck there!
Quinn, Martha and especially Betsy looked perturbed at me for not updating them on my tete-a-tete with Howie but that could wait.
She turned my way with a scowl as she followed.
I'm sure he could read the frustration in my voice.
I finished my discourse with a request for words of wisdom.
My security system is top notch though I've had little need to utilize it.
In spite of my fervent hope you can continues indefinitely, I know in my heart, one day it will end.
From my point; money was well spent.
I shook my head in wonder at this man.
My other venture, After, has registered its first major success.
My wife stood in front of the others as they all waited behind her.
I went back to my computer to retrieve a phone number, then on to the secure phone line.
I queued my way past three minions before the stern voice growled, Reagan' in my ear.
I knew this conversation deserved more thought on my part but it felt good taking some action, even if it might prove misguided.
My monolog was blurted out non-stop for fear she'd cut me off before I finished.
It was my turn to hang up.
My hand was shaking.
I knew from my in depth research, the number and location of all payphones bearing the area code and first two numbers dear Brenda provided me.
Once I was alone again, I pondered my unilateral decision to speak directly to Ethel Reagan as I sipped on cold coffee.
She must have cleared my call with the switchboard as I was put through directly, absent any underlings.
Was she tracing my call?
I considered my answer.
How could I convince my reading public I heard it from the horse's mouth?
I prayed she'd take my warning seriously and maybe give us some helpful press in the bargin.
As the others remained behind the closed door of the conference room, I went out to lunch on my own.
I acted presumptuously in not taking the others, especially my, into my confidence.
Now I have another dazzling thought, bred from my brilliant research.
I missed my calling as a wise and successful detective!
My careful cross-referencing noted the same name listed as a wealthy grandfather of a kidnapped child who was returned after a strange tip was received.
But first I deserve a reward for my intuitive skills.
It seemed to me that my wife's brief but profound statement put all else in prospective.
Martha patted my knee.
Maybe not on your own for a few years but you'd be welcomed to help with her while I do my house work.
I can see from my perch a window downstairs in back remains open to catch the lovely spring breeze.
Once the others were in session, as we called it, my duties were minimal.
With one leg in my house and one leg out, my man Aldo Benitez shot him.
My property is isolated and very quiet.
You see, though I trust Aldo Benitez with my life, for good reason, he has endured a somewhat checkered past.
Fishing is relaxing and my boat's paid for...
I'm under surveillance and my secure lines might not be so secure anymore.
I'll see what I can do on my own.
My intelligence and resourcefulness is without equal.
While the fools looked for my car nearby, I, in spite of excruciating pain, managed to escape their feeble efforts to find me.
I drove to inner city Cleveland and parked my vehicle.
Are there any more tidbits you can slip my way? she asked.
Betsy and I had discussed my contacting After as suggested by Dan Brennan.
My call was forwarded to a female with a mature sounding voice.
I tried frantically to slip out of my blunder.
I'll be in touch but please don't trace my calls.
To whom should I confess my blunder?
I wish you would go and fetch my satchel, two lanterns, and a can of kerosene oil that is under the seat.
Will you buy it, my dear? he asked, addressing Dorothy.
Then he said, Listen now to my second word of wisdom.
It is like my car.
The essence of my car is that it takes me places I want to go.
It is with a kind of fear that I begin to write the history of my life.
A few impressions stand out vividly from the first years of my life; but "the shadows of the prison-house are on the rest."
Never have I found in the greenhouses of the North such heart-satisfying roses as the climbing roses of my southern home.
The beginning of my life was simple and much like every other little life.
It shall be on your family's behalf that I'll start my apprenticeship as old maid.
Wait a moment, I'll get my work....
The doctor called today to see if my condition had improved with the medication.
I'll direct all my efforts into preparing for our new baby.
These are my other two daughters, Dulce and Alondra.
Don't plead my case for me.
I guess because the only one who should be looking at it is my husband.
I guess violet eyes are unusual, but I think they look the same from my viewpoint.
Señor Medena married my mother when I was a baby.
My guess is that most of the savings came from Señor Medena, though.
I hope you didn't do that on my account.
I would not have left them out of my will - I could not.
I dated her a few times, but she was way out of my league.
My parents are at a restaurant.
Actually, I just got off my shift and thought I'd check in on her.
I live with my mother and daughter.
Oh my, you're fortunate the car didn't go over the edge with you in it!
Fayetteville is long distance, but I'll be glad to pay you for the call as soon as I get my things.
It looks like I'll have to accept your invitation to spend the night, but I'll pay you as soon as I get my things.
This is my daughter, Tammy.
I think I'll work in the garden for a while, after I get my chores done.
I said I'd take you and I'm a man of my word.
We'd better go in the back way or Mom will have my hide.
My car was burned out, but Mr. Giddon found my purse.
No, it's no one my family knew but I think the change will be good for me.
Come in, Connie, and meet my new boss, Yancey Giddon.
Take me back to my house.
I'm sorry you're unhappy with my questions, but I need to know why you suddenly needed a girl after going five years without any.
Anyway, she's my mother, not a sitter.
I don't want her to be stuck with the responsibility of my child.
He's my employer, nothing else.
My name is Yancey.
Sharon was born shortly after my husband remarried.
I've already discussed my plans with Mom, and she's going to watch Tammy.
I guess if he thought it was any of my business, he'd tell me.
I'm not about to jeopardize my job by asking all kinds of questions.
Other things occupied my mind, I guess.
Don't bite my head off.
Yes. Can you bring me down here tomorrow to get my car?
If he wanted to hurt me, he could follow me in my car.
I had my suspicions the day she fell from the cliff.
I can only assume the powder you found in my pocket was powdered sugar.
He was getting paid a percentage just to pick up the artwork and deliver it to my broker.
I was keeping my eye on Allen.
It did cross my mind that Mertz might have something to worry about, though.
My father lived to be ninety years old, and he never went on no fat diet.
I always wind up with my foot in my mouth.
I mean, I could still have my business in town.
Don't make me choose between you and my mother, Adrienne.
I'll look at it after I change my clothes.
I worked my way through college.
Thanks for the help, guys, but I agreed to take care of my team and the cooking when I signed on.
Are you going to help me into my wagon today?
You've been spending enough time with my mules.
I took my risks when I joined this group and I'm willing to face up to my responsibilities.
I said that bringing you back was my job.
The twins begged me to bring you back, so I made it part of my plans.
It feels warm today, but I always keep a light jacket in my saddle bags.
My sister is coming to visit.
I forgot my rope in the barn and had to come back yesterday.
I'll take that back down on my way.
I wasn't talking about my children.
I stopped by to see her on my way to the store.
We were rolling in euphoria when an old friend from my Amherst, Massachusetts childhood telephoned with an invitation to visit her family cabin in New Hampshire.
Betsy Morganthaw, my fiancée, was employed by a public relations firm at a wage half again as much as her future husband.
Betsy didn't buy my toned down assessment but was at least still smiling.
I try to resurrect my first impression of Howard Abbott not colored by Quinn's negative appraisal.
Betsy was safe with a nine and I thought my four bought me cot until Howie's snake eyes saved me.
However, once we got going, I'm proud to state my future wife responded robustly, both physically and vocally.
I put my hand over her mouth.
I savored it, but my concern for Howie remained.
Martha stopped me upstairs a little later as I was coming out of my room.
Out of the corner of my eye, I was surprised to notice a strange look on Martha's face.
I was left sitting on my hands until the appointed hour of Howie's nap before Betsy assigned me the chore of remaining in the small room while he slept.
I asked my mother about visiting the country or a farm and she insisted I'd never travelled anywhere but here in New Hampshire until I left for the seminary.
I shut down my experiment at six o'clock.
Between times we made plans for a trip to Iowa where I'd meet my in-laws for the first time and we'd firm up plans for our October wedding, to be held on Betsy's home turf.
Two weeks passed and I'd put Howie Abbott from my mind when Betsy called one evening as I heated a frozen dinner in my lonely apartment.
Betsy left the key to her sumptuous room, in the city's finest hotel, allowing me to drop off my duds before meeting him in the hotel lobby.
I'll try my luck closer to the seashore where the scenery is as fair as the little ones I seek.
After leaving the town, we drove around the surrounding countryside in hopes Howie my spot one of the scenes of his other visions.
My acquiescence lightened the mood for the remainder of the trip as Betsy and Howie chatted as if future sessions were a faite accompli.
It was Thursday before I got up the nerve to call my friends.
I know I'm pigheaded but I can't tell you how much I appreciate how you all embrace this with only my word.
He insisted I tell him where I was setting my units so he always knew approximately where he was going.
I watched my wife as she smiled and raised crossed fingers.
My wife was biting her lip and tears began seeping down her cheeks.
My books and pages were rattled off quickly while Martha had pointed to twenty different words listed in a large dictionary.
I had closed my eyes when my wife snuggled next to me.
My heart was in my mouth and I saw fear on Martha's face.
I'd not told my wife about Howie's sister Annie's abduction and murder.
She followed while I waited for my wife.
I'm sorry; I couldn't get the words out of my mouth.
I'd never experienced my wife being so upset.
I grabbed my wife's hand and the tape recorder and left before anyone could object.