Must-not Sentence Examples
I must not waste any more time.
We must not exaggerate the result.
He must not know.
Hannah must not know.
It must not be supposed that the vocal muscles were first discovered by Muller; on the contrary, they had been described.
We must not speak of this to father.
He has a daughter, but his wife must not live with him because he needs a sitter, she stammered.
He must not drink any wine or strong drink.
But we must not expect a simple theory to cover all the facts.
Henceforward this amount must not be raised.
AdvertisementThe power as conferred at that time, however, is broader than usual, for it extends not only to items in appropriation bills, but to separate sections in other measures, and, in addition to the customary provision for passing a bill over the governor's veto by a two-thirds vote of each house it is required that the votes for repassage in each house must not be less than those given on the original passage.
We must not forget that the church of Irenaeus was Greek.
If a debtor had neither money nor crop, the creditor must not refuse goods.
The rent stipulated for must not be illusory, and must fairly represent the value of the subjects leased, and the term of the lease must not be excessive (as to rent generally, see Rent).
Each of these views has had able advocates, but it must not be supposed that they are mutually exclusive.
AdvertisementThe doubts thus awakened must not be stifled, but pressed systematically on to the point, if such a point there be, where doubt confutes itself.
We must not become a sect ' or club whose " fruit " is of only one tree.
He must not be left like this.
She must not have twisted one of the locks, even though she'd checked them all twice.
But whilst all the organic processes in man go on mechanically, and though by reflex action he may repel attack unconsciously, still the first affirmation of the system was that man was essentially a thinking being; and, while we retain this original dictum, it must not be supposed that the mind is a mere spectator, or like the boatman in the boat.
AdvertisementLatha must not be overlooked.
But admiration of his talents must not blind us to his moral worthlessness, nor is it right to cast the blame for his excesses on the brutal and vicious society in which he lived.
The teachers must not belong to any congregation, and must have a diploma of aptitude for teaching and the degree of licenci.
The canon provides that any clerk having a complaint against another clerk must not pass by his own bishop and turn to secular tribunals, but first lay b a re his cause before him, so that by the sentence of the bishop himself the dispute may be settled by arbitrators acceptable to both parties.
It has even been supposed that amber passed from Sicily to northern Europe in early times - a supposition said to receive some support from the fact that much of the amber dug up in Denmark is red; but it must not be forgotten that reddish amber is found also on the Baltic, though not being fashionable it is used rather for varnish-making than for ornaments.
AdvertisementThe frost-bitten individual must not be brought near a fire nor even into a warm room.
There are also several pages of honour in the master of the horse's department, who must not be confounded with the pages of various kinds who are in the department of the lord chamberlain.
He recognizes as coming within the functions of the state the erection and maintenance of those public institutions and public works which, though advantageous to the society, could not repay, and therefore must not be thrown upon, individuals or small groups of individuals.
They must not be looked upon as something that is dead; for through them all good things come to those who pray with faith.
Fouillee (q.v.) rightly objects that we must not thus impute thought and intention to Nature, and yet does not scruple to impute to it life, sensation and want.
If?li there is one thing certain in the Kantian philosophy, it is its author's perception that what is contributed by mind must not be extended to things beyond mind.
Thou must not sacrifice to private and recent friendships the traditional affections of the papacy.
The dynasty was founded by Chandragupta I., who must not be confounded with his famous predecessor Chandragupta Maurya.
Englishmen must not speak the Irish tongue, nor receive Irish minstrels into their dwellings, nor even ride in the Irish fashion; while to give or sell horses or armour to the Irish was made a treasonable offence.
When mixed the concrete is carried at once to the position required, and if the matrix is quick-setting Portland cement this operation must not be delayed.
Children must not be registered as still-born without a medical certificate or a signed declaration from some one who would have been required, if the child had been born alive, to give information concerning the birth, that the child was still-born and that no medical man was present at the birth, or a coroner's order.
Although in recent theological thought attention has been mainly directed to individual destiny, yet the other elements of Christian eschatology must not be altogether passed over.
It must not be supposed that this region is always marked by the presence of the characteristic trees.
I must not talk about the tuners or the separate adjustable plastic saddles.
Even in the contrary case, the thickness of the plate must not exceed a certain limit, dependent upon the purity of the spectrum.
Again the closest analogy is the state of the Mongols in the 13th century, but too much weight must not be put on this, as the natural conditions of steppe-ranging nomads dictated the greater part of them.
But it must not be supposed that the differences between living and not-living matter are such as to justify the assumption that the forces at work in the one are different from those which are to be met with in the other.
The earldom of Dysart must not be confounded with that of Desart (Irish), created (barony 1733) in 1793, and held in the Cuffe family, who were originally of Creech St Michael, Somerset, the Irish branch dating from Queen Elizabeth's time.
We must not suppose that when the city of London obtained the privilege of appointing a mayor, and a citizen could boast in 1194 that " come what may the Londoners shall have no king but their mayor," that the king did not occasionally exert his power in suspending the liberties of the city.
In metal mining, when the workable portions of the deposit are small and separated by unworkable areas, the levels serve also the purpose of exploration, and in such cases must not be so far apart as to risk missing valuable mineral.
The glass tubes, therefore, from which the X-ray bulbs are to be fashioned, must not contain any of these oxides, whereas the glass used for making the funnel-shaped shields, which direct the rays upon the patient and at the same time protect the hands of the operator from the action of the rays, must contain a large proportion of lead.
What we have called plasticity must not be confused with the notion of "softness," which means the degree of facility with which the plasticity of a metal can be discounted.
While the political element in the development of the Hanseatic League must not be underestimated, it was not so formative as the economic. The foundation was laid for the growth of German towns along the southern shore of the Baltic by the great movement of German colonization of Slavic territory east of the Elbe.
But before accepting this conclusion as final, one must not lose sight of the fact that the so-called chiaroscuro engraving was at the height of its use in Italy at the same time that embassies from thc Christians in Japan visited Rome, and that it is thus possiblc that the suggestion at least may have been derived from Europe.
They are family names, and though the dates we have given indicate the eras of the most noted ceramists in each family, amateurs must not draw any chronological conclusion from the mere fact that a specimen bears such and such a name.
The above must not be confused with Alexander Cunningham, British minister to Venice (1715-1720), a learned historian and author of The History of Great Britain (from 1688 to the accession of George I.), originally written in Latin and published in an English translation after his death.
We must not take it for granted, when the freezing-point curve gives no indication of the compound, that the compound does not exist in the solid alloy.
Calcium chloride must not be used, since it forms a crystalline compound with alcohol.
One must not infer from this, however, that the two civilizations met on anything like an equality.
It must not be confounded with the Caesarean era of Antioch, which began seventeen years earlier.
The Report of the earlier royal commission (1870), however, still remains of great value, and must not be considered to have had its conclusions entirely superseded.
The fact that a solid body in its natural state is capable both of compression and of dilatation indicates that the molecules of the body must not be supposed to be fixed rigidly in position relative to one another; the further fact that a motion of either compression or of dilatation is opposed by forces which are brought into play in the interior of the solid suggests that the position of rest is one in which the molecules are in stable equilibrium under their mutual forces.
The Sibylline books, however, declared that the king must not be restored by force, of arms, at the risk of peril to Rome.
It must not be assumed that Luther's ninety-five theses produced any considerable direct results.
The author maintains that the Graeco-Hebraic expressions must not be interpreted literally, but explained in terms intelligible to the modern mind.
In developing a system of mensuration-formulae the importance of this latter group of cases must not be overlooked.
The object of the test is to discover the resistance of the insulator I, that is, to determine how much current flows through this insulator by leakage under a certain electromotive force or voltage which must not be less than that which will be employed in practice when the electric lights supplied through these wires are in operation.
For children under sixteen years of age who are so employed the hours of labour are limited to eight a day and the days to six a week, and such children must not begin work before eight o'clock in the morning or continue after five o'clock in the evening.
In any case it must not be stacked while damp, and if cut by machine is therefore sometimes tied in sheaves and set up in stooks as in the case of wheat.
As the standard of the coins of Attic type is not Attic but Babylonian, we must not think of direct Athenian influence.
The vertical distortion of the curve must not be so great that there is a very sensible difference between the length of the arc and its chord.
The prompt and full recognition of Maine's genius by continental publicists must not pass unmentioned even in the briefest notice.
The crumpled bands mark the bedding, and the fine perpendicular striae in front are the cleavage planes; the fine lines on the darkened side merely represent shadow, and must not be taken for planes of division in the rock.
The remaining mud of calcium carbonate and hydrate is washed, by decantation, with small instalments of hot water to recover at least part of the alkali diffused throughout it, but this process must not be continued too long or else some of the lime passes into solution.
At the same time it must not be supposed that a hard and fast line can be drawn beyond which the spiritual stimulus of this first age ceased.
The schools are maintained chiefly out of the proceeds of a district school tax, which must not be less in any district than seven hundred and fifty dollars for every dollar of public taxes apportioned to the town or district, a proportion which has gradually increased from five to one in 1789 and from ninety to one in 1817.
But we must not allow such a theory to blind us to the true wisdom with which the writer defers his censure.
Nature must not be conceived as merely abstract limit to the infinite striving of spirit, as a mere series of necessary thoughts for mind.
It must not indeed be assumed that those of the first pair were in all cases antenniform.
In 1858 the Boers told the missionaries that they must not go north without their (the Boers') consent.
Philostratus calls a Hierapolis, i 1 apxaIa Nivos but it must not be confounded with the Egyptian NI-y, Assur-bani-pal NI, the frontier city to the east of Egypt's greatest extension, where Tethmosis (Thothmes) III.
But he must not himself partake of it - a very practical rule.
But this effect of participation in the bread and cup was not in Paul's opinion automatic, was no mere o, ', us operatum; it depended on the ethical co-operation of the believer, who must not eat and drink unworthily, that is, after refusing to share his meats with the poorer brethren, or with any other guilt in his soul.
Like Persephone when carried to Hades, or WainamoInen in the Hades of the Finns (Manala), a living human being must not eat in fairyland; if he does, he dwells there for ever.
In order to encourage the horse to walk the head must not be confined, but a light feeling of the horse's mouth must be kept up. Should the horse, unasked, break into a trot, never snatch at his mouth, but restrain him gently.
The rising to the trot should be performed easily; the legs must not swing backwards and forwards, nor should the hands be jerked up and down.
Freethinking is a right which cannot and must not be limited, for it is the only means of attaining to a knowledge of truth, it essentially contributes to the well-being of society, and it is not only permitted but enjoined by the Bible.
Further, it must not be assumed that all readings which are cited as being "ex uetustis codicibus" are necessarily from older or better MSS.
It must not indeed be supposed that the doctrine was as yet the undisputed part of Hebrew faith which it became when the fall of the state and the antithesis to Christianity threw all Jewish thought into the lines of the Pharisees.
The widow then loosens and removes the shoe, throwing it some distance, and spits on the ground, repeating thrice the Biblical formula "So shall it be done," &c. Ilalisah, which is still common among orthodox Jews, must not take place on the Sabbath, a holiday, or the eve of either, or in the evening.
He must not be less than thirty-five years of age and must be a citizen of the Territory.
Hence we must not assume that the density of the vapour in the surrounding atmosphere is constant, or that the solution, when equilibrium is reached, is of uniform concentration throughout.
With moisture as with heat, the cultivator must hold his hand somewhat in very severe or very dull weather; but while heat must not drop so as to chill the progressing vegetation, so neither must the lack of moisture parch the plants so as to check their growth.
In winter, when the plants are at rest, little water will be necessary; but in the case of those plants which have no fleshy pseudobulbs to fall back upon for sustenance, they must not be suffered to become so dry as to cause the leaves to shrivel.
It is extremely useful for children and the aged, but must not be employed in cases of chronic constipation, which it only aggravates, whilst relieving the symptoms.
For it must not be forgotten that some two-thirds of the Belgian people are by origin and language of the same race as the Dutch.
As regards their geographical distribution, fungi, like flowering plants, have no doubt their centres of origin and of dispersal; but we must not forget that every exchange of wood, wheat, fruits, plants, animals, or other commodities involves transmission of fungi from one country to another; while the migrations of birds and other animals, currents of air and water, and so forth, are particularly efficacious in transmitting these minute organisms. Against this, of course, it may be argued that parasitic forms can only go where their hosts grow, as is proved to be the case by records concerning the introduction of Puccinia malvacearum, Peronospora viticola, Hemileia vastatrix, &c. Some fungi - e.g.
Invisible to the microscope, but rendered visible by reagents, are glycogen, Mucor, Ascomycetes, yeast, &c. In addition to these cell-contents we have good indirect evidence of the existence of large series of other bodies, such as proteids, carbohydrates, organic acids, alkaloids, enzymes, &c. These must not be confounded with the numerous substances obtained by chemical analysis of masses of the fungus, as there is often no proof of the manner of occurrence of such bodies, though we may conclude with a good show of probability that some of them also exist preformed in the living cell.
The initiator, who must not be a relative, becomes a spiritual father, and the relation cannot be broken except by his consent.
That such was the case must not be entirely charged to partiality, still less to deliberate unfairness on the part of William I.
The engineer must not decide upon the plan till he has gauged at different seasons the stream which has to supply the water, and has ascertained the rain-collecting area available, and the rainfall of the district, as well as the proportion of storable to percolating and evaporating water.
It had at last been recognized that such famines must be expected to occur at no very long intervals of time, and that the cost of relief operations must not be met by increasing the permanent debt on the country, but by the creation of a famine relief and a famine insurance fund.
Both the Bundesrat and the Reichstag meet in annual sessions convoked by tile emperor who has the right of proroguing and dissolving the Diet; but the prorogation must not exceed 60 days, and in case of dissolution new elections must be ordered within 60 days, and the new session opened within 90 days.
Only it must not be thought of as properly Elchasaite, since it knew no baptism distinct from the ordinary Christian one.
A non-partisan board composed of citizens who must not be physicians has general control of the city's hospitals and health department.
The young khedive was made therefore to understand that he must not make such changes in the administration without a previous agreement with the representative of the protecting power; and a compromise was effected by which Fakhri Pasha retired, and the post of premier was confided once more to Riaz.
Malet had informed Sherif Pasha that, although Colonel Hicks finds it convenient to communicate with Lord Dufferin or with me, it must not be supposed that we endorse in any way the contents of his telegrams. - - - Her Majestys government are in no way responsible for his operations in the Sudan, which have been undertaken under the authority of His Highnesss government.
They took this form (1) Current events must not be mentioned in detail until the events have been made public in the commander-in-chief's despatches.
Its name must not be taken to imply that it was used by the ancients; in point of fact the manufacture of this substance dates back only to 1796.
The believer who belongs to God's kingdom must not fill any office, nor hold any rank under government, which is to be passively obeyed.
Hare hunting, which must not be confounded with Coursing, is an excellent school both for men and for horses.
Pytheas's notice of the depth of the Bay of Biscay, of the length of the projection of Brittany, of Ushant under the name of Uxisama, and of three promontories of Britain, two of which seem to correspond to Land's End (Beler'ion), and North Foreland (Kantion), must not be forgotten.
The evidence to be collected from his epistles generally must not detain us here, but we may glance for a moment at this one letter, because it contains what appears to be the first mention of Jesus Christ in the literature of the world.
We must not attempt to trace in detail the whole of St Mark's story.
At the same time the connexion of Apollo with the dolphin must not be forgotten.
They are addressed to a people whose mental processes and philosophy were primitive; and since teaching, in order to be communicable, must adapt itself to current beliefs of God, man and nature - and the inveterate conservatism of man must be born in mind - the trend of ideas must not be confused with the average standard of thought. ?
It must not be denied that the recollection of some invasion may have been greatly idealized by late writers, but it happens that there were important immigrations and internal movements in the 8th-6th centuries, that is to say, immediately preceding the post-exilic age, when this composite account in the Pentateuch and Joshua reached its present form.
On the other hand the cooling must not be carried too far, for in this case the crystals of sodium bicarbonate become so fine that the muddy mass is very difficult to filter.
The settlement and the post originally called Kushk must not be confused together.
The mustachios must not grow below the line of the upper lip, which must be clearly seen; a division or parting is made below the nose.
It must not be confused with the Moorish " fez," which is skull-shaped.
Another of these tribes, the Bangala, living on the west bank of the upper Kwango, must not be confounded with the Bangala of the middle Congo.
The Dorians followed the custom of other Greek tribes in claiming as ancestor for their ruling families one of the legendary heroes, but the traditions must not on that account be regarded as entirely mythical.
The sheath of ice surrounding the bulb must be sufficiently continuous to prevent escape of heat, but it must not be so solid as to produce risk of strain.
Persons of the same sept must not intermarry, and when two islands or communities meet in war the members of one sept, however widely separated by distance of space or time, will not injure or fight with each other.
The condition is that the tension must not exceed the weight of a certain length A of the wire.
It must not be employed in cases of renal disease, owing to the risks attendant upon absorption.
The difference in the rates for the various countries must not be taken as a measure of difference in mortality, since, as according to the table, much of it is ascribable to difference in ageconstitution.
Thus, if goods to the value of £soo have been thrown overboard for the general safety, the owner of those goods must not receive the full £ioo in contribution.
We must not suffer it to lead us into rhetoric about the deadness and the darkness of the middle ages, or hamper our inquiry with preconceived assumptions that the re-birth in question was in any true sense a return to the irrecoverable pagan past.
It must not be imagined that so great a change as that implied by the Renaissance was accomplished without premonitory symptoms and previous endeavours.
His attitude towards the mother country at this time, however, must not be misunderstood.
The ascetic instinct is probably as old as humanity, yet we must not forget that early religious practices are apt to be deficient in lofty spiritual meaning, many things being esteemed holy that are from a modern point of view trifling and even obscene.
Not the fall of Samaria, but the crisis of 701, is the earliest date that could safely be chosen, and the extent of these reforms must not be overestimated.
The king was the supreme power, the centre of law and justice, and his prerogative must not be infringed.
To formulate and show grounds for these laws is to construct a philosophy of induction, and it must not be forgotten that the first step towards the accomplishment of the task was made by Bacon when he introduced and gave prominence to the powerful logical instrument of exclusion or elimination.
On the other hand, though a strong opponent of militarism, he publicly stated that foreign nations attacking Germany must not expect the help or the neutrality of the Social Democrats.
The career on which Colbert now entered must not be judged without constant remembrance of the utter rottenness of the previous financial administration.
This fundamental homogeneity of primitive culture, however, must not be made the excuse for a treatment at the hands of psychology and sociology that dispenses with the study of details and trusts to an a priori method.
Hydrochloric acid is applied in the same way as sulphuric acid; it has certain advantages of which the most important is that it does not admit the formation of basic salts; its chief disadvantage is that it dissolves the oxides of iron, and accordingly must not be used for highly ferriferous ores.
Through the winter they should have less water, but must not be kept entirely dry.
Her social influence was not as great as it might have been, owing to her holding no recognized position at court, but it was always exercised on the side of decency and morality, and it must not be forgotten that from her former life she was intimate with the literary people of the day.
As against the Magyars, he upheld the view that the unity of the monarchy must not be shaken, and he therefore offered a determined resistance to the attempts of the party of independence to intrench on the rights of the Crown in military matters.
No sort of espionage is attempted, no effort made to penetrate privacy; no claim to pry into the secret actions of law-abiding persons is or would be tolerated; the agents of authority must not seek information by underhand or unworthy means.
A mockery of popular institutions, under the name of a burgher council, indeed existed; but this was a mere delusion, and must not be confounded with the system of local government by means of district burgher councils which that most able man, Commissioner de Mist, sought to establish during the brief government of the Batavian Republic from 1803 to 1806, when the Dutch nation, convinced and ashamed of the false policy by which they had permitted a mere money-making association to disgrace the Batavian name, and to entail degradation on what might have been a free and prosperous colony, sought to redeem their error by making this country a national colonial possession, instead of a slavish property, to be neglected, oppressed or ruined, as the caprice or avarice of its merchant owners might dictate.
The ancient feeling, especially Jewish, was that in lustrations the same water must not pass twice over the body.
Too much weight, however, must not be attached to these points; for (1) the phrase used in Lev.
Greek science, therefore, must not be banished from the Church, and the tendency within the Church so to deal with it is wrong.
Schizomycetes such as Clostridium, Plectridium, &c., where the sporiferous cells enlarge, bear out the same argument, and we must not forget that there are extremely minute " yeasts," easily mistaken for Micrococci, and that yeasts occasionally form only one spore in the cell.
The destruction of bacteria by direct cellular agency both in natural and acquired immunity must not be overlooked.
It must not be forgotten, however, that our authorities were all members of the aristocratic party.
The age and circumstances of the writer must not be forgotten in reading it.
Bishops must be unmarried, and Priests And Deacons Must Not Contract A Second Marriage.
Ecclesiastical ceremonies are part of the divine service; most of them have apostolic origin; and those connected with the sacrament must not be omitted by priests under pain of mortal sin.
Though by this time the Goths had extended their territories far to the south and east, it must not be assumed that they had evacuated their old lands on the Vistula.
On the other hand, it must not be supposed that the language of the Goths stood quite isolated.
The discovery (by Professor Helbig in 1886) of two sets of actual apparatus near Perugia and various representations on vases help to elucidate the somewhat obscure accounts of the method of playing the game contained in the scholia and certain ancient authors who, it must not be forgotten, wrote at a time when the game itself had become obsolete, and cannot therefore be looked to for a trustworthy description of it.
The opium must not be burnt or made too dry, but roasted gently till it looks like burnt worsted; every now and then he takes it away from the flame and rolls it (still on the end of the dipper) on the flat surface of the bowl.
In this office he was in constant intercourse with Pepys, whose diary frequently mentions him; but the insinuations of Pepys against him must not be taken too seriously, as there is no evidence to show that Batten in making a profit from his office fell below the standards of the time.
Most of these traditions date from Geoffrey of Monmouth (about 1130-1140), and must not be taken for history.
Any statistics of this nature, then, however useful they may be as a general indication, must not be treated as conclusive.
It must not be supposed, however, that the county council have no power to institute or defend legal proceedings or oppose bills save such as is expressly conferred upon them by the Local Government Act.
A small holding is defined by the act as one which exceeds I acre, but must not exceed 50 acres or £50 annual value.
Any person who knows he is suffering from an infectious disease must not carry on any trade or business unless he can do so without risk of spreading the disease.
Owners and drivers of public conveyances must not knowingly convey any person suffering from infectious disease, and if any person suffering from such a disease is conveyed in any public vehicle the owner or driver as soon as it comes to his knowledge must give notice to the medical officer.
The power to provide a cemetery under the act under consideration must not be confounded with that of providing a burial ground under the Burial Acts.
Local Government Board to be spread over a term of years which must not exceed sixty.
The sums borrowed must not exceed, with the outstanding loans, the amount of the assessable value for two years of the district for which the money is borrowed; and if the sum borrowed would, with the outstanding loans, exceed the assessable value for one year, the sanction of the Local Government Board may not be given except after local inquiry.
The resolution must have been published in newspapers circulated in the district, and must have received the consent of the Local Government Board or of a secretary of state, if the matter is one within his jurisdiction; and further, the expenses must not be incurred unless the promotion or opposition has been assented to by the owners and ratepayers of the district assembled at a meeting convened for the purpose of considering the matter, and if necessary, signified by a poll.
The measure of the veracity of Chinese pilgrims and geographers in the early centuries of our era must not be balanced on such points as these.
While it is evident that high importance must be attached to the adaptation of the human body to the life of diversified intelligence and occupation he has to lead, this must not be treated as though it were the principal element of the superiority of man, whose comparison with all lower genera of mammals must be mainly directed to the intellectual organ, the brain.
But we must not fall into the error of supposing that the early progenitor of the whole Simian stock, including man, was identical with, or even closely resembled, any existing ape or monkey."
Strict historical truth we must not ask of them, but they do give us what was believed concerning Jeremiah in the following age, and we must believe that the personality so honoured was an extraordinary one.
If the book be properly understood, it must not only be admitted that the author made no pretence at accuracy of detail, but also that his prophecies were clearly intended to be merely an historical resume, clothed for the sake of greater literary vividness in a prophetic garb.
It must not only be strong enough to sustain all possible vertical loads, but it must be sufficiently rigid to resist without deformation or weakening all lateral disturbing forces, the principal of which are the pressure of wind, the possible sway of moving crowds or moving machinery, and the vibration of the earth from the passage of loaded vans and trolleys, and slight earthquakes which at times visit almost all localities.
The cross is carried at the head of the procession, and banners embroidered with sacred pictures in places where this is customary; these banners must not be of military or triangular shape.
He is specially chosen for good character, and Azan must not be recited by any one unclean, by a drunkard, by the insane, or by a woman.
He explained that it was his duty to levy as much as the nation could bear; but at the same time he must not cripple industry.
The general lesson to be learned from these facts is, that if the purity of the water of any well not far removed from the sea is to be maintained, that water must not be pumped down much below the sea-level.
And though this is of course by far the more valuable aspect in which any such contribution to science can be looked at, the other must not be despised.
But we must not forget that these compilations were intended by their authors to complete the Decretum of Gratian; in them were included the decretals called extravagantes, i.e.
Too much confidence must not be placed in regulations concerning the conduct of war.
As to intellectual vigour, the age that produced two minds of such marked originality in different spheres as Wycliffe and Chaucer must not be despised, even if it failed to carry out all the promise of the 13th century.
But it must not be forgotten that there was also a tinge of purely political discontent about the rising; the insurgents everywhere proclaimed their intention to destroy traitors, of whom the most generally condemned were the chancellor, Archbishop Sudbury, and the treasurer, Sir Robert Hailes, the two persons most responsible For the levy of the poll-tax.
This distinction is, however, not so important as it appears at first sight, for their connexion with the bone is only of a secondary nature, and, although it happens conveniently that in the great majority of cases the division between the bones coincides with the interspace between the third and fourth tooth of the series, still, when it does not, as in the mole, too much weight must not be given to this fact, if it contravenes other reasons for determining the homologies of the teeth.
For other than school purposes rates must not exceed 2% of the assessed valuation of the taxable property in the town.
Iron, therefore, must not be given to subjects in whom the gastric functions are disturbed, and it should always be given after meals.
True, we must not exaggerate this influence.
Above all, one must not look to a schoolman to speak " a piercing and a reconciling word.
A similar effect has been produced by the philosophical reaction against [[Herbert (Family)|Herbert ]], and by the perception that the canons of evidence required in physical science must not be exalted into universal rules of thought.
Prince Billow must not be confused with his contemporary Otto v.
It was no small advantage to those who affected to be masters and teachers to make this the principle of principles - that principles must not be questioned."
The cahiers must not be read in a spirit of absolute faith, as they were influenced by certain models circulated at the time of the elections and by popular excitement, but they remain an authority of the utmost value and a mine of information as to old France.
It must not be used to check haemorrhage from the kidneys (haematuria) owing to its irritant action on those organs, but in haemoptysis (haemorrhage from the lungs) it is often an invaluable remedy.
It must not be given to the subjects of Bright's disease.
The analogy, however, must not be pressed too far, since orthodox Stoics do not ever seem to have regarded Cynicism as the more perfect way.
The Norse version of the famous Barlaam and Josaphat, made for Prince Haakon (c. 1240), must not be forgotten.
The place and loch must not be confounded with Gareloch in Dumbartonshire.
The part Diane played, however, must not be exaggerated.
Athenians must not favour the tyranny of any one city.
They must not think to screen misappropriation of public money by getting partisans to pass new laws about state-debtors.
When public excitement demands a foreign war, Athens must not rush into it without asking whether it is necessary, whether it will have Greek support, and whether she herself is ready for it.
Neither member of the antithesis of the real and the ideal must be conceived as producing the other; they are both equally existent and equally constituent elements of the world; but in God they are one, and therefore the world must not be identified with Him.
But the moral law must not be conceived under the form of an "imperative" or a "Sollen"; it differs from a law of nature only as being descriptive of the fact that it ranks the mind as conscious will, or zweckdenkend, above nature.
The number of hours' labour for operatives and employes in cotton and woollen mills is limited to sixty a week and must not exceed eleven in any one day, except for making up lost time to the extent of sixty hours in any one year.
But a glorious peace was required; it must not be said that "France is bored," as Lamartine had said when the Napoleonic legend began to spread.
But when we speak of gods, we must not give to the word a modern significance.
Though this difference in culture may well be explained on the supposition that the first is the older and more representative of Africa, this theory must not be pushed too far.
Averroes maintains that a return must be made to the words and teaching of the prophet; that science must not expend itself in dogmatizing on the metaphysical consequences of fragments of doctrine for popular acceptance, but must proceed to reflect upon and examine the existing things of the world.
The members belonging to the first two classes must not exceed 580 in number, and there may be the same number of members of the third class.
He remained in office, however, little more than a year, too short a period to effect reforms. The Sudan was costing Egypt more money than its revenue yielded, though it must not be forgotten that large sums found their way illicitly into the hands of the pashas.
The objects observed with the vertical illuminator must not have a glass cover if the dry system is employed, because the upper surface of the glass cover would send so much light back into the objective by reflection, that the image would be indistinct.
In September 1804 Louis met the comte d'Artois at Calmar in Sweden, and they issued a protest against Napoleon's action, but being warned that he must not return to Poland, he gained permission from Alexander I.
On the other hand, it must not be forgotten that they contributed in no small degree to the commercial progress of their own states.
But these sentences, in which the epigrammatic form exaggerates a truth, and which might seem to represent the possession of capital as of no importance in agriculture, must not be taken as conveying his approbation of the system of small properties in general.
Destiny must not have heard him come home or she would have been crawling all over him.
It must not mislead by distortion, undue emphasis or omission.
The overdraft must not be exceeded without prior agreement of Ulster Bank.
The Scheme must not become an indistinct amalgam of action and as a result each diversity area will be clearly identifiable within the Scheme.
Safe means that it must not pose a risk of injury or death to people or domestic animals or of damage to property.
Citalopram must not be taken at the same time as monoamine oxidase inhibitor antidepressants (MAOIs ).
We must not demonstrate any arrogance, and we must refrain from any irrational or undemocratic behavior.
An involuntary bailee must not wrongfully dispose of the chattels or take any positive steps to damage or destroy them.
However, this organization must not become a bureaucratic black hole that is only about political correctness and unnecessary interference.
You must not have donated blood within 3 months.
The addition of an electric blower must not change the existing winding system or result in the loss of parts.
Whilst playing his or her last boule, he or she must not carry another boule in the other hand.
To avoid cold shortening, meat must not reach 10 o C within 10 hours post mortem in lamb carcasses.
Restrictive covenants require very careful drafting and must not do more than is reasonably necessary to protect the employer's business.
Of course, I must not forget the show s title number which is incredibly catchy.
This means that you must not move the spinal column relative to any part of the body in case you damage the spinal chord.
You must not disturb the forming curd in any way during this period.
But we must NOT feel cut off from this political process and grow overly cynical.
China's charms must not dazzle us I bumped into the FA's executive director David Davies at Heathrow this week.
Bicycles must not be brought into residences at any time, except to specifically designated areas.
They must be based on sound science and must not arbitrarily or unjustifiably discriminate between trading partners.
Visual sensations must not be confused with visual ' perceptions ', in which interpretation plays an overwhelmingly dominant rôle.
We must not lose sight of the fact, however, that there are not enough bone marrow donors, full stop.
As the journal uses double-blind refereeing, the author's name or affiliation must not appear on the typescript.
He must not drink any wine or strong drink any wine or strong drink.
Your training must not become drudgery or a chore that has to be done.
Halon fire extinguishers must not be disposed of in domestic rubbish.
This product must not be used for dyeing eyelashes or eyebrows.
And we must not preach - we all have our own deep moral failings.
Glass domestic vacuum flasks must not be used for liquid nitrogen.
Bicycles must not be placed where they could obstruct any gangway or any passenger entrance or exit.
During the controlled times you must not park in permit holders ' bays without a permit.
You must not accept repeated hospitality from the same source.
An operation halt day, indicated by a hyphen, must not be designated twice or more with the same date.
Working holidaymakers must only intend to take employment incidental to their holiday and must not work for more than 12 months during their stay.
The lottery must be incidental to the exempt entertainment, i.e. it must not be the only or the only substantial inducement to attend.
Adverts must not take advantage of people's inexperience.
Sumatriptan must not be used within two weeks of discontinuation of therapy with monoamine oxidase inhibitors.
And we must not lose our sense that this is an utterly inhumane way to treat people.
Preventing head louse infection insecticides must not be used for " prophylaxis " of head louse infection.
Working groups without full approval (i.e. with only interim approval) MUST NOT submit documents to the PAB.
You must not intersect more than two chords at the same point.
Naming names within a short exercise in reminiscence like this is always invidious, but there are two names which must not go unrecorded.
From this aim we must not take one step aside nor deviate a single iota.
But, of course, a salesman must not jeer at the customer.
The Sea of Faith must not jettison this half of our tradition.
For example the new joists must not touch the original ones.
They must not voluntarily take, throw or kick the ball out of reach of the kicker or the kicker's team-mates.
Slaves to detail must not win urban battle We have wound ourselves into a Gordian knot.
Vehicles must not be taken to the mill, there is a large lay-by near the site.
You must not connect ordinary loudspeakers to the ProTV card or to your Mac.
Preventing head louse infection insecticides must not be used for " prophylaxis " of head louse infection insecticides must not be used for " prophylaxis " of head louse infection.
You must not drive or operate machinery for the rest of the day.
Even you don't know half how good mamma is; in other things too, which I must not mention.
The wall follower must negotiate the maze; it must not climb or jump over the walls of the maze.
Each image must not exceed 2 megabytes in size.
Such applicants must complete an approved project and, as above, must not be eligible for corporate membership.
I tell them that the teachers in school must be obeyed, you must not misbehave.
And we must not mishandle issues of secondary significance in such a way that we destroy the unity that God has created.
Non-blocking I/O and asynchronous notification via SIGIO must not be enabled for the socket.
Users must not use threatening, abusive, or otherwise objectionable language in either public or private messages.
The proposed set must not be likely to be made obsolete within the near future.
Visits must only be made at times convenient to the borrower, and you must not overstay your welcome.
Blair must not pander to the demands of his buddy George Bush.
During the controlled times you must not park in permit holders ' bays without a permit holders ' bays without a permit.
We must not pillage our children's tomorrow for our comforts today.
However, individuals must not switch between those roles during the course of a visit to the same police station.
They must not tread the sacred precincts of the Garry lines.
Therefore, these small global trends can be neglected for practical purposes and must not be considered in ionospheric prediction models.
You never meet with quadrupeds going up and down walls; you must not have quadrupeds represented upon walls.
The total size of all mail messages stored on the server must not exceed the quota.
The Hirer must not undertake or have undertaken any repairs, adjustment or service without the Company's prior approval.
Documents can be made available subject to licensing conditions but these must not unnecessarily restrict possibilities for re-use and cannot restrict competition.
He must not drink too much wine, like to fight or try to get rich by cheating others.
A player must not join the ruck or maul from the opponents ' side.
But, we must nOT miss out on the vertical faith of the OT saints.
Objects must not be held in place with adhesive or silicon sealer.
Multiple threads must not initialize the same semaphore simultaneously.
But despite the division, parish chairman Betty Hunter says Avebury must not become an archeological showpiece.
This should not be of the spray variety and must not contain silicone, which can leave harmful deposits on fine furniture.
The nearest hole to the front, worth 200 points, has a black skittle in front of it which must not be toppled.
Note the mask must not include the leading back slash.
However, we must not lose that spontaneity in our work.
It is a new won and hard won stability which Britain must not take for granted.
Now climb between the curtains on the right and the large stalagmite on the left which need not and MUST NOT be touched.
We must not think that as a Government or as a society we must always produce something tangible for play.
Athletes must not compete in the cycling or running sections with a bare torso.
War without pity or mercy; that the traitors may know that they must not trifle with the sentiment of a people.
However, it emphasized that although the final straw may be relatively insignificant, it must not be utterly trivial.
Children must not be left unaccompanied on the minibus.
He had been told that he must not earn money from his music whilst he was officially unemployed.
We have fallen behind, and must not allow heritage matters of national importance to lie unprotected.
Their systems must not be too unwieldy or prescriptive.
Where light fittings have maximum bulb wattages marked, those bulb sizes must not be exceeded.
Social and environmental rights and sustainability considerations must not be dropped by the wayside during efforts to reach economic goals.
Address labels must not be put directly on product packaging, an outer wrapping or larger box must always be used.
You must not let your ammo reach zero or the cheat won't work.
Fused calcium chloride is the commonest absorbent; but it must not be used with alcohols and several other compounds, since it forms compounds with these substances.
It must not be held to imply that one nation imitates the course pursued by another, nor that the points of resemblance between them are transmitted by tradition from one to the other, but merely that all are subject to one law, inasmuch as this is based on the human nature common to all alike.
This treatise must not be confused with the Natural History of Religion, in which Hume acts as a pioneer for comparative religion, with its study of facts.
Consequently, the two archbishops and their colleagues declared that the articles in the charter which provided for this inquiry, and for a remedy against abuses of the forest laws by the king, must not be interpreted in too harsh a spirit.
Property necessary for one's livelihood must not be taken.
War was being waged against Louis of France, and the executive must not be hampered in the work of raising money; moreover the personal equation had disappeared, the barons did not need to protect themselves against John.
The doctrine of immortality comes prominently forward in his ethics, but whether this must not be reckoned with the figurative accommodation to the popular theology of Greece which pervades his ethical teaching, is very doubtful.
Precisely what form his worship took is a matter of conjecture; but it is possible that the religion must not be judged too strictly from the standpoint of the late compiler, and that Manasseh merely assimilated the older Yahwehworship to new Assyrian forms. 2 Politics and religion, however, were inseparable, and the supremacy of Assyria meant the supremacy of the Assyrian pantheon.
The character of the Assyrian domination over Israel must not be misunderstood; the regular payment of tribute and the provision of troops were the main requirements, and the position of the masses underwent little change if an Assyrian governor took the place of an unpopular native ruler.
There is some resemblance between it and the two assemblies mentioned by Tacitus in the Germania, a larger and a smaller one, but this analogy must not be pressed too far.
In vain did the Austrian envoy, Cobenzl, resist the cession of the Ionian Isles to France; in vain did the Directors intervene in the middle of September with an express order that Venice must not be ceded to Austria, but must, along with Friuli, be included.
But the king of Prussia's taunt is deprived of its sting by the almost incredible candour of her own words to Kaunitz, that if she was to lose her reputation before God and man for respecting the rights of others it must not be for a small advantage - if, in fact, Austria was to share in the plunder of Poland, she was to be consoled for the distress caused to her feelings by the magnitude of her share of the booty.
It must not be supposed, however, that the Catholic idea of a sacerdotal blessing has anything of the vague character associated with a benediction by Protestants.
On the other hand, we must not rashly set down agreements as due to " homoplasy " or " convergence of development " if we find two or three or more concurrent agreements.
The verse remains a crux inter pretum, and no exegesis hitherto given can be deemed thoroughly satisfactory; but the interpretation of the whole book must not be made to hinge on a single word in a verse which might be altogether removed without affecting the general course of the prophet's argument.
The few fragmentary records, which have come down to us from past civilizations, must not be regarded as representing the totality of their knowledge, and the omission of a science or art does not necessarily imply that the science or art was unknown.
From these and other considerations it is obvious that (I) the electrolyte must be such as will freely dissolve the metal to be refined; (2) the electrolyte must be able to dissolve the major portion of the anode, otherwise the mass of insoluble matter on the outer layer will prevent access of electrolyte to the core, which will thus escape refining; (3) the electrolyte should, if possible, be incapable of dissolving metals more electro-negative than that to be refined; (4) the proportion of soluble electro-positive impurities must not be excessive, or these substances will accumulate too rapidly in the solution and necessitate its frequent purification; (5) the current density must be so adjusted to the strength of the solution and to other conditions that no relatively electro-positive metal is deposited, and that the cathode deposit is physically suitable for subsequent treatment; (6) the current density should be as high as is consistent with the production of a pure and sound deposit, without undue expense of voltage, so that the operation may be rapid and the "turnover" large; (7) the electrolyte should be as good a conductor of electricity as possible, and should not, ordinarily, be altered chemically by exposure to air; and (8) the use of porous partitions should be avoided, as they increase the resistance and usually require frequent renewal.
The fact, however, must not be overlooked that while vegetarian societies claim as "vegetarians" all who abstain from flesh foods, there is a large and growing number of people who repudiate the name of "vegetarian" because of its associations, but who none the less, for some of the reasons detailed below, abstain from eating anything that has been killed.
While too much stress must not be laid on a chain of reasoning open to some uncertainty at several points, it is difficult to suppose with Loisy, Quatrieme Evangile, 1903, p. 2 93, that the number was intended by the evangelist as purely figurative, and is therefore destitute of all historical meaning.
We must not exaggerate the school and underrate the individual, especially such an individual.
The Lord High Steward of England, who must not be confused with the Lord Steward, ranks as the first of the great officers of state.
The weights in the dish must not be esteemed accurate while there is either a cumulus or a cavity in the water round the stem."
The law permits druggists to keep for sale no other form of alcoholic drink than pure alcohol; physicians prescribing alcohol must fill out a blank, specifying the patient's ailment, and certifying that alcohol is necessary; the prescription must be filled the day it is dated, must be served directly to the physician or to the patient, must not call for more than a pint, and may not be refilled.'
It must not be forgotten in this connexion that restriction of the rights of the belligerent necessarily entails extension of the duties of the neutral.
Although it must be admitted that the tenacity of the Lombard republics contributed powerfully to the pope's victory, and that the triumph of the Milanese at Legnano (1176) was the determining cause of Frederick's submission at Venice, yet we must not exaggerate the importance of the solemn act by which Barbarossa, kneeling before his conqueror, recognized the spiritual supremacy of the Holy See, and swore fidelity and respect to it.
The address of the Catholic deputies to the emperor William in Versailles on the 18th of February 1871, pleading for the restoration of the States of the Church and the temporal sovereignty of the pope, and for the reconstitution of the Catholic group formed in the Prussian Landtag in 1860 as the Centrum or Centre Party in the new Reichstag (April 1871), must not be regarded as the origin but rather the immediate occasion of the Kulturkampf.
Much that would otherwise be unintelligible becomes more clear when one realizes the readiness with which settlers adopt the traditional belief and custom of a land, and the psychological fact that teaching must be relevant and must satisfy the primary religious feelings and aspirations, that it must not be at entire variance with current beliefs, but must represent the older beliefs in a new form.
Antony Bek must not be confused with his kinsman and namesake, Antony Bek (1279-1343), who was chancellor and dean of Lincoln cathedral, and became bishop of Norwich after a disputed election in 1337.
The scale of social precedence as recognized by native public opinion is concisely reviewed (ib.) as revealing itself" in the facts that particular castes are supposed to be modern representatives of one or other of the original castes of the theoretical Hindu system; that Brahmans will take water from certain castes; that Brahmans of high standing will serve particular castes; that certain castes, though not served by the best Brahmans, have nevertheless got Brahmans of their own whose rank varies according to circumstances; that certain castes are not served by Brahmans at all but have priests of their own; that the status of certain castes has been raised by their taking to infant-marriage or abandoning the remarriage of widows; that the status of others has been modified by their pursuing some occupations in a special or peculiar way; that some can claim the services of the village barber, the village palanquin-bearer, the village midwife, &c., while others cannot; that some castes may not enter the courtyards of certain temples; that some castes are subject to special taboos, such as that they must not use the village well, or may draw water only with their own vessels, that they must live outside the village or in a separate quarter, that they must leave the road on the approach of a highcaste man and must call out to give warning of their approach."
Furthermore, he must abstain all his life from sexual intercourse; he may not take even a blade of grass without permission of the owner; he must not kill even a worm or ant; he must not boast of his perfection.
This was only a preliminary skirmish; the main battle opened in the following year, when the king, quite aware that he must for the future look on Thomas as his enemy, brought forward the famous Constitutions of Clarendon, of which the main purport was to assert the jurisdiction of the state over clerical offenders by a rather complicated procedure, while other clauses provided that appeals to Rome must not be made without the kings leave, that suits about land or the presentation to benefices, in which clerics were concerned, should be tried before the royal courts, and that bishops should not quit the realmunless they had obtained permission to do so from the king (see CLARENDON, CONSTITUTIONS OF).
From the germinated spore of a fern plant, which must not be Life his tory.
This class has been named the Prototracheata or Onychophora (see Arthropoda), and may be most appropriately placed in the system in the neighbourhood of the Myriapoda, though it must not be forgotten that it differs from the Myriapoda more than the Myriapoda differ from other Arthropoda, and that in some respects it presents features which recall the segmented worms (Annelida).
We must not be late.
The baby was asleep in her cradle, and he must not make a noise and waken her.
But it must not be supposed that I could really talk in this short time.
But I must not forget that I was going to write about last summer in particular.
But I must not waste my time wishing idle wishes; and after all my ancient friends are very wise and interesting, and I usually enjoy their society very much indeed.
But you must not think I blame any one.
Her mother interfered at this point and showed Helen by signs that she must not touch the bag.
I have told Captain and Mrs. Keller that they must not interfere with me in any way.
The other day a friend brought her a new doll from Memphis, and I thought I would see if I could make Helen understand that she must not break it.
Calf must not open mouth much to kiss.
When she read, "Do not let the cat get the mouse!" she recognized the negation in the sentence, and seemed to know that the cat must not get the mouse.
I told her that God was everywhere, and that she must not think of Him as a person, but as the life, the mind, the soul of everything.
The count is very, very ill, and you must not see him at all.
His left hand he held carefully back, because he wished to support his right hand with it and knew he must not do so.
It was decided that the count must not go, but that if Louisa Ivanovna (Madame Schoss) would go with them, the young ladies might go to the Melyukovs', Sonya, generally so timid and shy, more urgently than anyone begging Louisa Ivanovna not to refuse.
He did not know why, but he had to have a biscuit from the Tsar's hand and he felt that he must not give way.
There was within him a deep unexpressed conviction that all would be well, but that one must not trust to this and still less speak about it, but must only attend to one's own work.
But above all Denisov must not dare to imagine that I'll obey him and that he can order me about.
Of course he is right there," said Countess Mary, "but he forgets that we have other duties nearer to us, duties indicated to us by God Himself, and that though we might expose ourselves to risks we must not risk our children."
But she knew she must not say this and that it would be useless to do so.
Rapacious development must not be allowed to infringe green spaces in the Calder valley.
We must not make rash decisions now that we may regret in years to come.
You must not rely directly upon any material on this site.
The Hirer must not undertake or have undertaken any repairs, adjustment or service without the Company 's prior approval.
You or anyone acting on Your behalf must not negotiate admit or repudiate any claim without Our written consent.
New retreaded tires must not bear the ' E ' mark.
Tesco must not be allowed to ride roughshod over a local democratic process in this way.
The Access Point must pass on DHCP requests, must not run its own DHCP server and must not have router functionality enabled.
But, we must not miss out on the vertical faith of the OT saints.
You must not obstruct or wedge the doors or remove the self-closing devices.
We must not forget his single-minded devotion to God 's law.
Mere facts must not be allowed to get in the way of solidarity with victims.
Dogs must be kept under the control of a responsible adult and must not be allowed to stray onto the public highway.
Waste thinners or gasoline must NOT be used to light fires or assist burning.
The password must not be disclosed to any unauthorized third parties.
He who would be a tower must not fear to be a toppling tower.
Pets must not be left unattended in the cottages at anytime.
Such property must not be left unattended in any vehicle as theft would not be covered by the school 's insurance.
This must not be allowed to create an underclass of people who do n't deserve to have the resources of medicine available to them.
We must not be like the unmerciful servant of the Lord 's story who owed his master a vastly great amount.
We must not take or be seen to take opportunities for usurping the function of the judge in the other Member State.
In Figaro the variance array must not contain bad values.
To flower freely, vegetative growth must not be more than moderate.
The vending machine operator must not allow the purchase of more than 100 tablets in a single transaction.
Front feet meduim lenghth head - cheeks well rounded must not ouch whisker bed or corners of mouth or over past the cheekbone.
What we must not do in the face of a mortal threat is to give in to wishful thinking or willful blindness.
We must not allow ourselves to be confused by people who say they believe in adopting a ' win-win ' strategy.
You must not let your ammo reach zero or the cheat wo n't work.
To truly forgive someone, you must not have any malice or desire to do harm to that person.
Also, you must not let your puppy's intelligence level drop too much.
To be considered raw a dish must not be heated to more than 104-120 degrees.
He also must not have read the "no honking sign" because it was a constant noise we heard during the ride.
Suicidal thoughts caused by untreated depression are simply a cry for help that must not be ignored.
Your dog must not display any overt signs of aggression.
The dogs must not have any contact; no greeting each other.
To get on the list, members must not only meet stringent qualifications, they must also sign a Breeder Referral Agreement Form.
It may be increased by division in autumn, but its fleshy stems must not be kept long out of the ground.
It is somewhat precocious to grow, and the sun must not reach the leaves, which are easily scorched and checked, but it delights in surrounding warmth, and requires moisture when growth starts in the spring and throughout the summer.
The Spanish Iris must not be waterlogged in autumn and winter, preferring a loose, friable, sandy soil, which, however, should not be too poor, for it repays feeding with thoroughly rotten leaf-mould or manure.
The golden rule of not meddling over-much applies distinctly to the Spanish Iris, as the new roots begin to shoot out almost before the old stalk has withered, and the bulb must not be kept out of the ground.
The Rhexias must not be divided much, and healthy tufts should be obtained from their native localities and planted in a sandy peat bed.
If sown in April or May, in light, warm, rich soil in the open border, it flowers in July and August, and may also be sown in pots, but the ball of earth must not be broken, as the plant will not bear transplanting.
It is a very poisonous plant, and must not be brought much into gardens.
The top of the stake must not be higher than the first bloom, and the stem should have one tie only-a strong one of bast.
For pollination purposes, they must not be over 50 feet apart.
The flowers must not be exposed to certain potentially harmful pesticides, herbicides, or other toxic elements.
Seeds that are certified organic must not be genetically modified in any way, a distinction that, for many corn farmers and gardeners, makes the extra 25 percent money well spent.
In addition, these foods must not contain artificial flavors or colors.
Organic food may not be made with plants from genetically modified (GMO) seed and it must not be irradiated.
Shorts, capris, and pants designed for golf must not chafe, even after long hours of walking.
To pass this test, the lens must not break, chip or crack upon being hit with a one-inch diameter steel ball dropped from a height of 50 inches.
Filled with unique weaponry, an impressive 40 player online mode and non-stop action, this is one of the best PlayStation 3 games that must not be missed.
For these instruments to work properly, the sample must not contain other material that might mistakenly be counted as platelets.
The victim and the source of the current must not be touched while the current is still flowing, for doing so can electrocute the rescuer.
Patients must not stop taking the drug just because symptoms begin to improve.
The child must not be made to feel that he/she is abnormal and a nuisance to the family.
Aspirin and any medications that contain aspirin or other salicylates must not be used with chickenpox, for they appear to increase the chances of developing Reye's syndrome.
This drug must not be taken during pregnancy since it causes birth defects.
Isotretinoin causes birth defects in humans and must not be used during pregnancy.
Your most recent position must not have ended more than six months ago.
The basement must not be damp while the crawl areas must be clean and adequately ventilated.
The amount of your reversible mortgage, or what you owe, must not exceed the market value of your home.
Debt obligations of the borrower must not exceed 40 to 42% of his or her personal verifiable income (including the 80% of rent).
Homeowners who receive grants under the 504 Home Repair Grant Program must not sell their homes within three years after receipt of funds.
Traditional women's golf shorts must not be too revealing or too tight.
Whether you design an engagement ring yourself or simply purchase one from a jeweler, you must not neglect educating yourself about jewelry standards of quality.
You and your spouse must not only present a united front, but you must also show each other respect, love, and support.
More specific guidelines may stipulate that pants are worn at the natural waist (to eliminate the temptation to "sag"), pants leg hems must not drag the floor, and capri pants are not allowed.
It is crucial to remember that the shoe must not grip the surface too rigidly.
Alicia must not only get used to the work schedule, but also the competition from younger, fiercer attorneys who want to beat her out for a longer-term position at the law firm.
The length or diameter of your jewelry will be selected based on your navel's size and the depth of your piercing; multiple navel piercings must not touch or rub together.
At around $35 for a family of four, Maid of the Mist is an experience that must not be missed.
A major Casio product that must not be overlooked is watches.
You must not only be convinced your idea will work, but must provide solid market research presenting a strong case to convince the angels why it will succeed.
The model asks potential business opportunists to picture themselves standing in aisle 18 waiting to check out when another shopper approaches and says something along the lines of, "You must not know the secret of aisle 19.
However, and this is important, you must not continue beyond this point, as that puts a lot of unnecessary stress on your spine.
Disabled children over the age of 22 must not be able to support themselves due to a mental or physical disability.
You must not risk further injury or damage to the item during the claims process.
If you think corsets are just lingerie or fashion statements then you must not know about the locked corset.
For a successful event, however, the other elements must not be neglected.
It doesn't help matters that Harry seems to be fluent in the language of the snakes, a gift that "He Who Must Not Be Named" also possessed; this has the other students even more suspicious.
Therefore, a taxpayer must not only provide the required tax form or extension request, but must also pay the IRS the amount they anticipate owing.
Additionally, the claimant could not earn more than $145,000, or $245,000 if married and filing jointly and the house must not have been valued at more than $800,000.
It must not have been totally unheard of if they all understood what it was.
Your parents must not have liked you much.
But who ever said it must not have been waiting for their wedding day.
Weather in Houston must not get too cold, because he didn't have many blankets.
It must not concern him, if Damian hadn't delivered the message personally.
It must not be forgotten, too, that a very moderate increase of dimensions may carry the particles beyond the reach of our approximations.
He must not sit in a mosque, except under necessity, but in some open, accessible place.
The roof must not be quite flat, for a slight fall is necessary in its upper surface to allow water to drain away into gutters placed at convenient points.
The foregoing statements must not be taken to mean that concordats are in their nature perpetual, and that they cannot be broken or denounced.
With these names must clearly be judged the forms Tusci and Etrusci, although these forms must not be regarded as anything but the names given to the Etruscans by the folk among whom they settled.
Bills imposing taxation or appropriating revenue must not originate in the Senate, and neither taxation bills nor bills appropriating revenue for the annual service of the government may be amended in the Senate, but the Senate may return such bills to the House of Representatives with a request for their amendment.
Appropriation laws must not deal with other matters.
He now classified the mental faculties, premising that they must not be confounded with capacities or properties of mind.
It must not be thought that heat generates motion or motion heat (though in some respects this is true), but the very essence of heat, or the substantial self of heat, is motion and nothing else."
Discords must not be taken unprepared, because a singer can only find his note by a mental judgment, and in attacking a discord he has to find a note of which the harmonic meaning is at variance with that of other notes sung at the same time.
Melody must not make more than one wide skip in the same direction, because by so doing it would cause an awkward change of vocal register.
Two parts must not move in consecutive octaves or fifths, because by so doing they unaccountably reinforce each other by an amount by which they impoverish the rest of the harmony.
A lamentable instance of the prevalent confusion of thought on this point is shown by the vocal scores of the Bach cantatas corresponding to the edition of the Bach Gesellschaft (which must not be held responsible for them).
The cable must not be overstrained in the process of submersion, and must be paid out at the proper rate to give the requisite slack.
In order to produce electric oscillations in the system, the first or alternating current transformer must charge the condenser connected to its secondary terminals, but must not produce a permanent electric arc between the balls.
Again, we must not be misled by verbal idiosyncrasies.
Money must not be extorted from a ward when he receives his inheritance.
The guardian or his servant must not take from the ward's property more than a reasonable amount for his expenses and the like; on the contrary he must maintain the houses, estates and other belongings in a proper state of efficiency.
Moreover she must not be compelled to marry, a proceeding sometimes adopted to get her lands into the possession of a royal minion.
In dealing with this matter the Articles of the Barons had declared that aids and tallages must not be taken from the citizens of London and of other places without the consent of the council.
This must not be taken to mean, however, that the medusa is derived from a sessile polyp; it must be regarded as a direct modification of the more ancient free actinula form, without primitively any intervening polyp-stage, such as has been introduced secondarily into the development of the Leptolinae and represents 'a revival, so to speak, of an ancestral form or larval stage, which has taken on a special role in the economy of the species.
This, he says, must not be conceived as resulting from the action of external causes, but is due to a natural disposition (Anlage).
It must not be supposed that earlier writers all neglected this method, or still less that all writers now employ it, but merely that formerly it was frequently overlooked by the best writers, and now is neglected only by the worst.
It must not be overlooked that the living cells of the plant react upon the parasite as well as to all external agencies, and the nature of disease becomes intelligible only if we bear in mind that it consists in such altered metabolismdeflected physiologyas is here implied.
The poison must not be strong enough to injure the roots, leaves, &c., of the host-plant, or allowed to act long enough to bring about such injury.
Further on this subject we must not go; we can only state that Godman has shown good reason for declaring that the avifauna of all these islands is the effect of colonization extending over a long period of years, and going on now.
These ordinances must, however, be of a temporary nature, must not infringe the fundamental laws or statutes passed by the two chambers, or change the electoral system, and must be laid upon the table of the Duma at the first opportunity.
Hence at A the trucks from a, b, c and d must not only be sorted according as they have to travel along A B, A C, or A D, but also must be marshalled into trains in the order of the stations along those lines.
This force F must not exceed the value.
Except in special cases, gradients must not exceed 3 in moo; and between gradients in the opposite sense there must be not less than 60 metres of level for 1.44 m.
Despite all this, one must not fall into the easy error of exaggerating the degeneration into which the Jewries of the world fell from the middle of the 17th till the middle of the 18th century.
Arbuthnot must not be confused with his contemporary and namesake, the Edinburgh printer, who produced the first edition of Buchanan's History of Scotland in 1582.
For all exposed sawfly larvae hellebore washes are most fatal, but they must not be used over ripe or ripening fruit, as the hellebore is poisonous.
But while we recognize these facts, we must not suppose that we have to study the action of men as though they were all enrolled in organized associations, or covered by stringent laws which were always obeyed.
But both in the House and at Dundee he emphatically declared that Ulster, though she had a claim to special treatment, must not be allowed to bar the way.
In receiving it the communicant must not touch the host with his finger; otherwise it loses its virtue.
But, while thus lamenting this unfortunate perversion into a mistaken channel of ornithological energy, we must not overblame those who caused it.
The landlord must not part with the whole of his interest, since, if he does so, the instrument is not a lease but an assignment.
Their rule was that they had to earn their livelihood, and must not beg.
One must not forget that there was a brisk native manufacture of carpets, pottery, ironwork, gold-work and soap; or that the Syrians of the towns had a definite legal position.
While from this point of view the Crusades appear as a failure, it must not be forgotten that elsewhere than in the East Crusades did attain some success.
The second series can be further divided 1 This must not be confused with the modern acetyl, CH3 CO, which at that time was known as acetoxyl.
We must not forget that these boyish demerits belong to the work of a man of thirty-five whose claims and aspirations already purported to dwarf the whole record of the classics.
Genuinely dramatic music, even if it seem as purely musical as Mozart's, must always be approached through its drama; and Wagner's masterpieces demand that we shall use this approach; but, as with Mozart, we must not stop on the threshold.
If we wish to know what Wagner means, we must fight our way through his drama to his music; and we must not expect to find that each phrase in the mouth of the actor corresponds word for note with the music. That sort of correspondence Wagner leaves to his imitators; and his views on " Leit-motifhunting," as expressed in his prose writings and conversation, are contemptuously tolerant.
Persia (which, it must not be forgotten, may have been an importation from Babylonia and not local art at all), seems to think a northern origin as probable as any other.
Only we must not form our ideas of the great apocalyptic and chiliastic movement of the first decades of the 16th century from the rabble in Munster.
It must not be forgotten that either before or soon after the formation of the Union the Northern States - beginning with Vermont in 1777, and ending with New Jersey in 1804 - either abolished slavery or adopted measures to effect its gradual abolition within their boundaries.
This prelate must not be confused with another, James Beaton, or Bethune (1517-1603), the last Roman Catholic archbishop of Glasgow.
Yet we must not expect too much from the Gathas in the way of definite detail.
Zoroaster taught a new religion; but this must not be taken as meaning that everything he taught came, so to say, out of his own head.
Exaggerated importance must not be attributed to the swollen deficit.