Musicians Sentence Examples
The musicians and dancers were in their places.
Before recorded music, the best musicians made a good living but weren't extremely wealthy.
From the 6th century onwards he was looked upon as one of the chief poets and musicians of antiquity, the inventor or perfecter of the lyre, who by his music and singing was able not only to charm the wild beasts, but even to draw the trees and rocks from their places, and to arrest the rivers in their course.
In addition, other non-guitarist musicians will not know how to read it, so collaboration may be a bit difficult.
This mask, which furnished abundant opportunities for the decorators, musicians and dancers, in showing forth how the seasons and their delights are successively exhausted by a "wanton darling," Raybright the grandchild of the Sun, is said to have been very popular.
On other occasions also Vamacharis commonly offer animal sacrifices, usually one or more kids; the head of the victim, which has to be severed by a single stroke, being always placed in front of the image of the goddess as a blood-offering (bali), with an earthen lamp fed with ghee burning above it, whilst the flesh is cooked and served to the guests attending the ceremony, except that of buffaloes, which is given to the low-caste musicians who perform during the service.
Towards the end of 66 he arrived in Greece with a retinue of soldiers, courtiers, musicians and dancers.
That for 1903 consisted of 2933 officers and men, of which 275 were commissioned and 558 non-commissioned officers, 181 musicians, and only 1906 rank and file.
Gotama's return became an ovation; musicians preceded and followed his chariot, while shouts of joy and triumph fell on his ear.
The Italians are chiefly confined to the coast; the Germans congregate at Semlin and Warasdin; the Slovenes are settled along the north-western frontier, where they have introduced their language, and so greatly modified the local dialect; the gipsies wander from city to city, as horse-dealers, metal workers or musicians; there are numerous Moravian and Bohemian settlements; and near Mitrovica there is a colony of Albanians.
AdvertisementThe development of higher education, without a corresponding advance of technical education, has created an intellectual class, comprising many men of letters, and several painters, musicians and sculptors, though none of great eminence; it also tends to produce many aspirants to official or professional careers, who find employment difficult to obtain.
He adorned Dresden, which under him became the musical centre of Germany; welcoming foreign musicians and others he gathered around him a large and splendid court, and his capital was the constant scene of musical and other festivals.
As an important addition to the work of the theatre, a permanent school has been established at Bayreuth for the sake of training young musicians to take part in the festival performances, which were at first exclusively, and then partially, undertaken by artists from other German and foreign theatres.
They were fervent of all folk musicians in Romania.
These are perfectly proficient musicians doing a perfectly proficient rendition of an average pub rock band.
AdvertisementThese musicians are all highly accomplished in their own right, with long track records pardon the pun.
The album is an impressive accomplishment for a group of musicians who might have never met, much less played together.
He auditioned several black actors and even musicians (including Billy Dee Williams) until finally settling on Glynn Turman.
A stained glass window, left, depicts poets and musicians, and there is a carved wood altar and mosaic screen.
The number of professional musicians and interested amateurs increased.
AdvertisementFew old-time musicians can, or want to make a living playing a style now considered archaic by the general public.
They are accompanied by clown musicians, freak acrobats, hip-hop dancers, flying jugglers and trapeze artists.
So says bassist and composer Simon H. Fell of his latest work, Compilation III, a large scale work for 42 musicians.
Preferably in mid January when it's hot and all musicians must have a surf before the gig, followed by a beach BBQ.
Why musicians take drugs Classical musicians commonly use beta blockers to control their stage fright.
AdvertisementPerforming Arts Psychophysiology - Mind-body solutions, including biofeedback, for musicians, dancers and actors.
Musicians performing at the sessions will receive a small fee and a free brunch!
We would love to have more choristers and musicians.
Both musicians were incredibly special, and the piano part Quinn slips into as the track's coda is out of this world.
Britain is more famous for pop music than it is for classical composers or jazz musicians.
The musicians had given a concert and were performing a choral concert on 2nd May in Charlton Church.
Yuri Temirkanov is one of the world's most distinguished conductors and musicians.
The Pirates are basically a loose conglomeration of musicians that over the years have had a constantly revolving line-up.
Kate appears with her own regular coterie of musicians to provide many more shades to the dramatic tales she takes such delight in performing.
Beside warriors, they had druids, physicians and musicians among their number.
But as many as 68 percent of classical musicians also evinced impairments.
Overall, the CD successfully captures the ferocity and passion of The Musicians Of The Nile.
The trumpeter gadfly and a number of his relations, beside several Grasshoppers and Bees, were the chief musicians.
Combines seaweed Hawaiian me at my was full of hawaiian musicians strumming.
He was born on 15 th October 1967 into a highly illustrious family of traditional musicians of the Agra Gharana.
The Temple Bar pub, while unashamedly promoting tourist kitsch, has the best beer garden in the city and excellent irish musicians.
They are a mixed border morris side and welcome dancers or musicians, or both.
In Germany just recently, a couple of musicians had new mouthpieces, and asked me to try them.
But it is not enough for us to produce highly accomplished musicians.
But what do Bach and Tchaikovsky mean to the budding musicians of today?
The concert and demonstration was given to Years 7, 8 and 9 accompanied by musicians from all other parts of the school.
Cracking Music is a booking agency for some of the most talented musicians.
Bizet was one of the most profoundly gifted musicians of the 19th Century.
Such are the surroundings, it's almost like waiting for classical musicians to appear.
Emil apprenticed for a few years under the Gypsy musicians in the village.
As executive producer of the album, Paul Rutter brings in the worlds finest guest musicians, to star on the crafted songs.
I've spoken to many musicians about this and some of them get quite mystical about it, some talk about scientific explanations.
Salsa Band base in London England UK, consists of 10-12 musicians led by the Colombian percussionist Alex Raymond.
Irish and Scottish musicians also feature in Mayhew's report, including a blind Irish piper, and the English and German street bands.
Like the student musicians they were unfailingly polite, friendly, and helpful.
Four musicians at the peak of their powers creating some of the best prog I've heard in a while.
The club had 24 musicians and 53 employees of whom one had, as his sole job, to polish the silver.
Vivaldi made a note on the manuscript of the names of the four female musicians who were chosen to perform the sonata.
Anything like what musicians call a fugue would have raised a tempest.
The native musicians in this band were dressed in tunics of green cloth over Sutherland tartan trews.
He took with him his saxophonist Joe Crossman and recruited several musicians during a trip to USA, including trumpeter Henry Levine.
The richly dressed and mounted trumpeter is one of six musicians featured on the Westminster Tournament Roll.
Heiner is extraordinarily versatile, and this basic attitude resonates with a younger generation of musicians.
Their range, as musicians, is expanding and their lyrics, sadly under appreciated by many fans, continue to involve complex wordplays.
Wagnerism was henceforth proclaimed out of the mouths of babes and sucklings; learned musicians felt that it had an unfair advantage; and by the time Wagner's popularity began to thrive as a persecuted heresy he had left it in the lurch.
The absence of the musical titles, however, ma y be taken as an indication that the last collection of psalms was formed in a different place from that in which the earlier collections had arisen; and if, as seems probable, we may identify this place with the Temple at Jerusalem, the absence of musical titles is easily explained, for the number of skilled musicians who there ministered, and who would, of course, possess the tradition of the various modes and tones, would make precise musical directions superfluous.
On the last day, which should be that terminating with the eve of Friday, or of Monday, the bride is taken in procession to the bridegrooms house, accompanied by her female friends, and a band of musicians, jugglers, wrestlers, &c. As before stated, a boy about to be circumcised joins in such a procession, or, frequently, a succession of such boys.
What news can you give me concerning my friend Arion, the sweetest of all musicians?
He had not finished the last verse before the young people began to get ready to dance in the large hall, and the sound of the feet and the coughing of the musicians were heard from the gallery.
While the couples were arranging themselves and the musicians tuning up, Pierre sat down with his little partner.
While in the Rostovs' ballroom the sixth anglaise was being danced, to a tune in which the weary musicians blundered, and while tired footmen and cooks were getting the supper, Count Bezukhov had a sixth stroke.
She has assembled a sparkling quartet of the finest musicians & they play regularly & tour major festivals & jazz venues.
The rightwing Army Radio commentator Uri Orbach found the incident disturbingly reminiscent of Jewish musicians forced to provide background music to mass murder.
The necessity to earn more than could be put together by begging, slowly transformed them from itinerant musicians into itinerant ice-cream salesmen.
So come and enjoy the spontaneity of jazz with friends or fellow musicians.
It is their intelligent enthusiasm that the musicians thrive upon.
These five musicians from Sussex have created something of intelligence and worth that begs analysis, and not some throwaway pop.
It is of interest to trade unionists, campaigners, educationalists, activists, social historians, singers and musicians.
It 's tremendous to have musicians as visionary as you at work in this country.
School 's talented young musicians win top titles A TRIO of aspiring musicians have hit the right note with judges to win coveted honors.
The team currently performs five dances and boasts an impressive troupe of musicians.
Then 18th-century musicians bemoaned the florid and vapid new style of Italian virtuosity which was destroying the true art on which they grew up.
He appealed to musicians worldwide to play the adagio for world peace, and so this my contribution.
Dancers, musicians and even a Chinese Lion flew in to wow the guests.
The musicians are planning to collaborate with the possibility of starting a band.
Actors, artists, musicians, comedians, and other entertainers are known for their creative and distinctive personalities.
The tips below on to look for when buying used compact discs will have you listening to the bands and musicians you love in no time.
Likewise, musicians quickly outgrow student models and need to step up to the next level within a year or two, anyway.
Start with an "intermediate" model, which is perfect for young musicians and will grow with them through their early musical years.
Ask other musicians or teachers for recommendations, and read online reviews of instruments on sites like Musician's Friend.
In fact, many musicians feel "vintage" instruments provide generally higher quality than more modern ones, but it is a personal taste preference.
Many jazz musicians particularly enjoy vintage saxophones.
Beginners may prefer a smaller bore while more advanced musicians prefer a larger one.
Biographies of musicians, books about video games or comics, craft guides, and other titles all have their place on the shelves and tend to sell quite well during their peak of interest.
Music - Cover the walls with posters of your favorite musicians and hang old records on the walls.
Inspiration for this type of décor comes from the art colonies of nineteenth century Europe where musicians, actors, artists, and writers converged into avant-garde communities.
If your children are musicians, consider creating a music zone.
Actors, musicians, entertainers, speakers, event coordinators -- these are just a few of the professions in which men might consider getting permanent cosmetics, also known as micro pigmentation or cosmetic tattooing.
You enter in your favorite musicians and Pandora will make a radio station built around them.
Still, there are no problems with listening to music through Internet radio, and many musicians put their music on the Internet at no charge.
Musicians like U2, Duran Duran and Talib Kweli have performed exclusive concerts in the Second Life virtual world.
It's such a comprehensive community that well-known musicians like U2 have performed exclusive concerts in the game and some companies like Dell and HP have branches within Second Life to promote their business.
Aspen Colorado is an exciting cultural destination which has been home to writers such as Hunter Thompson and musicians such as John Denver.
It's a completely alcohol-free event that showcases musicians, actors, comedians and artists while ringing in the New Year with a fireworks display on the mountain.
Classical Orchestra Musician- These musicians play amazing music and are for the most part directed by their conductor.
There are guests to invite, dresses to pick out, and musicians to interview, among many other tasks.
Many musicians specialize in weddings but they tend to book up fast so make your calls as early as possible prior to your wedding day.
It may also be helpful to listen to recordings of the musicians' prior work to determine whether they would fit into your ceremony vision.
Have you ever noticed that writers, actors, musicians and other people working in creative industries appear to have frequent problems with addiction?
He is remembered as one of the most iconic alternative rock musicians in history.
These musicians had been named in the song, and though 50 Cent claimed it was meant to be in jest, they took it quite seriously.
You will find plenty of of stars, politicians, athletes, and musicians here.
His increased success in Jamaica began to draw the attention of US musicians, especially fellow dancehall artist Mr. Vegas.
He released a self-titled album in 2011, and has sung duets with notable musicians such as Sir Elton John and Leona Lewis.
Whether you call him "Puffy," "Puff Daddy," "P.Diddy," or just plain "Diddy," he's easily one of the most recognizable musicians by both name and looks.
These celebrities, from award-winning actors to innovative musicians, all have something extra to celebrate this month.
For some of us, seeing our favorite actors, actresses, and musicians fall in love simply appeals to our romantic side.
Where the contestants on American Idol are coached by famous singers, songwriters, and musicians, the celebrity hopefuls on Duets actually get to perform with the musical talent.
Ellen has hosted several hundred musicians, actors, sports figures and even reality television castoffs since her show's inception.
Actors, musicians and even talk show hosts strive to gain popularity by undergoing treatments that will help them look better, feel younger and overall, be in the limelight for longer periods of time.
Scroll through the "Buildings" category to find many sections devoted to celebrities, from actors and musicians to sports heroes and historical figures.
The Forbes Magazine website also contains pictures of celebrity homes, including houses belonging to musicians Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale, talk show host Ellen DeGeneres, and basketball legend Shaquille O'Neal.
They happen to musicians and politicians alike.
They've got fame and fortune, but actors, singers and musicians are also earning extra money as celebrity fashion designers.
There are numerous online resources for free screen savers depicting your favorite actors, actresses, musicians, television shows, movies, athletes and more.
With the misbehavior of movie stars and musicians running rampant these days, Kid Rock sockin' it to a disrespectful Tommy Lee and defending a female friend in what has been reported as a "heated exchange" doesn't seem so bad comparatively.
The musicians will move to Nashville, Tennessee and learn the ropes from country music songwriters.
It's sad but true -- when actors, actresses, musicians and the like pair up and become famous Hollywood couples, everyone asks themselves, "I wonder how long they will last."
Famous actors, actresses and musicians often compete in celebrity tournaments to raise money for charity.
From actors at the top of the Hollywood A-list to musicians, models, and those looking for a career boost, the list of celebrities who have stripped off their clothes for the camera may surprise you.
Ranging from actresses and musicians to athletes and models, the collection is diverse and the pictures are extensive.
Tickets - Fan clubs for bands and musicians often offer special advance purchase tickets for members before they go on sale to the general public.
Tour schedules - Get the latest and most up-to-date information about when your favorite bands and musicians are performing in a town near you.
Free Classic Images - Here, you'll find pictures of actors, like George Clooney and Jennifer Aniston, as well as musicians such as Madonna and Natasha Bedingfield.
Ward has worked with many singers and musicians, among them Norah Jones, Cat Power, and the band Bright Eyes.
As a culture, people have become obsessed with movie stars, television actors, models and musicians, with a focus on their appearance rather than just their talents.
These stars are not actors nor musicians, but they are famous Aquarians nonetheless.
Music producer Timbaland is best known not only for his own work, but also for working with high profile musicians like Justin Timberlake, Missy Elliot and Jay-Z, just to name a few.
Growing up in a musical household and studying music as a child, Richie has also made several appearances performing, both solo and with other musicians.
It's hard to believe that there aren't any other music executives that wouldn't say just as harsh, if not harsher, criticisms to hopeful musicians.
Since 2005, he has blogged just about everything there is to know about musicians, actors and most other celebrities and public figures.
Celebrities from Brazil include actors, models, musicians, sports figures, and others who have made their mark on the world stage.
Such degrees help further individuals' skills in an ever-changing industry that involves a broad-range of careers, from painters and musicians to web and graphic designers.
These mentors may be other, experienced fine artists, graphic designers and advertising executives, storyboard artists, as well as videographers, musicians, and filmmakers.
Music acts range from country western arrangements to a cappella groups as well as piano, jazz, guitar, and other talented musicians.
Like most mainstream lines, Holland America's entertainment includes Vegas-style shows and live musicians with jazz, classical, and pop repertoires.
Besides the Gaither Vocal Band, will there be other musicians on the voyage to Alaska?
Individual musicians as well as full bands may find opportunities with StarLite Cruises.
Rockin' the Mississippi Delta--Learn why the area is known as the home of Zydeco, Rhythm and Blues, Ragtime, and Gospel while listening to local musicians perform fan favorites.
Plus, musicians play riverboat style jazz while you take in magnificent views of the breathtaking St. Louis skyline by night.
These sailings feature popular musicians who host daily concerts onboard cruise ships.
The three-hour cruise also features live Jazz musicians and unlimited champagne.
Kauai sunset cruises are not packed with underwater viewings or live musicians; rather they are soothing and relaxing sailings, which focus on enjoying Kauai's unmatched scenery.
In addition to performing, the jazz musicians offer a variety of workshops, and you can also sign up for private lessons.
The Musicians' Student line by Sunburst offers many different guitar sizes, and they are sold as packages with everything a guitar novice needs.
As this popularity spreads, more musicians are searching for guitar chords and tabs to their favorite songs in order to play and share these works of faith with others.
It's also a place to connect with like-minded musicians in the members forum and even take some online guitar lessons.The site is well organized and easy to navigate.
All of the guitar chords and tabs are contributed by musicians who have done their best to pick out each tune and diagram it for you.
This site has tons of resources for Christian musicians of all sorts, including those all important guitar chords.
There is also a community for musicians to swap tips with each other, advice about equipment, links to band sites, info about recording and much, much more.
Musicians swap their expertise and their chords on this site, and since they've been at it ten years, the selection of tracks is great.
When playing a steel string electric guitar, guitarists typically play with a pick and often play with other musicians playing different instruments.
There are a lot of musicians in rock bands who regularly search for The Rolling Stones Tabs, either on the Internet or in music shops.
There are hundreds of classic Rolling Stones tunes to learn and play, for musicians of all types, from amateurs to professionals.
Neil Young's music is certainly made for playing with other musicians.
Many musicians rely on guitar tabs to learn the basic structure of songs they may play live, or simply play for the heck of it.
It is an extremely rare occurrence to walk into a band's rehearsal and see all the musicians reading along with tablature.
Understanding chord charts is your ticket to playing with other musicians and bringing your practice to life.
The site also features a Tip of the Day video at the end of the notation to give musicians a chance to learn a little something else after they've mastered Sweet Home Alabama.
The name wasn't changed to until the end of the 1960s when the popularity of rock-n-roll music made the guitar the instrument of choice among newbie musicians.
Young Consuelo Velazquez's ballad might have humble origins, but many of the 20th century's most influential musicians have embraced the subtle beauty of her composition.
Guitarist Jimmy Page and bassist John Paul Jones are two of the most original, talented, expressive and colorful musicians in the history of rock music.
The feel of the pick in your hand combined with the crisp sound that it produces when plucking the strings makes for a unique combination that some musicians fall in love with.
No matter how simple your version is, many other musicians would love it if you shared what you know.
In the 1990s, many in the music industry started to take notice of her, and Bebel worked on projects with such established musicians as Thievery Corporation and David Byrne.
What started as a small website for musicians to share information with each other has expanded exponentially over the years.
As one of the most important bands of the past few decades, Nirvana continues to have a lasting influence on a new generation of musicians and guitar players.
One of the most attractive features regarding jazz is the amount of freedom jazz allows to the musicians who play it.
This makes a personalized guitar pick that your fellow musicians will never mistake as their own and try to walk off with it.
These songs provide the backdrop for the entire holiday season, and many musicians are thus inspired to learn to play some of this music.
As an artist who is uniquely stylized and thereby difficult to categorize, Jason Mraz burst onto the popular music scene in the early 2000s and became one of the most emulated musicians of modern times.
Fans and musicians usually submit the tabs available at these locations and although they are accurate most of the time, it's important to note that they are someone else's interpretation of the original music.
Most musicians use teaching as a way to supplement their gigging, but I suppose I'm doing it backwards.
Sometimes musicians will call me if they have a gig, and I'll come sit in with them on mandolin, banjo, guitar, bass, ukulele, whatever - anything with strings.
Today, Ibanez makes electric, acoustic, semi-acoustic and bass guitars that are very popular with musicians of all genres.
A revolving door of musicians came and went through the lineup as personal problems and health issues complicated the band's ability to keep making music.
The band's late 1960s origin and their contemporary appeal make Blue Oyster Cult tabs desirable to musicians across a range of eras and styles.
Musicians looking to improve their finger-picking skills often turn to instructional resources like bluegrass guitar lessons.
Early versions of the group included musicians Monroe, Cleo Davis, fiddlers Art Wooten and Tommy Magness, bass players Amos Garren and Bill Wesbrooks, and singer/guitarist Clyde Moody.
Even established musicians benefit from taking lessons in bluegrass guitar.
As one of America's thriving musical art forms, this style of music continues to prevail as it drawns in musicians and music-lovers on a daily basis.
They have also set up giveaways through philanthropic organizations like the Red Cross for support after Hurricane Katrina, and they have given away hundreds of thousands of dollars in the form of scholarships for young musicians.
This conscious capitalism has caught the eye of many top flight, professional musicians who now play First Act instruments.
There are places where you can find free sheet music, but other resources require musicians to pay for quality notations.
There are instrumental acoustic musicians whose sounds are both clean and noisy.
This is a place for you to trade tips and tricks with other musicians.
You can also discuss your most and least favorite musicians with other people who like to play just as much as you do.
This is a place to learn about the history of the art form, the musicians who shaped it, and the famous Di Giorgio guitars which areas essential to the bossa nova sound as the power chord is to rock and roll.
It's not just the conductor and the musicians who can wear their tuxedos - opera goers are usually encouraged to dress their best.
These jeans are seen on celebrities and musicians along with some of the most fashionable men.
It was worn with great aplomb by "bad boys" throughout history, from rock 'n' roll musicians to bikers, and quickly became a veritable uniform of sorts for so-called "tough" guys.
Lest anyone think that made cardigans uncool, plenty of musicians and actors have sported them as well.
Disney is continuously casting for singers, actors, dancers, street performers, musicians, and characters.
A gathering of artisans and musicians also display their crafts at the event.
The game also features "Dreamscapes" and the likenesses of musicians like Paul McCartney and Ringo Star.
This follows in the tradition from previous Guitar Hero games that involved real rock artists and musicians.
The song list is comprised of 85 tracks from 83 musicians.
The soundtrack for the newest Madden game includes chart-topping musicians with tracks from Foo Fighters, Godsmack, RevRun, Fall Out Boy and rap artist Memphis Bleek.
The game has been around for over 20 years, so it was inevitable that musicians and DJs would remix the main theme of Tetris.
Video game guitar tabs are an option for amateurs and other musicians who would like to play their favorite tunes, but do not know how to read music the traditional way (or do not want to spend time learning it).
Overclocked Remix - By far the most popular video game remix site, OCRemix features hundreds of high-quality video game music MP3 files from dozens of composers and musicians from around the world.
This has attracted serious musicians and has elevated game music to an artform instead of a technology that employed beeps and blips.
Intractive metronome training uses a similar instrument as the metronome used by musicians to keep time in order to train individuals to develop their motor and timing skills through repetitively tapping the beat.
Several pivotal musicians and dancers have created what we now consider to be the canons of tango history.
Thanks in part to the Bolshevik revolution of 1918, many of the best dancers, choreographers, and musicians of the Russian state dance theatre, the Maryinsky, fled the country.
A big part of this is the internet, which in conjunction with the digital media revolution, makes it easier than ever for musicians and dancers to share the sights and sounds of their practice of this craft.
In fact, the term "ceili" also represents a party-like gathering of musicians and dancers, often gathering at a pub to share the traditional sounds and steps together.
It was also between 1910 and 1920 that tango dancers and musicians traveled from South America to Europe, setting a tango craze off in Paris first, then spreading to London and Berlin.
Using the wealth of videos on sites such as YouTube can show you not only the dancers of today but also the performers and musicians from yesterday, making tango a richer experience for everyone.
The Thriller dance also enjoyed a revival of sorts, as the song and video were played on TV and radio, paying homage to one of the most influential musicians of our time.
It was introduced to the States in 1913, but didn't really take off until a decade later when a band leader brought in some professional Rumba musicians and dancers to New York.
Singers and musicians usually sit in this structure and accompany the dancers.
However, as the music genre revived right alongside the dance style, plenty of contemporary musicians and composers have added to the repertoire of swing dancing music.
Scientists, mathematicians, musicians, artists, and sculptors have all proven over the centuries that you can find the Golden Ratio in everything, even our solar system.
Inspired by the musicians in garage bands such as Blondie, the Velvet Underground, and the Ramones, these rebels of pop music gave something raw and edgy to the hair industry and their music fans.
Since lastborn children love the limelight, it should come as no surprise that many grow up to become athletes, actors, or musicians.
Additionally, some labeled musicians have offered their own free concert at the historic venue, so be on the lookout for those as well.
These days, the brand is about much more than just surfing, featuring collaborations with musicians, and sports stars.
This issue features a "Musicians and Models" theme, pairing up some favorite beauties with musical greats from a variety of genres.
Whereas virtually all the musicians who set the styles and played the tunes of glam rock were men, 70s glam fashion allowed for an equality in dress that mirrored the growing equal rights movements of women in the US and UK.
Many musicians donated their time and music to the event which was attended by a live audience of 60,000 and broadcast to more than 500 million homes around the world.
A small group of musicians can add a special touch to a benefit dinner and many will donate their time.
Rap, hip-hop, gospel, jazz and country musicians all get into the holiday spirit, too - modern carols are not limited to the pop/rock genre.
Once this was accomplished, the festival season began to grow, with street parades being more wild and musicians and decorated carriages part of the fun.
Other girls are very attracted to guys who are gifted musicians or singers.
Bringing in studio musicians, they re-recorded the version that went to the top of the charts.
Many musicians incorporate a sexual component in their songs, but strip away the music and you'll hear the words that are driven to erotic levels.
For example, if your best friend from college is a publicist at a company that represents well-known musicians, you may be able to use this connection to give you a bit of an edge when it comes to writing entertainment articles.
Seen on celebrities, musicians and fashion trend-setters, animal print is one of the most coveted prints on the market today.
Famous musicians and actors and scenes in nature are represented in their variety of checkbook covers.
They are natural artists and can be gifted musicians or visual artists.
Taurus men are also quite artistic; many enjoy careers as musicians or singers.
Think Christopher Paolini, writer of Eragorn (written at the ripe age of 15), Kristen Stewart who filmed some of Twilight while still in high school, and the Jonas Brothers, musicians who finished their schooling on the road.
Star Now is a site that recruits plenty of these programs' star-struck competitors, in addition to dancers, musicians, models, and movie extras.
You let her listen to a collection of songs from her favorite musicians on one album.
Unlike most download sites, they have created, and with their merger with Google in 2006 augmented, a community for personal video, musicians, amateur filmmakers, comedians and professional content owners.
The site features a number of popular actors, actresses, musicians, models, and athletes.
Some of the guys you may typically find wearing high-heeled shoes include cross dressers, female impersonators, rock musicians, or even guys who are a bit shorter than average.
Elvis Presley was one of the earliest musicians who played rockabilly music.
The prime time soap opera Dynasty featured former President Gerald Ford in a cameo role, a soap opera first that would lead to other cameos throughout the years from actors to musicians to political figures and more.
In 2008, the Performing Rights Society, which is the UK association tasked with collecting royalties on behalf of member musicians, conducted a study to identify the most recognized music in Great Britain.
Musicians and stardom are equally appealing storylines in telenovelas.
When they appear in human form, they are usually musicians, artists, and scientists who combine the power of love with physics.
Musicians, models, actors and actresses alike all glorify the art of piercing by displaying visible modifications to the world.
Stretched piercings have become more mainstream in recent years as they have been popularized by musicians and stars.
In the summer, the large plaza in front of the museum is the site of concerts showcasing local and regional musicians.
History buffs will enjoy such places as the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty, while the musicians in the family will enjoy learning more about the venue at Madison Square Garden and the Hard Rock Café.
From The Beatles to James Brown to Madonna, the history of music and the musicians who have made their mark are all spotlighted here.
These forks have long been used by professional musicians and music therapists to accurately create musical pitch.
Also, many musicians attend yoga retreats and conferences to offer instructors the most recent projects, so your instructor will probably have the most cutting edge music to feature.
Popular music followers might find it interesting that guitarist Walter Becker of Steely Dan and drummer Rick Allen of Def Leppard were two of the 70-plus musicians helping Das on the latter effort.
Soon, other musicians and celebrities practiced TM, including the Beach Boys, Donovan, The Rolling Stones, and Stevie Wonder.
The Iowa City Yoga Festival, launched in 2010, brings well-known yoga instructors and musicians to the Midwestern city for a weekend of education, exploration and celebration.
Autistic prodigious savants include musicians, mathematicians and linguists.
Pick something you like to do like fast walking around a shopping mall or playing with kids or dancing to your favorite musicians.
You could also incorporate songs by famous French Musicians or even the French National Anthem.
It isn't unusual to see musicians wearing exotic lingerie, either.
I also hired local musicians for an evening of jazz improv.
In addition, other musicians are allowed to build upon the works released by other artists, promoting a community atmosphere that fosters creativity and musical artistry.
Getting free music legally is becoming easier with several artist-centric websites popping up to help independent musicians distribute and promote their music.
People Sound is a great free mp3 download site for emerging artists and independent musicians.
Elvis Costello is one of the most prolific musicians of the last three decades.
Pink Floyd spent the whole of 1980 and most of '81 on a massive 'The Wall' tour, employing various new musicians along the way.
David and Nick toured for 3 years along with a number of other musicians, including Rick Wright, who rejoined the band.
Since then, The Eagles have released a few singles, with their current line-up of Frey, Walsh, Schmit and Henley, accompanied by backing musicians for large performances. 2006 tour venues have already been set.
It seemed that Strummer was back where he belonged, with a creative group of musicians who shared his vision.
On this album Harvey began to experiment more with other musicians and began to incorporate a more theatrical element to her live performances.
They had a revolving door of musicians, many of whom would go on to make names for themselves in the London punk scene.
Touring picked up again, though, on a limited basis with various backing musicians replacing some members, right up until June of 2004, when it was publicly announced that Graeme Kelling had lost his fight against cancer.
Sometimes you want to watch some music videos, but the closest the music television channels seem to be able to provide you with is musicians participating in reality TV programs.
Other critics object to iTunes' pricing - after Apple and the record label take their cuts, musicians get around .08 per song sold.
Many African musicians have been introduced to the West through popular Western musicians like Peter Gabriel and Paul Simon, who are active in the region.
Tropicalia was part of a larger arts revolution in Brazil of musicians, writers and artists protesting the political environment.
Many Tropicalia musicians, like Gil, were sent into exile.
The Myspace community was started as a musicians promotional tool.
Even though it grew into a social networking site, there are a large number of musicians actively using Myspace to share their music.
Very few musicians on the site have that distinction.
Once an earthy destination for hopeful musicians, Curtis claims her producer is inundated with requests for auto tune (that nifty little gadget that keeps Ashlee Simpson-types on pitch).
However, online businesses and musicians are quickly discovering its commercial implications.
Musicians find event bulletins to be a great way to easily promote gigs and album releases.
It has become a promotional tool for many professionals, especially musicians and filmmakers.
Two French musicians work with a variety of vocalists to re-work 80s classics in Bossa Nova style.
Having all of the tracks that these two musical masterminds produced together in one place is very impressive indeed, and there is no escaping the fact that Marley is one of the most influential and important musicians, ever.
T.I. worked tirelessly to raise money for the victims of Hurricane Katrina, donating $50,000 of his own money, and working with other musicians to set up fundraising concerts.
With two albums under her belt in the past year, Rihanna is working harder than any ten musicians these days.
French musicians like MC Solar have had international success with their take on rap music, and now British rappers are producing some of the most innovate music in hip hop today, making a splash on both side of the Atlantic.
Rap music might have been born in New York, but its global fan base means that musicians all over the world have put their own spin on it.
Indie musicians are often more receptive to letting their music be traded online than major label acts, so the internet is awash in indie music download options.
The musicians themselves record, promote and distribute their music without the help of any label at all.
This is indie indie, in that most of the musicians on this site are just building their careers, but this is a great place to hear 'em first - and isn't that what indie is all about anyway?
Indie musicians from all genres feature here.
Musicians as varied as Justin Timberlake and The Killers frequently cite Muse as one of their favorite bands.
For years now, Ladytron has been the electronica outfit of choice for other electronica musicians, but maybe not so much with your average music buyer.
The original anthology collected the forgotten folk songs of early 20th century America, and this new volume features modern musicians covering these old time songs.
In 2001, Marten Andersson released a solo project entitled, Legacy with various guest musicians, including Jonas Hansson co-producing and playing lead guitar.
His book "Make Label Contact" (SCI Book Publishing), a reference guide aimed towards musicians for record companies and demo submissions is widely considered to be a great guide for any musician.
Some musicians include lyric booklets in their CD releases.
Check out the most-visited musicians, view the latest additions, or search for a specific song.
The legality of P2P downloading networks is a burning question facing the music community - among fans, labels, and musicians alike.
Musicians can turn to Big Electric for start-to-finish music production.
Big Electric also performs production work for outside artists, but is selective about the musicians with which it works.
Lifehouse has also sponsored a First Time cover contest for musicians, which you can view on YouTube.
Instead, the musicians that formed the final incarnation of this critically acclaimed band had to fight to be heard and to emerge out of the huge shadow cast by Nirvana.
Grohl recorded a demo of the completed songs and handed them out for friends and other musicians to check out.
Unlike some musicians who know that they want to take to the stage from the time they can walk, Jack Johnson's first love wasn't music but surfing.
Of course, kids' TV shows that focus on the lives of young musicians is nothing new - you don't need to look much further than Hannah Montana to know that the idea is frequently a winner.
There is one thing, however, that The Naked Brothers Band show shares with some other shows based on child musicians - the show is a real family affair.
Lyrics Mode - This website is a good one for musicians, as it not only has lyrics for all of the songs, but it also offers tabs for most of the songs as well.
Perry's success is a good example of the power of the internet and the new breed of musicians it is creating.
In 2008, their set at the Bonnaroo Music Festival in Tennessee lasted almost four hours long and featured a number of other musicians, including members of Metallica.
Missouri native Sheryl Crow had music in her life from an early age, thanks to her parents, who were both musicians.
She has also worked with a host of musicians, both for her own material and as a guest vocalist on other musicians' albums.
Colbie spent her childhood in Malibu, California where her home was visited often by musicians such as Mick Fleetwood and John McVie.
The rest of the sound, including drums, is flushed out with session musicians.
A large cast of musicians lent a hand to the score of the film, including big names in the bluegrass and folk world like Tim O'Brien and Jerry Douglas.
This type of collaboration has always been a favorable one as the film gets to highlight popular music and the musicians are able to publicize their latest offerings.
Waterman introduced her to several other blues musicians in the community around Harvard, and Raitt became more and more heavily involved in the music scene.
Likewise, a popular soundtrack or placement in a popular film can breathe new life into a song that has stopped selling, bring renewed interest to a band that has fallen from the spotlight or make overnight stars of underground musicians.
Fortunately, many musicians are big fans of the program and are willing to help.
Hughes' movies were as much about the music as they were the storyline, and the director proved an able A&R man by cherry picking unknown musicians and putting their music up on the silver screen.
Elvis courted much controversy in his time and saw plenty of ups and downs in his career, but his legacy as one of the most groundbreaking musicians ever has persisted long after his untimely death.
He also deepened his knowledge of what at the time were known as "race records" - predominantly rhythm and blues music with gospel and jazz tinges made by African American musicians.
Music was very segregated at the time, but the rich legacy of gospel and blues, coupled with the new R&B records being made by African-American musicians, clicked with Elvis and became his own musical inspiration.
Woody Guthrie - Guthrie's musical output peaked in the 1950s, but his songs promoting peace and labor causes inspired many of the folk musicians that emerged in the 1960s.
In a few instances, this is because the actors who were musicians were contractually prohibited by their record labels to appear on the soundtrack.
The music from church hymns was borrowed by folk musicians, who changed the words.
It has been covered by a long list of musicians, both male and female.
These names are only a handful of the numerous composers and musicians whose work in classical music has now been canonized due to its influence.
This rule had far-reaching implications for women musicians.
In the mid-90s - a period in which female solo artists of all genres, but particularly female singer-songwriters thrived - musicians Sarah McLachlan was growing tired of running into this industry rule.
Along the way, they occasionally added other female musicians to the bill as they passed through different towns.
This tour was not strictly the first Lilith Fair, but at least one show on the bill that featured additional women musicians was called "Lilith."