Musculature Sentence Examples
From these tracts a plexus of nerve-fibres is developed in connexion with the musculature and cuticle.
Training has a dramatic and very specific effect on the body's musculature and circulation.
The pigment is also principally localized in this layer, although sometimes it is present even deeper down within the musculature.
From the ventral surface of the collar nerve-tube numerous motor fibres may be seen passing to the subjacent musculature.
The families Lychnorhizidae, Leptobrachidae and Catostylidae resemble the preceding in the arrangement of the musculature.
The classic example of misclassification using the BMI is a body builder, with a very well developed musculature.
An onlay mesh was placed over the defect with anchoring sutures over the surrounding musculature.
If the symmetry of the SI joints are incorrect, it can prevent the pelvic floor musculature from working properly.
In 1821, he published his anatomic diagrams of the course of the facial nerve and its innervation of the facial musculature.
The signs of botulism are a flaccid paralysis of the skeletal musculature, especially the neck and tongue.
AdvertisementIt refers to the strengthening of the abdominal musculature especially transversus abdominus and the deep spinal muscle lumbar multifidus.
Easy to administer, isolates the upper body musculature.
Standing aid RAISA The safe and comfortable standing and transfer aid to help people with weakened leg musculature.
Further addressing the strength and flexibility of the hip musculature may also be required.
Reverse flies Develops upper back and rear shoulder musculature and helps stabilize the scapula.
AdvertisementImages concentrate on the bony landmarks and the major thoracic and abdominal viscera, the musculature and peripheral vasculature.
The Monozoa are unsegmented; the Ligulidce have segmented gonads and gonopores without any trace of somatic metamerization except secondary excretory pores in addition to the usual terminal one; the remaining Cestodes are unisegmental only in their larval stage, and all of them show in their later stages repetition of the reproductive organs and of the musculature.
Its reaction preponderantly helps to secure coordinate innervation of the skeletal musculature, both for maintenance of attitude and for execution of movements.
Neck, hip, axial musculature and tendinous attachments are involved less commonly and only occasionally seen at the onset.
Of medium build, their musculature makes them seem heavier than they really are.
AdvertisementParents can also encourage the musculature of the mouth by showing children how to drink from straws and how to blow bubbles.
Oral motor dysfunction of the speech-producing musculature (in which children have dysarthria, or mechanical difficulties in speaking) is present in children with cerebral palsy and other conditions.
The dysfunction leads to uncoordinated oral musculature.
They concede that the Russian belly dancer who teaches the video workout, Neon, has excellent musculature and tone, but like many belly dancers has a "distinctive belly dancer pooch."
While there is no exercise that will increase the amount of breast tissue you have, there are exercises you can perform that will build and tone supportive musculature.
AdvertisementIf you want to build up your musculature, strength training is the type of exercise that you need to do.
Often, a full abdominal workout plan will fail, because of improper use of the core musculature.
The stability ball provides a balance challenge, which requires the user to engage his or her deep core musculature.
There is more to your shoulder musculature than just the muscles that run across the tops of your shoulders.
The transverse abdominal muscles, the pelvic floor and the mulifidus make up the core musculature.
Since the core musculature is responsible for stability, balance is compromised if these muscles are inactive.
The ability to consciously activate the core musculature is a prerequisite for performing core stability exercises.
Advanced exercisers may also get more out of using free weights, which require additional work from supporting musculature.
No doubt can be entertained that the greater part of the inner layer corresponds to the mesoderm of more ordinary embryos, for the coelomic pouches, the germ-cells, the musculature and the vascular system all arise from it.
Heteronemertini, in which the dermal musculature is in three layers, an external longitudinal, a middle circular, an internal longitudinal; the nervous system lies between the first and second of these layers; the outer layer of longitudinal muscles is a new development; there is no intestinal caecum; no stylets on the proboscis and the mouth is behind the level of the brain.
This retractor-muscle, indeed, serves to pull back with great rapidity the extruded proboscis, and is aided in its action by the musculature of the head.
The median dorsal vessel, however, remains distinct, but instead of continuing its course beneath the proboscidian sheath it is first enclosed by the ventral musculature of this organ, and still farther forwards it even bulges out longitudinally into the cavity of the sheath.
In the ectoparasitic Trematodes this post-oral sucker is a complex disk placed near the hinder end and provided With suckerlets, hooks and a musculature arising from a special skeleton.
In the ordinary striped muscles of the skeletal musculature, e.g.
In the marsupials it is more evident, and its excitation by electric currents evokes movements in the musculature of the crossed side of the body.
The main musculature can be seen through the thin skin to be divided into about sixty pairs of muscle-segments (myotomes) by means of comma-shaped dissepiments, the myocommas, which stretch between the skin and the central skeletal axis of the body.
The oral hood with its cirri has a special nerve supply and musculature by which the cirri can be either spread out, or bent inwards so that those of one side may interdigitate with those of the other, thus completely closing the entrance to the mouth.
There are ten mesenteries in which the musculature is so little developed as to be almost indistinguishable.
Examination reveals profound weakness and wasting of the calf musculature.
From Dan's whiplike body to Brady's feline-like musculature to the stranger's towering frame, there was no mistaking them for normal soldiers.
In addition to the musculature of the proboscis and proboscidian sheath, longitudinal muscular fibres are found in the walls of the oesophagus, whilst transverse ones are numerous and united into vertical dissepiments between the successive intestinal caeca, thus bringing about a very regular internal metamerization.