Muscle Sentence Examples
Every muscle in her body was sore.
Not a single muscle of his face--which in those days was still thin--moved.
He was one large muscle with a direct gaze that made her overly self-conscious.
A deeper ache, as if she had the flu and every muscle in her body was on fire, was made worse by sleeping on the cold floor.
Every muscle in her body was aching.
The iris contains a sphincter and a dilator muscle; the former, supplied by branches from the oculomotorius nerve, is under control of the will, whilst the dilator fibres belong to the sympathetic system.
One, the quadratus or bursalis muscle, arises from the hinder surface of the eyeball, and forms with its narrow margin, which is directed towards the optic nerve, a pulley for the long tendon of the pyramidalis muscle.
Below this is a circular, and below that again a longitudinal, layer of muscle fibres.
Tendon of the flexor hallucis longus muscle sending a strong vinculum to that of the flexor profundus muscle, the tendon of which goes to the third toe only.
The os articulare bears on its inner side the inner mandibular process which serves for the insertion of part of the digastric muscle or opener of the mouth; another portion of this muscle is attached to the os angulare, which frequently forms a FIG.
AdvertisementA small amount is also found in the muscle protein myoglobin.
With large, brown eyes and dark hair, she was toned and tall, a model's body with an extra layer of muscle.
This regulation of turgor is as characteristic of vegetable protoplasm as contraction is of muscle.
We have here the interesting fact that a muscle (portion of the triceps humeri of the reptiles) has been reduced to a tendon, which in a secondary way has become connected with cutaneous muscles, which, when strongly developed, represent its belly.
Of course this doubleheaded condition is the more primitive, and as such exists in most nidifugous birds, but in many of these, as well as in many nidicolous birds, either the caudal or the iliac head is absent, and in a very few (Cancroma, Dicholophus, Steatornis and some Cathartes) the whole muscle is absent.
AdvertisementBoth are supplied by the abducens nerve, together with the rectus externus muscle.
Robbin's text on pathology also contains sections on mitochondrial myopathy, stating that this kind of muscle wasting results in severe weakness.
Biochemists call these thick muscle fibers myosin heavy chain proteins (MHC ).
Yeast actin filaments display ATP-dependent sliding movement over surfaces coated with rabbit muscle myosin.
Meanwhile, tests for genes that point to other muscle diseases help doctors avoid wrongly diagnosing myositis, " he said.
AdvertisementImaging such as MRI may show muscle edema in active myositis.
She'd run her hands over his perfect body, marveling at the smooth skin stretched over solid muscle.
Many of the muscle fibres show numerous droplets of oil seen as dark round granules.
The remarkable discovery of the dual nature of the nervous system, of its duplex development as a lower and upper system of "neurons," has shed much light upon the problems of practical medicine, but this construction is described under Brain; Neuropathology; Muscle And Nerve, &C.
The Pseudolamellibranchia included the oyster, scallop and their allies which formerly constituted the order Monomyaria, having only a single large adductor muscle or in addition a very small anterior adductor.
AdvertisementThe navigable mileage of the Alabama rivers is 2000 m., but obstructions often prevent the formation of a continuous route, notably the "Muscle Shoals" of the Tennessee, extending from a point io m.
The skin consists of a transparent cuticle excreted by the underlying ectoderm, the cells of which though usually one-layered may be heaped up into several layers in the head; beneath this is a basement membrane, and then a layer of longitudinal muscle fibres which are limited inside by a layer of peritoneal cells.
In the heart muscle it travels much more slowly.
Aconitine, delphinine and many of their derivatives have a very widespread depressing action on muscle and nerve.
The larvae bore into muscle tissue; infestation is called myiasis.
Damage in the muscle causes the release of pigment called myoglobin into the bloodstream where it is transported to the kidneys.
Carbohydrates are the main energy source for muscle functioning.
Supra-angular and coronoid splint-bones serve for the insertion of part of the temporal or masseter muscle.
There is a patella, intercalated in the tendon of the femori-tibialis or extensor cruris muscle.
This, the stretcher of the cubital quills, is a very interesting muscle.
Muscle scar divided into numerous impressions.
Thus the brain falls off in bulk, and the muscles become attenuated, and in no muscle is this more notable than in the case of the heart.
A tendency to pigmentation also develops in certain tissues of the body, such as the nerve and muscle cells.
It may follow a diminished functional activity, as in the atrophying thymus gland' and in the muscle cells of the uterus after parturition.
Note that the malignant cells are invading and destroying the muscle fibres of the heart.
The change appears to begin in the fibrils which lie between the circular muscle fibres of the middle coat of the smaller arterioles and extends both backwards and forwards along the vessels.
Loeb found experimentally that increase of metabolic products in muscle greatly raised its osmotic pressure, and so it would absorb water from a relatively concentrated sodium chloride solution.
Cysticercus cellulosae may be comparatively innocuous in a muscle or subcutaneous tissue, but most hurtful in the eye or brain.
In the Entoprocta the tentacles are withdrawn by being infolded into the "vestibule," a depression of the oral surface which can be closed by a sphincter muscle.
In the branching Ctenostomes the entire body-wall is flexible, so that the contraction of a parietal muscle acts equally on the two points with which it is connected.
The bivalved carapace has a jointed rostrum, and covers only the front part of the body, to which it is only attached quite in front, the valve-like sides being under control of an adductor muscle.
Motor Automatism, on the other hand, is a non-reflex movement of a voluntary muscle, executed in the waking state but not controlled by the ordinary waking consciousness.
The hinder adductor muscle is always large in Lamellibranchs, but the anterior adductor may be very small (Heteromya), or absent altogether (Monomya).
The single adductor muscle of the Monomya is separated by a difference of fibre into two portions, but neither of these can be regarded as possibly representing the anterior adductor of the other Lamellibranchs.
Each nephridium in the oyster is a pyriform sac, which communicates by a narrow canal with the urino-genital groove placed to the front of the great adductor muscle; by a second narrow canal it communicates with the pericardium.
This byssus is not homologous with that of other Lamellibranchs, but originates from a single glandular epithelial cell embedded in the tissues on the dorsal anterior side of the adductor muscle.
It remains in this condition for a period of two to six weeks, and during this time the permanent organs are developed from the cells of two symmetrical cavities behind the adductor muscle.
Megalodontidae.-Shell 1a, tr, Upper and lower inequilateral, thick; posterior siphons adductor impression on a myo ms, Siphonal muscle of the phorous apophysis.
The round ligament is a cord of unstriped muscle which runs from the lateral angle of its own side of the uterus forward to the internal abdominal ring, and so through the inguinal canal to the upper part of the labium majus.
The convolutions are held together by the pelvic cellular tissue, and by involuntary muscle continuous with that of the bladder.
Microscopically the prostate consists of masses of long, slender, slightly branching glands, embedded in unstriped muscle and fibrous tissue; these glands open by delicate ducts (about twenty in number) into the prostatic urethra, which will be.
This is known as the membranous urethra, and is very narrow, being gripped by the compressor urethrae muscle.
The lachrymal forj amen is always within the orbital margin; and in many species the infra-orbital foramen is very large (in some as large as the orbit) and transmits part of the masseter muscle.
The masseter muscle does not pass through the narrow infra-orbital canal, and the temporal muscle is large.
Animal heat also is due to the union of nitro-aerial particles, breathed in from the air, with the combustible particles in the blood, and is further formed by the combination of these two sets of particles in muscle during violent exertion.
A similar stimulation of the non-striped muscle in the alimentary canal results in violent vomiting and purging, if a large dose has been taken.
Besides the sphincter pupillae, the fibres of the ciliary muscle are stimulated.
Its stimulant action on the iris and ciliary muscle is employed when they are weak or paralysed.
The interior of the head is filled up with masses of muscle fibres which are mainly occupied with moving the sickle-shaped hooks.
Its first action on any of the body-tissues is upon unstriped muscle, so that the first consequence of its absorption is a contraction of the arteries and arterioles.
The systole is not altered in length, but the diastole is very much prolonged, and since this is the period not only of cardiac rest but also of cardiac "feeding" - the coronary vessels being compressed and occluded during systole - the result is greatly to benefit the nutrition of the cardiac muscle.
Thereafter follows the most important effect of the drug, which is a direct stimulation of the cardiac muscle.
This can be proved to occur in a heart so embryonic that no nerves can be recognized in it, and in portions of cardiac muscle that contain neither nervecells nor nerve-fibres.
The air-bladder may be so reduced as to lose its hydrostatic function and become subservient to a sensory organ, its outer exposed surface being connected with the skin by a meatus between the bands of muscle, and conveying the thermobarometrical impressions to the auditory nerves.
The limbs of the U are further twisted together in a looser or tighter coil, the axis of which may be traversed by a "spindle" muscle arising from the posterior end of the body.
Dr Elliott Smith, who has examined thousands pf skeletons and mummies of all periods, finds that the prehistoric population of Upper Egypt, a branch of the North African-MediterraneanArabian race, changed with the advent of the dynasties to a stronger type, better developed than before in skull and muscle.
Here the anatomy has reached its limits for such work; the precision of the muscles on the inner and outer sides of the leg, of the uniform grip in the left arm, and the tense muscle upholding the right arm, prove that the artist knew that part of his work perfectly.
The manifestations of contractility by muscle are various in mode.
The muscular wall of the blood-vessels also exhibits tonic contraction, which, however, seems to be mainly traceable to a continual excitation of the muscle cells by nervous influence conveyed to them along their nerves, and originating in the great vaso motor centre in the bulb.
In several of these it appears not unlikely that the recurrent explosive liberations of energy in the muscle tissue are not secondary to recurrent explosions in nerve cells, but are attributable to decompositions arising sua sponte in the chemical substances of the muscle cells themselves in the course of their living.
Even small strips of the muscle of the heart, if taken immediately after the death of the animal, continue, when kept moist and warm and supplied with oxygen, to "beat" rhythmically for hours.
Similarly, such a single stimulus elicits from a skeletal muscle a single "beat," or, as it is termed, a "twitch."
In the heart muscle during a brief period after each beat, that is, after each single contraction of the rhythmic series, the muscle becomes inexcitable.
The tension developed by their means in the muscle is many times greater than that developed by a simple twitch.
Muscle cells respond by changes in their activity to changes in their environment, and thus are said to be "excitable."
In the case of the heart muscle this threshold stimulus evokes a beat as extensive as does the strongest stimulus; that is, the intensity of the stimulus, so long as it is above threshold value, is not a function of the amount of the muscular response.
Just as in a nerve fibre, when excited by a localized stimulus, the excited state spreads from the excited point to the adjacent unexcited ones, so in muscle the "contraction," when excited at a point, spreads to the adjacent uncontracted parts.
Both in muscle and in nerve this spread is termed conduction.
It is propagated along the muscle fibres of the skeletal muscles at a rate of about 3 metres per second.
That the excited state spreads only to previously unexcited portions of the muscle fibre shows that even in the skeletal variety of muscle there exists, though only for a very brief time, a period of inexcitability.
The duration of this period is about ---o / r of a second in skeletal muscle.
When muscle that has remained inactive for some time is excited by a series of single and equal stimuli succeeding at intervals too prolonged to cause summation the succeeding contractions exhibit progressive increase up to a certain degree.
The explanation may lie in the production of CO 2 in the muscle.
That substance, in small doses, favours the contractile power of muscle.
The muscle is a machine for utilizing the energy contained in its own chemical compounds.
We find that if the series of excitations of the muscle be prolonged beyond the short stage of initial improvement, the contractions, after being well maintained for a time, later decline in force and speed, and ultimately dwindle even to vanishing point.
The muscle recovers on being allowed to rest unstimulated for a while, and more quickly on being washed with an innocuous but nonnutritious solution, such as 6%, NaC1 in water.
The washing seems to remove excreta of the muscle's own production, and the period of repose removes them perhaps by diffusion, perhaps by breaking them down into innocuous material.
The neuron is described as having a cell body or perikaryon from which the cell branches - dendrites and axon - extend, and it is this perikaryon which, as its name implies, muscle produces lactic acids during activity, it has been suggested that acids are among the "fatigue substances" with which muscle poisons itself when deprived of circulating blood.
The contracted state, instead of rapidly subsiding after discontinuance of the stimulus, slowly and only partially wears off, the muscle remaining in a condition of physiological "contracture."
It can be demonstrated that they are practically indefatigable - repeatedly stimulated by electrical currents, even through many hours, they, unlike muscle, continue to respond with unimpaired reaction.
But the muscle will, when excited directly, e.g.
The inference is that the "fatigue substances" generated in the muscle fibres in the course of their prolonged contraction injure and paralyse the motor end plates, which are places of synapsis between nerve cell and muscle cell, even earlier than they harm the contractility of the muscle fibres themselves.
Similarly, when the axons of the motor spinal cells are by severance of the nerve trunk of a muscle broken through, the muscle cells undergo "degeneration" - dwindle, become fatty, and alter almost beyond recognition.
This trophic influence which one neuron exerts upon others, or upon the cells of an extrinsic tissue, such as muscle, is exerted in that direction which is the one normally taken by the natural nerve impulses.
These muscles exhibit a certain constant condition of slight contraction, which disappears on severance of the nerve that innervates the muscle.
It is a muscular tonus of central source consequent on the continual glow of excitement in the spinal motor neuron, whose outgoing end plays upon the muscle cells, whose ingoing Yet when the muscular contraction is taken as index ology.
It is with the neural element of muscle tonus that tendon phenomena are intimately associated.
It is a brief extension of the limb at the knee-joint, due to a simple contraction of the extensor muscle, elicited by a tap or other short mechanical stimulus applied to the muscle fibres through the tendon of the muscle.
The jerk is obtainable only from muscle fibres possessed of neural tonus.
The brevity of the interval between the tap on the knee and the beginning of the resultant contraction of the muscle seems such as to exclude the possibility of reflex development.
A slight degree of contraction of muscle seems the substratum of all attention.
The action of atropine in dilating the pupil is also aided by a stimulation of the fibres from the sympathetic nervous system, which innervate the remaining muscle of the iris - the dilator pupillae.
In pain due to violent sciatica relief and even permanent cure has been obtained by the injection of morphine directly into the muscle of the affected part, and in the treatment of renal and hepatic colic morphine given subcutaneously will relieve the acute pain consequent on the passage of biliary and urinary calculi.
The heart muscle is normal, or soft and friable.
The mouth consists of two portions, an outer vestibule and an inner apertura oris; the latter is surrounded by a sphincter muscle, which forms the so-called velum.
He studied the nature of muscular contraction, causing a muscle to record its movements on a smoked glass plate, and he worked out the problem of the velocity of the nervous impulse both in the motor nerves of the frog and in the sensory nerves of man.
The valves of the shell are closed by a single large adductor muscle, the anterior adductor being absent.
The heart and pericardial chamber in the oyster lie along the anterior face of the adductor muscle, almost perpendicular to the direction of the gills, with which in Anodon they are parallel.
During the early period of their sojourn in the pouch, the blind, naked, helpless young creatures (which in the great kangaroo scarcely exceed an inch in length) are attached by their mouths to the nipple of the mother, and are fed by milk injected into their stomach by the contraction of the muscle covering the mammary gland.
The edge of the mantle at the anterior aperture is very thick and muscular; at the posterior aperture also there is a circular muscle, and here the edge is interrupted by a ventral sinus and is provided internally with a dorsal and ventral valve which can be applied to each other so as to close the aperture.
The homologies between man and other animals which both schools try to account for; the explanation of the intervals, with apparent want of intermediate forms, which seem to the creationists so absolute a separation between species; the evidence of useless " rudimentary organs," such as in man the external shell of the ear, and the muscle which enables some individuals to twitch their ears, which rudimentary parts the evolutionists claim to be only explicable as relics of an earlier specific condition, - these, which are the main points of the argument on the origin of man, belong to general biology.
Carniferrin is another tasteless powder containing iron in combination with the phosphocarnic acid of muscle preparations, and contains 35% of iron.
The physiological action of stramonium resembles that of belladonna, except that stramonium relaxes to a greater extent the unstriped muscle of the bronchial tubes; for this reason it is used in asthma to relieve the bronchial spasm.
Each consists in essence of a tightly stretched membrane or drum which is thrown into a state of rapid vibration by a powerful muscle attached to its inner surface and passing thence downwards to the floor of the thoracic cavity.
The skull generally shows a slight depression in front of the socket of the eye, which, although now serving as the attachment for the muscle running to the nostril, may represent the face-gland of the extinct Hipparion.
Behind it, and freely communicating with it beneath the osseous bridge (the post-orbital process of the frontal) forming the boundary between them, is the small temporal fossa occupying the whole of the side of the cranium proper, and in front is the great flattened expanse of the " cheek," formed chiefly by the maxilla, giving support to the long row of cheek-teeth, and having a prominent ridge running forward from below the orbit for the attachment of the masseter muscle.
The lower jaw is large, especially the region of the angle, which is expanded and flattened, giving great surface for the attachment of the masseter muscle.
In the fore-leg the tendon of this muscle (which corresponds with the extensor minimi digiti of man) receives a slip from that of the principal extensor, and is inserted into the first phalanx.
The perforating tendon is derived from the muscle corresponding with the long flexor of man, and the smaller tendon of the oblique flexor (tibialis porticus of man) is united with it.
Its duct leaves the inferior anterior angle, at first descends a little, and runs forward under cover of the rounded inferior border of the lower jaw, then curves up along the anterior margin of the masseter muscle, becoming superficial, pierces the buccinator, and enters the mouth by a simple aperture opposite the middle of the crown of the third premolar tooth.
When in a state of repose it is retracted, by a muscle arising from the sacrum, within the prepuce, a cutaneous fold attached below the symphysis pubis.
The withers may be moderately high and thin; the chest well developed, but not too wide or deep; the shoulder should lie well on the chest, and be oblique and well covered with muscle, so as to reduce concussion in galloping; the upper and lower arms should be long and muscular; the knees broad and strong; legs short, flat and broad; fetlock joints large; pasterns strong and of moderate length; the feet should be moderately large, with the heels open and frogs sound - with no signs of contraction.
That experiments, founded on the study of his nature and properties, which have from time to time been made to improve the breed, and bring the different varieties to the perfection in which we now find them, have succeeded, is best confirmed by the high estimation in which the horses of Great Britain are held in all parts of the civilized world; and it is not too much to assert that, although the cold, humid and variable nature of their climate is by no means favourable to the production of these animals in their very best form, Englishmen have by great care, and by sedulous attention to breeding, high feeding and good grooming, with consequent development of muscle, brougnt them to the highest state of perfection of which their nature is capable.
Afterwards he was in charge of the construction of the Muscle Shoals Canal on the Tennessee river and of another canal near Chattanooga, Tenn.
All of them injected into the blood in large doses act as muscle and nerve poisons, and during their excretion by the kidney usually irritate it severely, but only a few are absorbed in sufficient amount to produce similar effects when given by the mouth.
These consist chiefly in an action upon non-striped muscle, vasomotor centres, blood vessels and the blood.
Apomorphine is essentially a muscle poison, but owing to the fact that minute 'doses stimulate the vomiting centre and cause emesis before any other symptoms are observable, its emetic action is the most prominent effect in man.
Their action is exerted upon muscle, and chiefly upon the muscle of the heart and blood vessels.
Every muscle complained so painfully that she wished the numbness would return.
Transmitters activate the synapses, electrical junctions in the body that stimulate the brain, nerves, and muscle cells to become active and communicate.
She felt dwarfed and delicate next to the mass of roped muscle and taut skin.
Every muscle in her body stiffened as he shut the door and walked across the room to her.
Her body was warm beneath his, a sensual combination of firm muscle beneath soft, feminine curves.
Alex eyed him distastefully, every muscle in his body tense, as if ready to pounce on Rob.
She wasn't going to let him muscle in on her time.
This will absolve governments from making sure Microsoft does not use its Windows monopoly to unfairly muscle its way into other markets.
Antecedent poliomyelitis was demonstrated in all patients by electromyography or muscle biopsy or both.
Post Polio Muscle atrophy (PPMA) has been used as the label for certain symptoms when they include progressive muscle atrophy.
Muscle atrophy in rodents is created by suspending the animals by their tails for weeks or months at a time.
With eccentric contraction, the muscle fibers lengthen to lower the weight.
Drug A attaches to the acetylcholine receptors on the smooth muscle without stimulating them and prevents acetylcholine from gaining access to them.
When enough acetylcholine attaches itself to the outer surface of a muscle cell, the muscle cell becomes ' excited enough ' to contract.
Many types of smooth muscle also contain gap junctions and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, but here acetylcholine normally leads to contraction.
Terminal nerve fibers release acetylcholine into the neuromuscular junction, which then binds to acetylcholine receptors on muscle cells.
Go for the burn, not the muscle ache!
Talin, a very widely expressed actin binding protein protein is also found in muscle cells (at fairly low concentrations ).
These markers included vimentin, desmin, smooth muscle actin and myosin.
G-actin was polymerized into F-actin in a similar kinetic process to rabbit muscle actin was polymerized into F-actin in a similar kinetic process to rabbit muscle actin.
Pilates will not only benefit muscle tone and strength but will also focus on breathing and postural alignment.
And it provides branched chain amino acids that turn the " burn " into new muscle power.
Studies have confirmed that muscle protein synthesis rates are stimulated as long as blood amino acid concentrations remain high [12] .
Another affects the amphipod 's main swimming muscle, inhibiting its ability to move.
Androstenedione does not stimulate muscle protein anabolism in young healthy men.
However, a similar study carried out in Norway in 2003 found that arnica did reduce muscle soreness after marathon running (9 ).
Pethidine has an atropine like effect that is said to counteract the opioid effect on smooth muscle but this has not been proven clinically.
Trimmer Welsh, the muscle behind the gang, was causing a scene with the new barmaid in a pub.
The biceps brachii is anterior to the humerus in an equivalent position to the biceps brachii is anterior to the humerus in an equivalent position to the biceps muscle in the human arm.
Exercise cycles, Exercise bikes or recumbent bikes are good for the large muscle... workout is done on an exercise bike.
Rigor Explaining the development of rigor is a serious undertaking, because first you must understand the biochemistry of muscle contraction.
Many aspects of muscle biophysics have not been touched here.
Cyclic GMP causes the blood vessels in the penis to widen by relaxing a thin layer of muscle found in the blood vessel walls.
Cyclic GMP causes the blood vessels in the penis to widen by relaxing a thin layer of muscle found in the blood vessels in the penis to widen by relaxing a thin layer of muscle found in the blood vessel walls.
The muscle paralysis can be continued with intermittent intravenous boluses, using about 25% of the initial dose.
These medicines, properly known as bronchodilators, have a relaxing effect on the muscle surrounding the bronchioles.
Dim-Mak - Death point striking is primarily involved with energy disruption as opposed to only brute muscle power.
Many athletes who want to remain legal and yet gain muscle bulk and energy, use creatine instead of steroids.
By strength we mean not muscle mass but power because if you get too bulky, it will hinder your swing.
To be an efficient fat burner you need to increase your muscle density.
Then lower buttock and bend the knee to really feel the muscle burn.
During activation of contraction in skeletal muscle, sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium -release channels open.
Another possibility is that women don't ingest carbohydrate in sufficient quantities to facilitate muscle glycogen storage.
The second study will involve 200 patients whose hearts are failing specifically because of dilated cardiomyopathy - a heart muscle disorder.
At least 1 of every 500 people in the UK has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which causes the heart muscle to grow abnormally thick.
The most important is over-activity of the heart muscle which causes a heart disease called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
So any treatments that could reduce muscle catabolism might prove beneficial.
With athetoid cerebral palsy, muscle control is affected by unwanted sporadic movements.
Last, but not least, we've added magnesium chelate for optimum muscle contraction.
Some users inject cocaine into a muscle or vein; or it is converted into a smokable form called freebase.
Type v collagen has also been found in the basement membranes of muscle fibers, except at the point where muscle fibers are innervated.
It also helps learners to become conscious of the muscle movements involved in voicing a consonant.
The minerals calcium and magnesium govern the working of nerves which regulate muscle contractions.
In the case of a muscle cell, depolarisation triggers muscle contraction.
As fatigue sets in, the muscle tissue is no longer capable of meeting the metabolic requirements needed to sustain the contraction.
Minor shocks may also cause injury following involuntary muscle contraction.
In an eccentric contraction, the muscle fibers lengthen to lower the weight.
With this form of contraction, the muscle is allowed to shorten during an isotonic contraction.
Lessons cover topics ranging from muscle contraction to cardiac activity to reaction time.
If the muscle spasms continue, they can cause contractures (damage to muscle and/or surrounding tissue, causing deformity at a joint ).
No joint contractures or skeletal muscle involvement are observed in these patients.
The excess cortisol causes the breakdown of proteins contained in muscle tissue.
Symptoms include severe muscle cramps which can lead to death.
This is when a small muscle in the ear, which is also controlled by the 7th cranial nerve, stops working temporarily too.
Now with close to 40 times more creatine in your muscle cell, the creatine molecule can finally unleash its full potential.
The best strategy to achieve high muscle creatine stores is the implementation of a short loading phase.
There is no evidence to suggest centurions ever wore lorica segmentata and never a mixture of muscle cuirass with segmentata shoulders.
Although Frank is the muscle, Riley is no helpless damsel in distress.
Any age-related loss in leg muscle mass would cause further decrements in performance.
Hodes [52] found a decrement of the compound muscle action potential amplitude on repetitive stimulation in patients with previous paralytic polio.
Generalized muscle perfusion remains above normal for up to 15 minutes after tourniquet deflation.
The CRF also provides an X-ray densitometer machine to accurately measure total body bone, muscle and fat mass.
The protein for muscle growth, and the carbs to replenish the glycogen depleted from your workout.
The drug diazepam (given directly into a vein) can control the muscle spasms.
Medicine used in the treatment of mild muscle pain includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs ).
Beginners can follow the accompanying DVD on how to improve muscle tone, posture and relaxation.
Common features include dystonia (an abnormality in muscle tone ), muscular rigidity, and sudden involuntary muscle spasms (spasticity ).
The work will develop fibers with optimal dimensions and solubility for cell growth do deliver genetically modified muscle cells to treat muscular dystrophy.
They also have no valves valves and contain less elastic and muscle fibers more elastic and muscle fibers.
The symptoms of peripheral fatigue are decreased muscular endurance and muscle fatigability.
Low GI foods eaten before prolonged exercise may improve endurance, whereas high GI foods lead to faster muscle glycogen replenishment after exercise.
The objective of the exercise program for Class I muscles or limbs is to increase muscle strength and cardiovascular endurance.
But each low-pressure correct repetition will contribute to increasing their muscle endurance.
Neither treatment with placebo nor with RSG changed exercise tolerance and skeletal muscle energetics.
This is a malignant neoplasm of glandular epithelium invading down into muscle.
A possible etiology is an imbalance in muscle strength of the small muscles of the foot.
This causes the membrane potential to become more negative and results in muscle and nerve cells becoming less excitable.
Exercise cycles, exercise cycles, Exercise bikes or recumbent bikes are good for the large muscle... workout is done on an exercise bike.
I intend to use it as a pelvic floor muscle exerciser tho after the birth too.
It accounts for 60 to 70 percent of your daily calorie expenditure and it's closely linked to the amount of muscle you have.
The exercise did not effect the peak work load, peak oxygen uptake, or muscle function in knee extensors compared with the controls.
The superior and inferior longitudinal muscles each had an average of 40 distinct muscle fascicles, each supplied by a nerve branch.
Repeat to muscle fatigue (in the range of 12 to 20 reps ).
There was severe muscle damage associated with the fractured right femur.
As it turns out, only some muscle occupied parietal fenestrae when present.
Poliomyelitis causes an overall loss of motor units; therefore, the remaining units must innervate many more muscle fibers than they did originally.
New branches of the remaining nerve cells were sent out to adopt the orphaned muscle fibers.
Muscle biopsy studies do not reveal a significant increase in small angulated fibers until after age 70 years (105 ).
Units of the sarcoplasmic reticulum surround the contractile fibrils in the interior of cardiac muscle cells.
The fat melts and cooks the protein fibrils in the muscle bundles without causing excessive amino acid breakdown.
A less serious but more common muscle problem is a condition called fibromyalgia.
Patients with borderline fibromyalgia had muscle pain and five to 10 tender points on physical examination.
Marine fish were gutted and muscle tissue taken for analysis.
I still get flare-ups of joint & muscle pain, and also suffer fatigue regularly.
Inside this box are the vocal folds which are flaps made of muscle.
At less than 90 degrees of abduction the deltoid muscle force creates a shear vector in the glenoid fossa.
Many competitors will take chocolate, baby food, rice cakes and rice back stage with them for quick energy and muscle fullness.
There will also be necrosis and the classical haemorrhagic furuncle involving muscle tissue.
Parents or teachers may notice an abnormal turning in of the foot, an awkward gait or contractions of many different muscle groups.
Supplementing with glutamine spares free glutamine in muscle tissue, counteracts the fall in muscle protein synthesis, and improves nitrogen balance.
What this means is, the very rigors of weight training leak nitrogen carrying glutamine from muscle tissue.
During intense training, the signal for muscle breakdown (which is a bad thing) may be the release of skeletal muscle glutamine.
Increasing cellular glutathione leads directly to increases in muscle mass and strength.
The sugar is turned into muscle glycogen for tomorrow's run.
The total is 402 umol glycogen per gram of muscle, which is nearly four times the normal concentration of glycogen per gram of muscle, which is nearly four times the normal concentration of glycogen stored in muscle.
All our digestive, blood and respiratory systems are needed to provide energy for muscle systems - again - to overcome gravitation!
Multi gyms... Abdominal muscle exercises and abdominal oblique exercises.. .
A progressive fibrosis of the quadriceps muscle occurs which eventually produces recurrent, then habitual and finally chronic patello-femoral dislocation.
The stimulus for muscle fiber hypertrophy may vary between muscle groups, depending on their activity pattern.
Conditions included postoperative ileus, delayed onset muscle soreness, migraine, influenza, asthma, rheumatic conditions and osteoarthritis.
Testing for muscle imbalances is an art in itself.
Leucine regulates translation initiation of protein synthesis in skeletal muscle after exercise.
Also work on the thoracic inlet to ease off the trapezius muscle.
In other words, the high- intensity training allowed nerve cells to ' reach out and touch ' an increased number of muscle fibers.
At low weights heart muscle is affected, the beat can become irregular.
They involve abrupt muscle jerks in part or all the body.
The place where muscle and nerve meet is called a ' neuromuscular junction ' (NJ ).
Some scientists say that deliberately inducing ketosis can lead to muscle breakdown, dehydration, headaches, nausea, and kidney problems.
Pain occurs if bending the knee is resisted, or if the patient attempts to stretch the muscle.
You see, muscle cells - especially ' slow-twitch ' muscle cells - actually use lactate as an important fuel.
For muscle pains, bruises and sprains; apply this liniment to the affected area and massage in gently.
This tuft of tentacles is called the lophophore and can be retracted quickly by a strong muscle fixed into the envelope.
Is the muscle marbling being retained in these crosses and to what extent?
An estimation of the bulk of the calf muscle was made using a tape measure.
Finally, a thin double layer of smooth muscle is often present - the muscularis mucosa for local movement of the mucosa.
The foot muscle constantly secretes mucus which later dries to form the silvery slime trails that signal their presence.
According to Dr. Bradley, I was supposed to relax every muscle in my body.
The following sections will illustrate how Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ are involved in striated muscle 's structures and functions.
Effect of swimming on reinnervation of rat skeletal muscle.
Exercising your pelvic floor muscle is a great way to work your pelvic girdle.
The permanent muscle tone present in many facial muscles make the creases look like deep furrows.
Brain cells can give rise to all previous cells types including the peripheral nervous system and smooth muscle.
Baclofen is a skeletal muscle relaxant used for the relief of chronic muscle relaxant used for the relief of chronic muscle spasm or spasticity.
Sensory nerve cells carry information about muscle tension and body position to motor nerve cells in the spinal cord to control muscle contraction.
Toxic doses of propantheline bromide may produce non-depolarising neuromuscular blocking effects with paralysis of voluntary muscle.
Unlike depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents, such as succinylcholine, Norcuron does not cause muscle fasciculations.
The control of the heartbeat starts with a small clump of muscle cells in the upper right chamber, called the sinoatrial node.
The mice fed the drug cocktail lived substantially longer, and had a delayed onset of nerve and muscle deterioration.
For the symptomatic strong, the extent of muscle overuse ranged from two to three muscles.
The heart muscle is supplied with freshly oxygenated blood through two arteries (the coronary arteries ).
The heart muscle, suddenly deprived of oxygen, is the site of the typical acute central chest pain.
Several structural and gene expression changes have been shown in many tissues, including pancreas, liver, kidney, muscle and adipose tissue.
Can you identify the fungiform and filiform papillae, glands, and skeletal muscle.
These antibodies may be the cause of the eye muscle paralysis.
The reason for this lack of atrophy in the presence of muscle paresis has recently been identified.
These molecules induce smooth muscle contraction and enhance vascular permeability.
They develop the physique evenly unlike some sports which require specialized use of certain muscles or muscle groups.
T tubules are invaginations of muscle cell plasma membrane.
An ideal prokinetic drug should either enhance the contraction of a damaged muscle or normalize the coordination of a damaged myenteric plexus.
Evidence of remote denervation consistent with antecedent poliomyelitis was demonstrated in all patients by electromyography or muscle biopsy or both.
Greenpeace's size and centralized power structure gives it tremendous muscle that smaller grassroots groups cannot match.
Dinsmore et al [65] studied the effect of high dose prednisone in 17 PPS patients (with new muscle weakness ).
The psychic end is so predominant that you forget to ask about the muscle end.
The gene that underlies this disorder encodes a muscle protein called dystrophin.
One of the most widely publicized studies involved a group of NCAA players who produced 2.5 times more muscle mass than a placebo group.
The upper and lower chambers of the heart have walls of almost pure muscle.
Myosin II, the form found in skeletal muscle, is sometimes referred to a conventional myosin.
Some non-depolarising muscle relaxants depend on the kidney for elimination.
When the patient has lost consciousness give a muscle relaxant and intubate the trachea.
The induction of anesthesia is followed by tracheal intubation after the administration of a depolarizing muscle relaxant.
Spinal manipulation is an alternative to taking muscle relaxants for acute low back pain.
Neonates and infants are more sensitive than adults to non-depolarising muscle relaxants.
Remember that a long acting muscle relaxant will not be required.
In addition Dong Quai acts as a nerve and smooth muscle relaxant, has pain-relieving properties and is a circulatory stimulant.
Baclofen is a skeletal muscle relaxant used for the relief of chronic muscle spasm or spasticity.
Neuromuscular blockade With modern short acting muscle relaxants, reversal of neuromuscular block at the end of cesarean section is rarely a problem.
The value of muscle relaxants is more than offset by their side effects.
It also is known to be a smooth muscle relaxer.
Muscle means little mouse in Latin, from the fancied resemblance of the muscle body contracting beneath the skin.
The arrival of an action potential in the interior of the cardiac muscle cell causes the release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Sharon has plenty of muscle - superb back and outstanding side chest and triceps shots - even an abdominal retraction.
The new K1200 r roadster is a muscle bike that owes its allegiance to nothing that has gone before.
The edible part of the scallop is the pale adductor muscle and orange roe (coral ).
This is almost always due to months or years of muscle imbalances in the hip rotator muscles.
Vegetables increase satiety and keep blood sugar concentrations steady so that the muscle building, fat burning process isn't interrupted.
Exercises to stretch the scalene muscles and related tight tissues can relief scalene muscles and related tight tissues can relief scalene muscle syndrome.
The levator scapulae muscle inserts on the superior medial border and is specifically named for its function.
In every heart attack some heart muscle is damaged or dies and is replaced by scar tissue.
Thus, almost all of the increase in muscular work associated with running up inclines must occur as a result of increased muscle shortening.
Symptoms include headaches, dizziness, vomiting, muscle cramps and spasms, pale skin, weak pulse and high temperature.
These changes include hypertrophy of bronchial smooth muscle, transformation of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts, and deposition of subepithelial collagen.
Even tho there are no definitive studies examining the cell soma to prove this, electrophysiologic and muscle biopsy data appear to be supportive.
It makes breathing easier by relaxing muscle spasms in the air passages of the lungs.
As a result of this brain damage, Mrs A suffered severe muscle spasms and her teeth were permanently clenched.
In addition to increased muscle tone, there are episodic muscular spasms.
Muscle Types Muscle tissue consists of fibers (cells) that are highly specialized for the active generation of force for contraction.
Feeling confident you have the muscle tone required for a controlled venting operation, you allow the sphincter to slightly relax.
This may further reduce pain and stiffness that occurs with inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and muscle sprains.
At that time, the Muscle Pass was transformed from an acrobatic stunt to an element of real magic.
It isn't clear that people with neuromuscular diseases are unusually susceptible to the nerve or muscle damaging effects of statins.
Harford, J.J. & Squire, J.M. (1997) Time-resolved diffraction studies of muscle using synchrotron radiation.
Scientists still don't why, but NO stimulates protein synthesis in the muscle.
Conversely, delaying carbohydrate ingestion by several hours may slow down muscle glycogen synthesis.
Atrial tachycardia is focal in origin, commonly from muscle sleeves within the pulmonary veins.
For relaxing tense muscles or an over-active mind use specific relaxation techniques like progressive muscle relaxation or guided visualization.
We then went on to a second exercise which was the Jacobsen method of muscle tension relaxation.