Muni Sentence Examples
Sakya Muni, the Buddha, came here from Gaya in the 6th century B.C. (from which time some of the remains may date), in order to establish his religion, which shows that the place was even then a great centre.
His son and successor Muni tsan-po, being .determined to raise all his subjects to the same level, enacted that there should be no distinction between poor and rich, humble and great.
Longitude East 12 0 of Greenwich distance on the south where it is conterminous with the Spanish Muni river settlement.
Besides these isolated posts Spain holds Rio de Oro, a stretch of the Saharan coast, and its hinterland lying between Morocco and French West Africa; the Muni River Settlements or Spanish Guinea, situated between French Congo and the German colony of Cameroon; Fernando P0, Annobon, Corisco and other islands in the Gulf of Guinea.
Annobon, Ceuta, Corisco, the Chaffarinas, Burgos Fernando P0, the Muni River Settlements and Logroflo Rio de Oro are described in separate articles.
Muni River Settlements - --..
Public transit, including both Muni and the Powell-Hyde cable car, is right outside the lobby doors.
San Francisco has taxis, cable cars and MUNI buses, but there are times when such vehicles are not ideal.
Instead of driving to Union Square and wrangling parking, why not save yourself a headache and some gas by taking either BART or MUNI, San Francisco's very convenient public transportation systems?