Multiplied Sentence Examples
Books were in demand and were multiplied.
Numbers multiplied by 0 are always equal 0.
Among the ruder or savage tribes they possess but one form; but the ingenuity of man has devised many inventions to increase his comforts; he has varied and multiplied the characters and kinds of domestic animals for the same purpose, and hence the various breeds of horses, cattle and dogs.
And similar records might be multiplied almost to any extent.
The sum of the corresponding numbers multiplied by 332600 gives Log.
When the stand on which w rests is shaken, a multiplied representation of this movement takes place at h, and any small body resting on that point, as for example a small screw s standing on its head, may be caused to topple over.
Vicentini of Padua, will yield excellent diagrams of the gentle undulations of earthquakes which have originated at great distances, but for local disturbances, even if the bob of the pendulum acts as a steady point, the highly multiplied displacements are usually too great to be recorded.
Their political influence, again, which arises from the fusion of private and political law in Koran and Sunna, is highly inconvenient to the state, and often becomes intolerable now that relations with Western states are multiplied.
Both capitals multiplied their population by nine in the first nine decades of the century.
The seed thus sown rapidly germinated and multiplied.
AdvertisementCollegiate honours accompanied the issue of its successive volumes, which, however, at the same time multiplied his foes and stimulated their hatred.
But in the interval their duties vastly multiplied.
If, therefore, the screw has several equidistant threads, the true pitch is equal to the divided axial pitch, as measured between two adjacent threads, multiplied by the number of threads.
If that velocity is different for different portions of the rubbing surfaces, the velocity of each portion is to be multiplied by the friction of that portion, and the results summed or integrated.
The product wp/g, by which the half-square of the angular velocity is multiplied, is called the moment of inertia of the revolving body.
AdvertisementThe actual energy due to the rotation of the fly, with its mean angular velocity, is equal to one-half of the periodical excess of energy multiplied by the steadiness.
Each year has multiplied the produce of the preceding, and for thirty years it is this rice which has been served at my table.
Some seeds were obtained from China; but they proved to be of small importance, as it was clearly ascertained by the members of the Assam deputation that both the black and the green tea plants were indigenous here, and might be multiplied to any extent; another result of the Chinese mission, that of procuring persons skilled in the cultivation and manufacture of black tea, was of more material benefit.
They had also rapidly multiplied, so that by 1 9 04 they were more numerous than the whites in the colony.
Resolving vertically we find that the weight of the liquid raised above the level must be equal to T(sin 0 2 - sin 01), and this is therefore equal to the area P 1 P 2 A 2 A 1 multiplied by gp. The form of the capillary surface is identical with that of the " elastic curve," or the curve formed by a uniform spring originally straight, when its ends are acted on by equal and T 2 opposite forces applied either to the ends themselves or to solid pieces attached to them.
AdvertisementThe analytical expression for the motion in the latter case involves exponential terms, one of which (except in case of a particular relation between the initial displacements and velocities) increases rapidly, being equally multiplied in equal times.
Thus, if d= 1, q -1 -= -115; or for a diameter of one centimetre the disturbance is multiplied 2.7 times in about one-ninth of a second.
If the disturbance be multiplied 1000 fold in time, t, qt=3log e 10=6.9, so that t= 79d a.
For example, if the diameter be one millimetre, the disturbance is multiplied 1000 fold in about one-fortieth of a second.
From (3) it appears that the time in which a disturbance is multiplied in a given ratio varies, not as d, but as d z.
AdvertisementAs everybody knows, however, books could be and were multiplied by the process of copying tolerably freely, and a copy at first or second hand which belonged to the fiddler king Rene of Provence in the 15th century was used for the first printed edition in 1547.
In Wales, for instance, the rivalry of the sects has multiplied chapel accommodation out of all proportion to the population; while everywhere it happens that churches, at one time crowded every Sunday, have been emptied by the shifting of population or other causes.
A fact is nothing except in its relations to other facts; and as these relations are multiplied in the progress of knowledge the nature of the so-called fact is indefinitely modified.
The line n shows the factor by which the index of refraction of the transmitted vibration is multiplied, and the curve p the intensity of the absorbed vibration for that wave-length.
No exact comparison can be made showing the increase in the native population owing to the varying areas of the colony, but the natives have multiplied more rapidly than the whites; the increase in the numbers of the last-named being due, in considerable measure, to immigration.
In the present article a+b will mean that a is taken first, and b added to it; but a X b will mean that b is taken first, and is then multiplied by a.
When this new unit has been multiplied by a number, we can again take the product as a unit for the purpose of another multiplication; and so on indefinitely.
If this unit is A, then what we are really considering is - 4A; and this means, not that A is multiplied by - 4, but that A is multiplied by 4, and the product is taken negatively.
Thus "-4 of A " no longer means two of the units, three of which make up A; it means that A is multiplied by the fraction 3, i.e.
Hence the digits are multiplied in pairs, and grouped according to the power of io which each product contains.
When a mixed quantity or a mixed number has to be multiplied by a large number, it is sometimes convenient to express the former in terms of one only of its denominations.
The lower clergy were more amenable; the two hundred who alone are said to have been ejected should perhaps be multiplied by five; but even so they were not one in seven, and these seven were clergy who had been promoted in Marys reign, or who bad stood the celibate and other tests of 1553-1554.
While a number of ferns can be multiplied vegetatively, by buds formed on the leaves and in other ways, the regular mode of propagation is by sowing the spores shed from the ripe sporangia.
Clubs were multiplied and pamphlets came forth every hour.
This solution being reached, the additional terms were found, which were multiplied by the first power of the several eccentricities and of the inclination.
One of them, Simon Brec, proceeded to Greece, where his posterity multiplied to such an extent that the Greeks grew afraid and reduced them to slavery.
Unable to rise, the wretched people multiplied on their potato plots with perfect recklessness.
Perquisites, offices, frced loans were multiplied to such a point that a critic of the times, Guy Patin, facetiously declared that duties were to be exacted from the beggars basking in the sun.
The Company of the Indies became the grantee for the farming of.tobacco, the coinage of metals, and farming in general; and in order to procure funds it multiplied the output of shares, which were adroitly launched and became more and more sought for on the exchange in the rue Quincampoix.
Clubs were openly organized, pamphlets and journals appeared, regardless of administrative orders; workmens unions multiplied in Paris, Bordeaux and Lyons, in face of drastic pro hibition; and anarchy finally set in with the defection of the army in Paris on the 23rd of June, at Nancy, at Metz and at Brest.
The existing species of things having thus been transferred, with all their specialities, to the prehistoric stage, they were multiplied endlessly in number, by reducing their size through continued subdivision; at the same time each one thing is so indissolubly connected with every other that the keenest analysis can never completely sever them.
In Australia, as in America, horses imported by European settlers have escaped into unreclaimed lands and multiplied to a prodigious extent, roaming in vast herds over the wide and uncultivated plains.
The value of the clearness of an image-point in a median section is the sine of the semi-aperture of the pencil multiplied with the refractive index of the medium.
Petals multiplied at the expense of the stamens, which are reduced in number.
The floral envelopes are rarely multiplied.
From the above instances, which could be multiplied, we have no hesitation in postulating a Hebrew original of i.
An entrant's score is the sum of each driver's points multiplied by the entrant 's rating of the driver.
So that means that the value of x is given by cos( q) multiplied by the hypotenuse.
Privately multiplied debt issuances are the currency of the global corporate gang's control.
William of Occam, a 14th century logician, wrote " Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily.
Law of If we know the weights a and b of two elements that are reciprocal found in union with unit weight of a third element, then proporwe can predict the composition of the compounds which the first two elements can form with each other; either the weights a and b will combine exactly, or if not, these weights must be multiplied by integers to obtain the composition of a compound.
The first to attempt to define pitch would seem to have been Arnold Schlick (Musica ausgeteutscht and ausgezogen, Heidelberg, 1 511), who gives a measure, a line of 4s Rhenish inches, which, he says, multiplied sixteen times, should be the lowest F of a small organ.
It will be noticed that the rods only give the multiples of the number which is to be multiplied, or of the divisor when they are used for division, and it is evident that they would be of little use to any one who knew the multiplication table as far as 9 X9.
On p. 8, 10.502 is multiplied by 3.216, and the result found to be 33.77443 2; and on pp. 23 and 24 occur decimals not attached to integers, viz.
The new settlement, however, continued to prosper, and the cattle and horses brought from Europe multiplied and spread over the plains of the Pampas.
Extending his investigations to the currents produced by batteries, he found that the total voltaic heat generated in any circuit was proportional to the number of electrochemical equivalents electrolysed in each cell multiplied by the electromotive force of the battery.
If the insulation per mile, i.e., the total insulation multiplied by the mileage of the wire loop, is found to be less than 200,000 ohms, the wire is considered to be faulty.
The grey and white poplars are usually multiplied by long cuttings; the growth is so rapid in a moist loamy soil that, according to Loudon, cuttings 9 ft.
The order of Friends was organized in a hierarchy of ranks, which were multiplied as time went on.
The whole burden of taxation rested on their shoulders, and so ground down were they by ingeniously multiplied exactions, that thousands of them were reduced to literal beggary.
Similarly the "cube root" of a quantity is another quantity which when multiplied by itself twice gives the original quantity; thus is the cube root of a (see Arithmetic and Algebra).
The coefficient of correlation is 0.5699, which indicates that the standard deviation of an array is equal to that of the leaves in general multiplied by 1 / I - (0.5699) 1; and performing this multiplication, we find 1.426 as the standard deviation of an array.
From this result it follows (see Probability) that the standard deviation of the array, which we have taken as a measure of individual variability, is equal to the standard deviation of the race multiplied by V I - (2) z or by * These results cannot be accepted as final, but they are based on so many investigations of animals and plants, of such widely different kinds, that they may confidently be expected to hold for large classes of organic characters.
Should the horse finish first, the punter wins the stake multiplied by the SP of the horse.
Multiplied by division in spring; the offsets being potted and kept in a frame until they are well rooted.
Easily multiplied by division of the tufts, or by cuttings of the roots in spring.
It is multiplied by pulling the tufts into small pieces and then replanting them a few inches apart, when they soon meet and form a carpet.
All are easily multiplied by division in spring or autumn.
Easily multiplied from cuttings, which plants freely produce if placed in heat in January, but it is only useful where sub-tropical plants are put out for the fine months in sheltered dells.
It is easily multiplied by division of the tufts.
What this means is that anything you wear later on that adds stamina will be added to your overall health then multiplied by 1.05%, making this an attractive feature for any warrior (tank class).
The ratio of RBCs in CSF to blood is multiplied by the blood WBC count.
Numbers multiplied by 1 are always equal themselves.
Numbers multiplied by 5 always end in 5 or 0.
Numbers multiplied by 10 always end in 0.
Imagine that situation multiplied by eight and realize that any parent who has eight newborns simultaneously is going to require some help.
At the same time, the rewards of being in it are multiplied as well.
This comes from the five elements multiplied by the twelve earth branches.
A teen may not have as many physical issues, but his emotional needs may have multiplied.
Generally, coupons for free products or a gift with purchase can't be multiplied.
For example, a person weighing 150 pounds who is 67 inches tall has a BMI of 150/4489 (67 x 67) multiplied by 703, or 23.49.
In the second he not only enlarges his matter and gives multiplied applications of his ideas, but also follows the synthetic method, first expounding the laws he had discovered and then proving them by the facts to which they are applied.
Pigs and goats, however, with cattle, horses, asses and dogs, have been introduced, have multiplied, and in considerable numbers run wild.
The population of Victoria was doubled in the first twelvemonth of the gold fever, and the value of imports and exports was multiplied tenfold between 1851 and 1853.
Thus, if x= horned and y = sheep, then the successive acts of election represented by x and y, if performed on unity, give the whole of the class horned sheep. Boole showed that elective symbols of this kind obey the same primary laws of combination as algebraical symbols, whence it followed that they could be added, subtracted, multiplied and even divided, almost exactly in the same manner as numbers.
These images take the place of the coloured fragments of glass, and they are symmetrically multiplied by the mirrors.
Such quotations were multiplied, as theologians learnt to depend increasingly upon their predecessors, until the testimony of "our holy father" Athanasius, or Gregory the Divine, or John the Golden-mouthed, came to be regarded as decisive in reference to controverted points of faith and practice.
To check this courts were multiplied (there were five, six or more instances), which only multiplied the evil.
After his death in 1054 the process of disintegration went on apace and the family feuds multiplied at an alarming rate.
Moreover, the prohibitions are strengthened and multiplied.
The situation went from bad to worse, the deficit in the budget increased, the gendarmery, which received no pay, became insubordinate, and crime multiplied.
Meanwhile his academic honours from home and foreign universities multiplied, and he became a fellow of the Royal Society in 1894.
Thus all that was shocking in the barbarism of Africa was multiplied and intensified by this foreign stimulation.
After the field preaching began converts multiplied.
The expenses were met by collections made in the Calvinistic Methodist Societies, and as the funds increased masters were multiplied, until in 1786 Charles had seven masters to whom he paid £io per annum; in 1787, twelve; in 1789, fifteen; in 1794, twenty.
The discriminant of the product of two forms is equal to the product of their discriminants multiplied by the square of their resultant.
Every symbolic product, involving several sets of cogredient variables, can be exhibited as a sum of terms, each of which is a polar multiplied by a product of powers of the determinant factors (xy), (xz), (yz),...
Then if a known change of induction SB a inside the standard coil is found to cause a throw of d scale-divisions, any change of induction SB through the experimental coil will be numerically equal to the corresponding throw D multiplied by snRBa/SNrd.
When the magnetizing current is twice reversed, so as to complete a cycle, the sum of the two deflections, multiplied by a factor depending upon the sectional area of the specimen and upon the constants of the apparatus, gives the hysteresis for a complete cycle in ergs per cubic centimetre.
Thus the magnetization which the sample of Swedish iron received in a field of 1490 was not increased (beyond the limits of experimental error) when the intensity of the field was multiplied more than thirteen-fold, though the induction was nearly doubled.
In opposition to this Nominalistic view, which implied the reversal of his whole position, William may have meant to say that, instead of the universal being multiplied, it is rather the individuals which are reduced to unity in the universal.
Matthias laboured strenuously to develop and protect the towns, multiplied municipal charters, and materially improved the means of communication, especially in 1 We know actually of fifteen, but there may have been many more.
The number by which an algebraical expression is to be multiplied is called its coefficient.
Later, in his article " Chromatics " in the supplement to the 5th edition of this encyclopaedia, he shows that the colours " lose the mixed character of periodical colours, and resemble much more the ordinary prismatic spectrum, with intervals completely dark interposed," and explains it by the consideration that any phasedifference which may arise at neighbouring striae is multiplied in proportion to the total number of striae.
New corms are produced at the end of the season, and by these the plant is multiplied.
The Boer leaders definitely decided upon a guerrilla and a wearing policy, deliberately dispersed their field army, and then swelled and multiplied the innumerable local commandos.
Garments were multiplied, and the cape and long mantle, which had previously been uncommon, were now usual.
Even before the Reformation, however, signs of decay had already begun to appear, and these multiplied in the 16th and 17th centuries.
While Berlin and Budapest have made the most rapid progress of all European cities, having multiplied their population by nine in the period 1800-90, Vienna - even including the extensive annexations of 1892 - only increased sevenfold.
With the aid of the Jesuits, whose privileges he multiplied, he conducted a vigorous propaganda.
In algebra, the "cube" of a quantity is the quantity multiplied by itself twice, i.e.
The amplitudes of these tones are proportional to the products of a and b multiplied by X or µ.
Misunderstandings and movements at cross-purposes multiplied on the Russian side, and at midnight Kuropatkin at last obtained information of events on the side of Yentai Mines.
Among certain Gnostic sects Amen became the name of an angel, and in post-biblical Jewish works exaggerated statements are multiplied as to the right method and the bliss of pronouncing it.
In Germany, their original home, both training schools and societies have multiplied and developed.
All his life long Spener had been exposed to the attacks and abuse of the orthodox Lutheran theologians; with his years his opponents multiplied, and the movement which he had inaugurated presented increasingly matter for hostile criticism.
Ultimately, indeed, as sanctuaries were multiplied and the priests all over the land came to form one well-marked class, " Levite and legitimate priest became equivalent expressions, as is explained in the article Levites.
As time went on the Cossacks multiplied exceedingly.
Paulo in Brazil supplied Sars with representatives of all the three in his Norwegian aquaria, in some of which the little Macrothrix elegans " multiplied to such an extraordinary extent as at last to fill up the water with immense shoals of individuals."
In 797 Charlemagne commissioned Alcuin to prepare an emended text of the Vulgate; copies of this text were multiplied, not always accurately, in the famous writingschools at Tours.
It should be borne in mind that in early times the larger values, such as minae, would be transmitted by commerce, while after the introduction of coinage the lesser values of shekels and drachmae would be the units; and this needs notice, because usually a borrowed unit was multiplied or divided according to the ideas of the borrowers, and strange modifications thus arose.
Seeing the good reasons for this digit having been exported to the West from Egypt--from the presence of the 18.23 cubit in Egypt, and from the 0.729 digit being the decimal base of the Greek long measures--it is not surprising to find it in use in Italy as a digit, and multiplied by 16 as a foot.
As a unit of 1.013, decimally multiplied, is most commonly to be deduced from the ancient Persian buildings, we may take 25.34 as the nearest approach to the ancient Persian unit.
Among them (29) the two contiguous groups can be discriminated by the 129 being multiplied by 30 and 60, while the 67 or 134 is differently x 25, 40, 50 and l00.
It is evident that Wittich's prosthaphaeresis could not be a good method of practically effecting multiplications unless the quantities to be multiplied were sines, on account of the labour of the interpolations.
If the logarithms are to be Briggian all the series in the preceding formulae must be multiplied by M, the modulus; thus, log i o(I +x) = M(x-2x2+3x3-4x4+&c.), and so on.
In all the communities schools have multiplied, but the new seminaries are of the old non-progressive type.
Not only has the number of known forms been greatly multiplied, but the study of the biology and life-history of the parasites has been attended in some cases with remarkable and unexpected results.
As the frame has the same linear expansion as the wire, external changes of the temperature will not affect their relative length, but if the fine wire is heated by the passage of an electric current, its expansion will move the indicating needle over the scale, the motion being multiplied by the gear.
In the Hartmann and Braun form of hot-wire voltmeter, the fine wire is fixed between two supports, and the expansion produced when a current is passed through it causes the wire to sag down, the sag being multiplied by a gear and made to move an indicating needle over a scale.
The result was that, despite the numbers who entered the army or emigrated to Canada, the standard of civilization sank lower, and the population multiplied in the islands.
Urban and Rural Population.The five cities of the country that had 8000 or more inhabitants in 1790 had multiplied to 548 in 1900.
Minnesota alone produces more than half of the same total, having multiplied her product since 1889 by more than 33 times.
Songbirds are plentiful, especially in wooded regions, and include the American robin, oriole, thrushes, the cat-bird and various sparrows; while the English sparrow, introduced years ago, has multiplied excessively and become a nuisance in the towns.
In The Reformed Calendar The Intercalary Period Is Four Hundred Years, Which Number Being Multiplied By Seven, Gives Two Thousand Eight Hundred Years As The Interval In Which The Coincidence Is Restored Between The Days Of The Year And The Days Of The Week.
The specific gravity of any sample of spirits thus determined, when multiplied by ten, gives the weight in pounds per imperial gallon, and the weight of any bulk of spirits divided by this number gives its volume at once in imperial gallons.
The scale is so arranged that the reading multiplied by 5 and added to 1000 gives the specific gravity with reference to water as 1000.
Among the archives, kept in the sacristy of the church, are several banners captured by the Appenzellers in former days, among them one taken in 1406 at Imst, near Lanedeck, with the inscription Hundert Teufel, though popularly this number is multiplied a thousandfold.
As a result of their isolation, the proportion of endemic plants is greater here than in any other region, and the great elevation of the mountains, with the consequent variation in temperature, moisture and barometric pressure, has multiplied the number of species.
In the half-century from 1830 to 1880 the cloisters likewise prospered and multiplied fivefold.
Such examples might be multiplied unendingly, but enough has been said to show that the attitude of civilized man towards the sphinx-riddle of his end has been in part dictated and is even still influenced by the savage belief that to die is unnatural.
The proofs of this which Schultz and Gautier adduce from the Chansons de Geste might be multiplied indefinitely.
When the work was recommenced it was found that the native Christians had multiplied and developed during the harsh treatment of the 25 years.
Having an easy task in defending himself against Hobbes's trivial criticism, he seized the opportunity given him by the English translation of the De corpore to track Hobbes again step by step over the whole course, and now to confront him with his incredible inconsistencies multiplied by every new utterance.
Anti-slavery societies were greatly multiplied throughout the North, and many men of influence, both in the church and in the state, were won to the cause.
Instances might be multiplied.
They multiplied exceedingly, and by the time of Theodosius were reckoned by Chrysostom at about 10o,000 souls.
The progress of Protestant missions was very slow for some years, but from 1895 converts multiplied.
Thus, applied to a potential, it gives the direction and magnitude of the force; to a distribution of temperature in a conducting solid, it gives (when multiplied by the conductivity) the flux of heat, &c.
But the development has been rapid; the value of products multiplied seven times, the wages paid nine, and the capital invested twelve, in the years 1880-1900; and the increase in the same categories from 1900-1905 was 35, 42.8 and 82.4% respectively.
Shares that at first represented so many dollars per foot in a tangible mine were multiplied and remultiplied until they came to represent paper thicknesses or almost nothing, yet still their prices mounted upward.
In the meantime, however, agreements of this nature between one power and another have multiplied rapidly within the last few years (see Arbitration).
You could ask it, "What is the number of presidents of the United States born on Friday who have older sisters, multiplied by the number of wars lost by Bolivia?" and it could instantly give you an answer.
Everything would be better made because the best way to make a thing could be multiplied across all occurrences of the thing.
The spirit of an army is the factor which multiplied by the mass gives the resulting force.
Shirazi (f9o5); but the literature in new translations and imitations has recently multiplied exceedingly.
Infirmities multiplied upon him, until his death at Washington on the 22nd of October 1900.
With him the unit is termed "digitus"; when multiplied by ten it becomes the "articulus"; while the combination of the articulus and the digitus is the "numeras compositus."
Yahweh's judgments are multiplied against the land, and the issue can be nothing else than its total desolation.
Throughout the whole of this period, embracing about a hundred years, there still continued to work, altogether apart from the men who were making the success of popular art, a large number of able painters of the Kano, Tosa and Chinese schools, who multiplied pictures that had every merit except that of originality.
The result is that although the forms of apparatus utilized for this purpose are all based on the one fundamental principle of bringing about the contact of the carbide with the water which is to enter into double decomposition with it, they have been multiplied in number to a very large extent by the methods employed in order to ensure control in working, and to get away from the dangers and inconveniences which are inseparable from a too rapid generation.
To the oldtime belief that languages multiplied by splitting and colonizing, must be added the theory that languages were formerly more numerous, and that those of the Americans were formed by combining.
The census of 1871 obtained for the first time a return of persons of unsound mind not confined in asylums. During the next ten years, the separate areas for which population returns had to be prepared were seriously multiplied by the creation of sanitary districts, to the number of 966.
During the next twenty years the gold discoveries, the public works expenditure, and the development of agriculture; multiplied the number of colonists five times to 498,000 in April 1881.
If it is intended that the first number is to be multiplied by the second, a special sign such as X should be used.