Multiple Sentence Examples
Let's make it multiple choice.
It's alleged he uses multiple aliases.
Complex projects can be carried out on multiple continents through project management tools.
The main floor exhibited three offices which we stocked with multiple secure computers.
She went through the multiple security procedures.
The sun was brilliant, the pinks and oranges – combined with the multiple shades of blue sky as it lightened – creating a vision beyond that of any dream.
The next eruption, and the one after it, gave insufficient light to help, but then a multiple display hung in the sky like a full moon, giving time for his eyes to search left and right.
You can be filled with water from multiple sources.
The subscriber's meter is joined in multiple with the cut-off relay, and whenever a peg is connected to the circuit a current flows through the meter.
I'm going to guess closer to multiple years.
AdvertisementAnd from the study of compounds he showed that each element occurred in a definite weight or in some multiple of this weight.
He so insisted on multiple times that none of us either questioned him.
The law of multiple proportions asserts that if two elements form more than' one compound, then the weights of the one element Law of which are found combined with unit weight of the other multiple in the different compounds, must be in the ratio of two propor or more whole numbers.
According to this theory, an element in a compound had a definite saturation capacity, an idea very old in itself, being framed in the law of multiple proportions.
Via books, ideas became mobile—or as we would say today, went viral—spreading to other villages and other countries and to multiple places around the world simultaneously.
AdvertisementCorporations are run by "officers," comprised of multiple "divisions," and set revenue "targets."
He sprinted, geared down, and just lolled along, experimenting with his body's reaction to the various phases and ultimately pleased with its response to his multiple tests.
Multiple dirt deer trails moved away.
For those who are on a slim budget, however, there are multiple options for dinner in town.
Multiple pairs of feet hurried down the hall and Connie was the first one through the door.
AdvertisementHer apprehension grew as the vamp led her down a maze of hallways through scores of other vamps and past multiple doorways.
She followed him up a set of regal stairs to the second floor, where multiple rooms lined a hallway.
My guess is she sets the damn alarm multiple times every night.
Despite his urgency, Mr. Tim was immaculately dressed, his silvered hair clashing with features rendered youthful by multiple advanced cosmetic surgeries.
Multiple times, Laurie said at last.
AdvertisementDuring the interim we learned the sad news of the death of the Alabama Deputy Sheriff who was shot multiple times after stopping the kidnapper of eight year old Jennifer Morley.
The difficulty was obviated by the introduction of the " multiple switchboard."
And the principle at work in this technology could lead to a cure for other autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Opposite the living room was a massive bathroom with marble floors, a Jacuzzi, small sauna, and a large shower with multiple shower heads.
He identified several major flaws in her defense, struck them multiple times to confirm, and caught her wrist to stop her.
Jessi grimaced, aware that such treatment involved multiple shots.
With the exception of the top squares, every square is divided into two parts by a diagonal, the units being written on one side and the tens on the other, so that when a multiple consists of two figures they are separated by the diagonal.
One of the advantages of electric trains on the multiple control system is that they economize terminal accommodation, because they can be driven from either end indifferently, and therefore avoid the necessity for tracks by which engines can change from one end of the train to the other.
She chewed her lip as she watched the micro map multiple routes, gauging how much food and water she'd have to carry to survive.
The foyer extended from the front door to the windows, with multiple hallways and a stairway running deeper into the place.
In the Rowland multiple method of telegraphic working, the transmitter consists of a mechanical keyboard provided with a series of levers, which effect certain combinations of positive and negative currents for each letter.
To overcome these difficulties the " branching multiple " was introduced.
With the " branching multiple " the " selfrestoring drop " was introduced.
The term "alloy" does not necessarily imply obedience to the laws of definite and multiple proportion or even uniformity throughout the material; but some alloys are homogeneous and some are chemical compounds.
It was a violation of multiple rules within the Immortal Code.
Multiple sclerosis is not a death sentence, where methanol toxicity is.
You will have first class verbal and written communication skills and the ability to manage and develop multiple accounts.
These include fostering learner engagement, enabling multiple roles for both learners and tutors, and appropriate focusing of assessed tasks.
However, a fine of £ 750,000 was imposed on a company for a number of offenses relating to a multiple fatality.
Several others become fearful of a time where they may realize they are living with multiple personalities.
The OKO spy satellite system reports multiple US missile launches.
Their number, as a multiple of four, was prescribed by the quaternary partition of the heavens, fundamental in Chinese astronomy.
At the same time the principle of multiple votes for certain qualifications was introduced.
When the parts of any whorl are not equal to or some multiple of the others, then the flower 15 asymmetrical.
The long, slender stems, somewhat tumid at the nodes, were ribbed, the ribs running continuously through the nodes, a fact correlated with the superposition of the whorled leaves, the number of which in each verticil was some multiple of 3, and usually 6.
These facts may suggest that patients with multiple myeloma are more vulnerable to developing megaloblastic anemia than others.
It is suggested that users of databases which cannot accommodate multiple keywords should simply concatenate the two terms.
Of course, it is theoretically possible that a hugely energetic particle could come blasting through your memory and take out multiple bits.
The death penalty was freely awarded for theft and other crimes regarded as coming under that head; for theft involving entrance of palace or temple treasury, for illegal purchase from minor or slave, for selling stolen goods or receiving the same, for common theft in the open (in default of multiple restoration) or receiving the same, for false claim to goods, for kidnapping, for assisting or harbouring fugitive slaves, for detaining or appropriating same, for brigandage, for fraudulent sale of drink, for disorderly conduct of tavern, for delegation of personal service, for misappropriating the levy, for oppression of feudal holders, for causing death of a householder by bad building.
The restoration of goods appropriated, illegally bought or damaged by neglect, was usually accompanied by a fine, giving it the form of multiple restoration.
Remark.-The invariant C is a numerical multiple of the resultant of the covariants i and j, and if C = o, p is the common factor of i and j.
These are preferably made slightly wedge-shape, to avoid the inconvenience resulting from multiple internal reflections, and they must necessarily be rather thin, so that double refractions due to internal strain may not exert a disturbing influence.
In like manner we may find the illumination in any other direction, and it is obvious that it vanishes when sin 0 is any multiple of A/a.
On this view, multiple scolices are, therefore, not buds, but an example of the unlocalized organization of the embryo such as occurs in other groups of animals, and is demonstrated by experiment.
He found out the formula for deriving the sine of a multiple angle, knowing that of the simple angle with due regard to the periodicity of sines.
If m is a multiple of 6, we can obtain an expression for A by applying the rule to each group of six strips.
A ?- *(1 5 C 16C 2+ C 3) C1 +$(C i - C2) -lO(C 2 - C3) (v) m a multiple of 12.
A multiple truss consists of a number of simple trusses, e.g.
The Egyptians report the weight of a measure of various articles, amongst others water (6), but lay no special stress on it; and the fact that there is no measure of water equal to a direct decimal multiple of the weight-unit, except very high in the scale, does not seem as if the volume was directly based upon weight.
This is also evidently the Olympic cubit; and, in pursuance of the decimal multiple of the digit found in Egypt and Persia, the cubit of 25 digits was (1/4)th of the orguia of 100 digits, the series being --
It also passed into Italy, but in a smaller multiple of 35 drachmae, or 1/4th of the Greek mina; 12 Italian weights (44) bearing value marks (which cannot therefore be differently attributed) show a libra of 2400 or 1/4th of 9600, which was divided in unciae and sextulae, and the full-sized mina is known as the 24 uncia mina, or talent of 120 librae of Vitruvius and Isidore (18) = 9900.
The radial canals may be four, rarely six, or a multiple of these numbers, and may be very numerous.
If the refractive index is, for instance, the same for both in the case of green light, and a source of white light is viewed through the mixture, the green component will be completely transmitted, while the other colours are more or less scattered by multiple reflections and refractions at the surfaces of the powdered substance.
Multiple division has not yet been so satisfactorily made out.
Just as in Europe the ghost of a dead person is held to haunt the churchyard or the place of death, although more orthodox ideas may be held and enunciated by the same person as to the nature of a future life, so the savage, more consistently, assigns different abodes to the multiple souls with which he credits man.
A fifth of the total population of 1900 were living in other states than those of birth; and this does not take account of temporary nor of multiple migration.
Amongst the legitimate reasons for suspecting the correctness of a text are patent contradictions in a passage or its immediate neighbourhood, proved and inexplicable deviations from the standards for forms, constructions and usages (mere rarity or singularity is not enough), weak and purposeless repetitions of a word (if there is no reason for attributing these to the writer), violations of the laws of metre and rhythm as observed by the author, obvious breaks in the thought (incoherence) or disorderly sequence in the same (double or multiple incoherence).
This organ is generally single but sometimes paired and occasionally multiple.
They consist of solid or tubular ovaries which may be single, double or multiple.
He generalized Weber's law in the form that sensation generally increases in intensity as the stimulus increases by a constant function of the previous stimulus; or increases in an arithmetical progression as the stimulus increases in a geometrical ratio; or increases by addition of the same amount as the stimulus increases by the same multiple; or increases as the logarithm of the stimulus.
Solutions were not distinguished from definite chemical compounds till John Dalton discovered the laws of definite and multiple proportions, but many earlier observations on the solubility of solids in water and the density of the resulting solutions had been made.
But from a study of Dalton's own MS. laboratory notebooks, discovered in the rooms of the Manchester society, Roscoe and Harden (A New View of the Origin of Dalton's Atomic Theor y, 1896) conclude that so far from Dalton being led to the idea that chemical combination consists in the approximation of atoms of definite and characteristic weight by his search for an explanation of the law of combination in multiple proportions, the idea of atomic structure arose in his mind as a purely physical conception, forced upon him by study of the physical properties of the atmosphere and other gases.
The extension of this idea to substances in general necessarily led him to the law of combination in multiple proportions, and the comparison with experiment brilliantly confirmed the truth of his deduction" (A New View, &c., pp. 50, 51).
It may be noted that in a paper on the "Proportion of the gases or elastic fluids constituting the atmosphere," read by him in November 1802, the law of multiple proportions appears to be anticipated in the words - "The elements of oxygen may combine with a certain portion of nitrous gas or with twice that portion, but with no intermediate quantity," but there is reason to suspect that this sentence was added some time after the reading of the paper, which was not published till 1805.
The water-tube type, with multiple waterways, consists of a number of separate tubes j oined together in various ways.
Varley also constructed a multiple form of influence machine having six rotating disks, each having a number of carriers and rotating between field plates.
Wimshurst constructed numerous very powerful machines of this type, some of them with "multiple plates, which operate i - almost any climate, and rarely fail to charge themselves and deliver a torrent of sparks between the disf El charge balls whenever the winch is turned.
Large Wimshurst multiple plate influence machines are often used instead of induction coils for exciting Rntgen ray tubes in medical work.
We thus have a process of "multiple fertilization"; the oosphere really represents a large From Strasburger's Lehrbuch der Botanik, by permission of Gustav Fischer.
In 1902 there were 1,146,482 voters with 2,007,704 votes, the principles of multiple votes, with, however, a maximum of four votes and proportional representation, being in force for communal as for legislative elections.
And the mystical bent of the Egyptians found satisfaction in the multiplicity of forms that their gods could assume; among the favorite epithets which the hymns apply to divinities are such as mysterious of shapes, multiple of faces.
Of multiple stars the most famous is 0 Orionis, situated near the densest part of the great Orion nebula.
For the negative of the operator which turns a line through a given angle in a given plane will in all cases produce the negative of the original result, which is not the result of the reverse operator, unless the angle involved be an odd multiple of a right angle.
Sometimes the buboes are multiple and on both sides, but more commonly they are unilateral.
In the case of multiple freedom, the equations of small motion when modified by the introduction of terms proportional to the velocities are of the type daT -.
Holmes had made a magneto machine with multiple permanent magnets which was installed in 1862 in Dungeness lighthouse.
In the huge Anaconda plant, for example, in which 150 tons of refined copper can be produced daily by the Thofehrn multiple system (not the jet system alluded to above), there are 600 tanks about 84 ft.
The various systems are often classed in two groups, known respectively as the Multiple and Series systems, depending upon the arrangement of the electrodes in each tank.
Under the multiple system anodes and cathodes are placed alternately, all the anodes in one tank being connected to one rod, and all the cathodes to another, and the potential difference between the terminals of each tank is that between a single pair of plates.
The tanks were arranged in groups of seven on the multiple system.
Borough councillors are elected for a term of three years, one-third of the whole number going out of office in each year, and if the borough is divided into wards, these are so arranged that the number of councillors for each ward shall be three or a multiple of three.
The pith is encircled by a cylinder of secondary wood, consisting of single or multiple radial rows of tracheids separated by broad medullary rays composed of large parenchymatous cells; the tracheids bear numerous bordered FIG.
Least Common Multiple 3.4.4 (B) Properties depending on the Scale of Notation 3.4.5 48.
Successive Multiplication.-In multiplication by repetition the unit is itself usually a multiple of some other unit, i.e.
The relation of submultiple is the converse of that of multiple; thus if a is I of b, then b is 5 times a.
If a number is a factor of another number, it is a factor of any multiple of that number.
The Least Common Multiple, or L.C.M., of two numbers, is the least number of which they are both factors.
A fraction of a quantity is a submultiple, or a multiple of a submultiple, of that quantity.
This denominator must, if the fractions are in their lowest terms (§ 54), be a multiple of each of the denominators; it is usually most convenient that it should be their L.C.M.
If the numerator is a multiple of 5, the fraction represents twentieths.
For Multiplication And Division We Use A Multiplication Table, Which Is A Multiple Table, Arranged As Explained In § 36, And Giving The Successive Multiples, Up To 9 Times Or Further, Of The Numbers From 1 (Or Better, From O) To 10, 12 Or 20.
The Idea Of A Large D Multiple Of A Small Number Is Simpler Than That Of A Small Multiple Of A Large Number, But The Calculation Of The Latter Is Easier.
A sum of money cannot be expressed exactly as a decimal of LI unless it is a multiple of 4d.
There are in some cases points termed centres, or singular or multiple foci (the nomenclature is unsettled), which are the intersections of improper tangents from the two circular points respectively; thus, in the circular cubic, the tangents to the curve at the two circular points respectively (or two imaginary asymptotes of the curve) meet in a centre.
One of the severest complications of the disease is abscess of the liver, usually said to be solitary, and known as tropical abscess of the liver, but probably is more frequently multiple than is usually thought.
Considering the equations ax +by +cz =d, a'x +b'y +c' z =d', a"x+b"y+cnz=d" and proceeding to solve them by the so-called method of cross multiplication, we multiply the equations by factors selected in such a manner that upon adding the results the whole coefficient of y becomes = o, and the whole coefficient of z becomes = o; the factors in question are b'c" - b"c', b"c - be", bc' - b'c (values which, as at once seen, have the desired property); we thus obtain an equation which contains on the left-hand side only a multiple of x, and on the right-hand side a constant term; the coefficient of x has the value a(b'c" - b"c') +a'(b"c - bc") +a'(bc' - b'c), and this function, represented in the form a, b,c, a' b'c', a" b" c" is said to be a determinant; or, the number of elements being 32, it is called a determinant of the third order.
The improvement of telescopes was prosecuted by Christiaan Huygens from 1655, and promptly led to his discoveries of the sixth Saturnian moon, of the true shape of the Saturnian appendages, and of the multiple character of Huygens.
When the retardation of phase for light of mean period is it or a small multiple of it a crystalline plate placed between a crossed polarizer and analyser exhibits in white light a distinctive greyish violet colour, known as a sensitive tint from the fact that it changes rapidly to blue or red, when the retardation is very slightly increased or diminished.
Usually the successive whorls of the flower, disposed from below upwards or from without inwards upon the floral axis, are of the same number of parts, or are a multiple of the same number of parts, those of one whorl alternating with those of the whorls next it.
Thus, a symmetrical flower may have five sepals, five petals, five stamens and five carpels, or the number of any of these parts may be ten, twenty or some multiple of five.
He talks of multiple instances where you've given detailed tips that prove successful in an uncanny number of instances.
The sun was brilliant, the pinks and oranges – combined with the multiple shades of blue sky as it lightened – creating a vision beyond that of any dream.
Purchase multiple abortions, how much do abortions cost - second trimester abortions, teenage abortions.
Some sites may rotate multiple banner ads into the cover page.
Allows you to fine-tune your call-to-action with multiple lines of text or images each with independently addressable hyperlinks.
Under the capital adequacy system, banks can lend up to a set multiple of its capital.
We will also pass details to MessageLabs of accounts with multiple aliases.
How to set up apache There are two ways of configuring apache to support multiple hosts.
In addition, the new Object panel provides localized stacking control of multiple attributes for unlimited and unique visual appearances.
For hardly any type of Gospel material enjoys greater multiple attestation than do Jesus ' miracles.
At times, it is perhaps a basic motif of Jesus' preaching rather than a particular saying that enjoys such multiple attestation.
The initial phase III studies involved patients with Multiple Sclerosis, neuropathic pain, brachial plexus avulsion and cancer pain.
The III incorporates multiple research groups with expertise in molecular bacteriology, virology, chemical biology, immunology and cancer immunity.
Pointed to the large number of spoiled ballots in London when multiple systems were used.
Fasthosts unlimited bandwidth Your own dedicated leased line direct to your server, using multiple Tier 1 providers.
Then multiple users can insert citations, scan, and generate bibs simultaneously.
Dame Suzi will also speak of the issue of multiple births, still the single biggest risk of IVF treatment.
An ad that has a boa, a gecko, and a frog in it cannot be posted in multiple sections.
The resulting synthesis emphasizes breadth of subject matter, multiple means of intellectual access, and opportunities for digressing from the narrative.
The nearest we all get to seeing multiple images is with soap bubbles reflected in our bathroom mirror.
The drought economy has been particularly harsh on women, imposing multiple burdens on them.
There are multiple areas of dense soft tissue calcification affecting several digits.
Current clamp and voltage clamp experiments revealed multiple effects of 5-HT on the intrinsic excitability of CN neurons.
This is a pilonidal sinus with multiple sinus tracks on either side of natal cleft.
For example, the Spectrum allows multiple program lines with each program line, separated by a colon.
Of the multiple stages that occur during biomass combustion, the char combustion is most relevant in alkali metal release.
Look at the 6 and the 9. What's the lowest common multiple of 6 and 9?
The already defined ITSO product entities include one that can have multiple reservation segments, hardly a " bus concessionary " product.
From a remote console, an authorized user has the ability to perform centralized management, configuration and administrative functions across multiple zones.
The acquisition of Switchboard by Infospace should accelerate consolidation across multiple modalities of the Yellow and White Pages.
Multiple levels of visual object constancy revealed by event-related fMRI of repetition priming.
However, there is no congenital heart defect present and there are multiple contractures with overriding fingers observed with this syndrome.
The degree of relationship between three or more sample populations may be quantified using the multiple correlation coefficient.
The Independent Multiple exhibitions offer a city-wide counterpoint to the International 04.
A digital crossover feeds the multiple digital to analog converters, whose outputs in turn feed the integral power amplifiers.
Note that multiple plots on the calibration curve always use the default curve.
Findings There are multiple air filled cysts within the colonic wall.
From the server side, multiple versions of the document have to be cached to allow the server to create deltas.
In this horrifying denouement resulting from the clash of multiple perspectives, the audience confronts the dead, wounded, and defiant.
To reduce dependency tied to multiple casualty coverage in.
They are often targeted on areas of multiple deprivation.
March Multiple bombs were simultaneously detonated on packed commuter trains in Madrid killing nearly 200 people and injuring nearly 2000.
The handheld inspection system electronically captures data regarding the condition of the vehicle, including multiple digital images captured using the built-in digital camera.
There is a particular problem if you try to connect multiple diodes in parallel unless they are ' matched ' .
From 1st July 2006, Foreign Schools are no longer exempt from making multiple disbursements.
The process may seem disorderly since multiple avenues may be followed in parallel, and relevance thresholds may be initially set quite low.
Using multiple wavelength division with highly dispersive components may allow spatial coverage with a minimum of complexity and specialist components.
Multiple air conditioning units to ensure proper heat dissipation.
Personally, from an early age I developed a distaste for many multiple shop groups.
The Retail Sector The multiple supermarkets have become increasingly dominant in the retail sector in recent years.
Multiple server locations provide redundancy, effectively eliminating downtime due to system failures or heavy data traffic.
We studied two approaches to achieve co-delivery of multiple effectors via a single transgene.
Multiple arcade Machine emulator a program that plays.. .
Trenches and side routes through caves are scattered throughout the level, allowing multiple entryways into the enemy's stronghold.
If multiple divers have been deployed and the divers become separated, the support vessel will remain equidistant from each.
There are a number of studies going on in the USA and UK using erythropoietin for people with multiple myeloma.
To this end we are researching ways of utilizing a single etalon for multiple channels of Doppler information.
On 16th May, 120 pupils from across the country will sit a multiple choice exam in biotechnology, online.
It is a way of handling exceptions without having to propagate flags up through multiple levels of nesting.
With a number of twists and turns the story winds to a conclusion that involves exorcism, multiple deaths, salvation and demonic trickery.
I am a twelve year old who suffers from multiple hereditary exostosis.
Multiple notes fields are used to provide as much explanatory and contextual information as possible.
This paper combines both approaches in a nonlinear model with multiple steady states due to a production externality.
His head swelled up like a balloon and he suffered multiple organ failure ' .
The script needs to be able to handle checking for floppy / formatting floppy / spanning the maildir accross multiple floppies.
Here you had the forerunner of the Diesel Multiple Unit that was to prove so effective in later years.
Has normal frag grenades + Emp grenades which can kill multiple targets in a large radius.
The map consisted of multiple overlapping fragments of DNA, arranged in the correct order.
It uses multiple gamma rays focused on the tumor.
Bigger babies, multiple gestations will have increases on the higher side.
In patients with HD, this protein contains multiple copies of the amino acid glutamine stacked next to another.
Multiple characters may map to a single character glyph.
Many of the once grand homes are now run down flats, houses of multiple occupation and DSS hostels.
The multiple grocers will probably retail them at 10p a pack cheaper.
Multiple audio channels and noise-reducing headsets complete the entertainment offerings.
This is because multiple hearsay is more likely to be unreliable.
The strategy of working with multiple congregations has a long history.
A cubic fourfold is called special if it contains a surface which is not homologous to a multiple of a plane section.
If you wish to connect multiple devices to your one network socket, you might need to use an Ethernet hub.
Formed from cut and paste, Mutu's creations are hybrids of multiple sources referencing the scars of cultural imposition.
Measures should be taken to decrease the incidence of multiple pregnancies.
And the very fact that they access multiple keyword indexes reduces their response time.
Since multiple instances of similar images occur, the data tend to be clustered in the feature space.
Multiple sealing materials are used to preserve sensor integrity over a wide range of applications.
Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences contradicts the old views of the nature of intelligence.
Confidence in the market is making conditions intense with competitive bidding often resulting in multiple offers on the same property.
The tower mast can also enable multiple antennas to be mounted with the required separation to eliminate any possible cross interference.
Otherwise, the intersecting pixels of intersecting pixels of intersecting arcs are drawn multiple times.
The police had mobilized a much larger force and were coming toward us from multiple intersections.
To make a booking, customers would normally engage in a conversation with the server making multiple method invocations.
We also maintain a searchable database of diamonds from leading online jewelers so you can compare similar diamonds from multiple sources.
I've got multiple lacerations on my head from all the glass ceilings I broke on my way up!
Congenital multiple ligamentous laxity should also be specifically sought as it has a significant effect on the treatment of anterior knee pain.
The solution delivered included the PRIME revenue integrity monitoring engine which identifies multiple areas of revenue leakage.
Multiple myeloma may rarely present or evolve into a plasma cell leukemia, typically in far advanced disease.
She had sustained multiple scalp wounds and had a ligature around her neck, although the ligature had not caused her death.
People also need multiple literacies (including linguistic, social, interpretive, critical literacies) to use ICT.
These include large passenger and freight train locomotives, BR shunting locomotives a diesel multiple unit and small private factory and works shunting locos.
Topics will include a review of multiple linear regression and will then focus on logistic regression and multinomial logistic regression.
Recognize the strength of multiple training modalities and don't be seduced by the lure of monolithic technology based solutions.
A string looping through the hole can lead to massive particles with fractional electric charge or to massive magnetic monopoles with multiple magnetic charges.
A big improvement in Exchange 2003, is the ability to restore multiple mailboxes simultaneously.
Although a cavernous malformation usually occurs on its own, in these families they are often multiple.
Examining the effects of different multiple representational systems in learning primary mathematics.
And multiple clinical studies have clearly established the role of bitter melon in people with diabetes.
Women treated with single dose methotrexate were more likely to fail medical management of ectopic pregnancy than those treated with multiple doses.
An advanced statistical technique for identifying multiple minima is used to find the minima of this function.
These substrates demonstrate the multiple roles of Plk1 in promoting mitosis.
The multiple and logistic regression models revealed different results.
Numbers ending in " 5 " have been rounded to the nearest multiple of 20 to prevent systematic bias.
The Alchemy Task manager helps you manage multiple Alchemy workstations in a production environment, allowing your staff to maximize productivity.
Using the traditional lending multiple for a couple (x 2.5 ), this gives us the opportunity of a mortgage of £ 112,500.
She, and the next 35 patients, had secondary progressive multiple sclerosis.
Her work took her all around Devon supporting families with physical handicap problems e.g. multiple sclerosis.
We have treated a small group of people with aggressive relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis using an experimental drug called Campath-1H.
But no treatment is available for a second form called primary progressive multiple sclerosis.
The saving per relapse prevented was assumed to be the same as for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.
Rebif is indicated for the treatment of relapsing multiple sclerosis.
Clinical efficacy TYSABRI is indicated as a single disease modifying therapy in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis to prevent relapses and delay progression of disability.
A few weeks later I was told I had multiple sclerosis.
Recently long term studies of patients with ADEM have shown that a small number later on develop multiple sclerosis.
Recommended Sites MS Society Site of the UKs largest charity for people affected by multiple sclerosis.
A woman paralyzed by multiple sclerosis rode a horse for the first time in years.
Aplidin(R) also demonstrated activity against a panel of 35 human multiple myeloma (MM) cell lines.
This patient had been treated for five months for a stage I IgG lambda multiple myeloma.
System will also Ned to link user back to new sample entry page Can we prevent users creating multiple samples with the same name?
The MEN types MEN stands for multiple endocrine neoplasia.
His specialist interest is Multiple Sclerosis, as well as general neurology, and he has lectured for Pastest regularly since 2001.
You ask the questions in a variety of formats, including true or false, multiple choice or even numerical.
Planning consent may be required if the property is to be used for multiple occupation, and you may need to consider disabled access.
Most odors are composed of multiple odorant molecules, and each odorant molecule activates several odorant receptors.
The multiple rRNA operons are generally dispersed throughout the prokaryotic genome.
By consolidating multiple requisitions for the same supplier into a single purchase order, you gain opportunities for economies of scale.
Additional bestseller which wowed me is Alan Ritz ' ' Scientifically guaranteed male multiple orgasms and ultimate sex ' .
Two games without conceding a goal is enough to give any football manager a multiple orgasm.
This has an adverse effect on multiple organ systems and inhibits ovulation, leading to the characteristic features of the syndrome.
Another remote risk to life is from unusually severe reactions to hyperstimulation of the ovaries by the hormones used to induce multiple ovulation.
The DT and DD entries can contain multiple paragraphs (indicated by P paragraph tags ), lists, or other definition information.
The unique design features multiple layers of oiled cotton fabric which captures the airborne dirt particles.
Menu driven, it is a breeze to create and delete partitions, multiple primary partitions, configure the MBR area.
A lockable internal passageway links The Haven with The Stables giving ideal accommodation for parties or multiple families.
Multiple channels must address how these separate motion signals are combined into a coherent motion percept.
It is therefore permissible for a course instructor to distribute multiple copies of extracts to all students enrolled on the course taught.
Subtle exponentially small effects result from singular perturbations implicit in certain multiple time scale systems.
The pictures below show the cosine squared distribution of the ejected photoelectron in the presence of multiple scattering.
A multiple pinhole is preferable for people with low vision.
Jose Martinez was breathtaking in the series of multiple pirouettes which he executed ' sur place ' without budging a little.
A family member recently sent in yet another multiple hit failure with a minor caliber pistol.
Otherwise, the intersecting pixels of intersecting arcs are drawn multiple times.
The patient with AML was receiving multiple transfusions of both red cells and platelets, and thus presented as a case of platelet refractoriness.
There are some fields with multiple platforms which have been issued with a single flare consent.
What if I want to get crazy polyphony and multiple GigaPulse instances?
Describe how a roaming user profile can be used to support multiple users who are sharing the same computer.
Multiple Streams of Income How to earn multiple streams of income from some of the top selling internet marketing affiliate programs.
Pseudomonas are highly motile and posses multiple virulence factors including proteases and exotoxins.
The new drug will be indicated for highly pre-treated adults with virus resistant to multiple protease inhibitors.
This keyword may be used multiple times in an XS module to enable and disable prototypes for different parts of the module.
A set of multiple choice exam questions are available for the user to test their understanding of the subject.
When it is grounded to the floor, try to avoid the quicksand by doing multiple jumps.
Fit up to 168 servers in a 42U electronics rack for multiple computer applications to reduce overall system. eCommerce.
Benefits include - Reducing VOA resource time on multiple occupiers Reduce business resource and frustration Free more VOA resource to assist other ratepayers.
Multiple features are supported including most recent restore, incremental backups, archive verification and archive management.
I am currently working on a project to detect sporadic recombination in multiple DNA sequence alignments.
Furthermore, a number of patients never develop HLA antibodies nor do they become refractory, despite receiving multiple platelet transfusions.
For people with intellectual disability multiple seizure types are common and up to three-quarters of patients remain refractory to treatment.
The manufacturer has not studied the use of emtricitabine in people who are failing their current anti-HIV regimen or who have failed multiple regimens.
The repulsive effect of multiple bonds will be greater than the repulsive effect of multiple bonds will be greater than the repulsive effect of single bonds.
Lecture 3 - Model Checking Explains how to report Multiple Regression analyzes, and how to check the model using residuals.
There are multiple animal retroviruses and other harmful agents found in animal donor organs and cells.
At larger distances also arrivals caused by multiple P-wave reverberations inside the whole crust with a group velocity around 5.8 km/s.
Genetic algorithms are robust search algorithms capable of finding multiple solutions to complex problems.
The agents may be delivered by multiple rocket launchers.
In other words there is a tendency to encourage rote or ' surface ' learning, especially if multiple choice questions are used.
Saddam's troops have adapted the weapons to fire multiple salvos into the sky.
The multiple sclerosis is not a death sentence, where methanol toxicity is.
He has a special interest in multiple sclerosis having been a sufferer of the condition for ten years.
Internet Gateway - CrossTec's Internet gateway delivers seamless Remote Control between multiple PCs that may be located behind different firewalls.
Multiple threads must not initialize the same semaphore simultaneously.
Substantial evidence exists which shows that multiple articulatory configurations are able to produce the same acoustic signal.
Epic similes are more extended similes, which might involve multiple points of correspondence between tenor and vehicle.
These are taken from PowerPoint slide shows of multiple images in similar vein.
Translates into ' Tilt - twist ' in twisting multiple somersaults and easily visible viewed from the short end of the trampoline.
The group included a major UK multiple, well known wine journalists and a top wine sommelier.
Our clients have also benefited from our PureFluid technology by bonding multiple ADSL Leased Lines together to deliver significantly increased upload speeds.
Some individuals used multiple surname spellings, and sometimes different surname forms.
The upgrade to the forum with automatic splitting of threads into multiple pages is on its way, before anyone asks.
Another type of vehicle modified for multiple passenger use is the motorized stage, applied to the same tasks as the earlier stagecoach.
Miva Merchant enables you to create multiple online storefronts and support e-commerce on a domain.
Multiple transverse striations along the blade edge, which is largely intact.
The parallel multiple striations are the gradiometer's response to plow furrows in the soils which have a locally high level of magnetic susceptibility.
Seven-card stud omaha used to multiple our history think there would.
However, IDL allows you to specify individual elements within the selected array using multiple subscripts.
Consequently, automatic multiple structural alignments across the whole superfamily can be become unreliable and are often subjective.
Some individuals used multiple surname spellings, and sometimes different surname spellings, and sometimes different surname forms.
With attribute type synonyms, a directory can assign multiple names to the same attribute.
Quot into casual conversation multiple times in trump Taj Mahal is being filmed.
Telex has various fax type facilities such as redialling busy numbers, logging and reporting on calls and sending telex has various fax type facilities such as redialling busy numbers, logging and reporting on calls and sending telexes to multiple recipients.
Bleomycin is frequently used as one of the drugs in multiple chemotherapy regimes (e.g. squamous cell carcinoma, testicular teratoma, lymphoma ).
Medical treatments Over the counter treatment involves supplementing with multiple B vitamins, including thiamine.
By default, multiple threads may execute inside the servlet at the same time.
Compound Array linear transducer composed of multiple layers of arrays enabling electronic focusing in the elevation direction.
Figure 2. Multiple states and abrupt transitions at critical points The present THC is assumed to be in the upper, strong overturning branch.
The aim of the HFEA is to bring the number of multiple births from fertility treatment closer to that which occurs naturally.
Multiple bearings are then triangulated to obtain an estimate of the speaker's position.
The resulting tracking algorithm requires no triangulation, is computationally efficient, and can straightforwardly be extended to track multiple speakers.
He is also a multiple ironman triathlon finisher - most recently in July '04 at Lake Placid, where he resides.
The Bull Rhino and multiple flexi tubs are a perfect combination for versatility and ease of use.
It still appears uncertain about how the indebted consumer will react to multiple rate rises.
Lots of booming and multiple reflections from the hard perimeter walls made the room very unfriendly in terms of sound quality.
I started off doing this by just sending carbon copies to multiple people in my mail program, but this rapidly got unwieldy.
The AIR FLUSH ® urinal system is ideally suited to sites with multiple urinal system is ideally suited to sites with multiple urinal bowls and very heavy usage.
Repeat the multiple regression, but this time include gender as a predictor variable in the REGRESS command.
It now runs on UNIX systems from multiple vendors.
Or else they are so voluminous (multiple volumes) that only the most serious scholar or eager enthusiast can imagine plowing through them.
By scanning the fingers of welfare recipients, no one can attempt to collect multiple welfare recipients, no one can attempt to collect multiple welfare checks using different names.
You can continue to subscribe into the same mini ISA for multiple tax years without having to complete a new application each year.
These inferences are often summarized as the laws of constant, multiple and reciprocal proportions.
The two laws discussed above were more or less accepted before the promulgation of the atomic theory, but the law of multiple proportions is the legitimate offspring of this theory.
Fleming devised an arrangement in which a multiple transformation takes place, two oscillation circuits being interlinked inductively, and the last one acting inductively on the open or antenna circuit.
Stone similarly devised a multiple inductive oscillation circuit with the object of forcing on the antenna circuit a single oscillation of definite frequency.'
Up to that time an induction coil known as a ro-inch coil had sufficed for spark production, but it was evident that much more power would be required to send electric waves across the Atlantic. Transformers were therefore employed taking alternating electric current from an alternator driven by an oil or steam engine, and these high tension transformers were used to charge condensers and set up powerful oscillations in a multiple antenna.
The transmitter is placed in multiple with the primary winding of an induction coil whose secondary operates in the loop circuit, and consequently when the transmitter is spoken into, a variable E.M.F.
Radii a multiple of four, with radial gastric pouches bifurcated or subdivided; the tentacles are implanted in the notch between the two subdivisions of each (primary) gastric pouch, hence the (secondary) gastric pouches appear to be " internemal " in position, i.e.
The atomic theory, and its correlatives - the laws of constant and multiple proportions - had been shown to possess absolute validity so far as well-characterized inorganic compounds were concerned; but it was open to question whether organic compounds obeyed the same laws.
In adopting a scale for their maps, cartographers will do well to choose a multiple of loon if possible, for such a scale can claim to be international, while in planning an atlas they ought to avoid a needless multiplicity of scales.
In England, multiple algebra was developed by j ames Joseph Sylvester, who, in company with Arthur Cayley, expanded the theory of matrices, the germs of which are to be found in the writings of Hamilton (see above, under (B); and Quaternions).