Multinomial Sentence Examples
A multinomial consisting of two or of three terms is a binomial or a trinomial.
An expression denoting that two or more monomials are to be added or subtracted is a multinomial or polynomial, each of the monomials being a term of it.
In the same way we have (A-a) 2 =A 2 -2Aa+a 2, (A-a)3 = A 3 -3A 2 a+3Aa 2 -a 3, ..., so that the multinomial equivalent to (A-a)" has the same coefficients as the multinomial equivalent to (A+a)", but with signs alternately + and -.
The multinomial which is equivalent to (A= a)", and has its terms arranged in ascending powers of a, is called the expansion of (A= a) n.
We know that (A+a)" is equal to a multinomial of n+I terms with unknown coefficients, and we require to find these coefficients.
We therefore define algebraical division by means of algebraical multiplication, and say that, if P and M are multinomials, the statement " P/M = Q " means that Q is a multinomial such that MQ (or QM) and P are identical.
He introduced the terms multinomial, trinomial, quadrinomial, &c., and considerably simplified the notation for decimals.
Topics will include a review of multiple linear regression and will then focus on logistic regression and multinomial logistic regression.
The multi- (or poly-) nomial theorem has for its object the expansion of any power of a multinomial and was discussed in 1697 by Abraham Demoivre (see Combinatorial Analysis).
The terms trinomial, quadrinomial, multinomial, &c., are applied to expressions composed similarly of three, four or many quantities.