Mullein Sentence Examples
Oh, stony pasture, Where the tall mullein Stands up so sturdy On its little seed!
Before cotton became the substance of choice for lamp wicks, dried folded Mullein leaves were used for this purpose.
Oh, stony pasture, Where the tall mullein Stands up so sturdy On its little seed !
Cretan Mullein (Celsia) - C. cretica is a pretty plant, allied to the Mulleins, with rich yellow flowers and polished buds; may be treated as an annual.
Herbal supplements that will benefit individuals who have anemia include bilberry, dandelion, goldenseal, mullein, nettle, Oregon grape root, red raspberry, and yellow dock.
Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) oil has anti-inflammatory properties and may be apppied to the infected ear canal (one to three drops every three hours) to help soothe and heal the ear.
Herbal supplements that benefit individuals who have iron deficiency anemia include alfalfa, burdock root, dandelion, dong quai, mullein, nettle, raspberry leaf, shepherd's purse, and yellow dock.
They are occasionally adulterated with the leaves of Inula Conyza, ploughman's spikenard, which may be distinguished by their greater roughness, their less divided margins, and their odour when rubbed; also with the leaves of Symphytum officinale, comfrey, and of Verbascum Thapsus, great mullein, which unlike those of the foxglove have woolly upper and under surfaces.