Mud Sentence Examples
Thunder rumbled again and a cold drop of rain gnawed at the mud on her cheek.
His shoes were covered with mud; he had torn his coat on the thorny tree.
Sure, but the only thing in there is mud cats.
Then I slipped trying to rub mud on my pants to cover it up.
She kicked her cowboy boots off and pulled the mud boots on.
I promise not to plaster you with mud this time.
One of them fell in the mud under his horse's feet.
At one point he splashed through a mud puddle, throwing mud and water all over her.
Oysters, both mud and rock, are good and plentiful.
If I don't get stuck in the mud, I should be able to make it to the highway.
AdvertisementHe hauled himself out of the cold waters and sat on the shore that turned to mud beneath his dripping body.
It is protected by a mud wall and a citadel.
The immense mud ramparts still stand.
So the alligator comes out of the mud with quakings of the earth.
In the mud was a deer track, and overlaying it, the paw print of a big cat — too big to be a bobcat.
AdvertisementThe reserve has either fairly shallow water or mud depending on the water levels; there are islands at times some with sallows.
No plough is used, all work being done by a long-handled spade; and oxen are only employed to tread out the soft mud preparatory to transplanting.
Instead of the white lily, which requires mud, or the common sweet flag, the blue flag (Iris versicolor) grows thinly in the pure water, rising from the stony bottom all around the shore, where it is visited by hummingbirds in June; and the color both of its bluish blades and its flowers and especially their reflections, is in singular harmony with the glaucous water.
The rain would pack down the mud and melt the rest of the snow.
Not more than an hour ago you were helping him sling mud at me?
AdvertisementThey live in the mud, which they eat, in comparatively shallow waters up to 50 fathoms.
Within four months one hundred houses were built, and surrounded by a mud wall.
Herons, the brown pelican, bittern, and mud hen frequent the marshes.
It is an unlovely place, surrounded by mud flats, and a hotbed of malaria.
To the south of Rotoiti is Tikitere, a sombre valley abounding in mud volcanoes, springs and other active volcanic phenomena.
AdvertisementFrom this root, which lay horizontally, smaller roots pushed down into the mud, and the stem of the plant sprang up to the height of 4 cubits, being triangular and tapering in form.
It is spread over an extensive area, being surrounded by mud walls 18 miles in extent.
The streets are generally narrow and the houses built of mud.
The district abounds in geysers, springs, mud volcanoes and other phenomena; some of the waters have petrifying powers, and some of the springs are vividly coloured.
The Rhine connects the highest Alps with the mud banks of Holland, and touches in its course the most varied geological periods; but the river valley itself is, geologically speaking, of comparatively recent formation.
Mud volcanoes occur at Minbu, but they are not in any sense mountains, resembling rather the hot springs which are found in many parts of Burma.
They are merely craters raised above the level of the surrounding country by the gradual accretion of the soft oily mud, which overflows at frequent intervals whenever a discharge of gas occurs.
Whether the mud " volcanoes" of the Irrawaddy valley have any connexion with volcanic activity may be doubted.
It consists for the most part of mud huts, but there are some houses built of sun-dried bricks.
Thus clear liquor alone is run off, and the mud and cloudy liquor at the bottom of the tank are left undisturbed, and discharged separately as required.
In a refinery in Nova Scotia a system has been introduced by which a travelling crane above the bag filters lifts up any head bodily with all its bags attached, and runs it to the mud and washing tanks at the end of the battery, while another similar crane drops another head, fitted with fresh bags, into the place of the one just removed.
The whole operation of thus changing a filter occupies about ten minutes, and there is no need for anyone to enter the hot cistern to detach the bags, which are removed in the open air above the mud tank.
They were built up by the gradual accumulation of mud deposits in a shallow bay, separated by dunes from the North Sea.
The islands of Schouwen and Duiveland are united owing to the damming of the Dykwater; St Filipsland, or Philipsland, and South Beveland are connected with the mainland of North Brabant by naturally formed mud banks.
The mainland of Zeeland-Flanders was formerly also composed of numerous islands which were gradually united by the accumulation of mud and sand, and in this way many once flourishing commercial towns, such as Sluis and Aardenburg, were reduced in importance.
The town with its gardens, surrounded by a mud wall, covers a space of 2 m.
The streets formerly consisted largely of mud hovels, but since a great fire in 1894, which destroyed large parts of James Town and Ussher Town, more substantial buildings have been erected.
The nest is a neat structure of coarse grass and moss, mixed with earth, and plastered internally with mud, and here the female lays from four to six eggs of a blue colour speckled with brown.
They are smooth depressed areas (in the case of the largest, the Shat el Jerid, lying a few feet below the level of the Mediterranean), which for more than half the year are expanses of dried mud covered with a thick incrustation of white or grey salt.
Max Weber states that blue mud occurs in the deep basins of the eastern part of the Malay Sea.
In the form of volcanic mud it is common round the high volcanic islands of the SouthWestern Pacific.
Red mud may be classed as a variety of blue mud, from which it differs on account of the larger proportion of ochreous substance and the absence of sufficient organic matter to reduce the whole of the ferric oxide.
Green mud differs to a greater extent from the blue mud, and owes its characteristic nature and colour to the presence of glauconite, which is formed inside the cases of foraminifera, the spines of echini and the spicules of sponges in a manner not yet understood.
Green mud abounds off the east coast of North America seawards of Cape Hatteras, also to the north of Cuba, and on the west off the coast of California.
When the proportion of calcium carbonate in the blue mud is considerable there results a calcareous ooze, which when found on the continental slope and in enclosed seas is largely composed of remains of deep-sea corals and bottom-living foraminif era, pelagic organisms including pteropods being less frequently represented.
Similar formations are found in the Mediterranean, where a dark mud predominates in the western part, passing into a grey, marly slime in the Tyrrhenian Basin and replaced by a typical calcareous ooze in the Eastern Basin.
The bottom of the Black Sea is covered by a stiff blue mud in which Sir John Murray found much sulphide of iron,' grains or needles of pyrites making up nearly 50% of the deposit, and there are also grains of amorphous calcium carbonate evidently precipitated from the water.
The formation of the blue mud is largely aided by the putrefaction of organic matter, and as a result the water deeper than 120 fathoms is extraordinarily deficient in dissolved oxygen and abounds in sulphuretted hydrogen, the formation of which is brought about by a special bacterium, the only form of life found at depths greater than 120 fathoms in the Black Sea.
These peculiarities, combined with the striking absence of mineral constituents, distinguish the eupelagic globigerina ooze from the hemipelagic calcareous mud.
The houses are in general made of undressed stone and mud and are flat-topped, the general aspect of the city being Oriental and un-Abyssinian.
A fine tamarisk, traces of a church (which is mentioned in the 8th century), and a large reservoir, now filled up with mud, remain.
Beavers are sociable animals, living in streams, where, so as to render the water of sufficient depth, they build dams of mud and of the stems and boughs of trees felled by their powerful incisor teeth.
The materials made use of are driftwood, green willows, birch and poplars; also mud and stones intermixed in such a manner as contributes to the strength of the dam; but there is no particular method observed, except that the work is carried on with a regular sweep, and that all the parts are made of equal strength.
The beavers carry the mud and stones with their fore-paws and the timber between their teeth.
They cover their houses late every autumn with fresh mud, which, freezing when the frost sets in, becomes almost as hard as stone, so that neither wolves nor wolverines can disturb their repose.
The truth is, without doubt, that the dwellings of the lower classes were still built of reeds and mud, and covered the greater part of the city's area, otherwise it is impossible to understand how a mere handful of Spanish soldiers, without tools and explosives, could so easily have levelled it to the ground.
Whereas most of the species have hoofs of normal shape, in some, such as the nakong, or situtunga (Tragelaphus spekei), these are greatly elongated, in order to be suited for walking in soft mud, and these have accordingly been separated as Limnotragus.
Miller discovered that they undergo a metamorphosis, and that the minute worm-like lamperns previously known under the name of Ammocoetes, and abundant in the sand and mud of many streams, were nothing but the undeveloped young of the river-lampreys and small lamperns.
The platform itself was usually composed of rough layers of unbarked stems, but occasionally it was formed of boards split from larger stems. When the mud was too soft to afford foothold for the piles they were mortised into a framework of tree trunks placed horizontally on the bottom of the lake.
Omar was held in check by the mud Expedi- ramparts of Missolonghi; but Dramali, after exacting Lion of fearful vengeance for the massacre of the Turkish Dramali, garrison of the Acropolis at Athens, crossed the 1822.
In 1699 Batavia was visited by a terrible earthquake, and the streams were choked by the mud from the volcano of Gunong Salak; they overflowed the surrounding country and made it a swamp, by which the climate was so affected that the city became notorious for its unhealthiness, and was in great danger of being altogether abandoned.
The whole is surrounded by a deep and wide ditch, which can be filled from the river, at the risk, however, of bringing down the whole structure, for the walls are of mud, and stand upon a porous sandy soil.
Thus Demosthenes in his speech "On the crown" accused Aeschines of having "purified the initiated and wiped them clean with (not from) mud and pitch."
The sudden swelling of rivers and downpour of rain stopped all movement at once, and the "Mud March" came to an end.
The remaining mud of calcium carbonate and hydrate is washed, by decantation, with small instalments of hot water to recover at least part of the alkali diffused throughout it, but this process must not be continued too long or else some of the lime passes into solution.
A parcel of dried mud, coming for example from Palestine or Queensland, and after an indefinite interval of time put into water in England or elsewhere, may yield him living forms, both new and old, in the most agreeable variety.
Sars (1887) having had the opportunity of raising it from dried Australian mud, found that, unlike other phyllopods, but like the Cladocera, the parent keeps its brood within the shell until their full development.
Shaler, state geologist in 1873-1880, " When the rocks whence they flow were formed on the Silurian sea-floors, a good deal of the sea-water was imprisoned in the strata, between the grains of sand or mud and in the cavities of the shells that make up a large part of these rocks.
Festschrift zum 70ten Geburtstage von Ernst Haeckel, 19(34) has restored the conditions existing in the lagoons and atoll reefs of the Jurassic sea of Solnhofen in Bavaria; he has traced the process of gradual accumulation of the coral mud now constituting the fine lithographic stones in the inter-reef region, and has recognized the periodic laying bare of the mud surfaces thus formed; he has determined the winds which carried the dust particles from the not far distant land and brought the insects from the adjacent Jurassic forests.
Coxcoxtli used the help of the Aztecs against the Xochimilco people; but his own nation, horrified at their bloodthirsty sacrifice of prisoners, drove them out to the islands and swamps of the great salt lagoon, where they are said to have taken to making their chinampas or floating gardens of mud heaped on rafts of reeds and brush, which in later times were so remarkable a feature of Mexico.
Streams of rainwater, formed by condensation of exhaled steam often mingled with volcanic ashes so as to produce mud, are known as lava d'acqua, whilst the streams of molten matter are called lava di fuoco.
Bueb (Congress of German Gas Industries, March 1900) brings gas (free from tar) into intimate contact with a saturated solution of ferrous sulphate, when a "cyanogen mud" is obtained.
This is the less improbable because it lies in the neighbourhood of a line of earthquake movement, and both from Thucydides and from Strabo we hear of the northern part of the island being shaken at different periods, and the latter writer speaks of a fountain at Chalcis being dried up by a similar cause, and a mud volcano formed in the neighbouring plain.
The foot is commonly a simple cylindrical or ploughshare-shaped organ, used for boring in sand and mud, and more rarely presents a crawling disk similar to that of Gastropoda; in some forms it is aborted.
The finer material constituting alluvium, often described as "silt," is sand and mud.
Alluvial soils are almost invariably of great fertility; it is due to the alluvial mud annually deposited by the Nile that the dwellers in Egypt have been able to grow their crops for over 4000 years without artificial fertilization.
A very heavy rainstorm during the night seriously affected the movements of troops on the following day, but all to Napoleon's advantage, for his more mobile artillery, reinforced by every horse available in and about Dresden, was still able to move where the Allied guns sank in mud.
The populace of the Tiber welcomed and expelled him with equal enthusiasm, and when his body was brought back from exile, the mob went before the cortege and threw mud and stones upon the funeral litter.
The brine used at Ischl contains about 25% of salt and there are also mud, sulphur and pine-cone baths.
It should be free from dirt - that is to say, free from clay or soft mud, for instance, which prevents the cement adhering to its particles, or again from sewage matter or any substance which will chemically destroy the matrix.
Its mud and pantile dwellings are here and there relieved by a mosque tower, but the aspect of the town is far from inviting.
In the lower Geyser basin are the Mammoth Paint Pots, a group of mud springs with colours varying according to the mineral ingredients in the steam, which not only colours the mud but also forms it into imitative figures.
Near the centre of the park is Mud Caldron, a circular crater about 40 ft.
It is believed that the bluish colour of many clays and limestones is referable to the presence of finely divided pyrites, and it is known that certain deposits of blue mud now forming around continental shores owe their colour, in part, to disseminated iron sulphide.
While therefore the centre and south of England lay under clear water of moderate depth, the north of the country and the south of Scotland were covered by shallow water, which was continually receiving sand and mud from the adjacent northern land.
The extensive sea-arms forming the South Holland and Zeeland archipelago are the Hont or West Scheldt, the East Scheldt, the Grevelingen (communicating with Krammer and the Volkerak) and the Haringvliet, which after being joined by the Volkerak is known as the Hollandsch Diep. These inlets were formerly of much greater extent than now, but are gradually closing up owing to the accumulation of mud deposits, and no longer have the same freedom of communication with one another.
The group of islands, Cheduba and others, in the north-east, off the Burmese coast, are remarkable for a chain of mud volcanoes, which are occasionally active.
Thus in December 1906 a new island of mud was thrown up, and measured 3 07 by 217 yds.
The usual habitation built both by Arabs and Nubas is the tukl, a conical-shaped hut made of stone, mud, wattle and daub or straw.
In the chief towns houses are built of mud bricks with flat roofs.
Cohen, who regarded the pipes as of the nature of a mud volcano, and the blue ground as a kimberlite breccia altered by hydrothermal action, thought that the diamond and accompanying minerals had been brought up from deep-seated crystalline schists.
The shores are for the greater part formed of fine gravel; some yards from the shore the bed is uniformly covered with fine greyish mud.
A few lotus trees and some rock-cut tombs are here found beside a miserable mud hamlet on the hill slope, with a modern tombhouse (kubbeh).
Here and there are regions occupied by a semi-sedentary population, called Madan, occupying reed huts huddled around mud castles, called meftul.
Sir Thomas Roe, who visited it in 1614, found that the houses in the town were "only mud cottages, except the prince's house, the chan's and some few others."
Quicker or slower, the water that fills it will wash in sand and mud, and year by year this process will go on till ultimately the whole reservoir is filled up. The embankment is raised, and raised again, but at last it is better to abandon it and make a new tank elsewhere, for it would never pay to dig out the silt by manual labour.
The size of this depends water is usually preferable for grass land, thick for y P g upon the quantity of water required, but whatever its size its bottom at its origin should be as low as the bed of the river, in order that it may carry down as much as possible of the river mud.
The mud is deposited and the waters return with the falling tide to the bed of the river.
Spring-tides are preferred, and so great is the quantity of mud in these rivers that from to to 15 acres have been known to be covered with silt from I to 3 ft.
When the tide is first admitted the heavier particles, which are pure sand, are first deposited; the second deposit is a mixture of sand and fine mud, which, from its friable texture, forms the most valuable soil; while lastly the pure mud subsides, containing the finest particles of all, and forms a rich but very tenacious soil.
Three years may be said to be spent in the process, one year warping, one year drying and consolidating, and one year growing the first crop, which is generally seed-hoed in by hand, as the mud at this time is too soft to admit of horse labour.
The silt and mud brought down by these rivers is rich in clay and organic matter, and sometimes when dry contains as much as I% of nitrogen.
In November the waters have passed off; and whenever a man can walk over the mud with a pair of bullocks, it is roughly turned over with a wooden plough, or merely the branch of a tree, and the wheat or barley crop is immediately sown.
Mehemet Ali began by deepening the canals of Lower Egypt by this amount, a gigantic and futile task; for as they had been laid out on no scientific principles, the deep channels became filled with mud during the first flood, and all the excavation had to be done over again, year after year.
Nothing more solid than strata of sand and mud is to be found for more than 200 ft.
He received Johnson's homage with the most winning affability, and requited it with a few guineas, bestowed doubtless in a very graceful manner, but was by no means desirous to see all his carpets blackened with the London mud, and his soups and wines thrown to right and left over the gowns of fine ladies and the waistcoats of fine gentlemen, by an absent, awkward scholar, who gave strange starts and uttered strange growls, who dressed like a scarecrow and ate like a cormorant.
But it is not probable that his curiosity would have overcome his habitual sluggishness, and his love of the smoke, the mud, and the cries of London, had not Boswell importuned him to attempt the adventure, and offered to be his squire.
Many of these fishes delight in the mud at the bottom of ponds, in which they move like eels.
The houses are built of mud, and in the absence of visible remains of antiquity, the identification of the site is questionable.
The most conspicuous of these is the long, white alimentary canal, crowded with mud.
As is so often the case with animals which eat mud and sand, and extract what little nutriment is afforded by the organic debris therein, the walls of the alimentary canal are thin and apparently weak.
All along one side is a microscopic ciliated groove, into which the mud does not seem to enter, and along which a continuous stream of water may be kept up. Possibly this is respiratory - there are no special respiratory organs.
Beyond the delta firm ground takes the place of mud and the mangroves disappear.
They are nearly all surrounded by strong mud walls and outer dry moats.
The eggs, in several layers, are laid near the top. The adults frequently dig long subterranean passages into the banks of streams, and, during dry seasons, they have been found deep in the hardened mud, whence they emerge with the beginning of the rains.
The Nile deposits its mud over the valley before reaching the sea, and consequently the Delta receives little additional material.
The crier continues his daily rounds, with his former chant, excepting on the Coptic New Years Day, when the cry of the Wefh is repeated, until the Salib, or Discovery of the Cross, the 26th or 27th of September, at which period, the river having attained its greatest height, he concludes his annual employment with another chant, and presents to each house some limes and other fruit, and dry lumps of Nile mud.
The mud rake for mixing mortar is rather narrower than the modern form.
When the attachment is in sand or mud, it often simulates the appearance of a true root as in Chara or Caulerpa.
It is clear that where the bottom of a lake or sea consists of oozy mud or shifting sand, it is impossible for algae to secure a foothold.
The materials are chalk and Medway mud; in a few works the latter is replaced by gault.
Below again are Mycenaean and pre-Mycenaean settlements, with houses built of sticks and mud.
For the extraction of the metal from chamber mud, the latter is boiled with water, which extracts the thallium as the sulphate.
Differing from the typical oasis, whose fertility depends on water obtained from springs, the cultivated land in the Fayum is formed of Nile mud brought down by the Bahr Yusuf.
Considerable deposits of mud, silt and sand are accumulating in many of the estuaries.
When the otter "vents" or comes to the surface to breathe, his muzzle only appears above water, and when he is viewed or traced by the mud he stirs up, or by air bubbles, the hounds are laid on.
The Imbabura volcano, celebrated for its destructive eruptions of mud and water, stands midway between the two ranges at the northern end of the plateau, and belongs to the transverse ridge of knot (nudo) which unites them.
The Guayas or Guayaquil river is in part an estuary extending northward from the Gulf of Guayaquil, bordered by mangrove swamps and mud banks formed by the silt brought down from the neighbouring mountains.
There is a low, mountainous ridge, called the Zampo Palo, running through it, and its eastern shores have some moderately high bluffs, otherwise the island is low and swampy, and its shores, except the eastern end, are fringed with mud banks.
There are some low, swampy islands, or mud flats, covered with mangrove thickets, in the lower Guayas river, but they are uninhabited and of no importance.
Whilst feeding, the bird wades about, stirs up the mud with its feet, and, reversing the ordinary position of its head so as to hold the crown downwards and to look backwards, sifts the mud through its bill.
It is built of mud, a somewhat conical structure rising above the water according to the depth, of which the cone is from a few inches to 2 ft.
A mist overhung the field and the hillsides were slippery with mud.
The town is built on a horseshoeshaped peninsula partly consisting of mud flats, which are spanned by causeways.
The mud thus formed is settled out, and the clear liquor, which is now quite neutral and contains both manganese and calcium chlorides, is mixed with cream of lime and treated by a strong current of air, produced by a blowing-engine.
On adding to this solution, after settling out the mud, a quantity of potassium chloride equivalent to the calcium chlorate, the reaction Ca(C10 3) 2 +2KC1=CaC1 2 +2KC10 3 is produced, the ultimate proportions thus being theoretically 2KC10 3 to 6CaCl2, though in reality there is rather more calcium chloride present.
The unavoidable contamination with muddy particles of vat-waste is removed by allowing the vatliquor to rest for some hours in a separate tank and settling out the mud.
The constant abundance of food, stable amount of water, innumerable hidingplaces in the mud, under the banks, amongst the reeds and roots of the floating islands which are scattered all over them, - all these points are inducements or attractions so great that the creatures remain in their paradise and consequently retain all those larval features which are not directly connected with sexual maturity.
One of the most interesting facts in the history of the Gondwana series is the occurrence near the base (in the Talchir group) of large striated boulders in a fine mud or silt, the boulders in one place resting upon rock (of Vindhyan age) which is also striated.
It frequents swampy, shady spots, and wallows in mud like a pig.
Artillery could make little impression upon the massive walls of mud, but at last a breach was effected by mining, and the city was taken by storm, thus losing its general reputation throughout India for impregnability, which had threatened to become a political danger.
Unlike the water-buffalo, it does not bathe in water or wallow in mud.
The native houses are built of stone or mud, deeply eaved, and either tiled or thatched.
Its water is charged with fine mud, which is deposited along its.
Rice is threshed by beating the ears on a log; other grains, with flails on mud threshing-floors.
In places the sands are fringed by long lines of Casuarina trees; in others, and more especially in the neighbourhood of some of the river mouths, there are deep banks of black mud covered with mangroves; in others the coast presents to the sea bold headlands, cliffs, mostly of a reddish hue, sparsely clad with greenery, or rolling hills covered by a growth of rank grass.
The floors, mostly of mud covered with dung, are fouled with spittle, vomit, and urine, and, being seldom or never cleaned out, foster a gradual accumulation of poison, to which infected rats and the concealment of illness contribute.
The earth and the heavenly bodies are formed from mud, the product of fire and water, from which springs also man, at first in his lower forms. Man differs from animals by the possession of the moral and artistic faculty.
The town itself is a poor place with flat-roofed mud houses, narrow winding streets, and surrounded by a ruinous mud wall; but it still contains the business quarter, the government offices and the principal bazaars.
The town is surrounded by a mud wall partly in ruins, which has a circuit of some Io m.
At some period, long subsequent to its original excavation, and after many large stalactites had grown, it was completely filled with glacial mud charged with acid, whereby the dripstone was eroded into singularly grotesque shapes.
After the mud had been mostly removed by flowing water, these eroded forms remained amid the new growths.
The plant is a herbaceous perennial with a long, branched root-stock creeping through the mud, about 3/4 inch thick, with short joints and large brownish leaf-scars.
The houses are principally of mud, and the town stands amid poplar gardens with a fertile plain to the west.
The methods by which such results are to be obtained cannot, however, as yet be practised economically on a working scale; one great difficulty in applying them to the refining of metals is that the jets of liquid would be liable to carry with them articles of anode mud, and Swan has shown that the presence of solid particles in the electrolyte is one of the most fruitful causes of the well-known nodular growths on electrodeposited copper.
During the disappearance of the great inland ice large masses of mud and sand were carried by the rivers and deposited in the sea.
Oysters cannot thrive where the ground is composed of moving sand or where mud is deposited; consequently, since the size and number of these places are very limited, only a very small percentage of the young oysters can find a resting-place, and the remainder perish.
Sometimes lime only is used, sometimes equal quantities of lime and sand, or lime and mud.
Here the prevalence of mud is one of the chief obstacles, and for this reason the tile-collectors are usually fastened together by wire and suspended to posts (tuiles en bouquets).
The ruins of the Artemision, after serving as a quarry to local builders, were finally covered deep with mud by the river Cayster, or one of its left bank tributaries, the Selinus, and the true site remained unsuspected until 1869.
While water containing much saline matter, and more especially water containing free carbonic acid, has a very stimulating action upon the skin, mud has a sedative effect, so that in a mud-bath one feels a pleasant soothing sensation as if bathing in cream.
The deposits formed by evaporation from these lakes and marshes or salines, are mixtures of borates, various alkaline salts (sodium carbonate, sulphate, chloride), gypsum, &c. In the mud of the lakes and in the surrounding marshy soil fine isolated crystals of borax are frequently found.
The lavas and ashes which form these cones are mostly andesitic. Mud " volcanoes " occur upon the Makran coast, but it is doubtful whether these are in any way connected with true volcanic agencies.
Nor should the evidences of active volcanic agency afforded by the mud volcanoes of the coast be overlooked.
Great quantities of expensive merchandise glutted the market and were sunk in the liquid mud of the streets as fillage for the construction of sidewalks.
There exist in the mud of marshes, rivers and cloacae, &c., however, other anaerobic bacteria which decompose cellulose, probably hydrolysing it first and then splitting the products into carbon dioxide and marsh gas.
Similarly nascent methane may reduce iron salts, and the black mud in which these bacteria often occur owes its colour to the FeS formed.
Beyerinck and Jegunow have shown that some partially anaerobic sulphur bacteria can only exist in strata at a certain depth below the level of quiet waters where SH 2 is being set free below by the bacterial decompositions of vegetable mud and rises to meet the atmospheric oxygen coming down from above, and that this zone of physiological activity rises and falls with the variations of partial pressure of the gases due to the rate of evolution of the SH 2.
Silver sulphide falls out as a black mud, with about 50% silver, and the solvent will be regenerated.
The streets are wide, but the houses, as well as the fairly strong fort, are built of mud bricks.
The houses are built of hardened mud, with doors and roof of palm wood.
The town of Shemakha, near the eastern end of the system, was the scene of volcanic outbreaks as late as 1859, 1872 and 1902; while in the adjacent peninsula of Apsheron mud volcanoes exist in large numbers.
Again, certain inferences have been tentatively made from the depth of mud, earth, peat, &c., which has accumulated above relics of human art imbedded in ancient times.
The barren " mud flats," frequently found on the desert floor, result from the drying up of temporary shallow lakes, or playas.
Nilson (Ber., 1874, 7, p. 1719) digests the well-washed chamber mud with a moderately concentrated solution of potassium cyanide, whereby the element goes into solution in the form of potassium selenocyanide, KSe(CN), from which it is precipitated by hydrochloric acid.
It is then repeatedly ploughed until the water becomes worked into the soil, and the whole reduced to thick mud.
The town was surrounded by a mud wall, pierced by six gates, and was further protected by a ditch 5 ft.
They are marshor water-plants with generally a stout stem (rhizome) creeping in the mud, radical leaves and a large, much branched inflorescence.
In the Valcea department, besides many other iodine, sulphur and mud baths, there are the state-supported spas of Calimanescii, Caciulata and Govora, situated among some of the finest Carpathian scenery Most famous of all is Sinaia, the summer residence of the Court; while important springs exist at Lake Sarat, near Braila; at Slanic, in the Prahova department, where flooded and abandoned salt-mines are fitted up as baths; at the Tekir Ghiol mere, near Constantza; and at Baltzatesti (Baltate,itii), in the Neamtzu (Neamtu) department, a favourite resort of invalids from many parts of eastern Europe.
It is surrounded by a ruinous mud wall flanked by towers; a quarter of a mile east of it stands a mud fort, 180 yds.
In process of time it became clear, however, that the worse the condition of a filter bed, in the then general acceptation of the term, the better it was as a microbe filter; that is to say, it was not until a fine film of mud and microbes had formed upon the surface of the sand that the best results were obtained.
The effect is to produce between the sand or other grains a glutinous substance which does the work performed by the mud and microbes upon the surface of the sand filter.
If he doubts of this let him go to Egypt, and there he will find the fields swarming with mice, begot of the mud of Nylus, to the great calamity of the inhabitants."
During the wet season the valleys often contain ephemeral lakes, whose waters on evaporating leave a playa, or mud flat, often covered with an alkaline encrustation of snowy whiteness.
Sluggish brackish streams creep along between banks of fetid black mud.
Oil has been discovered near the mud volcanoes of Minbu, but it seems to lie at too great a depth to be profitably worked.
In the deeper hollows in the south part of the Baltic the bottom consists almost invariably of either soft brown or grey mud or hard clay, while on the shallow banks and near the low coasts fine sand, of white, yellow or brown colour with small pebbles, is usually found.
Odessa is rising in repute as a summer sea-bathing resort, and its mud-baths (from the mud of the limans or lagoons) are considered to be efficacious in cases of rheumatism, gout, nervous affections and skin diseases.
Sulphur springs and boiling mud lakes are also general in the volcanic districts; and in places there are carbonic acid springs, these more especially on the peninsula of Snaefellsnes, north of Faxafloi.
At high-tide, accordingly, the town presents a very attractive appearance, but at low-tide, when the mud banks are exposed, it seems dirty and repulsive, and the noxious exhalations are extremely trying.
His hair is black and frizzly, worn generally in a mop, often of large dimensions, but sometimes worked into plaits with grease or mud.
The ancient capital, Jezreel (Zerin), is now a miserable village on a precipitous spur of Gilboa; north of this are the small mud hamlets, Solam (Shunem), Endur (Endor), Nein (Nain); on the west side of the plain is the ruin of Lej j fin (the Legio of the 4th century, which was then a place of importance).
These and the extensive mud flats and deltas at their mouths are often flooded, by which their fertility is increased, though at a heavy cost to the cultivator.
It is enclosed by mud walls, which have a circuit of 18 m., and is encompassed by cultivated land 5 or 6 m.
The native houses are all low, thatched structures, enclosing a square court, and the only break in the mud wall is the door.
Fitzmaurice came in and knelt in the mud at the president's feet, confessing his sins; but he remained the real victor.
The normal annual expenditure amounts to about L56,000, while 24,000 is generally allotted to extraordinary works, such as new cuttings, &c. Between 1857 and 1905 a sum of about one and three quarter millions sterling was spent on engineering works, including the construction of quays, lighthouses, workshops and buildings, &c. Sulina from being a collection of mud hovels has developed into a town with 5000 inhabitants; a well-found hospital has been established where all merchant sailors receive gratuitous treatment; lighthouses, quays, floating elevators and an efficient pilot service all combine to make it a first-class port.
The musk-rat sought his food at the bottom of the water, and his mouth was frequently filled with mud.
Pelusium ("the muddy") is the Farama of the Arabs, Peremoun in Coptic; the name Tina which clings to the locality seems etymologically connected with the Arabic word for clay or mud.
The low lands adjoining the tidal reaches of the Trent and Humber, and part of those around the Wash have been raised above the natural level and enriched by the process of warping, which consists in letting the tide run over the land, and retaining it there a sufficient time to permit the deposit of the sand and mud held in solution by the waters.
The derivation of the name Gilan from the modern Persian word gil meaning mud (hence "land of mud") is incorrect.
The name Barotac is from the Spanish word baro, which means mud, as well as the last syllables of tac and lutac. With nuevo, translated as new, added to the name, it distinguished it from another town called Barotac Viejo just a few town to the north.
First is the city wall, strongly built and carefully guarded, outside this a granite wall, and beyond this again a mud rampart.
The plain towards the sea was too low to be properly drained and hence in rainy weather the streets were deep with mud and water.
The Bad Lands are essentially nothing but fresh-water mud excessively weathered and eroded.
Here the volcanic action, which preceded the general upheaval of recent strata and the folding of the edges of the interior highlands, is still in evidence in occasional boiling mud volcanoes on the coast-line.
Evidence of extinct mud volcanoes exists through a very wide area in Baluchistan and Seistan.
From the quantity of sand and mud always found in the alimentary canal of these animals, it is supposed that these ingredients must be necessary to the proper digestion of their insect food.
At low tide, at such points as Moncton or Amherst, only an expanse of red mud can be seen, and the tide rushes in a bore or crest from 3 to 6 ft.
The only animal life reported from the lake has been some tetanus and other bacilli said to have been found in its mud; but this discovery has not been confirmed.
There are electric tramways and a good water-supply, but most of the older houses are fragile wooden structures coated with lime or mud, and the sanitation is defective.
Their surface is studded with the characteristic scars of their appendages or rootlets, which radiated in all directions into the mud.
The rough mud walls in the private houses give poor promise of splendour within.
There are two harbours, an outer, facing the town, protected by the island of Sirah, but now partially choked with mud; and an inner, called Aden Back-bay, or, by the Arabs, Bandar Tawayih, on the western side of the peninsula, which at all periods of the year admits vessels drawing less than 20 ft.
In this state the fine particles are known as "mud."
The coarser materials settle nearer the land, and the shallower portions of the sea floor are strewn with gravel and sand, except in occasional depressions and near the mouths of rivers where mud may gather.
Farther out the great mud deposits begin, extending from 50 to 200 m.
A girdle of mud accumulations encircles all the continents.
Occasionally water-logged plant debris is mingled with the mud.
It has been suggested that the admixture of large quantities of decomposed freshwater algae among the original mud is the origin of the paraffins.
The coasts of Celebes are often fertile and well populated; but, as shown by the marine charts, many sand, mud and stone banks lie near the shore, and con sequently there are few accessible or natural ports or good roadsteads.
They were removing their boots in the mud room when Sarah joined them.
Better to be ugly as a mud fence.
Caleb began to hurry, and in her haste to keep up with the halo in front of him, she stumbled, falling to her knees and rolling to her side in the wet mud.
If not for the demons. interruption, he and Katie would be doing a different kind of mud wrestling.
Being ugly as a mud fence hadn't stopped Alex from becoming a financial success.
Although Hunter had been born in North Carolina—on 16 acres of red mud, as he described it—he'd moved to Norfolk in high school and never left.
In the mud was a deer track, and overlaying it, the paw print of a big cat — too big to be a bobcat.
Their lives were still firmly aground on the mud of the Greek culture in which they had been brought up.
Paracelsus, a 15th-century Swiss alchemist, extolled the rejuvenating value of mud from Austrian moors.
The lower parts of their arms were constructed from the mud mix supported on wooden armatures.
American augers also offers several mud pump units for use in auger boring or pipe jacking.
Conversely, a MUD player creates her own avatar which remains part of the MUD once she is accepted into the community.
This mud bath is in fact a cleaning process which can be used to cool them down.
Driving 4x4 Range Rovers through deep mud blindfold was a stern test of trust.
Rob was the guitarist with 1970s glam rockers Mud before making the transition to backroom boffin behind a large number of pop/dance hits.
Section six was covered in a mass of mud and sludge that by the second lap had at parts become almost bottomless.
Before throwing a boule, the player must remove from it any trace of mud or any other substance.
In Palestine in the time of Jesus, ordinary dwellings were constructed of sun-dried bricks of mud or clay on a stone foundation.
In the early 18th Dynasty mud brick chapels are common.
Murray provided excellent entertainment as he went sideways, scuffed the wing and filled the bumper with mud.
I think I managed to hit a few bystanders with the mud too!
The lime mud is made of the mineral calcite.
Fresh water clams were making groves in the mud.
The holes (arrowed) are made by the dew claws which are often seen in soft mud.
It was originally built for grinding cement clinker the cement made from the chalky mud dredged from the river bed.
Also, their footwear, simple leather shoes and wooden clogs, protect their feet from the worst of the mud.
Richie, on board to run the piston corer, removing a mud core from the barrel.
Pill A tidal creek with a soft mud bottom.
An exploratory dig in the ceiling of the mud tube near the last breakthrough point has also been commenced (see below ).
Short distance seed dispersal is possible in mud on the tires of farm vehicles.
The mud flats held a few Chinese egrets, some close by.
Back in daylight once more, several of the more mud plastered members were greeted by a most emphatic ' UGH -- DIRTY!
Is this area watered out or are you producing mud filtrate?
Knowledge of the amount of drilling mud filtrate in your water has a number of uses.
Be careful of mud flaps beside the river, do not venture too far into these or you could get stuck.
Andrew Goddard's oil paintings are of the tidal mud flats of the river Yar in the Isle of Wight.
More than 35,000 people have been left homeless as their mud houses were swept away by floodwater.
The mud and shingle foreshore is of international nature conservation importance.
We will visit enormous penguin rookeries, land on beaches ruled by Antarctic fur seals and observe southern elephant seals wallowing in mud pools.
Personal MUD rooms span the gamut from a book-lined tree house, to a padded cell, to the inside of a television set.
For one, they're not water geysers, they're mud.
It was incredibly slippery - lubricated with a rather greasy feeling bright red mud.
He wore his uniform and a long gray greatcoat over it that was speckled with rain and mud.
Karl had already nicked fifth back from Stanley, who slid through the mud exiting the hairpin for the final time.
To use William Gibson's famous phrase, a MUD is a paradigmatic instance of the " consensual hallucination " of cyberspace.
Indeed, many never leave Tarmac or gather the faintest hint of mud.
Its coast is lined by small hamlets of mud huts with indigenous women in bowler hats farming their land.
Wheeled vehicles had to take their chances along poorly maintained valley bottom highways, often impassable in the winter with mud.
Mud is a major feature of the newly inaugurated Compunet service for 64 users.
Glad you are enjoying the mud I am feeling jealous.
The boy stood for twelve hours in the wind, and sleet, and mud, rejoicing in the conflagration which thus liberated him.
The mud proved to be slowing Walter down as well as a slight limp from where he must have twisted his ankle.
Giant mud loach was produced by linking the mud loach growth hormone with its actin promoter.
An hour or so later I discovered his footprints in some mud outside a small marble Mausoleum.
The irony is that the only material builders use is memory - the allocated computer memory of the MUD.
His horse stumbled into a bog and began to sink into the dark oozing mud.
It represents Salicornia and other annuals colonizing mud and sand in northwest England and southwest Scotland.
Clean tools after use by scraping mud off and washing blades.
I was slinging mud and pinecones at my lads between scenes and one of the Assistant Directors shouted " Oi you come here!
A mud pot throws steam and boiling mud into the air.
During wet weather the clay soils can soon become churned by horses into a very glutinous mud.
The first obstacle was the climb up slimy mud to a higher level.
These gave access to a sort of sloping ledge covered in sticky mud.
Sheltered estuarine mud and sandflats occur away from the fast-flowing river channel.
The ground consisted of several inches of thick dirty mud.
No more the wounded dragged from stinking mud, Or the constant rain that starts the flood.
At other points, for example by the Jet Gasoline Station, mud thrown up by passing traffic has totally obliterated the line.
These include such oddments as the sound of shoes on mud, leaves and tarmac to accompany the players movements.
The original MUD is still remembered fondly by old-timers, but it was too good to remain locked away in a university computer.
Witnessing Rasmus being severely pelted with mud, rocks, firecrackers and urine.
The rift drops over jammed boulders to a mud floored boulder pile sloping downstream to a roaring streamway all of 2 meters long.
In bare feet and mud covered planking, the walk ways were impossible to navigate, the prisoners had to wade through the swamps.
The mud plastering was then applied both inside and outside, and many fragments of this roofing were found in the rooms.
I can't use my cycle in the rainy season or in the dark, there are too many potholes in the mud roads.
The symbol may be visual, auditory, or that you step in a mud puddle!
R Morris When you pony comes in covered in dry hard mud, use a plastic pot scrubber to remove it.
We will visit enormous penguin rookeries, land on beaches ruled by antarctic fur seals and observe southern elephant seals wallowing in mud pools.
At present, the dredged sediments are disposed of outside the harbor, thus losing valuable mud from its ecosystem.
The seabed is predominantly sedimentary, ranging between mud and cobbles but consisting mainly of sand.
Winter can cause localized deep mud in places but generally just makes things slippy and slow going.
They slept in the mud, wet and cold, with inadequate slit trenches for excrement.
The rider stood there, completely sodden; stinking black mud covering him from head to toe.
When she uses oil paint it gets thickened into the consistency of pitch or of mud spattered against a wall.
Are they blood stains, or mud stains, or rust stains, or fruit stains, or what are they?
A great bank of sandy mud has some interesting mud stalagmites.
Some peculiar mud stalagmites occur in Camp 1 Chamber.
A bug hunting trip as far as the mud sump.
At first I had some heavy rubber thigh waders which preferred clinging to the mud than to my thigh waders which preferred clinging to the mud than to my thighs.
The dwelling is made from wood, heather, cow dung, mud, stones, straw and binder twine.
The tent features a detachable living area groundsheet and mud valance (the old Dodge City gunslinger ).
The hood liner was removed as was the front valence and mud flaps - these would get torn off pretty quickly anyway.
Try our new home body wrap kits with aloe Vera, sea weed, or mud clay type formulas for only $ 29.95!
Also, players maintain their identities from one session to the next, distinguishing a MUD from a typical video game.
Forty minutes later we arrived at the mud volcano at the core of the reserve.
At first I had some heavy rubber thigh waders which preferred clinging to the mud than to my thighs.
Sewer passage, once a tremendous mud wallow is a very clean passageway now.
There is no way of telling the detail of what sporting events they held you can only imagine, perhaps elephant mud wrestling.
These are aquatic plants with thick fleshy rootstocks or tubers embedded in the mud, and throwing up to the surface circular shield-like leaves, and leafless flower-stalks, each terminated by a single flower, often of great beauty, and consisting of four or five sepals, and numerous petals gradually passing into the very numerous stamens without any definite line of demarcation between them.
The hill is crowned by the ruins of the old citadel, which add to the picturesqueness of the view; but the town is not well built, its streets being narrow and many of its houses constructed of sun-dried mud bricks; there are, however, many fine remains of Graeco-Roman and Byzantine architecture, the most remarkable being the temple of Rome and Augustus, on the walls of which is the famous Monumentum Ancyranum (see Ancyra).
About two centuries afterwards, in the course of the struggle between the Sikhs and the Mahommedans, Ahmad Shah Durani routed the Sikhs at the great battle of Panipat, and on his homeward march he destroyed the town of Amritsar, blew up the temple with gunpowder, filled in the sacred tank with mud, and defiled the holy place by the slaughter of cows.
Amongst the most marked features of the change that has taken place since 1875 are the growth of religious and philanthropic establishments; the settlement of Jewish colonies from Bokhara, Yemen and Europe; the migration of Europeans, old Moslem families, and Jews from the city to the suburbs; the increased vegetation, due to the numerous gardens and improved methods of cultivation; the substitution of timber and red tiles for the vaulted stone roofs which were so characteristic of the old city; the striking want of beauty, grandeur, and harmony with their environment exhibited by most of the new buildings; and the introduction of wheeled transport, which, cutting into the soft limestone, has produced mud and dust to an extent previously unknown.
Neither the opposition of Lord Palmerston, who considered the projected disturbance as too radical not to endanger the commercial position of Great Britain, nor the opinions entertained, in France as well as in England, that the sea in front of Port Said was full of mud which would obstruct the entrance to the canal, that the sands from the desert would fill the trenches - no adverse argument, in a word, could dishearten Ferdinand de Lesseps.
Penetrating the peninsula, and advancing like a glacier or half-liquid stream of mud, they occupied the valley of the P0, and moved slowly downward through the centre of the country.
In Limnocodium the body secretes a gelatinous mucus to which adhere particles of mud, &c., forming a protective covering.
Even these species are sometimes left stranded by low spring tides, though the mud in which they are rooted remains saturated with sea-water.
As the river leaves the mountain, ever growing by the accession of tributaries, it ceases, save in flood time, to be a formidable instrument of destruction; the gentler slope of the land surface gives to it only power sufficient to transport small stones, gravel, sand and ultimately mud.
Those of them who tried to have their own way and came into conflict with the authorities had always to yield in the long run, and they were liable to be treated very unceremoniously, so that the vulgar adage, " If the prince is bad, into, the mud with him!"
Their compilation was, when completed, read to 1 There is no historical foundation for the legendary laws of a prince Dymal (or Dyvnwal) Moel Mud, nor for the Laws of Marsia, which are said to belong to a period before the Roman invasion, even so early as 400 years before Christ.
Its hot springs and mud baths are much resorted to, and were known to the Romans as Aponi Eons or Aquae Patavinae.
The forms comprised in the various groups, whilst exhibiting an extreme range of variety in shape, as may be seen on comparing an oyster, a cuttle-fish, and a sea-slug such as Doris; whilst adapted, some to life on dry land, others to the depths of the sea, others to rushing streams; whilst capable, some of swimming, others of burrowing, crawling or jumping, some, on the other hand, fixed and immobile; some amongst the most formidable of carnivores, others feeding on vegetable mud, or on the minutest of microscopic organisms - yet all agree in possessing in common a very considerable number of structural details which are not possessed in common by any other animals.
Lecanora crassa, Lecidea decipiens), others sandy soil or hardened mud (e.g.
Early records present the name Lamb-hythe in various forms. The suffix is common along the river in the meaning of a haven, but the prefix is less clear; a Saxon word signifying mud is suggested.