Mourning Sentence Examples
She showered and left her room, mourning the loss of her last good friend.
He doesn't get that I'm not going to waste my time mourning when I can live.
I will not be offended if you choose to spend the day in mourning, my friend.
A Country and Western singer was mourning a lost love on Fred's mini boom box.
Perhaps the use of ashes in mourning had the same origin.
She was promptly chased away by the mourning women and sulked off to her spot in the window.
When a loved one dies, it's hard enough to deal with the mourning.
The idea of communicating with the departed was naturally attractive even to the merely curious, still more to those who were mourning for lost friends, and most of all to those who believed that this was the commencement of a new revelation.
He was buried in Greyfriars churchyard, Edinburgh; and his death was the occasion of national mourning in Scotland.
Was this passage written when Aristotle was mourning for his friend?
AdvertisementOn the 2nd of June 1882 his death at Caprera plunged Italy into mourning.
Among Greeks and Arabs, mourners also cut themselves with knives and scratched their faces; the Hebrew law forbade such mourning, and we find the prohibition repeated in many canons of the Eastern churches.
Iseult of Ireland lands to find the city in mourning for its lord; hastening to the bier, she lays herself down beside Tristan, and with one last embrace expires.
He died in Turin on the 20th of March 1894; his body was taken to Pesth, where he was buried amid the mourning of the whole.
With her sister Nephthys, Isis is frequently represented as watching the body of Osiris or mourning his death.
AdvertisementThe city may be in mourning, but the numerous church services and candlelight vigils help provide some emotional catharsis.
Verse 16 deals with the righteous dead in general; verses 13 and 14 with the particular individuals whose death they were mourning.
He would render the verse, "In that day there shall be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of the women who weep for Tammuz-Adon" (A don means lord).
When their master thus died, his disciples buried him with great pomp. A multitude of them built huts near his grave, and remained there, mourning as for a father, for nearly three years; and when all the rest were gone, Tze-kung, the last of his favourite three, continued alone by the grave for another period of the same duration.
This festival, like that at Athens, was held late in summer; at Byblus, where the mourning ceremony preceded, it took place in spring.
AdvertisementAnd besides, she is now in mourning.
It seems no one was mourning the demise of the man who made Labor electable.
He's seen mourning against the arched doorway of a crypt where Giselle is buried.
The ancient association of women with tears was often elided with this intensified Reformed concern over excessive or improper mourning (23 ).
Herodotus, speaking of the sanctity in which some animals were held by the Egyptians, says that the people of every family in which a dog died shaved themselves - their expression of mourning - adding that this was a custom of his own time.
AdvertisementThe finest skins when dyed black are used very largely in America in place of the dyed black fox so fashionable for mourning wear in Great Britain and France.
In Spain, indeed, it became customary to close the churches altogether as a sign of mourning; but this practice was condemned by the council of Toledo (633).
The Russian court went into mourning for the last of the Condes, and diplomatic relations with Paris were broken off.
Their funeral mourning consists of abstaining from drink and eating raw beef, and they use a wooden log for a coffin.
In many parts of Germany the seasons of Lent and Advent are still marked by the use of emblems of mourning in the churches, by the frequency of certain phrases (Kyrie eleison, Agnus Dei) and the absence of others (Hallelujah, Gloria in excelsis) in the liturgical services, by abstinence from some of the usual social festivities, and by the non-celebration of marriages.
A widow must shave her head, smear her body with black and the exudations of the corpse, and wear mourning for a long time.
Isis wandered, mourning, in search of the body, as Demeter sought Persephone, and perhaps in Plutarch's late version some incidents may be borrowed from the Eleusinian legend.
A mourning broach making a sad counterpoint to the mourning rings on her hands.
The mourning period is an unseemly time to have a financial ding-dong.
After his death the mourning pupil wrote a funeral dirge (1908) in memory of his master.
Presently a lady dressed in deep mourning passed along.
A Grecian urn is draped in a cloth to symbolize mourning.
The Ring-necked Dove is very similar to the African Mourning Dove (Streptopelia decipiens) but it lacks the red orbital ring.
They have signed rap star Eminem who will signal the exact moment for mourning to commence with a gangsta rendition of The star-spangled banner.
Don't know the difference between a mourning suit and a cutaway?
Black used to be completely inappropriate as a color for wedding guests to wear because it indicated mourning and was said to be bad luck for the union.
His death paralyzed the country, sending hundreds of thousands of fans into mourning.
For some groups, not wearing a penis sheath means the man is an adulterer (implying one function of the penis sheath as contraception by inconvenience), feeble minded, or in mourning and temporarily withdrawing from social life.
Not wearing a cache-sexe is a visible statement of a woman's inability or unwillingness to participate in social interaction, as when ill or in mourning.
Some of the butterflies attracted to the milkweed nectar are Monarchs, Mourning Cloak, Tiger Swallowtail, and Viceroy.
A black mourning hat for a French fashion or china doll measures 2 1/4 inches high and is from the 1870s.
Even a short walk or a turn at the playground can help them work off some of the physical tensions connected with mourning.
For most of the western hemisphere, black is reserved for mourning.
When it was no longer playing in town at all, it was the occasion for mourning.
The relationship between the Captains and their vessels is explored, as is the mourning fans feel when a ship is destroyed.
When they were lost, Wanda went into a catatonic state for a long time, mourning and grieving.
We know that in Herodotus's day, and long before, the discovery of the new Apis was the occasion of universal rejoicing, and his death of universal mourning.
The etymology of this last name has been much disputed, but there seems now to be little doubt that it is derived from the Old High German chara, meaning suffering or mourning.
They observe the 10th of Muharram, the day of `Ashura, as a day of public mourning.
He recalls the mourning in the doomed city; the children dying of hunger in the streets; the prophets deluding the people with vain hopes.
Among the very religious during the mourning month (Muharram) the shirt is at times dyed black.
It was during his stay in England that the shah, for two or three days without his grand vizier, who was mourning for the death of his brother, listened to bad advice and granted a concession for the monopoly of lotteries in Persia to a Persian subject.
But on account of the mourning in which several courts were thrown through the death of the king of Italy (July 29) and the duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (July 30), the visits to England, Germany and Italy were abandoned.
Having gone to England in 1792 to endeavour to raise money on her jewels, she was on her return accused before the Revolutionary Tribunal of having dissipated the treasures of the state, conspired against the republic, and worn, in London, "mourning for the tyrant."
For the regular period of 27 months, commonly spoken of as three years, he observed all the rules of mourning.
And I hadn't visited the necropolis because I was mourning Khufu, but because I was angry with him for leaving me.
I Hamlet's mourning black seems to be a form of armor which Milton's poetic personae prefer to wear.
Her recent images from Stages of Mourning are included in a publication on women's photographic self portraiture (Masquerade, Iris 2004 ).
Mama Ike quickly retorted " we are in mourning no-one has had time to cook.
The invocation to Book 9 likewise frames mourning as empowering, in this instance as a particularly strategic defense against the charge of agency.
But during the 18th century, though the strict observance of the Lenten fast was generally abandoned, it was still observed and inculcated by the more earnest of the clergy, such as William Law and John Wesley; and the custom of women wearing mourning in Lent, which had been followed by Queen Elizabeth and her court, survived until well into the 19th century.
These centers also allow children to participate in their own mourning rituals, which can be a comfort to children and a healthy way to move on.
However, research has shown that children cope more successfully with a death if they feel included in the group that has experienced the loss and share in grieving and mourning.
Caregivers can draw pictures of the loved one or read books about mourning so the child can feel that they are not alone.
Shiva is the Jewish tradition of mourning after the funeral.
During this time individuals may visit those in mourning and bring food to them instead of flowers.
MySpace mourning pages give friends and family members opportunities to grieve their loved ones in a very public way via the Internet.
A MySpace mourning page is a public memorial to someone who has died.
Just because the person has died, that doesn't mean someone on the Internet won't steal his or her information posted on the MySpace mourning page.
It is entirely possible to still consider oneself in mourning several years after the event has occurred.
Let the time of death and months afterward be a time for mourning even if you cannot participate.
Mourning the Loss of a Pet shows you that is OK to grieve over the loss of a dear pet.
Those who are mourning the loss of a loved one are often emotionally fragile and need encouragement.
Poems can be powerful and evoke intense emotions that many people suppress during times of grief, which can help in the mourning process.
After the funeral, focus shifts from the deceased to those mourning him.
This is seven days of passionate mourning during which time community members see to it that the mourner can focus on their grief.
Mourning the loss and concerns over subsequent problems can be overwhelming.
Besides primary red, the only color gypsies avoid is white, as this is associated with mourning and death.
Many people feel it is poor etiquette to wear black to a wedding or other romantic event, as if it were representing mourning rather than celebration.
It is said that the image in the mirror may represent the mourning Queen who longs for a child of her own.
This event sends the Earth into a period of darkness and mourning forever marking the number 13 as a number representing very bad luck.
His nuanced performances hit all the right notes whether he was feuding with Victor Newman, mourning the loss of his unborn child with Nikki or he was trying to live up to his father's hopes and dreams.
The memory loss persisted for a long time, leaving Lily and Holden fans mourning their love.
The fourth and final season begins with everyone mourning the death of Marissa.
The doomed love story of Jenny and Greg left fans mourning when a bomb meant for Greg ended Jenny's life.
When Leo 'died' and left Greenlee in mourning, fans held out hope that he would someday return, but Duhamel's continued success in other projects soon dimmed that hope.
Pilot - Stefan Salvatore arrives for his first day at Mystic Falls High while Elena and Jeremy Gilbert cope with their first day back to school after a summer of mourning.
After Leo's death, she turned her mourning to business, founding Fusion with Kendall, Mia, Simone and Liza.
Grayson was mourning Deb, but Deb longed for Grayson.
During one separation, Phyllis embarked on a tempestuous affair with Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) who was mourning the loss of his daughter Cassie.
Mourning Cloak-One of the few non-solitary butterfly types.
For people who are mourning their lost youth, save the jokes for another occasion.
Obviously in mourning for Reese, Sarah was preparing to go into hiding, when a young boy took her picture with a polaroid camera.
Even if Lilith wasn't meant to be his mate, she didn't deserve such a brutal death. She didn't deserve death at all. Instead of mourning a son, Kris could've spent the past few thousand years raising a successor.
Try as he might, the mourning ladies of dreamland wouldn't return to the empty coffin.
For widows or deep mourning the peculiar cut of the local costume is preserved, but carried out entirely in black.
His dying boast, that "no Athenian had put on mourning through his doing," perhaps refers to his forbearance towards his political rivals, whom he refused to ruin by prosecution.
At Ecbatana the death of Hephaestion for a time plunged Alexander into a passion of mourning.
At the funeral of men there is much mourning, the female relatives cutting or tearing their hair off and plastering their faces with clay, but for women no public ceremonies took place.
Gratitude for his achievements and sorrow for his death found expression in universal mourning wherein king and peasant equally joined.
Even his sister wore no mourning for him until she arrived at Vienna and saw that this was expected of her.
After the burial a funeral feast is held in the house of mourning.
In keeping with this, her festivals at Naxos present a double character; the one, full of mourning and sadness, represents her death or abandonment by Theseus, the other, full of joy and revelry, celebrates her awakening from sleep and marriage with Dionysus.
There is much that is striking and original in his history of marriage (Die ji dische Hochzeit in nachbiblischer Zeit, 1860), and of mourning customs (Die Leichenfeierlichkeiten im nachbiblischen Judenthum, 1861), his contributions to the sources of the Arabian Nights (Zur rabbinischen Sprach-und Sagenkunde, 1873), and his notes on rabbinic antiquities (Beitrage zur rabbinischen Sprachund Altertumskunde, 1893).
A special manufacture is that of red shawls, used throughout the department of Oran by Jewish women when in mourning.
The queen witnessed the wedding from the private pew or box of St George's Chapel, Windsor, but she wore the deep mourning which she was never wholly to put off to the end of her life, and she took no part in the festivities of the wedding.
There was a tendency in time of misfortune to revert to earlier rites (illustrated in some ancient mourning customs), and it may have been some old disused practice revived under the pressure of national distress.
Greek and Roman authors have much to say about Apis, the marks by which the black bull-calf was recognized, the manner of his conception by a ray from heaven, his house at Memphis with court for disporting himself, the mode of prognostication from his actions, the mourning at his death, his costly burial and the rejoicings throughout the country when a new Apis was found.
Mourning is expressed by fasting, by shaving the head and face, or by cutting off the little finger.
Here also are found the sage thrasher, Le Conte's thrasher, the Texas nighthawk, Baird's woodpecker, and the mourning dove.
The prophecy saved his life, though many desired his death, and the rumour of it produced general mourning in Jerusalem.
Soon after Prince Andrew had gone, Princess Mary wrote to her friend Julie Karagina in Petersburg, whom she had dreamed (as all girls dream) of marrying to her brother, and who was at that time in mourning for her own brother, killed in Turkey.
Mama Ike quickly retorted we are in mourning no-one has had time to cook.
Thousands of people, including the families of victims, wore black or yellow ribbons, symbolizing mourning and hope.
Even though black is flattering on most women, remember that this color is traditionally associated with mourning.
A Norwegian painter who helped develop expressionism, most of Munch's work is centered on anxiety, sadness, and mourning, basing much of his art on his early childhood experiences of losing both parents and two siblings.
Maybe we are mourning the good old days, when love was forever, or maybe some of us just plain like gossip.
Following the couple's split in November 2006, Kevin Federline didn't seem to waste any time mourning the end of his marriage.
On the morning of June 25, 2009, the entertainment world was mourning the death of actress Farrah Fawcett, who had lost her battle with cancer.
Heath Ledger was loved by many and his death sent not only his close friends and family, but Hollywood, into mourning.
Vicky and the dogs will be able to help each other through this mourning period by walking on the beach together, playing ball (something the two dogs love so much) and simply being together.
Remember, they too are in mourning along with you.
Mourning Iris (Iris Susiana) - One of the most singular of all flowers, from 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 feet high; the flowers very large and densely spotted and striped with dark purple on a grey ground.
Comma, Monarch, Mourning Cloak, Painted Lady, Red Admiral, and Tiger Swallowtail are all drawn to the butterfly bush.
Elm trees attract Comma, Mourning Cloak while Willows attract Viceroy.
Black is also out as that indicates mourning and that's the last message you want to convey on your daughter's wedding day!
Mourning is the grieving process an individual experiences in response to the loss (often through death) of someone.
Children experience grief or mourning in very different ways than adults do.
However, this may be of little comfort if you are mourning the loss of your child.
Yet, in spite of all, his jovial disposition and good-humoured cynicism saved him from unpopularity, and rendered his death an occasion of mourning.
The Demeter of Cnidus in the British Museum, of the school of Praxiteles, apparently shows her mourning for the loss of her daughter.
In remembrance of these victims of popular wrath Jalal-uddin founded the order of the Maulawi (in Turkish Mevlevi) dervishes, famous for their piety as well as for their peculiar garb of mourning, their music and their mystic dance (sama), which is the outward representation of the circling movement of the spheres, and the inward symbol of the circling movement of the soul caused by the vibrations of a Sufi's fervent love to God.
An interesting example of the long plain variety is afforded by the prisoners of Lachish before Sennacherib (701 B.C.); the circumstances and a comparison of the details would point to its being essentially a simple dress indicative of mourning and humiliation.
A public mourning followed, which lasted six days, and Cambyses accompanied the corpse to the tomb.
In 1893 the country, on the expiration of the royal mourning, began to take a more than usual interest in the affairs of the royal family.
He not only caused the mourning for the death of Hosain and other Shiite festivals to be celebrated at Bagdad, but also allowed imprecations against Moawiya and even against Mahomet's wife Ayesha and the caliphs Abu Bekr, Omar and Othman, to be posted up at the doors of the mosques.
The relatives and friends then hand the priest a list of the contributions and charities which have been subscribed in memory of the deceased, which concludes the ceremony of "rising from mourning," or "the resurrection of the dead."
The majority of men donned black ties, and many women also wore some emblem of mourning.
But after cremation came in a mourning procession of servants and chiefs carrying the body to the funeral pyre to be burnt by the demondressed priests, after which the crowd of wives and slaves were exhorted to serve their lord faithfully in the next world, were sacrificed and their bodies burnt.
He fell ill before he could take the field, and died on the 9th of February 1709, his death calling forth exceptional signs of mourning from all classes.
See articles on mourning customs in the Bible Dictionaries, and, for special studies, Buchler, Zeit.
A similar feeling of pride at the completion of a great career is expressed in the memorial lines which he composed to be placed under his bust after death,- "Let no one weep for me, or celebrate my funeral with mourning; for I still live, as I pass to and fro through the mouths of men."
The women alone put on mourning attire, by dyeing their veils, shirts, &c., dark blue, with indigo; and they stain their hands, and smear the walls, with the same color.
The day of his burial was a day of national mourning, and rightly so, for Baross had dedicated his whole time and genius to the promotion of his country's prosperity.
The chest in the passage was the place of mourning for the younger female generation in the Rostov household.
Many rules of etiquette govern the proper conduct of the chopsticks; laying them across the bowl is a sign that the guest wishes to leave the table; they are not used during a time of mourning, when food is eaten with the fingers; and various methods of handling them form a secret code of signalling.
Especially among the lower races the dead are regarded as hostile; the Australian avoids the grave even of a kinsman and elaborate ceremonies of mourning are found amongst most primitive peoples, whose object seems to be to rid the living of the danger they run by association with the ghost of the dead.
The end of the period of mourning for the late king was the signal for a succession of gaieties, during which the queen displayed a passion for amusement and excitement which led to unfortunate results.
In the centre the colossal statue of Luther rises, on a pedestal at the base of which are sitting figures of Peter Waldo, Wycliffe, Hus and Savonarola, the heralds of the Reformation; at the corners of the platform, on lower pedestals, are statues of Luther's contemporaries, Melanchthon, Reuchlin, Philip of Hesse, and Frederick the Wise of Saxony, between which are allegorical figures of Magdeburg (mourning), Spires (protesting) and Augsburg (confessing).
McKinley's funeral took place at Canton, Ohio, on the 1 9 th of September, the occasion being remarkable for the public manifestations of mourning, not only in the United States, but in Great Britain and other countries; in Canton a memorial tomb has been erected.
She wore mourning for her father in 1701, and before his death James is said to have written to his daughter asking for her protection for his family; but the recognition of his son by Louis XIV.
For some time after his succession Afghanistan was in a state of anarchy, and his rebellious half-brothers overran the country while he remained at Kandahar mourning the loss of a favourite son.
But he was detained a whole year in the former country, by a rising of the Shiites in Kuf a, who were still in mourning for Hosain and had formed an army which called itself "the army of the penitent."
Demeter, clad in black (hence µEXaiva) in token of mourning for her daughter and wrath with Poseidon, retired into a cave.