Mourners Sentence Examples
In more modern times, mourners often wear a torn black ribbon.
We are waiting for the other mourners to join us from the church.
In the end, you may not find something that all the mourners agree was the best poem for the funeral, but the cathartic benefits of poetry will have soothed your soul.
Peter Hanna, surrounded by a sea of black umbrellas, led mourners toward a plot on the hill.
They would even hire professional mourners to add to the open expression of grief.
He killed three mourners who had pursued him, before being rescued by the police.
His funeral was attended by mourners from all walks of life, coming to pay their respects to the artist.
Since many mourners are overwhelmed with emotion, they have short attention spans.
Their object may be (a) to provide a guide to the other world; (b) to provide the dead with servants or a retinue suitable to his rank; (c) to send messengers to keep the dead informed of the things of this world; (d) to strengthen the dead by the blood or life of a living being, in the same way that food is offered to them or blood rituals enjoined on mourners.
In wealthy households ceremonial mourners would be hired to look suitably doleful.
AdvertisementThe coffin is usually brought into the chapel followed by the mourners in procession.
When the principal mourners are ready to proceed, they will be shown to their seats.
There will be few mourners, outside its own priesthood.
Following bereavement, whatever the circumstances, it is expected that mourners will go through a secondary period of grieving that in many cases involves a person spending much needed time alone to remember the person they have lost.
Having gone through the upsetting motions of making complex funeral arrangements, often the last thing on a person's mind is to send out cards or notes of thanks to fellow mourners and well-wishers.
AdvertisementWhile some people are offended by cliché comments such as "Your loved on is in a better place," religious poetry is generally well-received by mourners.
It's not something you want to rush because not only does it pay tribute your lost loved one, it helps you and other mourners through the grieving process.
Offers to run errands, babysit, or cook meals are helpful to the family and helping with these chores can make mourners feel useful during their own time to grieve.
For followers of Judaism and their friends, a list of Jewish funeral traditions can help mourners understand the religious customs surrounding death.
Following the funeral, mourners accompany the deceased to the cemetery.
AdvertisementMourners then take turns placing some dirt on top of the coffin with a spade or shovel.
Mourners traditionally tear, or rend, a piece of their clothing upon hearing news of a loved one's death.
Crying Ladies (2003)-A comedy about three professional mourners searching for more lucrative money opportunities in Manila's Chinatown.
Immediately on death the corpse is turned towards Mecca, and the women of the household, assisted by hired mourners, commence their peculiar wailing, while fikis recite portions of the Koran.
They consist chiefly in the manufacture of sea-salt, of varied and admirable paper, thin and poor silk, horse-hair crinoline for hats, fine split bamboo blinds, hats and mats, coarse pottery, hemp cloth for mourners, brass bowls and grass-cloth.
AdvertisementAmong Greeks and Arabs, mourners also cut themselves with knives and scratched their faces; the Hebrew law forbade such mourning, and we find the prohibition repeated in many canons of the Eastern churches.
The power of this holy night Dispels all evil, washes guilt away, Restores lost innocence, brings mourners joy.
His grave was surrounded by a large crowd of mourners, among whom were Gladstone, Bright, Milner Gibson, Charles Villiers and a host besides from all parts of the country.
Among the mourners who followed him to the grave were many French officers from Napoleon's army, which was then occupying Vienna.
On the death of Herod in 4 B.C. Archelaus kept open house for mourners as the Jewish custom, which reduced many Jews to beggary, prescribed.
After publishing The Mock Mourners, intended to satirize and rebuke the outbreak of Jacobite joy at the king's death, he turned his attention once more to ecclesiastical subjects, and, in an evil hour for himself, wrote the anonymous Shortest Way with the Dissenters (1702), a statement in the most forcible terms of the extreme "high-flying" position, which some high churchmen were unwary enough to endorse, without any suspicion of the writer's ironical intention.
His remaining years were full of troubles and persecutions nobly borne, till at last, worn out by them, he died on the 17th of November 1668; and the mourners, remembering their beloved minister's words while yet with them, "If I should die fifty miles away, let me be buried at Taunton," found a grave for him in St Mary's chancel.
At the beginning of the 4th century a system came into use by which penitents undergoing discipline were divided into four grades, the lowest being the mourners, then the hearers, the kneelers and the consistentes (standing).