Mounted Sentence Examples
He mounted and gazed down at her a moment.
Darian mounted his horse.
He mounted and rode toward Semenovsk.
When they got to Ed, he mounted and helped her up behind him.
A mounted general separated himself from the infantry and approached Kutuzov.
Carmen mounted and turned Ed toward the field, kicking him into a lope.
They mounted into the buggy, Dorothy holding Eureka safe in her lap.
Cynthia mounted her bike.
It consists of four hemispherical cups, mounted one on each end of a pair of horizontal arms, which lie at right angles to each other and form a cross.
It needs, therefore, merely supervision by guardians and mounted overseers, or butteri, who are housed and receive wages.
AdvertisementHe remodelled the volumes of observations, put the library on a proper footing, mounted the new (Sheepshanks) equatorial and organized a new magnetic observatory.
When Lord (then Sir Alfred) Milner visited Basutoland in 1898, on his way to Bloemfontein, he was received by 15,000 mounted Basuto.
The quadrants are mounted on pillars of amber which afford a very high insulation.
The first Persians to engage were the mounted archers, who rained arrows on the Spartans.
The Balkan hill-peoples of Illyrian or Thracian stock, the hill-peoples of Asia Minor and Iran, the chivalry of Media and Bactria, the mounted bowmen of the Caspian steppes, the camel-riders of the Arabian desert, could all be turned to account.
AdvertisementManning, and small numbers of British and Boer mounted infantry, Indian and African troops were employed, while an Abyssinian force held the line of the Webi Shebeli.
Specimens of flowering plants and vascular cryptograms are generally mounted on sheets of stout smooth paper, of uniform quality; the size adopted at Kew is 17 in.
Marine algae are usually mounted on tough smooth white cartridge paper in the following manner.
The plant can then be at any time examined under the microscope without injuring the mounted specimen.
Many of the freshwater algae which form a mere crust, such as Palmella cruenta, may be placed in a vessel of water, where after a time they float like a scum, the earthy matter settling down to the bottom, and may then be mounted by slipping a piece of mica under them and allowing it to dry.
AdvertisementOscillatoriae may be mounted by laying a portion on a silver coin placed on a piece of paper in a plate, and pouring in water until the edge of the coin is just covered.
There is considerable difficulty in removing mounted specimens of algae from paper, and therefore a small portion preserved on mica should accompany each specimen, enclosed for safety in a small envelope fastened at one corner of the sheet of paper.
Filamentous diatoms may be mounted like ordinary seaweeds, and, as well as all parasitic algae, should whenever possible be allowed to remain attached to a portion of the alga on which they grow, some species being almost always found found parasitical on particular plants.
Ordinary diatoms and desmids may be mounted on mica, as above described, by putting a portion in a vessel of water and exposing it to sunlight, when they rise to the surface, and may be thus removed comparatively free from dirt or impurity.
Owing to their want of adhesiveness, they are, however, usually mounted on glass as microscopic slides, either in glycerin jelly, Canada balsam or some other suitable medium.
AdvertisementLichens are generally mounted on sheets of paper of the ordinary size, several specimens from different localities being laid upon one sheet, each specimen having been first placed on a small square of paper which is gummed on the sheet, and which has the locality, date, name of collector, &c., written upon it.
Microscopic fungi are usually preserved in envelopes, or simply attached to sheets of paper or mounted as microscopic slides.
Scale-mosses are mounted in the same way, or may be floated out in water like sea-weeds, and dried in white blotting paper under strong pressure before gumming on paper, but are best mounted as microscopic slides, care being taken to show the stipules.
Below him ranked the newly converted Moslem aristocracy, who adopted the dress, titles and etiquette of the Turkish court, without relinquishing their language or many of their old customs. They dwelt in fortified towns or castles, where the vali was only admitted on sufferance for a few days; and, at the outset, they formed a separate military caste, headed by 48 kapetans - landholders exercising unfettered authority over their retainers and Christian serfs, but bound, in return, to provide a company of mounted troops for the service of their sovereign.
But the French army was already completely out of hand, and the degree to which the panic of a crowd can master even the strongest instinct of the individual is shown by the conduct of the fugitives who crowded over the bridges, treading hundreds under foot, whilst all the time the river was easily fordable and mounted men rode backwards and forwards across it.
Some of this sculpture has been found; the acroteria are Nereids mounted on sea-horses, and one pediment contained a battle of Greeks and Amazons.
The harsher measures which about that time began to be adopted towards his co-religionists in France are usually assigned as the motive of this step. He now devoted himself during six years to the production of lenses of enormous focal distance, which, mounted on high poles, and connected with the eye-piece by means of a cord, formed what were called "aerial telescopes."
Brass cannon recovered from wrecked vessels of the Spanish Armada are mounted on the walls.
At the close of the 16th century these were replaced by races with mounted buffaloes, and since 1650 by (ridden) horses.
It is divided into mounted riflemen, about 1900 strong, four field batteries of 340 men and two infantry battalions, each of over 800 men.
There is also an armed and mounted police force of 870 Europeans.
In addition to this, a reserve force called the telekkatonasag was recruited from among the lesser gentry according to their teleks or holdings, every thirty-three teleks being held responsible for a mounted and fully equipped archer.
The cavalry consisted of the famous Hussars, or light horse, of which he may be said to have been the creator, and the heavily armed mounted musketeers on the Czech-German model.
Bellerophon,mounted on Pegasus(q.v.),kept up in the air out of the way of the Chimaera, but yet near enough to kill it with his spear, or, as he is at other times represented,with his sword or with a bow.
A year later they strangled fifty youths of the dead man's servants (all Scyths born) and fifty of the best horses, stuffed them and mounted them in a circle about the tomb.
It was probably in Paris, the chief intellectual centre of his time, that Neckam heard how a ship, among its other stores, must have a needle placed above a magnet (the De utensilibus assumes a needle mounted on a pivot), which needle would revolve until its point looked north, and thus guide sailors in murky weather or on starless nights.
The force, disciplined and organized by a permanent staff of officers and non-commissioned officers of the regular army, is about 6500 strong, and consists of a brigade of artillery, four mounted, three composite and four infantry corps, a cyclist corps, &c. There are also cadet companies some 3000 strong.
Sir Theophilus went to Pretoria in January 1877, with an escort of twenty-five mounted police, and entered into conferences with the president and executive as to the state of the country.
Half the mounted men lost their way in attempting to pass the enemy's flank and were taken, and the brigade, threatened to its left rear by Joubert's advance and by the force that had seized the railway, only escaped being enveloped by retreating upon Ladysmith, where it arrived in an exhausted state on the 26th of October.
He had collected at Chieveley in Natal a brigade of mounted men, four brigades of infantry and six batteries of artillery, and he carried with him the trust alike of the army and the nation.
The mounted troops Kop. engaged a Boer force north-west of the point of Spion passage, but were brought back to take part in a general right wheel of the forces of the Tugela, pivoting on Trichardt's Drift.
Christian De Wet, who had first come into prominence as the captor of Lord Roberts's convoy at Waterval, and was now operating east and south-west of Bloemfontein in order to counteract the influence of Roberts's numerous flying columns which rode hither and thither offering peace, added to his laurels by ambushing Broadwood's mounted brigade and horse artillery at Sannah's Post, just outside Bloemfontein, on the 31st of March.
Lord Kitchener called for more men, and on the 22nd of December the war office announced that 30,000 more mounted men would be despatched to the seat of war.
He despatched French with a large force to clear the south-eastern districts of the Transvaal and for the rest maintained a force to watch De Wet, and organized a defence force in Cape Colony, while using the residue of his mounted men to sweep the country of stock, forage and inhabitants.
Neither army had covered its front by a cavalry screen, both preferring to retain the mounted troops for battlefield purposes.
The mayor and aldermen apparelled in orient-grained scarlet, and four hundred commoners in murrey, well mounted, with rich collars and chains, met the king at Blackheath.
Operating in open country, mounted on horseback, and with rifles in their hands, the Boer farmers were able to inflict fearful losses on their enemy, while their own casualties were few.
On " Dingaan's day " the Boer force received the attack of the Zulu while in laager; the enemy charged in dense masses, being met both by cannon shot and rifle fire, and were presently attacked in the rear by mounted Boers.
In the meantime the right column under Colonel Pearson had reached Eshowe from the Tugela; on receipt of the news of Isandhlwana most of the mounted men and the native troops were sent back to the Natal, leaving at Eshowe a garrison of 1300 Europeans and 65 natives.
A collision very soon took place; Usibepu's forces were victorious, and on the 22nd of July 1883, led by a troop of mounted whites, he made a sudden descent upon Cetywayo's kraal at Ulundi, which he destroyed, massacring such of the inmates of both sexes as could not save themselves by flight.
Order was maintained by a mounted native police force.
At the head of the plane is mounted a drum or sheave, and around it passes a rope, one end of which is attached to the loaded cars at the top, the other to the empty cars at the foot.
The typical mine fan consists of a shaft upon which are mounted a number of vanes enclosed in a casing; the air entering a central side inlet is caught up by the revolving vanes and thrown out at the periphery by the centrifugal force thus generated.
The mounted division, and also a division from Helles, were quietly concentrated there, and on the 21st a determined attempt was made to capture some of the high ground which had baffled the essays of the invaders on the 9th and loth.
The total loss of the Allies' military forces in the eight months' contest mounted up to 130,000 killed, wounded and missing.
The chivalry of France, undisciplined and careless of the lesson of Crecy and Poitiers, was quickly stung into action, and the French mounted men charged, only to be driven back in confusion.
One of the few uses of crown-glass of this kind is the glass slides upon which microscopic specimens are mounted, as well as the thin glass slips with which such preparations are covered.
The casting-table usually consists of a perfectly smooth cast-iron slab, frequently built up of a number of pieces carefully fitted together, mounted upon a low, massive truck running upon rails, so that it can be readily moved to any desired position in the casting-room.
The guru before his death at Kiratpur, on the margin of the Sutlej, instructed his grandson and successor, Guru Har Rai, to retain two thousand two hundred mounted soldiers ever with him as a precautionary measure.
But he had no sooner mounted the steps leading to the entrance than the crowd, which had followed him all the way beating him with sticks and umbrellas, made a rush at him, knocked him down, and kicked and trampled him to death.
The tower, which mounted one 24-pounder and two 18-pounders on its top, was bombarded for a short time by the frigates, was then deserted by its little garrison, and occupied by a landing party.
The best results from extraction by diffusion have been obtained in Java, where there is an abundance of clear, good water; but in the Hawaiian Islands, and in Cuba and Demerara, diffusion has been abandoned on several well mounted estates and replaced by double and triple crushing; and it is not likely to be resorted to again, as the extra cost of working is not compensated by the slight increase of sugar produced.
In this form of plough the frame is mounted on three wheels, one of which runs on the land, and the other two in the furrow.
At the same time undoubtedly the new holder of the land, if not already the vassal of the prince, was obliged to become so and to assume an obligation of service with a mounted force when called upon.'
On its death, the body was sent to Mr Charles Waterton, of Walton Hall, by whom the skin was mounted in a grotesque manner, and the skeleton given to the Leeds museum.
As a rule, they are only mounted at the moment of attack, or in pursuit.
The latter had besides 20, 000 of his own south Shammar tribesmen, the whole strength of the Harb Bedouins, some io,000 men, and an additional support of r000 mounted men from his kinsmen, the northern Shammar from the Euphrates, while the Muter and Ateba tribes took part with the allies.
It is a shallow saucerlike dish either mounted on a stern and foot or on a foot alone.
The mounted police force of the republic is also organized on a military basis.
This was done in 1612 by Christoph Scheiner, who fully described his method of solar observation in the Rosa Ursina (1630), demonstrating very clearly and practically the advantages and disadvantages of using the camera, without a lens, with a single convex lens, and with a telescopic combination of convex object-glass and concave enlarging lens, the last arrangement being mounted with an adjustable screen or tablet on an equatorial stand.
It consists of a number of tubes mounted vertically on a horizontal circular disk which rotates about a vertical axis in a cylindrical vessel.
The "rod-and-disk" form of Sidney Young is a series of disks mounted on a central spindle and surrounded by a slightly wider tube.
The cavalry charges in this quarter are celebrated in the history of the mounted arm; and Kellermann, the hero of Marengo, won fresh laurels against the cavalry of Liechtenstein's command.
They are mounted in xxv.
There are comparatively few cases in which, as in Bugula, they are mounted on a movable joint.
King John was killed at Alcala on the 9th of October 1390 by the fall of his horse, while he was riding in a fantasia with some of the light horsemen known as the farfanes, who were mounted and equipped in the Arab style.
Knofler and Gebauer have also a system of bi-polar electrodes, mounted in a frame in appearance resembling a filter-press.
At the entry of William and Mary into London he is said to have served as a volunteer trooper "gallantly mounted and richly accoutred."
On the morning of the battle they formed a square, with the mounted troops (about 300) inside.
The " cradle " is a simple appliance for treating somewhat larger quantities, and consists essentially of a box, mounted on rockers, and provided with a perforated bottom of sheet iron in which the " pay dirt " is placed.
It consists of a steelyard mounted on a fulcrum; one arm carries at its extremity a heavy bob and pointer, the latter moving along a scale affixed to the stand and serving to indicate when the beam is in its standard position.
Dollond then points out three different types in which a glass so divided and mounted may FIG.
They provided a splendid, rigidly mounted, equatorial stand, fitted with every luxury in the way of slow motion, and scales for measuring the displacement of the segments were read by powerful micrometers from the eye-end.
Accordingly, in reading the scales A and B (attached to the slides which carry the two halves of the object-glass), it is only necessary to turn the screws until the fixed 1 The primary object was to have the object-glass mounted in steel cells, which more nearly correspond in expansion with glass.
It must be mentioned 4 _ 28 that the pressure of the cushion C on the type-wheels 6 - 30 has no influence whatever upon the micrometer-screw, 7 -32 because the type-wheels are mounted on a hollow cylindrical axis, concentric with the axis of the screw, but entirely disconnected from the screw itself.
This lens is divided and mounted like a heliometer objectglass; the separation of the lenses produces the required double image, and is measured by a screw.
The most successful of the first class, or pick machines, that of William Firth of Sheffield, consists essentially of a horizontal pick with two cutting arms placed one slightly in advance of the other, which is swung backwards and forwards by a pair of bell crank levers actuated by a horizontal cylinder engine mounted on a railway truck.
This wheel is mounted on a carrier which, being movable about its centre by a screw gearing worked by hand, gives a radial sweep to the cutting edges.
Another class of percussive coal-cutters of American origin is represented by the Harrison, Sullivan and Ingersoll-Sergeant machines, which are essentially large rock-drills without turning gear for the cutting tool, and mounted upon a pair of wheels placed so as to allow the tool to work on a forward slope.
This is done by passing a loop at the upper end round a pulley mounted in a travelling frame, to which is attached a weight of about 15 cwt.
The former contrivances consist essentially of levers or cams with toothed surfaces or gripping shoes mounted upon transverse axes attached to the sides of the cage, whose function is to take hold of the guides and support the cage in the event of its becoming detached from the rope.
If, therefore, the motor is mounted on a cradle free to turn about knife-edges, the reacting torque is the only torque tending to turn the cradle when it is in a vertical position, and may therefore be measured by adjusting weights to hold the cradle in a vertical position.
Suitable grounds in the vicinity of the barracks, of which Caesar's Camp, the Long Valley and Laffan's Plain are best known, are utilized for company, battalion and brigade training of infantry, while the mounted branches work over a wider area, and the engineers carry out their practices where most convenient.
Here was the only good ground for mounted troops, and Marlborough followed Tallard's example when forming up to attack, but it resulted from the dispositions of the French marshal that this weak point of junction of his two armies was exactly that at which decisive action was to be expected.
The famous cavalry leader had brought on his mounted men ahead of the infantry and asking, " Where is the king of Sweden ?"charged at once in the direction of the enemy's right.
In 1498 the duke of Orleans mounted the throne as Louis XII., and d'Amboise was suddenly raised to the high position of cardinal and prime minister.
By means of a cross-level the frame can be so adjusted that the cross axis on which the telescope is mounted is always truly horizontal.
It was therefore put off first of all until 9 A.M., and later until 11.30, to permit the sodden ground to dry sufficiently for the mounted arms to manoeuvre freely and give time to the French army to close up. During the night the emperor had received a report from Marshal Grouchy, dated Gembloux, 10 P.M., 17th, which stated that the Prussians were retiring in two columns towards Wavre and Perwez.
The revolution of an eccentric A causes two short steel cylinders or cutters mounted on a block of iron B, suitably guided, to enter two holes in a plate fixed to the bed of the machine.
During the winter of1791-1792he built another fort on Nootka Sound and mounted four cannon from the ship. With the coming of spring he sailed southward, determined to settle definitely the existence of the great river, which he had vainly attempted to enter the previous summer.
If the figure be photographed as a lantern slide which is mounted so as to turn round, the wave motion is excellently shown on the screen, the compressions and extensions being represented by the crowding in and opening out of the lines.
Seebeck (1805-1849) is the simplest form of apparatus thus designated, and consists of a large circular disk mounted on a central axis, about which it may be made to revolve with moderate rapidity.
The cylinder is mounted on an axis and turned round, while the style attached to the vibrating body is in light contact with it, and traces therefore a wavy circle, which, on taking off the paper and flattening it, becomes a wavy straight line.
If two organ pipes in unison are mounted side by side on a windchest with their ends close together, and are blown for a very short time, they sound.
Their knives and saws of flint were mounted in wooden handles and fixed with asphalt.
Here was a display, not only of Englishmen, Scotsmen, Irishmen, Welshmen, but of Mounted Rifles from Victoria and New South Wales, from the Cape and from Natal, and from the Dominion of Canada.
The Perches ridge was crowned with a parallel and numerous batteries, which in the end mounted ninety-seven guns.
From 1827 he devoted himself to the improvement of reflecting telescopes; in 1839 he mounted a telescope of 3 ft.
In September 1839 a 3-foot speculum was finished and mounted on an altazimuth stand similar to Herschel's; but, though the definition of the images was good (except that the diffraction at the joints of the speculum caused minute rays in the case of a very bright star), and its peculiar skeleton form allowed the speculum to follow atmospheric changes of temperature very quickly, Lord Rosse decided to cast a solid 3-foot speculum.
In the beginning of 1845 this great reflector was mounted and ready for work.
The horses were not trained for European shock-tactics, nor did the country offer charging room, and though melees of mounted men engaging with sword and pistol were not infrequent, the usual method of fighting was dismounted fire action, which was practised with uncommon skill by the troopers on both sides.
At length, in 1598, Baki Mehemet Khan, of the Astrakhan branch of the Timur family, mounted the throne, and thus introduced the dynasty of the Ashtarkhanides.
In 1826 Nasrullah mounted the throne, and began with the murder of his brother a reign of continued oppression and cruelty.
In some states a local police service is maintained, but in most states the federal government maintains a very efficient force of mounted " rurales."
For the great festival of Tezcatlipoca, the handsomest and noblest of the captives of the year had been chosen as the incarnate representative of the god, and paraded the streets for public adoration dressed in an embroidered mantle with feathers and garlands on his head and a retinue like a king; for the last month they married him to four girls representing four goddesses; on the last day wives and pages escorted him to the little temple of Tlacochcalco, where he mounted the stairs, breaking an earthenware flute against each step; this was a symbolic farewell to the joys of the world, for as he reached the top he was seized by the priests, his heart torn out and held up to the sun, his head spitted on the tzompantli, and his body eaten as sacred food, the people drawing from his fate the moral lesson that riches and pleasure may turn into poverty and sorrow.
The institution by Diaz of the guardias rurales, a mounted gendarmerie composed of the class who in former days drifted into revolution and brigandage, was a potent means of maintaining order, and the extension of railways and telegraphs enabled the government to cope at once with any disturbance.
At the close of 1369 Hosain was assassinated and Timur, having been formally proclaimed sovereign at Balkh, mounted the throne at Samarkand, the capital of his dominions.
Few self-taught riders attain to excellence; they may keep a good place in hunting, if possessed of plenty of courage, and mounted on a bold and not too tender-mouthed horse, but they never will be riders in the proper sense of the word.
Thoroughbred and pure bred hackney stallions are maintained in private studs and by agricultural associations throughout the Dominion, and animals for cavalry and mounted infantry remounts are produced in all the provinces including those of the North-West.
The authorities at Ottawa were at first careless or sceptical in regard to the danger, the reality of which was only brought home to them when a body of mounted police, advancing to regain a small post at Duck Lake, of which the rebels had taken possession, was attacked and twelve of their number killed.
Abdar-rahman's army was so ill provided that he mounted almost the only good war-horse in it; he had no banner, and one was improvised by unwinding a green turban and binding it round the head of a spear.
Bobbins to the number of strands which are to be twisted into one are mounted in a creel on the doubling frame, and the strands are passed over smooth rods of glass or metal through a reciprocating guide to the bobbin on which they are wound.
In the case of the Kew pattern unifilar the same magnet that is used for the declination is usually employed for determining H, and for the purposes of the vibration experiment it is mounted as for the observation of the magnetic meridian.
A second road, turning north-west from Catterick Bridge, mounted the Pennine Chain by way of forts at Rokeby, Bowes and Brough-underStainmoor, descended into the Eden valley, reached Hadrian's wall near Carlisle (Luguvallium), and passed on to Birrens.
Again, the fird (fyrd) was composed of mounted warriors during the 9th century, though apparently they fought on foot, and there are indications that such was the case also in the 7th century.
The needle is so mounted that it only moves freely in the horizontal plane, and therefore the horizontal component of the earth's force alone directs it.
The mica card is generally mounted on a brass framework, F F, with a brass cap, C, fitted with a sapphire centre and carrying four magnetized needles, N, N, N, N, as in fig.
They are also fitted with different forms of suspension in which the compass is mounted to obviate the mechanical disturbance of the card caused by the vibration of the hull in ships driven by powerful engines.
The primary sense in the middle ages is "knights" or "fully armed and mounted fighting men."
Though she had mounted the throne by a military revolt and entered on great schemes of conquest, she never took an intelligent interest in her army.
The steps by which the priests mounted the altar seem to have been at north and south.
There are three eyepieces which are mounted on a revolving sleeve in such a way that any one of them can be quickly brought into use, to give the magnification suitable to the height of the mast.
The knights then dressed him in distinctive garments, and they then mounted their horses and rode to the hall where the candidate was to receive knighthood; his future squire was to ride before him bareheaded bearing his sword by the point in its scabbard with his spurs hanging from its hilt.
The badge is a red enamelled cross with gold eagles in the angles, bearing in a medallion the mounted effigy of St Alexander Nevsky.
Suppose a fixed image of the sun to be formed on the collimator slit of this spectroscope, and a photographic plate, with its plane parallel to the plane of the solar image, to be mounted almost in contact with the camera slit.
It consists of a heavy cast-iron platform (a) mounted on four steel balls (b) which run in V guides of hardened steel.
Beyond the camera slit, and almost in contact with*it, the photographic plate-carrier (j) is mounted on a fixed support.
The Bavarian army comprises sixty-seven battalions of infantry, two battalions of rifles, ten regiments of cavalry (two heavy, two Ulan and six Chevauxlegers), a squadron of mounted infantry (JÃger-zu-pferde), twelve field and two foot-artillery regiments, three battalions of engineers, three of army service, and a balloon section; in all 60,000 men with 10,000 horses.
The production of petroleum began to be strongly developed towards the close of the 19th century; on the Lepan River in Langkat it mounted from 362,880 gallons in 1891 to 20,141,000 gallons in 1899.
This is another surveying instrument consisting essentially of a telescope bearing a level and mounted horizontally upon a frame.
The original turbines were of the " Fourneyron type, and a pair were mounted on each vertical shaft, the two being capable of giving out 5000 H.P. with a fall of 136 ft.
The gendarmerie is a mounted force composed of men picked for their physique and divided into three divisions.
The sovereignty of the newly formed state was given to the prince of Orange, who mounted the throne (23rd of March 1815) under the title of William I.
On awaking (it was Christmas Day), he immediately mounted the pulpit, and gave forth his famous hymn on the Nativity.
In works of art Triptolemus appears mounted on a chariot (winged or drawn by dragons, symbols of the fruitfulness of the earth), with Demeter and Persephone handing him the implements of agriculture.
The cavalry is organized in regiments of cuirassiers, dragoons, lancers, hussars and mounted rifles,2 the regiments having four service and one depot squadrons.
The story of the war is told elsewhere (see GERMAN SOUTH-WEST AFRICA); it lasted well into 1908 and the Germans were indebted to the Cape Mounted Police for material help in bringing it to an end.
It is still maintained as an arsenal, and mounted with heavy guns.
Dressed with care in white uniform and mounted on a white horse, and always in the thickest of the fray, he was known and adored by his soldiers as the "White General."
In Perry Street, mounted on a granite pedestal, is the "Swamp Angel," the great gun used by Federal troops in the marshes near Charleston, South Carolina, during their attack on that city in August 1863.
The pace was increased, though the "charge" was not sounded, and Cardigan and those of his men who remained mounted, rode up to and through the Russian line of guns.
The 13th Light Dragoons mustered but ten mounted men at the evening parade; the brigade as a whole had lost 247 men and 497 horses out of a total strength of 673 engaged in the charge, which lasted twenty minutes from first to last.
These guns were disposed over a coast-line of about JO sea miles, and were in many cases indifferently mounted.
Lord Dufferin further advised the formation of a gendarmerie, which should be in a great measure a mounted force and empowered with a semi-military character (despatch of January 1st, 1883).
The mounted force was to consist of 400 men on native horses and 450 men on horses or camels.
The mounted forces proceeded up the banks, and the first half-battalion embarked at Gemai, 870 m.
Lyttelton (1st Northumberlands and Grenadier Guards, 2nd Lancashire and Rifle Brigade); Egyptian division, under Major-General Hunter, consisting of four brigades, commanded by Colonels MacDonald, Maxwell, Lewis and, Collinson; mounted troops2Ist Lancers, camel corps, and Egyptian cavalry; artillery, under Colonel Long, 2 British batteries, 5 Egyptian batteries, and 20 machine guns; detachment of Royal Engineers.
The chariots of the Egyptians and Assyrians, with whom the bow was the principal arm of attack, were richly mounted with quivers full of arrows, while those of the Greeks, whose characteristic weapon was the spear, were plain except as regards mere decoration.
Among the Persians, again, and more remarkably among the ancient Britons, there was a class of chariot having the wheels mounted with sharp, sickle-shaped blades, which cut to pieces whatever came in their way.
In the centre the battle was now between the two mounted reserves led respectively by the king and the emperor in person.
The similarity of outline in many species to that of trees and shrubs will strike any one who examines algae mounted for the herbarium.
After the successful warrior's return the scalp or scalps captured were dried, mounted and consecrated by a solemn dance.
While Edward's army paused, Bruce, mounted on a palfrey, was attacked by Sir Henry Bohun.
James and his leaders, Atholl and Huntly, with their Stewarts and Gordons, and the levies of burgesses, and the mounted gentry of Fife, encountered the wild border spearmen of Hepburn and Home and the Galloway men, the whole being led by Angus and the rebel prince at Sauchie burn, near Bannockburn.
Lions, leopards, lynxes, panthers and bears are also specially mentioned among the large game; sometimes they were taken in pitfalls, sometimes speared by mounted horsemen.
Packs of foxhounds vary, from large establishments in the "Shires," the meets of which are attended by hundreds of horsemen, some of whom keep large stables of hunters in constant work - for though a man at Melton, for instance, may see a great deal of sport with half-a-dozen well-seasoned animals, the number is not sufficient if he is anxious to be at all times well mounted - to small kennels in the north of England, where the field follow on foot.
Dahlgren's guns were first mounted in a vessel named the "Experiment," which cruised under his command from 1857 till 1859.
The optical apparatus generally consists of a mirror mounted on an axis parallel to the axis of the earth, and rotated with the same angular velocity as the sun.
The province furnishes no men for the Spanish peninsular army, but its annual conscription provides men for the local territorial militia, composed of regiments of infantry, squadrons of mounted rifles and companies of garrison artillery - about 5000 men all told.
The anodes are made of retort-carbon or other chlorine-resisting material, and they are mounted in cells which serve as diaphragms. The material of these cells is usually cement, mixed with certain soluble salts which impart sufficient porosity to the material.
Here the anode is fixed in a bell, mounted in a larger iron tank where the cathodes are placed.
This is such a practical drawback that the separation is generally 4ths or $ths of the theoretical, and then the primary image viewed by the eye piece may be rather outside the field-lens, which is a great practical advantage, especially when a reticule has to be mounted in the primary focal plane, although the edge of the field is not quite achromatic under these conditions.
Thus one important attribute of an equatorially mounted telescope that, if it is directed to any fixed star, it will follow the diurnal motion of that star from rising to setting by rotation of the polar axis only.
In recent years no noteworthy refractors have been mounted on Great this plan; but type A has been chosen by Grubb for the Me!- great Melbourne reflector, of 48-in.
The hour circle has two toothed circles cut upon it, one acted upon by a worm screw mounted on the pier and driven by clockwork, the other by a second worm screw attached to the polar axis, which can be turned by a handle in the observer's hand and thus a slow movement can be given to the telescope in right ascension inde FIG.
The wheel W is therefore mounted on a guided rod, which is forced upwards by suitable levers and weights, and this relief of pressure is precisely proportional to the pressure on the respective bearings.
For the great refractor more recently erected at Potsdam, Messrs Repsold arranged a large platform mounted on a framework which is moved in azimuth by the dome, so that the observer on the platform is always opposite the dome-opening.
In Lassell's instrument (a reflector of the Newtonian type) the observer is mounted in the open air on a supplementary tower capable of motion in any azimuth about the centre of motion of the telescope, whilst an observing platform can be raised and lowered on the side of the tower.
Its lower extremity terminates in a fork on which is mounted a mirror C D, capable of turning about A on an axis at right angles to A B, the plane of the mirror being parallel to this latter axis.
If a mirror is mounted on a truly adjusted polar axis, the plane of the mirror being parallel to that axis, the normal to that mirror will always be directed to some point on the celestial equator through whatever angle the axis is turned.
This cone is mounted on a circular base b which rests on three levelling screws, two of which are visible in the figure.
Within the focus of the object-glass is a right-angled prism of total reflection, which diverts the converging rays from the object-glass at right angles to the axis of the telescope, and permits the observing micrometer n to be mounted in the very convenient position shown in the figure.
On this principle the use of the level is abolished, the telescope is mounted on a metallic float, and it is assumed that, in course of the rotation of this float, the zenith distance of the axis of the telescope will remain undisturbed, that is, of course, after the undulations, induced by the disturbance of the mercury, have ceased.
The irregular troops, on foot, or mounted on camels, number about moo men.
For the protection of the base, a monitor was stationed in Pegwell Bay, and searchlights and heavy and anti-aircraft guns were mounted at many points.
But by a most skilful manoeuvre Narses contrived to draw his lines into a curve, so that his mounted archers on each flank could aim their arrows at the backs of the troops who formed the other side of the Alamannic wedge.
Shares that at first represented so many dollars per foot in a tangible mine were multiplied and remultiplied until they came to represent paper thicknesses or almost nothing, yet still their prices mounted upward.
He re-entered the army as a captain of mounted rifles in the Mexican War, served with distinction, and was breveted major for bravery at Contreras and Churubusco.
In parts of the state it became impossible to get a jury composed of these small squatters to convict anybody for stealing or killing cattle, and so bad did this become that, in 1892, certain cattlemen formed a small army of mounted men and invaded the central part of the state with the avowed intention of killing all the men generally considered to be stock thieves, an episode known as the Johnson County Raid.
To record the variations of the vertical component use is made of a magnet mounted on knife edges so that it can turn freely about a horizontal axis at right angles to its 1 Report British Association, Bristol, 18 9 8, P. 741.
A rather unusual institution within New Mexico is the mounted police, who numbered I I in 1907, whose work was almost entirely in the cattle country, and who had authority to patrol the entire Territory and to make arrests or to preserve order wherever their presence was needed, unhampered by the restrictions limiting the jurisdiction of local police.
The war organization of the home establishment, with its general and special reserves, aimed at the mobilization and despatch overseas of 6 army divisions, each of 12 battalions in 3 brigades; 9 field batteries in 3 brigades, a brigade of 3 field howitzer batteries, and a heavy battery, each with the appropriate ammunition columns; 2 field companies and telegraph company R.E.; 2 companies mounted infantry; and ambulances, columns and parks.
In addition to these 6 divisions, there are "army troops" at the disposal of the commander-in-chief, consisting of two mixed "mounted brigades" (cavalry, mounted infantry, and horse artillery) serving as the "protective cavalry," and of various technical troops, such as balloon companies and bridging train.
The second line army consists of 14 mixed mounted brigades as protective cavalry and 14 army divisions of much the same combatant strength as the regular divisions, the only important variation being that the artillery consists of 4-gun instead of 6-gun batteries.
In addition to the divisions and mounted brigades there are "army troops," of which the most important component is the cyclist battalions, recruited in the different coast counties and specially organized as a first line of opposition to an invader.
The army troops, divisions and mounted brigades consist of 56 regiments of yeomanry; 14 batteries and 14 ammunition columns R.H.A., 151 batteries and 55 ammunition columns R.F.A., 3 mountain batteries and ammunition column, and 14 heavy batteries and ammunition columns R.G.A.; 28 field companies, 29 telegraph companies, railway battalion, &c., R.E.; 204 battalions infantry (including to of cyclists, the Honourable Artillery Company, and certain corps of the Officers' Training Corps training as territorials); 60 units A.S.C.; 56 field ambulances, 23 general hospitals and 2 sanitary companies R.A.M.C. Told off to the defended seaports are 16 groups of garrison artillery companies and 58 fortress and electric light companies R.E.
As soon as he had mounted the throne he took measures to bring the Swedish Church ff1.
Its strength is 60 mounted policemen and 190 foot, with II superior and 40 subaltern officers.
From this point he directed several campaigns against the Amyrgian Sacae, on the Pamir Plateau and northwards, whom he enumerates in his list of subject races, and whose mounted archers formed a main division of the armies despatched against the Greeks.
How difficult it was for infantry to hold their own against these mounted squadrons was demonstrated by the Roman campaigns, especially in broad plains like those of Mesopotamia.
On the other hand, every magnate put into the field as many mounted warriors as possible, chiefly servants and bought slaves, who, like the Janissaries and Mamelukes, were trained exclusively for war.
In the army of 50,000 mounted men which took the field against Mark Antony there were, says Justin, only 400 freemen.
For the A hlee- defence of these provinces the mounted archers, who formed the basis of the army, possessed adequate strength; and though the Scythian nomads from the east, or the Romans from the west, might occasionally penetrate deep into the country, they never succeeded in maintaining their position.
He established a permanent staff to deal with legal, financial and military affairs, put on a firm basis the monetary system and the system of weights and measures, and perfected the mounted postal service.
Colonel Stoddarts refusal to allow any but British mediators to decide the pending dispute won the day; and that officer was able to report that on the 9th of September Mahommed Shah had mounted his horse and gone from before the walls of the beleaguered city.
At ten o'clock on the 19th Gustavus mounted his horse and rode straight to the arsenal.
As soon as the tyrant was dead, Nasir Khan mounted the musnud amidst the universal joy of his subjects; and immediately transmitted a report of the events which had taken place to Nadir Shah, who was then encamped near Kandahar.
On the 21st of August 1863 William C. Quantrell and some 400 mounted Missouri bushrangers surprised the sleeping town and murdered 150 citizens.
Excavation at the south end of the Acropolis led to the discovery of the Altar itself and the rest of its surviving reliefs, which, now restored and mounted in Berlin, form one of the glories of that city.
In his experiments a long compass needle is mounted so as to swing in the surface of the liquid under investigation.
The advance of the third English line only made matters worse, and the sole attempt to deploy the archers was crushed with great slaughter by the charge of Keith's mounted men.
The pagan population has been classified for practical purposes as Hill pagans and Plains pagans, Mounted pagans and Foot pagans.
The Mounted pagans are confined to the healthy plateaus of the south-west corner of the province.
They are armed with bows and arrows, but depend almost entirely in battle on the charges of their mounted spearmen.
They stood by him when he took his seat on the tribunal; mounted guard before his house, against the wall of which they stood the fasces; summoned offenders before him, seized, bound and scourged them, and (in earlier times) carried out the death sentence.
The Phoenicians, as was only to be expected of those traders and artisans of the ancient world, appear to have adopted both the cylinder of Assyria and the scarab of Egypt as have survived the numerous engraved stones or g pebbles, technically called gems, which served as matrices and in most instances were undoubtedly mounted as finger-rings or were furnished with swivels.
This seal was furnished with a counterseal, the design being nearly Conqueror, as duke of Normandy, used an equestrian seal, representing him mounted and armed for battle.
Other royal official seals usually bear on the obverse the king enthroned or mounted, and the royal arms on the reverse.
The baronial seal bears the armed and mounted knight.
More gas was instantly turned on, and before the machine had advanced 300 ft., the steam had mounted to 320 lb per sq.
Every Cossack is bound to procure his own uniform, equipment and horse (if mounted) - the government supplying only the arms. Those on active service are divided into three equal parts according to age, and the first third only is in real service, while the two others stay at home, but are bound to march out as soon as an order is given.
In time of war the ten Cossack voiskos are bound to supply 890 mounted sotnias or squadrons (of 125 men each), 108 infantry sotnias or companies (same number), and 236 guns, representing 4267 officers and 177,100 men, with 170,695 horses.
A military organization similar to that of the Cossacks has been introduced into certain districts, which supply a number of mounted infantry sotnias.
After a night of prayer, towards cockcrow the emperor was cheered by a vision of St Philip and St John, who, mounted on white steeds, promised him success.
Francis and his gendarmes were the outpost line of the French army, and remained all night mounted, lance in hand and helmet on head.
A special confirmation is given in this case, as the Siren is represented mounted on her seahorse crossing the Styx upon the vase of Pluto and Proserpine in the collection of the Naples Museum.
This vase dates about 250 B.C., and the Siren charms represent her in the same way, but usually mounted on two sea-horses.
He made a short speech on the scaffold, expressing his repentance, and mounted the ladder last and with assistance, being weak from torture and illness.
In June 1649, arrayed in cloth-of-gold and mounted on a white charger, Chmielnicki made his triumphal entry into Kiev, where he was hailed as the Maccabaeus of the Orthodox faith, and permitted the committal of unspeakable atrocities on the Jews and Roman Catholics.
From that time Forster's life was in constant danger, and he had to be escorted by mounted police when he drove in Dublin.
For purposes of local defence a force named the Frontier Armed and Mounted Police was organized in 1853, and a permanent colonial force has been maintained since that date.
It is now known as the Cape Mounted Riflemen and is about 700 strong.
The Cape Mounted Police, over 1600 strong, are also available for the defence of the colony and are fully armed.
At the head of 150 mounted riflemen, accompanied by Colonel Mackinnon, he dashed out of the fort, and, through a heavy fire of the enemy, rode to King William's Town - a distance of 12 m.
They complained that while doing burgher duty in former wars - the Cape Mounted Rifles consisted largely of Hottentot levies - they had not received the same treatment as others serving in defence of the colony, that they got no compensation for the losses they had sustained, and that they were in various ways made to feel they were a wronged and injured race.
A secret combination was formed with the Kaffirs to take up arms to sweep the Europeans away and establish a Hottentot republic. Within a fortnight of the attack on Colonel Mackinnon the Kat river Hottentots were also in arms. Their revolt was followed by that of the Hottentots at other missionary stations; and part of the Hottentots of the Cape Mounted Rifles followed their example, including the very men who had escorted the governor from Fort Cox.
In that month Morenga, a chief who had been interned by the colonial authorities, but had escaped and recommenced hostilities against the Germans, was once more on the British side of the frontier and, refusing to surrender, was pursued by the Cape Mounted Police and killed after a smart action.
In the actual instrument, the paper diagram is mounted upon a drum caused by clockwork to revolve uniformly, and is ruled with vertical hour lines, and horizontal quantity lines representing gallons per hour.
The tea is fed into a hopper, which has a large opening at the bottom, and this opening is entirely closed by two cylindrical brushes, which are mounted end to end on a horizontal shaft.
The power is applied by a belt round a pulley, which is mounted on the end of the horizontal shaft which carries the brushes.
A pulley carried on a rotating shaft and connected to another pulley on a second shaft by an endless band consisting of a flat belt, rope, chain or similar connector serves for the transmission of power from the one shaft to the other and is known as a driving pulley; while combinations of pulleys or "sheaves," mounted in fixed or movable frames or "blocks," constitute mechanisms used to facilitate the raising of heavy weights.
A common arrangement for driving a lathe spindle, in either direction at several definite speeds, is to provide a countershaft on which are mounted two fixed pulleys and two loose pulleys to accommodate two driving belts from the main shaft, one of which is open and the other crossed.
When pulleys are mounted on shafts which are parallel to one another, the band will retain its position, provided that its central line advances towards each pulley in the diametral plane of this latter.
In English practice there are as many separate endless ropes as there are pairs of grooves in the two pulleys to be connected, but in cases of American practice the rope is continuously wound round the two pulleys, and the free end passes over a pulley mounted on a movable weighted carriage to adjust the tension.
Fort Clark was erected on the site in 1850 to protect settlers against the Indians; in 1851 the name was changed by order of the secretary of war to Fort Dodge in honour of Colonel Henry Dodge (1782-1867), who was a lieutenant-colonel of Missouri Volunteers in the War of 181 2, served with distinction as a colonel of Michigan Mounted Volunteers in the Black Hawk War, resigned from the military service in March 1833, was governor of Wisconsin Territory from 1836 to 1841 and from 1846 to 1848, and was a delegate from Wisconsin Territory to Congress from 1841 to 1845, and a United States senator from Wisconsin in 1848-1857.
The Norman Conquest of England was contemporaneous with the supreme influence of the greatest exponent of the theory of ecclesiastical supremacy, the archdeacon Hildebrand, who in 1073 mounted the papal throne as Gregory VII.
Roused to anger King Edward rose from his bed, mounted his horse, and started for Scotland.
They mounted his badge, and joined his banner when strife broke out, in return for his championship of their private interests and his promise to maintain them against all their enemies.
Thomas of Berkeley fought at Crecy and Calais, bringing six knights and thirty-two squires to the siege in his train, with thirty mounted archers and two hundred men on foot.
The arrangement is mounted vertically on a stand.
The eyes in some Crustacea are mounted on articulated stalks, and from the fact that they can after injury be replaced by antennalike appendages it is inferred that they represent the parapodia of the most anterior prosthomere.
Some of the best instruments then extant were mounted at the Paris observatory.
The third earl of Rosse mounted, at Parsonstown.
The birds and the contents of the nests are taken in nets mounted on poles; shooting is not practised, lest it should permanently scare the birds away.
The provision of defensive armour for ships of war had long occupied his attention, and he had constructed plans and a model of a vessel lying low in the water, carrying one heavy gun in a circular turret mounted on a turntable.
The Fax Romana having rendered any armed force Decline unnecessary amid a formerly very bellicose people, only of the eight legions mounted guard over the Rhine to protect imperial it from the barbarians who surrounded the empire.
At the time he mounted the papal chair Crescentius was patrician of Rome, but, although his influence was on this account very much hampered, the presence of the empress Theophano in Rome from 989 to 991 restrained also the ambition of Crescentius.
This last had her saloon mounted in such a way as to be free to swing relatively to the boat herself, and the idea was that this saloon should always be maintained steady and level, no matter how rough the sea.
Other permanent military forces are 1075 officers, 1604 mounted and 16,536, foot gendarmes, mostly old soldiers, and 14,156 carabineers, all of them old soldiers.
In the end the victory was decided by Guillaume de Montauban, who mounted his horse and overthrew seven of the English champions, the rest being forced to surrender.
Descartes (Dioptrique, 1637) describes microscopes wherein a concave mirror, with its concavity towards the object, is used, in conjunction with a lens, for illuminating the object, which is mounted on a point fixing it at the focus of the mirror.
In most microscopic observations the object is mounted on a plane glass plate or slide about o 06 in.
Born at Germanicia in Syria, and, before he mounted the throne, captain-general of the Anatolian theme, he had come under the influence of the anti-idolatrous sects, such as the Jews, Montanists, Paulicians and Manicheans, which abounded in Asia Minor, but of which he was otherwise no friend.
The seeds and nuts are then decorticated (where required), the shells removed, and the kernels ("meats") converted into a pulpy mass or meal (in older establishments by crushing and grinding between stones in edge-runners) on passing through a hopper over rollers consisting of five chilled iron or steel cylinders mounted vertically like the bowls of a calendar.
For marine purposes two complete machines are frequently mounted on one bed-plate and worked either together or separately.
Both these vessels are mounted on a rocking base, so that the acid can be thoroughly agitated while the machine is being worked.
But her love for Sigurd was great as ever, and she determined not to survive him; distributing her wealth to her hand-maidens, she mounted Sigurd's funeral pyre, slew herself with his sword, and was burnt with him.
Over the Cleves-Jiilich succession, John Sigismund had incurred heavy expenses, and the public debt had again mounted up. He was thus obliged to seek aid from the estates, and in return for grants to make concessions to the nobles.
The first of these resemble an ordinary reverberatory furnace by having a flat bed which, however, has the form of a circular disk mounted on a central shaft, and receives a slow movement of rotation from a water-wheel or other motor, so that every part of the surface is brought successively under the action of the fire, the charge being stirred and ultimately removed by passing under a series of fixed scraper arms placed above the surface at various points.
The hearth may either rotate on an inclined axis, so that the path of its surface is oblique to that of the flame, or the working part may be a hollow cylinder, between the fireplace and flue, with its axis horizontal or nearly so, whose inner surface represents the working bed, mounted upon friction rollers, and receiving motion from a special steam-engine by means of a central belt of spur gearing.
The roller chain is used to transmit motion between rotating shafts via sprockets mounted on the shafts.
Your speed is monitored using a trainer mounted accelerometer (Foot Pod) that wirelessly transmits your speed.
Each of the facades of the three tower blocks has custom individually addressable surface mounted single color LED beacons mounted vertically on the facades.
Tele2's customers are connected by radio in effect, through a small roof mounted aerial, to a local transmitter.
Forward motion is supplied by aero engines driving airscrews mounted on the outside.
The engines were mounted back-to-back in pairs, with the forward unit driving a tractor airscrew and the aft facing unit a pusher propeller.
The smaller gensets use a simple shaft mounted fan to keep the windings cool, much like a car alternator does.
All 25 patients mounted immune responses to the 5T4 tumor antigen The tumor response rate was better than expected.
The armature shaft also carried the armature shaft also carried the armature of the auxiliary generator mounted at the rear end.
Fitting the padded armrest to the tunnel making sure it is not mounted off center.
They were mounted on ships and used as coastal batteries and also siege artillery.
It was 13 minutes before Cardiff mounted a serious attack but Jason Koumas ' corner flew across goal without anyone getting the final touch.
A striped awning is mounted at the entrance where flowering plants help to improve the austere academic severity of the school entrance.
Dials can be mounted back-to-back, or on pillars, walls or individually designed structures.
They were dyed orange, and mounted on 24-inch split bamboo sticks.
When using a wall mounted bassinet the customer must be seated in the first row of business class or main cabin of the aircraft.
A carved ivory mythical beast is mounted on the metal fitting.
Some machines have an instrument binnacle mounted on the fuel tank with the filler cap or caps offset to one or both sides.
Wall mounted " Glow Worm " gas-fired combination boiler.
French windows should have one pair of key mounted mortice security bolts or key operated surface mounted bolts.
Those at left were mounted in a concentrated borax solution (sodium borate ).
The gallant mounted burghers hacked their way through the unarmed crowd, killing eleven people with their swords and injuring many others.
The users have a small video camera mounted on top of their computer monitor.
In 1989, activists in England mounted a campaign against chlorine bleaching.
Process Reactor mounted on the unique double cantilever KIS load cell.
Available mounted and framed, or glicee printed onto large chunky canvases which are best when grouped together.
The Mayor in his robes mounted on a Horse richly caparisoned, led by two footmen called redcoats with white wands.
They proved to be stiff vessels and fast sailers " They mounted 28 32-pounder carronades, with a complement of 121 men.
On later models the clutch shaft rose vertically through the headstock casting and was connected to a headstock mounted lever.
High impact polymer outer housing for durability mounted on 360 degree swivel castors.
The highlight of the week is the mass mounted cavalcade, which sets off from the town on the Thursday to Branxton Hill.
They then rejoin the main cavalcade and proceed up Scott Street heading toward the War Memorial, where only the Braw Lad remains mounted.
The large squares of pikemen and archers which had earlier overcome mounted cavalry, now became targets for artillery and musket fire.
Laser beam for scanning bar codes (red cellophane mounted on card frame ).
The evening bag body is mounted on to a faux tortoise shell celluloid plastic square base.
Powered by a compact two-cylinder engine mounted in a sleek, lightweight chassis the ER-6f is extremely maneuverable and very rider friendly.
Power is provided by a Zebra liquid sodium nickel chloride battery, mounted under the floor near the center of the vehicle.
As an alternative Cataract offered a " Beach Drill " 1/8 " capacity chuck mounted on a solid draw-in collet.
The use of a second monitor mounted from the same hub affords the same comfort to the assisting physician.
In centrifugal compressors a number of impellers are mounted on a a common rotor in a robust casing.
Tucker ordered huge spar torpedoes mounted on the ironclads, while the wooden corvettes were fitted to receive these devices when needed.
The exception is the rev counter, which is a horizontal bar shown on another LCD display mounted above the steering column.
Later during the day the Iraqis mounted a counterattack throwing the US forces back by 1.5-2 kilometers.
Mounted on the maker's heavy cast-iron stand with chip tray, shelves and a built-on 12-speed all V-belt drive countershaft unit.
I used two male-male couplers here plus a short length of semi rigid coax to reach the bulkhead mounted SMA output socket.
The engine is radially mounted inverted under a glassfibre cowling which has sufficient space inside for an internal exhaust system.
St. Theodore is depicted mounted, wearing a cuirass interlaced with belts.
Miss Wilson appeared from the door at the top of the room, and mounted the dais.
David Irving in the USA Lipstadt and Penguin mounted a vigorous defense.
Draconian injunction, the defense mounted by SPEAK's legal representatives thwarted their more outrageous plans.
The Jacobites numbered at most 5,000 men, while the Government army facing them was perhaps 8,000 strong, including 800 mounted dragoons.
The Thirteenth, raised as heavy dragoons (mounted infantrymen) as early as 1715, were also converted to the light role.
Dust - duct entries are cut out using a standard hole saw mounted on a cordless drill.
Comes complete with front hub dynamo, rear rack mounted battery light, AXA frame lock.
It has an integral high sensitivity electret microphone which can be mounted on the board or extended up to 50 feet using suitable cable.
Between the two Moncrief pits there are two pairs of open emplacements that mounted 68 pounder RML's.
This year, Banner mounted two major solo exhibitions under the collective title 'Your Plinth is My Lap ' .
They were sent in 1830 to explore the lower reaches of the River Niger, and later mounted two more expeditions to the Niger.
Are there external side mounted and rear view mirrors on the vehicles to provide optimum all round visibility?
The primary drive system is mounted in the welded fabrication of the vacuum vessel lid.
Cut from a plank and mounted on the lathe using a faceplate, stood well back and switched on the lathe.
Old photos of the local cycle club mounted on penny farthing bikes made us appreciate the comfort of our machines.
The height finder was mounted in the open area to the foreground with the predictor in the open area to the rear.
Also available are wall mounted lightweight aluminum flagpoles or full size cast aluminum flag poles.
Extra mirrors on the doors, and wing mounted repeater flashers were also necessary.
The engine included the Villiers flywheel magneto, with the engine cooling fan mounted on the outside of the flywheel magneto, with the engine cooling fan mounted on the outside of the flywheel.
For example, the same person may have part-time jobs with two or more mounted hunt followers.
Head mounted binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy Introduction Binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy (BIO) is a technique used to evaluate the entire ocular fundus.
The aircraft has no cannons mounted in the forward fuselage.
The trial wings were mounted vertically on the upper rear fuselage.
The following day Parsons, Spies, Fisher and Engel mounted the gallows.
A 10 foot high metal gantry on the roof would have mounted the radar array.
Some outlets are mounted on a rubber gasket - others require a seating compound or silicone sealant.
This drove, through a two-speed gearbox and a large spur gearwheel, a line shaft mounted below the frame.
Overspeed governor, N2 -- gearbox mounted on engine inlet housing and driven from the power shaft.
A full flow oil filter was installed, mounted in the engine compartment and an auxilliary oil cooler inside the rear grille.
These are also mounted in solid silver fully hallmarked.
All riders are requested to wear an approved hard hat with the chin strap fastened at all times while mounted.
Whilst in the water a mounted policeman was seen proceeding in hot haste over Bow Bridge toward Sheffield.
Twin 7-inch LCD color screens have been mounted into the backs of the front headrests with a DVD player providing the entertainment.
There are storage heaters throughout the cottage except for the bathroom which has a electric wall mounted heater.
The dish feed is based on a small 4 turn helix mounted on a die cast aluminum box of 50mm x 50mm.
As this traveler grew more distant and mounted the next small hilltop, the eagle struck off in flight.
Served in the South African Campaign, 1899 - 1902 with the mounted infantry.
Despite their best efforts at securing such a Draconian injunction, the defense mounted by SPEAK's legal representatives thwarted their more outrageous plans.
The heads of various beasts are mounted on the walls alongside antique weapons and heraldic insignia.
The small neat headstones are of bronze plaques mounted on small white sloping concrete blocks each bearing the regimental insignia of the deceased.
Many mobile models have been mounted on a good groundplane in fixed installations to make use of this gain.
All of these wipes fit onto easy-to-fix wall mounted holders and can be easily interchanged and replaced, perfect for every busy office.
The tower mast can also enable multiple antennas to be mounted with the required separation to eliminate any possible cross interference.
The wealthy noblemen who became mounted knights were worth the equivalent of ten foot soldiers.
Price per pair.; Finished with a glazed ceramic knob mounted onto a chrome back plate.
Krill TV We count krill TV We count krill using an echosounder mounted in the hull of the ship.
Their dreams were dominated by the glorious spectacle of panic-stricken infantrymen flying before the sabers of a troop of mounted lancers.
The optical lens of the video camera focuses the image on the chip mounted behind the lens.
Elite is a modern pendant mounted luminaire for indirect and direct lighting effects.
Armament Two general purpose machine guns mounted in port and starboard cabin windows.
The engine included the Villiers flywheel magneto, with the engine cooling fan mounted on the outside of the flywheel.
The search coil is boom mounted, using the same boom as the fluxgate magnetometer in the core payload.
The ASTM equipment consists of a series of cylindrical metal mandrels mounted in a frame.
An additional circular plate included an opening for the holding electret microphone, flush mounted with the baffle plane.
Using a special bracket the camera is mounted directly onto the windshield next to or below the rear-view mirror.
Recognition Swept, low-wing monoplane with two engines mounted on rear fuselage (1 ).
At present there are only two guns mounted upon the ramparts.
The spring-set is mounted on a bracket which has an extension to form a mounted on a bracket which has an extension to form a mounting for a lamp fitting, when required.
Introduction The roller chain is used to transmit motion between rotating shafts via sprockets mounted on the shafts.
The antenna should be horizontally mounted with a clear view of 75% of the sky.
It had an oak, walnut or mahogany case, with a sloping front panel, and externally mounted valves.
Extremely comfortable, no pressure points behind the ears, cannot fall off, ensures compatibility with helmet mounted ear muffs.
For long distance off-road events, two double-size remote mounted filters would be best.
The tube mounted through a hole in the front cabin roof overhang being pulled back into two 22mm pipe clips.
Otherwise you can download all the packages from your current OS and install them later from mounted partition.
So I mounted both / and /home partitions from Solaris in Linux by performing the following.
This is the application processor mounted in a small PCB which also carries the necessary EEPROM, and has connectors to the outside world.
The sundial consists of the 4 brass dials mounted to the granite cube placed on the granite pedestal.
The case features a scroll pediment mounted on pillars.
Artificial light is provided by three swiveling halogen ceiling mounted fittings and concealed pelmet fluorescent lighting beneath wall unit.
This might be anything, ranging from a mounted needle to a sharpened pencil.
And in Nov. they mounted a picket on Esso's HQ in London.
The rudder pintle is mounted on a bronze bracket which extends 6in (152mm) along the keel to give extra strength.
The new ones are of such a height to enable the gang plank to be mounted over the vents.
Be patient, the fructose solution is dense enough to cause plasmolysis in the tissues of the mounted critters.
Volume changes are monitored by a dial gage mounted to show the vertical movement of the top loading platen.
The engine is mounted sideways on a radial mount bolted to the front 1/4 inch ply bulkhead.
From all quarters foot and mounted police appeared on the scene.
A cockpit mounted electric potentiometer sets desired power turbine speed.
We also produce larger mounted prints in a variety of mount colors.
Both use an ultrasonic wave propagation sensor mounted in the liquid medium.
This simple wall, or in some cases, flowmeter mounted instrument gives an analog output proportional to flow.
New fork boots with centrally mounted axle (no offset) hold the radial brakes as well as the new splash sand fork protectors.
The three rings of indexing holes in the headstock pulley were engaged by a pointer mounted on a swinging bracket.
After he had mounted the pulpit a recognition ceremony took place.
It is mounted in the underwing pylons provided by DLR upon request.
The NA VW Diesel gets one side mounted rad, the turbo diesel g.. .
Wall mounted electric panel radiator with built in timer.
They are situated behind high black iron railings mounted on newly built brick walls.
Consider this before putting down your money on a large, equatorially mounted reflector which weighs more than you do.
In 1896, Howard Grubb mounted a 26-inch refractor at the Observatory, specifically designed for photographic observations.
The buckle has glass diamante rhinestones mounted in a black plastic mount.
Network Camera A network camera donated by Axis is mounted in front of the experimental rig.
Massive pre-glued 16cm diameter tire mounted on hardened chrome rims.
The rear keel rollers are mounted directly onto the trailer's rear cross member.
Originally these were station name roundels mounted in vertical concrete slabs with an integral Y-shaped light above.
A new rack mounted server has been delivered to Appleton Tower to replace topper as the hardware for the admin samba server.
An elegant wall mounted candle sconce that will enhance the atmosphere wherever it is used.
It was complete chaos and there were several scuffles with the riot Police and the mounted Police just causing more and more problems.
Assemblies consist of a smooth bodied servo motor with a compact servo drive directly mounted to the rear.
The aileron servo is mounted in the center of the wing.
A single centrally mounted spring over an adjustable shock absorber provides the front suspension.
Mounted on the right, its twin, vertically stacked silencers stand out.
Visual monitoring is facilitated by passing the air through a transparent tube containing silica gel mounted on the control panel.
Other systems use an open ended turning block mounted on the deck - see figure 1 - to generate enough slack.
The rails were mounted on either stone blocks or timber sleepers.
A longitudinal ventilation system with jet fans mounted along the roof soffit was adopted to propel air in the direction of traffic flow.
Defra have installed 13m ² of roof mounted solar panels providing hot water throughout the year for 120 staff at Bury St Edmunds.
The soldiers of the castle would include Archers and foot soldiers as well as the mounted Knights.
The 7ins x 8ins elongated brass dial is mounted with a silvered chapter ring and winged cherub spandrels.
The 12ins square dial is mounted with turban head and foliage spandrels, a silvered chapter ring, seconds ring and calendar aperture.
Tony sanded a flat on two opposing corners and fixed it between centers, he turned a spigot then mounted it onto a chuck.
The crests have wood spigots which are mounted in slots or mortices in the cornice frame.
Quad Flash Almost all underwater strobes are either hand held or mounted on arms.
The wall on which a vertical sundial is mounted does not have to face due south.
This carbine has no handguards and the sling swivels are mounted on the left side of the stock.
She mounted two carriage and seventeen brass swivel guns, having a crew of eighty men.
The lens loop, mounted on a 5 ml syringe, is now inserted through the incision into the eye.
The squares were mounted on 12mm diameter sticky carbon tabs which in turn were mounted on 10mm diameter aluminum tabs.
The mechanical connection from the turbine shaft may be through an engine-mounted gearbox or through a power takeoff shaft to a remotely mounted gearbox.
The RGAs are mounted in the light path of the two X-ray telescopes with EPIC MOS cameras in their primary focus.
A total station theodolite was mounted on a tripod at the sun position.
The fluxgate sensor mounted on the telescope of a non-magnetic theodolite is used to detect when it is perpendicular to the magnetic field vector.
Textured ceiling, hatch to partially boarded loft space, wall mounted central heating thermostat.
Wall and floor mounted units with worktop over and splashback tiling between.
Now your rack toms can be mounted closer together for a much more ergonomic setup than ever imagined.
From these frames were mounted tom toms and cymbals as well as the traps try for smaller percussion items.
The LBL positioning method involves measuring ranges from an ROV mounted acoustic transceiver to a seabed array of transponders.
The output transformer may be either mounted on the speaker itself, or on the receiver chassis.
Self-guiding trimmer with bearings mounted on end of cutter.
A mounted trooper of the 3 rd Cavalry was outside, calling on the people to open the gate.
The richly dressed and mounted trumpeter is one of six musicians featured on the Westminster Tournament Roll.
The rotating turret has been mounted on the frames, together with the arm on which the cutter head will be mounted.
It utilizes an identical 1 " silk dome tweeter mounted within a floating aluminum double chamber and aligned vertically with 3.5 midrange driver.
Meridian systems are designed so that they can be mounted virtually unseen in video walls with the electronics rack mounted in standard formats.
The bottom line is that wind turbines mounted on homes is relatively untried technology.
For medium head schemes runners are mounted in a spiral casing with internal adjustable guide vanes.
Wall mounted light switches should be colored rather than white to help with impaired vision.
It was substantially of wooden construction and mounted on seven feet wheelbase steel bogies.
The vehicle is fitted with a front mounted heavy duty winch.
This screw is mounted on an oblong box which carries one of the measuring edges; the other edge is moved by the coarser part of the screw relatively to the edge attached to the box, whilst the box itself is moved relatively to the axis of the telescope by the finer screw.
This interpolation can, of course, be accomplished with the aid of a micrometer-microscope whose optical axis is normal to the plate, provided that the plate is mounted on slides which enable the observer to bring the reseau-squares successively under the microscope.
The purpose of his paper was to show that if the axis, by which the observer imparts motion to the slide on which the travelling web is mounted, is provided with two disks at its extremities, so that the observer can use the thumb and finger of both hands in rotating it, there is no difficulty, after a little practice, in keeping the web constantly bisecting the star in transit, and that with a little practice the mean of the absolute errors in following the star becomes nearly zero.
The method consisted in having motion transmitted to the micrometer screw from an axis on which is mounted a disk that presses with friction-contact upon a cone that revolves uniformly by clockwork.
In more recent instruments at the observatories of the Cape of Good Hope and Paris the motion is transmitted from a separately mounted cone and clock by a light rod passing through a perforation in the pivot of the transit instrument and thence through bevel-wheels in the cube of the axis to a second rod leading to the eyepiece.
To fulfil condition (I) the plates A i and A, are mounted in circular slides, whose centres are El and E2 respectively, so that by means of the screws Dl, D2, with their corresponding opposing springs F 1 and F 2, the operation can be very easily accomplished.
A wire or fibre carrying the aluminium siphon cradle is stretched across this bridge piece, and on it is also mounted the small electromagnet, forming part of the " vibrator " arrangement with its hinged armature, to which one end of the stretched wire carrying the siphon is fastened.
In one form a drum, mounted on an axis and covered by a band of paper soaked in a solution of caustic potash, was turned under a spring the end of which was in contact through a platinum point with the paper.
The most usual way of providing this power is by the combustion of coal in the fire-box of a boiler and the utilization of the steam produced in a steam-engine, both boiler and engine being carried on a frame mounted on wheels in such a way that the crank-shaft of the steam-engine becomes the driving-axle of the train.
A tender is generally mounted on six wheels, or in some cases on two bogies, and carries a larger supply of water and fuel than can be carried by tanks and the bunker of a tank engine.
Full closes and repeated sentences no longer confuse the issue, but in their absence we begin to notice the incessant squareness of the ostensibly free rhythms. The immense amount of pageantry, though (as in Tannhauser) good in dramatic motive and executed with splendid stage-craft, goes far to stultify Wagner's already vigorous attitude of protest against grand-opera methods; by way of preparation for the ethereally poetic end he gives us a disinfected present from Meyerbeer at the beginning of the last scene, where mounted trumpeters career round the stage in full blast for three long minutes; and the prelude to the third act is an outburst of sheer gratuitous vulgarity.
The specimens should be collected when the capsules are just appearing above or in the colesule or calyx; if kept in a damp saucer they soon arrive at maturity, and can then be mounted in better condition, the fruit-stalks being too fragile to bear carriage in a botanical tin case without injury.
His first diet grudgingly granted him supplies and soldiers for the Turkish war, on condition that under no circumstances whatever should they henceforth be called upon to contribute towards the national defence, and he was practically deprived of the control of the banderia or mounted militia.
Accordingly, in spite of the warning of General Cavaignac, he mounted the barricade at the entrance to the Faubourg St Antoine, bearing a green branch as sign of peace.
If the fork be mounted on a resonance box or held in front of a cavity resounding to the fundamental and not to the first overtone, the fundamental is brought out in great purity.
The phenomena of beats may be easily observed with two organpipes put slightly out of tune by placing the hand near the open end of one of them, with two musical strings on a resonant chest, or with two tuning-forks of the same pitch mounted on their resonance boxes, or held over a resonant cavity (such as a glass jar), one of the forks being put out of tune by loading one prong with a small lump of beeswax.
The British advance had been marked by more than the usual destruction of war; the Loyalists rose to arms; the whig population scattered and without much organization formed groups of riflemen and mounted troopers to harass the enemy.
But if it did we must naturally suppose that it applied in the first instance to the mounted warriors who formed the most formidable portion of the warlike array of the Franks.
For the horse-drawn rake, a bar with long curved steel teeth is mounted on wheels (see HAY AND Haymaking).
The Bavarian army comprises sixty-seven battalions of infantry, two battalions of rifles, ten regiments of cavalry (two heavy, two Ulan and six Chevauxlegers), a squadron of mounted infantry (JÃger-zu-pferde), twelve field and two foot-artillery regiments, three battalions of engineers, three of army service, and a balloon section; in all 60,000 men with 10,000 horses.
Early on the morning of the 25th the advance was continued to Tell-el-Mahuta, which the enemy evacuated, while the mounted troops and horse artillery pressed on to Mahsama, capturing the Egyptian camp, with 7 guns and large quantities of ammunition and supplies.
Leslie appears to have intended a surprise, as at Philiphaugh, but " through our own laziness," he confesses, the surprise came from Cromwell's side, and few of the Scots except the mounted gentry escaped from the crushing defeat at Dunbar (3rd of September).
Ignoring the lesson of Falkirk, the mounted nien rode through the morass and up the slope, which was now crowned by the three great masses of the Scottish pikemen.
The small spur wheel is mounted on the steelyard, and this wheel and the one that drives it are so arranged that their line of, 1111111111_ 1 11111111111111 opoitiL From the Notice issued by the Standards Department of the Board of Trade, H.M.
Rostov did not know or remember how he ran to his place and mounted.
The command was heard to "mount" and the soldiers crossed themselves and mounted.
Denisov was angry with the Cossack because the saddle girths were too slack, reproved him, and mounted.
The instrument panel also houses an on-board computer that is conveniently operated by a handlebar mounted push-button.
The NA VW Diesel gets one side mounted rad, the turbo diesel g...
The buckles have glass diamante rhinestones mounted in brass and they measure approx 1.5 inch / 3.75 cm across.
In 1873 Colonel Lloyd Lindsay introduced a prize for mounted riflemen.
The rear keel rollers are mounted directly onto the trailer 's rear cross member.
The chair is mounted on a pivot so that the chair can rotate about the vertical axis.
Within the cylinder is a cylindrical rotor mounted on the rotating shaft.
It was a proud moment for me when I mounted my first sentry on the front gates of Buckingham Palace.
This dashboard / console mounted variable controller will allow you to adjust and increase the fuel flow into your Rolls royce silver seraph engine.
This is the long splined shaft with a sixteen tooth spur gear at one end on which are mounted the other countershaft gears.
Mounted specimens are ground with rotating disks of abrasive paper, for example wet silicon carbide paper.