Mountain-top Sentence Examples
In fact, I'd confine myself to a bank vault or a guru's mountain top sanctuary.
For example, atmospheric pressure is greater at sea-level than on a mountain top.
Instead, you might picture an exotic beach wedding or one high on a mountain top.
The term Euboea did not designate the eminence upon which the Heraeum is placed, or the mountain-top behind the Heraeum only, but, as Pausanias distinctly indicates, the group of foothills of the hilly district adjoining the mountain.
Not a good choice for a repeater system on a mountain top which is meant to cater for stations in valleys.
If you plan to wed in the fall or winter on a mountain top or in foreign country north of the U.S., it may be necessary to seek out wedding shops and inform the clerk that you need a dress designed for cold weather.
It would be nice to sit on a mountain top and be spiritual all the time, what an incredible feeling, but that is not the real human experience.
See what happens to wines on the mountain top.