Motto Sentence Examples
The ribbon is red with the motto For Love and Fatherland in silver letters.
The motto is Magnanime pretium.
I want to hear the woman who lives by the motto of no apologies, no regrets, who told me once that her own soul searching taught her to live, doesn't want my help turning that three months into eternity.
The motto of the order was Duce et auspice.
In England the Agricultural Society was founded in 1838, with the motto " Practice with Science," and shortly afterwards incorporated by royal charter.
The collar, only worn by the knights grand cross, is of gold, and consists of Hungarian crowns linked together alternately by the monograms of St Stephen, S.S., and the foundress, M.T.; the centre of the collar is formed by a flying lark encircled by the motto Stringit amore.
I heartily accept the motto,--"That government is best which governs least"; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically.
The badge is a white cross bearing on a blue centre the Wendish crown, surrounded by the motto, for the Schwerin knights, Per aspera ad astra, for the Strelitz knights, Avito viret honore.
It was sacked by the Hungarians in 902, but otherwise its history is little known, and it is uncertain when it acquired its freedom and its motto Libertas.
The motto is Quis separabit?
AdvertisementIt is a common motto within American culture to "just be yourself."
Her personal motto is "Bringing dignity to the art of living within one's means."
Jouffroy in the establishment of the Globe; and he was also a member of the committee of the society which took for its motto Aide-toi, le ciel t'aidera.
His personal motto is See It, Believe It, Live It.
He takes this motto and puts it on a bracelet made by hand.
AdvertisementThe lower motto (the motto of the British monarch) reads Dieu et mon droit (God and my right ).
My high school motto was ' work hard play hard ' .
It sought as well to encourage revolutionary measures against the monarchy and the old regime, and it was it especially which popularized the motto "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity."
The motto for the company is,"Eat responsibly, act responsibly."
During the Depression Era, families lived by the motto "Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without."
AdvertisementThe Girl Scout motto is "Be prepared," and these crafty kits are a great way to cement girls' understanding of this concept.
One of the best shops for browsing and buying is Love My Bubbles, whose motto is "Take Your Gluteus to the Maximus!"
Adopting the motto, "My strength is the love of my people," he ruled in strict accordance with constitutional principles, though not hesitating to make the fullest use of the royal prerogative when the intervention of the crown seemed to be required by circumstances.
His practical motto, if he is the author of the Economics attributed to him, is - " no outrage, and no familiarity."
In conformity with the motto of the city, Nisi Dominus frustra, there are numerous handsome places of public worship. St Giles's church, which was effectively restored (1879-1883) by the liberality of Dr William Chambers the publisher, has interesting historical and literary associations.
AdvertisementTo Anselm speciall y belongs the motto Credo ut intelligam, or, as it is obscurity of the schools..
It was after the Johannesburg disarmament that Kruger had sixty-four members of the reform committee arrested, announcing at the same time that his motto would be ".
His prince, abating those points which are purely Italian or strongly tinctured with the author's personal peculiarities, prefigured the monarchs of the 16th and 17th centuries, the monarchs whose motto was L'e'tat c' est moil His doctrine of a national militia foreshadowed the system which has given strength in arms to France and Germany.
He soon became generally detested by the army, but pursued his course unflinchingly and introduced many indispensable hygienic reforms. "Clean barracks are healthy barracks," was his motto.
A horn with a baldric and the motto "Except the Lord keep the city the watchman waketh but in vain" forms the mayor's badge.
The evidence may be examined at length in Nicolas and Beltz; it is indisputable that in the wardrobe account from September 1347 to January 1349, the 21st and 23rd Edward III., the issue of certain habits with garters and the motto embroidered on them is marked for St George's Day; that the letters patent relating to the preparation of the royal chapel of Windsor are dated in August 1348; and that in the treasury accounts of the prince of Wales there is an entry in November 1348 of the gift by him of " twenty-four garters to the knights of the Society of the Garter."
The collar is formed of thistles, alternating with sprigs of rue, and the motto is Nemo me impune lacessit.
The Union has over 3000 members (of whom 1400 have gone to the field), and has adopted as its watchword, " The Evangelization of the World in this Generation "; and this motto has been approved by several bishops and other Christian leaders.
The paper, whose motto was "Our Country, our Whole Country, and nothing but our Country," was full of spirit and intellectual force, but Newburyport was a sleepy place and the enterprise failed.
In view of these provisions, Garrison, adopting a bold scriptural figure of speech, denounced the constitution as "a covenant with death and an agreement with hell," and chose as his motto, "No union with slaveholders."
From 1868 to 1870 she was the proprietor of a weekly paper, The Revolution, published in New York, edited by Mrs Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and having for its motto, "The true republic - men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less."
By " Presbyterianism " we are here to understand, not the Presbyterian form of church government - the kirk whose motto is Nec tamen consumebatur - but the pretensions of preachers to dominate the state by the mythical " power of the keys," by excommunication with civil penalties and by the fiercest religious intolerance.
But Modernism soon broadened into a thoroughgoing revolt against the modes of thought and methods characteristic of the latterday Vatican; its motto is that Catholicism is the strength of popery, but popery the weakness of Catholicism.
During a period of exceptional distress the rioting was caused mainly by the heavy charges at the toll-gates on the public roads in South Wales, and the rioters took as their motto the words in Genesis xxiv.
The Sarbadarids (so called from their motto Sar-ba-dar, Head to the Gibbet), descendants of Abd al-Razzak, who rebelled in Khorasan about 1337, enjoyed some measure of independence under twelve rulers till they also were destroyed by Timur (c. 1380).
The town arms are the elephant and castle, with the motto Fortitudo et fidelitas.
He prided himself on his motto, Nulla dies sine linea.
He took as his motto "With the people for the Fatherland."
The motto of his life was the advice he gave to some school children in Scotland - "Fear God, and work hard."
The motto on the city arms is "Bon Accord," which formed the watchword of the Aberdonians while aiding Robert Bruce in his battles with the English.
Albert adorned the Stiftskirche at Halle and the cathedral at Mainz in sumptuous fashion, and took as his motto the words Domine, dilexi decorem domus tuae.
A conscientious man according to his lights, he took as his device the motto Pacluin serva, keep troth, which was afterwards inscribed on his tomb, and did his best to live up to it.
The motto that he adopted for use with the arms emblazoned for him as cardinal - Co p ad cor loquitur, and that which he directed to be engraved on his memorial tablet at Edgbaston - Ex umbris et imaginibus in veritatem - together seem to disclose as much as can be disclosed of the secret of a life which, both to contemporaries and to later students, has been one of almost fascinating interest, at once devout and inquiring, affectionate and yet sternly self-restrained.
The brave airman was a 29 year old Halifax navigator with ' B ' Flight with 298 Squadron whose motto was Silent We Strike!
The South (principal) elevation has the pedimented center piece with exuberant armorial carving Duff Arms and Motto.
The guiding motto of intensive farming is ' waste nothing, productivity is everything ' .
The room was tastefully decorated, and outside the premises hung a beautiful festoon containing a suitable motto.
The Canadian national motto - " A mari usque ad mare ", translates as " From sea to sea " .
You will do well to adopt the Greek motto - there is always tomorrow.
He had a motto, his motto was " All or nothing.
A local printer produced a smart booklet, with the cover bearing the school badge or Latin motto.
You take great pride in the Kennedy's unofficial motto of from " bench to bedside.
In conclusion, then, it is time to update the favorite motto of development policymakers.
His personal motto is, " appropriate technology for the appropriate job.
The original motto would have been chosen at the time of the grant and might well say something about the family.
The Latin motto means ' better late than never ' .
After that the Lord of Cardigan adopted his message to the King as a family motto.
Think of the clubs motto " Standard or modified, all are welcome at our friendly, helpful, inspiring website.
What was the company motto again Mike " No income tax, no VAT, no money back, no guarantee!
In New Hampshire car number plates bear the legend, Live Free or Die; a state motto is Don't Tread on Me.
As the New Town expanded, the Heriot Trust - whose revenues were greatly benefited thereby - erected day-schools in different districts, in which thousands of infants and older children received a free education, and, in 1 James Gillespie (1726-1797) was a tobacco and snuff manufacturer, and when he set up his carriage Henry Erskine suggested as a motto the homely couplet " Wha wad hae thocht it, That noses wad bocht it?
The military badge is a white cross with black and gold edging, resting on a green oak and laurel wreath; the central medallion bears the Prussian Eagle with the arms of Hohenzollern, and is surrounded by a blue fillet with the motto Vom Fels zum Meer; the civil badge is a black eagle, with the head encircled with a blue fillet with the motto.
His motto, Perinde ac cadaver, expressed that recognition of absolutism which papacy and monarchy demanded for their consolidation (see Jesuits and Loyola).
The motto, or watchword of government, on these occasions, ought to be - Be quiet.
Other times, the theme motto is just used as a catchy theme to launch a summer program to encourage youngsters to spend their summer reading, reading, and reading some more!
The motto here is to enjoy yourself, but drink responsibly.
Sally Hansen's motto "Beauty That Works" really works here.
Their motto is "Life is too short for boring fashion!"
In celebrity land, apparently, the motto is if you've got it, flaunt it, and if you don't have it, buy it.
The Triumph lives up to Carnival's "fun ships" motto with gusto.
Guitar Noise - The motto of Guitar Noise is Online to Onstage, and they will help you use free notes to learn songs.
Their motto is to not just move air, but also move air in style.
These bracelets come with David's personal motto of See It, Believe It, Live It.
By 1993, Newman's Own Organic became a division of Newman's Own and in 2001, Newman's Own Organic, a then division of Newman's Own expanded as a separate company with a motto that states, "Great Tasting Products That Happen to Be Organic."
We chose to focus on impulse snacks as they represent an interesting category because they are so emotional for the shopper… a brand such as ours, based on our motto of "Good for you.
Roaman's motto is "Your Style, Your Size" and they live up to it in their large selection of ladies plus size business suits.
One such shop is Sydney's Closet, whose motto is "We Size Up Glamour."
Their motto is "We size up glamour" and they provide a range of clothes for all your formal needs, including cocktail parties, proms, weddings and other formal occasions.
Choose hobbies that improve your quality of life and take up the motto of "if it's not fun, what's the point?"
Six Flags' motto for Fright Fest is, "Thrills by Day, Chills by Night."
Go fast on a dirt road is this game's motto.
Another style available is white in color, and decorated with the Marine Corps emblem and motto.
Part of their company motto states that their goal is to make you feel as good as you look when you leave their salon.
Chaz Dean built his hair care line on the motto that hair should be beautiful.
Creating a mission statement and a family homeschool motto are excellent ways to keep yourself on track.
One motto that Clean House and Trish Suhr fans have come to know from the star is that there is nothing in this world that doesn't look better clean and organized.
Easy on, easy off is truly the motto for gel nail polish.
A White Supremacist YouTube-like website where the motto of the site is, "Freedom of Speech Applied."
For example, Slashdot, whose motto is "news for nerds" emphasizes technology websites.
The Cub Scout is reminded to live up to their motto Do Your Best, the Law of the Pack and the Cub Scout Promise.
The Boy Scout motto is present along the top of the ribbon on a silver scroll.
If used as part of a medal, the motto "Be Prepared" is written on a silver scroll above the ribbon and suspends the entire emblem.
But the Slavophil movement, with its motto, " one law, one church, one tongue," acquired great influence in official circles, and its aim was, in defiance of the pledges of successive tsars, to subject Finland to Orthodoxy and autocracy.
Their motto is "comfortable and cute," so you know you will love to wear their maternity styles.
With a company motto like "Let Go", you just know that Caribbean Joe swim trunks are all about relaxation.
If Koala Swimwear had an official motto, it would have to be "Sex Sells".
Joseph Abboud's motto is "Just because you're on vacation, doesn't mean you have to look like a tourist."
That motto suits these trunks perfectly.
Sexual androgyny permeated the music scene with artists like David Bowie and Marc Bolan, and "Free Love" became the motto of a generation.
The more well-known motto, "Gotta Get a Gund" was first said in the early 1980s, and has stuck on as a recognizable slogan for the Gund corporation and its high-quality products.
Syndey's Closet's motto is, "We size up glamour."
The motto "Power of Purple" is used to market the event as well as other slogans.
You can have a message or motto silkscreened on it if you wish.
Their aptly named motto, "Diapers in Disguise," epitomizes their designer diaper bags.
The Alina motto seems to be "Class is Timeless".
Eastpak, whose motto is "Built to Resist" was originally started in 1960 by Monte Goldman to make products such as duffel bags for the military.
With their spirited motto, colorful fabrics and whimsical designs, Life is Good Tote Bags are feel-good, fun fashion accessories.
Childlike drawings of animals and objects including horses, dogs and jeeps decorate other totes, many emblazoned with the now famous motto "Life is Good".
The first is a Tarot Card of the Day feature that includes a basic interpretation of the meaning of that card as well as a "motto for today" that goes with it.
Much like a new born, his motto is "I want", and he spends much of his time trying to discern and accomplish just that.
The motto of Have-a-Heart is "Suicide is not a solution, Suicide is an end...before a solution is found."
She encourages her fans to take control of their money so they can live their lives by the motto, "People First, Then Money, Then Things."
Their motto is "Think before you ink," and they make sure to give you the information necessary to determine whether a tattoo means exactly what you think it means.
While the name of a loved one or a life motto may appear in elaborate script, an affiliation tattoo may be a simple script that is easily readable.
Their motto is simply Quality and Reliability … Delivered!
In keeping with its founding fathers' motto of becoming "Close to the hearts of people everywhere" Citizen continues to pioneer precision dive watches like the ones featured in the sections below.
Learning to live by the motto choose your battles can really help you keep perspective on the little things that can turn into huge incidents in the workplace.
FastChick - With a motto that says, "the faster, the better," FastChick offers floor mats, steering wheel and seat belt covers, seat covers for both front and rear seats, pink LED valve caps, and a pink underbody LED kit.
All who accepted the motto Unity, Independence and Victor Emmanuel were admitted into the society.
Del Cano was received with great distinction by the emperor, who granted him a globe for his crest, and the motto Primus circumdedisti me.
Anselm's motto, Credo ut intelligam, marks well the distance that has been traversed since Tertullian's Credo quia absurdum est.
The motto which was already current in his lifetime, "that Erasmus laid the egg and Luther hatched it," is so far true, and no more.
A society, numbering many thousands of working men among its members, which has set itself the more special task of promoting the interchange of visits between working men of different nations, is called the " International Brotherhood Alliance," or, after the initials of its motto, Fraternitas inter genies, the F.I.G.
The new pope's motto, it is said, was " to establish all things in Christ " (instaurare omnia in Christo); and since, ex hypothesi, he himself was Christ's vicar on earth, the working out of this principle meant in effect the extension and consolidation of the papal authority and, as far as possible, an end to the compromises by means of which the papacy had sought to make friends of the Mammon of unrighteousness.
Such a circumstance occurring at a time of general festivity, when devices, mottoes and conceits of all kinds were adopted as ornaments or badges of the habits worn at jousts and tournaments, would naturally have been commemorated as other royal expressions seem to have been by its conversion into a device and motto for the dresses at an approaching hastilude."
In the centre a medallion, surrounded by a red fillet with the motto of the order, L'union fait la force, bears a golden Belgian lion on a black field.
Round the oval is the motto Fiirchte Gott and folge seine Befehle.
The collar is composed of gold and blue enamel figures of the conversion linked by the Gothic monogram I.T.V., Trau Vast, the motto of the order, alternately red and green.
The medallion on the reverse contains a figure of St George and the Dragon and the corresponding initials J.U.P.F., Justus ut Palma Florebit, the motto of the order.
The motto is Iesus Hominum Salvator.
The device of the dolphin and the anchor, and the motto festina lente, which indicated quickness combined with firmness in the execution of a great scheme, were never wholly abandoned by the Aldines until the expiration of their firm in the third generation.
The motto was ` s Imperium et libertas "; the seal, three primroses; and the badge, a monogram containing the letters PL, surrounded by primroses.
The motto he chose on receiving the order of the Daneborg was "Integritas et rectum custodiunt me," and throughout a long life he was never false to it.
Peter Moore Your Toastmaster Peter is available for all events and functions his motto have gavel will travel.
In the center is a green circle bearing the motto in gold, inside the circle is a thistle on a gold field.
Their motto is "luxury for less," and in Raleigh, a visit to their office is a first step in creating a fabulous new interior for your home or office.
The Yankee Candle Company takes its motto of "a passion for fragrance" very serious.
In fact, the company's website says its unwritten motto is "no makeup, no men, and no mirrors."
Their motto is, "All Ontario, All the Time," and they take pride in knowing the source of everything they carry.
If your motto is, "The strappier, the better," you may enjoy their selection.
Their motto is "go green down under" and all their lingerie is made of organic cotton, bamboo, soy or a blend of these.
Secrets in Lace's motto is "Keep the Romance Alive" and they definitely do just that.
His personal motto is "10% looks, 90% swagger."
They live by the motto, "buy used and save the difference," meaning they purchase whatever they can second-hand to save money.
The motto of Big Brother is "expect the unexpected."
This seems to have been interpreted by its author and by the Sophists in general in a subjective sense, with the result that it became the motto of a sceptical and individualistic movement in contemporary philosophy and ethics.
The general tenor of the essays is in complete contrast with this sceptical attitude, at least in its more decided form, and it is worth notice that the motto "Que scai je?"
The badge is a white cross surmounted by the royal crown, in the centre the initial F surrounded by a crimson fillet on which is the motto Furchtlos and Treu; in the angles of the cross are four golden leopards; the ribbon is crimson with two black stripes.
The motto Voer Moed, Belied, Trouw (For Valour, Devotion, Loyalty), appears on the arms of the cross.
The government tended to become more and more autocratic and to rely wholly on the all-powerful police, the spies and the priests; and, although the king showed some independence in foreign affairs, his popularity waned; the desire for a constitution was by no means dead, and the survivors of the old Carbonari gathered round Carlo Poerio, while the Giovane Italia society (independent of Mazzini), led by Benedetto Musolino, took as its motto " Unity, Liberty and Independence."
We have seen it most recently and most profoundly in the Arab Spring, where the motto we see again and again is Ash-sha'b yurid isqat an-nizam, or "The people want to bring down the regime."
The first idea is due to Motteux, from whom the title, motto and general plan were borrowed.
The star of the knights grand cross is a seven-rayed star of silver with a small ray of gold between each, in the centre is a red St George's cross bearing a medallion of St Michael encountering Satan, surrounded by a blue fillet with the motto Auspicium melioris aevi.
The collar is formed of alternate black eagles and a circular medallion with the motto on a white centre surrounded by the initials F.R.
The reverse bears the motto Ret og Sandhed (Right and Truth).
This procrastinator Kutuzov, whose motto was "Patience and Time," this enemy of decisive action, gave battle at Borodino, investing the preparations for it with unparalleled solemnity.
The star of silver bears the black eagle on an orange ground surrounded by a silver fillet on which is the motto of the order Suum Cuique.
The badge is a pale green enamelled cross resting on a' gold crown with eight rue leaves, the centre is white with the crowned monogram of the founder surrounded by a green circlet of rue; the star bears in its centre the motto Providentiae Memor.