Mothers Sentence Examples
Mothers had the same rights in the absence .of the father; even elder brothers when both parents were dead.
He did not know that since the nursing mothers were no longer sent to work on his land, they did still harder work on their own land.
I mean, it might be hurtful for your sister to see me using your mothers' things.
Columella regarded the gains from the births as a sufficient motive for encouraging these unions, and thought that mothers should be rewarded for their fecundity; Varro, too, seems to have taken this view.
Erman contains spells to be used by mothers for the protection of their children.
Various other fathers and mothers of the gods are mentioned.
Recognized as king in Gallicia during his mothers life.
Sons and husbands donned aprons and waited on mothers and wives at the supper table.
The company was built from an amalgamation of several different independent plant bakers, many of them producing under the Mothers Pride brand.
Life's unpredictable cycle has brought Kay to live in Painswick, just a mile or two from her mothers ' birthplace.
AdvertisementThat is, mothers are the primary caregivers of the children.
Analysis using mothers for lambda sub leaving the group the requirementsbethell cd.
Net family income at age 33 was lower for both teenage mothers and fathers than for those who delayed childbearing.
Single mothers also scale subsidy schedule to Hillary Clinton 's in the program.
In my practice, I limit caudal epidural anesthesia to children who are still small enough for their mothers to carry.
AdvertisementThe common trait is that they are all mothers or someone's favorite auntie.
For mothers who do not breast-feed, an approved infant formula is the only alternative.
The trend toward later childbearing may be summarized by considering the average age for all mothers.
Medicines for breastfeeding mothers Breastfeeding mothers can safely take chloroquine and proguanil.
Consider excess dietary vitamin A intake as a possible cause for congenital cleft palate when it occurs and review the mothers nutritional history.
AdvertisementAbout twenty kids, and a proportionate number of mothers were playing some fiendishly complicated party game on the grass.
Last year they helped to rescue four cubs whose mothers had been killed.
Mothers with postnatal depression are in just such a position.
There was considerable dissatisfaction with the food provided in hospital; only a third of mothers said they had enjoyed meals.
Mammalian embryos have to implant into the mothers womb in order to grow properly.
AdvertisementMothers tended to decrease their verbal encouragement with their one-year-old boys at a critical developmental stage of receptive language skills.
Museum plans floral treat for mothers A MUSEUM will host a free floral extravaganza duirng Mother's Day weekend.
Infant milks are intended to replace breast milk when mothers do not breast feed.
Foreign-born single mothers coverage that are chronic condition in any waythe findings.
The mothers were working in a hospital or in an accountancy firm.
The most common form of folate supplementation was through tablets which were taken by 65% of mothers who reported increasing their folate supplementation was through tablets which were taken by 65% of mothers who reported increasing their folate intake.
Good for expectant mothers Asparagus is an excellent source of the B vitamin folate.
Mothers responses to question number fourteen was about what they felt most hopeful about in their child ' development.
Serenata Flowers offer flowers and bouquets ideal for Mothers Day gifts including freesias, lillies, orchids, roses and tulips.
Mothers who used air fresheners daily suffered almost 10 percent more headaches than those who used them less than once a week.
Mothers have been told they must stop breastfeeding for reasons too inane to discuss.
This merely verifies the picture which mothers frequently inculcate in their children - that their father is an alcoholic or drug addict.
A substantially increased risk of delivering a preterm low birthweight infant among mothers with periodontal disease was reported in a recent study.
The perinatal unit will provide specialist inpatient care for mothers with mental health problems.
Children of kuru-affected mothers were not found to develop kuru, 12 suggesting that maternal transmission was not involved.
Show mothers how to breastfeed and how to maintain lactation even if they are separated from their infants.
One in twenty mothers in Britain - particularly lone mothers on Income Support - go without food to meet the needs of their child.
Mercury has been found in the breast milk of nursing mothers.
These mange mites are passed to puppies skin from their mothers.
Night work Employers need to consider risks to new and expectant mothers who work at night.
Finding the best way to support teenage mothers in Newcastle Upon Type.
Mothers and nurses both administer narcotics; the former, however, principally with the view to obtaining an undisturbed night's rest.
We have changed the regulations to make it possible for children born abroad to British mothers to acquire British nationality.
New legislation to be outlined in the Queen's Speech will speed up payments to mothers in cases of disputed paternity.
New mothers ' entitlement to statutory maternity pay will be increased from 26 to 39 weeks next spring.
In domestic plumbing, female plumbers are often preferred by elderly people or lone mothers.
The only regular Saturday passengers turned out to be mothers with prams because they had great difficulty in getting prams onto the busses.
Well known for being good mothers and can be fiercely protective with calves at foot, particularly toward dogs.
These mothers will be lucky to find refuge in a garage or a stable.
The police, prosecution service, and the courts, appear reluctant to take any action against the violent or abusive mothers.
Babies who are small for their age in the womb (intrauterine growth retardation) are more frequently born to mothers with coeliac disease.
Top Back schoolgirl Pregnancies Births to schoolgirl mothers in Scotland ranged between 450 and 660 per year in the last decade [1] .
We therefore used online self-selection as we were researching a particular group of internet users- mothers with new born babies using a specific website.
Pass the Parcel can get horribly tense as hawk eyed mothers get really shirty if their kid doesn't have a go.
Eleven of these mothers were sputum positive and the two children who died both had a sputum positive mother.
All the mothers will then suckle any of the cubs, allowing the others to go hunting.
Health visitors may provide similar services for children and often provide telephone triage to advise mothers.
Lone mothers supported the principle that, in general, separated fathers should continue to contribute to their children's upkeep.
Floyd continues to adore children, especially babies -- usually much to their Mothers ' horror -- and licks them with great vigor!
Generally two healthy embryos are put into the mothers womb.
And the group of women who are entering the workplace most rapidly are mothers of children up to age four.
In times of drought the Guanches drove their flocks to consecrated grounds, where the lambs were separated from their mothers in the belief that their plaintive bleatings would melt the heart of the Great Spirit.
Among the many reforms introduced under his guidance were a workmen's compensation law; a survey of occupational diseases with recommendations for health insurance; the elimination of the sweatshop; the establishment of a state industrial commission for dealing with questions of labour and capital; the provision of a minimum wage and a nine-hour day for women; mothers' pensions; ratification of the proposed woman suffrage amendment; the budget system for state expenditures; pure food laws; a " blue sky " law for protecting investors from unscrupulous promoters; the initiative and referendum; a Corrupt Practices Act; the indeterminate sentence for convicts; improvement of rural schools; the establishment of a state tuberculosis hospital and the extension of safety devices on railways and in mines.
Cobden spoke some words of condolence, but "after a time he looked up and said, ` There are thousands of homes in England at this moment where wives, mothers and children are dying of hunger.
She evidently thought mothers were more likely to know about babies of all sorts.
The kind uncles and aunts of the race are more esteemed than its true spiritual fathers and mothers.
The one is commonly transitory, a sound, a tongue, a dialect merely, almost brutish, and we learn it unconsciously, like the brutes, of our mothers.
You should have seen the state of the mothers, wives, and children of the men who were going and should have heard the sobs.
So said the mothers as they watched their young people executing their newly learned steps, and so said the youths and maidens themselves as they danced till they were ready to drop, and so said the grown-up young men and women who came to these balls with an air of condescension and found them most enjoyable.
Top Back Schoolgirl Pregnancies Births to schoolgirl mothers in Scotland ranged between 450 and 660 per year in the last decade [1 ].
A group of mothers finished scything the grass on the surrounding land.
Pass the Parcel can get horribly tense as hawk eyed mothers get really shirty if their kid does n't have a go.
The majority of the difference is accounted for by the high numbers of stillborn infants for first generation mothers.
Many of these mothers are themselves refugees from strife torn countries, beginning a new life in a safer, more hospitable environment.
Jane was a quiet and studious girl, but even she couldnt hold her tongue when it came to her mothers brutish behavior.
An MRI scan helped accurately identify that Dylan had a rare subdural hemorrhage whilst still in his mothers womb.
No more will we periodically have pictures paraded across our television screens of starving fly covered children suckling up to their starving mothers.
Embryos are created in a test tube from the mothers eggs and the fathers sperm.
They are thieving little scumbags who would rob our mothers, or grandmothers.
For all the ordinary townsmen, villagers, and particularly mothers, breadwinners and children who live there?
Their own mothers should not have to twine string in the square of your city.
Female calves become milk machines like their mothers, suffering chronic lameness, painful udder infections and constant hunger.
At our prayer meeting we unite in prayer with one another and with Mothers Prayers groups throughout the world.
Lone mothers supported the principle that, in general, separated fathers should continue to contribute to their children 's upkeep.
Floyd continues to adore children, especially babies -- usually much to their Mothers ' horror -- and licks them with great vigor !
Young girls often aspire to be like their mothers.
After the middle school graduation, the mothers reflected how their children had evolved and matured.
Many pregnant mothers approach their due date with trepidation regarding the newborn phase, but such fears are often unnecessary.
When your infant naps in the daytime, it is always best for mothers to jump on this opportunity for a nap themselves.
Breastfeeding mothers burn calories during feedings.
However, breastfeeding can be a complicated endeavor for some mothers, particularly those who need to return to their employment quickly.
High quality breast pumps can be expensive, and some mothers will need to consult a lactation specialist due to breastfeeding complications.
Pediatricians are now recommending that mothers breastfeed if at all possible, and they suggest trying to breastfeed for one year.
Although certain circumstances have been linked to premature birth, such as mothers who smoke, use drugs, or drink alcohol, many premature births have no foreseeable cause.
In many agencies, the birth mothers select the prospective parents by searching through detailed portfolios that prospective parents have made.
However, mothers who want to use one and continue to breastfeed may be able to find success with a little guidance from their local lactation specialist or from a breastfeeding group such as the La Leche League.
You may want to ask other mothers for their recommendations.
When baby monkeys were given stuffed animals instead of their real mothers, they tried over and over to bond with these poor substitutes.
They may cause pain to the newborn, and they may cause nursing mothers pain, also.
Returning to work after having a baby can be a difficult and emotional time for mothers no matter how old their babies are.
Mothers who are breastfeeding may find that there are several other issues that must be addressed in order for them to continue nursing their children.
It can be done, and mothers all over the world are nursing their children while working full-time.
For more information on pumping and storing your milk, check out the Association for Breastfeeding Mothers website.
In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that mothers breastfeed their infants until they reach at least one year old.
Because breastfeeding requires more calories, nursing mothers can eat more healthy foods and often still lose the baby weight quicker than those moms who don't breastfeed.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, these are just some of the many benefits that breastfeeding provides nursing mothers.
Many larger department stores now offer lounge areas with comfortable couches and chairs for nursing mothers to enjoy while breastfeeding their babies.
Check out Babystyle and Motherwear for some great clothing styles for nursing mothers.
Birth control pills which contain estrogen can decrease milk supply, so they generally aren't recommended to nursing mothers.
Mothers may also pump breast milk if they need to be away from their babies for other reasons, even for short durations.
In this case, some mothers pump their milk to ensure their babies get the health benefits of breast milk consumption, even if they won't drink it straight from the breast.
Infant support pillows are wonderful baby accessories, and many new mothers don't know what they'd do without them.
They are also used as aids for breastfeeding mothers.
Breastfeeding mothers need all the support they can get, right?
Infant support pillows can help ease the discomfort of muscle tension and awkward positions that mothers sometimes feel while nursing or bottle feeding their babies.
Support pillows give mothers much needed support.
Breastfeeding proponents encourage mothers to breastfeed their babies as soon after delivery as possible.
Infertility. With options such as sperm banks and surrogate mothers, many people wonder why someone would choose to adopt.
Robin Wilson Home has completed projects for expectant mothers and those who want to create child-friendly playrooms.
Carnation infant formula has a long history going all the way back to 1867 when Henri Nestle first introduced a nutritious product for infants whose mothers were not able to breastfeed.
Make sure that your pregnancy weight gain is sufficient - studies show a low weight gain for mothers can increase risks for SIDS.
The urge to protect your baby is strong, especially for new mothers.
Many mothers of twins find it is a result of in vitro fertilization or other fertility treatments, where multiple births are very common.
Sometimes mothers and grandmothers love receiving such a special gift themselves.
Celebrity Mommies-In this game, you'll put together a list of celebrity mothers, like Debra from Everybody Loves Raymond, Carol from The Brady Bunch, etc. Create a set of hints that coordinate with each name.
The company is responding to a growing market by developing new platform technologies that help to improve the health and wellness of children and mothers.
Mommy Necklaces are the latest product to aid nursing mothers and make their job as a breastfeeding mom a little less painful, literally.
Mothers are pinch-free, released from their quiet rooms, and safe from worry that their finer jewelry may be broken at any moment.
New mothers often created a layette for their babies.
If you'd like to learn more about creating corsages or baby shower crafts for new mothers and infants, browse the links below.
Common feeding items to find in a baby gift basket are bibs (the cuter the slogan, the better!), burp cloths, a bottle (although this is becoming less common as most mothers prefer to choose one specific brand of bottle), and a pacifier.
Putting together a repertoire of recipes for your baby's meals is a challenge for many mothers, but the best part of learning how to make baby food is that so much of the early phase of an infant's diet depends on relatively simple meals.
While pregnant women and new mothers hear a lot about the virtues of breastfeeding, the types of foods for older babies to eat receive far less attention.
These two types of expectant mothers' shower cards are fun to give and fun to receive.
Come up with a list of songs that might be sung by mothers trying to soothe a baby, such as "You Are My Sunshine" and "Rock-A-Bye-Baby."
For new mothers or expectant mothers, these bibs are fantastic because they reduce clean-up efforts after meals and encourage babies to develop independence in eating.
Some mothers will not need many of the items categorized under breastfeeding, especially if they plan to solely breastfeed without the use of a pump.
While Curity cloth diapers are now a part of history, modern mothers can choose from many types of cloth baby diapers available on the market.
Thankfully, many nursing bra designers understand that breastfeeding mothers still need to feel attractive.
Also, mothers who have a tendency towards plugged ducts and mastitis infections may want to forgo the underwire styles which can only exacerbate such problems.
Moreover, when it comes to tight and binding garments, it is important for breastfeeding mothers to consider certain health issues in order to make the duration of their breastfeeding as comfortable and safe as possible.
Enell is a company with sports bras that accommodate nursing mothers very well.
It is also important to note that despite the readily available nature and designs of these breastfeeding-friendly sports bras, some mothers may not do well with these products.
Some mothers are more prone to plugged ducts and mastitis infections than others.
It's simple for mothers to unhook the flap, lift up their shirts, and nurse their babies wherever they happen to be.
This type of gift can be very useful and ideal for mothers on the run.
There are ways to keep your small children active without defying the family budget or suffering from the "soccer mom" syndrome in which mothers are overly extended by taking their children around from activity to activity.
Summertime doesn't need to be a season of guilt for mothers who fear that their toddlers will be bored or under-stimulated.
Mothers made them for their children so frequently that in 1920, Nelson Knitting Mills actually began including the instructions for making sock monkeys with their product.
Just as with human mothers, the milk contains valuable colostrum, which contains antibodies to keep the kittens healthy.
Just like mothers with their children, you know your furry baby better than anyone else.
This is a behavior cats learn with their mothers.
The kneading and nursing are obviously behavior kittens display with their mothers.
Cats have thicker skin than we do, and they often show affection by nipping their litter mates and mothers.
Also, kittens usually learn how to stay clean from their mothers.
Even kittens use this sound to communicate contentment to their mothers and help forge the mother-kitten bond.
It is common to hear complaints that the legal system favors mothers in divorce cases.
Mothers were routinely given custody of the children, since they were presumed to be the children's primary caregiver.
Modern fathers yearn to nurture their children just as much as mothers and courts reward this desire with customized custody plans that allow both parents to participate fully in their children's daily lives.
There are also milk thistle benefits for nursing mothers.
Doctors even say that the berries by themselves are safe for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.
Newborns whose mothers took black and blue cohosh to induce labor have shown impaired cognitive function and breathing difficulties.
This is especially helpful for expectant mothers suffering from morning sickness since ginger is a safe alternative to prescription drugs and has fewer side effects.
For centuries, nursing mothers have employed fenugreek for nursing.
Overall, fenugreek is a safe herb that has been proven to increase milk production in nursing mothers.
Unfortunately, despite the amazing health-promoting properties of breastfeeding, many mothers struggle with the task.
Some mothers, due to pituitary disorders, hormonal problems or other unexplained causes will not produce enough milk right from the start.
This can be very discouraging for mothers who would prefer to breastfeed exclusively.
In cultures where formula feeding isn't even an option, mothers turn to herbs in order to help stimulate their milk supply.
Its usage dates back to Biblical times and it has been commonly employed by mothers in India, North Africa and the Middle Eastern territories.
Nursing mothers should start out taking the dosage recommended on the bottle, although experts at mention that this dosage may be too low to produce results.
Fenugreek has proved itself to be safe in high doses for most individuals, but starting out conservatively will give nursing mothers a chance to monitor their body's reaction.
The results have been similar as tween girls drag their mothers to the retail store to purchase the latest Duff stuff from lip gloss to perfume to apparel.
What's more, she loved taking pictures of women, especially mothers of Native American descent.
Rather, they are a diverse group of women--from brides-to-be to mothers or even grandmothers.
If you're looking for Mothers Day breakfast ideas, look no further.
Mothers Day breakfasts can go beyond your typical morning fare.
The following Mothers Day breakfast ideas and recipes can help you to make mom the perfect breakfast in bed.
The following Mothers' Day breakfast ideas aren't difficult to make.
These are just a few of the recipe ideas you can make for Mothers Day breakfast.
Mothers Day brunch recipes need not be overly complicated.
Use the following Mothers Day brunch recipes together or separately to give mom a meal she'll love.
Mothers Day brunch is the perfect way to celebrate mom.
She works hard all year, so on Mothers Day, why not let her sleep in and surprise her with a delicious brunch to help her feel loved and appreciated?
The following Mothers Day brunch recipes can be combined to make an entire brunch, or you can use the recipes separately as a part of a brunch that you design.
What better way to celebrate your mother - or the mother of your children - than with a little mothers day bubbly?
Try this delicious egg and sausage casserole for your Mothers Day brunch.
Mothers Day brunch doesn't need to be difficult to make.
Using the recipes above in combination or by themselves, you're sure to have a delicious Mothers Day brunch for the mother in your life.
If you're looking for a special Mothers Day dinner to prepare for your mom, below you will find two dishes that will go great together.
If you're planning to make dinner for Mothers Day, you need to think about what kind of food your mom likes.
Below you will find two recipes that will make a fabulous Mothers Day dinner.
Shrimp and broccoli make a colorful addition to your Mothers Day dinner table.
When you think of Mothers Day recipes, is the first thing that comes to mind breakfast in bed?
Mothers day recipes can go well beyond a bowl of cereal, pancakes, or some toast on a tray.
The following Mothers Day recipes are relatively simple to make, but make a terrific meal.
Mom's Break has compiled a collection of printable artwork for mothers who are interested in sharing their love of scrapbooking with their children.
Networking on boards that are filled with non-scrapbookers, such as sites for new mothers, is also useful when you're wondering how to advertise scrapbooking for an income.
It's about making mothers; strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and believe in their inner strength."
The company was started when Rhonda decided to teach mothers in her town how she made albums for photo preservation.
The goal is to offer trendy, fun clothes that are not too sexy for the targeted age group, something many mothers have longed for in recent years.
Visit the Mothers Against Drunk Driving or MADD website.
The calves have the rennet in their stomachs to help digest milk from their mothers.
In addition to making bridal gowns, many designers also make dresses just for the mothers.
Alfred Angelo's Mothers collection is full of mix and match pieces that will help you create the dress of your dreams.
Guests were settled in, the mothers had been seated and candles were being lit.
Can it be considered a "one stop shopping" emporium, or will you have to visit different locations to purchase a veil, shoes, accessories, and dresses for the attendants and mothers of the bride and groom?
Set a date - If the shower is to be a surprise, you'll have to coordinate the date with the groom and mothers of both the bride and groom.
Since the mother of the groom's dress should match the bridesmaids' dresses in formality,many mothers choose to have a similar dress length.
Although black had been lambasted for years as inappropriate attire for the mothers of the couple, it is now a very trendy color.
Let the mothers of the girls pick up the dress themselves, to be sure it fits.
Some mothers choose to buy their outfit separate from any of the wedding planning while other weddings make the decision as important as the bride's dress.
While this is a great look for some, other mothers prefer different sleeve lengths.
In fact, one of the easiest places to compromise personal style with the style of the wedding is in the sleeve, and mothers should feel free to choose a sleeve length they are comfortable with.
White, cream and anything close are out of the question for most mothers.
The mother of the bride outfit can be challenging to find, but there are many different dress and suit options for stylish mothers to feel comfortable and fashionable on their daughter's wedding day.
Women start lining up in the wee hours and they come prepared - prospective brides bring mothers, sisters, or friends, and they may even have walkie-talkies or dress alike to more efficiently navigate the waters.
Mothers of the bride can combat this problem by looking for a summer jacket dress appropriate for a wedding.
Mothers of the bride, and mothers of the groom, begin searching for their attire almost as early as the bride.
Jacket dresses offer the option for mothers of the brides to choose a sleeveless, strapless, or spaghetti-strapped dress they may not want to purchase otherwise without feeling self conscious or uncomfortable in their wedding wear.
Mothers of brides getting married in autumn have their choice of rich colors for their outfit.
At a blue and chocolate wedding, mothers would look stunning in bronze, caramel or even olive dresses.
Weddings with a red, yellow, and burnt orange color scheme allow mothers to wear virtually any shade of brown or even a gold dress, with style and grace.
In this case, mothers of the bride should look for a dress that coordinates with the colors, not the season the wedding is taking place.
While some brides choose black bridesmaid dresses or use black as an accent, they may still have issues with either of the mothers wearing the color.
At an informal wedding in the fall, mothers can wear tea length dresses and still look appropriate for the season and occasion.
Also, some antidepressants can be passed into the breast milk of nursing mothers.
Each one of us brings a unique perspective and voice to the campaign - but we all have one thing in common - we are mothers and we care deeply about this issue.
Postpartum depression occurs after mothers give birth and for the first year of the baby's life.
Babies born to heroin-addicted mothers go through withdrawal shortly after being born.
They're both natives of Colombia who ended up as single mothers of young sons, although now Gloria has moved on to marrying Ed O'Neill's character, Jay Pritchett.
Mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and other family and friends buy these dresses for the girls in their lives because of their timeless appeal and beauty.
Splendid kids' clothing is ideal for play, though many mothers purchasing Splendid items as a luxury splurge may feel queasy at the thought of such soft fabrics being exposed to playgrounds.
Your toddler will be competing against many other equally flushed, blushed, sprayed, gleaming and utterly beaming toddlerettes who want to win top prizes to nearly the same extent as their mothers.
Most mothers find it fun to hunt down dressy clothes for little boys.
Items purchased at JCPenney will not be as upscale as their Neiman Marcus contemporaries, but many mothers are not looking to buy a wool gabardine suit for their toddler.
One detail that most mothers won't overlook is the suggested cleaning method of certain garments.
The only remarkable downside of shopping for your daughter's party dress at a department store is that many other mothers will have the same idea.
This season also gives mothers a chance to showcase their darling children in rich colors and patterns.
Many mothers enjoy curling up with a cup of tea and a designer children's catalog as a simple relaxation method.
Special occasion items such as flower girl dresses, christening gowns and Easter dresses are popular for mothers, grandmothers and other relatives to make for children in the family.
Single mothers are responsible for all parenting in the home and for bringing in income to support their children and themselves.
Grants provide single mothers with a necessary resource - funding so they can go back to school right now.
After you've filled out your FAFSA application and financial aid forms at the college, do a search for college grants for single mothers.
Many mothers do not take advantage of the programs available to them because they don't know they are there or they don't know how to find them.
Mothers are some of the busiest people in the world.
Some grants, scholarships, loans and other forms of financial aid are specifically earmarked for mothers, single parents, or similar nontraditional students.
If the children are far too young to book a cruise for their mothers, then this can be a great gift purchased by the husband on behalf of the kids.
The sides should be sturdy, especially for large mothers.
Another type of birthstone jewelry is jewelry made specifically for mothers and grandmothers.
There are many different types of necklaces that are suitable gifts for mothers, however.
A carved cameo of a stylized woman and child is a vintage type of mothers necklace.
There are many beautiful styles and designs of mothers' pins available in a broad price range.
There are many exquisite styles of mothers' pins that are hand crafted by designers that are unique, delicate works of art.
There are many more beautiful pins for mothers offered at Mom's Jewelry Box.
Favorite Jewelry has a beautiful selection of sterling silver mothers' pins of classic designs that were created decades ago.
These finely detailed and elegant mothers' pins can also be ordered in 14K gold.
Special jewelry for mothers and grandmothers such as a mother's pin with childrens birthstones or mother's necklace is a gift that will always be treasured.
Over the years, millions of mothers and grandmothers have received the original style ring with the birth month stones of their children and grandchildren lovingly set between the gold bands.
Personalized rings for mothers may not only have the birthstone of each child but also the child's name.
There are many excellent online jewelry storesthat offer a wide selection of rings for mothers and grandmothers in many different price ranges.
Mothers bracelets can also be made from beads incorporating beads that have been crafted from the relevant gemstones.
Life Time Mothers - a wide range of mother jewelry including bracelets.
Jewelry for Mother - the store offers a choice of jewelry for mothers including a bangle bracelet that combines a birthstone and photos for a truly personal item of jewelry.
A mothers bracelet is a wonderful items of jewelry and will become a family heirloom to pass on through future generations.
Many bracelets sets made for mothers and daughters have a special suspended charm that in some way signifies the unique link and special connection that exists between the two.
Red Thread Adoption Boutique offers a unique bracelet set for mothers and daughters.
Discs can be left blank, so if the recipient only mothers one child, the rest of the discs will act as reflective jewelry enhancers.
Do you any tips for when giving jewelry for mothers day?
This is a day of the year which is dedicated to the celebration of mothers and motherhood.
They are also a lovely and thoughtful gift for older mothers whose children are perhaps leaving home.
The mothers can select from exquisite blue royal crystals, faux pearls, porcelain roses, and even an engraved gold bracelet.
The Loving Family mothers' birthstone locket is heart-shaped and created out of sterling silver in a filigree design.
Herbal tea blends include special formulas for expectant and nursing mothers, as well as a chocolate tea, which is a combination of rooibos tea and Dutch chocolate powder.
Bright Beginnings Organic infant formula contains DHA and ARA, lipids that occur naturally in mothers' milk that are believed to aid in brain and eye development.
Lost River Naturals has a variety of organic skin salves, including generic healing salve, diaper rash salve, nipple salve for breastfeeding mothers and hemorrhoid salve.
Mothers and daughters should devote a day or two to finding the right dress.
They also offer maternity swimwear, lingerie and a selection of clothing for nursing mothers including nursing nightgowns, pajamas and bras.
The result was Sowhatif, a website where teenage girls and young women can find plus size clothing that doesn't look like it belongs to their mothers and grandmothers.
Mothers of the bride or groom can choose from a wide variety of formal wear, and remember to include the bridesmaids in the shopping gala.
For plus size nursing mothers, this may include warnings from well-meaning friends and relatives to stay away from underwire nursing bras.
The mothers and grandmothers of today's baby boomers were careful never to be seen with a hair out of place, but the irony of this much fuss is that hair that is too perfect can be very aging.
Mothers of newborn babies are often acutely attuned to the slightest hints that anything might be wrong with their babies.
New mothers often have trouble adjusting to a sporadic sleep schedule and may need a night to recoup from midnight feedings.
There are babies and mothers who have no trouble breastfeeding, while others may need some assistance.
Mothers need to be comfortable when nursing; therefore, loose, front-opening clothes and a good nursing bra are essential.
Mothers can tell if the baby is getting enough milk by checking diapers; a baby who is wetting between four to six disposable diapers (six to eight cloth) and who has three or four bowel movements in 24 hours is getting enough milk.
First-time mothers can request the lactation consultant to visit her.
Since this drug can supress an infant's immune system, it should not be taken by nursing mothers.
Pregnant and nursing mothers should be careful about using medications, as some, like the antibiotic tetracycline, can cause tooth discoloration.
Mothers who develop the infection while pregnant can pass the infection on to their fetus and thus stand an increased risk of miscarriage and stillbirth.
About half of all cases of this rare condition can be traced to mothers who are GBS carriers.
About 2 to 5 percent of children born to mothers diagnosed with syphilis have the disease at birth.
Mothers who are having difficulty breastfeeding should seek help.
Mothers who believe that they are effective parents are more competent than mothers who feel incompetent.
Also, mothers who see themselves as effective also tend to believe their infants as less difficult to handle.
Older mothers tend to be more responsive to their infants than younger mothers.
Some programs may be dedicated to serving a particular group of at-risk students, such as pregnant teens and teen mothers.
Many infants acquire candidiasis from their mothers during the process of birth, when the baby comes in contact with naturally existing Candida found in the mother's vagina.
Girls whose biological mothers or sisters have or have had anorexia nervosa appear to be at increased risk of developing the disorder.
About one-third of all infants develop acne usually after the third week of life in response to their mothers' hormones before birth.
Mothers with multiple pregnancy should be especially careful to get adequate prenatal care, including any necessary vitamins or recommended tests.
Family history should be taken into consideration in any adolescent with primary amenorrhea, as mothers who started to menstruate late will often have daughters who also menstruate late.
The highest rates of brachial plexus injury (7.8%) occur in newborns weighing over 10 lb (4.5 kg) who are born by assisted vaginal delivery to diabetic mothers.
Injuries occur more frequently in births to mothers who have had several prior births.
Most infants have protection for at least six months from HSV-1 by antibodies they received from their mothers.
One recent study noted that the babies of mothers who smoke have a higher incidence of colic.
It has been associated with mothers who had German measles (rubella) while pregnant.
Babies who remain in constant contact with their mothers may develop separation anxiety earlier and possibly for more intense and prolonged periods than infants frequently cared for by a variety of different caregivers.
Babies up to about eight months of age are usually protected from contracting measles, due to immune cells they receive from their mothers in the uterus.
Hospitals can often recommend support groups for such mothers.
Maternal age is also a factor (adolescent mothers are prone to have undersize babies), as is uterine constraint (which occurs when the uterus is too small for the baby).
Rh disease, for example, has been controlled by the advent of anti-Rh globulin; its administration to Rh-negative mothers has reduced one risk factor for CP.
Infants who later develop CP, along with their mothers, are more likely than other mother-infant pairs to have coagulation disorders (coagulopathies) that put them at increased risk for bleeding episodes or blood clots.
In 2000, 55 percent of mothers with infants were in the labor force.
In 2001, 64 percent of mothers with children under the age of six, and 78 percent of mothers with children ages six to seventeen were in the labor force.
Center care is more common for black and white children with working mothers (30% and 24%, respectively) than for Hispanic children (10%).
Black children with working mothers are more likely to be in care full-time than are white and Hispanic children (58% for black children, 36% for white children, and 34% for Hispanic children).
The study found that, at 15 months, child care neither promoted nor negatively affected infants' attachment to their mothers.
The findings from this study also suggest that toddlers who spend long hours in day care display a slightly weaker bond with their mothers.
Children with better-educated mothers are more likely than other children to participate.
Single fathers, however, are much more likely to be divorced than never married and much more likely than single mothers to be sharing a home with an adult to whom they are not married.
In 2002, the United States' infant mortality rate varied widely by race of the mother from 14.3 for infants of black mothers to 5.9 for infants of Hispanic mothers to 5.8 for infants of white mothers.
Infant mortality rates have typically been the highest for the babies of adolescent mothers and lowest for women in their late 20s and early 30s.
Similarly the infant mortality rate for unmarried mothers is often more than 83 percent higher than the mortality rate for married women.
Likewise, the infant mortality rate is characteristically higher for the infants of mothers who smoke than for those of nonsmokers.
For 1994, the twin birth rate among non-Hispanic white mothers was 24.3 per 1000 live births; among non-Hispanic black mothers, 28.3 per 1000; and among Hispanic mothers, 18.6 per 1000.
During the twentieth century, custody laws often mandated that custody be automatically given to mothers, especially for younger children.
The increases are mostly the result of the increase in the divorce rate and the increase in births to single mothers.
Small children also have an urgent need for their mothers to defend them during medical treatments.
The rate of SIDS in African-American infants is twice as high as that of Caucasians, a fact often attributed to the lower quality of prenatal care received by many African-American mothers.
Premature infants and low birth weight babies in general are known to be at increased risk of developing SIDS, as are infants born to teenage mothers, poor mothers, and mothers who for any reason have had inadequate prenatal care.
In addition, infants who co-sleep with their mothers are naturally more likely to sleep on their backs or sides, which also reduces the risk of SIDS.
Females who inherit the defective gene are usually carriers without symptoms, like their mothers, but they can pass on the disease to their sons.
Some parents join a babysitters' club, for example, a group of mothers may agree to take turns caring for each others' children so that each of them can have some time away from their children and know their children are in excellent hands.
There is also research that suggests the quality of attachment between mothers or primary caregivers during infancy can contribute to peer acceptance later in childhood.
In some areas, single mothers make up a large proportion of foster parents.
If mothers have HBV in their blood, they can give hepatitis B to their baby during childbirth.
Young mothers, single-parent families, and parental alcohol or drug abuse are also common in reported cases.
All mothers of a child with a full mutation are carriers of an FMR-1 gene expansion.
The infants of mothers who smoke during pregnancy have a greater chance of being born with clubfoot than are offspring of women who do not smoke.
Increased prenatal surveillance and early treatment of maternal complications is an approach that is appropriate for mothers who wish to continue their pregnancy with the knowledge that the baby will most likely not survive.
High-risk mothers should always give birth in hospitals with neonatal intensive care units where appropriate facilities are available to treat asphyxia neonatorum.
There are additional benefits that can be derived from infant massage to elicit positive outcomes for premature infants and disadvantaged mothers.
Mothers with postpartum depression have shown improvement after starting infant massage.
Teenage mothers have shown improved bonding behavior and interactions with their infants.
The most severe form of DM, congenital myotonic dystrophy, may appear in newborns of mothers who have DM1.
One important factor is that home-schooling families are 97-percent two-parent families, and most home-schooling mothers do not work outside the home.
Under certain circumstances, children born to mothers who contract chickenpox just prior to delivery face an increased possibility of dangerous consequences, including brain damage and death.
The children of mothers who give birth outside the traditional hospital setting should contact their healthcare provider regarding the necessity of prophylactic antibiotic drops.
Working mothers, as a label, refers to women who are mothers and who work outside the home for income in addition to the work they perform at home in raising their children.
As of the early 2000s, more mothers in the United States are working than ever before.
The number of single mothers with full-time year-round jobs increased from 39 percent in 1996 to 49 percent in 2002.
Although there have been some changes, they have not been substantial enough to prevent many working mothers from feeling that the price for "having it all" is too high.
In the early twenty-first century, some working mothers express disenchantment with the "Supermom" ideal and look for alternatives to help them create a better balance between work and family.
It is important to recognize that mothers in the U.S. workforce are not a homogeneous group of people; there is no typical working mother.
Working mothers who are single or in nontraditional relationships have a more difficult time maintaining family stability even apart from the demands of their jobs.
There are a number of different strategies that working mothers use to balance the demands of workplace and family.
Working mothers in many fields experience conflicts between motherhood and professional advancement.
On the home front, married working mothers, even those whose husbands espouse an egalitarian philosophy, still find themselves saddled with most of the housework and child care responsibilities.
The book reported that the husbands of working mothers shoulder, on average, only one-third of the couple's household duties.
Working mothers also received less help from their children, with one important exception-working single mothers, whose children helped out at home twice as much as children in other families.
A supplementary benefit of this development is that the daughters of single mothers have a greater than average likelihood of entering traditionally male professions offering higher pay and better opportunities for advancement.
More than 8 million school-age and 15 million pre-school-age children in the United States are placed in the charge of substitute care givers during the hours their mothers are working.
Given the failure of either home or workplace demands to ease significantly, working mothers routinely sacrifice time for themselves, and many report high levels of stress, anxiety, and fatigue.
Increasing numbers of working mothers also feel responsible for helping their own aging parents as they develop health problems and become less able to handle their own affairs.
In addition, working mothers are often expected to assume most of the responsibility in family emergencies, such as the illness of a child, which periodically disrupt their already overloaded schedules.
In 2004, Working Mother magazine reported that 97 percent of the companies on their list of the 100 best companies for mothers in the workforce offered compressed workweeks or job sharing opportunities.
Mothers who work part-time gain more flexibility and more time with their children, as well as time to devote to their own needs.
For working mothers another advantage of job sharing is that people who job share often cover for each other when unusual family needs arise.
Telecommuting mothers may want to arrange for child care during their working hours and may be interested in establishing boundaries between their work and their family life.
Some working mothers who want a challenging but flexible work schedule are drawn to self-employment.
One report indicates that working mothers miss an average of 17 days of work per year due to children's healthcare needs.
In addition, other employees often resent having to cover for working mothers who come in late, leave early, or miss work on short notice because of their child's needs.
Some of the stress is related to ongoing social controversy about changing sex roles and family structures; many working mothers are made to feel guilty about their decision to continue working.
In addition, working mothers often do not get enough sleep.
The SECC study appears to confirm earlier findings that the children of working mothers often benefit from her involvement in the outside world in terms of cultivating their own interests.
Mothers younger than 20 years of age or older than 35 years of age have higher rates of preterm delivery.
Prematurity is much more common in pregnancy of multiples and for mothers who have a history of miscarriages or prior premature birth.
Mothers are recommended to eat approximately 300 additional calories a day (above and beyond a normal non-pregnancy diet) to support the fetus's growth and development.
Mothers are more often disclosed to than fathers because fathers tend to have a more negative reaction.
Babies whose mothers contracted chickenpox during pregnancy are at risk for multiple birth defects.
Babies whose mothers contract chickenpox shortly before or after giving birth are at risk of developing a severe form of the disease.
Women older than their early thirties have a greater risk of conceiving a child with Edwards' syndrome, but it can also occur with younger mothers.
While the number of single mothers has remained constant in recent years at 9.9 million, the number of single fathers has grown from 1.7 million in 1995 to 2 million in 2002, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau.
An increasing divorce rate and a rise in the number of infants born to unmarried mothers were in large part responsible for forcing the abandonment issue into public consciousness in the 1970s.
Boys, especially, mourn the loss of their fathers, and their anger is frequently directed at their mothers.
Up to 20 percent of the infants born to mothers infected during the first half of pregnancy have CRS.
Mothers often are exhausted and sometimes depressed after the birth of a child.
In both pregnant mothers (whose fetus is being screened) and in children, blood is drawn from a vein, usually on the inside of the elbow.
Babies who contract CMV from their mothers during birth rarely develop any illness from these infections.
One reason is that the risk of certain congenital abnormalities such as Down syndrome increases with mother's age (particularly mothers over forty).
There is a form of hyperthyroidism called neonatal Graves' disease, which occurs in infants born of mothers with Graves' disease.
Approximately 20,000 infants are born each year to mothers who test positive for the hepatitis B virus.
These infants are at high risk for developing hepatitis B infection through exposure to their mothers blood during delivery.
Up to 50 percent of infants born to mothers with syphilis are premature or stillborn or die shortly after birth.
Cesarean delivery rather than vaginal delivery reduces the risk of transmission of HPV from mothers to infants.
Exposure to CMV can be serious and even life threatening for mothers and infants whose immune systems are compromised, for example, those receiving chemotherapy or who have HIV/AIDS.
Mothers are recommended to eat approximately 300 additional calories day (above and beyond a normal nonpregnancy diet) to support the fetus's growth and development.
For example, unfortified cow milk is given free of charge to mothers in Chile.
Herpes viruses can be transmitted to a newborn during vaginal delivery in mothers infected with herpes viruses, especially if the infection is primary (first occurrence) and is active at the time of delivery.
Mothers may introduce a pacifier because they want to stop breastfeeding.
Infants with XLA usually do not show symptoms of the disorder during the first six months of life, because immunoglobulins from their mothers are circulating in their bloodstreams.
Most fetuses receive some natural immunity to measles from their mothers in utero.
This passive immunity fades over time and is less effective in children of immunized mothers than in children of mothers who had the measles.
All babies have antibodies from their mothers, which give them short-term protection.
Mothers who abuse alcohol and drugs, lack vitamins (especially folic acid) during the first weeks of pregnancy, or have diabetes are more likely to have a child with facial clefts.
Other studies have shown that fetuses with certain predisposing genes may be at increased risk for cleft palate if their mothers smoke.
Additionally, some studies suggest that mothers with a depressive disorder are more likely to have children that develop ODD.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that, prior to the launch of the infant HBV immunization program, about 33,000 American children of non-infected mothers acquired hepatitis B by the age of ten.
Children of hepatitis B-infected mothers are at a 10-85 percent risk of becoming infected during birth.
The CDC estimates that, prior to the infant HBV immunization program, about 12,000 American infants per year were infected by their mothers at birth.
In addition, children of hepatitis B-infected mothers are at high risk of becoming infected before the age of five.
Mothers who have emigrated from countries with high rates of endemic hepatitis B are more likely to be infected.
Mothers with acute or chronic infectious hepatitis B can be identified by a blood test for HBsAg.
Children born to mothers who have hepatitis B or whose hepatitis B status is unknown should receive their first HBV dose within 12 hours of birth.
It is recommended that newborns whose mothers are HBsAg-positive receive hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG)-a preparation of serum containing high levels of antibodies to hepatitis B-as well as HBV within 12 hours of birth.
Infants born to mothers who are HBsAg-positive should be tested for anti-HBs three to nine months following their last dose of vaccine.
Hepatitis B immune globulin-HBIG, a blood serum preparation containing anti-hepatitis-B antibodies (anti-HBs) that is administered along with HBV to children born to hepatitis-B-infected mothers.
At early ages, inhibited children cling to their mothers and may cry and hesitate when confronted with unfamiliar persons or events.
One study found that mothers who are extremely concerned about their daughters' physical attractiveness and weight may in part cause bulimia in them.
This cry is characteristic of babies born to crack-addicted mothers and has been linked to abnormalities in the central nervous system.
Mothers are biologically programmed to give a nurturing response to their newborn's cries and not to restrain themselves.
These biological responses help mothers to connect with and meet their babies' needs.
Amniocentesis is typically performed during the second trimester of pregnancy and particularly in mothers over the age of 40.
Many parents, mothers in particular, begin bonding with their child before birth.
Working with infants in a neonatal intensive care unit, they noted that infants were taken away from their mothers immediately after birth for emergency medical procedures.
Kennell and Klaus also noted the mothers of these babies were often uncomfortable with them, sometimes not believing that their babies had survived birth.
Even mothers who had successfully raised previous infants have special difficulties when their children had been in the intensive care nursery.
They experimented with giving mothers of both premature and healthy full-term babies extra contact with their infants immediately after birth and in the few days following birth.
Mothers with more access to their babies in the hospital developed better rapport with their infants, held them more comfortably, and smiled at and talked to them more often.
Mothers hold their infants immediately after birth, and babies often remain with their mothers throughout their hospital stay.
Emotionally and physically healthy mothers and fathers are attracted to their infant.
Mothers and fathers who have the opportunity to interact with their newborns within an hour after birth bond with their baby quickly.
Teenagers and immature mothers often conceal and reject their pregnancies.
Mothers may have difficulty bonding with an infant if prenatal testing suggests the child will have a birth defect or is likely to be mentally retarded and malformed.
New mothers also are at higher risk for toxic shock syndrome, as are those who have recently had chicken pox.
More than one half of African-American children, nearly one third of Hispanic children, and one fifth of Caucasian children live with a single parent because of divorce and unmarried mothers.
In closed adoptions, mothers gave up parental rights immediately after birth.
Breastfeeding mothers of highly allergic infants may need to eliminate suspected food allergens from their diets, because food proteins ingested by a mother can be transferred to the infant via breast milk.
Therefore, all mothers who have Rh-negative blood and no apparent sensitization (as indicated by antibody titer) should be treated with a standard 300g dose of Rh(D) immune globulin (Rhogam) at about 28 weeks of gestation.
Prolonged stress during pregnant and in breastfeeding mothers reduces the effectiveness of the immune system as well as the quality of immunologic factors in breast milk.
Toxic points-areas of localized infections such as dental abscesses or infected tonsils-may disturb the normal neutralization and weaken the cellular defenses in pregnant mothers and in children.
All of these screening tests are used to decide which mothers will be offered other, more definitive testing to ascertain whether the baby has Down syndrome.
Exchange transfusions may be given for high-risk infants, especially those with blood group (ABO) or type (Rh positive infants born to Rh negative mothers) incompatibilities.
Pregnant and nursing mothers should pay close attention to how much fluoride they ingest.
In some cases, you may even find that you're offered on-site child care, job sharing, rooms for breastfeeding mothers, and other accommodations to make trying to balance life easier and less stressful.
Other programs are designed for specific groups of homebuyers such as single mothers or fire and police personnel.
Smoking while pregnant is a bad idea because expectant mothers pass the nicotine and carbon monoxide from cigarettes on to the baby through the placenta.
The amount of pregnancy and birth information that is available for expectant mothers can be overwhelming.
Birth stones, or birthstones, are a great starting point for buying gifts for both mothers and babies.
Birth stone related gifts are ideal for anyone at any age, including newborns and mothers.
While some mothers may not have a problem with birth pictures being taken from all angles, including shots of their genitals, other women will feel uncomfortable even knowing such pictures exist.
Please remember, these stories are not meant as a means of giving or receiving medical advice, rather as a bonding experience between expectant mothers and seasoned parents.
Many mothers include natural childbirth as part of their pregnancy planning.
In many cases, minimal medical intervention is required, allowing mothers to experience natural childbirth.
You may opt for an OB/GYN or a midwife, and many expectant mothers also wish to hire a doula.
Proponents claim they are less traumatic to the babies and mothers than any other type of birth.
Mothers with high blood pressure or herpes should not labor or give birth in water.
These births are usually less traumatic to mothers and babies and are wonderful ways to start families.
Most mothers will feel their breasts fill with milk (also referred to as when 'the milk comes in'), anywhere from 24 hours to a few days after birth.
Many new mothers find that the groups are very helpful in dealing with all sorts of problems.
At a support group, you may run into a lacation consultant or simply a bunch of mothers that have a wealth of experience from which to draw.
Some even specialize in fashions for expectant mothers.
Teen mothers often feel depressed as they contemplate the responsibilities of parenthood.
Although many teen mothers don't tell their partners about the pregnancy, the expectant father deserves to know.
Pregnant teens are more likely to experience anemia and preeclampsia than older mothers.
While over one-third of all teen pregnancies end in abortion or adoption, many young mothers decide to keep their babies.
Many communities have local religious and/or non-profit organizations that provide young mothers with counseling, parenting classes, and other support services.
Breastfeeding mothers should be taking in 2,700 calories per day-a noticeable increase from your pregnancy diet.
While expectant mothers were once cautioned to avoid physical activity during pregnancy, most healthcare providers now encourage the mom-to-be to remain as active as possible.
Building an office-worthy maternity wardrobe can be a challenge for many expectant mothers.
Mimi Maternity understands the needs of expectant mothers.
Expectant mothers need to be aware of the risk factors and complications of going into labor early.
Your other hand supports and shapes your breast.This position is helpful for mothers who have had a cesarean, mothers with large breasts, or mothers with breasts that are very full.
You also need to remember cesarean births have saved the lives of countless mothers and babies.
Once numb, mothers cannot get into positions that facilitate the downard movement of the baby.
If mothers are numb, they may have difficulty pushing effectively.
Mothers having difficulty delivering their babies may need a cesarean.
Over 5.4 million mothers have made the decision to put their careers on hold to care for their children.
Stay at home moms also tend to be slightly older than other mothers.
According to the census data, 61% of mothers who choose to stay home with their children are age 35 or older.
In addition to having more time to accumulate the necessary financial assets, older mothers are less likely to risk damage to their careers if they decide to temporarily withdraw from the labor force while their children are young.
Some mothers sell pre-made scrapbooks or other handcrafted goods.
His theory is that the added financial pressures, child care duties, and scheduling dilemmas can overwhelm mothers with larger families.
For example, many working mothers find it difficult to balance full or part time employment with the care of multiple children.
Many mothers say the greatest advantage of child day care is the new perspective it gives them on parenthood.
Regardless of what researchers conclude, there will always be mothers who must place their children in a child day care center.
A high number of teen mothers have another baby within a few years, often because of mistakes with contraception.
In the United States, about 11% of babies are born to mothers ages 15 to 19.
However, the majority of these mothers are 18 and 19 years old.
Although the stigma of unplanned teenage pregnancy has eased in recent years, many women say they continue to be perceived as immature and irresponsible by older mothers.
Once your baby starts school, you may find it hard to make friends with mothers who are 10 to 15 years older than you.
There is also evidence that teenage mothers are less likely to marry than women who wait to have children.
Contributors to I'll Never Have Sex with You Again! include mothers, fathers, nurses, doctors, and friends and family of the expectant couple.