Moss Sentence Examples
The man with eyes the color of the moss in his room materialized from the shadows.
Here, too, grows Spanish moss, used by upholsterers.
They are microscopical in size and live in damp moss or water.
The water moved silently over moss and lichen covered slabs of rocks, forming small pools in the low spots.
The latter raises the moss and bark gently with his knife in search of insects; the former lays open logs to their core with his axe, and moss and bark fly far and wide.
The nest is a neat structure of coarse grass and moss, mixed with earth, and plastered internally with mud, and here the female lays from four to six eggs of a blue colour speckled with brown.
The outside consists of moss and lichens, and according to Selby, "is always accordant with the particular colour of its situation."
In the swamps are the bald cypress, the white cedar and the live oak, usually draped in southern long moss; south of Cape Fear river are palmettos, magnolias, prickly ash, the American olive and mock orange; along streams in the Coastal Plain Region are the sour gum, the sweet bay and several species of oak; but the tree that is most predominant throughout the upland portion of this region is the long-leaf or southern pine.
Keller's Landing was used during the war to land troops, but has long since gone to pieces, and is overgrown with moss and weeds.
The moss was 41 rn.
AdvertisementOn one side was a massive rock cliff covered with green moss.
J, End of hydroid of the Moss Mnium, showing particularly thin oblique end-wall.
They feed chiefly on grass, but also on moss, lichens and tender shoots of the willow and pine.
It is only necessary here to mention one anomalous form, Enoicyla pusilla, in which the mature female is wingless and the larva is terrestrial, living in moss or decayed leaves.
The whole weight of the tubbing is made to bear on the moss, which squeezes outwards, forming a completely water-tight joint.
AdvertisementIt is chiefly composed of moss and wool, lined internally with grass, wool, feathers, and whatever soft material the locality affords.
One of the most useful nutritious species is Cetraria islandica, " Iceland moss," which, after being deprived of its bitterness by boiling in water, is reduced to a powder and made into cakes, or is boiled and eaten with milk by the poor Icelander, whose sole food it often constitutes.
One was of medium height and slender, an older man with sharp green eyes the color of forest moss who seemed out of place in the middle of the room.
She invented a deity of her own, a mysterious Corambe, half pagan and half Christian, and like Goethe erected to him a rustic altar of the greenest grass, the softest moss and the brightest pebbles.
Thus various parts of criminals, such as the thigh bone of a hanged man, moss grown on a human skull, &c., were used, and even the celebrated Dr Culpeper in the 17th century recommended " the ashes of the head of a coal black cat as a specific for such as have a skin growing over their sight."
AdvertisementIn Dawsonia superba, a large New Zealand moss, the hydroids of the central cylinder of the aerial stem are mixed with thick-walled stereids forming a hydrom-stereom strand somewhat like that of the rhizome in other Polytrichaceae.
Schimper distinguishes moss tundra, Pot ytrichum tundra, and lichen tundra; and the lichen tundra is subdivided into Cladonia tundra, Platysma tundra, and Alectoria heath.
An unsuccessful diplomatist, his chief services in arms were the butchery in the north after the Pilgrimage of Grace and the raid into Scotland which ended with the rout of Solway Moss.
Owing to its northerly position a large part of Ungava is treeless, and belongs to the barren grounds where caribou roam and feed on the socalled caribou moss, a greyish lichen.
An interesting case of embankment and cutting in combination was involved in crossing Chat Moss on the Liverpool & Manchester railway.
AdvertisementThe subsoil was composed principally of clay and sand, and the railway had to be carried over the moss on the level, requiring cutting, and embanking for upwards of 4 m.
Where the way was formed on the level, drains were cut on each side of the intended line, and were intersected here and there by cross drains, by which the upper part of the moss was rendered dry and firm.
Much of the river swamp region is covered with cypress trees festooned with Spanish moss.
On the summits of the Adirondacks are a few alpine species, such as reindeer moss and other lichens; on the shores of Long Island, Staten Island and Westchester county are a number of maritime species; and on Long Island are several species especially characteristic of the pine barrens of New Jersey.
The take of 1898 consisted chiefly of cod, haddock, lobsters, mackerel, alewives, pollock and hake, but was valued at only $48,987, which was a decrease of 67% from that of 1889; in 1905 the total take was valued at $51,944, of which $32,575 was the value of lobsters and $8166 was the value of fresh cod-the only other items valued at more than $loon were soft clams ($2770), Irish moss ($2400), alewives, fresh and salted ($1220), and haddock ($1048).
Its nest, which is a model of neatness and symmetry, it builds on trees and bushes, preferring such as are overgrown with moss and lichens.
They are exceedingly active and surefooted, having perhaps no equal in traversing rocks and precipitous ground; and they feed on moss, grass, and leaves of the plants which grow on the mountains.
This is the " Iceland moss " of the druggists' shops, which is undoubtedly an excellent demulcent in various dyspeptic and chest complaints.
Thyme and the small white dune-rose (Rosa pimpinellifolia) also grow in the dunes, and wall-pepper (Sedum acre), field fever-wort, reindeer moss, common asparagus, sheep's fescue grass, the pretty Solomon-seal (Polygonatum officinale), and the broadleaved or marsh orchis (Orchis latifolia).
This shirt is available in navy, moss, and sand.
For commercial purposes, crowns of lily of the valley, tulip and other bulbs, and such deciduous woody plants as lilac and deciduous species of rhododendron, while in a state of rest, are packed in wet moss and introduced into coldstorage chambers, where they may be kept in a state of quiescence, if desired, throughout the following summer.
The seeds should be kept in sacks or bags in a dry place, and if from plants which are rare, or liable to lose their vitality, they are advantageously packed for transmission to a distance in hermetically sealed bottles or jars filled with earth or moss, without the addition of moisture.
Very small seeds should only have a sprinkling of light earth or of sand, and sometimes only a thin layer of soft moss to exclude light and preserve an equable degree of moisture.
The earth must be kept moist, which is perhaps best done by a thick mulching of moss, the moss being also bound closely over the openings in the vessel, and all being kept damp by frequent syringings.
Gardeners often dispense with the pot, using sphagnum moss and leaf-mould only when propagating indiarubber plants, perpetual carnations, dracaenas, &c.
The same end, that of keeping the finer particles of the soil from mixing with the drainage crocks, may be attained by shaking in a little clean moss.
For most of these the lightest spongy but sweet turfy peat must be used, this being packed lightly about the roots, and built up above the pot-rim, or in some cases freely mixed before use with chopped sphagnum moss and small pieces of broken pots or nodules of charcoal.
Some of the species grow better when altogether taken out of the soil and fixed to blocks of wood, but in this case they require a little coaxing with moss about the roots until they get established.
For potting or basketing purposes, or for plants requiring blockculture, the materials used are light fibrous peat, special leaf-mould, osmunda or polypodium fibre and living sphagnum moss, which supply free drainage for the copious supply of water required.
The " moss culture " will be found particularly valuable for these plants.
The leaf of Venus's fly-trap (Dionaea muscipula) when cut off and placed in damp moss, with a pan of water underneath and a bell-glass for a cover, has produced buds from which young plants were obtained.
In 1542 James madly sent a Scottish army to ruin at Solway Moss; his death a few weeks later left the Scottish throne to his infant daughter Mary Stuart, and Henry set to work to secure her hand for his son Edward and the recognition of his own suzerainty.
Presently ensued the Scottish raid of Solway Moss and the capture of many of the Scottish nobles.
England was prepared, and on the 23rd of November routed and drove into Solway Moss a demoralized multitude of farm-burning Scots.
Angus soon followed, with the lords captured at Solway Moss, all bound more or less to work Henry's will.
On the side of the extremists, Cameron was happy enough to die in fair fight at Airs Moss (22nd of July 1680), after publicly disowning the king for his breach of the Covenant.
Springtails and bristle-tails live in damp concealed places - under stones or tree-bark, in moss, and in the decaying vegetable or animal matter which serves as food for most of them.
James was not slow to make reprisals, but his nobles were angry or indifferent, and on the 25th of November 1542 his forces were easily scattered at the rout of Solway Moss.
The principal natural product in this region is orchil, or Spanish moss, but by means of irrigation the soil produces a considerable variety of products, including sugar cane, cotton, cassava, cereals, tobacco and grapes.
Grasses grow luxuriantly in the river bottoms and wherever the tundra moss is destroyed to give them footing.
Most distinctive is the ubiquitous carpeting of mosses, varying in colours from the pure white and cream of the reindeer moss to the deep green and brown of the peat moss, all conspicuously spangled in the brief summer with bright flowers of the higher orders, heavy blossoms on stunted stalks.
The thick peat moss or tundra of the undrained lowlands covers probably at least a quarter of Alaska; the ' The trees here grow as large as 10 in.
The timber resources of Alaska are untouched 2 280 species of mosses proper, of which 46 were new to science, and 16 varieties of peat moss (Sphagnum) were listed by the Harriman expedition; and 74 species or varieties of ferns.
There are innumerable kinds of moss and lichens and ferns with leaves 12 ft.
The portion of the trunk from which the bark has been, removed is sometimes protected by moss, and the new bark which forms is then distinguished by the name of "mossed bark."
Berwick and Carlisle were repeatedly assailed, and battles took place at Halidon Hill (1333), Otterburn (1388), Nisbet (1402), Homildon (1402), Piperden (1435), Hedgeley Moor (1464),(1464), Flodden (1513), Solway Moss (1542), and Ancrum Moor (1544), in addition to many fights arising out of family feuds and raids fomented by the Armstrongs, Eliots, Grahams, Johnstones, Maxwells and other families, of which the most serious were the encounters at Arkenholme (Langholm) in 1455, the Raid of Reidswire (1575), and the bloody combat at Dryfe Sands (1593).
Scarcely less conspicuous for some distance from the ocean are the magnolias, the live oaks draped with long gray moss, and the reedcovered marshes.
An investigation by Miss Sollas of a plant long known from Rhaetic rocks in the Severn valley as Naiadita acuminata has shown that this genus is in all probability a small lycopodiaceous plant, and neither a Moss nor a Monocotyledon, as some writers have supposed.
The part which lies within the Arctic Circle is very desolate and sterile, consisting chiefly of sand and reindeer moss.
His master's friend, the man with eyes as green as the moss in the corner of Two's room, stood in his doorway.
He looked up, surprised to see his master's friend in his doorway, the man with eyes the color of the moss in the corner of his room.
He jerked, surprised to find his master's friend, the one with eyes the color of the moss in his room, standing before him.
The master's friend, the one with eyes the color of the moss in the corner of his room, stood before him.
Susan used an engraving from an 18th Century geological book, showing different varieties of moss agate, against a mottled background.
Kate Moss has lost her modeling contract with High Street chain H&M despite making a groveling apology earlier this week.
I was reading the autobiography of Moss Hart, who wrote very successful comedies with George Kaufman.
Across the road from the highest point of the mountain, a narrow footpath leads down into a small sphagnum moss bog.
The attached pic shows Malcolm Moss getting breathless for a good cause.
James V died brokenhearted after his army had been slaughtered at Solway Moss (1542 ).
However, a fire could be made by means of the moss and dry brushwood, which covered certain parts of the plateau.
Small shrubs of alder buckthorn occur mainly on the northern edge of the open moss.
Look for plants such as sea pink, moss campion, scurvy grass, sea mayweed and lichens on the rocky foreshore.
A mulch of grass clippings or peat moss will also protect the tree from loss of water in dry weather.
Moss has gone from seedy cokehead to prime time television in 12 weeks.
This high wild corrie sees even less traffic than the Great Moss side and is a place to really enjoy a bit of solitude.
Mr Julian Moss joined CreeS as lecturer in Russian Language and Literature in September 2001.
I have a lawn that contains nearly as many dandelions as blades of grass; there is also a fair bit of moss.
The North Banbridge Hills is an area of elongated ridges and small rounded drumlins containing small valleys and areas of moss.
Kate Moss has recorded a duet with Primal Scream singer Bobby Gillespie.
John Roger Stuart Moss died of amoebic dysentery on 20th June 1943.
Mortlach Moss Aberdeenshire This small base-rich basin fen, lying upon igneous rock, is representative of Alkaline fens in northeast Scotland.
The moss Calliergon cuspidatum is characteristic of many calcareous flushes in the east midlands.
Moss goss - 04/03/03 Courtesy of Heat Magazine Fancy quizzing Kate Moss on all her top-notch celeb gossip?
Judge Moss told Hamilton, a trainee hairdresser, that she would not be facing prison.
Racomitrium moss heath has declined south of the Scottish Highlands during the last 50 years.
Local guides will map a hike through bog moss and ling heather or outfit you for a day of angling for Scottish salmon.
Landscape Key Characteristics Rolling drumlins with broad areas of wetland and bog in inter-drumlin hollows; small rounded loughs are fringed by moss.
Despite some burning in the past, the surface has an extremely high Sphagnum moss cover and a notable Sphagnum moss hummock development.
This can also be done to rake out dead moss a couple of weeks after applying a chemical moss killer.
It would then use its incredibly long, curved upper mandible to probe under any dislodged bark or moss.
In 1892 Church's friend, Tom Moss, a grocer from Memphis, was lynched by a white mob.
Cuttings are set in a rooting mixture of two parts sand to one part peat moss, which should be barely moist.
Some high hummocks are dominated by wooly hair moss.
How do I remove the moss with your products?
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The herb layer is not diverse and the epiphytic moss and lichen flora is also poor.
After cutting the stem pack it with damp moss.
A pile of Spanish moss lies like a coat of curly hair tossed onto the path.
Two months pass and John makes a basket for Marion made out of rare moss.
Then treat the moss with a chemical moss killer.
Next, add a thin cover of sphagnum moss, which will prevent the soil from sifting down to the drainage layer.
In the wettest reaches of Bodmin moor, sphagnum or bog moss can be found.
In other words, all was quiet at the bottom of the torrent moss world, despite the storm of rushing water overhead.
Aqua Quorum also contains freesia, and is accented with oak moss, geranium an.. .
Alderman Fletcher Moss, who lived at the old parsonage, turned the house into an art gallery for his private collection.
Make a propagating compost from three parts sphagnum moss peat to one part perlite, sieved bark or acid sand.
We'll attempt a landing at Coronation Island, known for its extensive moss beds, nesting penguins and beautiful snow petrels.
The area of Carrington Moss was formerly a raised peat moss which has suffered from drainage and subsequent agricultural reclamation.
Johnny Depp has given ex-girlfriend Kate Moss a strange gift to celebrate her leaving rehab - a mirror.
A cathedral hull, moss vault ribbed with flying buttresses.
Treatment is the same as for Moss, so scarifying, aerating and feeding should remove the problem from a lawn.
The southern part is dry, with poor bog moss cover, short common heather, deer sedge, cross-leaved heath and Cladonia lichens.
The musty smell of moss and pregnant decay would not greet him.
The bog surface is permanently wet and supports a dense and diverse cover of sphagnum bog-mosses including the rare hummock forming moss Sphagnum imbricatum.
In the 19th century, fishermen still caulked (filled the gaps in) their boats with a mixture of pine tar and moss.
Conditions are locally acidic and this has encouraged the recent growth of a few tussocks of Bog Moss Sphagnum sp.
Colorful Altamira Orioles and Green Jays inhabit the riverine woodlands, where Spanish Moss forms curtains on the branches of trees.
Irish Moss A seaweed that is added to boiling wort to filter proteins.
From this time onwards the Humber formed the boundary between the two kingdoms. In 684 we hear of the first English invasion of Ireland, but in the following year Ecgfrith was slain and his army totally destroyed by the Picts at a place called Nechtansmere (probably Dunnichen Moss in Forfarshire).
Like all widely spread and much-cultivated plants, the edible 1 The earlier 15th-century form of the word was musseroun, muscheron, &c., and was adapted from the French mousseron, which is generally connected with mousse, moss.
The shores of the larger islands are fringed in some parts with a dense barrier of mangroves, backed by an often impenetrable thicket of tropical undergrowth, which, as the ridges are ascended, give place to taller trees and deep green bushes which are covered with orchids and trailing moss (orchilla), and from which creepers hang down interlacing the vegetation.
Large quantities of embanking were sunk in the moss, and, when the engineer, George Stephenson, after a month's vigorous operations, had made up his estimates, the apparent work done was sometimes less than at the beginning of the month.
This account does not by any means accord with one given by von Koppenfels, in which it is stated that while the old male gorilla sleeps in a sitting posture at the base of a tree-trunk (no mention being made of a bed), the female and young ones pass the night in a nest in the tree several yards above the ground, made by bending the boughs together and covering them with twigs and moss.
When built in the neighbourhood of towns the nest is somewhat slovenly and untidy, being often composed of bits of dirty straw, pieces of paper and blackened moss; in one instance, near Glasgow, the author of the Birds of the West of Scotland found several postage-stamps thus employed.
Kate Moss has checked herself into rehab in a bid to kick her cocaine addiction.
Danny Moss, a good tenor sax player, he lives in Perth now.
Moss said when questioned at a party about her fur coat, I wear what I want to wear.
Indeed she now turned on her side and began to scrabble about under the moss and pebbles as if in search of something.
Sphagnum moss peat (enough to fill the other half).
The bog surface is permanently wet and supports a dense and diverse cover of Sphagnum bog-mosses including the rare hummock forming moss Sphagnum imbricatum.
It is very tenacious of life - and easily transported alive in damp moss.
Moss - very important low planting to offset the verticals of trees.
Moss has become increasingly well-known on the motocross circuit and the race this weekend will be his first with a factory backed team.
Decorator's Choice has contemporary patterns with modern designs in attractive new colors such as camel, coco leaf, moss, avocado, butter, deep orange, melon, deep lavender, jet black and crimson.
The scent of the Paris Hilton perfume is a blend of frozen apple, peach nectar, freesia, mimosa, jasmine, sandalwood, ylang ylang and oak moss notes.
The notes of fresh rose, ginger, marigold, violet, oak moss, and musk help to create the sultry feminine scent.
Fruit dominates both versions, though the men's is a bit spicier with hints of moss and musk to liven it up.
The men's version of Just Me is a blend of lemon zest, bergamot, tangerine, blackcurrant, crushed grass, lime, clove bud, sage, lotus, redwood, patchouli, moss, incense and amber crystal.
Rich woodsy undertones of beech amber, musk, tree moss, and teak wood complete the fragrance.
The scent is an intriguing blend of fresh citrus, green bergamot, tangerine, green leaves, cinnamon tree, geranium, leather, musk, patchouli, sandalwood and moss.
Known for his seductive and intimate shots of the world’s most famous supermodels, actors and singers, Testino is often the photographer of choice for A-list celebrities, such as Madonna, Kate Moss and Gwyneth Paltrow.
Topshop is a teen clothing store that offers an exclusive collection from well known teen idol and fashion model Kate Moss.
Before his death, Alexander McQueen was well known for providing "aut coture" gowns for Latoya Jackson, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kate Moss.
Drummer Jon Moss was the next to join the group.
Moss has drummed for Adam and the Ants and The Damned.
George, Craig, Moss, and Hay first named themselves the Sex Gang Children but eventually re-christened themselves The Culture Club.
George and drummer Moss were carrying on a volatile on-again/off-again relationship.
Moss was not out of the closet and refused to allow their relationship to become public, even dating women while dating Boy George.
Depp has, however, had his fair share of high profile relationships, and was engaged to Sherilyn Fenn, Jennifer Grey, Winona Ryder and Kate Moss.
According to People magazine, Grant, Sir Elton John, Kate Moss and Elle Macpherson, among roughly 250 others, were all in attendance at the public ceremony.
After lengthy relationships with Winona Ryder and Kate Moss, Depp has settled down with girlfriend Vanessa Paradis and the couple has two children together.
The Coen brothers never considered Brolin for the role of Llewelyn Moss in this film.
They agreed and Brolin read for them at the final casting call for the role of Llewelyn Moss.
First, let's back up here, if you didn't already know, Pete Doherty is best known for being supermodel Kate Moss' (who by the way, once dated Johnny Depp) boyfriend.
Elizabeth Moss plays Peggy Olson, a copywriter at the ad agency.
Moss is known for her previous work on the show The West Wing, in which she played Zoey Bartlet and worked alongside Charlie Sheen.
In a world that held up skinny Kate Moss as the ideal woman, Hollywood actresses were expected to strive to mirror her body type.
Moise Emquies, the founder and designer of Splendid, is also the owner of the Ella Moss line, so similarities can be seen between the soft drapey designs of both Ella Moss and Splendid.
The little bulbs grow in a mossy mat formed by the roots and decaying herbage of plants and moss.
It is less trouble out of doors than under glass; indeed, it only requires a moderately wet bog in a light spongy soil of fibrous peat and chopped Sphagnum Moss.
Cushion Pink (Silene Acaulis) - A dwarf alpine herb tufted into light green masses like a wide-spreading Moss, but quite firm.
Small pots, with a little bit of dry Sphagnum Moss inside, inverted on the tops of stakes, also form good traps.
L. dendroideum is a very distinct Club Moss, worth a place in the rock garden, its little stems, 6 to 9 inches high, much branched, and clothed with small, bright, shining green leaves.
Native of the Balkan Mountains, where they are found among moss and leaves on damp, shady, steep declivities at high elevations.
It is a good plant for the bog garden or for damp spots in the rock garden, in an open and fully-exposed position with the choicer bog plants, in fibrous peat well mixed with Sphagnum Moss, which is common in marshy places.
A layer of living Moss should be placed round the plant to keep it moist.
This Moss (S. pennata) is so small that it would hardly be noticed by naked eye but for the iridescent gleams of beautiful color which it displays in suitable positions.
Small plants quickly become Lilliputian bushes, 3 inches to 6 inches high, and when fully exposed are almost as compact as Moss.
Moss Roses, for those that like them-few are worth growing-and those always on their own roots, if possible, in rather light, open, friable soil, not the heavy soil which is said so often to be good for Roses.
This intimate composition can also be read as mountains rising from moss.
The best soil is a mixture of peat moss and sharp sand.
Most experienced gardeners prefer to use a non-soil mixture of perlite, peat moss and vermiculite.
If you are planting strawberries in the ground and you are dealing with a heavy clay soil, compost or peat moss not only enriches the soil but improves drainage as well.
Over a wet winter, mold or moss may grow on fabric awnings and will have to be removed.
When your gutters cease to function properly, due to a build up of leaves, moss or debris, water stops flowing properly.
Some of the celebrities who wear David Yurman jewelry include Ashley Judd, Megan Fox, Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell, Tyra Banks, Julia Roberts, Goldie Hawn, Gwyneth Paltrow, Charlize Theron, and probably most of Hollywood.
They are made of a cotton acrylic blend and come in heather gray, blue, plum and moss green.
Look for various colors, like dark brown and moss green.
It comes in moss green, black, gunmetal gray and Bordeaux.
Hydroponic gardens use water or a soilless growing medium like moss or coir (coconut fiber).
European doctors often use mineral water in therapeutic baths or add seaweed, dried moss, mud, or various mineral salts to the bathwater.
They sell the bare-rooted stalks, wrapped in dampened peat moss or some form of polymer gel.
If you fall within this category, then the odds are good that you shine brilliantly in colors like moss, rust and terra cotta.
Ella Moss has a quirky flair but her maternity line is gracefully chic.
Ella Moss didn't begin designing swimwear until recent years, but her line includes an absolutely stunning and fun array of colorful Waldo stripes accompanied by an affordable price tag.
A no-nonsense suit perfect for swimmers comes in black, deep moss or blue.
Gwenyth Paltrow, Nicole Richie, Victoria Beckham, and Kate Moss are all fans of the Birkin.
A red leather tote or a moss green satchel is the perfect way to play with splashes of color.
You'll never find any moss growing underneath a Gemini's feet.
Available in a variety of colors, including navy, black, grey, midnight blue, moss and stone, the Woolfelt clog for men is made with completely natural wool and contains no synthetics.
Four of the show's core cast members have been with the soap since its debut including John McCook (Eric Forrester), Ronn Moss (Ridge Forrester), Susan Flannery (Stephanie Forrester) and Katherine Kelly Lang (Brooke Logan).
More recently, the company has used Kate Moss to revamp their image a bit and to advertise their new look and lines.
For this centerpiece, you will need to gather a large, clear bowl; several pieces of fruit; craft moss; and leaves or ivy from your yard.
Put a good-sized piece of moss in the bottom of the bowl.
Just place them in a cache pot, and cover the top with moss so the dirt doesn't show.
Bow Wow was born Shad Gregory Moss in March 1987, in Columbus, Ohio.
Starring Keanu Reeves as Thomas Anderson aka Neo, Lawrence Fishburne as Morpheus, and Carrie-Anne Moss as Trinity, it was one of the most talked about films of the year, and inserted a number of concepts into the culture.
One of Givenchy's most beloved fragrances, Ysatis is rich in notes of oak moss and sandalwood.
Many web experts, such as Trenton Moss from WebCredible suggest that there is no need to submit to search engines at all, because if you have a well designed site the search engines will find you anyway.
He followed the man with eyes as green as the moss in the corner of his room down the busy hallways, unaffected by the men who spit on him or shoved him as he went.
The door to the underground tunnel network was hidden behind a boulder and draped with moss.
These three men, and another opponent, Robert Moss, dean of Ely, were deprived of their royal chaplaincies.
They shelter in crevices of the bark of trees, in the dried stems of herbaceous plants, or among moss and fallen leaves on the ground.
The Galapagos Islands are of some commercial importance to Ecuador, on account of the guano and the orchilla moss found on them and exported to Europe.
At Rutland, Proctor and Dorset many darker shades are found, including "moss vein," olive green and various shades of blue, green, yellow and pink, which are used for ornamental purposes.
The stereom of the moss is found mainly in the outer cortex of the stem and in the midrib of the leaf.
Above this grows a species of pine, which becomes dwarfed and disappears at an altitude of about 6000 ft., beyond which is a zone of lichen and moss covered or almost bare rock.
North-west and north-east of Hudson Bay it becomes too severe for the growth of trees as seen on the " barren grounds," and there may be perpetual ice beneath the coating of moss which serves as a non-conducting covering for the " tundras."
Of parks and open spaces there are in the south, Brodie Park (22 acres), presented in 1871 by Robert Brodie; towards the north Fountain Gardens (7a acres), the gift of Thomas Coats and named from the handsome iron fountain standing in the centre; in the north-west, St James Park (40 acres), with a racecourse (racing dates from 1620, when the earl of Abercorn and the Town Council gave silver bells for the prize); Dunn Square and the old quarry grounds converted and adorned; and Moss Plantation beyond the north-western boundary.
Other species, including Drummondi, psittacina, rubra, and variolaris, do well in the open air in some parts of Ireland if covered with a thick layer of moss in hard weather.
The female makes her nest of moss, dried leaves and grass in the hollow of a tree, but sometimes in a hole among rocks or ruined buildings, and produces several young at a birth, usually from four to six.
This consists of a heavy cast iron ring, known as a wedging crib, or curb, also fitted together in segments, which is lodged in a square-edged groove cut for its reception, tightly caulked with moss, and wedged into position.
Other industries of a desultory character include the collection of archil, or Spanish moss, on the western side of the Californian peninsula, hunting herons for their plumes and alligators for their skins, honey extraction (commonly wild honey), and the gathering of cochineal and ni-in insects.
While the majority of the Nematodes are parasites, there are many that are never at any period of their life parasitic. These free-living forms are found everywhere - in salt and fresh water, in damp earth and moss, and among decaying substances; they are always minute in size, and like many other lower forms of life, are capable of retaining their vitality for a long period even when dried, which accounts for their wide distribution; this faculty is also possessed by certain of the parasitic Nematodes, especially by those which lead a free existence during a part of their life-cycle.
On the Arka-tagh even the moss, the last surviving representative of the flora, disappears entirely.
The tubbing, which is considerably less in diameter than the borehole, is suspended by rods from the surface until a bed suitable for a foundation is reached, upon which a sliding length of tube, known as the moss box, bearing a shoulder, which is filled with dried moss, is placed.