Moselle Sentence Examples
Est (uniting Meuse with Moselle and Saflne)..
From this point a gap (the troue dEpinal) was left, so as in some sort to canalize the flow of invasion (General Bonnal), until the upper Moselle was reached at Epinal (q.v.).
Here another entrenched camp was made and from it the Moselle line (qv.) of forts darrit continues the barrier to Belfort (q.v.), another large entrenched camp, beyond which a series of fortifications at Montbliard and the Lomont range carries the line of defence to the Swiss border, which in turn is protected by works at Pontarlier and elsewhere.
It is situated on the right bank of the Moselle, about 6 m.
Perhaps the oldest remains are some of the piers -and buttresses of the bridge over the Moselle, which may date from about 28 B.C. The well-preserved amphitheatre just outside the modern town to the south-east was probably built in the reign of Trajan or Hadrian.
There is a school of viticulture and a very considerable trade in Moselle wines, especially during the annual auctions.
On the 25th of January, Blucher entered Nancy, and, moving rapidly up the valley of the Moselle, was in communication with the Austrian advanced guard near La Rothiere on the afternoon of the 28th.
His Mosella, a detailed description of the river Moselle, is the least unattractive of his works.
The Moselle, which is here joined by the Seille, flows through it in several arms, and is crossed by fourteen bridges.
The old enceinte (which includes Cormontaingne's forts - Moselle and Bellevroix) is doomed to demolition, and has in part been already removed.
AdvertisementGerman Army was crossing the Moselle near Thionville and about to descend on him from the north.
On the Prussian side, von Alvensleben's Corps (III.) shortly after daybreak was moving north-westward from the Moselle in two columns, on the right the 5th division, via Gorze and Flavigny on Vionville, on the left the 6th division with corps artillery by Arnaville on Mars-la-Tour, von Alvensleben himself riding a little in advance between the two.
Corps was kept back beyond the Moselle on the east side of Metz, the II.
A fresh issue of ammunition and food was all the men needed to make them a thoroughly efficient fighting force comprising some ioo,000 troops capable, with a resolute leader and an efficient staff, of crossing over to the right bank of the Moselle, overrunning the I.
Corps, which had been summoned overnight from its position about Courcelles towards the battlefield of Gravelotte and had almost reached the Moselle before this move could be counterordered, the remainder kept their places of the previous night, only following the French retreat with a screen of outposts.
AdvertisementThe Germans; secure in the strength of their position on the left bank of the Moselle, drew more troops over to the right, and added to their defences and communications.
At the same time the duke of Lorraine defeated Marshal Crequi (August 11th) at Conzer Briicke on the Moselle, and recaptured Trier (September 6th), which, as a set-off against Bonn, Turenne had taken in the autumn of 1673.
The French now laid waste the land between the Meuse and Moselle for the same reason which brought about the devastation of the Palatinate in 1674, and the year closed with a war of manoeuvre on the upper Rhine between the Imperialists under the duke of Lorraine and the French under Luxemburg.
The streams mostly join the Moselle, which forms the boundary between Luxemburg and the Rhine province for about 20 m.
The Sure or Sauer, the most important stream in the duchy, rises at Vaux-les-Rosieres in Belgian Luxemburg, crosses the duchy, and forms the eastern boundary from the confluence of the Our till it joins the Moselle after a course of 50 m., during which it receives the Wiltz, Attert, Alzette, White and Black Ernz, &c. The soil of Luxemburg is generally good; the southern districts are on the whole the most fertile as well as the most populous.
AdvertisementHe took an active part in the levee-en-masse, and in November 1793 was given the task of establishing the revolutionary government in the departments of Meuse and Moselle, where he gained an unenviable notoriety by ordering the execution of the sentence of death decreed by the revolutionary tribunal on some young girls at Verdun who had offered flowers to the Prussians when they entered the town.
He had represented the Convention in the armies of Brest and of the Eastern Pyrenees in 1793, and in 1 795 he was sent to the armies of the Moselle and the Rhine.
The boundary between the two realms was marked approximately by the valleys of the Meuse and Moselle and by the Jura.
In 1790 he was elected municipal officer of Thionville, and was sent by the department of Moselle to the Legislative Assembly.
He should avoid fat and rich food, butter, pastry and sauces, and should drink no beer or wine - unless it be some very light French wine or Moselle.
AdvertisementOn the overthrow of the empire, de Gerando was allowed to retain this office; but having been sent during the hundred days into the department of the Moselle to organize the defence of that district, he was punished at the second Restoration by a few months of neglect.
Though the Rhineland is par excellence the country of the vine, beer is largely produced; distilleries are also numerous, and large quantities of sparkling Moselle are made at Coblenz, chiefly for exportation to England.
The conspiracy was defeated, and the armies of the Rhine and Moselle having been inspirited by success - Saint-Just himself taking a fearless part in the actual fighting - and having effected a junction, the frontier was delivered and Germany invaded.
The Saone (q.v.), which has received (left) the Doubs, is the real continuation of the Rhone, both from a geographical and a commercial point of view, and it is by means of canals branching off from the course of the Saone that the Rhone communicates with the basins of the Loire, the Seine, the Rhine and the Moselle.
The Moselle wines are lighter and more acid than those of the Rhine.
Of the Gaulish tribes west of the Rhine, the most important was the Treveri, inhabiting the basin of the Moselle, from whom the cityof Trier(Trves)derives its name.
In co-operation with Hoche and the army of the Moselle, Pichegru, now general of division and in command of the army of the Rhine, had to reconquer Alsace and to reorganize the disheartened troops of the republic. They succeeded; Pichegru made use of the élan of his soldiers to win innumerable small engagements, and with Hoche forced the lines of Haguenau and relieved Landau.
The town proper - the Grande Ville - is situated on the right bank of the Moselle, which at this point divides into two arms forming an island whereon another quarter - the Petite Ville - is built.
The right bank of the Moselle is bordered for some distance by pleasant promenades, and an extensive park surrounds the ruins of an old stronghold which dominated the Grande Ville from an eminence on the east.
The fortifications of Epinal are connected to the southward with Belfort, Dijon and Besancon, by the fortified line of the Moselle, and north of it lies the unfortified zone called the Trouee d'Epinal, a gap designedly left open to the invaders between Epinal and Toul, another great fortress which is itself connected by the Meuse forts d'arret with Verdun and the places of the north-east.
Highly alcoholic wines, such as port and sherry, will improve and remain good for a much longer period than relatively light wines, such as claret, champagne or Moselle.
The wines of the Moselle are of a somewhat different character to those of the Rhine.
Whereas the Rhine wines of the finer descriptions Moselle, are as a rule fairly full bodied and of marked vinosity, the Moselle wines are mostly light and of a somewhat delicate nature.
Indeed, many connoisseurs hold that when a Moselle ceases to show signs of the somewhat prolonged secondary fermentation, characterized by the slight prickling sensation produced on the palate (caused by the presence of bubbles of carbonic acid gas in the wine), that it has passed its best.
The best-known growths of the Moselle are those of Brauneberg, Bernkastel, Piesport and Zeltingen.
Some of the tributaries of the Moselle also produce wines which in quality approach those of the parent river.
On the Moselle the Riessling and the Kleinberger are the chief growths.
Moselle rivers at to day cruise.
Roughly speaking, it was a broad strip of territory along the lower Saar and the Moselle from its confluence with that river to the Rhine, with a district on the right bank of the Rhine behind Ehrenbreitstein.
German Army approached the Moselle above and below Pont-a-Mousson, with a view to overtaking and heading off Bazaine in his presumed retreat to the Meuse (see Franco-German War).
Thus it appeared in Austria-Hungary in 1868; in Italy, in spite of the frantic efforts made - as in other countries - to keep it out by strict legislation against the import of vines, in 1879; in Russia in 1880; in Germany, on the Rhine and Moselle, and in Switzerland in 1872; in Madeira, Spain and Portugal, about 1876.
This 18-day sailing takes you along four of Europe's most beautiful rivers-the Moselle, Rhine, Main, and Danube.
Other European options include the Moselle, Rhone and Seine Rivers.