Morning Sentence Examples
In the morning she showered and dressed before he woke.
You are quiet this morning, son.
Morning brings back the heroic ages.
The next morning I awoke with joy in my heart.
Cassie woke the next morning in the cool of dawn.
The sun is but a morning star.
The sun rose bright and fair, and the morning was without a cloud.
Morning dawned with low-hanging clouds.
A few times she nodded off, but for the most part she was able to stay awake until Alex arrived the next morning with Katie.
This morning was no exception.
AdvertisementThe crisp morning air wasn't necessary for the purpose of waking her up.
Still, come morning, their tracks would be plain enough in the sand.
Yet the next morning he acted normal - even cheerful.
The next morning she paused at her door when she heard Yancey talking to someone.
In the sunshine the air was warm, and that warmth was particularly pleasant with the invigorating freshness of the morning frost still in the air.
AdvertisementLisa got up every morning and fixed breakfast.
This morning I hid a cracker.
Sunday morning we were back at it.
I took down this dwelling the same morning, drawing the nails, and removed it to the pond-side by small cartloads, spreading the boards on the grass there to bleach and warp back again in the sun.
Morning is when I am awake and there is a dawn in me.
AdvertisementShe has to talk to father about it and she will call back later this morning to let me know when she will be here.
Since early morning he and his party had been on the move.
I should have gone this morning, like I planned.
Near at hand, upon the topmost spray of a birch, sings the brown thrasher--or red mavis, as some love to call him--all the morning, glad of your society, that would find out another farmer's field if yours were not here.
At seven in the morning a French convoy in marching trim, wearing shakos and carrying muskets, knapsacks, and enormous sacks, stood in front of the sheds, and animated French talk mingled with curses sounded all along the lines.
AdvertisementOne morning I left the cage on the window-seat while I went to fetch water for his bath.
Some would find fault with the morning red, if they ever got up early enough.
It was light enough to see a long way in the deserted street and it seemed more like morning or evening than night.
The next morning they woke late and were again delayed so often that they only got as far as Great Mytishchi.
On the morning of the fourth of October Kutuzov signed the dispositions.
A damp dull autumn morning was just dawning.
The day after the council at Malo-Yaroslavets Napoleon rode out early in the morning amid the lines of his army with his suite of marshals and an escort, on the pretext of inspecting the army and the scene of the previous and of the impending battle.
Something about her feet hitting the floor in the morning seemed to trigger her stomach.
It wasn't the first time she had done so, but this morning she had run across some curtains and rugs in the attic.
Her one saving grace was the fact that the next morning he didn't act as though nothing had happened.
After Cade left the next morning she phoned Mary.
Zeb also wanted to see his home, and although he did not find anyone morning for him, the sight of Hugson's Ranch in the picture made him long to get back there.
Next morning they all assembled for the final parting, and many of the officials and courtiers came to look upon the impressive ceremonies.
Then, one morning, Alfred went into his mother's room with a smiling, joyous face.
In the morning a good breakfast was served, and then Mr. Randolph made ready to start on his journey.
On the morning of June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, were shot dead in Sarajevo by nineteen-year-old assassin Gavrilo Princip.
Every morning before I went to school I had chores to do, which began with mixing up the formula and feeding the calves.
Few know what joy it is to feel the roses pressing softly into the hand, or the beautiful motion of the lilies as they sway in the morning breeze.
Later in the morning we made preparations for a barbecue.
This morning I would not let her put her hand in my plate.
The next morning she was very docile, but evidently homesick.
This morning I took a bath, and when teacher came upstairs to comb my hair she told me some very sad news which made me unhappy all day.
Early in the morning I worked barefooted, dabbling like a plastic artist in the dewy and crumbling sand, but later in the day the sun blistered my feet.
The true harvest of my daily life is somewhat as intangible and indescribable as the tints of morning or evening.
I believe that water is the only drink for a wise man; wine is not so noble a liquor; and think of dashing the hopes of a morning with a cup of warm coffee, or of an evening with a dish of tea!
When I went to get a pail of water early in the morning I frequently saw this stately bird sailing out of my cove within a few rods.
Each morning, when they were numbed with cold, I swept some of them out, but I did not trouble myself much to get rid of them; I even felt complimented by their regarding my house as a desirable shelter.
One had her form under my house all winter, separated from me only by the flooring, and she startled me each morning by her hasty departure when I began to stir--thump, thump, thump, striking her head against the floor timbers in her hurry.
Early in the morning, while all things are crisp with frost, men come with fishing-reels and slender lunch, and let down their fine lines through the snowy field to take pickerel and perch; wild men, who instinctively follow other fashions and trust other authorities than their townsmen, and by their goings and comings stitch towns together in parts where else they would be ripped.
On waking in the morning she told the Rostovs and all her acquaintances the details of Count Bezukhov's death.
This morning I turned them all out and now look, it's full again.
In the morning all that was left of the night mist on the heights was a hoar frost now turning to dew, but in the valleys it still lay like a milk-white sea.
From morning till late at night, except when he eats his very plain food, he is working at science.
Early in the morning of the sixth of October Pierre went out of the shed, and on returning stopped by the door to play with a little blue- gray dog, with a long body and short bandy legs, that jumped about him.
During the hour Pierre watched them they all came flowing from the different streets with one and the same desire to get on quickly; they all jostled one another, began to grow angry and to fight, white teeth gleamed, brows frowned, ever the same words of abuse flew from side to side, and all the faces bore the same swaggeringly resolute and coldly cruel expression that had struck Pierre that morning on the corporal's face when the drums were beating.
It was already six in the morning and he still paced up and down the room.
You're supposed to go down to be measured in the morning.
Maybe the effects of the liquor would wear off by morning.
They usually spent the morning hours in the garden and the afternoon at the pool.
After breakfast she started the laundry while Sarah and Tammy watched a morning children's program.
When I saw you standing there in the road, so beautiful, your hair flowing around you like morning mist, I couldn't let you walk away.
Mary showed up one morning in time to witness that fact.
Bowing to Quinn's and Martha's suggestions, the sunny morning was spent huddled together in a 1964 fourteen foot Starcraft, spinning around the lake.
This morning Lucien Thompson sent me a beautiful bouquet of violets and crocuses and jonquils.
How I wish I could see you this lovely morning, and tell you all that has happened since I left home!
This morning we received word that mother had given her consent to this arrangement.
It would seem that Helen had learned and treasured the memory of this expression of the poet, and this morning in the snow-storm had found its application.
But early one morning the fever left me as mysteriously and unexpectedly as it had come, and I fell into a quiet sleep.
The morning after our arrival I awoke bright and early.
On the fourth morning, the high priest, by rubbing dry wood together, produces new fire in the public square, from whence every habitation in the town is supplied with the new and pure flame.
The day advanced as if to light some work of mine; it was morning, and lo, now it is evening, and nothing memorable is accomplished.
To walk in a winter morning in a wood where these birds abounded, their native woods, and hear the wild cockerels crow on the trees, clear and shrill for miles over the resounding earth, drowning the feebler notes of other birds--think of it!
He would say, as he went by in the morning, How thick the pigeons are!
Children come a-berrying, railroad men taking a Sunday morning walk in clean shirts, fishermen and hunters, poets and philosophers; in short, all honest pilgrims, who came out to the woods for freedom's sake, and really left the village behind, I was ready to greet with--"Welcome, Englishmen! welcome, Englishmen!" for I had had communication with that race.
When they were growing, I used to hoe from five o'clock in the morning till noon, and commonly spent the rest of the day about other affairs.
Perhaps on that spring morning when Adam and Eve were driven out of Eden Walden Pond was already in existence, and even then breaking up in a gentle spring rain accompanied with mist and a southerly wind, and covered with myriads of ducks and geese, which had not heard of the fall, when still such pure lakes sufficed them.
This was probably the same phenomenon to which I have referred, which is especially observed in the morning, but also at other times, and even by moonlight.
Men come tamely home at night only from the next field or street, where their household echoes haunt, and their life pines because it breathes its own breath over again; their shadows, morning and evening, reach farther than their daily steps.
We had expected, as I told you, to get at their rear by seven in the morning but had not reached it by five in the afternoon.
At five in the morning it was still quite dark.
Toward morning all these dreams melted and merged into the chaos and darkness of unconciousness and oblivion which in the opinion of Napoleon's doctor, Larrey, was much more likely to end in death than in convalescence.
On Sunday morning Marya Dmitrievna invited her visitors to Mass at her parish church--the Church of the Assumption built over the graves of victims of the plague.
To ride this horse was a pleasure to him, and he thought of the horse, of the morning, of the doctor's wife, but not once of the impending danger.
It was a sunny morning and by eight o'clock it was already hot.
These men, who under the leadership of the tall lad were drinking in the dramshop that morning, had brought the publican some skins from the factory and for this had had drink served them.
The superintendent of police, who had gone that morning by Count Rostopchin's orders to burn the barges and had in connection with that matter acquired a large sum of money which was at that moment in his pocket, on seeing a crowd bearing down upon him told his coachman to stop.
That morning, Cossacks of Denisov's party had seized and carried off into the forest two wagons loaded with cavalry saddles, which had stuck in the mud not far from Mikulino where the forest ran close to the road.
His horse, having galloped up to a campfire that was smoldering in the morning light, stopped suddenly, and Petya fell heavily on to the wet ground.
In the morning she opened her eyes to find Destiny's face only inches away from hers.
It's a reality - like morning sickness.
Tomorrow is Christmas morning.
How is she this morning?
I'll be leaving early tomorrow morning to relieve Carmen, so I'll drop you off at Katie's.
Yeah, I'm just tired, and my throat is itching this morning.
He's been sick all morning.
Yes... I just wanted to let you know that the twins were born this morning.
Yancey got up the next morning in a fowl mood and stayed that way for several days.
The next morning, after Cade left, she threw a roast in the oven and eagerly set to work on the family room.
Betsy wants to leave by seven tomorrow morning so we won't get back too late.
In the morning, you'll save him.
Katie Young looked at the speedometer, which read thirty-seven when the blue lights flared up behind her, jarring her out of the pre-coffee morning stupor.
You'll have some peace, at least until tomorrow morning.
You're very kind but we'll just leave in the morning.
Tomorrow morning I'll go to Kansas and you can go to Californy.
Both of these are hugely important parts of life, and I know of no one who would trade them away for a pill they swallow in the morning that gives them all their nutrition for the day.
Next morning it was I who waked the whole family with my first "Merry Christmas!"
It is Sunday morning, and while I sit here in the library writing this letter you are teaching hundreds of people some of the grand and beautiful things about their heavenly Father.
Every morning, before lesson-time, we all go out to the steep hill on the northern shore of the lake near the house, and coast for an hour or so.
Sometimes, when I pushed off my boat in the morning, I disturbed a great mud-turtle which had secreted himself under the boat in the night.
Toward nine o'clock in the morning, when the troops were already moving through Moscow, nobody came to the count any more for instructions.
Anna Pavlovna's presentiment was justified, and all that morning a joyously festive mood reigned in the city.
Maybe I'll discuss it in the morning.
Betsy was like a Christmas morning kid.
The morning sunlight did the trick as the clock showed seven and I looked up to see Betsy pulling on her bathrobe.
He would cab to the airport in the morning and return to California.
Quinn asked the question over oatmeal and raisin toast on Saturday morning.
Quinn, who remained silent most of the morning, showed increased interest.
This is what I want you to do tomorrow morning.
At Martha's suggestion over coffee the next morning we decided on the public library in nearby Lynn as our destination.
It was a beautiful morning and there was plenty of time to kill as Howie wasn't schedule to return to the house until late afternoon.
My heart was racing as I tried to remember the route Martha had taken this morning.
We agreed to call it a night and reconnoiter in the morning.
Martha was playing nurse maid to both Howie's limitations and his fragile ego while struggling with morning sickness and her stressful hospital position.
It was early morning when Howie first intruded.
On Saturday morning Howie spoke up as we gathered for coffee.
Unfortunately, he did not miss the child until the following morning.
Martha exclaimed the next morning as I came downstairs.
The following day, Mr. Rupert Youngblood gained more notoriety, appearing on a national television morning show.
He left early each Friday afternoon, often returning late on Monday morning.
Julie from Boston reentered the picture bright one Monday morning when she accompanied Howie into the office.
Howie was at his desk before any of us on Monday morning.
It's a nice morning for a stroll.
Howie, according to his morning coffee verbal sermons was enthralled with his property, especially his inherited garden, started by the previous tenant and lovingly cared for by him.
Other than catching sight of Howie, together with Julie and Molly entering church on Sunday morning, we saw nothing more of our associate's Boston visitors.
On Monday, Howie was on time, unusual as I assumed he'd driven his guests back to Massachusetts Sunday afternoon and would wait until early morning to return.
You're looking for someone treated Saturday night or Sunday morning for a gunshot wound to the leg.
We'll drive back in the morning.
I considered waiting until morning before speaking to my wife but I knew I wouldn't sleep anyway.
Leave it until morning; late morning.
The help will clean that mess when she sobers up in the morning.
I didn't sleep well but the carpet was clean in the morning.
Thanks to my wife's calm and nurturing manner the balance of the morning passed peacefully.
I told him I'd have her call him first thing in the morning.
Betsy was busy on her computer when I entered our kitchen the following morning.
The next morning Molly beat us awake by enough time for her to make oatmeal and toast and hand deliver it to our bed.
I saw him this morning.
The morning air was crisp and cool.
It was almost morning on this side of the world.
Thursday morning when Carmen was taking care of the horses, she noticed that Casper's nipples were dripping.
Her eyes went to the number she wrote on her hand each morning.
You stood me up this morning.
Ms. Hannah hates to travel in the morning.
The jaguar launched itself at the child, and Toby.s scream shattered the quiet morning as its jaw clamped on his arm.
Jared limped after him and appeared beside him on the cliff edge, taking in the morning view of grey skies and green forest with a look of distaste.
I haven.t since yesterday morning.
He tore apart a demon and stood breathless, seeking his next opponent, only to see the body-strewn park was empty of living demons in the early morning light.
I.m sending her back to the Sanctuary in the morning.
In the morning, she'd clean up the house and then start working on another painting, the portrait of Evelyn and Romas she wanted to give the two of them as their joint wedding present.
On the seventh morning-- if there were such a thing in space-- she lay in bed and stared at the dark grey ceiling.
Or maybe, just maybe, tomorrow morning she would finally wake up.
She spent the night waiting for the nightmare world to end and dressed the next morning with an undertaker's solemnity.
Which hall is that in case I start wandering in the morning?
Refreshed the next morning, she still couldn't fathom the statement.
The next morning, she went to the game room after her sparring session and sat the entire day, learning more and more about the game and experimenting with how the symbols on the keyboard interacted with the images before her.
And then both Gage and Talal had cornered her that morning with news that made her wish she was more like Evelyn.
She told me this morning and asked me not to tell anyone, but you probably need to know.
The next morning, she started her normal daily routine and made her way to the courtyard where she trained with the boys.
The morning was cool, the sky lightening.
Though he was physically engaged in swordplay, Kiera sensed A'Ran's distraction the next morning as they sparred.
Kiera watched him, troubled by their morning interaction.
And yet, this evening, the possibility was as obvious as it had not been that morning.
A'Ran approached her then, knowing his journey in the morning would delay the conversation they needed to have.
I travel tomorrow morning with my counselors.
If she left the pod, she might fry in the morning.
He looked at her the way she looked at the six-legged cat that awoke her that morning.
He led her into the hot morning.
The battle still raged in the distance, the colors duller against the morning sky.
She joined Leyon outside in the hot morning and waited for Mansr.
As he emerged into the early morning sun, he was again surprised to see clouds already forming over the eastern horizon.
An odd scratching sound came from the kitchen, like Evelyn's cat scratching at the door after it returned from its morning prowl.
Not that she wouldn't mind some company; the house was too quiet this morning, and her memories refused to leave her in peace.
You can try it on in the morning.
Donnie and I will be leaving in the morning.
That's why we have to leave in the morning.
Dean's morning had been filled with enough ghosts, dreams and galactic sex to last a lifetime and he excused himself.
Cynthia answered, another guest confirming his room while Fred told his new skiing partner he'd see him in the morning.
The next thing he knew it was morning.
Donnie's entrance seemed to brighten Edith's morning as she clucked over him, cautioning him about the perils of his undertaking in a dozen different ways, all the while ignoring father Donald who'd fled from her bed the night before.
That's why Sheriff Weller came by this morning, to let us know.
I gaze out my window as the moon is slowly slipping away and I long for the warmth of the morning.
Why don't you come back in the morning?
From what I hear, one ex-guest doesn't have any more welfare and the welfare of the rest of the group can wait until morning.
It was five above at my place this morning.
I didn't sleep worth a damn last night, I got rapped in the head pretty good this morning, and I just drove a couple of hundred miles in a blizzard.
Cynthia was staying at her mother's apartment with plans to visit the hospital first thing in the morning where she could speak with the doctor and learn more of her mother's condition.
Fred had taken care of the early morning chores as Dean poured himself his first cup of coffee, dreading the inquisition he knew would be forthcoming from the old man.
The place will pretty much empty out by morning.
Dean awoke Monday morning with Annie Quincy's words still ringing in his ears, and the phone ringing on his nightstand.
Now you can wait until morning for the address.
Yes. I promised to give them your Indiana address tomorrow morning—this morning.
Franny had been first on the scene behind Dean, dressed only in panties, her arms covering her tiny breasts, shivering as much at the sight as the chill of the early winter morning.
Dean spent the afternoon busying himself with the chores of Bird Song, partially out of guilt for having dumped the morning duties on Fred and in part to take his mind off the ever-present feeling he'd caused long term or, heaven forbid, permanent damage to his seven-month marriage.
Donald Ryland and Franny Mulligan were checking out this evening, as soon as he returned with Donnie, followed by the Quincy sisters scheduled departure in the morning.
Later the same morning, Dean took advantage of the cold but clear day for a little biking.
I don't believe Jerome beat her when she showed up Sunday morning all bruised and cut.
They were escorted back to their rooms and instructed to stay there until morning, when lessons would resume.
Things will be a bit clearer in the morning.
I told him you would be down in the morning.
She almost protested, but remembered this morning's reticence.
After about ten minutes, he thought, Maybe she got the hint this morning, and headed upstairs.
Jackson went out for a drive in the morning.
They're picking them up at nine tomorrow morning.
You couldn't even wait until morning?
He remembered that her phone went straight to voicemail the morning after the full moon.
When they had thirty pumpkins, Jackson paid and arranged to have them delivered to Fairhaven the next morning.
All right, I'll charter a plane for the morning.
In the morning, they found an envelope on the counter in the kitchen.
How are they this morning?
I'll check back in the morning.
Jackson left Elisabeth sleeping in the morning.
Sarah prepared an elaborate breakfast in the morning.
You showed up at the door at around three-thirty this morning exhausted and hurting.
If memory serves, you were the insatiable one this morning.
The last thing she wanted to hear this morning was how poor little Alex had been jilted at the altar.
It was a ritual they had been performing morning and night for the past two weeks.
They completed the morning chores and then Katie headed out to pick up her brother at the airport.
It was a good twenty degrees warmer than when they got up this morning and the snow was even beginning to melt - a sure thing to bring on kidding.
Had she even combed her hair this morning?
Why did some people look so good in the morning?
She stepped out into the frigid morning, her boots sinking into the snow with a squeaking sound.
The way he fussed over you at the restaurant and you two frolicking in the snow this morning like two lovers.
I didn't eat much this morning.
The next morning dawned clear and crisp outside, but the stove was warming the living room as Carmen came through.
Her voice was as crisp as the morning air and twice as sharp.
That meant milking morning and night, and bottle feeding the kids - all twenty-seven of them.
The throaty bark filled the air again and she rolled out of bed into the cold morning.
Below, the house was bathed in the first rays of morning sun.
They brought you in here Monday evening, and this is Wednesday morning.
I took care of the goats this morning and Josh will take care of them tonight.
I'll pick you up in the morning.
She woke early the next morning and dressed, making a trip to the office before Alex arrived.
Seems like I heard it just this morning - from your lips.
So when Lori picked him up again Easter Sunday morning, Carmen said nothing - except a prayer that Josh wouldn't catch him.
Sure, you say that now, but come Monday morning you'll be six hundred miles away.
It was going to be nice to hear him every morning.
I've been out here since about three this morning.
Alex was there at dawn every morning to help with the chores and then they would take off in his truck.
She was in the barn one morning before Alex arrived, struggling to trim Penny's hooves.
His words were like a ray of sunshine through the window on a cold winter morning.
At two in the morning, she was the only one to stir in the crowded condo community.
The emergency network had not been utilized, which meant that by morning one of the high-ranking men hiding underground would be on the phone to General Greene to complain about the lack of gin.
All of the attacks occurred between three fifteen in the morning and four thirty.
One morning there was a loud knock at Dean Swift's door.
In the morning, when he looked at the picture, he saw a fly on the man's nose.
Early in the morning two horses were brought to the door.
The next morning the caliph called ten of his officers before him.
But, as I came to your palace this morning, I kept saying to myself, 'When our lord Al Mansour learns just how it was that I borrowed the gold, I have no doubt that in his kindness of heart he will forgive me the debt.'
Once this ball gets rolling, it will speed up and, because of it, we will all wake up each morning with a little extra spring in our step and sparkle in our eye.
Early one morning, however, the fever left me as suddenly and mysteriously as it had come.
The sheds where the corn was stored, the stable where the horses were kept, and the yard where the cows were milked morning and evening were unfailing sources of interest to Martha and me.
The morning after my teacher came she led me into her room and gave me a doll.
The morning had been fine, but it was growing warm and sultry when at last we turned our faces homeward.
Every morning after breakfast I prepared his bath, made his cage clean and sweet, filled his cups with fresh seed and water from the well-house, and hung a spray of chickweed in his swing.
A snowy night closed upon the world, and in the morning one could scarcely recognize a feature of the landscape.
I felt so cold, I imagined I should die before morning, and the thought comforted me.
The next morning the sun rose bright and warm, and we got up quickly for our hearts were full of pleasant expectation....
We missed the Cape Cod train Friday morning, and so we came down to Provincetown in the steamer Longfellow.
This morning I rode over twelve miles on my tandem!
A kind friend took me over in the morning to the Boston Art Museum.
Her father looks in at us morning and evening as he goes to and from his office, and sees her contentedly stringing her beads or making horizontal lines on her sewing-card, and exclaims, "How quiet she is!"
This morning she planted her doll and showed me that she expected her to grow as tall as I. You must see that she is very bright, but you have no idea how cunning she is.
This morning, while she was washing, she wanted to know the name for "water."
This morning I happened to say, "Helen will go upstairs."
Captain Keller said at breakfast this morning that he wished I would take Helen to church.
That word startled my soul, and it awoke, full of the spirit of the morning, full of joyous, exultant song.
By the blushes of Aurora and the music of Memnon, what should be man's morning work in this world?
The upright white hewn studs and freshly planed door and window casings gave it a clean and airy look, especially in the morning, when its timbers were saturated with dew, so that I fancied that by noon some sweet gum would exude from them.
The morning wind forever blows, the poem of creation is uninterrupted; but few are the ears that hear it.
Every morning was a cheerful invitation to make my life of equal simplicity, and I may say innocence, with Nature herself.
The morning, which is the most memorable season of the day, is the awakening hour.
All memorable events, I should say, transpire in morning time and in a morning atmosphere.
The student may read Homer or Æschylus in the Greek without danger of dissipation or luxuriousness, for it implies that he in some measure emulate their heroes, and consecrate morning hours to their pages.
When my floor was dirty, I rose early, and, setting all my furniture out of doors on the grass, bed and bedstead making but one budget, dashed water on the floor, and sprinkled white sand from the pond on it, and then with a broom scrubbed it clean and white; and by the time the villagers had broken their fast the morning sun had dried my house sufficiently to allow me to move in again, and my meditations were almost uninterupted.
I watch the passage of the morning cars with the same feeling that I do the rising of the sun, which is hardly more regular.
Here is a hogshead of molasses or of brandy directed to John Smith, Cuttingsville, Vermont, some trader among the Green Mountains, who imports for the farmers near his clearing, and now perchance stands over his bulkhead and thinks of the last arrivals on the coast, how they may affect the price for him, telling his customers this moment, as he has told them twenty times before this morning, that he expects some by the next train of prime quality.
I have a great deal of company in my house; especially in the morning, when nobody calls.
They grew also behind my house, and one large tree, which almost overshadowed it, was, when in flower, a bouquet which scented the whole neighborhood, but the squirrels and the jays got most of its fruit; the last coming in flocks early in the morning and picking the nuts out of the burs before they fell, I relinquished these trees to them and visited the more distant woods composed wholly of chestnut.
I also heard the whooping of the ice in the pond, my great bed-fellow in that part of Concord, as if it were restless in its bed and would fain turn over, were troubled with flatulency and had dreams; or I was waked by the cracking of the ground by the frost, as if some one had driven a team against my door, and in the morning would find a crack in the earth a quarter of a mile long and a third of an inch wide.
In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogonal philosophy of the Bhagvat-Geeta, since whose composition years of the gods have elapsed, and in comparison with which our modern world and its literature seem puny and trivial; and I doubt if that philosophy is not to be referred to a previous state of existence, so remote is its sublimity from our conceptions.
Every morning, generally speaking, the shallow water is being warmed more rapidly than the deep, though it may not be made so warm after all, and every evening it is being cooled more rapidly until the morning.
The night is the winter, the morning and evening are the spring and fall, and the noon is the summer.
One pleasant morning after a cold night, February 24th, 1850, having gone to Flint's Pond to spend the day, I noticed with surprise, that when I struck the ice with the head of my axe, it resounded like a gong for many rods around, or as if I had struck on a tight drum-head.
In a pleasant spring morning all men's sins are forgiven.
It appeared to have no companion in the universe--sporting there alone--and to need none but the morning and the ether with which it played.
He seemed to have grown thinner since the morning; his eyes seemed larger than usual when he glanced round and noticed Pierre.
On the morning of the day that the young couple were to arrive, Princess Mary entered the antechamber as usual at the time appointed for the morning greeting.
Every morning she came in like that, and every morning prayed that the daily interview might pass off well.
I know by now, if he wins he comes back early to brag about it, but if he stays out till morning it means he's lost and will come back in a rage.
Bolkonski was invited everywhere, and had to spend the whole morning calling on the principal Austrian dignitaries.
Our front line and that of the enemy were far apart on the right and left flanks, but in the center where the men with a flag of truce had passed that morning, the lines were so near together that the men could see one another's faces and speak to one another.
Whether he was in a bad temper because Prince Vasili was coming, or whether his being in a bad temper made him specially annoyed at Prince Vasili's visit, he was in a bad temper, and in the morning Tikhon had already advised the architect not to go to the prince with his report.
She was no longer in the loose gown she generally wore in the morning, but had on one of her best dresses.
The Guards, just arrived from Russia, spent the night ten miles from Olmutz and next morning were to come straight to the review, reaching the field at Olmutz by ten o'clock.
From early morning the smart clean troops were on the move, forming up on the field before the fortress.
In the highest army circles from midday on the nineteenth, a great, excitedly bustling activity began which lasted till the morning of the twentieth, when the memorable battle of Austerlitz was fought.
The concentrated activity which had begun at the Emperor's headquarters in the morning and had started the whole movement that followed was like the first movement of the main wheel of a large tower clock.
Wait till tomorrow morning, we'll find out everything tomorrow.
That morning Kutuzov seemed worn and irritable.
On being relieved from picket duty Rostov had managed to get a few hours' sleep before morning and felt cheerful, bold, and resolute, with elasticity of movement, faith in his good fortune, and generally in that state of mind which makes everything seem possible, pleasant, and easy.
The morning was bright, he had a good horse under him, and his heart was full of joy and happiness.
Next morning, after the fatigues of their journey, the travelers slept till ten o'clock.
Next day, at eight in the morning, Pierre and Nesvitski drove to the Sokolniki forest and found Dolokhov, Denisov, and Rostov already there.
Next morning when the valet came into the room with his coffee, Pierre was lying asleep on the ottoman with an open book in his hand.
Several times in the course of the morning Princess Mary began trying to prepare her sister-in-law, and every time began to cry.
I go to bed after two in the morning, thoughts come and I can't sleep but toss about till dawn, because I think and can't help thinking, just as he can't help plowing and mowing; if he didn't, he would go to the drink shop or fall ill.
One morning, between seven and eight, returning after a sleepless night, he sent for embers, changed his rain-soaked underclothes, said his prayers, drank tea, got warm, then tidied up the things on the table and in his own corner, and, his face glowing from exposure to the wind and with nothing on but his shirt, lay down on his back, putting his arms under his head.
Rostov felt so ill at ease and uncomfortable with Boris that, when the latter looked in after supper, he pretended to be asleep, and early next morning went away, avoiding Boris.
Next morning, having taken leave of no one but the count, and not waiting for the ladies to appear, Prince Andrew set off for home.
She had got up at eight that morning and had been in a fever of excitement and activity all day.
Morning came with its cares and bustle.
He not only showed no sign of constraint or self-reproach on account of his outburst that morning, but, on the contrary, tried to reassure Balashev.
Higher up the hill, on the very horizon, our guns were visible through the wonderfully clear air, brightly illuminated by slanting morning sunbeams.
In the morning, when he went to call at Rostopchin's he met there a courier fresh from the army, an acquaintance of his own, who often danced at Moscow balls.
The morning after little Nicholas had left, the old prince donned his full uniform and prepared to visit the commander-in-chief.
Toward morning he became quiet and she fell asleep.
He was so much interested in that task that he was unable to sleep, and in spite of his cold which had grown worse from the dampness of the evening, he went into the large division of the tent at three o'clock in the morning, loudly blowing his nose.
You could drop Molly and me off at Logan airport for the ten o'clock flight to California, be in Philadelphia by early evening, and fly out to join us the next morning.
He didn't come back until morning and there were police cars all over the place.
I left word I'd call from the airport in the morning and set my phone alarm in time for my early departure.
I have to report for interrogation tomorrow morning.
It was two in the morning and I knew Howie was exhausted.
Until that point, eminent success lay just around the corner; now, absent any leads, a wave of despair descended over me like a blanket of morning fog.
I'm waiting for Jenn to confirm, and we'll schedule to take it out tomorrow morning, Toni said.
The Natural I planted there called this morning and said they were waiting to burn the place until something got there.
It was her second morning in the tub.
Someone's going to ask you a question tomorrow morning.
He looked at his watch, aware he had a morning packed with activities to follow up on.
He should walk away, leave her to figure things out, and finish what he needed to this morning.
Maybe she'd hoped his parting words in the morning were serious.