Morland Sentence Examples
Morland visited the lake at the beginning of 1902, and in May of the same year the Germans first reached it from Cameroon.
Morland, and a new emir, Abbas, a brother of Alieu, installed.
Sir Samuel Morland was sent on a special mission to Turin, and to him were confided by the Vaudois leaders copies of their religious books, which he brought back to England, and ultimately gave to the university library at Cambridge.
The interesting observations of Morland, already quoted, seem to have been neglected, and no one attempted to follow in the path which he had pointed out.
Cromwell's envoy, Sir Samuel Morland (1625-1695), had brought back from Piedmont MSS.
On this Morland had based his theory of the antiquity of the Waldensian doctrine, and, in the absence of the MSS., which were supposed to be irretrievably lost, the conclusion was accepted.
In 1703 Samuel Morland, in a paper read before the Royal Society, stated that the farina (pollen) is a congeries of seminal plants, one of which must be conveyed into every ovum or seed before it can become prolific. In this remarkable statement he seems to anticipate in part the discoveries afterwards made as to pollen tubes, and more particularly the peculiar views promulgated by Schleiden.