Mood Sentence Examples
He'd been in a grumpy mood since he got up.
I'm in no mood to watch a cat fight tonight.
Instantly the playful mood was back.
Hopefully he would be in a better mood after they got back home.
He wasn't in a mood to chat.
Pierre saw that there was a conspiracy against him and that they wanted to reunite him with his wife, and in the mood he then was, this was not even unpleasant to him.
The mood was Victorian, and the music was classic.
Napoleon was in that well-known after-dinner mood which, more than any reasoned cause, makes a man contented with himself and disposed to consider everyone his friend.
What was even harder to accept was the fact she actually enjoyed his extreme mood changes.
I can only describe the mood of our return trip as pensive.
AdvertisementShe was in a mood for brooding on the past.
Alex was in a good mood and it was a pleasant trip - until Felipa made a comment about Tessa's visit the night before.
We were late for work but in a great mood when we finally arrived.
After her life in the country, and in her present serious mood, all this seemed grotesque and amazing to Natasha.
Maybe his mood would improve, anyway.
AdvertisementThe guests were reluctant to address her, feeling that she was in no mood for their conversation.
The thin, hollow-cheeked Chekmar, having got everything ready, kept glancing at his master with whom he had lived on the best of terms for thirty years, and understanding the mood he was in expected a pleasant chat.
Her mood improved, Deidre returned to her penthouse with newfound resolve to enjoy the last few months of her life.
Dulce remained in a sour mood, and left the group as soon as possible.
With the naive conviction of young men in a merry mood that other men's wives were created for them, Rostov did not leave the lady's side and treated her husband in a friendly and conspiratorial style, as if, without speaking of it, they knew how capitally Nicholas and the lady would get on together.
AdvertisementCynthia was super pleased to hear her son's voice, but her mood changed abruptly when he blurted out the news.
Did the doc explain your mood swings, too?
His mood swings weren't unexpected.
It was near ten o'clock the next morning when Martha awoke in a festive mood with the appetite of a hibernating bear.
If only she could conquer these mood shifts.
AdvertisementLet Harlequin be taken with a fit of the colic and his trappings will have to serve that mood too.
She woke with a sob, and then cried until the dark mood retreated.
The departure left husband Joseph in an even surlier mood than usual, and he growled his way through breakfast.
But he was not destined to bring his mood safely to his destination.
Everyone told her she looked very handsome, and she was in a spirited and energetic mood unusual with her.
She loosened her grip on him, sensing he wasn't going to leave, whatever his mood was.
My, aren't we in a good mood tonight.
She glanced up at his face, but it gave no clue of his mood.
A long train whistle sounded several times, adding to the dark mood of the evening.
She thought about telling Alex, but he was in no mood to hear about ghosts in the dark.
Maybe his mood had more to do with feeling unappreciated.
Whether it was Pumpkin's advice or the sunny day, Cynthia's mood lightened as they drove.
His mood too good to be snubbed by a mere public servant.
His mood grew worse.
But I was at the same time conscious of a slight insanity in my mood, and seemed to foresee my recovery.
No, not his driving, but his mood was.
Fred's somber mood dictated restraint.
He was in no mood to exercise patience.
He seemed carefully to cherish within himself the gloomy mood which alone enabled him to endure his position.
You may want to put on a colored lab coat in a long length to feel more comfortable at work while boosting your mood, because you're taller than average, or simply because you just want to mix things up in your work wardrobe.
If you want to dress casually or dress up, you can do whatever your mood desires.
When in town, if you find you are in the mood for a delicious steak, there are several delectable options.
But then, it was like him not to reveal his thoughts or concerns – unless the mood hit him.
Unwilling to disturb his solitary mood, Jenn leaned back against a pillar and watched.
The next morning—Sunday—Cynthia's mood climbed to somewhere between a blue funk and resigned neutrality.
Whatever the old man said, it elevated Cynthia's mood a few notches on the normalcy meter.
Her entire mood was an-about face from the tentativeness she had expressed that morning.
She wasn't much in the mood for shopping around anyway.
The old spinster is in a bad mood today.
And it certainly didn't help the mood of the office.
This time her mood was much improved.
I'm just not in the mood.
As the days passed, her mood did improve.
I'm in a mood to kill everything I see.
Your good mood will be highly contagious, others will respond.
The countess--her prayerful mood dispelled--looked round and frowned.
Anna Pavlovna's presentiment was justified, and all that morning a joyously festive mood reigned in the city.
But next day no news arrived from the army and the public mood grew anxious.
He seemed to shake his dark mood, and Jade relaxed.
If he didn't like Connor, his mood wouldn't have mattered a bit.
I wish you'd get out of this black mood you've been in lately.
Animals seem to sense your mood.
And he felt guilty as hell for his own foul mood and the insignificant reasons behind it.
Dean gritted his teeth to retain his good mood.
Dean's mood was souring by the minute.
He must have decided she was in a better mood, because he smiled.
She left the room in a depressed mood and started cleaning the house.
I suppose not, but I'm still not in the mood.
Maybe that explained her dark mood.
He was sleep deprived and not exactly in the mood.
They laughed now, but the overall mood was serious.
The dampened mood was still in her voice.
Even the red sun couldn't dampen her mood.
Even the children sensed his mood.
I hope Alex gets in a better mood.
There was no point talking to him while he was in this mood.
Today she was in no mood to enjoy his offbeat brand of humor.
Obviously you're not in any mood for company.
She laughed despite her mood.
Xander's mood was growing worse.
I'm in the mood to take off someone's head.
Mood disorders have been associated with abnormalities in fatty acid composition.
All appeared to be in a very joyous mood.
The underlying fear helps to generate a mood of jealousy (self-pity mode ).
Look out for the Jamaican reggae to Wear brand to get you in the holiday mood.
He thought of her pregnancy and felt sorry for her and for himself, and in a nervously emotional and softened mood he went out of the hut in which he was billeted with Nesvitski and began to walk up and down before it.
But she felt oppressed by the fact that the mood of everyone around her was so far from what was in her own heart.
Without a doubt, the fact that the babies were healthy had major influence on his mood.
I don't know what he wanted, but he certainly put you in a reflective mood.
Darkyn's assertions about her destiny being with him left her in a foul mood.
In spite of the happy group that greeted him, Fred's somber mood didn't mirror theirs.
Something as simple as calling her sweetheart or pointing out her many attributes could put her in a romantic mood.
There seemed to be improvement in her mother's condition but Cynthia's mood remained subdued.
It seems to me, that Edith had a very rapid mood change from flaunting her nakedness in front of Claire to...killing herself, practically minutes later.
Jackson seized every opportunity to point out the upsides, and tried his best to lighten her mood.
How could she explain her mood to Katie when she had so little understanding of it herself?
Those eyes were warm, reflecting a mood somewhere between sober and light humor.
While Dean's mood had slowly improved, he still envied their contentment.
While Dean wanted the opportunity to speak with her in person after his Norfolk trip, he didn't feel in the best mood to do it after spending half the night and day coping with Vinnie Baratto and his sleazy friends.
The unease of the entire situation put him in a foul mood all the way home.
His blue mood following the memorial service dissipated with the passing days and he remained in fair spirits.
Somehow he wasn't in the mood for Ethel's brand of jokes.
She had not, but sounded in a much cheerier mood, giving Dean a five-minute update on her school progress.
When Dean chided her about her improved mood she simply laughed and said love does that to people.
He said this with a smugness that didn't improve Dean's mood one iota.
Fred, in a particularly kind mood, had not only picked up the gear but set up Dean's tent for him.
It didn't need to be cleaned and she was out of the mood.
Thinking a ride might put her in a better mood, she saddled Ed and released Princess and her daughters in the pasture.
He felt the mood that descended over her without fully understanding it.
She rejoined the party and even danced a few times with Denton, who was perplexed by her sudden change in mood.
Another text popped up, worsening his mood.
Jessi studied him briefly, sensing his mood darken, as it had yesterday when she mentioned dating Gerry.
Xander sensed her mood the moment he set foot out of his wing of the condo.
He has many moods and each mood imprints itself in turn on his.
She wasn't about to contradict the cold executioner when he was in this mood.
Headaches and mood swings – not yet, anyway.
You're in a shitty mood.
The former owners of the Post have moved to Robbie Williams ' favorite restaurant, Mood's, taking their loyal clientele with them.
These parallels in mood and imagery reinforce the view of a thematic coherence linking genres as disparate as the tournament and the musical drama.
His mood swings become intuitive; every plop in the water is a meal.
The mood seems naturally anxious but not grim, almost jovial, with people smiling.
This helps prolong the mood lightening effect of any released serotonin.
Put simply the more serotonin in the brain the higher a person's mood.
Our whole honeymoon he was in a bad mood and very short-tempered.
She lets me kiss her now, and when she is in a particularly gentle mood, she will sit in my lap for a minute or two; but she does not return my caresses.
Pierre was in an agreeable after-dinner mood.
Even those playing cards behind the partition soon left their game and came over to the samovar, yielding to the general mood of courting Mary Hendrikhovna.
After the junction with the army of the brilliant admiral and Petersburg hero Wittgenstein, this mood and the gossip of the staff reached their maximum.
Mood stabilizers are some of the most costly medications on the market today.
She wasn’t going to let a little rain affect her good mood today.
If you're feeling down, feign a quick smile to help boost your mood.
I had to feign being busy when he called, because I was not in the mood to talk.
Is your spouse rational and thoughtful, or does he/she have mood swings and act before thinking?
If you have a hard time being around people without displacing your feelings on them, you might want to either warn them that you are in a bad mood or try to stay away from them until you've had a chance to release some of your tension.
With a corner china cabinet, however, the table and cabinet are less likely to line up in a way that will put a damper on the mood when your guests need to move around at meal time.
Some are energizing, some are relaxing, and some will uplift mood.
Rich in vitamins and minerals, the seeds of the primrose also provide omega-6 fatty acids that are necessary for a host of bodily functions, including making insulin, regulating the heart and mood and promoting blood flow.
Physicians prescribed herbal antidepressants to treat mood disorders for thousands of years before the introduction of modern pharmaceuticals.
The colors of the home are included, too, frequently reflecting the mood of the current society and the philosophy of the builder.
Color can have a big impact on mood, so go for it.
Whatever your favorite shade of pink, there are many colors and styles to suit every occasion and mood.
For years sterling silver mood rings have been associated with the groovy 1970s, but no more.
Mood rings are hot right now, and all sorts of people are heading to the accessory shops to buy mood rings, slip the rings on and show the world their moods via the changing colors of the rings.
While Reynolds did not invent the mood ring, he contributed to the history of mood rings by selling millions of them.
The mood ring uses thermotropic liquid crystals inside a glass dome or a strip of liquid crystals beneath a glass dome to measure the temperature.
As mentioned before, sterling silver mood rings change color to reflect changes in a person's body temperature.
Black - A black mood ring says that the person wearing it is feeling a great deal of tension, pressure and stress.
Amber - The person with an amber mood ring is feeling somewhat anxious.
Green - A green ring says that the person is in an average mood, not really happy and calm, but not nervous and stressed either.
Blue - A blue mood ring means the person wearing it is peaceful and calm.
Dark Blue - When the ring is dark blue, the wearer is happy or in an amorous, romantic mood.
The 1970 mood ring claimed to track the mood of the wearer.
In today's rapidly changing world, mood rings serve two purposes.
Mood rings can make people smile, be a conversation starter and look stylish all at the same time.
Buyers should be wary of mood rings from the Seventies that are priced too low.
If you're in the mood for something other than steak, an array of seafood is also available as well.
If you're in the mood for more than pasta, try a steak, one of several veal entrees or the special fish of the day.
Depending on your mood, palate, and pocketbook, you can select from several local establishments for a terrific seafood meal.
If you are in the mood for dessert, try my cookie dough eggroll.
If you are in the mood for a sizzling steak after a fun-packed day, you are in luck here.
She rubbed her face, dressed in grey to reflect her mood, and tucked her spare earpiece into her pocket as she did every day.
The murder of Kotzebue by Karl Sand, however, shocked him out of his extreme revolutionary views, and from this time he tended, under the influence of the writings of Hamann and Herder, more and more in the direction of conservatism and romanticism, until at last he ended, in a mood almost of pessimism, by attaching himself to the extreme right wing of the forces of reaction.
Moreover, the Porte was thrown into a suspicious mood by the contrast between the friendly language of the western powers and the active sympathy of the western peoples for the Greeks, who were supported by volunteers and money drawn from all Europe.
In August a conference of the four powers assembled at Vienna, but the settlement they proposed, which practically conceded everything demanded by Russia except the claim to the protectorate, though accepted by the tsar, was rejected by the Porte, now fallen into a mood of stubborn resentment at the Russian invasion.
The second and third, addressed respectively to a cardinal (Perraud) and a bishop (Le Camus), are polemical or ironical in tone; the others are all written to friends in a warm, expansive mood; the fourth letter especially, appropriated to Mgr Mignot, attains a grand elevation of thought and depth of mystical conviction.
The love-sick mood and romantic temperament of the young Irishman found congenial soil in the wild surroundings of unexplored Canadian forests, and the enthusiasm thus engendered for the "natural" life of savagery may have been already fortified by study of Rousseau's writings, for which at a later period Lord Edward expressed his admiration.
Exceptional to this general rule, however, is a mood of pessimism which sometimes overtakes youths on the threshold of manhood.
It was not in the mood of Japanes officialdom at that time to brook such assaults.
Thus far Latin literature, of which the predominant characteristics are dignity, gravity and fervour of feeling, seemed likely to become a mere vehicle of amusement adapted to all classes of the people in their holiday mood.
If we ask what that time provided to stir the fancy and move the mood of imaginative reflection, it is in the lyrical poems of Horace that we shall find the most varied and trustworthy answer.
He dwelt upon the illumination of the mind and soul by direct communion with the Creative Spirit; upon the spiritual and poetic monitions of external nature; and upon the benefit to man of a serene mood and a simple way of life.
But, from the religious and moral point of view, it must be admitted that the ethical " mood " which Neoplatonism endeavoured to create and maintain is the highest and purest ever reached by antiquity.
It is not as a philosophy, then, nor as a new religion, that Neoplatonism became a decisive factor in history, but, if one may use the expression, as a " mood."
However,the suras of this period are not all so wild as these; and those which are conceived in a calmer mood appear to be the oldest.
Even the Bible Society, through which the emperor in his later mood of evangelical zeal proposed to bless his people, was conducted on the same ruthless lines.
Such was Alexander's mood when the downfall of Napoleon left him the most powerful sovereign in Europe.
The "Melancolia," numbered "1" as though intended to be the first of a series, with its brooding winged genius sitting dejectedly amidst a litter of scientific instruments and symbols, is hard to interpret in detail, but impossible not to recognize in general terms as an embodiment of the spirit of intellectual research (the student's "temperament" was supposed to be one with the melancholic), resting sadly from its labours in a mood of lassitude and defeat.
The subject roused Carlyle's tenderest mood, and the Life is one of the most perfect in the language.
Of the more serious, or " ethical " or " theological " mood which counts for so much in the modern estimate of Scottish literature, there is but little evidence in the popular verse of the middle period.
The epic mood had possessed Morris very strongly, and, in addition to his work upon the sagas, he had actually finished and (in 1875) published a verse translation of the Aeneid, which is interesting rather for its individuality than for any fidelity to the spirit of the original.
With such a history of apparent success, it is not to be wondered at that the Transvaal president came to Bloemfontein to meet Sir Alfred Milner in no mood for concession.
The verbs usually have no inflexions to express relations of voice, mood, tense, number of person - such distinctions being indicated by particles.
In the numberless transitions that, whilst connecting, separate the spell and the prayer we observe as the accompaniment of every mood from extreme imperiousness to extreme humility an abiding will and desire to help the action out.
The great fault of his character, as it appears in his writings, is that he too exclusively indulged this mood.
He has little, if anything at all, of the high imaginative mood - the mood of reverence and noble admiration - which made Ennius, Lucretius and Virgil the truest poetical representatives of the genius of Rome.
Yet he represents another mood of ancient Rome, the mood natural to her before she was humanized by the lessons of Greek art and thought.
Odes modernas, written in youth, show " Santo Anthero," as his friends called him, in revolutionary, freethinking and combative mood, and are ordinary enough, but the prose of his essays, e.g.
This claim Serbia was in no mood to concede, all the less so since her advance to the Adriatic had been forbidden b y the Great Powers.
In one mood he was fain to ape the antique patriot; in another he affected the monastic saint.
He was the creature of every passing mood or whim, incapable of cool and steady judgment or of the slightest self-control - an incalculable weathercock, blindly obsequious to every blast of passion.
But Arch bishop Winchelsea had returned from exile in a belli gerent mood, and the place of Norfolk and Hereford was taken by an ambitious prince of the royal house, Thomas, earl of Lancaster, the son of the younger brother of Edward I.
Those who settled in Ireland after 1641 were in a very different mood.
C is B Conclusion Syllogisms differ in (a) " figure " and (b) " mood."
So far as mere form goes, each mood may occur in every figure, though in many cases the conclusion apparently yielded from the premises is invalid.
The progress of events showed him, on the contrary, a France which every day left a little stronger, and he aroused himself from his disbelieving, disillusioned mood.
In the second, he was in no mood to be cajoled by his father.
But then, it was like him not to reveal his thoughts or concerns – unless the mood hit him.
Dinner and a movie did nothing for his sullen mood - except maybe make it worse.
I get a little tipsy a hundred years ago when I hardly knew him and give away a party screw and now he mopes around with a mood as pleasant as an un-flushed toilet!
Howie's mood and disposition were unimproved though Julie was convinced he would come around now that we were together.
The weather, as if to accommodate the mood at Bird Song, was gray, slipping to a steady drizzle by midday, with a rerun of March in the temperature department.
The next morning—Sunday—Cynthia's mood climbed to somewhere between a blue funk and resigned neutrality.
Although Fred's mood was jolly, he didn't join the others for breakfast on this Saturday morning.
For a reason that facts, circumstances, and common sense didn't dictate, Dean rose early, in a splendid mood, rushed through dawn's-light chores, and still had hours to kill.
In fact, if she'd stayed away from the beach this weekend altogether and had dinner with her doctor instead of causing her boyfriend to be eaten by a demon, she wouldn't be facing an Immortal mood beast or teaching Immortal children not to feed humans rocks.
I'm happy to see you instead of an Immortal mood beast.
I don.t like being around Kris when he.s in a mood.
It was a good match for her mood.
Anderson looked up, irritated at Dean's mood.
But Leland Anderson wasn't in a mood for smart talk.
He wasn't in the mood to discuss Friday night in the Ocean Shore Motel with anyone.
This pulled some of the heat from the Parkside Police Department, and even the Ice Lady seemed to be backing off, improving her editorial chastisement and the mood of Lieutenant Anderson with it.
His mood turned increasingly belligerent as the conversation continued and it became clear that Dr. Whitecoat had no ready-made solutions to offer.
He was in a confident mood.
His mood at the end of the night contrasted with his mood at the beginning, as he was first reflective and then grew happier.
An imperative mood can give permission.
There was a melancholy mood by the river.
The final section returns to the mood of the opening allegro with massive chords and suspensions drawing the work to its powerful conclusion.
I was terrified for weeks; I probably caused allsorts of problems for Sarah with my mood swings.
Barbiturates are capable of producing all levels of CNS mood alteration, from excitation to mild sedation, hypnosis and deep coma.
You will find the mood at home restless, edgy, not always amiable.
Edward in an extremely angry mood order an army put together for a campaign to put down Bruce.
But the general mood of the Mess members was one of acceptance and we were gradually assimilated into Mess life.
Both coaches went home in upbeat mood, keenly aware of the priceless nature of collective character.
One such patient arrived in a very belligerent mood, the appointment having been made by his wife.
In a good mood, he would have done his impressions of the Starkers discussing it in their rough west Country burr.
His instantly likeable, goofy manner, successfully cajoled the audience into a perfect mood for the rest of the show.
Amos is a real charmer, there's no denying that, setting up the perfect mood for his fairly straightforward autobiographical story.
They would go away chastened, stirred, amused; they would not be in the riotous mood associated with the tavern.
Eve was in a happy - if not slightly clumsy mood.
Tests on animals have found that ecstasy permanently reduces levels of serotonin, the chemical in the brain partly responsible for mood changes.
These mood swings may be low, as in depression, or high, as in periods when we might feel very elated.
Doing exercise releases the chemicals endorphins and seratonin, which improve your mood and make you more able to cope with pain.
This is a superb " prog epic " with its changes of mood and pace.
I found myself at last pacing the deck under the dawn in a mood of extreme exasperation.
The mood of Britain is wisely and rightly averse from every form of shallow or premature exultation.
A major factor is my mood at the time of watching such images.
He was hungry, impatient for service, troubled by a persistent cough, but otherwise in typically feisty, talkative mood.
They will be introduced to the way in which different accompaniment figurations can effect the mood and character of a song accompaniment.
Mood Indigo returns in February January 27th, 2006 The New Year brings forth a new jazz flavor for your musical taste buds.
Sir Philip Green is in a typically forthright mood.
Hockney takes a sideways glance at the stories, presenting vivid images capturing the mood or detail rather than the main event.
It was said that later that day the young man attended the preaching in a very gleeful mood.
Wildor deserved better support than she got from her Palemon, Jonathan Cope in a very glum mood.
All this sounds a bit grim, so to lighten the mood the main story is interspersed with other shorter stories.
Yet, I go on stage in various guises with the sole intent of creating a mood of goodwill with me at its center.
They argue the drug can cause hallucinations, mood swings even severe aggression or attempted suicide.
Also, as we played the sun went down, so the mood of our set had a synergy harnessed by nature Herself!
I really enjoy the humor the author uses to lighten up the mood of the book.
One of the serotonergic receptors implicated in mediating certain symptoms of depression such as mood and eating abnormalities, is the 5-HT 2C receptor.
The Others on the main stage provided a more animated interlude with lead man Johnny Others in characteristically lunatic mood.
A wordless, visual tapestry full of magical images that captures the sometimes joyful, sometimes melancholic mood of present-day Havana.
Euphoric mood broken, I rummage through my pack for the little kindling we could afford to carry.
They're too similar in mood, both very languid and dreamy.
It sustains a mood of dark malevolence throughout and has some of the most original songs I have ever heard.
The water in different mood falls over a rocky ledge, divides round a tiny island, home to a pair of wild mallard.
Medication may help to reduce your feelings of despair and many people take anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication may help to reduce your feelings of despair and many people take anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication to help lift their mood.
The opening segment has a very space rock feel to it, full of swirling synth effects creating a very meditative mood.
For many misusers, alcohol is integral to the way they manage the sharp swings in mood associated with crack.
Even news that the Bank of England left interest rates on hold did little to lighten the mood.
The Spanish Explorer case (£ 54 ), meanwhile, will evoke a holiday mood.
To capture the mood of the responses an edited version was produced entitled ' In Da Wood ' .
One explanation is that LO has simply misjudged the current mood.
To cut to the scene 4 days post release, the prevailing mood at present is one of optimism.
There was a somber mood at the annual flower show that year.
The upbeat mood of the markets in recent months has been based around brighter economic news from around the world.
He found there that his conservative politics were more than a little out of sync with the city's prevailing mood.
This helps prolong the mood lightening effect of any released noradrenaline and serotonin.
Mood's, t +41 (0)27 967 8484 has a glass floor and gourmet nouvelle cuisine.
Currently, the mood on Capitol Hill seems very partisan, with each party criticizing the other's proposal.
We'll meet him at the resurrection Do n't patronize me, I'm not in the mood.
The general mood of the Chinese petty bourgeoisie changed rapidly from extreme optimism to extreme pessimism.
Pietist mood prevails despite attempts in the second half of the 20th century to dislodge it.
It seems as tho the weather pixie was in a better mood today after the dreadful weather at Wallop.
Anyway the problem poser determines the mood of the thread by his/her reaction to the advice given.
From this mood of gentle nostalgia there arose a great voluntary movement, the railroad preservationists.
Although to be honest it's a fairly rancid plot, it is at least familiar and your mood is calm.
Without wishing to sound repetitive, Pietersen plays another glorious shot, which just about suits the mood of the day for England.
Yet for whatever reason, Spasmo sees him in surprisingly restrained mood.
Bush calls rove, depending on his mood, ' Boy Genius ' or ' Turd Blossom ' .
Enkephalins have an analgesic effect and are thought to produce sedation, to affect mood and to stimulate motivation.
Six months ago this would have been considered outrageously partisan, even seditious; today, it accurately reflects the public mood.
It's a case of never seeming to be in the mood to just go out, looking for things to take pictures of.
They had made their contribution to the mood of national self-confidence.
Moderate exercise is beneficial to the immune system, and can also improve mood and offer an important way of maintaining a healthy self-image.
The work opens in a mood of quiet serenity.
A chemical called serotonin plays a role in ' lifting ' the mood.
Personally, I'm bored stiff with In the Mood.
He had mood swings, some days he was a model patient joking with the nurses.
All that said, tho, it would have to be me in a very tetchy mood to say it mattered at all.
Each cantata has its own orchestration, and mood, but all reflect joyful celebration - bells, trumpets, timpani and joyful choruses.
Ware was in a real Marvin Gaye mood throughout here with, my favorite tune being ' Girl, Girl, Girl.
Anything in nature - a bare twig against the sky - can lighten my mood.
I like making my images bright and exciting both visually and in their mood, but then also having a darker undertone to them.
Should not such a mood, so sweet, so tranquil, so unwonted, have been the harbinger of good?
Small, discreet and very powerful multi speed vibrator, in a choice of colors to suit your mood.
Paul pulls a monster wheelie to get us in the mood.
Or are you more in the mood for a little wink of an eye, flick of the hair, flirty fun?
The impression conveyed was of a rather wistful solitude rather like the mood at the beginning of the recent Narnia movie.
This speculative mood, in which nature and beauty and earthly satisfaction appear as a vain show, is the counterpart of the former mood of sensuous enjoyment.
Throughout the epistle we have a singular combination of the seemingly desultory method of a letter, turning aside at a word and straying wherever the mood of the moment leads, with the firm, forward march of earnest and mature thought.
The more dismal, the more savage, the more hopeless a spot appeared, the more did it please their rigid mood.
By the capitulation of Wittenberg the electorate qf Saxony was transferred to Maurice, and in the mood of a conqueror the emperor met the diet at Augsburg in September 1547.
He is closely akin to Glaucus Pontius, the frantic horses of the one probably representing the stormy waves, the other the sea in its calmer mood.
And finally, consider how nutrition affects other relative and subjective factors in our lives such as energy level and mood.
He had not attended to the train of his thoughts long when he heard some one playing on a flute, and that sound harmonized with his mood.
Their squadron remained in reserve and Nicholas Rostov spent that day in a dull and wretched mood.
Prince Andrew did not laugh and feared that he would be a damper on the spirits of the company, but no one took any notice of his being out of harmony with the general mood.
Danger, cannon balls, and bullets were just what he needed in his angry mood.
Pierre drove up to the house of the old prince in a most serious mood.
Although to be honest it 's a fairly rancid plot, it is at least familiar and your mood is calm.
There is nothing like giving to put you into an open, receptive mood, with all the physiological benefits that this brings.
Look out for the Jamaican Reggae to Wear brand to get you in the holiday mood.
Any tedious or repetitive task causes people to change their mood.
Bush calls Rove, depending on his mood, ' Boy Genius ' or ' Turd Blossom '.
It 's a case of never seeming to be in the mood to just go out, looking for things to take pictures of.
Put simply the more serotonin in the brain the higher a person 's mood.
On Tuesday Michael Howard captured the mood of a nation longing for something better than this shambles of a government.
The dhrupad style is characterized by its somber, dignified and devotional mood, its slow tempo and gradual melodic development.
Europe 's youngest capital, Cardiff is a busy city with small-town charms to suit any mood.
So I left the gig in a great mood, skipping on the tube and smiling at strangers.
The parade caught the mood of their lord and any brevity soon softened down to respectful attendance.
Go tho all the levels and get good mood as a reward and a lovely spent time !
In private, the mood was very different - a combination of worry and weary resignation.
When you're feeling down, try going for a walk or listening to some upbeat music to boost your mood.
When Lillian is in a fickle mood, it might take her an hour to settle on a decision.
Sally gets into the funniest mood when she has too much sugar.
His vile mood today has made him an unpleasant person to be around.
Don't vex your mother; she's in a foul mood.
I wasn't in the mood for Chinese food until I saw the advertisement for the new restaurant next door.
Even a small squabble had the ability to crush the sensitive, little girl's happy mood.
On top of that, my wine selections had migrated to the bargain bin, and that alone was putting me in a grumpy mood.
Pick a time of day when your baby is typically alert, well rested and in a good mood.
Play music from the 1950s to set the mood.
If you are not in the mood for a gift basket, there are other great and helpful gift ideas you can give to the parents of a new baby.
Often the lines are crisper and the mood is more distinguished.
You can change the whole mood of your living room using pillows.
When you are in the mood to change your décor, the Home Decorators catalog and website, should be a necessary stop and see for ideas, great prices, and choice.
Also, using multiple colors in the design is key to achieving the right mood.
Simply using a softly colored light bulb in a traditional lamp can generate a Bohemian mood.
You can change the mood of your room by adding floor pillows, especially decorative ones.
Instead of everyone dropping their bags and coats wherever the mood strikes, they are placed in the mud room - out of the way and where they will be easy to find when they are needed again.
It can help to define a space, set the mood, and of course, provide the appropriate illumination for designated spaces.
The most important thing about choosing interior paint colors is finding ones that create a desired mood, are pleasing to the eye, and are complimentary to other items in the room.
Think long and hard about the mood you want to create, what colors work best with your furnishings and fabrics, and what colors you and your family like best.
Kitchen paint colors, like with any room set the mood and ambiance.
Your personal taste and decorating style will have more to do with your kitchen paint color selection than anything else, but there is still some advice you can use to help create the mood of your kitchen using color.
These answers will help you determine the mood you want to create in your kitchen as well as the color groups you should work in.
A great deal of research has been done into the way colors affect mood.
Neutral colors, such as taupe and beige, have less impact on mood and emotion.
Elegant table settings can set the mood for a dinner party or festive family dining.
Black is a wonderful neutral that energizes and renews everything around it, and throws are an easy way to change a room as the mood strikes you.
Think about what kind of mood you want to create, the size of the room, and how much natural light you get.
Family room colors can create the perfect mood and ambiance for the many activities this room hosts for your family.
Think about how you want to feel when you're in the kitchen and what kind of mood you want to create.
Instead of pleading with someone, "Give me some ideas on interior design," really think about how you want to use the space, the mood you want to create, and what colors and styles you love.
Placing table lamps, floor lamps, recessed lighting fixtures, and even wall sconces can remedy a lack of natural light during the day and create any mood you wish for the night.
If you're the kind of person that would like to create a mood or certain energy in your home through color, check out Valspar's color trends.
Color sets the mood in your home and reflects your personal style.
You can also use candles for accent lighting in the bedroom especially if you're trying to create a romantic mood.
From whimsical decorations to help lighten the laundry-time mood to decorations that serve a dual purpose, there are plenty of laundry room decorations available to meet your needs.
Scent is the ultimate way to shift your mood.
The top note sets the mood and is the starting point of a perfume fragrance.
It can take people thirty or forty photographs to get into the mood and to find their comfort zone on film.
Henna is popularly found here in America in amusement parks, beach side malls, and anywhere else where people are vacationing and are in the mood to try something a little different.
Choosing the right fragrance can enhance your mood, reduce stress, and awaken feelings of romance.
For a new take on a mood lipstick, check out Gloss Blossom; an innovative lip gloss that changes color intensity, matching your natural ripened lip color within minutes of application.
The beauty of any scent is in its ability to inspire a certain mood, transform a spirit or set a particular tone.
You're sure to find a color to suit your mood with eight shades to choose from.
Contacting spirits has a lot to do with how in tune you are with your question and the power of the board; if you are not in the right mood for Ouija, it may not work for you.
The wardrobe (or lack thereof), poses, lighting and the overall mood of the photo will determine which category it falls into.
Look for angles that are interesting and demonstrate the mood you're trying to capture.
When taking family portraits, you'll want to pick a time when everyone is likely to be relaxed and in a good mood.
Playing upbeat background music can help put your photo subjects in a good mood.
Then, get your clan talking or telling stories to lighten the mood.
These recipes are fun and are sure to get everyone in a ghoul mood.
Jell-o shots add fun to your party and a freezer filled with wormy Jell-o shots will definitely get your guests in the Halloween mood.
They are all very different and unique... it depends on what mood you are in.
Whether you like spicy, sweet, savory, or something else, there's sure to be a salmon filet recipe that will perfectly suit your mood.
Say sawatdee krub (hello in Thai) to Thai food when you're in the mood for something different.
This will make it easier to rearrange your pages as the mood strikes.
Chronological scrapbook organization may also be a problematic choice if you like to work on your photos as the mood strikes.
When taking pictures for Halloween scrapbook layouts, keep in mind that low lighting is best for achieving a spooky mood.
Candles or dim lights can set the mood while bath salts, oils or bubbles can be used to add a pleasant scent.
Dancing - Music is therapeutic and dancing to music can improve pulse rate, respiration and mood.
Discovering what works, what boosts the mood, relaxes the headaches and relieves the tension is vital to an individual's mental, emotional and physical well-being.
Your mood will improve and so will your immune system.
A companion or employee who is in a very upbeat mood will often help to raise the mood of others around them.
You feel the effects of stress on the body such as muscles tightening in your neck and back, the beginning of a tension headache, and your mood changing as stressors mount and tension builds.
Some people are not in the mood to have sex when stressed; however, if you feel up to it, it could greatly reduce your stress levels.
If you've experienced a high level of stress for a while, you may not have been in the mood for sex for a long time.
Take time to put the romance back in your relationship and get yourself in the mood.
You may need to take a trip to get away from life for a while or you may just need to light some candles, play soft romantic music, and take a bubble bath to create a come hither mood.
Lynette Hoy is listed as a Board Certified Professional Christian Counselor, and the Steve Yeschek specializes in counseling people with problems relating to anger, addictions, mood and behavioral disorders, and relationship issues.
A simple twenty minute walk is all it takes to improve your mood.
People experience a strong psychological response to stress, and stress has a wide range of effects on mood, behavior, and psychological functioning.
This helps boost your mood and increases your self-confidence.
Exercise uplifts your mood to make you feel stronger, more confident, and able to relax.
However, even just ten minutes at a time of vigorous effort can be counted toward this total and will help reduce stress and improve mood.
Some will relate their symptoms to the weather, a bad mood, too much exercise, or a bad mattress leading to a bad night's sleep; meanwhile unrecognized stress could be the culprit.
The brain also releases a significant amount of endorphins which improve mood.
Find cartoons, funny jokes or funny recordings to keep around the house or office to lighten your mood during the day.
There are a plethora of colors, fabrics and cuts to match any mood, be it sporty, playful or glamorous.
This way, you'll have more than enough pairs to suit your mood.
If you attend one of these calls, be sure that your child has a recent haircut, is dressed in clean clothing, not wearing any makeup and is in a mood to meet an agent.
Hormones sometime produce mood swings that can vary in intensity.
Shoppers are enticed by the array of clothing items, accessories and the mood set by alternative rock genres piped throughout the store.
That's because physical fitness has been shown to boost one's overall mood, and when you feel good, you look great!
Not only will your mood improve, but so too will the way you see yourself.
Parenting a pre teenage girl might seem harder than parenting a pre teenage boy, but both genders go through the same mood swings and emotional changes and can be just as challenging.
These changes are the result of hormone secretions, which is also why this is an emotionally-charged time, loaded with mood swings.
One of the side effects of anemia is the slow breakdown of the nervous systems, which includes brain function and mood stabilization.
Look for one that fits the weather and mood of your location.
They should be functional and help set the mood for your beach soiree.
Make sure your attire is elegant and dressy to fit your desired mood.
Consider your wedding location, season or time of year, your wedding theme, and the mood or atmosphere of your wedding.
Wedding reception decorations help set the mood for your special day, whether you're planning a large, formal wedding or a smaller, more intimate gathering.
While not mandatory, games are a great way to break the ice and elevate the mood of your event.
The key is for him to match the overall mood and tone of the entire event.
Having your wedding set against a crashing ocean or a beautiful castle for your backdrop is one way to set the mood for the rest of your partnership and create extravagant memories.
Not to mention that same romantic mood will easily carry over into the honeymoon without much more traveling required.
How you choose your type of different wedding cake has a lot to do with you, your future spouse, the theme of the wedding, and the overall mood of the reception.
LoveToKnow Weddings is here to help you choose decorations that will set the mood for an unforgettable wedding reception.
For example, Gerber daisies and pitchers filled with bread sticks in decorative spiral shapes can help set the mood for a wedding with a Tuscan theme.
A great bridal shower will get everyone in the mood for a fantastic wedding that will be long remembered and cherished.
Choose one that fits the theme and the mood of the shower.
The wedding color schemes you consider not only dictate the color of your wedding reception decorations, flower bouquets, and your bridesmaid dresses, but also set the mood for your entire event.
The mood is breezy and cool, and this may well best be reflected by your wedding dress.
Depending on the mood of the wedding and guests, you can choose to play dance music and adjust volume as necessary.
Light prints or solids featuring muted tones or pastels help to set the mood for the occasion.
Your wedding lighting design will help to set the mood during your reception.
If your wedding is at the beach or you're going for a tropical theme, having a cake with nautical imagery will help to get guests in the right mood and create magnificent photo opportunities.
Use baskets, ribbons, and candles to set the mood.
Do you suffer from severe mood swings or PMS?
Since some changes in your mood or behavior may not be obvious to you, consider asking your friends and family for their input as well.
Although bipolar disorder occurs equally in both genders, women with the condition are more prone to rapid mood swings.
Most people who suffer from manic depression take prescription mood stabilizers as well as medications for insomnia, anxiety, or agitation.
Poor appetite, insomnia, mood swings, feelings of hopelessness, and other common indicators of depression are closely tied to the degree of a person's alcohol consumption.
Certain drugs like caffeine and nicotine activate brain reward systems, and the brain responds by releasing chemicals that have effects ranging from a change in mood to outright euphoria.
Teenagers go through many mood and personality changes during adolescence.
The person drinks to pacify problems and elevate mood.
Depression is a type of mood disorder, and 9.5 percent of people living in the U.S. have one.
It is a mood disorder that is all too common in modern society.
Doing all of this will give you energy and improve your mood so you are able to deal with stressers.
According to, people who use this drug usually appear very alert and energized initially, but then begin to display a depressed mood or aggressive behavior as the high wears off.
When the individual is no longer using the addictive substance, he or she may begin to experience mood swings or even a full-blown episode of depression.
When choosing colors, think of the over all mood and look of the room.
Tropical bedding is about creating a mood of warmth, lushness, and light.
Homeowners and interior decorators are finding new and innovative ways to incorporate a jungle or safari mood into the bedroom and in other parts of the home as well.
You can alter your valance to change the theme or set the mood for parties and gatherings with just a change of color or fabric.
A pleasant, neutral color is almost always favorable to something dark and dramatic, since it sets a calm mood that may even help lull you to sleep faster.
A sunny yellow, a vibrant green, or a brilliant blue can all be instant mood boosters and room brighteners.
These little details like the color of your bedspread and the knickknacks on the nightstand create the ambiance that sets the complete mood for the room.
What you choose will depend greatly on your bedroom décor and the mood you wish to convey.
If you wish to go a route that speaks to a bolder mood, consider comforter artwork that reflects the tropical theme.
From sailboats and lighthouses to lobsters and clams, elements that are commonly seen along the coasts and tropics convey a strong, vivacious and forward mood.
Focus on the mood you're attempting to convey by paying close attention to the colors of your walls and carpeting and even the style of your furniture.
If you're trying to set a calm, relaxed mood in your bedroom, light, airy colors are highly favored - even in small accents.
If you aren't sure where to begin, then take it step by step . A shower curtain is a large scale design piece; yet it's usually not so overwhelming that it will steal the spotlight away from the overall mood of your bathroom décor.
If you're interested in setting a romantic mood, make the most of passionate red.
Depending on your existing décor and the type of mood you're trying to convey, you can either go all the way or take a much more low-key approach to your holiday bedding style.
To set a romantic mood, use your satin bed sheets, light some scented candles, scatter a few rose petals, and open a bottle of wine or champagne and perhaps, even don some satin lingerie.
He may not be committed to keeping his hands off his girlfriends when he gets in a violent mood, but hey, at least he isn't high on crystal meth when he does it, right?
The Easter dress that you choose for your little girl might certainly fit your taste, but if you purchase her a cute little number with a hat and she's not in a "hat mood," guess what?
Festive sleepwear helps to engender the mood for late nights filled with hot cocoa, Christmas wishes, and waiting up to catch a glimpse of Santa.
The mood is casual and friendly, with a wide array of exciting and educational activities.
There's no way to safely leave a window down when your pet can jump out if the mood strikes him, and having him try to crawl into your lap while you're driving is distracting at the least.
It has been my little trade secret for a long time, but seeing that it is a special time of year, I am in a generous mood and wanted to share something very extraordinary with all my readers.
If you are in the mood for a vacation, try traveling to Algarve, Portugal, the home of the breed.
Puppies are young and very curious at this age, and you want to keep a happy mood, especially if you are going to crate train or use a play pen for when you do not have your eyes on the puppy at all times.
It is so economical that if you feel like it, you can have a leash to match any mood or outfit for every day of the week.
Never try to teach your dog anything if you are in a bad mood.
The best way to do this is to wait until he's in a relaxed mood.
Specialty lights are used to create a mood.
What kind of mood do you want to create in your outdoor living space?
Everything from solar lighting to outside chandeliers can create the perfect mood for your outdoor living space.
There is a YouTube video of the band playing the song to get you in the mood, followed by the guitar chord chart for the song and the tabs for the song's signature opening riff.
This creates a muted, less harsh percussive attack that again adds to the overall tranquil mood and feel of the music.
These lamps provide extra task lighting and can be used to establish a mood.
With track lighting, a series of light fixtures are installed on a track and then positioned to provide the exact aesthetics, mood and ambiance you desire.
Bring different colors in to set the mood as well as add continuity from house to patio.
An old pedestal sink can create a mood that harkens back to a time when craftsmanship was truly valued and products weren't made to be disposable in ten years.
The color of your walls can set the mood for the room, balance out other color choices or simply cement and anchor your design.
Moving through a room of gold to one of olive green before settling on a dusky grape can set the mood and tone for your whole home.
A mood ring is a much more economical, and interesting, choice.
If you are lucky enough to find an original mood ring from years ago, well then, put the Bee Gees on your I Pod, toss on a poncho and give yourself permission to be moody.
Mood rings for children make fun gifts for all occasions.
If you are searching for a whimsical gift for your child, consider a mood ring.
In the late 1960's, jewelry designer Marvin Wernick invented the first mood ring.
Inspired, Wernick designed rings with the thermotropic material and named them mood rings.
Joshua Reynolds created the famous line of mood rings that was so popular in the 1970's.
Mood rings do not really interpret a person's mood.
Each mood ring contains thermotropic liquid crystals inside a glass dome that measures body temperature changes.
Many mood ring manufacturers claim that the body temperature change reflects a person's mood.
They enjoy seeing what the ring's color may reveal about a mood.